Wednesday, October 3, 2007

No News is Good News?

Well, I'm in the line-up for ABC's World News again tonight, unless Britney gets a tattoo or something major like that happens, so take it with a grain of salt (shot of tequila and lime are optional.)


Anonymous said...

Very cool. I hope you don't get bumped again!

AutoSysGene said...

Yum, margaritas. I'll be glued to the tv to see what you have to say. Congrats!!

Anonymous said...

Woot! I'm the first comment of the day!

Any idea when ABC World News airs in Vancouver, B.C., Canada??? ;)

Or do you think it'll be available online?

Anonymous said...

best wishes! Maybe I'll remember to tape it tonight lol. I reminded others than forgot myself.

Anonymous said...

finally I'm first,congrats on being on NATIONAL T.V.

bigwhitehat said...

Very punny.

Anonymous said...

hurrah! Millions will be watching!!

Amber said...

Am I first? Will I be first??!!

Amber said...

Probably not, but a girl can hope right?? ;) I'll try to catch you tonight on ABC!

Jolanthe said...

Yeah - hopefully I'll remember tonight (and not forget like last night...) - but at least I didn't miss it. :) Can't wait to see you vacuuming...and sweeping...:)

Have a great day, Dawn!


Anonymous said...

I'll watch the news again, just for you.

I'm so excited for you.

Anonymous said...

Haha! Crossing my fingers!

Anonymous said...

I'll be watching!
And about those earrings...I was serious! So let me know!
Ashley Menza

Karen said...

I missed last night, and apparently didn't miss much. But I won't even be home tonight and am technically challenged so I won't be taping anything. Maybe you could post a clip to it on the web for those of us who are too stupid to catch it for ourselves.

Anonymous said...

I was just at Trish Berg's Blog and saw where she announced that you were both again in the line up for tonight. My goodness I sure hope noone boots you again. I am so ready to see the 2 of you on tv. I have been follow both your blogs. You are great I have you in my favs, and you have inspired me to start my own blog. It is truly addictive! Good luck and all though I will not be home tonight (at Church) I hope to see it on the internet or get my SIL to DVR it.

Valerie said...

That makes me so happy! I'm going to rush home after work to try and catch it! Hooray!

Anonymous said...

Hey there, if for some reason you yet again don't make it to National TV, watch this...
It is soooo funny, just like you, and some for ALL the other moms who unit through your BLOG!
Take care.. Hope you make it to Oprah soon because we do get HER in the Netherlands!

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't you know it! I'll be at church during the broadcast. Taping it is out too. I tried to tape the Bengals game for my husband and couldn't get our set-up to work.

Angie said...

I just spit out my Root Beer all over my keyboard, I hope you know. This one caught me off guard. Funny, funny!

Anonymous said...

I will be watching.

Anonymous said...

We're in - we'll watch. Come on ABC show us what you got!!!

Anonymous said...

uhoh...Brit got her Driver License.

Anonymous said...

This morning Matt Lauer interviewed some guy who had a vasectomy at age 28 because he decided he didn't want a lifestyle that included kids. Ever. Whatever! I sat there thinking... this guy is so boring. Who cares?! I'd much rather see an interview with a mother of six kids who keeps us all in stitches with her hilarious blog! I'll be watching for you on ABC tonight or whenever they decide to run your story. You go girl!

Anonymous said...

Britney who? And we should care about what she does because why?

Seriously, though, I can't wait to see your segment! I would have missed it last night, so thanks for the notice about tonight.

I'm sure you'll be wonderful. And a welcome break from all the bad news in the world.

Lindsay said...


Ashley said...

Well I've hit record on the DVR. Here's hoping we get to see you!

Anonymous said...

Wasn't Britney supposed to hadn over her kids today? I'll watch just in case though!

Donna. W said...

Oh good, I thought I'd missed it. What's with all these people saying, "Oh good, I'm first", when they're not?

Anonymous said...

What is the deal with wanting to be first to comment?

I've got the news on right now. Hopefully I didn't miss the segment while my son was screaming at me because he's in pain... um, yeah.

