Friday, January 11, 2008

More Dumb Crooks

I have a feeling I'm going to be do nothing but opening mail for the next few weeks! I think this is going to be fun seeing where all the mail comes from so I'm setting up a map for my blog. I'll mark the city, state, and country for each piece of mail he receives. That way everyone can see where they come from. I have the most awesome readers!!! Thank you!
Oh and a few of you asked when the project is due. It's an ongoing project, so as long as you get the cards/letters to us by May, it's all good. :) And it doesn't matter where you're from. The more places, the better!

Have you guys seen this? These two guys wheeled their roommate down the streets of New York in an office chair. Their destination? A check cashing store. Why? To cash this guy's social security check. Strange, but hey this is New York, right, so seeing a guy being wheeled down the street in an office chair is probably not the weirdest sight you'll ever run across in this city. Here's the thing though... The guy in the chair was recently deceased. Yep, that's right. These guys wanted to cash their buddy's social security check so they propped his dead body up in a chair and pushed him down the street to the check cashing place. Hey, it worked in Weekend at Bernie's, so why not? "Why don't we just pretend he didn't die? Just for a bit!"

At what point do you get so desperate for $355 that you think taking a corpse to a bank would be a good idea? And these were not teenage punks we're talking about here. These were men in their 60s. Men who should have had a modicum of wisdom. Men who should have, somewhere along the past 65 years, learned that most people can tell the difference between a live person presenting a check to be cashed and a dead body that doesn't speak or move, sitting slumped over in a chair. Can you just hear their conversation?

I think he's dead.
We should call 911.
Yeah. Although.....
What are you thinking?
Let's cash his social security check first. It would be a shame to just let it sit there uncashed. It's not going to do him any good now.
But won't he have to cash it himself?
Hmmm, you've got a point there. Well, let's take him with us.
Umm hello? He's dead. How are we going to take him with us?
We'll just push him in this office chair. It's got wheels.
Good idea! But what if the teller realizes he's dead?
We won't actually take him in the store with us. We'll just leave him sitting out on the street. No problem.
People never cease to amaze me.


Anonymous said...

dawn, might help you organize all your readers cities. i've seen it on myspace. looks neat!

Anonymous said...

Can you roll me to the beach instead of the check-cashing store?


morninglight mama said...

I heard about this on the radio this morning-- Weekends at Bernie came to mind immediately, too! I imagine there were a ton of people who didn't even blink at the sight of the office-chair-corpse...


Laura Paxton said...

Absolutely, freaking amazing...makes you wonder what they were smoking when they thought up that little escapade!! BTW, I LOVE your blog...and faithfully, no, make that OBSESSIVELY read...because your house sounds so much like mine...right down to 6 kids, homework, holes in walls...everything!

Anonymous said...

LOL! I seriously can't believe that!

Kikilia said...

Quite interesting to think that they thought they'd get away with it... .still, I wonder if their first thought was they needed the guy's check to help make the rent.

Just really surprised that they thought wheeling him down the street was a good idea.

Leanne said...

ummmmmmmmm.......wouldn't it have been easier to forge his signature and endorse the back of the cheque so they could cash it themselves without dragging a corpse down the street?

(not that I have thought this scenario out or

Dawn said...

Ok that is pretty freaking hysterical. It would be really interesting to see if any of the local TV stations around there had aired Weekend At Bernies around that time. You have to wonder where they got the inspiration to do that from.

LOVE your blog...makes my life look like a piece of cake!!!

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

My father in law just told us a story how his brother cashed a check of their moms just recently at a pizza place... the cashier took the check with no problem, didn't even question why a 50-year-old looking guy with a beard would be named Beatrice!!!

PS--confirmed by some neighbors tonight--the restaurant of choice for Monday's "liason" is a good one! : ) Can you tell I'm trying to be all suspenseful here????

roseys madhouse said...

raflmao Im sorry but only in America could someone push a corpse down a street and no-one question it????

Lucille said...

Yeah I saw that and thought - only in NY, only in NY. But then again - you could get away with that insane behavior in Chicago or Miami as well!

Be sure to take photos of the MAIL - that is going to be so neat to see the map! Great idea! Great, great, great!

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

OK, duh. I'm an idiot. The right word is not "liason"... I was already upstairs brushing my teeth and washing my face, and I'm like, "That does not mean what I meant it to mean!" so I had to come back downstairs to let you know I'm not the idiot I sound like!

Or maybe I am. Wine was involved tonight.

Kim VanDerHoek said...

Ahhh, New York! With it's amazing architecture, shopping and... dead bodies?! Creepy.

nutralady2001 said...

Oh dear before I even got to your sentence I'm thinking "Weekend at Bernie's", these guys had obviously seen that movie one too many times........bizarre and.....ick!

Yes photos we need photos of the truckloads of mail you'll be getting , this could make (Inter)national News then I can say...."I know this woman!!! " , lol btw loved seeing your little number ticker over 2 million and heading for 3

Donna. W said...

