1. To remove a bandage painlessly, saturate the bandage with vodka. The stuff dissolves adhesive.
Or you could just drink the vodka and then rip the bandage off. Six of one, half dozen the other.
2. To clean your eyeglasses, simply wipe the lenses with a soft, clean cloth dampened with vodka. The alcohol in the vodka cleans the glass and kills germs.
Kinda gives the term "beer goggles" a new meaning.
3. Prolong the life of razors by filling a cup with vodka and letting your safety razor blade soak in the alcohol after shaving. The vodka disinfects the blade and prevents rusting.
Because when you cut yourself shaving, it feels so much better to get vodka in your cut.
4. Spray vodka on wine stains, scrub with a brush, and then blot dry.
This is an example of irony.
5. Using a cotton ball, apply vodka to your face as an astringent to cleanse the skin and tighten pores.
Then walk around smelling like an alcoholic all day.
6. Add a jigger of vodka to a 12-ounce bottle of shampoo. The alcohol cleanses the scalp, removes toxins from hair, and stimulates the growth of healthy hair.
But does it give you great body like the beer shampoo from the 70s?

7. Fill a sixteen-ounce trigger-spray bottle with vodka and spray bees or wasps to kill them.
Or get them drunk and angry.
8. Pour one-half cup vodka and one-half cup water into a Ziploc freezer bag and freeze for a slushy, refreshing ice pack for aches, pain or black eyes.
Again, I'm guessing there's a little more pain relief in the ingestion of this ice pack.
9. Fill a clean, used mayonnaise jar with freshly packed lavender flowers, fill the jar with vodka, seal the lid tightly and set in the sun for three days. Strain liquid through a coffee filter, then apply the tincture to aches and pains.
Or drizzle over sorbet, chocolate cake, or flan for a sweet floral flavor with citrus notes.
10. To relieve a fever, use a washcloth to rub vodka on your chest and back as a liniment.
Yes, this is exactly what doctors recommend. Along with: a half an onion placed under the bed of a sick person will draw off fever and poisons; red ribbon should be placed on a child who has been sick to keep the illness from returning; placing a hand in front of your mouth when sneezing will keep your soul from escaping; seeing an ambulance is very unlucky unless you pinch your nose and hold your breath until you see a black dog.
11. To cure foot odor, wash your feet with vodka.
does wonders for your breath too
12. Vodka will disinfect and alleviate a jellyfish sting.
because everyone carries a flask of vodka to the beach with them
13. Pour vodka over an area affected with poison ivy to remove the urushiol oil from your skin. According to the Mythbusters (both Jamie & Adam AND Austin & Jackson) this myth has been BUSTED!

14. Swish a shot of vodka over an aching tooth. Allow your gums to absorb some of the alcohol to numb the pain.
This is even better if you take a swig of orange juice at the same time.
OK, my brain is tired. I need to get to sleep early tonight for the Great Baseball Extravaganza tomorrow. Nine hours of baseball woo hoo! So, your mission, should you choose to accept, is to come up with a snarky comment for this last vodka idea. Leave me a comment with your best retort. The winner will receive
15. To clean the caulking around bathtubs and showers, fill a trigger-spray bottle with vodka, spray the caulking, let set five minutes and wash clean. The alcohol in the vodka kills mold and mildew.
or just leave the spray bottle in the tub to squirt in your mouth as you try to relax in the moldy tub as it's safer to have a plastic bottle near you than a wine glass. or keep it there for when you cut yourself on the wind glass due to intoxication and you need to sterlize the cuts.....
Or you could just drink the vodka..be to drunk to care about the mold and mildew and to blind to see it!.....at least that is what I'd do.
Shannon in Texas
No more glass of wine with that bubble bath...just lick the walls of your shower!
To clean the bathtub: do a shot of vodka, spray mold and mildew with bleach, rinse, repeat as necessary.
In the "Great Minds Think Alike" category, I just today gave my best friend this birthday card:
Snarky comment entry:
"It also keeps people away from the bathtub and shower because the smell suggests you threw up your last hangover in there."
(Sincere comment: Why not just use rubbing alcohol? Or bleach? A heck of a lot cheaper than Absolut.)
