Sunday, August 26, 2007

Setting the Record Straight

I've received a couple emails from folks who accused my friend (who won the Pokemon card auction) of falsely bidding the item up high. Well, this doesn't make any sense. She placed her bid in the last few minutes of the auction and won them. How could you possibly say that she raised the price for someone else?

Secondly, a seller pays Ebay a fee for listing their item. Then Ebay charges another fee which is a percentage of the final sale price of said item. Ebay takes their cut. The end. That's how it works which is fine. I didn't withhold payment to Ebay. It isn't even possible to do so.

A seller can accept payments in whatever form they wish. I can accept Paypal if I so choose. I'm equally entitled to accept checks from buyers which is what I did in this case.

Lastly, my friend, who sympathized with me (and perhaps thought she was making an investment as she believes I'll be a published author) won these cards and did, in fact, pay for them. I, however, did not (nor do I intend to) cash her check. C'mon, she's my friend!

So, in fact, I'm out a total of $5.83 from the Pokemon card auction. No spa trips for me on this one. And you know what? I'm 500% fine with this because I got something so much more out of the auction. I feel I have a direction in my life right now. I know what I want to do when I grow up and I fully intend to follow through on it. Life is good!

Now the pattern I have up for sale right now.... well, I'm looking forward to paying a couple bills with that one! :)


Acacia said...

Fantastic! You are so right about will be receiving SO MUCH MORE from this experience than $100+. Not only financial gain, but increased Human Life Value. You brought value in the form of laughter, understanding, awareness, and ties to friendship to countless others in the world, and will be rewarded for that. Good for you for standing up for yourself. Doesn't it feel good to finally realize your direction in life?!

As for the pattern, I need a new bag...look for my bid soon!

Anonymous said...

it is no ones business but yours, how you choose to handle your eBay account!
SAHM - Colorado

MandyNolen said...

Why does there always have to be negative people? Good for you and your auctions. It really goes to show that creativity can sell absolutly anything! I think you got a good thing going, and it works for you.....I would also say it works for me too, cause I get a few laughs out of it too. So disreguard any negativety, they are just jealous they didn't come up with it first! Love the blog!

Anonymous said...

Dear Dawn,
I can not believe anyone would question the outcome of the auction! The joy it brought people alone should quiet the masses. You have touched the world in a way few of us have the opportunity. Generations have come together to laugh and either wait expectantly to be a parent, or reminisce of times gone by. As a grandmother, I have had the opportunity to share stories with my granchildren what special people their parents were...:) Thank you, and ignore the naysayers! And yes, my children are still talking to me!

Anonymous said...

Hi--Ok I saw you ebay post and I was rolling on the floor so I decided to check out your blog. I was just wondering if you got all of your hits after you posted on ebay? Just wondering but I will be stopping by more ofter you are funny....I can not totally relate because I only have 2 kids and one on the way but I try....

Anonymous said...

LOL! Some people are negative, bitter trolls who get mad when people stomp across their bridge!

What I want to know is, how the heck did you get someone to pay $1185.00 for a baseball that your kids broke stuff with??? If there's a market for that, I have a few soccer balls that are worth MILLIONS!!!!

keep it up!

FroneAmy said...

I also can't believe people would get poo-poo on this auction. There's always a few nuts out there...Anyway, this is just another thank you from a bunch of moms whose babies were all born in May of this year. We're all at that stage where hormones are still nutty and we're all ranting and raving, feeling blue. Your auction and blog made the day for a bunch of us!

Thanks again!

Tammy said...

Oh for pity's sake. First you have to listen to your 6 kids at home telling you how "Unfair" it all is, then you have to hear it from your readers too! much for telling the truth!
You go on with what you are doing. I think you handled it just fine. And just who thinks it's okay to collect over $100 for some stupid Pokemon cards?? If you did take the money, some one else would be howling that you cheated the buyer. You just can't win.
I'm on your side with this. you will gain far more than the money for this one auction. Your blog is the only one I check several times a day just to see if you added anything.
YOU ROCK!! (holy crap...did I just type that?)

Matchbox Mom said...

AMEN to doing what you want to do! It's really nobody's business, eh? Thanks for the amazing blog. My aunt sent me a link here, and i'm so grateful she did. Kudos to you and your delightful family!!! hahaha

Anonymous said...

