Thursday, February 7, 2008

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

I've had some of these pictures on my camera for a while now, but I keep forgetting to show you guys. Enjoy...

Doesn't the toilet look pretty with make-up?

The sink too

Hey Mom, don't I have big muscles? I've been working out.

Hello. Do you like my hat?

Why yes, I do like your hat!

Hand over your money and no one gets hurt.

Found this in the freezer the other day. I guess the guilty party Clay thought he wouldn't get caught if he only took a couple bites and put the rest back in the package in the freezer.

What else would you keep in your sock drawer but a banana peel?

This is what I found in the bottom of Lexi's backpack today. Mmmmm.

The snowmom my kids made yesterday. If you look closely, you can see 4 of the 6 snowbabies in front of it.


And finally, the picture of me and the kiddos

As always, check out mamaslike for some great products and giveaways from some hard working stay-at-home-moms!

Have a question for me? Check out my FAQs.

And it's been brought to my attention that people who have subscribed to my blog through Blogarithm are only getting emails for about 1 in 3 posts. I post almost every day, so if you haven't been getting daily notifications of new posts, you might want to sign up with Feedburner (there's a button to the right for that) or some other feed thingy. You can always go back and read previous posts by clicking on the desired month under the heading "Old Stuff" over on the right column.

Also, I've got some buttons over on the right column for some awards for which I've been nominated. If you're so inclined, you can vote for my blog in any/all of the categories.

Thank you and have a good night!


Franny Organny said...

great pictures (especially the family one!) THANK YOU for that!!!

you know what your work out post did for me? i actually started to work out. not much, just 5 push ups and some leg work...but i do it! several times a day, kind of in between *so proud of myself*

hope you can drag yourself to the gym again :-)

Anonymous said...

It just clicked you have 3 boys,and 3 girls, does the order go boy, girl, boy, girl, boy, girl? In my family I had 5 sibling 3 boy and 3 girls,b,g,b,g,b,g I was the first girl.

Lisa said...

Your picture turned out fabulous!

Anonymous said...

Ahhh. The picture is soooo cute! About the banana??? in Lexi's backpack- wasn't she the child that had an open container of chocolate milk in there all day? My mom is now a regular reader of your blog too- ever since Brooklyn's tickle me video- adorable!

Anonymous said...

The family picture is gorgeous! Thanks for sharing. You look terrific in it as do all your kids and everyone looks so happy! Love reading your blog every day! Can't wait for the book to come out in August.

Sandra in ABQ*

Anonymous said...

This is a wonderful picture of you family. Okie Nana

Modern Mama Diana said...

I love the picture of the flying saucer! lol That's too funny - and looks like something I'd find in my freezer. :)

Tamara said...

That is a great photo of you and your kids.

Anonymous said...

Love all the pics. Great snowman and snowbabies.
Like the family (minus Joe) shot, too.

Have to add that I'm with Suburban from the other day - stop hogging all the snow! And I live in New England.

Anonymous said...


I love the pics from your camera. They ALL make perfect sense!!! (if you are a kid). The pic of you and the children is absolutely beautiful! I could not find one finger in a nose or someone else's nose or ear or eye...the baby looked like maybe she wanted to...but held on to self-control! They are all gorgeous, especially you! You will be proud of this one for a long, long time!

I remember the bookbags, ugh! I just took them out back, turned them inside out, and hosed them down (the bookbags, not the kids)!

Thanks for sharing so much of your life with us.

God Bless you,


Anonymous said...

You have a beautiful family!

Six-Pack Momma said...

Love those pictures! I am impressed you got all of them smiling at the same time. It is a fabulous picture! I always try bribing mine, and when that fails, I resort to threats. The thing is, it is usually the oldest one that is the problem...and I end up settling for half of them looking at the camera, and call it a success!

Suburban Correspondent said...

That snowmom reminds me of those clay statues of fertility goddesses that we used to see pictures of in Western Civilization classes....

And how did you ever manage to get them matching for the picture? It looks great!

Anonymous said...

Love the backpack one! I have also found some yummy treats in my 9 year olds bag. Hungrey?

