Wednesday, February 20, 2008

It's A.....

OK, I've had like a thousand people email me asking me if I was ever going to reveal what the gross food was. I guess you missed the part where I wrote, "I'll announce the winner on Friday." You guys pay attention like my kids do! ;) Since I've already gotten a correct guess though, I'll go ahead and tell you the winner tonight. But first.... I was really amazed at the number of comments I deleted from people who wrote, in a really nasty way, that I was a terrible mother who never changed her kids' sheets. They assumed the food had been there without a container for months. Now these comments didn't really bother me because I knew the whole story behind the food whereas they did not. It just surprised me at how many self righteous people out there feel the need to judge someone else. 

I don't share stuff on my blog so that people can rip me apart. My readers don't share their comments to be judged and put down either. I share stuff to let everyone know that they aren't alone. I tell it like it is. I love my family, but I'm not perfect. I don't pretend to be. I like to share the crazy things my family does and I hope it helps you to find the humor in the everyday, crazy things in your life. I just want to tell my readers that it's ok if you have laundry piled to the ceiling. It's ok if you gotten nothing done in your house because you just spent the whole day holding your sick, feverish toddler. And it's ok if you've somehow managed to miss a chunk of lasagna in your child's bed for a couple weeks! ;) LOL Just keep in mind, when you're reading a blog (be it mine or anyone else's) that as a reader, you're only getting a glimpse into the writer's life. The writer doesn't share every detail of every story because, let's face it, that would be extraordinarily boring. Reading blogs is fun. It isn't necessarily a study in nonfiction. Stories are not necessarily the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. They are a mere glimpse into the writer's life and nothing more. So, come on everyone. Let's play nice and support each other . . . Or you'll be grounded until next month! Because I said so! 

OK, the gross food was a turkey and cheese sandwich on wheat bread. Joe and I believe it was only setting out for four days. The reason it got so nasty so quickly is because of the diet we have Jackson on - no artificial additives or preservatives. Have you ever made fresh bread? You know how fast it goes bad, as opposed to the store bought varieties made with more chemicals than flour. Jackson brought his uneaten lunch home from school and carried the sandwich, which was sealed in Tupperware, to his room so he could have a snack after school. Knowing Jackson, he got side tracked, forgot about his sandwich and left it there for a few days. Here's the whole picture of the "sandwich" in the container...  

 Congratulations to morninglight mama who was the first person to guess turkey and cheese on wheat. She'll be getting some new Tupperware containers courtesy of Barb at Tupperware! Thank you Barb! Check out her website to order your own containers or to book a party so you can get some free Tuppergoodies! Oh yeah, if you like giveaways, check out the contest Angie's got up on Mamaslike right now. Thank you to all the people who voted for my blog in the Blogger's Choice Awards. My blog is currently in first place for Best Humor Blog and Best Parenting Blog It's in third place for Best Blog of all Time and Hottest Mommy Blogger. Thank you!!! I'm so flattered! Oh yeah! I cannot believe the amount of folks who googled the terms I wrote about today!


Brenda said...

If that is how fresh food should look after 4 days then the artificial preservatives are actually kind of scary. We are eating old food but it still looks pretty because of chemicals. Can't be good.

Shari said...


Yeah, there's always someone who has to criticize. I have had it happen to me too when we wouldn't pull the plug on our son. Not quite the same, but you get the gist. Guess what? He's alive and well, but has a few delays. We can deal with that. Your blog and stories make me feel NORMAL!!! I thought I was the ONLY one who experienced things like the food in the bedroom or finding shoes and toys in the toilet. Or hidden crackers under the sink. I am glad you write the way you do. THANK YOU!!! We took your diet plan and have put our middle son on it and added an herbal content called Calms Forte. He is actually doing quite well and I applaud you for posting it. It has helped him tremendously.

Take care and keep on bloggin. I look forward to my nightly laugh before bed.

Toddle Loo!


Anonymous said...

So how does that tracker work? How can you see who visits your site? Does it show their computer address or what? Very confusing to those of us without blogs. Especially the ability to see what google words lead to your site. Pretty cool though.

Suburban Correspondent said...

I'm thinking of keeping a picture of that sandwich on my refrigerator - maybe that will keep me on my diet.

Angie said...

w00t First!

Ok, enough of that. Just wanted to say not to let self-righteous people bother you. They probably don't have kids anyway. Not that I do either. Actually, that's why I started reading this blog. Hubby and I are (were) talking about kids. It scared me senseless because I don't feel qualified. It's really good to know that you don't have to get everything perfect. NOw I can lower my standards and have kids. (Somehow I don't think that came out right....)


Anonymous said...

Delurking to say I'm honestly shocked that people sent you nasty emails about this. I laughed out loud when I read your post about the contest. :) I appreciate you sharing about your life the way you do. You have accomplished what you set out to do. I feel that I'm not alone. I only have two kids and it wouldn't surprise me AT ALL to find a huge chunk of unrecognizable food under a bed or behind a couch!

Anonymous said...


I can't believe people have the nerve to e-mail you and be mean. Don't they have better things to do with their lives? I used to hide my PB&J sandwiches in my undies drawer when I was a kid. I got sick of them and didn't want mom & dad to know I was not eating them. They still tease me to this day about it. I love your blog, you always make me smile:0) Keep up the good work and continue to delete all the meanies!!

Triplet Mom To;
Cristen, Casie & Connor

Debbie @ Three Weddings said...

