Ready? My publisher has changed their mind and they’re no longer going to publish my book.
OK, now take a bite of that chocolate. Take a deep breath. Actually, my book is still going to be published. Just not this summer. (I’m sorry, but you always give really bad news first. That way it doesn’t sound so bad when you deliver the sort of bad news.)
It’s true. Because of the Olympics and the upcoming election, my publisher realized that my book wouldn’t get much publicity if it came out in August because shockingly enough, there are people out there who would rather hear about the Olympics and the election than my book! I know!

Anyway, Guideposts is still planning big things for my book, but they’ve been pushed back a bit so they can launch it with style in time for Mother’s Day 2009. I know, I know, it’s a year away. But just wait until you see what they roll out to publicize the book. It’s going to be fabulous—and now they have extra time to think of even more ohmygosh over-the-top promo.
I kinda feel like an idiot after talking about my book and the tour and putting a countdown ticker on my blog!

My biggest concern was telling you guys. But I know how awesome all you readers are and I know that you’ll stick around and wait until next spring. Sooo, until next spring, I guess you’re just stuck reading my blog. Oh the horrors.
OK, now I’M in search of some chocolate!
I'm sorry to hear that, Dawn. But it really is a wise marketing decision. And it shows they do care about making sure your book is marketed well. So that's good. Right?
Hope you hadn't run out and bought that Lamberghini yet...
Don't they see how many readers you have and how we're all anxiously waiting and are willing to negotiate vacation plans around when your book and tour come out?? (I don't get it ::shaking head::)
Well I'll be here reading you faithfully until then.
And Happy Mother's Day.
Whenever it comes out I'll be in line to get it. This year or next!
Well that's really crappy. I'm sorry! I'll be waiting!
Don't worry about, now my family will know what to get me for a present next year! Just keep us entertained in the meantive and we'll wait for that book.
It's not tooooo bad, at least it will be coming out just later than sooner.
Geesh, the election and the olympics ... NOT!
I'm already sick of both. I really do need some chocolate though, lol.
Good luck!
-Lisa :)
Oh Dawn! Sorry to hear this, but hopefully it will all work out for the best. I can't wait to read your book.
No sweat. A little anticipation is good. Look on the bright side: at least your part is done.
Hey, that's gives me more time to talk you into coming to Oregon for a book signing...and a year to make your travel plans! Ü
A Mother's Day release is perfect! It would make a great gift for my mother-in-law (she's awesome!) Plus this will give you a chance to relax a bit. HAHAHA who am I kidding, you have 6 kids, no relaxing allowed.
OMG!! I am so glad you are still publishing your book (whew!) and I'm so glad I'll still have your blog to read but a whole year?!? Until you're book?!? That's just wrong!!! LOL
*sigh* Patience has NEVER been one of my strong suits!!
It's for the best really. I mean, who wants to compete with the likes of presidential candidates? No spotlight sharing means more funds in your pocket. It's all good. And we'll wait.
I'm disappointed, as I'm sure we all are, but we will wait. It won't be easy, but we will. And only BECAUSE I (YOU) SAID SO!
Your publisher really is putting your best interests at the top of their list. I'll just keep reading your blog and next year will come.
Are any overatures being made by your publisher to have you write a second book?
Keep writing!
So sorry Dawn! But let's put it this way...AWESOME Mother's Day'll sell a ton more during that time! It's on my "wish list" already!
I've never posted here before, but I love your blog and whenever your book comes out - it will be a gift in every way. Thank you for sharing so unselfishly and turning the other cheek to the ignorance out there! Thank you for keeping it non-judgmental and always entertaining - that IS what we really are here for - a few light moments in the every day life! I know I look forward to the posts and know I will smile for a moment (but I smile in life every day - this is just a BONUS!!!) Lisa - Omaha
A book is STILL a book, even if it will be published next year!
We'll be following you through your journey!
The Olympics are ridden with drugs. The elections are full of corruption. Give me the pure, unadulterated joy of your book - NOW!!!
On the bright side, there's still going to be a book. Now you don't have to take any time away from your lovely family this summer!
Don'tcha love it when life throws you a curve?! Can't wait to see what happens! In a year!
Question: who's the boy on the cover of the book? He looks so much like the little guy on the ETrade commercials who buys stock...
That's okay. I'll still get your book even if it takes another year or two of waiting :) Hope it'll be sold here in The Philippines. Othewise, there's always
One more year... :o( Oh, well, we will wait but Guidepost better make it really cool when the book is out next May!
BTW, how is Austin's project going?
Sunny greetings from Slovenia!