Cute pix with you and the kids!!


Heather H said...

The picture of all of you turned out great, good job!

Anonymous said...

Oh thank god it was makeup..when I first saw the toilet seat you can only imagine what I thought it was.

Sherry said...

The picture of you and the kids is terrific! How'd you manage to get all eyes open and looking the same direction?
About the ice cream sandwich... was Clay busted by his teethmark prints?

Lowa said...

Wow, this was most entertaining! I LOVE the photo of the Snowmom and the babies!??! HOW ADORABLE!??! Have you ever put food colouring in spray bottles with some water and they can colour the snowmen and anything else that they make?? My kids enjoy that a lot!

I LOVE the one of you and the kids for the book. You guys all look incredible. It is a total miracle that everyone was smiling at once, eh?? LOL You look awesome! I can't believe you have had six kids. You keep on mentioning your weight and trying to eat healthier and I picture someone much larger than you are. I know how it is though, you are likely like me and just because we are not as slim and toned as we used to be (just by being young, we could eat anything we wanted and never exercise, right??) we feel all gross and overweight. Still, I think you are stunning and it is clear what an awesome mother you are. I just love your blog and am pleased to have heard about it:)

Anonymous said...

What a pretty lady you are! You look so happy!!!

Laura ~Peach~ said...

love the pics, the one of you and the kids is really good!

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...



And I do love those cute little snowbabies too!

btw, I'm hosting another contest at Manic Mommy that doesn't involve blood in case any of your readers wanna stop by--FREE GREAT BOOKS BY SOME AMAZING NEW AUTHORS!

Share the author love, I always say!

Oh, and one other thing: I hope that like Lexi doesn't need glasses in the future and she isn't riding her bike home from school one day and crashes into the framed photograph in the garage and then has to assemble everyone together to get a retake of the photo because that would royally suck, don't you think? And then, what if she forgets to take off her new glasses in the retake and then Joe realizes it's not the original photograph? That would make for a really bad situation I wouldn't wish on anyone!

I just thought about that randomly. Too strange.

Tammy said...

I LOVE the snowbabies. Too cute!!!

Emily said...

That picture of you and the kids turned out great! =)

Unknown said...

The picture of you and your kids turned out so well! They sure look a lot like you. I love the snowbabies! We have only had about a foot of snow all winter. Your kids are so creative, and the snow fort is cool too. Brooklyn is so cute, she reminds me of my little monkey, I recognize that cheeky look in her eyes!

Rick said...

You have a very eccentric taste in photography.

Are you sure that's makeup in the toilet, or last night's pudding?

Love the family pic.

Anonymous said...

Great pictures! (That backpack one was a little scary... :) )

Your group picture turned out really well!

Anonymous said...

Dawn, your family photo is beautiful! You look completely joyful and relaxed.

JaseyRay said...

Awww, the snowbabies are adorable! And the picture with you and your children is just beautiful! Everyone looks happy; goal reached, right? LOL Thanks for sharing! =)


Anonymous said...

That's a gorgeous photo of you and your children... I'm amazed the photographer mananaged to get everyone to not only look at the camera but also to smile at once!

I'm amazed at how much snow you have! If we get an inch of snow the whole country comes to a standstill! Do you get that much every year? (Please forgive my ignorance I come from UK)! Fab snowmum & babies!

debi9kids said...

Absolutely wonderful picture of you and the kids!
PS I love the surprise in the bookbag! (one of my favorites here too!)

SubWife said...

I absolutely love, love, love the family photo! And Brooklyn looks soooo cute! (I should know, I live in Brooklyn) Also a question for you since you brought up the makeup issue, though in different context. How often do you wear it?

bigwhitehat said...

I still love that you enjoy the madness.

Anonymous said...

That is a great picture! You are beautiful and your children are adorable! Gorgeous family!

Mum-me said...

I think it's a lovely portrait - everyone is looking in the correct direction and everyone looks happy! Well done! I love the snowmummy and babies too - those babies are slightly bigger than the one snowman we ever had enough snow to build.

Anonymous said...