Hey Dawn,
It doesnt matter what it is, someone will always find the negative. But that doesnt mean that you fall into the trap. Negative people always try to get others to feel negative too. You have an AWSOME thing going for you. Dont let this tiny thing bring you down. Keep up your good work, and your chin held high. You have made so many new friends, and brought smiles to faces that may not have seen any in a long time. Thats KUDOS to you my friend.
Special Little Bundles Nursery

pri said...

Hi! I came across you EBay post and then your blog and indeed it is very funny. I do not have any children, but I could never handle 6, so Hats Off to you.
Well, you have been getting lots and lots of comments, so I am not sure if you even get the time to read all of them. But keep up with your writing. It has a certain pizzazz to it.
I also linked your blog on mine at But I am nowhere as funny as you especially considering what you face everyday.

Anonymous said...

Well said. Sounds like you are a great friend and it's no one's business but yours what you do with the money. Kim commented earlier on how people will always find the negative. It's so true. You stick to your true self. I'm so happy that you now know what you want to do. I believe everything happens for a reason and this is your calling. You have touched so many lives already. God bless you for being the great person that you are and for raising 6 kids! Take care and I wish you and your family all the best. Sincerely, Julie SAHM mom of 2 in Bettendorf, IA.

nita said...

I'm constantly amazed at where strangers want to stick their noses!!! In the future, delete the nasty comments and carry on. Those of us who have discovered you and support you come here for a reason. There is no sense in even addressing the asshats of the world - it would simply take too much time away from being funny!

Sherri said...

Hi again.
What pattern do you have up for sale right now?

Dawn said...

This is the pattern for sale. I listed it 7 days ago (before all the craziness started!)

Adriann said...

Found your blog from a link on the Ebay site, from a link at another site.

You are hilarious! Love your wit and humour!

Enjoy your week!!


*Tanyetta* said...

great job!

Anonymous said...

Ain't that just like some strangers? Like you don't get enough of the dumb comments from people day-to-day, saying things about how many kids you have, etc, but now all of the complete strangers have to question how you handle your ebay account. That's just lovely. Because, you know, it's apparently not just your business- but the entire world's as well.


I've started checking in here everyday. Today has been a bad one for me, so I vented on my blog since no one reads it(I like to pretend I'm safe there) and stopped by to see what was going on in your world.

Let's go grab a margarita.
Shoot. Nevermind.. I'm pregnant again, so mine will have to be a Virgin Margarita(funny enough as that is with me being knocked up with my 5th-and FINAL-child.. I shouldn't be drinking a virgin anything LOL).

Take care... I'll be back tomorrow ;)

Smellyann said...

Oh, geez. Who gives a crap what these people think - or what you do with your own business? You keep on keeping on, girl!

Anonymous said...

Aesop my old friend once said, "please all and you please none." Perhaps you have once again run into someone to gealous to accomplish much themselves. God bless them...

Anonymous said...

What I don't get is.......even if someone "thinks" that was done, no one is FORCED to bid higher than the price it currently is! Morons! You buyers control what you bid on, no matter how the "current price" got where it is!

The nerve of some people!

Playa hater's!

Good luck to you! I really enjoy your blog, as another woman out there with a deployed husband =(, it really gives me a good laugh that I so desperately need at the end of my night, before crawling into an empty bed.

Thanks again!

Anonymous said...

You are hilarious! I loved your ebay auction item and story! My father-in-law always jokingly says (BTW they had 8 children in 11 years) "When you have eight children you are not welcome anywhere". My husband and I have two children and I can't bring myself to take them to the store......I hate it there even without children. Keep up the great work and I can't wait to read more of your motherhood adventures!

gaynobie said...

Those are the people that there parents didnt ever tell them that 'life isnt fair', and to get over it and move on.
You keep up the good work, girlfriend.
Autumn at

Becky said...

I saw you on ebay! I can totally relate! I have 5 kiddo' is a nightmare! People are always asking, "are they all yours?" or "how do you do it?" I just tell them that I am crazy and have lost my mind..... Wew... A few brain cells per a child.... I swear that I am in "La LA Land" all day long.