Wait a minute, let me get this straight. We're supposed to take care of our kids and hold them when they're sick? We're supposed to do laundry? I thought I could just sit around and watch t.v. all day and eat bon bons while the older kids took care of the younger ones. I got her to 11 afterall, she can take it from here. Right?

You're a saint for putting up with some of the comments you get and still able to keep a sense of humor about it.

Michelle said...


Don't give a moments thought to people who feel the need to judge others by the snapshots of their lives. Sad really that they find the need to tear others down. Rock on girlfriend. I have two sons and I can remember days when they were little when I could barely get in a shower. I don't know how you do all you do.. Keep on keepin on girlfriend!!

Feisty Irish Wench said...

That's not the Spongebob Sandwich Keeper is it? Poor Spongebob can be rescued though. Vinegar works wonders.

Saratoga Six said...

Hi Dawn! I still think you're awesome. You always make me smile. Shame on the self righteous.
I bet you get asked all the time, but I was wondering about a book update. Maybe you could do a ticker or something in your margins. Check out and no, they don't pay me and this isn't an ad. Have fun! :)

Anonymous said...

Yeah what Dawn said.......

The sanctamony's are out & about in cyberworld!

Aren't they so tough behind their computer screen?

Why don't you all take the sticks out of your butts & beat yourselves with it.

Keep up the great blog Dawn, you rock!

Anonymous said...

I was so totally off, I didn't even enter. In this house, you will find pieces of waffles everywhere and since my son just started the Feingold program, I think they may look like the turkey sandwich when they are discovered.

GE is me said...

So how is the new/old diet going? Hopefully helping the child it should be as well as the rest of the family. Isn't that the truth about fresh things going south so much faster. That was a pretty nasty picture though. Do you cheat on the diet when you travel?
btw it isn't just on your blog that people are judgemental. Some acquaintances were just on wifeswap on ABC & people who only watched 1 hour of edited tv on this family's life had the audacity to call child protective services, to accuse the father of 18 year old twins of molesting them & producing a baby & many other ludicrous statements.
Unbelievable - & we call ourselves a Christian nation! (yes, I'm a Christian & I'm sure I've wrongly judged someone before & probably will do it again - albeit somewhat unintentionally.)
Thanks for all the laughs.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sticking up for those of us who aren't perfect (and have laundry stacked sky-high).

Rebekah D. said...

I am SO GLAD you shared your take on nasty comments and the whole purpose of your blog! I agree with you 100 percent, sister! As a former newspaper reporter who gets sick of people complaining that nobody reports the good news (who wants to read a newspaper full of stories like "Boy Scout helps Grandma cross street: Both make it across just fine"?), I share the good, the bad and the ugly about my life on my own blog. I've had friends who get nasty comments on their blog - always from "Anonymous", of course - and I know my time is coming, but nobody wants to read about somebody who's perfect all the time; that's just boring and sickening. It's our imperfections that bond us together in this great human race, and that's why you're getting all these awards. We love you because we relate, and because, just speaking personally here, you make me feel so much better about my own life! Keep up the good work and your great perspective and I'll keep anxiously awaiting each day's post.

Anonymous said...

I thought the moldy food item was too similar to the sandwich I found in the back seat of the minivan after a road trip. After the long road trip, I didn't clean the car out carefully, and it was summer, and imagine how hot and humid it was inside the locked car. Two weeks later I found the turkey and cheese on whole wheat bread growing into a mini monster stuck behind the third row seat... I had to leave the car door open for a couple of days to air it out. Ewww.

Anonymous said...

I read your blog tonight and thought way to go Dawn. There are plenty of people that have "perfect" lives and don't understand that its always better to have a not so clean house and to spend time with your kids. My house is a pig stye most of the time, but I don't really care. I spend as much time with my kids or watching my kids do their thing. I had a friend who's son drowned 3 years ago this March, she told me she wished she had spent more time playing with him than cleaning her house. I learned then that clean is not always better. So to all people who are always so much better than the rest of us, more power to you. I will keep a dirty house and love on my kids. They may not be here tomorrow. So you keep up the good work. I think your great. I love the fact that you live a real life. I also find food that I don't always recognize in my kids rooms. This is after telling them not to eat in there. Thank you for your everyday life that always brings humor to my day. You are a blessing to us all. Sorry I got on my soap box don't feel like you have to post this. Have a great day. Dede

Anonymous said...

Amen Dawn! People should not be so judgmental about the picture you put on your blog of the mold. Like they are so self righteous and perfect parent. Good grief ! I love your blog and can't tell you how much I look forward to reading it! EVERYDAY!
I also appreciate your positive attitude even when people make snotty comments! Thanks for showing the whole picture. Too funny! Thanks

Jennifer said...

Don't let those nasty readers get you down. I personally wouldn't want to be a perfect parent because then there would never be any good stories to tell!

Anonymous said...

All I can say is, we LOVE YOU DAWN!! Thanks for the giggles every morning.

Anonymous said...

I would never think badly of you because your kids had moldy food growing somewhere in their just makes ME feel not so much like the Lone Rangette? Once I found some Hershey's Christmas (red and green foil) kisses in the top of my daughter's closet underneath her Easter hat around Thanksgiving time. Thinking I'd hit the chocolate jackpot and feeling more than a little entitled becayse she KNEW she wasn't supposed to bring food in her room, I quickly peeled one, only to find it was in mealy little pieces inside the wrapper, no doubt feasted upon by some beastie that I'd rather not think, no condemnation here....{{{{{{{{Dawn}}}}}}}}}}}}

Unknown said...