To clean the caulking around bathtubs and showers, fill a trigger-spray bottle with vodka, spray the caulking, let set five minutes and wash clean. The alcohol in the vodka kills mold and mildew.
Or place the trigger-spray bottle of vodka with your cleaning supplies. The next time you're enjoying quality scrubbing time in the bathroom, indulge in a few squirts and pretend you're alone, in the Hilton ordering room service.
Or even better, take steady swigs from the spray bottle while filling the tub up with warm water and you won't even notice the mold and mildew. And you're guaranteed a perfectly intoxicating bubble bath!
But at least those little mold and mildew spores died happy!
Paaaarrtyyy in Dawn's tub! Clothing optional!
Sandy in Tucson
now you've turned your bathtub into a giant teething ring! efficiency!
OK, I started to go to bed after posting my winning entry. As I was brushing my teeth it occured to me - bleach is $1.50 a gallon and vodka is $30.00 a gallon. What moron is cleaning with vodka? Vodka makes gas seem cheap. Might as well see if you can run your car on vodka.
Use #16.
Fill car with vodka, it burns cleaner than gasoline and will prolong engine life.
A drunk engine is a happy engine. Unless your car is a mean drunk, then watch out.
Well I don't drink alcohol, but after reading your blog, I was reminded of the movie/musical Annie. Didn't Miss Hanigen pour Vodka in her bath and drink another bottle of it at the same time. If she was using for "medicinal" reasons, that is considered multi-tasking. (I love Carol Bernett as Miss Hanigen.)
Or you could just spray the kids with the vodka spray bottle, rinse them off with the shower head and skip the tub.
No dirty kids in the tub = no dirty tub.
To clean the caulking around bathtubs and showers, fill a trigger-spray bottle with vodka, spray the caulking, let set five minutes and wash clean. The alcohol in the vodka kills mold and mildew.
It gives a whole new meaning to the phrase "clean enough to eat off of."
...and brain cells.
I think this is Vodka's way to penetrate itself into your shower, claiming to rid of those pesky mold and mildew spores, instead it just causes Vodka Vapors.
Real comment: I LOVE the pictures of the boys made up to look like the Mythbusters! That is so cute.
Snarky Vodka Retort: Use Rubbing Alcohol on the caulking. It is cheaper, and works the same way. This means the vodka is free to clean your gullet and wet your whistle. The spray bottle is a great place to hide your hooch. Just be sure that you don't share with the wasps!
Drink enough of the vodka so that the mold that looks like Lena Horne begins to sing (the Lena Horne mold is a Mr. Slack experience).
"The same results can be achieved by producing bathtub gin."
OR, to save money, fill your tub with dirt, plant potato buds, grow the potatoes, ferment their juice, make your own vodka, and just buy a new house, complete with a maid to clean that tub and shower scum FOR you...
Hmmm...I think I will leave alcohol alone and be an example to my kids and use the proper ways of doing things. Much cheaper and doesn't stink as bad! I believe if kids see you drink and smoke then wha la! They will do it, too!
Great! I already have a hard enough time keeping the kids from sucking on the spray bottle of water I use to do their hair. Of course, if there is one filled with Vodka, I might be the one sucking on it...
take frequent sips from vodka bottle as you are filling the spray bottle. Alternate sips between vodka bottle and spray bottle to make them even... take big swig from vodka bottle just to make sure, then spray down tub and shower, let sit while mom sits and finished off vodka bottle. Guaranteed mom won't mind scrubbing the mold and mildew off much anymore. She won't mind much the rest of the day.
my dad did the tooth ache thing on me, with Jack Daniels. Yes, the 70's was known for great parenting advice...
15. To clean the caulking around bathtubs and showers, fill a trigger-spray bottle with vodka, spray the caulking, let set five minutes and wash clean. The alcohol in the vodka kills mold and mildew.
shake up a nice cosmopolitan while waiting, forget to come back five minutes later to wipe...no big deal because it's alcohol, eventually it'll evaporate...
"Splash it on the gums, but don't drink it"??????
Sounds a lot like "I tried it, but I didn't inhale"!!!!!
Nice try!
...leaves your bathroom smelling as fresh as a frathouse floor!
I'm too "fuzzy" to leave a snarky comment...
