Friday, January 25, 2008

I'm Sick

I'm sick. I have no idea why. I take the utmost care of myself. I mean, it's not like I'm staying up until 3:00 am every day, just trying to plow through my overflowing box of email. It's not like I've all but abandoned Weight Watchers for the less healthy, but more popular Dunkin' Donuts Diet. And I'm sure I've never taken my bare hand to wipe a snotty toddler nose because there was no tissue in sight.

Why do we moms have such a hard time taking care of ourselves? Is it because we're just so busy taking care of everyone else that we're simply too tired when it comes to us? I keep meaning to make an appointment with my OB/GYN, but I keep putting it off. There's just something about lying there on that table, making small talk with your cute doctor while he shoves a cold metal jack in a place where a jack should never be, that makes me procrastinate on making the appointment. It's not just the cold metal jack though. It's the fact that after getting the jack situated, he then proceeds to crank it open so wide, you could fit a small car in there. He doesn't park a car up there though. No, instead he shoves his arm, shoulder deep, in where the sun don't shine. I think I could put all that aside, bite the bullet, and just go if only I could lose a few pounds first. I can handle being poked, probed, and otherwise invaded, but please don't make me step on that scale. I'm afraid he'll look at my chart and say, "Wow Dawn! You weigh more now than you did when you were nine months pregnant with your sixth baby! Are you doing the Dunkin' Donuts Diet again?"

I haven't been there since I had Brooklyn 2 years ago. Let's see, that means I'm only about 1 year and 10 months overdue for my 6 week postpartum check-up. I know I should probably get a mammogram sometime soon too. Although the notion of having my boobs put in a vice and squished as flat as a pancake sounds appealing, I just haven't been able to bring myself to make that appointment either. Instead of squashing your boobs during a mammogram, if they could find a way to actually lift those babies back up above your waistline, I bet women would eagerly line up for the test.

My mom keeps nagging reminding me to make an appointment for a physical. I would, I really would, but my doctor moved away recently 4 years ago and I just haven't found another one despite spending months looking not lifting a finger to look for a new one.

So anyway, I'm sick now. I can handle being sick. I mean, really do we have a choice? I haven't figured out a way to get my employer to give me sick days, so life goes on, sick or not. Anyway, I can handle being sick, but I have the misfortune of losing my voice every time I get a cold. I can't handle that. How am I supposed to yell at the kids now? I wonder if I could just borrow the crossing guard's stop sign to hold up?

OK, I'm going to bed. Have a great weekend everyone!


Anonymous said...

I can relate to everything you said re medicals! :)
Why is it that women suffer far more than men in this department?
And why is it that men have flu in bed, whilst women have it over the kitchen sink?

Anonymous said...

Hope you get to feeling better!

roseys madhouse said...

ok when you are feeling up to it go to the store and buy yourself a whistle!!!!!
I have one in my handbag from when I was coaching netball comes in handy for when I lose my voice..........

Kalynne Pudner said...

As a bona fide Doctor (though not the kind with the metal jack), let me recommend my favorite sick-mommy remedy: Nyquil plus Mimosas. Preferably three or four of the latter. You still might not be able to yell at your kids, but the fact will not bother you in the least.

Here's the scientific explanation:

Feel better soon!

Anonymous said...

I love how you describe things... totally how it is! I'd like a giant stop sign, too, while you're at it!

Sherry said...

Dawn, sorry to hear you are sick. I spent last weekend in bed and then today I took my five year old to the doctor with pneumonia for the 2nd time in 2 months, 3rd time in a year. At this point, I'm getting pretty good at diagnosing pneumonia without a stethoscope. Even my son can tell when he's wheezing all over his chest. I hope you get some rest and feel better soon.

rg said...

I think you should have all your kids work on signs that say STOP, BE QUIET and I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE. They can decorate them with glitter and noodles so they will marvel at their own creativity while you are silently yelling at them :)

Anonymous said...

I totally identify with you . . . my postpartum checkup was 8 months after my first son was born . . . and it was actually the first pregnancy check for my secondborn. :) The second one is 8 months old now and I haven´t been near a doctor (except for taking the boys, of course) since I walked out of the hospital.

Anonymous said...


Love your blogs. But PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE go for your base line mammo. It really isn't that bad.

Stephanie said...

Hope you feel better soon!

Anonymous said...

I wish I could get rid of my cold- I've had a cough for a week now and it's getting old. I hope you feel better soon.


Kyddryn said...

I hope you feel better soon. You can have my whistle, if you like - it is audible underwater, even.

Shade and Sweetwater,

K Betty said...

I know what you mean! I've been fever-y sick since Tuesday. My mom took my daughter for the day but secretly I wish she'd take her until I feel better. I find myself making peanut butter sandys for her and getting her drinks... then ignoring myself! I too pride myself on staying healthy, but we're more of a hippy family that relies on vitamins, Emergen-C's, anything homeopathic but I think it's b/c it's harder to overdose on these things!? Haha anyways hang in there and like our foremothers said, -drink lots of water- ;D HA!

Anonymous said...

OK, not trying to preach to you, just sharing my story. I went to my annual 1 year after baby #4. Midwife said my ovaries were enlarged but come back after your period starts again. Insurance wouldn't let me go back so I put it off. Finally went to my own Dr. instead. She also said ovaries were enlarged (this is months later of course). She gave me an Rx for an ultrasound. Which of course I put off until after the kids started back to school, etc. Long story short, a cyst was discovered on my left ovary. It was so large that even I could see it. My first thought was, "Please, God, I'm not ready to leave my babies yet." The u/s tech was asking things like: do you have a history or breast cancer or ovarian cancer in your family? Scared the heck out of me. My Dr. called me ON MY WAY HOME from the u/s, they faxed the URGENT report to her of a "suspicious mass". I had an MRI the next day. THANK GOD it was NOT cancer; it was a dermoid cyst. It required surgery and a painful recovery but I am healthy now. But it was scary. I think God was trying to tell me that I need to put myself first so that I can be around for my little ones (they are 2, 4, 6, 8). If the Dr. had told me to get an u/s for one of my kids, I would have done it IMMEDIATELY, not waiting for months like I did for myself. So since then I've tried to be better about taking care of myself. (And what a lesson I learned about asking for and needing help during my recovery from surgery. But that is a story for another time.)


