I'm really impressed that your camera was able to do that. I know you've mentioned before what your camera was, but I failed miserably trying to find that post. I'm in the market for a new camera -- any suggestions for someone who really needs to take more pictures and wants to upgrade from the 1999 model?
I have a Sony Cyber-Shot that I got for 50% off because it was a display one. I don't think they make the same model, but this one is comparable to mine.
So, I'm being nosey. Do you live in the same house as when you started your family and were all your kids born at the same hospital(for me, yes and yes)
Yes and no. Lexi was born at a different hospital than the rest of my kids. My doctor had just changed hospitals at that time. I hated that hospital. The only way I'd ever go back there is if I was in a car accident right outside their door and I was unconscious and couldn't tell them to take me somewhere else. That's why I switched OB/GYNs after she was born (just so I could deliver at a different hospital).
Dawn, I have a couple of questions about the incredible pictures you posted of you and all of your gorgeous kids. I swear it looks like you actually have makeup on in the pics of you with Austin, Savannah, and Lexington...please tell me that you were not that pulled together before/during/after the birthing process...lol!
Yes, I had a make-up artist come to my room and do my face and hair periodically during my labor.
Also...how big was Jackson when he was born? That looked like a seriously large chested baby...and I should know...my kiddo had the same shape when she was born.
He was 8, 5. Aren't you impressed that I remembered that?
Did you get pampered (NOT the diapers) on Mother's Day?
Define "pampered".
Has anyone ever told you that you sometimes look a whole lot like Gloria Estefan?
Ummm no. People usually tell me I look like
What??? You don't like camping??? How can you not? All someone has to say to to is "s'more" and I am soooo there!
I think it has something to do with the whole - packing up your whole house, getting 4000 mosquito bites, cooking over a fire, sleeping out in humidity, chasing the kids all over God's green earth,
You look like like a gorgeous MODEL in the picture with Savannah.
You're my new best friend, by the way.
I want to ask you a question, does Savannah ever complained that she doesn't want to hold the kids anymore? Or the sore arms after holding her little siblings for a long time? She looks like the best big sister on earth.
Nah, Savannah's awesome with the little ones. Austin's really great with them too (at least when he wants to be.)
LOL have you seen the movie "Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion" ?
No, but after so many of you mentioned it, I'm going to have to rent it.
All your ideas sound like the episode of Mad About You when Jamie and Paul go on vacation.Paul: I wouldn't say I invented it, but I said to Lipton: you've got a cup, you've got noodles, you do the math!
BAAAAA! I remember that one!
Has anyone compared you to Erma Bombeck?
Yes. It's very flattering, but I don't hold a candle to her.
Sorry to hear about your book getting pushed back...now I'll have to buy it for my mom for Mother's Day instead of Christmas. What should I get my mom for Christmas?
I want to ask you a question, does Savannah ever complained that she doesn't want to hold the kids anymore? Or the sore arms after holding her little siblings for a long time? She looks like the best big sister on earth.
Nah, Savannah's awesome with the little ones. Austin's really great with them too (at least when he wants to be.)
LOL have you seen the movie "Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion" ?
No, but after so many of you mentioned it, I'm going to have to rent it.
All your ideas sound like the episode of Mad About You when Jamie and Paul go on vacation.Paul: I wouldn't say I invented it, but I said to Lipton: you've got a cup, you've got noodles, you do the math!
BAAAAA! I remember that one!
Has anyone compared you to Erma Bombeck?
Yes. It's very flattering, but I don't hold a candle to her.
Sorry to hear about your book getting pushed back...now I'll have to buy it for my mom for Mother's Day instead of Christmas. What should I get my mom for Christmas?
This great Fraggle Rock doll

Ok, I know I read your blog everyday, and I swear I must have missed one or something because I do not remember reading about your book being pushed back to next year? Could you please go over that once again for people like me, who have no clue what happened?
Here ya go.
How old is that boyfriend? 12?
Nah, he just looks young because we're so old now.
Will Don be at the reunion? I want a "now" photo of him!!
Nope, he went to another school.
SSO: Did I miss a post or has Austin not yet turned in his project for school for which everybody sent in postcards? I remember it being due in May, but I haven't seen any maps for a while. thanks!