Love the photo of you and the kiddos! All in white and no stains - Woo Hoo!!!

Vintage Dutch Girl said...

What a tale of opposites!

The disgust of backpack smooshies, banana socks and bathroom makeup madness vs. snow babies, your babies and your cute family photo.
What a beautiful family :)


Unknown said...

I have to agree with the others..that IS a really terrific family foto..AND..everyone is dressed in WHITE. The Picture I was waiting to see was the one you took 5 minutes AFTER you got back home...I want to see what those WHITE shirts look like NOW!!
Did you mention that your book from GUIDEPOSTS is available in AUGUST?
Do you have a link to PRE-PURCHASE(Maybe the first 50 buyers can get a special autograph?
hint hint!

Anonymous said...

Dawn~ That is a beautiful photo of you and the kids. :)

I see that Clay loves

*Skinny Cow Ice Cream Sandwiches*

They are my favorite too ;)

Thanks for sharing your family with us!

Donna from NY :)

Anonymous said...

That is a beautiful picture.

I wish you had a video of the kids building the snowman with the jack.

I am pleased to say that I haven't found anything hidden like you did. My son did hide his conversational hearts from daddy this week. At least they were still in the box.

Debbie @ Three Weddings said...

What a great idea for the FAQ's. You do get some repeats. Love the pictures.

Anonymous said...

The picture of you and the kids is wonderful!

Melissa said...

I always get a chuckle out of the pics that you share, although I have to admit to being a little grossed out by Lexi's backpack. Don't think I would want to think about that one as I was cleaning it!!
The family picture is lovely. It turned out absolutely fantastic!!!
Melissa K

LHD said...

Great picture!! Love it...precious family... BUT...the makeup...ugh...I personally think from experience that is one of the harder things to get start wiping and cleaning and it's like it just grows...good luck with that one! Lauren

Anonymous said...

The picture of you and the kids turned out great! :o)

Heather said...

Wow - 7 people in one photo all looking great. What a great family/talented photographer.

Cute snowbabies!

It's all about Sam said...

Your family picture is beautiful! And I love the snowbabies. :-)

I was just saying over at another blog that there are a LOT of things I miss about Chicago, but all that snow isn't one of them. We get snow here in NYC but not nearly as much, and it generally doesn't get as cold here either, because we're completely surrounded by water (and no lake-effect snow to deal with).

But I would like to build a snowman this year, and so far, nothing!

Vicki said...


Dawn is going to win if we all take a few min and vote for her blog. She is very close in a few races. Let's make it happen for her!! :>)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing that what was on the toilet was make-up!

I'm wondering what your child was thinking w/ banana peels in the sock drawer? Makes me nauseous just thinking about it!

Lori A. said...

The picture of you and your kids is gorgeous. You all look so beautiful!

Anonymous said...

The family photo is great!

Susan said...

Uh, when you described the picture taking experience I was really looking forward to at least one kid crossing their eyes or something, but it turned out beautifully. Oh and I don't need a Blogarithm thingie because stopping by your blog has become like checking my own email. I have it bookmarked and come by everyday, just to see.

Mom said...

Great photo! I only have 2 children and I still can't get a good photo of them!

Anonymous said...

The family picture turned out great and the six snowbabies made me say "awwww!!!!"

My boys built a "snow Meowth" with our paltry 2 inch snowfall last week. And if you don't know what that is, you really should have looked at those Pokemon cards before you sold them, lol!

Anonymous said...

I think it's incredible that all your shirts stayed white long enough to take the picture!! I've seen photos of you before but never one this good, you are truely a beautiful person, and it is VERY obvious from this photo that you are a great Mom. Don't ever let anyone say otherwise. :)

I also loved the one with the sweet!!


Sarah said...

"Go Dog Go" read about a million times to one of our sons in particular. It was his favorite book! Even though he's 18 he received a copy of it for a Christmas gift not too long ago.

I love the picture of you and your children.....and the snow babies!

ummmhello said...

Your toilet and sink are a lovely shade of creamy natural, the snowbabies are adorable, hey, at least your kid left SOME of the Skinny Cow for you, mine eat them all! And last but not least, the picture is beautiful!