Anonymous said...

When I've lost my voice occasionally, and have to whisper--a very interesting thing happens at my kids get quieter. Maybe you'll get lucky and this will happen for you too.

Anonymous said...

I hope you feel better soon! Do the kids help you out when you are sick, or do they attack your weakness?

Either way get well soon! : )


Suburban Correspondent said...

Poor baby! But, you know, you really are not allowed to be sick until the kids are grown. Is it crazy of me to actually look forward to being sick without having to take care of anyone else? Just me in a big, cozy chair by the fireplace with my knitting and my books and my tissues and my cough drops and my orange juice...sigh...

Oh, and thanks for that graphic description of the OB/GYN visit. I really needed to remember that!

Billie Wages said...

Dawn, I am the grandmother, great-grandmother who now watches as the mothers prod through their days. They ask, "How did you and Dad do it?" All I have to say is, "We paved our own pathway as we went along," and I am seeing her do the same thing. Unfortunately (or fortunately however you see it), you are paving your pathway, too, but there WILL be a day you will look back on it with a really warm spot in your heart. I used to wonder what the old folks talked about. Now I know........ Those wonderful years we had when the kids were young, and growing up. You are building lots of memories for when you are an old folk..... ;) I loved it then; I love it now.

Ragdoll Billie on the Road to Remission

Krista said...

I'm sorry your sick! I can hardly take care of one kid when I'm sick... yikes!
Here's a random piece of advice for you... if you can schedule your mammogram for right after your period it will hurt less because during that part of your cycle your boobs are less inflamed. Good luck!

Donna. W said...

I only had two kids; they were as ornery as anybody's kids. But when they were toddlers and I'd get sick, it was as though they knew. My terrible two-year-olds would turn into little angels. Maybe it doesn't work when you have a bigger family.

Anonymous said...

Feel better Dawn. I have the same problem taking care of myself and I'm overdue three years on my annual and pap.

I keep thinking I'll lose this weight and go in and he'll be all, WOW you've lost a lot of weight, good for you.

And yet, here I sit right where I was after I had that third three years ago. Ugh.

Tarasview said...

yep... I'm with ya. I'm sick too. But for some unknown reason I am still expected to look after my sick husband, sick son, healthy son and healthy nursing little girl. Doesn't seem fair.

Anonymous said...

Please, please get lots of rest. The bug that has been crossing, recrossing and recrossing our area is a nasty one that hangs around and then leaves for two days and returns. Don't worry about us, we'll talk among ourselves for a couple of days. :)

Anonymous said...

Dawn (starting out on my soapbox, but I swear I'll be quick up here),

You've got to go to the doctor and get your annual. No, it isn't fun, but it's fast and over with quickly. And your doctor isn't there to judge you and isn't thinking the things you say, let alone saying them to you. If, by chance, your doctor is doing either of those things, get a new one (in fact, call me and I'll set you up with one near us -- I actually like mine). Ditto with the mammogram. They suck, but without getting your annual and your mammogram, you're risking far worse things happening. You saw what Mimi went through with Julian; God forbid anything appear with you, but do whatever you can to make sure you don't put your family through the same thing! (Ok, stepping down now, I swear!)

I am sorry you're sick. There's definitely a lot going on around here (my daughter was diagnosed with RSV -- mild, thank God -- on Tuesday and today is the first day she's acting more like herself, so of course I am getting her cold now). I hope that your cold isn't the wretched stomach thing or horrible cough thing that everyone else seems to have caught and that you feel better soon!

Get some rest -- and make your hubby bring you some chicken noodle soup; it really does work!


Kelli said...

I hear ya! Take care, hope your feeing better. Even sick your funny. Kelli

Julie said...

Hope you feel better soon!

Chris H said...

So sorry to hear you've lost your voice. When you find it again, tape a few "choice phrases", in varying degrees of annoyance, fo rfuture use when your voice is out. My friend tried this once. The kids were laughing so hard they forgot why they were fighting...

Six-Pack Momma said...

Feel your pain, Dawn. I haven't been to a doctor since the birth of #6, either...a year and a half ago. Now the boob job/mammogram is the best idea EVER! I love your blog...I can so relate to you...I have six kids, too...boy, girl, boy, girl, boy, girl. And yes, we planned it that you get that all the time like we do? Like we have control over it? make me smile everyday! And by the've been tagged. I know you don't have time for it, but I don't personally have five friends with blogs. It's one of those- 'I'm stuck in the house with six kids just trying to stay sane' things!
(incidentally- I had this blog name over a year ago, and forgot about it totally until I started reading yours, and thought, "I should start a blog!" So I tried, and found that someone (who must be a total flake) used my e-mail (the nerve of her!) to sign up for a blog a year prior. That's what motherhood does to us, I just sucks the life out of our brains- never to return!

Thanks, Dawn! You're awesome!

Michelle said...

Hey Dawn......I feel your pain. See Here:

Now, do what the stupid nurse told me to do (it's obvious she doesn't have kids)........drink lots of fluid, get plenty of rest. In about a week to ten days, you might just be able to function semi normally dear.

Seriously, hugs and smooches. Feel better hon.

AutoSysGene said...

I hope you feel better soon.

I had to laugh at the last time you had an OB appointment, the last one I had was 6 weeks after my daughter was born and she's now 5. Oops!!

kimikki said...

I'm surprised. When my daughter was little, I didn't have time to get sick, so I just didn't. I had to take care of her (raised her by myself) and work, so there just wasn't time for me to be sick.
As for your annual (?!) physical and mammogram, do it. Bite the bullet. I hate those, too, but with the prevalence of breast cancer and stuff, getting a jump on those things is best. I know too many people who have had cancer scares to allow myself to be a chicken about it. My BF offers to slam my boobs in a door, just trying to help, but I have to keep telling him that the doctor won't take his word for it that, yes, I did get them squished.
Good luck!

Becky said...

Bwahahahaha! That was hilarious, Dawn! Making small talk while he cranks the jack open...

Oy. I'm long overdue for my exam, too, and I'm not looking forward to the "Mammo-CRAM" either. Ugh.

