I am curious - why would you put a toilet paper holder in your bathroom? Do your kids know how to properly use one? No one, but me knows.
They know how to use the toilet paper. Know how I know this? Because I found a wad of it behind my washing machine the other day. Hmmm, which, on second thought, probably means that they don't really know how to use it. And they certainly don't know how to replace the empty cardboard tube with a fresh roll. Yeah, I have no idea why I'm putting a toilet paper holder in the bathroom.
Is it wrong that I would be willing to pay $15 for a pirate eye patch alone?!? Because *that* will help my dating situation...
That depends. It might work if you're trying to date a pirate. Ooo, ooo, or an eye doctor! Tell ya what, I'll wear an eye patch with you and we'll go out and have fun!
(Argh! Like my hook hand?)
This is unrelated, but I had a question. Had you ever thought about photoshopping your ex out of that nifty caricature [at the top of my blog]? I'd be happy to do it for you. :)
I thought about removing him, but I think it's apropos considering, if you look closely, it shows the ex literally running away from the family. Besides, Rick from Organized Doodles drew that for me and I really like it.
His handwriting is 1000 better than my husband's. But I must confess...I don't use soap when I go poo. I don't really know how you would...
Remind me not to shake your hand. Ever.
I had a a birthday party for Brooklyn and Clayton yesterday. Brooklyn wanted a Rapunzel cake. I started making Rapunzel's tower. The bricks and ivy turned out pretty awesome looking. . .

Then I ran out of time and just slapped the top together. I almost took it off and threw it away before guests arrived because I hated it so much, but Brooklyn insisted it was good and must stay on top.
And I had very little time to do Clay's cake. In fact, Austin made the Pokeballs himself! Good job for his first time working with fondant, no? Oh well, a couple years ago, I spent many hours working on Clay's Lightning McQueen cake and then just slapped together a Nemo cake for Brooklyn. I think, in the future, I'll do their "cakes" ahead of time on styrofoam and just make a small, plain actual cake to cut and serve.
Amy, who writes over at Pregnant Chicken is giving away a signed copy of You'll Lose the Baby Weight (and Other Lies About Pregnancy and Childbirth) HERE. After leaving a comment for a chance to win my book, look around. She's hilarious! You have to check out her post about awkward pregnancy photos HERE. The pictures are funny, but her commentary will have you snorting coffee out your nose!
I have to tell you that the first awkward pregnacy photo is one of my best friends sister. In fact, that is her whole family (10 siblings!) They were taking a family photo at one of their weddings. When I saw that I just about died! When do you ever see anyone you actually know in these pictures! Her name is Janet- the one who fainted. She's hilarious.
Remind me to call you to make my birthday cake, in November. I'd like a Twilight cake please. :) And then could you deliver it up here, in MI, and you could stay and feather bowl with us. Hubby and I are having a joint party. You'd like it. :)
As an amateur cake decorator, I think your cakes turned out great! I don't like to work much with fondant, so I am super impressed by the Rapunzel cake! How did you do the bricks?
Looks like Austin is well on his way to being the apprentice cake designer! Good job!
(drat I forgot to write something really witty *sigh*)
The cakes are great Dawn!
Did you hear about the new pirate movie? It’s rated ARRRRRRRRRRR!
Bahahaha... thanks for posting my eye patch question (although I do believe it was rhetorical) because, omg, that photo of you cracks me up! In fact, I just tried to make a hook with my finger (because imitation is the highest form of flattery, right?) but it cramped up. Could it be even my fingers are out of shape?!? Say it ain’t so!
Nice job on the cakes! Is Rapunzel's tower made out of cake? Because how on earth did it not topple over? Also... that brick work? Amazing. Every time I try to paint fondant (assuming that's what you did) it doesn't go well. Which is odd, because usually I enjoy working with vodka ;)
I love the cakes!!! My daughter would go nuts over the Pokemon cake!
A Hesitant Housewife
Hey, I had an inquiry about a doodle from Kia. She said that you had mentioned my blog on yours. I did a quick search and saw the link for my site. Thanks for the props girl. You and your beautiful children still come to mind and I have often lifted you in prayer.
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