Goo luck to you..... I really enjoyed the laugh!

mckie2 said...

You might try selling that pink leotard now. That is another classic read. He'll probably turn out OK.

Christi Flores said...

Why do people care who won the cards? I don't get that at all. I enjoyed the story more than anything and can't wait to read more exciting adventures! Keep it up and don't let anyone bring you down.

Anita said...

You know, some people just aren't happy unless they have something to complain about. Please don't let these people bother you - and I hope you keep up your drive for newfound purpose. Lots of love from Ohio!

Unknown said...

Thanks for a really good laugh (and while I only have one child, myself, I did grow up with a severely bratty younger sister). You remind me so much of Erma Bombeck - and I mean that in the best possible way (I own all her books)


Anonymous said...

Well yes you cant please everyone....But why would you want to right?...........Tell them to shove it up their jumpers....What business is it of any ones! What you did was lovely for your friend and the out of pocket $5 or so isnt a bad thing......Up to you how you wish to have completed the transaction....Love the ebay listing that was up and your blog i am coming back to read more of your adventures. You reallly HAVE to publish i would definately buy your books.

Take care and have a lovely week.


Sila Lumenn said...

Hi Dawn. I put your blog on my Google Reader because I enjoy reading what you have to say about life, the universe and everything. You have a wonderful sense of humor. Don't let a few crazies squash the fire in your spirit! If six kids haven't done it, nothing should be able to.

I checked out the pattern you have up on eBay. I'm addicted to bags, too and I like it, but I'm sorry to say I won't be bidding on it, or quite possibly anything of yours in the near future. You have become quite the celebrity and my pocketbook can't handle the pressure! LOL :D

Enjoy the week to come. I know I will. School finally starts tomorrow! WooHoo!

Anonymous said...

I think your auctions are a great example of how creativity can sell seemingly normal items.

I saved your Pokemon listing (as a pdf). I teach writing at the college level and I'm going to use your listing as an example of how good writing is always welcome.

(I have a file where I keep stuff like that--good writing from unexpected sources, like hilarious directions to my friend's lake house, a very amusing recipe for cookies, etc.)

I will, of course, be giving you full credit for the Pokemon listing. I will not be plagiarizing it! In fact, I'm going to tell my students about the whole plagiarizing incident so they understand how rare good, accurate writing really is!

4torock said...

I just love your blog!!! My friend forwarded me your ebay auction and I lOVED it - mom to 4- so way to go to for the 6 u juggle!!LOL!! LOTS of luck and I am adding u to my favs on my blog!!!!! Take care and look forward to hearing more about your BOOK!!

Anonymous said...

Yay! I'm so glad you figured out the 6Degrees Badge! I checked back to see if you had put one up! Good for you! I'll be donating!

Bookfool said...

Well, I didn't realize your friend bought the Pokemon cards (boy, can I relate to the Pokemon experience, though - the number of things my kids slipped into the cart is beyond reason). But, you made my day with that hilarious description of your visit to the grocery store, so thanks. I do hope you write a book.

Anonymous said...

Reading your blog and laughing, my wonderful, sweet, beautiful wife was curious. As she has problems reading, I read to her.

I just loved hearing her laugh as I read out loud the trials you face with such grit and humor. Thank you, for sharing and baring your soul.

I've signed up for notification when you update your blog. Might you be using this to send out info when you become published? I am definitely up for buying several!

Best of luck and maybe when you are wealthy in more than your lovely family, you can hire a remodeler and thumb your nose at DH. ;-)

keryn said...

The emails and comments you are receiving are a crash course on humanity; the good, the great, the Eh? and the You-Have-Got-To-Be-Joking. Learn well, it's the basic fodder you need to be a writer.

I've always loved stories of large families, as my Mum was one of 10 kids. When I read them as a child I thought how wonderful it would be to have all that company and activity. Reading them as an adult my sympathies are all with the mother.....

Seeing you're a passionate reader, have you ever read the original Cheaper By The Dozen? It's by Frank and Ernestine Gilbreth, $6.99 on Amazon. I read it 40 odd years ago, and loved it. Still do.

Mona said...