Guys have it so easy. They just turn and cough. They have no idea, really. None.

Don Mills Diva said...

I hear you - my son is almost 27 months and I have yet to schedule my post partum check-up. Hope you feel better soon.

Anonymous said...

Feel better soon. It amazes me how my husband gets sick, he comes home and go to bed...I get sick...nothing changes...why do we allow that? Also, I totally identify with the gynecologist thing. I put it off and put it off. Who wants to hear they've gained weight...duh!

Anonymous said...

OMG I JUST made my appt with my ob/gyn son turned 2 3 wks ago and I too have not been there since my 6 wk visit LOL...truth is I will probably cancel when the time comes!
Feel better!!!

Anonymous said...

Amen sista!!!!!

Anonymous said...

{{{{{{{{{Dawn}}}}}}}} Hope you feel better soon.

I just made my gyn appt...just like you, 2 yrs past due. My hormones are really wacky & I'm tired of it - but the earliest appt I could get was mid March! Well at least I have time to psych myself up for it.

BTW - Mammograms aren't THAT bad...not fun, but not earth shattering bad.
And I personally recommend a lady GYN. Just me, but that's how I feel more comfortable w/ the whole thing.
Keep on blogging!

Heather H said...

Dawn I am sorry that you are sick, that is one of the worst things about being a SAHM, no one to call in sick to. Its not like you can just crawl back into bed when you have little ones about. I hope you get some rest this weekend.

Anonymous said...

I think your sick time is the same place where your personal time is...somewhere between 2a.m. and 6 a.m. Hang in there with the cold; while you're lounging around being sick, make those appointments for the GYN and the mammogram!!

Anonymous said...

Remember to get a blood test too. Fun. Feel better.

Anonymous said...


Please, please, please GET YOUR MAMMOGRAM!!!! I am the poster child for "mammograms save lives". I, like you, didn't go to the doctor for a few years after my daughter was born (she's now 7) because I wanted to lose weight and I just kept putting it off. Then, after I turned 40, I bit the bullet and went. My doctor sent me for a routine mammogram and it turned out that I had stage 1 breast cancer! The tumor was very small but could not be felt and was ONLY found because of my mammogram. I had a lumpectomy, 12 weeks of chemo and radiation, but I am now cancer free and thanking my lucky stars that my cancer was caught so early. I was very young and there is absolutely NO history of BC in my family, but I got it. Please don't put off the mammogram one more day!! It is so very important - breast cancer can be cured if it is caught early. The discomfort of the mammogram is NOTHING compared to cancer treatment, trust me! OK - I'll get down off my soapbox now. I don't mean to scare you, but I honestly never thought I would be diagnosed with BC and I was caught completely off guard. If you won't do it for yourself, please think of your kids and go, go, go!

Grace said...

Hi Dawn, Hope you feel better soon.
I have not been to the ob/gyn for about two and a half years, I am so afraid of them, because of the last time that I went and the Docter, did not know how to opperate the jack and had to go get help while I laid there. I waddled for 2 monthes becase of the pain I was in when she finished.

Anonymous said...

When you figure out a way to sick sick leave from your employer, please fill us in!!

cm said...

Ok, Dawn, this one actually motivated me to comment by typing rather than just in my head! At our house we have been perpetually sick since Thanksgiving, so we are experimenting with a product called JuicePlus, because my mom (a Kindergarten aide) hasn't been sick a single day since she started taking it almost 2 years ago. Try and get someone to send you a sample for Mamaslike!!! The bonus is, it seems to have us craving more fruits and veggies--never thought THAT would happen to us!

~ said...

Sorry you are sick...hope you feel better real soon!

Lucille said...

I hope you feel better very soon!

Lean on your friends and family if you can to help you out.

Or you can ask hubby to step in - ha, ha, ha - I'm totally kidding. That would make way more work for you when you get well. TRUST me I know!

After 1 month of pneumonia and a house that literally THREW up - I'm just now re-cleaning it. Hubby actually said - you don't have to do that - I cleaned when you were sick. He's so cute!

Anyway - take it easy - and I'm sure your little darlin's will be on extra good behavior or at the very least - give you plenty of material for next week's blog! :)


Lucille said...

PS_You are drinking hot water with honey I hope!

Or perhaps a hot brandy?

Stay warm!

Anonymous said...

I hope you feel better soon. I enjoy reading your blog.

Brenda said...

Get well soon. You can worry about the other stuff when you get well. You do realize you will have thousands of moms nagging you now

Anonymous said...

Hi Dawn. I can't remember how I founed you, but I am so glad I did. I want to blog so much, but can't seem to find my PERFECT first blog. This is my New Years resolution. By the end of January I hope to have mine going. I just need to jump in. BUT, That isn't why I am writing to you. I wanted to thank you for introducing me to Julian and his family. He has touched my life in so many ways. I have had a broken heart for the past few days and just watched a u-tube video of his life. I will never forget him or his family. Especially his Mother, whom i will pray for daily. But this is an example of what a wonderful thing the 'internet' is. I would have never had the pleasure of knowing Julian and his family if it weren't for 'the internet'. So I just wanted to thak you for bringing him into my life. Their story inspires me to be a better Christian, Mother, and Wife. So...

Laura Paxton said...

Hope you feel better! Since we moms aren't allowed any sick days, I hope your employer at least pampers you a lot! Oh, and good luck with the kids...I haven't figured that one out yet, either...

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

Oh man, you really ARE sick if you posted this at 12:54 AM on Friday and it is now 10:07 PM on Friday and there are no comments posted yet, which means you haven't been near your computer ALL DAY LONG.

It sucks being a sick mom. You have my utmost sincerest sympathy. Don't you wish we could all flock to your bedside to pamper you and shush the kids away and maybe a few of us would take some of the kids and clean them up? I Know! I want to be in charge of cleaning whatever crap is painted on Brooklyn's face, and I'll be in charge of making sure she's not head-first in the toilet. And can I also make sure Clay's not scaling the fridge? That'll be my job when you're sick. Shall I drive over now? Someone else will come watch the other kids. I'm sure someone will volunteer to clean Lexi's bedroom, and someone else can help Austin make some more orange trees!

