Thursday, July 9, 2009

Some pics

I was clearing my memory card from my camera and my phone and found a couple pictures I'd like to share.

Cool, huh? I managed to catch this rainbow on my camera phone!

This is what a hotdog looks like after it has sat in your son's room for a decade couple weeks.

Hey Mom! Look! We made dinner! Mud pies! Where did we get the mud? Oh, we just dug up the flowers, Mom. :)

Even in these trying economic times, air is still free.

Dictionary entry: Redundant

As lovely as that is, it's not really fishing, Jackson, if you just stab an already dead fish with a stick.


Vanessa Rogers said...

It's amazing how good that hot dog still looks after a couple of weeks. I guess it just goes to show how many preservatives are in those things. :)

MaBunny said...

Thanks for sharing Dawn! As always your kids make great blog fodder! Love the rainbow picture:)

T.M. said...

EWWWW! to the dead fish on a stick. Where did he find THAT at a baseball game?

Love the redundant signs...but I'll bet that there are still people who try to make a left there despite the double signs.

Flea said...

The hot dog doesn't look a whole lot different from a just-cooked one. Kinda scary. But not as scary as the dead fish.

So did you eat either?

Abby said...

The fish picture reminds me of the summer camp I used to work at and how they used to run a block called Spear Fishing during boys camp. That is, until a 10 year old kid actually stabbed a fish during it!! This is the same kid who got bit by a snake the summer before... because he picked it up and put it in his pocket. Apparently snakes aren't a big fan of that form of travel??

Elleah said...

It's sad that the 2-week-old hot dog looks almost identical to a fresh one.

Rick said...

Combine the hot dog with the fish to make a very tasty meal. (Won't taste good, but very tasty still.)

MaranathaMom said...

Mmm...and mud pie for dessert!

Michelle said...

Compare that hot dog to the sandwich that was there for two days and unrecognizable because it was real food....

Also -- any interest in dinner the night before the Ford thing?

Jo-Ann said...

Will boys(men) ever learn that just because you put it on the stick doesn't mean you caught it?

Lori said...

O.K. Speaking of funny photos, would you please direct me to the one of the soap - with teeth marks?

Tokyo Biker Mommy said...

Air and water may be free per the sign, however, there looks to be something missing, note the holes in the wall below the sign? Maybe "Free" is a euphemism for "Go out and find it yourself?"

RefreshMom said...

Air and water may be free in IL; on the west coast it'll cost ya between .25 and .75!

Jess B. said...

Those redundant signs are hilarious but probably necessary. I worked at a convenience store/gas station for a couple of years and our front cutaway onto the main road had FOUR "no left turn" signs. One on either side of the cutaway and TWO directly across the street.

I think I saw at least one accident per week as people plowed blindly into the road turning left. They have since redone that cutaway so it's impossible to make a left turn. I'm sure some still try...

debi9kids said...

Too funny! LOVE the redundant pic! LOL

ps Holy cow! It's been a WHILE since I have been by. I feel like I know everything there is to know about you though through twitter & Facebook. LOL
Sorry I've been such a stranger here :)
oh, and just thought you'd like this one... we have BATS again this summer!

Carm and Jay said...

I'm impressed with how clean your kids stayed while making their mud pies!

Anonymous said...

oh my. Did you marry my husband? I love the dead fish. My son brought me a giant cat turd the other day. Nice, huh?
I suggest you stop telling your husband how much you'd appreciate him doing something. Instead, just bark orders at him. It works slightly better when you smack him upside the head and shout "TAKE OUT THE TRASH NOW!". And when he finishes and calls you all sorts of interesting colorful metaphors, you can thank him then. But he won't remember you thanking him - he's not listening.

Tasha Hickert said...

Oh, I just love your blog because it's like reading my diary (if I had one) only with twice as many kids. And the fact that I don't have to do the writing!

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