That sucks about people leaving nasty comments. Good thing you moderate your comments. Someone left a comment on my blog about how we are like the Nazi's by making our children have immunizations. (My post was about me trying to locate old dr. records.) I think it's great what you're doing. Giving people a glimpse into the hectic life of a mom and saying "it's OK" if you screw up once in a while. God knows, we all do!

Corby said...

Hey I just wanted to give you a big AMEN after reading your paragraph about not judging other's blogs. I hope you continue to be the hilarious, fun, and refreshing blogger that you are. You rock!

Marilyn said...

I can sympthize about the rude comments. I sometimes get comments from people who don't get my sense of humor, and give me a lecture over something that was meant as a joke.

Anonymous said...

Questions for Sunday shout-out:

This summer, after you launch your book and become rich and even more "famouser" ;D, will you buy a bigger house or keep the one you have? If you get a new one, will you still have your kids all share a room like they do now?

Just curious!

Anonymous said...

Geeze, some people must not have kids. I am close to neurotic about cleaning, yet my children manage to have science experiments in odd places. The rude people must have full time house keepers, or are childless. I love your blog and didn't Google to find it...I am thinking that just may be a good thing. Oh...we are to wash sheets??? Not sure I have the proper equipment to deal with that. Maybe the bomb squad does it. :)

nomi said...

ewwwwwwwwwww! That's all I can say!

Anonymous said...

Wow, that is a nasty mold issue!! I cannot believe how rude people can be, if they think you are such a bad parent/blog, all they have to do is click on the red and white x button, and like magic, you are gone!
I'm kind of curious as to the diet he is on, I suspect my son has some behaviour issues that could be improved with diet changes. I have a book about "Super foods for children" with a section for adhd and behaviour issues, which I may try. Can I ask what certain things you omit or include? He is only almost 3, I'm not sure our doctor would diagnose him this young, and I don't think it is that bad, I just think it would be helpful to try new things to see if his behaviour change with his diet. I'm gonna type behaviour just once more, just for the heck of it! ;)Thanks in advance for any suggestions! I don't have a blog, so I will email you as well, I don't feel like being spammed today, I won't leave my email here!

Anonymous said...

Hey! I recognize that...

Is that a Spongebob sandwich container?

Kelli said...

People can be so rude. Thanks for standing up for yourself and the rest of us who at some point or have at some point been trashed on. I am a new blogger and have seen some not so nice things posted on other peoples blogs by viewers. I love your blog btw.

Anonymous said...

Dawn just think how hard it is for those people to be perfect all the time and pity them. All I can say about the "sandwich" is YIKES! LOL

Mum-me said...

I would never have guessed it was a turkey sandwich! Good on you for deleting the rude comments. I am glad you let the world know your day to day dramas, especially the laundry dilemma. My pile of ironing is sitting in there glowering at me right now, trying to make me feel guilty, but you have given me new confidence to ignore it another day.

Anonymous said...

I make a lot of my own bread and it always goes hard and dry - kinda BRICK like LOL instead of mouldy.

I can leave it out on the counter, by day 3 you need a saw to cut it, by day 5 it's usually hard enough to pass as stone.

hmm bread sculptures and carvings...

I guess it must be to do with humidity or something being different here in the UK

Anonymous said...

Oh my.. Could you imagine the backlash I'd get if all those people found out I raised my child much like I raise cats?!?

There's nothing wrong with it, my cats are incredibly friendly creatures, who are toilet trained from day one.
Just moving the toddler away from the kitty litter and licking herself clean are another of lifes hurdles.


Unknown said...

LOL oh boy this brought back some memories! When we moved house a few years ago, we found practically a whole terms worth of sandwiches still in their sandwich bags behind the tallest bookcase in my middle sons room. To all those numpty's who criticise, ridiculous things like this happen, its called family life!

Anonymous said...

My mama taught me that if you can't say something nice -- don't leave a comment on their blog!!

Anonymous said...

Great post, Dawn! Good for you! For what it's worth, I agree with you whole-heartedly. Your blog is a fun, happy place, and you are a wonderful mom. Your children won't remember the laundry piled to the ceiling (or the lack thereof). They will remember that you got out in the yard and played with them, or brought them soup when they were sick, or the other personal touches you provided to make them feel happy and loved. Please keep sharing glimpses into your world. Your blog is a bright spot in my day.

Bev in Kentucky

Laura ~Peach~ said...

i so totally agree with all you said, i like many others just had to laugh at the "sandwich" as i have and STILL find things growing in my house and my kids are 20 and 16. anyway keep up the great blogging and tell it like it is.
Hugs Laura

morninglight mama said...

Wow! I never realized I had such a talent, albeit one for identifying rotten food... hmmm, now the question is, will I use my powers for good or for evil? :)

From one Dawn to another, thank you so much for the contest and the prize. This was fun (minus the critiquing people part-- c'mon people, you have nothing better to do with your time than pass judgement? Come to my house and vacuum, that'll kill some time for you). I'm hoping at least a tiny fraction of your gazillion readers will make their way over to my little space on the web. I like to say that my readers and I (all 3 of us) have a little fun over there.

Thanks again, and I can't wait to see a future Gross Food Contest, even if I am ineligible because of my superpowers, as they are. (ha!)

Dawn (aka morninglight mama)

Jess J Jordan said...