I would make you soup too, but I can't cook. How bout if I bring you Panera soup?

I hope you get better soon, and more importantly, I hope your kids don't then all come down with it next. Like two-thirds of mine have. Ugh.


Cat said...

Feel better soon...My Mom always told me it doesn't matter if you're sick or not, a Mom's job is never done. It wasn't until I had a child myself that I fully understood what she meant. Get to feeling better :) I'm sure we wouldn't mind if you skipped a day of blogging and email :) As long as you came back happy and healthy.

Franny Organny said...

Hey Dawn,

hope you feel better soon! There's no better place than a blog to let people know how miserable you feel!
Let's face it: the kids care only for about 5 minutes, your hubby might care for a little longer than that but in the end, it's poor mommy again who just never gets sick (so let's just pretend she's not sick now).

Bring on your bacteria/virus/there's a sledgehammer in my head stories because I want to hear them (and I make everyone who reads my blog read about mine). so don't be shy, bring it on!

:-) Franzi

Anonymous said...

Hang in there Dawn. I just got over a cold myself, that was passed on to me by my 11 month old. She finally slept last night, only waking up 2 times. That was the first time since last Saturday that I slept more than 2 hours in a row. My hubby was called to active duty and left about a week and a half ago. I only have 2 kids, but it's been really hard so far. You really do inspire me that being a mom is truly worth it. No matter how tired you are, or how sick you are, or how sick they are, you still feel that your heart will burst when they tell you they love you and snuggle up to your neck. I'm praying that you'll feel better soon.

debi9kids said...

LOL! I am with you! I gave birth 15, almost 16 months ago and never went for my 6 week check up either. Opps!
And, sadly, i haven't gone for the same reason...the dreaded scale...UGH!

Anonymous said...

Good for us that the illness hasn't affected your sense of humor.

Hope you feel better soon!

Anonymous said...

I was reading a book called The Secret Life of Bees. Fantastic book, you should read it if you haven’t already! In it, one of the main characters began to build a wailing wall, a place in which she would leave all of her pain. I immediately felt a connection with this idea and I haven’t been able to let go of it. I feel this need to make one… and a need to build it for all mothers who have lost a child, regardless of how or how old they were.

I am an artist and mother of two. I have not lost a child, but it is my biggest fear, one that is always there in the back of my mind, and continuously shows up in my work. I could never have imagined that I would feel this kind of need to create such as open, community work based on that fear. Yet, I feel the need to create a place for mothers to go and leave their prayers, pain and fears … and all others who share that pain with them.

I am appealing to mothers who have lost a child of any age. If you or someone you know would be interested in having a space on this wall, please contact me. I will need to have contact information from you, the child’s first name and dates of life. The wall is to be constructed of molded rocks from Lake Michigan, found on the shores of Milwaukee. Each rock will be reconstructed out of clay with the name and dates of each child. Every rock fits in the palm of your hand. I hope to be able to hang the wall at the Cardinal Stritch Art Gallery in May (Cardinal Stritch University). As to what will be done with the wall after the gallery event, I am not sure. I would love to donate the wall to a public space we can all visit … and add more to the wall. Any suggestions are welcomed! Otherwise I would like to return each individual rock from the wall to the mothers that participate.

I can be contaced through email at: If you would like to participate, please contact me there first. Then if you would like to have a written prayer or letter to the child included in the wall, you can send that to: Wailing Wall, c/o Teri Wagner - Art Department, 6801 N. Yates Rd., Milwaukee, WI 53217.

I need to have many mothers respond to make this wall possible. Please tell everyone you know about the wall and how to become a part of it. Responses will be accepted through February 29, 2008.

Thank you,

Julie P., Milwaukee Artist

Anonymous said...

Put the oldest one in charge, take some nyquil and instruct them not to disturb you unless there is blood flowing.

Oh wait- that isn't good parenting is it?? Nevermind- hope you feel better soon!

Anonymous said...

When you know why it's so hard for us moms to take care of ourselves let me know b/c I have no clue. P/S: Please get a physical. Even if it means getting squished boobies:) My mom is now in her 7th year of being Breast Cancer free thanks to her boobies being squished.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Dawn, I'm so sorry you are sick. Sometimes in the days I was chasing after six kiddoes, I often felt like my body knew that the only way it would get rest was by getting so sick I couldn't drag myself out of bed. Then I would sleep and sleep. I was in a constant state of sleep deprivation.

I want you to know that there will come a day when you can take care of yourself. Go back to WW. It is so important to take care of yourself before "stuff" happens. It is so much easier to prevent than overcome health problems.

You have my prayers for a speedy recovery. I hated having laryngitis.


Darla said...

So I'm not the only one not to schedule my 6 week check after my 6th baby! I feel a bit relieved! I usually am very vigilant about my postpartum appt, not so much for my health but for an outing! This time, however, I just haven't been up to it. I too have been battling some exhaustion bug, been burning my candle at both ends, and fortunately don't lose my voice as a result. That was my first thought too, "THAT I can't handle, no voice. HOW do you yell at the kids?" So I had to chuckle when I read the same thought process that you had. Good luck! May you get a sick day inserted in there somewhere!!!

Tess said...

just a sec while i wipe the coffee off my monitor after reading that ever so true rendition of that 'examination' ROFLMAO..oh Dawn, i'm never going to be able look at my doctor again after reading this!!!!! perhaps, when next his arm is missing, we should yell out...BEEP BEEP...sorry couldn't help myself LOL

Me, Myself and I said...

Ya know I have had a mammogram (last year was my first...ok it's almost 2 yrs)and honestly I would rather have one of those every month than to do the Ob/Gyn exam!! It really isn't as bad as you've heard. They have a new digital mammogram that is better than the old ones and it's really NOT very painful at all. And the best part is that it could save your life and save you from sooo much pain and misery.

Actually my worst fear is the eye exam LOL. I am willing to go to the dentist and the Ob/Gyn before I get my eyes checked!! Any advise on getting over THAT fear????

Hope you feel better before the kids destroy everything!


Hen Jen said...