What!! 1 whole year!!! so for those of us that have preordered over here in Australia which dont have to compete with the election still have to wait? Maybe you could come over here and release it and do a book tour this year and wait till next year to do the U.S.? Just a thought. I will still be a loyal blog reader till the book come out too though. I suppose though while your waiting for your book to come out they may want you to write your second book????
Now who in their right mind would care more about (insert anything) than YOUR BOOK????
Hi Dawn...
I'll still buy your book, no matter when it comes out. Will Guideposts have a story about you in their magazine?
BTW, As a card maker, I subscribe to Tim Holz's blog. There was a link to another site which you may want to look at. It's about orphan works of art (like pictures of your kids, family etc) posted on the internet. Here is the link:
You may want to check it out.
Well I'll be here waiting in the meantime - as much as I can't wait!
It's a shame that they're not publishing on the timescale you thought, but you can see their thinking, and maybe it's for the best for you.
Well, hubby will be happy he won't have to actually come up with a gift on his own next year for Mother's Day. LOL "I want this book, please."
Whew! You know, I was really sweating about HOW ON EARTH I would be able to read your book AND follow the olympics at the same time. Now I can focus fully on wishing I would look THAT GOOD IN A BIKINI while playing volleyball, and then I can enjoy your book later (to help me get over the bikini part).
What a bummer when a such big event is coming so close, only to be pushed back a year. I am sorry. In the meantime, I will remain addicted to your blog and your adoring fan, and will start pestering my husband (starting around Feb 2009)about what a good mother's day gift your book would make!
~Molly in NH
Makes sense to me, and I will definitely still be reading your blog. I -love- the idea of getting your book for my own mother for next Mother's Day, will make her realize just how GOOD she had it 30years ago, with just 2 of us. :)
Kelley O
Take a deep breath! Let it out slowly!
I see the handy work of God's timing here. Remember the Hymn, "In HIS Time"?
I see the timing far better for you as a Mom. The children will be in school, in a routine. It gives you more time to plan ahead and line up arrangements for care, possibly a hired hand?
For you a woman, I see timing to your advantage. It gives you space and time to deal with your upcoming 'events'.
But for the BOOK'S sake... as I was looking at Mother's Day books, I couldn't help but think about YOUR book thinking this would be ideal timing to see it on the shelves.
Besides! It gives you time to get busy writing the second book. You can work on having it published the following Mother's Day and give us the one-two punch!
Dawn! Remember, this is God's Time. There is a reason for it.
Happy Mother's Day to the Momma who inspires many mothers, young and old.
You must be even more disappointed than we are. But we'll all wait, and it will be well worth it. Have a happy Mother's Day, and may this next year speed right by.
Dawn, I in it for the long haul...I'll read everyday and look forward to the day I get to read your great and wonderful book!!!!!!
Well, now that my heart is beating again I'm feeling a little better. It all makes sense, though. I can/will wait another year. In fact, I may have to buy a couple extra copies for all the mothers in my family. You just like to build the suspense, right?
How so disappointing for you Dawn! But you know the ol' saying "Good things come to those who wait". This loyal reader will continue to read and enjoy your blog until then. Politics just gets in the way of everything! LOL!
I can't stop crying!!! I was sooo looking forward to it. I guess I can wait until next year. Have a Happy Mother's Day
Good things come to those who wait! In this case...GREAT things come. No sweat.
I'm sure it will all work out for the best! Timing is everything. Your blog is awesome and I'm betting your book will also be. Have a great day. :)
AAAARRRGGGHHHHH!!!!! That kind of news both sucks and blows if that is possible. CHOCOLATE PLEASE!!
No seriously, I will definitely wait until next mothers day /my birthday to get your book. It will be number 1 on my want list:))
Sorry it doesn't come out this year and no I can't believe there are actually people who want tohear more about the olympics and the elections, then your book:))
40 lashes with a wet noodle for them!
Love ya Dawn, and will keep reading your blog!
I'm still looking forward to it, regardless of whether or not it's 2 months from now or a year. Besides that just means you will have that much more material for a second book ;).
Whenever, wherever, I will get your book!!! And I agree with other posters about a good time for a Mother's day gift. That's what I'm going ask for. :) Now if you come to Omaha,NE then that would be great too!
I've been a reader of you blog since the Pokemon E-bay thing and I have to say I really can't wait for the book.
Can't wait to read more!
Beth from Omaha
Well, that is kind of a bummer, but it isn't the end of the world! We will all be thrilled whenever the book comes out and waiting gives time for more loyal fans to be ready.