If people left you rude comments about what you found in your child's room, then they OBVIOUSLY do not have "REAL" children if they have children at all. As a mom to nine - thirty down to four - I can tell you no matter how anal one is about cleaning, SOMETHING always gets missed. Son #3 LOVES to have a banana before bed. I can't tell you the number of black, gooey, soggy peels I have extracted from under his bed. My sister ALWAYS stored a sandwich under her bed for "just in case".

Some people need to SERIOUSLY get a grip!! Thanks for a wonderful BLOG, you definitely deserve your award KUDOS!!

Mama B said...

Hi Dawn!

I read your blog pretty regularly, although this is my first comment. :0)

I love your stories and you always make me smile. I am also a Mama of 3 girls and 3 boys (we call ourselves the b bunch) and your blog truly is a glimpse into our lives too. I wish I could write my posts as funny as yours!! You are AWESOME!

Thanks for all of the laughs and I am glad you stand up for yourself (and all of us other NORMAL people)!

Keep up the great work! (Oops, did that sound too "mommy-ish"? haaha.

Angie "Mama B"

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...I wonder what all those people would think if I blogged about my TWO year old son managing to unlock and open our front door Sunday afternoon -- then proceeding to walk outside. Even better than this awesomely scary first-time accomplishment? He was wearing ONLY his diaper. So not only am I a bad mommy for "letting" him get outside...he was wandering around the neighbors yard wearing only his diaper. Now all I need is a 1969 Fairlane on concrete blocks in my front yard and my Redneck status would be complete!!

I say whatever to the haters. I love your blog and never has a negative thought crossed my mind...your blog makes my insane reality feel more sane!!

Dana said...

Dawn, I just love how gentle you were about how people criticize. Blogs are suppose to be fun and all of us moms, and dads for that matter read yours everyday because it makes us feel like we are not alone in the world raising a big or even small family for that matter. Kids do crazy things and that is just life. MOst people don't understand it if there are just one or two. The point is thank you for your blog and helping us feel like we are not alone in the world. And to those that criticize, take it somewhere else we don't want it here!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Dawn, We all Love you and keep on deleting those nasty comments from nasty people. This summer my son hung a candy cane on a plant on our front porch. The ants came in and ate the cane and left a empty candy cane wrapper. It was actually really cool. Kristine in Michigan.

Janet said...

I am always so appalled by people who leave ugly comments. Your children are obviously perfectly healthy and happy, and a moldy sandwich here and there is not a big deal (isn't that where antibiotics came from in the first place?). I've never expereienced a nasty comment, but my sister-in-law did - anonymous, of course. Granted I only have avout 10 readers but still. I'm forever finding sippy cups that have been stashed away for safekeeping. Kids are good that way. My brother's family does the Feingold diet - it has really helped my autistic nephew.

Anonymous said...

I'm a Brownie leader and my troop is going to be growning mold on bread on propose for a Try-It!!! So maybe your son was just helping a girl scout w/a project?? But anyways my daugher will have molding bread in her room w/my permission!!!! I wonder what those nasty people will say about me?!?


PS I live in Iowa and it's -4 here last night and my kids and I went outside last night to see the eclipse only for it to be covered by clouds... did you guys see it in IL?

Andrea said...

I was so close!! My guess was turkey and cheese on white. Gosh darn it! It was a fun little contest though. :)

Anonymous said...

I agree, Dawn, why do some people feel they must pass judgment on other people? I'm pretty sure that's not what we're here for. Why can't we all just get along???

Thanks for posting the daily adventures that all of your fans relate to. I look forward to your blog everyday and I just can't wait for the book!!!!

Don't worry, be happy because we all love you!


Anonymous said...


I have to say first of all that I am very sorry, because I truly intended my reply to be funny, not any kind of put-down to you at all. When I didn't see it come up I thought "oh no", and really felt like a whipped pup when I read your post today, so I offer up my most sincere apologies.

Secondly, it is amazing what all the preservatives we blindly overlook do to our food! I think that your photo illustrated that very well. In fact, one of the first things the DH and I said to each other when we saw the picture was, "whatever that food was, it didn't start out as processed", because processed food just won't do that.

Thanks again for sharing parts of yourself and your family with us every day, and again, sorry if my comment was taken badly!

Anonymous said...

Ok I normally don't post on your blog...but this whole thing cracked me up! THANK YOU DAWN for pointing out that there are those of us who love our kids, and would do anything for them but don't necessarily have the whole daily sheet changing thing down to a science!! Thanks for letting me know that I am not alone!!!

Danielle said...

That sammy is gross! haha Thanks for the support on being a real mom. You are right. None of us are perfect, Blogs are supposed to be fun. Didn't people learn in Kindergarten- If you have nothing nice to say don't say anything at all!

MaBunny said...

UGH!! the nerve of some people. I run into those type of people every day that have nothing better to do than complain about somebody else. I tend to tune those people out, they soooo get on my nerves.
At least I got the sandwich part of the guess right, lmao. I truly thought you were going to say it was lasagna, hehe.
Anyway, thanks for keeping all of us in perspective. Have a great day!


rose said...

DANG IT!!! i'm the second persone to guess turkey and cheese on wheat. does that count for anything? maybe the container that the sandwich was in? that would be quite an honor. i could keep it for my own boys' science projects in the future.
and no one knows what goes on behind closed doors. you are brave enough to crack open your door and let us in a little. it is real life what you write about, and that's what keeps us daily's coming back. thank you.

