Here's another idea for my ongoing acts of kindness project. Donate blood. While running errands today, I spotted a mobile blood donation bus set up in the parking lot. I really wanted to finish my shopping and get home. I was tired from running all over the place for the better part of the day, and I was looking forward to going home, and vegging out with my book for a while. But something tugged at me and made me stop at the donation site. What the heck, I decided. I've been out all day, what's another few minutes?
I had Austin, Lex, and Brooklyn with me. When we stepped into the bus, a technician asked who was donating. I spoke up and then Austin offered to donate as well. We learned that you have to be sixteen years old with a parent's permission to donate. Austin's seventeen, so he happily signed up for his first time.
Unfortunately, I was deferred because my temperature was too high at 99.6. I'm pretty sure I'm not getting sick and the elevated temperature was due to the fact that the air conditioner in my van went out on the way to the store and since my window is also broken, it was pretty darn toasty in my car. But still, they can't take chances, so I couldn't donate this time. Austin, however, was able to donate.
I know not everyone is able to donate blood. That's okay. This is just another idea you can use. Or not. Maybe this will spark your own ideas. Take a minute to write what kind things you've done lately. Don't feel self-conscious that you're bragging about what you've done; do it to inspire others and let people know that it isn't hard to make a difference. :)
Thanks for not feeling self conscious like you're bragging-I always like new ideas!
That is completely awesome! I give blood a couple of times a year, and I love it. I swear everyone at the bloodmobile just exudes positive energy!!
I love this! And love how you show your kids to do this too. Way to go Austin!
I love donating blood. I am so sad that I can't do it (yet). Only a few more months and I can get back into the routine of it!
Good for you and Austin! I donate blood as often as I can. I'm O-, which makes me the universal donor, and Hoxworth calls me constantly when their stores are low. Half the time my iron is too low (even though I take supplements daily) and sometimes I don't weigh enough (my weight hovers at the cutoff range), but I still feel better going in and trying. And when I can give, it's great.
You have such a great son, He is 10x the man I am. I am 51 and totally chicken and a baby to donate. So proud of your son!!!
this is something im passionate about. i wanted to do it in high school (my school hosted a blood drive just before christmas every year) and my parents told me they wouldnt sign the consent but i finally talked them into it. now i try to donate as often as i can. my husband and i both just donated on tuesday. the people on the bus that usually does the drives around here know us by now and always tease my daughter that they are going to take her blood too (shes 7) and are great about loading her up on snacks while we donate.
I've been donating plasma. Its needed almost as much as blood!
I can't donate blood because I'm anemic. I'd be better off donating some red Kool-Aid!
There are so many lonely people out there! I love this! I tend to be on the more chatty side and people will be looking at me like I have two heads...!!
I donate platelets. When my daughter was little it was particularly great having the time to myself to sit and watch a movie and have people look after me and bring me snacks and warm blankets.
or maybe your pregnant....
?high temp?
What a funny thing to say to someone who's divorced and hasn't gone on as much as one date.
I came across your blog from a family I didn't know either, but follow because of my daughter's disease. I just wanted to reach out and say 'thank you' for your support of blood donation! My little girl (5 years old at the time) received over 300 units of blood and platelets waiting for her life saving bone marrow transplant 3 years ago and without which, she would not be here today. So thank you to ALL blood and platelet donors out there.
Also, considering joining "Be The Match" if you can. There are thousands of people each year looking for a life saving match, but sadly 50% won't find one because there are just not enough registered donors out there. There are 7 million on the registry here in the United States and 14 million in the world, but there was only ONE (1) match for my daughter and this amazing young man was in Germany.
Check it out, you could save a life! www.bethematch.org
Thanks for your time!
Kelly Marsh
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