Dawn, I'm right there with you!...but I really urge you to go in for a physical at least. I finally did, I never go to the Dr. except when pregnant, had never met my last Dr.! We changed insurance so I decided I should meet my new Dr. and I am so glad I went, I was severely anemic. Kind of explained why I was so tired I was dizzy and why I thought I might have, no, I wasn't slowly losing my mind...

I already feel better, go on in!!
I feel bad that I haven't been myself at least this last year and my family was missing out on a healthy, happy mom.

Anonymous said...

Get well soon :)

Anonymous said...

I hope you feel better soon.

Kim said...

I feel for you...I have bronchitis now and my voice comes and goes. I have 8yr old ID twin boys who think it's funny...Hey look what we can do and mom can't yell. Or let's try to make her yell cause look at her face when she strains to get a sound out. Gotta love em. And, yes I have a Rx for a mammogram from last year still sitting on my desk. Cancer runs in my family. you'd think that would be incentive to go. Um no. I also hate the obgyn even though I had a horrible pregnancy and everyone in the state of Va has poked and proded me at some point in my pregnancy. No modestly left for me at all. Anyway, I hope you feel better soon. Oh, did I mention my dear husband left to go hunting for the weekend and left me home with me sick and 3 sick kids. Ugh.

Sila Lumenn said...

Take care of yourself and get well soon!

Anonymous said...

Dawn don't you know as moms we have to suck it up when we're ill! I don't use the word "sick" anymore since my lovely husband informed me that I was sick everyday. Sick of laundry, sick of stepping on Legos, sick of repeating myself a million times just to get the trash taken out....then it occurred to me he really can hear! And if your family approves an ill day, you will undoubtably regret it the following day. The next day, even if you're still ill, you will be expected to show up to work and perform every duty as if you were never ill to begin with times two! And my personal fav, children coming down from the day before. See they are left to fend for themselves and everyone
knows candy, cookies, and soda is a well balanced diet.

Anonymous said...

I hope you get a chance to rest this weekend. Maybe between the hours of 3:01 and 3:02 a.m.

I know exactly what you mean. If someone else gets sick in the house, the whole world stops for them. When we get sick, the world keeps going, not noticing that we have lost our voice, coughing up a lung and running a fever of "212" degrees.

In you next contract negotiation for mom of the year, maybe you can get some sick days, vacation days and mental health days. Also a pay raise, better working conditions, and less working hours. Good luck!!! If you get these, start a mothers' union!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Dawn!
I sooo here you. I have not been back to my OB/Gyn. Since my 4th child was born. (she is 19months). It is just no fun if you are not going to get a baby out of the deal.

Oblivious suburbanite

Hoffman Family said...

Your right Dawn, Moms don't get 'sick' days. Hope you feel better soon. I don't look forward to going to the doctor either, but I look at it as 'time away from the kids'.

Mommy Confidential said...

This is me all over, not only am I about 17 months overdue for my six month postpartum, I haven't stepped foot in a general practioners office in oh well, I know I had a physicial in high school. Why do we do this???
Good luck with the book! Can't wait to read it...R

Elizabeth said...

Hi Dawn, I hope you are better soon...I lost my voice for the first time in years back in the Fall...not so bad except that we homeschool! Try teaching third grade math or first grade phonics without a voice!
Oh, and my "baby" will be three in two weeks....think I've used that mamogram referral yet? Hey you can't do the "squish" when you are still nursing....not that he is nursing anymore......
Thanks for making me laugh.
Be well and God Bless, Elizabeth

MomOfDudes said...

Hope you feel better soon, Hope you can have some tea and lounge in your comfy slippers and robe. But that might be a fantasy land wish.


Unknown said...

Poor Dawn. I hope you get some time to just sleep and get better.

A Moment in the Life of a Mother said...

Sorry you don't feel so well Dawn. Get better soon.

Anonymous said...

If my plate were as full as yours I think I would spend everyday in bed just wishing it away! Hmmmmm sick, let's see why. Burning the candle at both ends would surely do it I think, and those snotty noses, oh yeah! My grandkids just love to "share" their illnesses with me. You can bet if they get sick Nana is going to get it too! But I fooled them, the little monsters, Nana got her flu shot! So just let the flu try to get me, if it does it should be a lighter strain hopefully! Hope you're feeling better soon, and relax today, after all isn't Joe home to take care of the kids? Oh yeah, that in itself probably just made you puke! Sorry, what was I thinking? Get some much needed rest and worry about things later when you can cope with them.


Anonymous said...

Just de-lurking to say "hi" and I really enjoy reading your blog. Also wanted to add that I know what you mean about getting sick and how hard it is to take care of ourselves, especially when we have the kids to take care of first. And I thought I was the only one to get laryngitis along with a cold. Sure does make it hard to yell at the kids (I have 2 boys) when you have no voice; very frustrating. But I like the idea of a stop sign. I may have to get me one for next time.

ashley nicole said...

feel better soon!!

Anonymous said...

You do know moms are not allowed to be sick, right? I mean you can be sick, but you still have to do everything you usually do. When dad is sick, he has to sit or lie around whining about how sick he is, but mom is indestructible.

MaBunny said...

Im' sorry you feel bad Dawn, I've got the creeping crud too, and now my hubby woke up with it this morning. Thankfully we got to sleep in though since the kiddo stayed with a friend last night. I'm with you all the way on hating the jack hammer thing , and boob squishing machine. NOT FUN!!
Heres to orange juice and antibiotics!
Hope you feel better soon

HerstoryGirl said...

You're amazing, Dawn! You are hilarious even when you feel awful.
I completely hear ya on the "moms not taking care of themselves" thing.
I'm forever guilty of that.
I hope you feel better soon; we need you to keep the rest of us sane!

Kristy said...

aww i hope you feel better soon. (((HUGS)))

Anonymous said...

I think you should make a mask of your face with a firm "Don't you dare" look on it. Record your voice saying, "Clean your room ... Stop that ... Leave your sister alone ..." Then put your mask on & turn on the recorder. Lay down on the couch for a nap and see if the kids buy it???? Maybe dad will help so you can rest today. Hope you're feeling better soon.

By the way, thanks for mentioning the Beth&Angels auction on eBay. And a big thanks to all your readers who bid. The auction raised over $5,000 for Bethany's family.