First time reader...commenter...whatever. All I know is that I was visiting a site about the sims, which had a link to your EBay page which led me to here. You have got to be one of the funniest writers I have ever read from...and you also make me want to add to my prayers "Lord, please, don't let me have 6 kids!"

Good luck on your writing and your sanity.

Lisa~ said...

Woohoo... you tell em....

You have a great outlook and I hope this opportunity takes you right where you want to go.

No if I could have some direction in my life so I would know what I will be when I grow up would be awesome too! lol


Rene said...

If you ever get around to reading this comment (out of the hundreds you must be getting!), Thank you for my daily sanity check! I am mommy to a baby with some serious medical issues and I am his sole caregiver. I also have two other boys making pull my hair out. It's nice to see some humor with child rearing!

You also make me want to apologize profusely to my mother....I am the oldest of 6 kids, LOL!

testblog said...

Your blog is too funny. You are officially WT as I put you on several of our blogrolls over at White Trash Mom blog. You are now officially on the White Trash Mom blogroll, the HALLOFFAME white trash mom blogroll and you are on the "Trashy Friends" list over at Be afraid or be honored. You and your 14 brain cells are FUNNNNNNNY.

Anonymous said...

You are a talented writer, and I definitely think there is a market out there for someone like you. Humor will get you through a lot, and so many people know that... a book from you would do well, so long as you write true to who you are...funny. Good luck.

Owl mama said...

I loved your ebay listings... I can really relate with my 5 owlets in tow. Frame the check and work on the book that we look forward to. And set the pink leotard free and list it on Ebay! Then hold your head high as you go shopping again!

LawGirl said...

I had a friend send me a link to your e-bay post telling me to read it. I'm a ridiculously busy second year law student who reads hundreds of pages of cases a day so I'm not usually one for extra reading, but she promised me it was worth it, she was absolutely right. I could not stop laughing.

I don't have kids, but I did work in a grocery store for 8 years and have seen so many mothers (and very few fathers) like yourself, trying to control their kids, it didn't look like fun. I thought though, I'd share with you a list of things that I think each parent should know so that a disgruntled employee won't be the one to further ruin your trip. First, a disclaimer, I won't say don't bring your kids, this is not meant to bash, just meant to make your trip a little bit easier.

1. We are happy to give your children stickers, but we do not appreciate it when they somehow manage to get that sticker stuck in our hair.

2. I think your children are cute, but please do not put them on the conveyor belt of our register, unless they have a UPC code on them, we won't know what to do once they get up to us.

3. Please don't hand us a dirty diaper to throw away, we have trash cans in the bathroom.

4. While the crevice between the conveyor belt and the scanner seems small, fingers somehow do get stuck in them.

5. If possible, please try not to let your children throw things at us, bruises from apples on our foreheads aren't covered in our workmans comp package.

6. Last, and most important, please do not let your children wipe their boogers on your groceries. It's not fun for us, and I'm sure it's not fun for you pick those boogers off when you get home. I'll talk to your kids and be nice, but their boogers are just too much.

In return, we will not ask obnoxiously if all of those kids "are yours." We will play with them, try to get them to stop crying, give them a cookie or a sticker and try to make the end of your shopping trip as delightful as possible.

I really enjoyed your post, and I've sent a link to your mother to this blog, she loves it and is pretty glad that her three girls are all grown up.

Anonymous said...

I do apologise for enquiring about the Ebay cut. Thankyou for explaining. I was just going by your own quote where you said "so Ebay doesn't get a cut". How else is was it to be interpreted? But now I shall back away, as I am very afraid of the angry mob and I don't want a pitchfork in my butt. By the way, I love the blog and love reading it. Keep up the good work.

Heather said...

I loved your post with photos from your new camera. I was laughing with tears streaming down my cheeks. I do have a few questions for you though. First, do you think my gym trainer will ok reading your stuff instead of working on my abs? I thought they got a good workout from laughing. Second, are you sure five year old children aren't supposed to get sarcasm? Mine frequently asks me if I really mean something or am I being funny when it really isn't funny. Congratulations on all your new found fame. Now you can hold off on selling the kids to the gypsies.
Heather, mom to 11 ½ ADHD child (does yours stomp and slam doors?), 9 yr old, and 5 yr old.

Bee said...