Thumbelina's Mom said...

My kids would blend in so well with your kids, you wouldn't even know they were there!

Anonymous said...

I'm going to ignore the nasty pics and just say you look geeeeoooorgeous in that pic!

Putting the FUN in DysFUNctional said...

LOVE the snowbabies! Too cute.
Cyndy, the Florida Girl who has never even seen snow!

Colleen - Mommy Always Wins said...

So what made up the "muscles"? My 3-yr-old put nerf footballs inside the arms of his shirt the other day. Funny thing was they were on his forearms. He looked like Popeye!

Your family pic is perfect!

Lisanne said...

You have just a *gorgeous* family! Look at all of those huge smiles! And you are beautiful!!! Thanks for sharing those pictures. Ah, isn't motherhood a trip? hehe :)

Tricia said...

Love the snow babies!

Anonymous said...

Just like everyone else, I LOVE the pic of you & your kids!! You look great!! And I totally have that same necklace, too. :) Just with one less kiddo.

Loving the snowbabies, too! :)

Anonymous said...

The snowmomma and her six snowbabies are just as cute as can be! Your big kids sure were sweet! I agree with everyone else that is a great pic of you and the kids!

Paul said...

Weird. In the family photo, everyone is looking towards the camera and smiling. Amazing. There's 6 of us, and it's been... hmm... challenging (read: nearly impossible) for us to accomplish this feat.

Unknown said...

Wow that's a great picture of you and the kids. As a person that used to take professional photos for a living I know how hard it can be to take pictures of kids, especially groups of kids. There's almost always a couple looking the wrong way or something else silly going on but this is a great picture of you guys. I'm impressed. May I ask where you had them taken?

Amie said...

Your family picture is awesome! You look so good Dawn!

Anonymous said...

Hey Dawn,
Living on Vancouver Island, BC, Canada, we don't get much snow, so I really like the creative snow stuff your kids have done - Hot mama and cute snowbabes! Sorry to say, I keep hoping for a snow day - work for the school district and get paid to stay home if they close!! (and only two teenagers, three dogs and two cats at home).
Fabulous picture of you and the kids - love it!


Anonymous said...

you children are sooo beautiful!! you must be one proud mama!!!

Anonymous said...

LOL! Great job on keeping everyone's WHITE shirts WHITE for the photo! That never happens around here... You all look great, and I have to agree with an earlier commentor... You look at least a decade under your age! If that's what having six kids does, I might have a few more!! BTW, is Brooklyn tickling herself again in the photo?? How cute!! Thanks for sharing! : )

Anonymous said...

Love the family photo. Thanks for sharing your wonderfully funny stories.

Eternal Sunshine said...

Awesome pictures - No explanations needed, huh?

I have that same trashcan - We used it for a fishbowl.

LOVED the family photos - I SO need one like that - getting the kids all together is the hard part.

Anonymous said...

Family pic turned out amazing! Can't believe you got all 6 to cooperate!

Unknown said...

That is the cutest snowman picture ever!

Cami said...

If you look closely at the picture, it lookes like Brooklyn is giving everyone "the finger" with her left hand. I love it! Very cute picture.

Anonymous said...

That is an adorable picture of you and your kids! What a beautiful family!

Mrs. Case said...

1. The snow babies are so cute.

2. Is it bad that the entire time I was reading the post, I couldn't help but laugh that I have the exact same trash can? Hooray for Targhetto!

Anonymous said...

I loveeeeeeee the family picture!!! Yall did a great job. I am also one of the people not getting my notifications..Its driving me insane if I dont get to read So I will check out the feeder thingy

Michelle Kemper Brownlow said...

Those pictures are too funny!
And my working friends say to me, "what do you do all day? don't you get bored?" I should send them the link to your blog....actually they already read it b/c I have made them BISS junkies! :)

LOVE LOVE LOVE the family shot! HOW CUTE!

Adamsmom said...

Great family picture. Your kids are adorable! Wish we could have some snow, not likely in Louisiana though.

Wineplz said...