Brandi said...

I'll be praying that you get better quickly. It's at times like these that I consume a lot of vitamin C and hot tea with lemon.

Anonymous said...

Dawn, I hope you feel better soon. I also have a question - I can't use my Google reader to follow your blog. Do you know why that is or am I the only one?

Irene said...

I try to do the yearly OB/Gyn, but have yet to schedule the dreaded mammogram. I is way past due.

Anyway, I know some people may think I am nuts, but I do not even have a general doctor. Yes, I have one picked out for my insurance, but I have never ever had an appt. And I don't believe in yearly physicals. In fact, there was a recent article stating that yearly physicals are completely unneeded.

Anonymous said...

Please go get a check up... I know they aren't fun but they can SAVE YOUR LIFE!!! Speaking from experience- you hope nothing is ever wrong, but if it is there is so much that can be done if you catch things early.
You, or someone reading your blog needs to hear this RIGHT NOW- make your appointments!!! Had my mother put hers off another month she wouldn't have survived- but they caught the cancer and she lived another 12 years.

As Cape Cod Turns said...

Hey Dawn, Sorry you are under the weather. My daughter is too, which means I am sucking back Vitamin C and trying not to add too much vodka. :) Other than all the health reasons you should go get a physical and a squeeze....think of all the stuff you will have to blog about! If anyone can turn a mamo into a comedy show, it would be you. TRY to get some rest!

Anonymous said...

The mammogram really isn't that bad. Especially if you've been nursing for 1/2 of the last 13 years. Do this test...take off your shirt and bra, pick your boob up and place it on a flat surface (book, table, etc.). Is it round or flat??? Flat boobs don't hurt, it's actually less annoying than the OB.

Anonymous said...

So sorry you're sick! I hope you feel better soon.

Anonymous said...

Feel better Dawn. Have some chicken soup and pop a couple Vit C's.

LOVE the DUnkin' Donuts Diet. The killer 3 D's!

Kate said...

Didn't read all the comments so sorry if I duplicate....

1) oil of oregano is like a natural antibiotic. I take 5 drops twice a day when I'm sick. It helps immensely. I like the No. American Spice Co. one from the health food store.

2) Emergen-C Wal-Mart and drug store usually sells it. As does Trader Joe's. Or, you can take 1000mg of vit c an hour for a couple days.

3) infrared saunas - I had a nasty virus/cold in December. After the 4th saunas the congestion was gone. I did this when it was hanging on after 10 days.

and yes, please get your "glitter" appointment done. here's that funny story....

Unknown said...

Dawn, you are such a lifesaver for me at times. I will be leaving work soon and I thought I would read your blog in attempt to get a laugh to make me feel better - it worked! I have been dealing with this awful cold, cough, congestion - whatever it is since Tuesday night. I sound so funny that when I'm at work and my kids call - they ask, "Mommy? Is that you?" I was coughing so much yesterday that my lunch came back up - what a waste of $4.00! Since I am pregnant (again - ugh), my midwife suggested that I take honey and lemon, Vitamin C, and something else I forget. I really want to run to the doctor and chug down a WHOLE bottle of Nyquil!! I know better that that so I resort to drinking lemon and honey and gargling with salt water - YUM! I did have a wonderful person just call me and offer to take my 7 month old off my hands for the night. I wish I could take her up on it but I think I would miss him too badly. So...I am there with you. I am going to go home and rest on the couch until my son falls asleep - then I will join him :-) Even though you are sick, you still have the ability to reach out and touch people that read your daily life stories. Thanks as always!

Anonymous said...


Get your physical. Get your mammogram. Please. I speak from experience. Also, do your breast self-exams.

I wish I had.


Anonymous said...

Okay, so everyone is right on about getting your mammo, physical and whatever... so I'm not jumping on that bandwagon.

But DAMN! ... I did pee on myself when I read your detailed description of a GYN exam.

I remember once asking my doctor if he lost something. HE asked me why I would say that.
I told replied, "well, I can feel you scratching around my tonsils so I was wondering if you lost your ring or something else of value."

I not even going to begin to tell you want came out of that man's mouth.
Even my 20 year old ears were in shock.

Needless to say, I now have a female doctor for all parts of my body that are different than a male's.

Alright ... I'm joining the choir. Have a couple margaritas and go get things checked out .... no, I mean really!!

You need some down time lady.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Wow, is all I can say. You have just described the "visit" to a perfect T. I have not been to a doctor for almost 7 years. We moved to not only a different city, but a different state and I have yet to even look for a doctor. I loved my OBGYN that delivered all three of my girls. My husband harps at me to go to his doctor, but he just doesn't get the difficulties in exposing yourself the way us women are exposed! I understand the "Mommy CAN'T be sick thing too. My husband gets sick and he comes home and goes to bed. I, on the other hand, cannot imagine crawling into bed and staying there. Take care and get some bedrest! Steph

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear you're sick...hope you feel better soon.

On the doctor side of things - I completely identify with everything you've said. I keep telling myself I will go as soon as I loose weight and since that never know the rest.

Anonymous said...

I had a digital mammogram last summer, and while I can't compare it to the traditional "vice-like" version, I didn't think it was bad at all. The tech showed me the images on the computer immediately and she said they're able to detect spots as small as a grain of salt! As for the ob-gyn, go get a Brazilian bikini wax - then the "jack" won't seem so bad anymore. It's all about perspective...:)

Anonymous said...

From one sick mom to another, I applaud you. You. are. so. right.

Anonymous said...

It must be going around, because I've been sick this week, and lost my voice...but I HAD to go to work because absolutely no one at work knows how to do this computer-related stuff that I can, and it was imperative that I do everything Wednesday and Thursday (even staying and working 12 hours on Wednesday...just to make this project happen). And I still had to go grocery shopping on Tuesday after work, even though I could barely stand. My hubby just doesn't get it. (Although I did call in sick on Friday, and I pretended not to hear the kids wake up this morning so I could sleep in).

I was thinking, while reading the blog and comments...'why do I go to the GYN anyway? I hardly ever go to the doctor!' Then, I birth control prescription unless you go every year! No more kids in this house!

Anonymous said...