Heather H said...

Thanks for helping me to laugh about the crazy things that happen when you are a mom, my little ones are still too little to get into as much trouble as yours but I am sure your experiences will help me in a few years! And that is one GROSS sandwich!

Teresa said...

I've been reading your blog for a couple of months now and totally enjoy & LOL! Thanks! As the mom of 5 I am always amazed how many people judge me and I don't write about my life on the web - Don't worry - we moms who aren't "perfect" love relating with you thru your blog and totally understand. This food in the bed I didn't even think twice about. I've been there - I even recognized the mold - you know there are diff forms of mold - I think I've seen them all (in my house no less)! Please hang in there - you make me feel normal!

Beverly said...

Thank you for sharing the good/bad/ugly and gross food real life of parenting! You make me feel so much better and not alone.

Andrea said...

I got sick of having my bread go moldy so I went back to the good old store bought brands. It lasts so much longer!!
And people have some nerve!! Like they never have had moldy bread before! My goodness, they need to get off their High Horses!! They would hate to come to my house!!

Kari said...

I have a confession. I LOVE YOUR BLOG!! I think it is the best one ever. Thanks for the giggles.
Those that accused you of being a terrible Mom prolly don't have any children. Come on seriously maybe I should send them out to clean up the back seat of my car I must have a few moldy things under the seat *note to self GO CLEAN CAR LOL

Patti Cake said...

I've never commented but have to today. I've actually deleted my blog because someone thought I should be reported to the authorities because I took my son toilet papering at his buddy's house. WHAT-ever! LOL

I love your blog, I laugh out loud at what you write, and I hope your books is a best seller!

Tarasview said...

I've gotten some very judgemental comments from people who are clearly more perfect than I am ... or pretend they are anyway.

I appreciate your honesty :) And humour!

Lucille said...

Congrats to your winner!!!!

Yes, blogging is fun and as I always say "play nice with the other kids."

Funny that the people that wrote that stuff to you could easily be judged for teaching their children to have no empathy or understanding. Jeesh - lighten up meanies! :)

We love you and that is all that matters. Obviously if you don't like what someone is doing - duh - don't read their blog!

From one of your many fans,


Melissa said...

Okay. Obviously SOME people need to watch Bambi again. Didn't they learn anything from Thumper's mom? Sheesh! How sad for them that they cannpt recognize their own shortcomings and deal with them. Just keep swimming, Dawn. You're doing just fine!

Anonymous said...

Bravo! It is absolutely astounding how many self-righteous, mouthy individuals there are out there ... and they always seem to land on my blog when I'm writing about my kids. Danger zone!

Anonymous said...

Hi, Dawn. I've never commented before but I wanted to tell you how much better you've always made me feel. I only have one child and the laundry is piled up to the ceiling! It’s nice to know I’m not the only one who prefers to play with the kiddos instead of keeping the house spotless. My daughter recently wore the same pair of socks for three days in a row because I couldn’t find the time to do a load of whites! (Don’t tell anyone, though. It’s a secret!)

Here’s a quick question for your Sunday post. Are there any parenting books you would recommend for new parents?

Anonymous said...

It's amazing - I have been reading your blog daily since I was forwarded the whole Pokemon thing and NOWHERE do I remember reading that you were asking for advice!!

Come on people, lighten up, see the humour (yes, the spelling is Canadian!) and don't grade Dawn! Safe that for your kids and lives!

Anonymous said...

Sorry people feel they need to be so mean. Hugs to you! I love reading your blog! Just so you know I've decided to stop eating in my car because the same day you posted that grossness I found a petrified piece of roast beef that had fallen off an Arby's sandwich. I don't even remember the last time I had Arby's! Yeah, it was nasty...starting to resemble your mess with the mold and what not. Don't let the mean people get you down there are lots of us normal parents that love you!

OdleLu said...

I'm a mom to four boys ranging from 2 years old to 17. You never know what you are going to find around the house. My one son actually likes to keep food in his room on purpose. He thinks it's cool to watch it change colors -Lord help me! For those out there who feel it necessary to criticize about how often you change your kid's sheets -they have no clue! I'm sure you are far from perfect as the rest of us and I know the sheets on my kids beds get changed when they need to (and sometimes it's not every week). Personally, some days if I have to choose between spending some quality time after work with my kids over doing chores -the sheets ain't gettin' changed! Keep writing Dawn ~your stories are inspirational after a long day at work and running a household.

Here one for your SSO: What kind of camera do you have? I'm in the process of purchasing a new one and all of your pictures look fabulous!

Anonymous said...

Yes, there are some parents out there who are so on top of things that they change their bed sheets once a week. but, there are ALOT of other people out there like you, me who don't. Too bad!! we do the best we can if it doesn't get done today MAYBE it will get done tomorrow. You look like you have 6 great, healthy, happy kids. I love looking at your pictures and seeing a messy kitchen, bedroom what ever. We are all busy parents and the only time my house is clean. I'm having company. I know, to many letters!! Keep writing, I can't wait for the book.

Rick said...

I would dare be critical because I have something that looks very similar growing in the bottom of my shoes as I write.

I am depending upon the added food preservatives to help keep the rest of my hair in place.

Anonymous said...