He collected hundreds of postcards, letters, pictures, and other souvenirs. He learned a ton about other places around the world. We both found it really interesting! Austin shared a lot of the correspondence with his class. Thank you to everyone who participated! Here's the updated map. Remember, there are two pages. If you don't see your name on the map, scroll down and click on page two.
View Larger Map
Dawn -- How did you and Joe decide on six children? I really would like 6 or more, but my hubby is set at 4 (we are presently half way there). Did you have to convince Joe for more children or did Joe convince you for the children? Any hints would help.
Honestly, it wasn't a conscious decision. It just worked out that way. But seriously, if you want to convince your husband to have more, you might want to keep him from reading this blog.
Your niece and nephew are sooo cute...Do most of your siblings or your husbands siblings children look like your kids also???
That's it - I just have those two (one niece and one nephew). I don't think my nephew looks like my kids and it's too soon to tell with my little niece.
Check out Angie's cool new website. While you're there, use coupon code 15becauseisaidso for 15% off orders of $20 or more.

Ok, I know I read your blog everyday, and I swear I must have missed one or something because I do not remember reading about your book being pushed back to next year? Could you please go over that once again for people like me, who have no clue what happened?
Here ya go.
How old is that boyfriend? 12?
Nah, he just looks young because we're so old now.
Will Don be at the reunion? I want a "now" photo of him!!
Nope, he went to another school.
SSO: Did I miss a post or has Austin not yet turned in his project for school for which everybody sent in postcards? I remember it being due in May, but I haven't seen any maps for a while. thanks!
He collected hundreds of postcards, letters, pictures, and other souvenirs. He learned a ton about other places around the world. We both found it really interesting! Austin shared a lot of the correspondence with his class. Thank you to everyone who participated! Here's the updated map. Remember, there are two pages. If you don't see your name on the map, scroll down and click on page two.
View Larger Map
Dawn -- How did you and Joe decide on six children? I really would like 6 or more, but my hubby is set at 4 (we are presently half way there). Did you have to convince Joe for more children or did Joe convince you for the children? Any hints would help.
Honestly, it wasn't a conscious decision. It just worked out that way. But seriously, if you want to convince your husband to have more, you might want to keep him from reading this blog.
Your niece and nephew are sooo cute...Do most of your siblings or your husbands siblings children look like your kids also???
That's it - I just have those two (one niece and one nephew). I don't think my nephew looks like my kids and it's too soon to tell with my little niece.
Check out Angie's cool new website. While you're there, use coupon code 15becauseisaidso for 15% off orders of $20 or more.
Hey Dawn - I still don't show up on your updated map!!!
Jac - 09600 Aigues-Vives - France!
No, please don't rent Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion. Please don't waste your money. It's a bad, bad movie. You've been warned.
Hey Dawn, did you hear they are making a Fraggle Rock movie?
I'll second the Gloria Estefan comparison. I saw her on tv recently and had the same thought. Now I know I'm right!
Ever since the first time I saw your picture, I thought you reminded me of
Nia Verdalos... And didn't she write My Big Fat Greek Wedding? And she's really funny and Greek, and you're really funny and Greek... So I've been wondering... Are you two related???
We made it on the map! I was worried that our package got lost in the mail :) Love coming to the blog and will request your book for Mother's day. Actually I'll have to buy it myself, but that's ok, that means I'll be sure to get one :)
Oh you are funny!I just read your vodka blog too:-)
Now I know you are Greek.My husband is Greek and he is quite funny too.
However long it may take to get your first book out, the day you hold your author's advance copy in your actual hands will make every moment of waiting feel totally worth it. You will feel like running down the street waving it at every single person you can find, going, look! It's real! It's really a book, here, in actual living color, lookee here!!!!
Been there! Looking forward to when you get to be there, too, and when I get to read it.
Thinking of you today and hoping your procedures went as well as possible.
I just want to say first off that I have enjoyed your blog. I started reading back when you had the Pokemon auction. This is actually the first time I've commented though. I've caught up on all the reading as of now. I had a long gap in reading the blog because my son's dad and I separated and I've just finally got back on my feet. You are inspiring and reading all of your blog entries has helped me get through these last couple weeks. Thank you for what you do and know that you have truly been helpful to me, and I'm sure, so many others. Congratulations on all of your success! I definitely plan to keep up with you this time, and, if the need strikes, leave a few more comments. :)
I always loved Bill Cosby's explanation: We have five children, because we DID NOT WANT SIX!
"Please use soap! This is mostly for my son..."
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