Dawn, When my kids were little and I had laryngitis, I would write them notes and they would know I was yelling when the lead in the pencil would break halfway through the note! *Mom must be mad...the lead broke* xoxox Kathy

Anonymous said...

hee hee hee!

I just went to my OB/GYN 2 days ago for my post-partum check up and my youngest is 2! And last month, I finally made an appointment to have that physical my parents have been nagging me to have. The only reason I've been putting off that first mammo is I'm afraid the implants will pop!! Get to feeling better soon.

CohoesMom5 said...

I hope you are feeling better. I just have to tell you that some SAHMs get sick time. I remember one of the men I worked with called in sick a couple of times because his wife (a SAHM) was sick and he needed to take care of their three boys. You'll have to keep that in mind when you renegotiate your contract.

You're blog is SO easy to relate to and I am so glad that I am not the only one who thinks of that thing as a "jack". I am always scared after my annual physical because 2 years in a row, I ended up pregnant within a month after the exam.

Anonymous said...

Ewwww. Dawn, Please!!!

Don't forget you have men reading your blog too. Had I known what was in the whole second paragraph I would have quit before I started! But of course, once I was 'in' I guess it was sort of the train wreck syndrome, where you just can't look away, no matter how horrified you are.

So, In the future, would you put up some sort of disclaimer/warning before leading me/us into the TMI ZONE? Please? Some fair warning? Have a heart.

Still with you though,

Kitti said...

Hope you feel better soon Dawn!

Anonymous said...

Dear Dawn,
I am sorry you are sick!
I'm praying for you!
God bless,

Amanda said...

Found a quote you might like when I was searching for something else for a scrapbook page I am working on. Here it is... "Before I got married I used to have 6 theories about bringing up children; now I have 6 children and no theories" - John Wilmot. Have no idea who John Wilmot is but I thought it was funny.

AlaneM said...

OMG I'm sick too - ughhhhhh!! Dont'cha love how much the DH whines when he has a sick day? Sick day meaning a DAY OFF WORK!!! Yeah, love to have one of those HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

My MIL sent me a Family Circus cartoon of the mom at a Dr visit looking sick (with all the kids in tow). The Dr tells her "and stay in bed for a few days." She has a thought bubble with a picture of her in bed with the kids jumping all around, cooking breakfast in a hot plate on one side, doing dishes in a dishpan on the other, ironing board set up across the foot of the bed, washing machine off to one side & sewing machine on the other.
I usually don't keep the clippings my MIL sends me (my house would be a firehazzard LOL) but this one holds a special place on my fridge.

Feel better soon Dawn!!

JCK said...

Some of us are convinced this sickness is being passed around via computer on the blogosphere express. Apparently it is everywhere. Hope you feel better soon. And yes, the reminder to take care of ourselves. A good one.

River said...

Please don't put off your essential examinations. after my last baby, I put off having a pap smear test for 9 years. Not consciously avoiding it, just didn't cross my mind. Then one day out of the blue I made an appointment and had the test. It came back positive! Long story short, biopsy and hysterectomy, due to extensive pre-cancerous lesions. My surgeon said the only clean organs were my ovaries and appendix. My regular doctor said if I'd waited even ONE more year before the smear test I wouldn't have been able to be operated on, it was THAT close. All this was 18 years ago and I'm just fine and dandy now. So please make that appointment.

Robin said...

Sorry you're sick. I almost didn't want to comment...thus giving you less to do and more time to rest but I wanted to say I hope you're feeling better soon. And I too hate going to THAT doctor. Though he's very nice it's just soooooo personal. I almost think that going to the dermatologist for a skin check might be a little worse only because you are completely naked except underwear and they are closely inspecting every mole, hair, cellulite bump, sag, wrinkle, stretch get the idea! YIKES!
Anyway, I hope you get your voice back soon. That happens to me sometimes when I get sick - my kids LOVE it!

Rick said...

I too am very sorry that you're sick. But I think it's the product of a guilty conscience from stealing that pepper grinder. Take it back and all will be well.

P.S. Has Manic been feeling a little under the weather as well?

Anonymous said...

Rofl @ the examination description... it's just too acurate! Lololololol!!

I hope you feel better soon (((hugs)))

nutralady2001 said...

Am so glad I didn't have a mouth full of coffee when I read your pap smear description. A friend of mine made a comment last time she had one that had the doctor so hysterical he dropped the "cold metal jack" on the floor and he had to get another one. No I can't repeat it here children might be reading :)Anyway makes me glad that my next one is 18 months off , but it gives me a gentle nudge that I am overdue for my mammogram

Anyway after all that please take care of yourself both now and also with your checkups .Hope you feel better SOON xx

chris said...

I hope you get better soon. I know it's hard on you super moms because us dads don't let you get enough rest. I did take the day off when my wife had the stomach stuff and took the kids to town so she could rest. But it is true when us men get sick we are the biggest babies.

Anonymous said...

You made yourself sick staying up until 3:00 AM reading hundreds of emails...and we send you hundreds of emails about it. What's wrong with us?
Maybe moms can't take a sick day, but bloggers can request a "no comments" day, can't they?
You don't need to yell at your kids. Just thwap 'em with your copy or ScreamFree Parenting.

§wanny said...

I have 3 sick children and 1 sick husband. I am the only one not sick. I am not sure which is worse, me being sick or dealing with a sick husband. The whining, the moaning, you believe that he had the nerve to tell me that when he gets sick, he gets it worse than anyone else....(HUGE eyeroll)

feel better soon!!

Dorothy said...

You were my first blog to read since my surgery January 18..for ovarian cancer and gallbladder removal..
Please go to your doctor for a complete physical immediately.. If I hadn't been an ass and waited two years for an exam..maybe my cancer wouldn't have spread to my bowel and maybe my chances would be more that 60 0r I making sense here? I thought I was too busy as well. Please...Please take this as God given....

My best, Dorothy from grammology
remember to call your gram

Crystal S. said...

Sorry you're sick! I can definitely relate. I had mastitis two times during the first few months of my daughter's life. I felt like I had the flu! My husband wasn't able to stay home, so I had to take care of the baby and do my best to take care of myself.