Anonymous said...

Woe is me, looks like it's bumped again.... gotta go take a couple of Damitols and lay down!

hpalleiko said...

Fingers crossed! Can't wait to watch.

Anonymous said...

Aww, I didn't see it!! I will keep watching and hope to see you soon!!


Rachel Marie said...

I am so bummed- I read your last post at 5:54 so I missed you on the news!! Not that I could hear it if I had turned it on in time due to the noise level of my 4 children under the age of 6. Okay-twice while I have been typing I have heard heart stopping, unidentified sounds coming from various places in the house- you know the kind- you're afraid to even take a breath until you either 1. hear no crying or yelling and figure everything is okay or 2. hear some horrible shrieking and wonder which of the kids is bleeding to death so you take off running. Well, no crying, but I better check it out!

Anonymous said...

Okay either I am the biggest idiot or I can't find the time for ABC World News to make sure that I set the timer.


Anonymous said...

well...i you. must be that danged president and his veto...I think I'd rather have seen a story about Brit's tattoo....keep us updated. Just for YOU I'll sit through the news...and let me tell ya that's special :)

Cami said...

I guess you got bumped again? :( I watched and didn't see it. Probably bumped for Bush's veto?? I hope it gets in soon!

Anonymous said...

Woohoo!! I WAS the first comment today! I have to post as anonymous because for some dumb reason it thinks I don't know my OWN password!

Angela S said...

Ok so I'm looking on the world news website and nothing is up yet and its 530 mst.

Anonymous said...

What I want to know is how you'll cope with the influx of thousands of comments to this blog once it finally airs. You didn't plan on still having a life after this, did you?

Can't wait to see it!

Anonymous said...

Again, I missed it.

My fault ..... I should go on-line to check your blog then wait for it to get to me via email.

Hey ..... maybe someone can figure out how to 'YOUTUBE' it.
.......hint .... hint ....hint.


Anonymous said...

ok i watch i think and ther was nothing .... very upsetting ... i have lookded online as well i still cant find anything someone help me !!!

Shandra said...

I can't believe you weren't on AGAIN! I think ABC is trying to get their ratings up so they are making us watch it waiting to see if you'll be on. ho-hum

Colleen @AMadisonMom said...

Maybe Britney stayed home today? There will be no news of her? Maybe? We can dream.

Erika said...

oh man- i didn't see it tonight. hopefully tomorrow night. thankfully my (dorky, but awesome) hubby tivo's the news nightly :)

Anonymous said...

Did I miss something, I watched the News tonight and the only thing they had was someone living, IN THE WILD book and movie... oh well maybe another time.

Kimberly said...

Yeah I watched it to and nothing ..I guess the guy traveling through alaska or where ever that was needed to be aired first? Argggggggggggg..
I give up ..Tape it and make a video for all of us to see.

Matchbox Mom said...

I missed it!!! That's what I get for being sick on the couch without my internet open...



Unknown said...

Dawn: While I've subscribed to your blog for some time now (and loved every juicy sentence of it), I just found out today that YOUR literary agent is MY literary agent! Welcome aboard, "Fellow Bookie!"
Ronna Snyder
Hot Flashes from Heaven
Harvest House Publishers
February 2008

Sharlene Washington said...

Hope someone posts it to YOUTUBE! If it was on tonight I missed it.

maggiebsmocks said...

In light of the nonstop ~news~ of BAD parenting, I think they should air YOU on Friday night's PERSON OF THE WEEK segment. You are a shining example to motherhood.

I have poem on my blog that I cross-stitched about mothering. It is on a sewing hussif I made from ufos. Yes, even cross-stitching in mothering days went unfinished.
Anyway, I'd rather be a mother.
Love your show, Dawn!


divanicki75 said...

oooh, wouldn't it be cool to have Dawn as the Person of the Week?! I just posted on the ABC News/ World News Tonight website. Maybe if enough of us post our dissappointment, they'll air the segment... Happy posting!
a mom in SC


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