Why is it that some people have to rain on other peoples parade? Good for your friend and good for you! Ignore the other people and concentrate on all the people who you gave a big smile and laugh to. And I was one of them:) Thank you.

Kim H. said...

Seriously - do people just have nothing better to worry about? You apparently need to write another blog about all of life's many injustices - oh wait, you have kids - you know all about injustice and life not being fair.

Those people need to have a few more kids and they'll soon figure out what's really important.

Anonymous said...

I don't even think you owed anyone an explanation about anything. There's always someone out to ruin your good time isn't there. Tell them to stuff it.
Who cares what you do with your ebay account. Certainly isn't my concern nor anyone elses.

Anonymous said...

Keep up the great work!!!! Maybe you'll start a frenzy and people will start sending you bags, purses, totebags etc... since you probably don't have the time, knowledge, patience or desire to spend you free time sewing one for yourself.

Take care and let Calgon take you away.

Anonymous said...

i'm an aunt and a teacher - no kids to claim as my own but this story was sent to me today and i have not laughed that hard in a long time. you are a great writer, absolutey hilarious.

Anonymous said...

As many other people have said... You are sooooooooo funny!!
I found your e bay listing only 2 days ago. I have found myself at least 20 times checking your page for your latest hysterical update!! I have 3 girls 6, 4, and almost 3yrs. I love being a mom and can totally relate to your experiences!! I do not have you gift of writing however. But I can't wait to buy your book!!!

And ignore all of the negative comments. It was your wit, humor, sarcasm,and personality that has brought you here. Everyone else is JEALOUS!!!!!!!!

Keep it up and I will be back for more humor tomorrow!! I am gonna need it!

I have never responded to anything like this so I hope this finds its way to you.....I am pretty computer challenged!!!

RG Mama said...

Completely love your blog and your writing style! Found you via ebay. Keep up the excellent work and def write that book! I'll buy. -mommy of twins

Grandma said...


Thanks for the laughs, I am certainly looking forward to your book! I feel like I am at the start of something big! I can say, I knew her when.....! You go girl.

Episcopollyanna said...

Wow - people sure love to complain about stuff. (Visualize me rolling my eyes over those emails people sent you.)

Love your blog. You're hilarious and have really given me some much needed laughs!

Anonymous said...

Hey Dawn, I truly hope you dont let these sad people spoil what has become a really good thing for you and your family, as well as for the thousands of people who have enjoyed your writing this week. Personally, I dont care who won your cards, how she paid, or if you cash the check or not - your financial dealings are nobody's business but your own.

I think your writing is awesome, your sense of humor is the perfect survival tool and I hope you will continue to share your kids' daily antics with us all. I also hope you can make some really good money from it and fix the hole in the bathroom wall lmao, (and maybe, just maybe treat yourself too). Now, wouldn't THAT be radical? A treat for mom!!! No guilt, no feeling of 'I can't buy this for me when the kids need ......'

To all the cynics and miserable people out there, please do everything you can to find something that makes you smile, and leave Dawn to her kids and her writing - all she is doing is making the world a little brighter for some of us. If you do not include yourself in those 'some', then look for something that makes your own world brighter instead of trying to darken Dawn's and ours!!!

Keep writing Dawn, and by the way, how have the kids been today?

Polli (mum of 2 from the UK)

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, here in Australia, I thought I was the only one who dreaded shopping with the kids LOL
My Hubby works long hours too and hates being left with them all while I go off to do shopping so on a many occassions have had to drag them along. I get my trolley half way full and then one of em says I need to go to the l toilet and jumps up and down urgently, and needs to go or you know your going to have a mess to clean up! So off to the toilet abandoning the trolley for a mad dash to the lou with toddlers in tow LOL!
On the coccassions my DH looks after them I go and take so long looking at absolutely everything and at the same time nothing on the shelves, cruising around in a daydream listening to the 80's music of easylistening songs, like therapy really hehe.
I enjoyed reading your listing and like everyone here stress to you don't listen to the nay sayers, just hit delete. Your writing is appealing obviously to alot of us who love to laugh! I really think the Brady bunch could have let alot of us women with big family ideas on a wild goose chase to attain that perfect family image. Is it really possible to have all the kids dressed and perfectly groomed in the real world? Love your baby covered in chocolate, I have many photos like that one haha
thank's for being so uplifting :)

Kim said...