The minute I saw the word vodka, I thought that meant I was supposed to drink some...
I do like the idea of filling the tub with dirt though & then growing the supplies to make your own vodka. CLEVER!
My response:
And while you're in the tub with your vodka, you can pretend to be Carol Burnett in "Annie."
First of all, let me say that I don't drink, however, I will take a stab at a snarky comment.
To clean the caulking around bathtubs and showers, fill a trigger-spray bottle with vodka, spray the caulking, let set five minutes.
Look at watch.
While waiting, take a swig of vodka.
Look at your watch. 4 1/2 minutes left.
Plenty of time for another swig.
Still waiting, take another drink.
Look at your watch. How long has it been? Can't remember. Probably should start over again.
Spray grout again.
Look at watch again.
Drink more vodka.
Look at watch..............
What were you doing?
Why were you looking at your watch?
Wow, there's vodka in the spray bottle!
Spray some in your mouth.
Take off the lid and drink the whole darn thing.
Sit on the floor. Try not to tip over.
Look at the tub. The baulking around the cathtub dooks lirty.
And it vells mike lodka.
And the room is spinning.
Realize there's no possible way that you can get rid of the mold and mildew when the tub won't hold still..............
Go take a nap, and tomorrow call a cleaning service to wash the tub.
15. To clean the caulking around bathtubs and showers, fill a trigger-spray bottle with vodka, spray the caulking, let set five minutes and wash clean. The alcohol in the vodka kills mold and mildew.
also works on husbands!
***After all that vodka*** What the HELL is caulking, and why is it in the tub???
Okay, here's how big of a dork I am... The Mythbusters have officially busted numbers 1 and 7 as well. They also tried out numbers 11 and 12, but I think those registered "Plausible." I volunteer to test the other ones. I think the ruling on ALL of the others would be that the vodka is much more effective when taken by mouth than when applied any other way.
Snarky: Any language that contains quips or comments containing sarcastic or satirical witticisms intended as blunt irony. Usually delivered in a manner that is somewhat abrupt and out of context and intended to stun and amuse. Origin: Snark="snide remark".
The mental picture of you leaning over a bath tube in your house coat, while dutifully applying an intoxicant to rid your home of mold and mildew does beg for some kind of quip.
Your house must smell like one big Chicago Speak Easy. These "helpful hints" probably came from the mouth of Al Capone himself.
Seriously, when you're getting around to attacking moldy chalking with booze you're making every American bootlegger proud - something every suburban mother of six should aspire to.
Exactly how much IS a "jigger"?
Sure puts you in a better mood than inhaling Tilex!
Seriously, this list had to come from a Russian source. They swear that vodka will cure cancer.
have children get in bathtub. add vodka thus ensuring clean caulking and kids who will sleep soundly.
That's why Ms. Hannigan's tub always looked so clean!
I especially like the one where it kills bugs...I'm always scared to sit on my patio when the bees are out...Now I'll be ready..and if there are no bees...I'll just drink...
this was so cute..
Dorothy from grammology
remember to call gram
And if you're amazed by what it does for mildew and mold, wait til you see what it does for underarms! Vodka, strong enough for an alcoholic, but made for a busy mom!
So who cares that any guests who use the bathroom will think you're making bootleg liquor in the tub? You could always decorate the bath with posters from Absolut and tell them it's simply the power of suggestion. (And the posters will cover all those marks on the walls the kids have made -- hanging a few strategically placed posters is much easier than painting so you kill two birds with one stone!).
Everywhere there is the word vodka, put hydrogen peroxide for cheap and effective cleaning. Then ditch the vodka totally, grab some Tequila and make margaritas.
Wipe up the vodka soaked caulking with your tongue. Get the intoxication and the penicillin simultaneously! Cures all ills.
LOL. I would say have fun at baseball but that is an awful lot of it. So I'll just say I hope the weather is nice and kids have fun.
Isn't that why we have kids??? So THEY can clean the moldy tub and we can be DRINKING the vodka
Hi Dawn, I think the mold and mildew got there because someone was to lazy drinking the vodka. I think I must be internally mold & mildew free. Kristine in Michigan.