Happy Mother's Day, Dawn! :)
So sorry to hear that, but I will definitely stick around as long as you are writing anything! Like you said, a year isn't that long!
boo for the long wait. what I really NEED to know is HOW in the world did that baby get chocolate all over her face, hands, and clothes but NOT the highchair seat? And which child is that anyway?
I totally understand their reasoning and I guess I can wait... At least we still have the blog!
Now what the heck am I gonna read while all that boring election stuff is on tv?
Oh Dawn! I'm sorry! I'm disappointed which means you must really be.....! I can't wait for it to come out next May!! The anticipation will make it that much better!!
Whew, I was afraid that you had further tests done from your bad pap test and that it wasn't good news. This news I can definitely deal with. It gives me something to look forward to. Which is always a good things.
Big hugs,
Many hugs to you. Big jerkheads... that's GOT to be seriously disappointing. But, at the same time, it seems like their hearts and brains are in the right place. Better to launch it when you can get all the awesome attention than to languish behind a ton of Olympic news.
Yay for chocolate!
I am so sorry. That has to be such a disappointment. I still can't wait for your book and it really won't change anything for me because I will still check your blog everyday. I am addicted with or without the book.
I don't see it as a bad thing at all. There will be so much other stuff going on in August, so I'm sure GP is thinking about the best for you. I'm sure it's REALLY frustrating, but it's all for the best!!
I am sorry to hear they have put off publishing your book... but am very relieved that it will still be coming out.
One year... thats not too long at all. And like you said... we still have the blog and that keeps me very happy all by itself... the book was the frosting on the cake if you will. *hugs*
All I can say is, to assuage my disappointment, Guideposts better include Chico, Ca as part of your book tour! I promised to buy you a coffee at the Barnes and Noble Starbucks, and I KEEP MY WORD! Hope to see you in a year!
Your publisher is right, Dawn.
Mother's day is only 9 months after father's day. :)
Don't feel bad. It will be even better.
Sorry Dawn. I'm sure you're a little disappointed but we'll be more than okay reading your blog until then.
Well, that´s actually a very good move . . . imagine how much momentum your book will have picked up by next year? It´s gonna be HUGE! :D
Well, it has to be as disappointing to you as it is us, but it's ok we will make it through it together!!
I will be here reading your blog daily as always, it always makes me feel my kids aren't so bad after all!
HAPPY MOTHERS DAY, DAWN!! I hope you have a great one!
...time flies when you're having fun...? I'm sure it will be here before you know it! Have a great Mother's Day!
I think your book is EXACTLY what this country needs right now! I cannot stand the news right now cuz it's all about the elections & who's slinging mud @ who & BLAH BLAH BLAH!
I'm sorry too, but at least they're not cancelling it completely! And when it comes, it'll be with a bang!
And be honest now, even though it put a damp blanket on the celebrations, isn't it nice to slow down for a while and get some more time for Joe and the kids? I think you need it!
But I will still pre-order as soon as I can, even though it sucks to live in Sweden and not even be part of the book tour....
Take care and happy mothers day!
I won't lie...I'm disappointed. BUT..this just gives me something to look forward to! In the meantime...start collecting material for book #2. LOL
Happy Mothers Day!
While the wait definitely is a disappointment... there is comfort in knowing that we will hopefully have a year of blog posts until then. Look forward to both (more blogging and the book)!
You can have another baby before then!
Time goes fast. We'll wait. ;)
Oh my gosh! I am so sorry to hear this news. Don't they know people are sick and tired of hearing about this election? We'd like something funny and upbeat for a change. Oh well, we still have your blog, which I LOVE LOVE LOVE!!! I will definitely buy your book next mother's day. My daughter's going to need a copy -- just found out she's expecting her first baby! I'm going to be a grandma! Yay!!!
AUGH!!! A YEAR?????? AUGH!!!
Well if they think this is going to make me watch the Olympics they are dead wrong.
Now if you cancel your blog, I'm going to have to move in with you. LOL!
Happy Mother's Day!
DAWN...WARNING...KINDA POLITICAL-SOUNDING HERE! But don't worry. If you decide not to post it, I'll put it on MY blog and I'll STILL buy your books and encourage others to do so as well! (grin)
You're postponing the release of Dawn's book because of WHAAAAT??????
The BEIJING OLYMPICS...Uh, That's in -C H I N A-, right? Hmmmm...Is that the same CHINA where:
1. Human rights are virtually IGNORED?
2. Female newborns are valued less than livestock?
3. The industrialization of their country has in actuality single-handedly caused (through the law of supply and demand) our gasoline prices to double in as many years?
4. Poisoned our children with lead?
5. Killed our beloved pets by poisoning their food?
But HEY, It's the OLYMPICS! Right?