People are odd. Nothing you can do about that legally! LOL!

maglitejenn said...

Dawn~You are truly talented! I loved your ebay auction so much I forwarded it to everyone I know! I look forward to reading your blogs(which as a mom of 2 has provided me with better birth control then you will ever know!) & one day buy a ton of your books to hand out to all my mom friends! Best of luck to you!

Anonymous said...

Hi, I think you are GREAT!!!!! Now, I try to put a badge for my charity on my wordpress blog, but I am unable to do so, can you help me?? The network for good is of no help to me :(

Hope to hear from you Andrea @

Anonymous said...

Glad everything worked out for you and hopefully some good things will come out of this for you and your family.

Anonymous said...

I wanta be like you when I grow up!!

Anonymous said...

You go girl! And as for your friend, she's pretty nifty!!! :)

Can't wait to see your next auction.

Martha said...

A lot of people have compared your writing style to Erma Bombeck. It also reminds me of Almost Coping by Terri Auchter.
Best wishes on 6 wonderful children. When people ask me how many children I want, I tell them as many as I can have (I'm single and have 0. I'm 28, so I have a haunch it won't be many).
Thank you for providing humor in "every day" life.

Rorshach said...

Heh, I figure what difference in their lives will it really make even were it true that it was falsely bid on. If you think a few pieces of painted cardboard are REALLY gonna change their lives, then I'd say they need to go back and rethink their life plans.

RonK said...

My wife saw a link to your blog on one of her regular stops. She told me about the auction which I thought was hilarious. But when I came to the blog (from your update to the auction) I died laughing and just cought myself before I fell out of the my chair when I saw the picture at the top right...'mmm chocolate!' HILARIOUS. God Bless You. Your profile is wonderful. princess, spaz, baby...hilarious...I'm sure you're an excellent sunday school teacher.
Thank you for telling your story.
Ron Kinzel

Marissa L. Swinghammer said...

If she had been bidding all along and NOT made the final bid with the express purpose than they would have a point. But that obviously is not the case.

I didn't know that friends were not allowed to bid on our items!

I'm sorry to hear you are getting some negativity thrown your way. Best to just focus on everything that is positive and it seems like there is plenty of that!

Zoanna said...

You're just gonna hafta write about the whole eBay thing. Your spin on it would make it so worth all the stuff eBay sellers go through.

I wish I had thought of your quick retorts when people asked me when I was just a mother of three "are they all yours?" No, half of them belong to my husband. They'd count three and try to figure what I meant.

PS Seriously, I would urge you to send some of your anecdotes in to Reader's Digest. You could probably make enough money off your kids' funnies to put them through law school.

Zoanna said...

I've got a witty 5 year old. His funnies show up on One of the best is titled "Suppository."

Anonymous said...

G'Day Dawn,
I got sent the link to your ebay auction and could not stop laughing. I have to say thankyou for making me see the funnier side of kids gripes ( i was in charge of the tv first, but mum she pushed me and so on and so on....)Its a pleasure to read your blog...i have my morning tea break at 11 and come check your blog now to give me that laugh for the day THANKS!!! Sal

Christy said...

Hello! I just wanted to say that your auction was brought to my attention today(even though its done) and I have to say I was chuckling throughout. I have 3 small boys(4, 2.5, and 17 months) and another(BOY) on the way.I often times HAVE to take them to the grocery store as well, even though I dread it(my hubby is a trucker and is gone alot). This brought a huge smile to my face, as at least I know someone else out there knows what I am going through! I got such a kick out of it that I will be frequently reading your blog! Thanks for making me smile!!! :) God bless!

Fingers To Toes Photography said...

I found your blog via your auction - and found your auction via a yahoo group - YOUR GREAT and I am looking forward to read more! :)

Anonymous said...

I think those others are just jelous. You have a true and honset friend. one that is defiantly worth keeping. I wouldn't cash the check ither. I can tell your a true friend as well. I wish there were more of you out there. I adore your blogs and thoughts. Sometimes its exactaly what I am thinking when I look at just one of my children. God bless you and your pack.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Who gives a flying @#%*!! what the cards went for? I bet you are rolling around in those bills like Demi Moore in, um, what the hell was the name of that movie? I do that every night with my Ebay auction dollars. I thought everyone did. My bad.