Forgot to mention another use for vodka. A friend said that mixed equal parts with honey and lemon juice, it makes a great cough syrup. She told me this after I'd tried the whiskey/honey/lemon juice mixture and COULD.NOT.DRINK.IT because it was too nasty. But vodka is virtually tasteless and apparently works the same bronchial magic as whiskey when you're sick. Just be sure to apply with caution so you don't think you're better when you're not, because you just ain't feelin' no pain.
Then you could fill up the bathtub with water and of course add a bit of vodka in it, and relax in the vodka scented tub while breathing in the smell of vodka from the caulk since I'm sure some smell is still lingering! You could get intoxicated without even putting a sip in your mouth!
Theresa from an one light stop town in Ny
Better method would be what we did in college, make bathtub punch with everclear and grape juice. As it sits while everyone drinks, it will be cleaning the grout and caulk.
...'Cause we all know that mold and mildew don't grow in an alcoholic environment.
This also works to get your husband more involved in the housecleaning. Just say "Honey, I'll meet you in the tub with a bottle of vodka after the kids are in bed." :)
I actually put Vodka in a mason jar with vanilla beans that I've cut open. Homemade vanilla extract! Just replace vodka as you use it. 30$/1 litre bottle of vodka or 931$/1 litre bottle of vanilla extract (based on paying 5.56$ for 46 mililitres)
Use as you would the store bought stuff, with a much easier hit on the wallet.
or you can simply spray bottle into mouth so much that you are no longer concered about the bath tub mold and are now fixated on the ring around the tiolet bowl ;)
Does this one come from the era of bathtub gin, homemade moonshine, and strawberry wine? Come to think of it, I am quite certain the failure and unpopularity of the Alcohol Prohibition of the 1920's had something to do with a startling increase of moldy, mildewed bathtubs!
Instead, fill your tub with hot water and enough bubble bath to make it look like an "I Love Lucy" episode and climb in. Fill up a glass with vodka, light a candle and say "Forget cleaning the bathroom. Let someone else do the dirty work!"
Chris in PA
or gets them drunk and angry.
It doesn't kill the mildew...it just makes it pass out.
Send me the Starbucks card and I'll just add the vodka to a Doubleshot on Ice and let the tub go!
Sorry, but if anyone's getting drunk off of Vodka, it'll be me and not the stupid wasps. Besides, Windex and Fabuloso will drop bee's, flies and wasps right in their tracks.
Snorty retort?
15. To clean the caulking around bathtubs and showers, fill a trigger-spray bottle with vodka, spray the caulking, let set five minutes and wash clean. The alcohol in the vodka kills mold and mildew.
Vodka and caulk. Any Girl gone wild can tell you that they go well together.
Or you could use the vodka to fix martinis and get some Tilex instead. Enjoy the martini whilst you make your husband clean the tub. With the Tilex. Duh.
OMG! These comments are already great ideas!
After the mildew and mold have disappeared, watch out! They have gone to tell all of their friends about the wonderful new "all you can drink" place in your tub where the vodka sprays are oh so refreshing. The original mold and mildew will establish a cover charge for all of the new mold and mildew. Then the original mildew and mold will be drunk, happy and rich!
Love your Blog!
cookie aka the other Dawn :)
wonder if it will clean the rest of my house too?
or just keep drinking the vodka so you are too drunk to see the mold
Don't wash your own tub or even clean your house simply take a full bottle of Vodka out to your local skid row and promise it to the first addict who cleans your whole house. No skid row around? A frat house should yeild the same results.
I LOVE ace of cakes and they always use an air brush full of vokda to "clean" the fondant after the make the cakes, Every time they do it I think to my self. "WOW Asher's gonna have the best barmitzva yet, he got a DUFF cake and they all get drunk!!" OR "sammy is going to be the luckies 1st b-day baby he gets a cake and a shot all at the same time." AND for the wedding cakes "no need for a toast just say something nice before they shove the cake in each others mouth."
Or use white vinegar on the caulk and grout in the bathroom, save the vodka for yourself to drink before, during and after cleanng the bathroom, bedroom, kitchen, etc., etc.
I wonder if vodka would be useful to repel fleas and ticks? (or might attract more fleas and ticks to the party in the fur of an animal)!!!