Kids did an AWESOME job on the snowman and snowbabies, even if it involved the car jack! :)

Also, LOVE the family picture! It turned out really well, and I love how Brooklyn looks like she's tempted to tickle herself. ;)

and forgot to comment earlier, but the kids did a great job on the fort, husband was really impressed, trying to figure out how they created the brick until I told him about the brick maker for snow and sand. You'd think growing up in South Bend he'd be aware of the brick-maker!

Anonymous said...

What a gorgeous family!

I love your smile. You remind me of my Aunt Nancy when she was your age--your smile goes all the way up to your eyes!

As Cape Cod Turns said...

If you only eat 1/2 of a skinny cow dessert, is that like eating no calories at all?

Great photo of you and the kids!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Dawn,

Boy, your kids provide PLENTY of material for your blog. (And to think that I was questioning how you choose What to write about...) I think the backpack a-la-suprise gets the "gross out" award.

Where else do banana peels belong?? Sock drawer was my first thought! Ahhh.. that banana fresh scent!

The family picture is wonderful. Just curious, exactly how long did it take to get that beautiful shot?? Kudos for no nose-picking, bunny-ears, "I'm grumpy because we've been here FOREVER" shots!! Your kids are precious! : )

Hey, with all that snow, do you all ever make snow ice-cream??

~Lisa, San Antonio, Texas

Juneau Poole Party said...

That is such a great picture! Quick question, I noticed that your middle daughter isn't wearing her glasses - I only notice this because my 5-year-old has recently begun to wear glasses (September '07), but school pictures had passed. Do you give her the choice about pictures with or without glasses? I also am open to any tips for active children & glasses - Morgan doesn't complain about wearing hers (I think because they have made such an improvement!), but she is a VERY active child so we have lots of wear and tear on the glasses!

MaryLu said...

Pictures 1 & 2 yes, the fixtures do look better with a little makeup, evens out their skin tone.
#3, looks he's been working hard on those biceps!
#4 & 5 Yes, I do like your hat, I do, I do, I do like your hat!
#6 wouldn't want to come across her in a dark alley, Scare-Y!
#7 Is the guilty party, I mena Clay on a diet, why does he need a Skinny cow?
#8 & 9 GRROOSS!
#9 & 10, where's the daddy?
#11 Again, where's the Daddy! You guys are adorable, what't the big deal about getting one more person to smile. Although you look like you are about to fall off a stool.
Hee hee

nomi said...

I love it! The picture of you and your littles is absolutely beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Your youngest MUST know how cute she is. Every single picture I ever see of her, she has the cartoon-like "I'm such a cutie" pose!! How endearing :)

Anonymous said...

I am in love with your children AND their snowbabies! They're all melting my heart. And of course I am marveling at how you can look so great with six children doing...what's depicted in the prior photos. :) Thanks for sharing them!

Anonymous said...

All that complaining and for what ...
a gorgeous photo.

You, as I am sure you already know, have a beautiful family.

I love baby's pose. Did she have to tickle herself to make herself smile?

And .... you have GOT to do something about that bird embedded in her head!

Anonymous said...

Oh .... almost forgot. I wanted to vote for you for all the 'Bloggers Awards', but I have learned the hard way not to give out my email to any site that does not swear on a bible they do not give/sell your addy to other parties.

So, To Whom it May Concern:

I vote for the blog "Because I Said So" in every Bloggers Award category.

ps. Dear Miz Dawn,
Since I very rarely send you hate mail please ignore any of my spelling, grammatical, punctuation or capitalization errors.
Thank you.

StampingJoan said...

The photo of you and the kids is fantastic! I think it captures all of you! I know you said it was tough getting everyone to look at the same time, etc., but that pic is worth it! What a treasure!

And I love the snowman and snowbabies! How adorable!

Anonymous said...

Great pictures! I mean the children and you! All the other stuff is funny!
The snow babies is priceless!
God bless,
Elaine in B'hm, AL.

Anonymous said...

The snowbabies were just genius and oh too adorable!

And the family picture came out sooo nice. You are so pretty :)

Anonymous said...