Peter L. Smith, Esq. said...

I'm so very happy for you. The success is astounding. I'm also jealous as I just started my own blog but have, like two readers--me and page burner. Ah well.

I'm looking forward to more blogs about the kids. . . .

Anonymous said...

So long as your friend didn't know you weren't going to cash the check, which it sounds like they didn't... it all sounds good.
On a different issue, i'm 20, and I can completely relate to you, because I have two twin brothers that are a year younger than me, and we made a point out of driving our parents up the walls sometimes.
Keep up the great work, and both my dad as well as myself would be interested in a book with your stories... if you ever have a spare moment or two to write it that is.

MBKimmy said...

OMG - tell anyone who was questioning the purchase of the cards to buzz off ... your post was the funniest thing I have read in a long time and I don't see how it is anyone's business who bought the damn cards!

Tiffany said...

WTG! I dont know why some people seem to care so much about other peoples private buisness!

Anonymous said...

If I were you I would clean out the garage and sell it all on e-bay right now. I mean everything you put there will go for ludicrous amount of money and you never know how long your 15 minutes of fame will last.

Anonymous said...

I am a mother of 6, too! 5 boys and a girl, all under 15. I feel your pain! Congratulations on your auction and just ignore the critics - and stop explaining yourself! Anyone who knows anything about eBay won't even comment about your sale. Let it go! And keep trying to work on that book. Even if you have to send it to 1000 different publishers, you never know. I'd buy it! Hey, I can write your forward! Only those of us that intimate with the grocery store, (and believe me, I'm there almost daily) could write it! Love to hear from you: Us moms need to stick together!

Tiffany said...

Don't let anyone spoil your fun. It doesn't matter that your friend got the cards! Your post are a joy to read, and how awesome that your Ebay post has brought direction and more FUN into life! That's what it's all about!

Anonymous said...

Well, I guess there'll always be someone jelous when someone has something good happen to her! It's a shame, really.

Anyhow, I do hope you will follow through on what you want to do when you grow up (*smile*) -- as long as it involves writing a book (which I will definetely read!).

I can so much relate to what you write about parenthood and kids, and it's just wonderful to get a laugh out of things and maybe remember that the next time I go grocery shopping with my kids, *ggg*.

So long,

Cheri said...

I have 3 boys ages 20, 17 and 9 and a 6 year old girl. Grocery shopping doesn't really get any easier as they get older and I'm still not sure who is worse to take to the grocery store, the kids or the husband. And I find on my rare trips alone to the grocery store that I must be very careful to not reprimand other people's's a habit.

TuhDuhrie said...

I can't find the pattern auction!! I was watching it and now it has gone from my whole darn, watch list, etc.!!! How much did it end up going for??? Keep selling!! And without having to buy new kid clothes, you just might get that spa treatment! ha! ha! ha!

Anonymous said...

You are right and if any one tells you any different INGORE them.
Of course get some more items listed!

Unknown said...

oh jealous people who have nothing to do in their lives.... ridiculous!

Anonymous said...

I was the last of seven and I saw all that happen every time we went to the store. I can not wait to print off the rest of your stories to share with my family. Mom always said laugh or cry your choice. Thank you so much!
Our local home schooling groups says “You go girl”

Jan Scholl said...

The free press and word of mouth on this auction was well worth it. I have a suggestion for the check. HOw about donating the money to something that will benefit the community like the local food bank of Habitat for humanity? that way every one wins. split the donation with your friend!

Anonymous said...

If I were you, I'd list everything in my house that isn't nailed down on eBay, and ride that Pokemon Card/Butterick Pattern wave all the way to the bank. :)

Anonymous said...


All moments remembered said...

Ohhhh how I enjoy reading your post! You add a smile to my face daily!! I can hardly wait for your first book!!! It is sad that their are people out there who can't say anything nice! Didn'their moms teach them right? Anyway I would ignore any negitive comments made to you over the ebay auction!! Enjoy the fun right now and enjoy that you have a direction to go, such as writing that first book for all of us who already adore you!!!