I was going to say... What do you do for the blackened tongue you get from licking the vodka off your tub and shower walls?... But I see that other great minds had the same wall-licking activities in mind. :-)
Sounds like a "scrubbing bubbles" frat party to me!
swig vodka, ignite, and blast away that pesky mold with the power of FIRE.
After mold and mildew is gone, your children will now know that it is clean, (which is not very often since the vodka is usally used to cope with having children) and during their night time bath they will lick the walls and the vodka will help them relax.
Ummm you mean that black slimy stuff isnt SUPPOSED to be there? Crap!
Snarky Comment: Take the bottle of vodka into the bathroom with you and injest a swig at a time until you see the little "scrubbing bubbles" dancing over your mildew like they do in the commercial. Your bathtub may not come out sparkling clean, but I guarantee you by that point, you won't care.
Clean the tub?
Sounds like the miracle product to me! I wonder how large a size container I can buy it in? Actually if I drink enough of the stuff a day I wont care if things are dirty or not so therefore wont need to clean anything
Entry: Let hubby drink vodka then clean caulking with actual cleaner, not necessarily in that order.
Or, you could get a spray bottle and fill it with tilex or clorox. Then, you let it sit, and then you could either rinse it off or not, your dicision. That way it won't give people the wrong idea when they use your restroom. Then, you can drink it instead of wasting $30
Amanda from WA.
and leave the bottle under the sink with the other cleaning supplies. then when your in-laws come to visit, you can escape to the bathroom to do some "cleaning"!
Or better yet just take a swig of vodka instead and wait a few minutes. Than decide if it really needs cleaning. If you still think that it needs cleaning, take another swig.
(PS, for my last comment just wanted to make clear that I don't drink)
Jill's post at 1:42 am has my vote! I've never laughed so hard!!
Have a good time at baseball.
Sure, because bathing in a vodka residue bath is great for your body. I propose to fill a glass with the vodka and drink. Then clean the bathtub with cleaner (ie...NOT vodka, because you're clearly drinking it) and once your done repeat step one, grab your bubble bath and another drink and relax in the NON-vodka residue bath, because again, you're drinking it, not sitting it it!! :)
"15. To clean the caulking around bathtubs and showers, fill a trigger-spray bottle with vodka, spray the caulking, let set five minutes and wash clean. The alcohol in the vodka kills mold and mildew."
Or wait until the next time one of your children gets busted for something and as a consequence, make the kid scrub the tub.
rum tastes, I mean works good too
Because cleaning your tub with vodka keeps Child Protective Services away. You have a clean house and well behaved kids because you use vodka in such creative ways.
15. To clean the caulking around bathtubs and showers, fill a trigger-spray bottle with vodka, spray the caulking, let set five minutes and wash clean. The alcohol in the vodka kills mold and mildew.
Then, continue filling entire tub with vodka and invite Miss Hannigan over with her big wooden spoon and stir it up together.
15. To clean the caulking around bathtubs and showers, fill a trigger-spray bottle with vodka, spray the caulking, let set five minutes and wash clean. The alcohol in the vodka kills mold and mildew.
Of course when you are home running after the kids, and picking up after them and trying to clean, it is always better to keep a spray bottle of vodka handy to be Momma's little helper through out the day, in your cleaning caddy. A squirt on the shower wall, and two in the mouth, makes mom much happier!
... kills mold, mildew, and your inhibitions ...
Because we all know what vodka does to the skin and hair (see # 5, 6 & 11)
15. To clean the caulking around bathtubs and showers, fill a trigger-spray bottle with vodka, spray the caulking, let set five minutes and wash clean. The alcohol in the vodka kills mold and mildew.
You can wash your lettuce and mix your Boody Mary at the same time! (think Kramer)
<'To clean the caulking around bathtubs and showers, fill a trigger-spray bottle with vodka, spray the caulking, let set five minutes and wash clean. The alcohol in the vodka kills mold and mildew.'i/>
Why not just swig one large of the vodka with some orange juice perhaps.....and then stay sprawled in the other room wholly avoiding the mold and the tub :D
My question is if it is so deadly to so many germs, dirt and stains why the heck do people drink that stuff? I gues that explains their livers! Then again there's the Coca Cola cleans a toilet thing! LOL!!! With all these wonderful germ fighting/cleaning agents/drinks we should be very healthy drunks..er.. people!