I saw that picture and recognized the cheese and bread but I didn't see the meat. That is ... nasty! I have always been amazed how quickly bread can grow mold on it. When I was younger, I lived in Europe and we had fresh bread w/o the preservatives. It tasted so good fresh! And not so good when it wasn't. ;) I still just tolerate the bread I get here in the US. I am just glad no one tried to eat his sandwich!! LOL!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi! I just discovered your blog last week and love it! My question - how do you feel about raising boys compared to girls? I have 5 year old twin girls, a 3 year old girl, and a 4-month old boy. I gotta wonder what's in store me for after reading about your boys antics!

Anonymous said...

Well I just wrote a nice long comment thanking you for making me laugh on a daily basis, telling you how the trials and tribulations you face on a daily basis remind me of all kinds of things over the last 36 years of raising kids and step kids and then it all got erased when I signed in as a Google/ Blogger. As I seem to be suffering from short term memory disabilities at this moment, I just started over and changed it all.
I would have said a sandwitch if I could have figured out how, but I wasn't as specific as the winner. Unfortunately I have also found unmentionable things in bedrooms. 2 of those kids were boys.
I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy your blog. I had never read one before, and I can't even remember how I got turned on to yours. But you are in my favorites and I read you everyday. You make me laugh, I love all the pictures and I vicariously enjoy all your trips.
One thing I do remember from the first comment I wrote is that you and Joe need to buy (make)memories. I always said that when we did something that we couldn't afford or we didn't really have the time for. Unless you develop alzheimers, memories are the only thing that cannot be taken away. You mention oft times that you and Joe don't have time to do stuff together etc. Make the time and take the funds, it is important. If you take time for yourselves you have more to give to the 6 kids in your lives. You can make memories with them too, like you trip to Florida.
I loved what you said to those who chopped you as a parent. Well, Maybe they never had kids, cause if they did they would understand. I had enough trouble with 2 and 3 at a time, 6---I would have been in a straight jacket, or at least a padded room.
As they say You Go Girl, and do not let the nay sayers, and those who live to criticize get you down. AGAIN, THANKS for all the laughs.

Cheryl said...

I'm sorry there are people who feel they have to be critical of you, Dawn. You don't deserve that!

Just to make you feel better - my dirty dishes are piled up all over the counter. For some reason, I have taken to ignoring them until I am out of clean dishes, then I wash them all at once. (No dishwasher, and I live alone.)

And... my sister used to hate eggs, so she would hide her boiled eggs from breakfast behind the dresser in our bedroom! Guess our mom found them when they got stinky. And sis would sneak a stick of butter out of the fridge for a snack!

Parents can't be on top of what every kid is doing 24/7! Keep up the good work. You are hilarious, and I love to read your blog!

Anonymous said...

Jealousy. It's a nasty affliction and I'm sure is the cause of the hateful comments.

I have to tell you, Dawn..I'm a bit of a neatnik. I like a clean house. Now that 2 of my children are teenagers, it's much easier to achieve. Do I move my sofa and sweep under it everyday? No. Do I clean under the chair cushions every day? No. It's easy for a bright child to find a hiding spot and leave you a surprise. It happens.

When my older kids were little, there were days I was just happy they lived to see another day and that the house was still

Don't let them get to you, hon. You have a husband who loves you, a roof over your head, food on your table and 6 happy, healthy (and very humorous) kids. Nothing else matters.

TheHMC said...

You know, I was very hesitant to blog too much myself because of all the jackasses out there that feel they have to judge people on, well.. nothing. What you said is true...when you write a blog about something, it's a tid bit of your life and nothing more. For someone to judge another person that they don't know based off of one little blog entry? Um, yeah. Everyone judges others at least a little, it's natural and most people just can't help it. But to go out of your way to leave negative comments on a flippin' Blog about a mystery food that you found in your kids room? Classy. It's nice to know that there are SO many completely PERFECT people out there. Oh lordy.. don't even get me started lol. I can only imagine some of the comments I would get if people actually read MINE LOL!

Keep on rockin' Dawn. I LOVE your blog, because you remind me of myself and I think we write in a similar manner sometimes. Shoot.. we can only do our best as mothers and I accepted a long time ago that I'm not perfect and never will be. I'm excited when we get to the end of the day and all of the kids AND the dog are all still alive! Whoo hoo! I did my job that day, at least ;).

Anonymous said...

Reading your blog is like a vacation for me. You are funny and on target and you have just the right attitude toward life: it's crazy and hilarious. These self-righteous and critical people must have NO sense of humor. Inspite of your fabulous writing, they just don't get and it must make them uncomfotable. So they feel they must publically critize you. Life is too short! Keep it up!

megan k said...

I am curious how to make the bread. Sounds yummy. Do you have to have a bread machine? My 18 month old is a carb junkie, and if I could make bread that is "better" for her, I'd be a better mom. haha jk

Rachel D said...

Good for you. I am trying to deprogram myself away from being judgemental. I LOVE YOUR BLOG! It's so funny and everytime I read it I laugh. THANK YOU!

hpalleiko said...

Awesome Dawn! We do our best here to avoid artificial dyes, and other ingredients etc which means food goes off a lot fast. I have had that SAME sandwich look just like that after sitting in a lunch box. Go ahead an be yourself. Don't worry about the nerve of those other people that have nothing nice to say.

ummmhello said...

Love your blog, and love that you are so transparent about being a real mom. You stick up for the rest of us when we're feeling down about missing some unattainable "perfect" goal. Thanks!
And thanks for making me laugh so hard I snorted when I read the post about which googled phrases get people to your blog!!!

Brenda said...