Anonymous said...

I was emailed the link to your pokemon auction and I loved it! I laughed out loud. I have 3 boys and I can understand some of what you have said. Your blog is great as well. Keep up the great work!

Anonymous said...

I love your sense of humor! Motherhood seems to have brought out the unlikely comic! Keep going, but don't forget that your 6 kiddos give you the fodder for this fun, so have a blast with them and tell us the stories when you can!

Anonymous said...

You are so awesome! I loved where you wrote that you finally had direction in your life because of this. Never let them get you down!! You are a fantastic mom and I only hope I can bring half the humor you have into my son's life. Here is the big break you have been waiting for. Grab it and GO GIRL...we will follow and love every minute of it!!

Anonymous said...

OMG ARE YOU FUNNY!!! TRUE BUT FUNNY!!! Thank you very much for you stories. I had a day center for 13 yrs. Took many kids to the stores - and yes same questions - are they all yours (tell me all the kids were different colors) they are funny!!! GOOD LUCK and Looking forward to your book!!! Enjoy the kids while they are young - gets even harder when they are older!!!!!

Diz said...

I just had to stop by and say hello, and to let you know that the fame of your ebay auction has crossed the Atlantic Ocean to Britain!
Boy, am I glad I only managed 3 kids - they were bad enough. Worst shopping trip I had was when 4 year old swung on the trolley, tipping it onto his leg, and his baby sister head first onto the tiled floor.
I will definitely be checking out your blog. I like your style!
newly empty nester in Dursley, England

Beth aka Ringo said...

I could've sworn you said she sent a check to avoid PayPal getting a cut, not eBay. It's a shame people don't read for content.

However, it's a frustrating and frowned-upon practice for people to "snipe"--that is, jump in at the last minute or two of an auction to get a higher bid in on an item, instead of using the proxy bid system already in place. For your Pokemon listing, I suspect most of the people bidding weren't bidding out of a great desire to own a torn-open pack of Pokemon cards (especially if there was no Psyduck!), but to honor/celebrate your writing. It is completely ALLOWED, but not very good form, to jump in at the last minute on a serious auction and "steal" it from people who've already been bidding. I'm betting this is what those naysayers meant by your friend driving the price up.

Anyway, just a bit of clarification. I desperately want to learn to sew, but can't find a teacher I trust any closer than 12 hours away, so I just have to stick to the superglue and duct tape method (hey, his last two Halloween costumes were adorable and handmade, thankyouverymuch :).

Keep up the blogging--clearly, you've got a lot of fans!

Anonymous said...

I forgot to add you to my favorite sellers, could you please send me your username?


Oldqueen44 said...

Don't let negative people hinder your unconventional success. God obviously had this path set before you long before you put your first pen to paper. Good luck.

k said...

Wow, you're a good friend.

Anonymous said...

Dawn, the story was great! Keep up the writing... I am sure that you have a whole new fan club out here in Cyber Space! I too found you through a Yahoo HORSE group (afterall, most of us horse owners are moms too!) cudos... cyndy

Lin-nay-uh said...

I too have 4 kids and could so relate to your comments on Ebay. I find myself saying, "No marathons around the freezer units" as well as the list you gave.

Anonymous said...

I just read that auction and I laughed so hard I cried. I have only 3 kids, but I babysit so I could at any given day have 7 in my house at a time. Only on rare occasions do I venture out with all of them. After reading the auction I quickly called my best friend who has 5 kids. We had a good laugh together. You are a talted writter. We have often said that our "mother" stories would make a great book! I think you are onto something. I am glad the auction did so well....whoever ended up with the cards I think it was great. Always great to add laughter to the day and if it is over our kids....all the better i think! Thanks for the laughter

Anonymous said...

My friend emailed me your eBay lot so that I could read it. I laughed SO HARD!! You truly are a talented writer. I wish you the best, and am anxiously awaiting your first published work!

Anonymous said...

Get ready for more naysayers. Sad but true, as we gain notariety and success we also gain attention from the "yucky" people. Jealous, nasty, name it, they'll come out in droves.
You deserve the attention and great success, please take advice of a stranger. Hire a great agent/talent manager and let he/she deal with all of this!

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