Back when I began blogging, I was dealing with things like yogurt painted on the TV, marker on the walls, a baby playing in the toilet, and lots and lots of baseball games. Now my life is filled with things like looking at colleges, teaching kids how to drive, football, water polo, teens working and dating.
However, many things have stayed the same. I still love spending time with my kids. I still like laughing and enjoying the lighter side of life. My kids may not get into as much mischief as they did when I first started writing, but they still make me laugh and smile (and yes, shake my head) every single day.
I know it's hard to take the time to enjoy the little things when you're in the thick of the day-to-day "stuff". Sometimes we just get so wrapped up in all the things we need to do. Some days we find ourselves saying, "Not now. I'm too busy. Maybe later." But in a few years, when we look back at how our time was spent, will we say, "Boy, I'm sure glad I put off spending time with my kids so I could pay those bills or watch that TV show, or do those errands!"? No. I guarantee you won't be saying that.
Do you want to remember that time you baked cookies with your kids and it took you guys an hour to clean up the kitchen afterward, but it was worth it when you saw the smiles on the kids as they happily munched on the warm goodies? Do you want to remember the times you played with and read to your kids before bed, and the times you packed a picnic and rode your bikes to the park? Or do you want to live with the regret that comes when you realize your kids are nearly grown and you said, "Not now" just a few too many times? Go through old photo albums or home movies with your kids tonight and remind yourself of how fast they grow. Then give them a big hug!

Amazing! And wow, look where you are now! You are great and you have the cutest kids!!!!
I started reading your blog since the ebay listing and read your books as well. Time flies! But I like what you said about keeping the kids as a priority. Oh, and you're still my role model :)
How sweet! Thank you for continuing to share with us all!!
SO crazy how long it's been!
(I had no idea I've been blogging longer than you!)
Hard to believe we both have kids that are adults now and our babies are 6. Insane.
Thank you for your humor and for being a great role model even for an old Mom of 5 like me,57,and a high schooler still at home.
Wow! It's amazing how much kids change in 5 years. I've changed too but that's a different kind of growth. :( Congrats on a journey well taken so far and blessings for the journey still to come. I'm finding these next years (18 to 25) the hardest as a parent which is hard to believe considering the chaos when they are younger, but the letting go is so complicated! What do you let go of and when? How much control is too much and how much too little? Annette
The kids look great! All so tan and healthy! You're doing a great job, even with all the changes in the past 5.5 years. You go girl! :)
You and the kids all look so great, Dawn!
I can't believe how the time has flown, either. I started following you way back then, when the Pokemon post went viral. The post of Clay's teeth prints in the soap just cracked me up. :D
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