Is that the same Olympics where the U.S.A. BOYCOTTED Russia a few years back for invading Afghanistan??? OOOOPS!
And/or was it because of the PRESIDENTIAL election???? WHAT a joke!
After George W's reign, the Apostle John would have a tough time winning, let alone, John McCain.
Then you've got the DEMOCRATS:
--A woman that thinks "staying home baking cookies" or "standing by your man" are only useful when it serves her own purpose.
--A man that defends his minister's racist, OUTRAGEOUS comments and behavior WITHOUT an excuse like these were the rants of a man in the early stage of dementia or perhaps, in need of an exorcism!
For heaven's sake, Guideposts! We're in a recession heading for a depression. As to the latter, you've already put me there! This kind of purchase FLOURISHES in times such as these!
All I wanted was a book to give me a laugh, a little boost to my self-esteem as a 3rd generation SAHM in a greed-infested, hate-filled world.
I think I can safely speak for all
3,121,480 of Dawn's blog viewers in saying that part of our $300 tax rebate bonus was going toward purchasing her book to boost our economy...Forget it now!
I'm BANKING it all! So you, Guideposts, will now be, in part, responsible for the financial collapse of America!
You see, I'm a strong believer in "The hand that rocks the cradle, rules the world!"
So, if nominating DAWN for PRESIDENT or approaching the Olympic committee to include diaper-changing, bathing, dressing, and breastfeeding infants in their future Olympic events will, in any way, hasten the book's release, please advise.
Otherwise, HANG the Olympics and the Presidential election. Give us the book!
Nancy Binky
Hey Dawn,
Thanks for the news even though you do not think it is that good. I find it great to be great news (even though I really want to read the book you have spent so much time writing). Now I can actually get something I want for Mother's Day, which would be your books as opposed to the stuff they pick out for me with much love....
Have a great Mother's Day!!
No worries Dawnie!! We'll be HERE regardless!
I'm seconding Rick's comment :)
Awww, darn! I'm not against celebrating an extra Mother's Day in August!
Time for chocolate. good idea!
What a bummer... but I get the Olympics thing. (They're just now figuring out that the Olympics occur in August, though?)
The good news for me is that maybe by next Mother's day, I'll be caught up in my reading so that I can actually read your book right when it comes out and not feel guilty!
Oh, what a bummer! Well, I for one intend on buying that book(s) no matter when it comes out! Hugs to you and I'll keep on reading your blog until then :-)
Happy Mother's Day from DFW!
Oh that sucks ass! I'm sorry. I hope you have the best Mother's Day ever! What I mean by that is, I hope you get to sleep in.
THAT SUCKS! Oh well, I hope they make it up to you. They are right about the distractions though. Good luck making the LONG WAIT through this next year. HA!
Dawn, that is actually awesome. A Mother's Day release is perfect!! I know it will be hard to wait - for us and for you, but if it boosts sales, all the better. Best of luck!
Awww, I'm sorry to hear this. I have to say I'm totally disspointed, I was really looking forward to reading your book :-( I need chocolate now too!
Every cloud has a silver lining.
But really, waiting to get past these distractions would be the best thing.
And think of the up side. You now have all that time to plan your PR stunt. Cheaper than advertising!
Hope to see you on Oprah about a year from now :)
Bummer. But maybe I'll be able to see you on your book tour. Oklahoma City!
Have a wonderful Mother's Day!
Hi Dawn,
I hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day!!!! Sit back, put your feet up - let the kids take care of you - while you have the video camera on - I want to see them pamper you!!!!
I have a marketing background, and I think this is a great idea - it actually went through my mind that they missed this mother's day for the release... so glad they will be on target for next year! It's a smart move!!!!
It's hard to be patient... I have to be patient each day waiting for your next post!!!! I love your blog - but you know that, because I leave comments.
Oh, and do any of your kids have tubes in their ears? My son got tubes this past week, I hope it helps all the ear infections... I know you've talked about the special diets etc for the kids, do any of your kids have SI (sensory integration) issues? My son does - I feel like I should be writing a book on SI!!!!
Sincerely, Pam (Seattle) you can get "all your ducks in a row" to speak......but if YOUR ducks are like MY'll be like herding cats.......
HEY! Now we all have 12 months to talk up what a GREAT mother's day gift your book will be!!! WOO HOO!!
Don't worry, a year goes by really fast when you think about it. Plus, it will make an awesome mother's day gift next year.
WHAT??!! How could they do this to us?? haha
Don't you worry, I'll still buy your book, even if I have to wait a year to get it! Some things are just worth the wait!!