I agree with the first commenter (also a Brenda)...Happy Meals certainly don't do that when left alone. Scary.

Anonymous said...

I've found plenty of interesting, mutating foods in my house. The kids clean up when I am at work. Daddy tells them to get everything off the floors and sweep them. Usually I have to dump the toy containers every week or so to find the missing cups, silverware, plates, etc. There is usually at least one gross item in one of the containers.

Rick said...

P.S. I meant to say "I wouldn't dare be critical - of course.

But, I would dare to ask, "Can this be the last time we see that picture?"

Anonymous said...

Given some of the comments that you DID post on your blog with regards to people's thought of the item in question, I cringe to think of what the posts that you didn't put up revealed. I'm still just glad that it was neither chicken pot pie nor chicago style pizza! I've never liked turkey anyway...

And Megan -- homemade bread is easy to make. You don't need a breadmaker, but a stand mixer is a huge help. There are a ton of bread recipes (that I have and can share if you like or that you can find at places like out there where you can really switch up what you're making. My kids love it when we make bread, especially when I let them shape their own mini-loaf.


Wineplz said...

well, poopie on those meanies!

we had someone put a really nasty comment on my husband's blog about a picture of my step-mom who happens to be big lady. I was so disgusted that I not only had him delete the comment, but also block the IP. Unfortunately mom step-mom found out about it and requested that we never post anymore pictures of her on the blog, even if it's her with the kids. Even three years later, when we forgot and one pic of her and my dad made it on the site, she emailed us asking us to remove it.

MBKimmy said...

I try not to comment a lot because I know you are bombarded with comments and I really just want you to use that time to write MORE!!! FOR REAL I love to come here and read just how normal I am. Just to know I am NOT the only want to be perfect mommy but need at least 4 more hours a day to get 1/3 of the things I need done. Ha-ha Thanks for being honest and open it helps me every day! Mom of 1 8 month old and due with baby 2 in August - Thank you and to those that "judge you" ignore them they are just JEALOUS that they can't be honest with themselves and their friends!

Mom Of 3 said...

I have to say I find your blog ammusing, and so much like my life in my home. Thanks for sharing.

debi9kids said...

What I find amazing is that people took the time out of their day to read your blog and then insult you.
Who has that much time on their hands????

debi9kids said...

PS I think Rick is challenging you to post that picture in your "shout out". LOL

Anonymous said...

Actually, to the lady who commented on Happy Meals, if you leave "Chickie Nuggets" in the fridge too long, the coating turns pink! (Don't ask me how I know, ha ha!) said...

I think that most of the people who post those types of comments don't have kids themselves, or else don't spend any time with their kids because they are constantly cleaning. normal moms understand! For instance, a 4 year old and a 2 year old with a play kitchen decide that the cup of chocolate milk belongs in the refridgerator--the play one. The 2 year old discovers it 3 days later, tries to take a sip then spits it out, and dumps the rest on the floor for her unsuspecting Mommy to clean up. . . I'm not even going to mention who that mommy was, but suffice to say she lives in my house and is wearing my clothes. . .

EnjoyingLife said...

Why are there always some people who feel the need to critize other mothers? I've never gotten the whole Alpha mom thing. No one is perfect and it's all so much better when we can laugh about it becasue let's face it, it's funny. Dawn, please keep up the stories. I personally love them and as a mother of 5 can definitely relate.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to hear about the self-righteous among us (humans). I figure those folks are lying or in denial about the state of THEIR families. You bring a bit of light into my life and I appreciate it.
- Mom to recently lice-infested, flu-ridden family with petrified citrus in the cabinet and unrecognizable foodstuff in the car upholstery-cracks.

Anonymous said...

You get extra points in my book for actually having sheets on your kid's bed! My kids are always pulling their sheets off for some reason or another and I have to admit I've tucked them in a time or twenty with no bottom sheet at all. There - maybe that will give your critics someone else to "gasp" about! Keep writing - It's good for my sanity!

Anonymous said...

First off, you make a lot of us moms feel so normal! My laundry is stacking up, dishes piling up, filthy living room. I've had a sick kid home with me for the past month (no joke). Your comment today about nursing a sick child with a fever, I literally felt understood.

When I was pregnant the first time, somebody once told me that if I ever had a clean home it meant I wasn't speading enough time with the kids LOL!! True eh?? You'll have people judging because they are jelous of your success as a writer and a mother. I happen to find other people's criticism about a billion times more disgusting that the picture of the turkey sandwich!
Keep typing Dawn---you got a whole lot more fans than critics I believe!
Lisa (WA)

Kelli Standish said...

When I read novels, the characters I find most intriguing, amusing, and inspiring, are those with MAJOR issues: Quirks, ticks, attitudes, stupid mistakes, crazy choices, scars, limps, the whole shebang.

Why? Because those characters are not shiny happy plastic people. They're flawed, just like me.

And that makes me cheer for them, wince for them, laugh with them, and occasionally slap my head to my forehead and wonder how they're going to make it through alive.

You are better than any fiction novel character. Because you aren't a figment of our imagination (I have the hair photos and beach memories to prove it:). You are a real sister of the heart, charging through life with gusto, humor, and a whole lot of baby wipes.

You don't pedestalize (Yes it is a word. I just made it a word.) yourself, your kids, or your opinions. You just live.

What's not to love?

As someone who has been utterly brutalized by judgment (just last week I was told I have absolutely no "fruits of the Spirit" active in my life. Not a single one!), I know the sting those barbed words can carry.