I didn't realize anyone received actual social security checks these days; I wasn't given that option. Mine is direct-deposited on the second Wednesday of each month.

Anonymous said...

Hi Dawn, Was this guy working in an office when he died? I am guessing that's the case. If they could have cashed the check were they going to roll him back to his desk or maybe prop him up at a bar for a celebration drink? I can hear them now...He's just had one to many! LOL Kristine in Michigan.

Brenda said...

When I hear those stories I always think "At least I am not married to that guy."

Michelle Kemper Brownlow said...


Do you think sometimes people do these things and 'play dumb'just for their 15 minutes of fame?


Thanks for the laugh!

Anonymous said...

morning..that is some crazy stuff..quick question..i live in illinois..probably not that far from u..can i still send something just curious thanks!

MaBunny said...

Morning Dawn:)) and let me just say LOL about the guys trying to cash the social security check. People never cease to amaze me. I will get a letter and/or postcard in the mail to you this week. I'm going to go buy our local chamber of commerce and see if they have any postcards with a picture of our historical town square on them. That would be neat to send you.

Try and stay warm, it was near 80 this week here in Lancaster, Texas:))


Rox said...

Very bizarre, however, my hubby had a good point. He said that they must've felt they really needed his check to make rent or buy groceries or pay the heat bill. It's very expensive to live in NY, that's why the 3 of them were sharing an apt., so they must've needed all 3 to contribute. He also said that now they don't have to worry because they're in a warm place where they'll get 3 meals a day, and that it's actually costing the tax payers more now than it would've to cash the $355 check. Only in America.

Kylie said...

Have you ever seen the movie "Waking Ned Devine"? It is set in Ireland and this guy, Ned, dies immediately after winning the lottery. So his two buddies, like 60/70 years old get into all sorts of shenanigans in order to get his lotto money.

Michele said...

That one is absolutely amazing to me. This one is just silly.

A kid tries to break into a Tacoma, WA coffee shop. He only succeeds in dislocating his knee (and once this became a local youtube sensation he turned himself in). Possibly the funnies part about the whole thing is the coffee shop owner's narration of the whole episode!!

Anonymous said...

It is nuts that someone would try to do that, weird things people will try.

But there is still a little place in the back of my mind thinking - these are probably two guys trying to live off social security. It's quite possible they were driven to this sort of a desperate act just trying to survive. There's a sadness about the whole story too.

chris said...

Next the two guys is going to blame the movie "Weekend at Bernie's", for there actions.
Thet watched it and the movie made them do it.

Anonymous said...


Hmmmmm...perhaps the unfortunate check man wasn't really dead...he was merely "pining for the fjords" or to (mis)quote one of your favorite movies:

Miracle Max:

See, there's a big difference between mostly dead, and all dead. Now, mostly dead: he's slightly alive. All dead, well, with all dead, there's usually only one thing that you can do.


What's that?

Miracle Max:

Go through his clothes and look for loose change...or, in this case, SS checks to cash!

With "jewels" like this hitting the media, I can only imagine the plight of striking comedy writers...about to EXPLODE from a creative expression blockage!


Nancy Binky

Rachel said...

Ummm, and why are you opening all the mail and putting all the marks on the map instead of your son? I thought this was his project. Yes, I know you want to read it all too. At least have him read it first and mark the map.

Then you can pick through the mail at your leisure (which I know you have tons of) and won't have to worry abou the map at all. Why make more work for yourself? :)

Rachel ~
Five kids with one on the way.
I'm almost caught up with Dawn! Hurray!

ramblings of a mother said...

I love reading your blog. You are awesome at what you do and I think it is awesome that you have so many kiddos.

Rick said...

What they didn't think of was to put one of those vibrating chair pads under the cadaver, and turn it up real high, to make it look as if the guy was still alive. THAT would have fooled them. Man, I'm brilliant! I should have been a criminal.

Anonymous said...

Totally off subject. Dawn, have you seen "The Mom song" on Youtube? It reminds me of you, and your quick wit.

Unknown said...

Those guys were dumb, with a capital D! I heard the story earlier this week and all I could think was stupid morons. LOL

Dawn, I discovered another family that needs the power of prayer yesterday, there is a blog about it on my page, if you get a chance to check it out. The prayers you have pulled in for Jullians family have been amazing, so if you can help get the word out I would be forever in your debt.

Anonymous said...

OK ... so they wheeled this dead guy, in his chair down a street in NY to illegally cash his SS check....

and the point of this story is....?

(... been living in NY WAY too long)

help4newmoms said...

So funny. Sad, but funny

Blessed said...

You made me do it... I'm blogging again - thanks for the inspiration!

Dorothy said...

Dawn this is so typical of the really really despicable people who walk this earth. Scary that from time to time we have to be in the same room with them. It never ceases to amaze me just when you think you've heard it all, there you are....

My best,
Dorothy from grammology
remember to call gram

Nicki said...

They aren't only dumb--they are sick! How could anyone ever do that--or even think of it in the first place?

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