For all of you who asked - I've posted my senior picture on my blog before. How could you forget about the hair? I'm quite proud of the volume I achieved with my 'do. That must have taken half a super-size can of Aquanet and a hair dryer to get that look. And how about the four inches of eye liner. Lookin' good, Dawn. Lookin' good. You can see it
here and
here. But here's a bonus. A prom picture of me in my lovely, poufy, frou frou dress. (Thanks for supplying the
blackmail photo, Brenda) Note the matching flower comb thingy in my hair. Gotta accessorize, no? And no, that isn't my husband. He was my boyfriend at the time - Don. Don, Dawn. Dawn, Don. No, it didn't get confusing.

Now, I'm off to Dunkin Donuts for
free iced coffee day. I highly recommend iced coconut coffee with a little cream and sugar. Mmmmm.
How old is that boyfriend? 12?
Thanks for the peek!!! You look the same (an dI have seen you in person!)
I had a flashback yesterday, too. But not such a pretty one. One VERY LONG TRIP to the Camden Aquarium with 10,000 elementary students had me thinking about how fun it was to be a STUDENT on a field trip!
YIKES! But - it made for a GREAT post!!!! LOL! And that's what got me through!!
Um, we had the same prom dress. It may be embarrassing to my gramma since she supposedly sewed mine. And also to add (notice my nice redundancy which is meant to underline this point): I wish I could go for iced coffee today.
I'll be going to my 20th high school reunion this year as well. (But I'm not worried about losing weight for it, because I'll be 8 months pregnantat the time.) Looking at your pictures really brings me back. My prom dress looked almost exactly like that - only more poofy.
How funny is it that I am sitting here as I read this sipping on my free french vanilla iced coffee? *L*
lookin good!
Awww--cute picture! And why must it always be the places that aren't in my town that do the fun, free stuff! Crap!
OMG! That picture is so cute. Look at how young you were! The hair is not as high as it was in the other school photo but I love the matching comb accessory! Will Don be at the reunion? I want a "now" photo of him!!
Don looks very happy there. Will he be at the reunion?
Man, oh man, I'll bet he'll kick himself when he realizes what a catch he let get away.
Still, I'm always pulling for Joe. He's the man of your dreams. Right? My wife should have been so lucky as to catch a Mr. Fix-it like Joe.
Instead, all she got was blogger Rick.
that dress isnt bad. Honestly, I wore a gunniesax thing that was the bar none ugliest dress I have ever seen. What was I thinking? What's worse, my bf wore a tux leisure suit.
Count yourself lucky.
whoa, Brooklyn sure looks a lot like your baby pics~! I never had the big hair thing, I went through that era with a European look because I studied in France in 1986.
"Thanks for supplying the blackmail photo, Brenda"
You're welcome. :g: One of these days I'll go through the massive box o'pictures and see if I can find any more. I'm almost sure I have more than one of you from that prom. Mua ha ha!
He he he... I am fairly certain that is the same dress I made my bridesmaids wear in my first wedding in 1986.... LOVE IT!!!!
Fifty bucks says Lexington asks you to locate that dress so she can wear it to her prom.
Because right now, as we speak, Gunnie Sax are making a comeback. Poufy frou-frou cannot be too far behind.
Ahhh, Dawn -- I've got you WAY beat on the ugliest prom gown! My gown (actually BOTH prom gowns - Jr. and Sr. prom - had a HOOP under them! Welcome to the '80's. I totally looked like a lamp shade. Ya think I would've learned after the Jr. prom that the hoop would be a no-no!
Thanks for sharing your pictures! Love them!!:)
Donna in PA :)
I LOVE that his bow tie matches your dress... seriously, that is way superfantastic! I also am completely miffed that I missed the free coffee. I even remembered this morning... but then I forgot.
So... I was tagged to do this meme and in the meme I actually mentioned your blog AND I was ordered to tag two people that I thought wouldn't respond but I hoped would. So I tagged YOU!
No need to jump over there and do the meme right away. I know you're excited but, really, there's no rush. :)
You look so cute and so happy, Dawn!
And I can't believe I missed out on free iced coffee! I had no idea, but it's after 10pm, and I can't quite justify going out to get some now....
LOL! I had a very similar dress too! It thought I was sooooo cool back then. What am I saying? I WAS cool! LOL
Thank you for making me laugh so hard. I love the picture of you sucking your thumb and holding the cats tail. I'm just glad i didn't grow up during the big hair phase. How long would that take you?
I think I may have picked that dress for my bridesmaids!
Hey! Maybe you'll se Don at your 20th! Don and Dawn reunite!
Your parents let you wear a dress off the shoulder???!!! I bought one and my parents made me take it back. I was so mad... But I'm over it now that I'm 40! Really!!!
OMG! The earrings in your senior pic - I STILL HAVE THOSE (waaay back in the bottom of my jewelry case, in a bag marked "1980's Haute Coutre" - along with my black lace Madonna gloves)! ya, my daughter now rumages through there and wonders what planet I lived on when I was her age :-)
I have enjoyed seeing 80's prom dresses more this week than I did at any time during the 80's. I posted mine today for all the world to see.
I so had that prom dress in ice blue. If you didn't have a good off the shoulder, tea-length taffeta prom dress, you just can't claim to have gone to prom in the 80s. :)
I was peeking at your blog while talking on the phone with a friend and had to run out of the room so I didn't inappropriately laugh out loud in the phone to my friend. Not laughing AT YOU, of course, but just at the memory, and what it conjured up in my mind of my prom days.
Thanks for a gem here - the comments were hilarious, too.
From a former "Victorian" (picture right up under the chin with satin ribbon and frilly lace) Gunniesax (can't be bothered to look up correct spelling of that word) wearing prom date!
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