Believe me, I think I can speak for all of your fans when I say -- you're NOT getting rid of us that easily!
Keep smiling and keep making us laugh, Dawn! We all love you!
Donna in PA :)
Well as much as we all are anxious to read your book, this makes great sense to me. This is why you pay the publisher big bucks, to make those kinds of decisions. I do think the election will take over just about everything else that will happen in the world, and the Olympics promise to be interesting at best.
So this time next year huh? Sounds great to just need to readjust your clock & know that you have time to attract more readers!!
Those snotheads!! Okay, now that I've got that out of my system . . . it is wiser to push it just before Mothers Day instead of in the middle of the Olympics and the Presidential election! Still though, they shouldn't toy with us like that, we might just start heaving poopy diapers their way!
Hi Dawn. Well, looks like I'm in the majority when I say "sorry to hear that you and we have to wait, but that's why you pay your publisher, to make the wise decisions like that." Honestly, that's what I was going to say, but when I scrolled down the page to get to the "post a comment" part, I saw so many others had already said it! It's still true and still what I think though.
You know we'll still read and laugh at your blog! :) You make us smile. And I think that it IS a good decision to wait; it really can't hurt--then maybe instead of promoting the book this summer you can spend more time with your kids coming up with fun things to tell your readers about! ;) :)
Love and hugs and it'll be Mother's Day 2009 before you know it! Happy 2008 Mother's Day!!! :) Sarah from Dallas
good sound business decision, and a happy mother's day...
after reading the comments, you do realize that your list of "search strings that ended up pointing to my blog" is now going to include the words: ass, ducks, anxiety, human rights, presidential election 2008 & slinging mud right?
So Sorry to hear this Dawn, think I'll have some chocolate as well you must be so disappointed after the build up
But seeing that it's now a year away who knows? If my plans work out to travel overseas next year I will definitely fit in a city where you are signing your book and may get to actually MEET you.(Don't forget I live at the end of the earth, Australia.) This is exciting!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think it's wise of your publishers, although it's sucky for us hehe. Guess we'll just have to keep reading your blog for a fix!
Oh and I thought of you and your kids when this happened Friday. If you scroll down to the end of my entry at you'll see a pic of a girl who's showing me she can stuff a whole hard boiled egg (sans shell) in her mouth.
oh by the way... anyone that gives you grief about having 6 kids... tell 'em you've got nothing on the Duggars
18 kids! Mom's been preggers 11 years of her life.
Slick thinking on the part of your editors. I'm sure it's for the best!
I'm sorry. I hope you are not too dissapointed. But, on the bright side... this is another year to attract more readers to your blog and attract more buyers for your book.
Thinking ahead, not only are you going to get one sale from me for me to read, but I am also going to buy 3 more of your book to give as presents, which I wouldn't have done in August.
~Just Me!
God is in control! The door hasn't closed and you should have expectations that when the book is released the plublicity and reception will be even better than if you did things within your own timing. Give it to him and he will bless you!
We've come to love you and your family through your blog, Dawn. Fret not. WHENEVER the book comes out, there will be several hundrend thousands of us lining up to buy a copy.
You also have another year to pick up EVEN MORE fans!
Glad you had a happy Mother's Day. And thanks for my daily giggle.
Really? Trumped by the election (gee, is that this year? Seems like the campaign's already been going on for a couple years, about time they actually had the election)
Well, on the Bright side....Maybe thie will FREE YOU UP to consider becoming one of the candidates' RUNNING MATE.....
Awww! That's okay though. Lets find the positive here. Now I have a whole extra year to look forward to something. It is good for the soul - to have something to look forward for. Hooray for a year of anticipation for something GREAT!
Maybe now they'll have time to reconsider that cover they came up with!
*gasp! The nerve of them!
We'll still eagerly await your book, because we know you're awesome :)
Immediately upon reading your post I thought of a couple of pertinent ideas but promptly put them out of my mind. However, nearly a week later they are still on my heart so will respond in what I hope is an encouragement to you and perhaps, others.
James Michener began writing when he was in his forties and the first book that he wrote was supposed to be published in '47 or '48 if I remember correctly. For whatever reason which I can no longer remember, his book was bumped to the next year. The result - he won a Pulitzer prize.
Similarly, Madeleine L'Engle wrote her masterful A Wrinkle in Time, and struggled for at least two years to find a publisher. Later, when she was accepting her Newbery award one of the publishers who had rejected it came up to her and said, "If I hadn't said no then, you would not be here now."
There are no mistakes in God's kingdom. He has all the details taken care of. Just relax and trust.
Good things come to those who wait :o)
The story of our lives, right? But so true....
I look forward to reading your book!
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