And as for the OB/GYN appointment, you crack me up! I was just thinking the same thing as I cancelled the appointment I'd already made. I can't say that I didn't breathe a sigh of relief as I said, "I have new insurance so I have to get a referral from a primary care doctor before I can come back." A-HA! Another obstacle to overcome before I can go have that jack put where no jack should ever be. I just love excuses.

Anonymous said...

Dawn, I have been reading your blog for quite sometime and credit your success for inspiring me to start a blog of my own. It was the book deal that really did it for me, congrats, I dream of publishing. Check out my newly established blog at .

Anonymous said...

Dawn - you are such a treasure to us Moms out here. PLEASE don't put off seeing your doctors! (I know, I'm nagging!) I know you wouldn't delay making appointments for your kids, so make an appointment for yourself. It is too easy for us Moms to put ourselves on the back burners. Heck, sounds like you aren't even near the stovetop! Take care of yourself - your kids only have one precious Mom and they need her to be healthy.

Anonymous said...

First of all, I'm sorry you are sick. It's hard being a mom and having to suffer through human illnesses. LOL...We don't have a replacement to step in and get things done. I do hope you feel better soon.

The gyno. It's a four-letter word. It's so embarrassing. Especially because my gyno is a tall, leggy, beautiful blonde who looks more like a Cover Girl. She's had two children and has flat abs. If she wasn't such a sweetheart, I'd hate her for sure. Thanks for the reminder...I'm due in for an exam. (Insert curse words here). Why don't they have warmers for those 'jacks'? They can't give it a blast with a hair dryer first? I do that with my lash curler so it isn't cold when it touches my face. Yeah, I'm a wuss. I admit it.

Anonymous said...

Apologising in advance for gi ving you yet MORE to read when you get well and return. Hoping that is soon, love and hugs, will we be getting a weekday soundoff instead lol? Not that it matters, hope you and everyone else is back to perfect health soon :)

Workin Mom of Four said...

I must be one of the lucky ones - my OB/GYN does have a warmer for the jack! He even touches it on the back of my thigh and asks is the temperature is OK first!

Kathy said...

I'm sorry to hear you're sick, I can't believe you aren't sick more often actually. I seem to be sick quite a bit with two kids passing germs around, I can only imagine your house! I keep putting off OB/GYN appointments too!

Anonymous said...

Happy to see you didn't lose your sense of humor! Sure hope you're feeling better! Hugs!

lawnajo said...

Thanks so much for this post. I'm 26 (too young for this) and I had my thyroid removed a year ago because of cancer. I had an appointment with a new doctor this week and he said that there's a possibility that it could spread to my breasts so I have to start getting "regular mammograms". I've never had one and I'm nervous, but you made me laugh about it. Thanks.

HeyItsBeej said...

"How am I supposed to yell at the kids now?"

1) Learn sign language. The "I'm gonna put my foot up yer hiney!" signs.

2) Get an airhorn.

3) Use airhorn, follow with menacing signs.

4) As an added measure, get industrial sized roll of duct tape and wave it menacingly in front of the wee ones. Be sure to have a crazed, near-the-edge expression on your face.


Anonymous said...

Hate to preach, but you gotta go to your OB/GYN soon. I understand how humiliating it is, especially when you are on the DD diet.
I am 34 years old and a 3.5 year breast cancer survivor. Please go to your OB/GYN and have a mammogram.
BTW, thanks for your wit, humor, and levity. Dearly appreciate it!

jessicayount said...

you know i can relate to this so...much.I just had my son july 8th 2008 he was my fourth and hopefully my last.Men are messed up.I was 8 months in june,the weather was 95 and i was hot ,fat miserable taking care of the other 3 while he was at work,from 3:00 p.m to 12:00a.m. when he would come home he would head straight to the xbox or to bed..he would get to sleep in the mornings while i got up cleaned,made breakfast..all the shit us mothers force ourselves to do because thats the only way it gets done..well i flippd i went off i felt like i was a slave and not apprishiated, so he did what normal men do..he walked out and said he dident have to take this bullshit. but yet a mother goes through a full-day of bullshit everyday..i walked 2 miles to find him and when i did hott and pregnet ,he turned me down saying he wasent coming home because i always said he was worthless,and that i just dont see what he does,well needless to say the sun got to hott and he came home..but my son is now 2 months and i havent slept in my bed scense i came home because my other 2 children sleep in my room and i dident want to have the baby in there waking them up every 3 hrs for his feeding,my son is a runner so he has to be in our room and my other is a toddler she is just scared..i had asked my feonzia to just make sure he gets up with them when they wake up..instead i wake up at 6 am and here my youngest screaming because the older one is fighting with her and dumbing his sippycub of juice over her head and she needs a diaper change.he is mad because his dad wont wake up and open the door so he can go use the bathroom here i am only had not even 5 hrs of sleep i get the kids after the baby's last feeding because he dont wake up until almost 9:00 sometimes 11:00 because he clames he works so..hard. I missed my 6 week checkup because he had to work that day and the kids had appointments ..but he cant handle all four kids..I told him he could not ever do my job,4 kids a 6,4,1,and 2 month old. 2 in school and 2 at home one goes a half a day and one goes a whole day..they both get home after he leaves so im the one who has to get them and walk with the 2 baby's to the busstop rain slete or get the two oldest..then come home clean ,cook,laundry,baths,feedings,homework,one on one time,getting them to bed is a trip.then by time i get them to bed the biggest baby comes home from work and wines about how shity his day got it made..they are the biggest kids of all.they trash we clean,when they are sick they lay around,while when we are sick we grab a diaper wipe blow our nose and continue our day or we pile the kids in the bathroom just to know they are not into anything when we gotta go..we clean the kitchen, they turn around and trash it..and why do men always come up and ask hunny is there anything that needs done? They say they hate when we bitch ..why do they ask that question..?when will we ever be able to just rest? a man can come straight from the bed grab a towel and go get a shower..whats with that? but gotta wait until they are awake enough..yea they even get to wake up some ..while we jump to our feet and we get right on it reguardless.the biggest flaw is,...i have HPV which is a certain form of cancer,i needed my appointment..but im not sure he really cares but you let him get sick and it's like the end of the world..

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