But lift your head. Don't even look at any of us who love you. Look at God. Who ADORES you. And remember that look of love on His face.

All the snarks, and even the encouragement from us fans down here will pale in comparison.

Cheering you on. Daily.


Jenn's finding life funny! said...

HERE... HERE...Dawn!!

Lisa from Washington, I agree about your comment on "Disgusting Criticism".

And Three Cheers for all the Mom's & Dad's who try their best everyday. And then can laugh at themselves at the end of the day, for their unperfections.

Anonymous said...

you shouldn't have to explain yourself!!

Catherine said...

Give us their "html" and we (all your supporters)will manifest our support !
But in fact, they're not so important, they won't waste our pleasure to read your blog. They come and go back, but WE will keep coming as long as you will write, with or without their approval/judgement.
Concerning preservatives, it scares me, really. I haven't thought about it before.

Anonymous said...

I tell my kids...when it comes to meanies...ignore them and walk away. And you did just that! (by hitting delete!) Don't let them get to you!
SSO..You live in Chicago, Oprah lives in Chicago...hmmm....When are you scheduled to be on her show!?!?!

Anonymous said...

I always say they should come up with a magazine called "real parents". You know where they show and tell what really goes on. Before I had my kids (4 of them!). I used to sit back and be "one of those people". What happens to "those people" is they either have kids and wake up or they continue to be idiots. So many things happen with these kids and I always say "This was NOT in the parenthood brochure" lol. I still would have had kids but I would have at least had a heads up. Since no brochure exists I am so glad to read your "real mom blog". It's refreshing and helps me not feel alone. For every nasty comment you get remember there are hundreds of us in your shoes trying to laugh through the craziness.

You can't be a bad mother because you FOUND the sandwhich before he went off to college :) lol.

Tricia said...

Obviously, the person/people who criticized you don't have children. Or normal ones anyway. We have a housekeeper that comes every other week. I clean in between. But still, I am amazed at how many sippy cups with milk, half eaten cookies, and (my personal favorite) hot dog weinies she manages to conjure up when she comes. And? Almost always she finds it in their beds. We don't even allow food up there. And that also proves just how well my children listen to me!

Supplanter64 said...

Dawn. You know you are doing something right, if you are being criticized for trying to bring a little happiness into the world. The collection of human debris that enjoys suffering rather than joy is seemingly endless. But they cannot win. 99.9999% of us love what you do. Remember that. -A faithful reader since June '07

AlaneM said...

All I can say is mean people suck! They should get a look at the huge log in their eye before going after your speck, thankyouverymuch!
I LOVE how you keep it real, makes us mere mortal mom's feel like we're not loosers :)
Yoo rock!

the W* family said...

I'm sorry that people left you nasty comments! I love your blog and applaud the way that you write so honestly. It makes me feel so much better to know that I'm not the only one in the world who doesn't have perfect kids and a perfect life and is okay with this! Thank you! Thank you!

penelope said...

Too bad for the nasty comments, and I'm sorry you got so many. Personally, I don't see the point in being all judgy. If you don't like a blog, move on and read another! It's like changing the channel on the TV.

I think your blog's super funny, and I applaud your finding the food and any other thing you manage to accomplish while simultaneously taking care of 6!

nutralady2001 said...

Hello Dawn! Haven't commented for while and have just done a big catch up. I did peek in the other day when the competition was still going and didn't even TRY to identify the moldy mess. Besides I couldn't envisage the Tupperware being shipped to Australia if I won !!!

What does it say about me if the thought of sheet changing/ how long it had been there didn't even enter my head lol.........thanks for the laughs

Oh a tip for people if you write long comments. Always "copy" before you go to post (if you remember) then if something goes wrong and you lose it all, all you have to do is "paste" into a new window! I've post far too many posts like that and have learned from bitter experience lol

Joanie said...

Thank you, Dawn, for always being so thoughtful when you address those who would make rude comments. In answering people like that, I always have to type a reply, sit on it awhile, and then re-type and edit away. Your replies seem so effortless and classy... thanks for reminding me to respond with such grace and poise.

C said...


You crack me up no end, Dawn. A huge part of what makes your blog so hysterical is that it helps us view our own undertakings with a proper sense of humor. When my kids were younger, I didn't often think of these things as funny. Now they're hi-larious. Because why? Because I've realized that sooner or later, they all grow out of the most awful things. I mean, who would go off to college still hiding their sandwiches? Scratch that. Who would get married still hiding their sandwiches? Hmmm. Maybe that one doesn't work either. Well... Let's put it this way: Eventually, we've all surpassed the need to put our toys in the toilet and I don't know anyone who has gone off to college un-pottytrained.

So who cares? The sandwich boosted the boy's immunity and you've got great pictures to show his children someday. And you'll still be laughing while all the naysayers are shriveled old, dried up, nasty, cranky husks of people.

So there.

Keep on keepin' on, Dawn. You rock. But you knew that. ;oD

Anonymous said...

I am glad that you do not let the nasty comments get you down! Keep blogging, there are plenty of us out there who love your blog and experience simliar things everyday.
mom to 4

Kathy said...

I can't believe how rude and hateful people can be, that's awful! Don't worry about them, you are doing a great job as a mom and blogger and I can't wait for the book!

Anonymous said...

Dawn- you crack me up...I love coming here to read about normal moms. I thought i was doing good to identify the potato I pulled out of the seat pocket in the car...keep it up

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