Your family picture turned out BEAUTIFULLY! I love that you all wore white shirts. Everyone is gorgeous and I love the funny face Brooklyn is making. Aren't little girls that age just crazy? My 1 1/2 year old is the same way. Silly faces and acting strange all the time. Thanks for making me smile every single day Dawn! I love your blog.

Brenda said...

Awwww. I really love the photo of you and the kids. Your toilet could usea little blush though.

roseys madhouse said...

those photos are fabulous, I love the protrait and the white t-shirts, they always make excellent picture.
Your kids are so creative(no sarcasm intended) with the creative way they build things with snow.

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

So glad that was make-up on the toilet. Whew.

Loved the snowbabies and all the other pictures. Especially loved the one of you and the kiddies. You are all beautiful, excpet the boys, they are handsome, indeed.

Anonymous said...

Doh! I've just realised I typed mananaged instead of managed!! It was early... that's my excuse!

melissious said...

HA ha! Love every single one (oh, except that backpack one - gave me flashes of what I have in store!) The family photo is nothing short of miraculous. I have 2 fewer children than you and can barely get half of them to look at the camera, let alone SMILE at the same time!
My oldest (4) just discovered he can open the freezer. I now come down most mornings to melted "milk cookies" (Skinny cows - I have no idea why he started calling them milk cookies) littered throughout the house. Not a fun mess to clean up.

Kelly said...

I love the half-eaten ice cream sandwich!
I was making cookies one day and my 3 year old asked if he could have one. I told he could have one but had to wait until his older brother got home from school to have another. Well, I was busy doing laundry and puting it away, but I kept seeing him run back and forth past the laundry room door. When I came out to see what he was up to, I noticed that just about all the cookies cooling on the counter had one bite taken out of them. My husband was kind enough to remind me that I had told him he could not have another whole cookie! I never said anything about not eating one bit our of each cookie! Well, maybe I would have if I had thought I needed too!

Andrea said...

The snowbabies are so cute!! I love how your picture with the kids turned out!! They all look so innocent and sweet there. Not that they are not, but compaired to the other photos we saw first!! :) Never a dull moment. I have a Clayton that is very mishivious too!!

Supplanter64 said...

Quite a lovely and handsome family you are.

Supplanter64 said...

I'm confused about the blog vote thing. Is it already over? Some of the ones who won are "OK", some not so good, and some I declare are written by lunatics. None of them are as down to earth, creative, funny, touching, and entertaining as yours Dawn.

BigDadGib said...

Sorry, I've been working on a new BigDadGib Network site and have not been reading your post like I should.

The pics are great.
and I love ice-cream samiches... lol

Lisa said...

GREAT shot of you and the kids, love it!

Anonymous said...

I hope you're going to "let" Lexi clean out (and sanitize) her backpack!

Anonymous said...

I love your family picture! And the snowbabies--how sweet! The funniest picture is the banana peel in the sock drawer. The backpack mess? Just gross!!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE THE PHOTO--what a beautiful family! :) Thanks for making me smile, needed it after reading bad news Ethan Powell got today (baby with leukemia) and also another post I had read. You are always able to make me smile and I appreciate it. Hope you have a good night and a good Sunday. Thanks again for the joy! :)

Becky said...

Loved the picture with the kids, Dawn!

Of course the others were cute as can be, too. I'm glad to know my children aren't the only ones that have routine 'incidents' smearing things on surfaces around the house!

Kristy said...

i love all the little snow babies, how cute!!!

your family is beautiful :)

Anonymous said...

You're beautiful, all of you!

And thank you for bringing back memories of when my own kids were little. You know, the things they do when they're little you get to embarrass them by telling stories on them with when they're teenagers. Once they hit their 20's, then they start to want to know what they were like when they were little. My four are 19-25 now.

Unknown said...

Love love love the one of you and the kids.

Anonymous said...

So am I the only one who saw the littlest one shooting mom the bird?

Deene Souza Photography said...

Those pictures are HILARIOUS! I see most of that a lot at my house too! Especially the banana peel in the sock drawer!!!

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