15. To clean the caulking around bathtubs and showers, fill a trigger-spray bottle with vodka, spray the caulking, let set five minutes and wash clean. The alcohol in the vodka kills mold and mildew.
Vodka? In trigger-spray bottle? This is sacrilege! Please do not mention to any of your Russian friends.
As a side note, who has that much vodka in the house? And that would be one expensive cleanser, might I add. Was this list compiled by the vodka manufacturer to increase the sales?
Btw, number 10 works really well, I can personally attest,but it could be done with diluted vinegar also.
Love me some mythbusters...I mean who else can get away with blowing up people (fake ones, I know) or dropping a frozen turkey on a dog replica...to see if you really can kill with the bird.
The best part, bar none, was the boys doctored photos...I laughed at that one just thinking about the handlebar mustache looking guy! LOL
You funny white girl.
The Maid
Wow, Vodka can kill germs, it can kill insects, it can take out stains, imagine what it's doing to your insides!
I might spring for the cost of the vodka if it dissolves the curly little hairs on it's way down the drain...
lmao love the pictures!!
a jigger is 1.5 oz (a shot 1oz)
and squirt in mouth to kill any infection inside. If it will kill mold and mildew imagine what it will do your insides.
Better yet, fill your automatic air freshener with vodka, then ignore the tub because everyone in the bathroom will be too high from the fumes to notice anyway.
and who uses a safety razor anymore anyway?
FYI, I used that beer shampoo once long ago. It did nothing for my waist length hair, but dogs and teenage boys seemed to be oddly attracted to the hair.
AND it gets your dog (who likes to lick the water off the shower floor) drunk, too.
I don't know about Vodka as a cure for what ails you...evertime I've tried the stuff, it makes me sick..lol
cleanliness is next to... drunkenness... yeah, that's how my gramma told it.
I have to say, those pics on #14 are quite clever - so much talent!
...The alcohol in the vodka kills mold and mildew... and brain cells, and libido, and inhibitions ...
Or you can just spray and lick, then you don't have to wait the 5 minutes.
Seriously? Just drink the vodka and you won't notice the dirty shower anymore! Save yourself thw work :)
10. To relieve a fever, use a washcloth to rub vodka on your chest and back as a liniment.
I've actually done this for one of my kids, using rubbing alcohol. It evaporates quickly and for high fevers gives a bit of relief. Seemed less extreme than filling the tub with cold water and ice cubes.
4. Spray vodka on wine stains, scrub with a brush, and then blot dry.
This is an example of irony.
My comment, skip the wine , go for the Vodka in the first place. No need to worry about those nasty wine stains.
or pay 89 cents for a bottle of rubbing alcohol. although why would I put any sort of alcohol in my shampoo?...alsohol is HORRIBLE for your hair.
Also, thought it was ammonia that alleviated jellyfish stings...anyone remember that Friends episode?
Or leave said bottle handily near the porcelain "god" for party cleanups!
I hope I'm not to late for my snarky comment. LOVE this post.
I think my family wrote the original many uses of vodka list and other folklore.
Tory in Orlando
Well I just got a funny email that said "a clean house is a wasted life" so I guess if I'm wasting my life I'd feel the spray bottle tell the hubby I'm cleaning the tub and lock the bathroom door.
To clean the caulking around bathtubs and showers, fill a trigger-spray bottle with vodka, spray the caulking, let set five minutes and wash clean. The alcohol in the vodka kills mold and mildew. ..And brain cells. Who thought to try this stuff anyway???
Or just leave the vodka in the spray bottle, no one would ever think to look for it there (never mind try to use it!) and there's more for you later if you're not sharing! Set children to work scrubbing mold and mildew from bathtub and shower, if time is an issue make it a competition.
I think the potato farm in the tub is the best!
I can't come up with anything as clever, but if it does work, maybe the fumes won't be as bad as bleach mixed with ammonia! If you haven't tried it, don't! (not that I would know anything about that...)
Regarding the bees and wasps. They might be happy drunks instead of mean and angry. Just a thought.
15. To clean the caulking around bathtubs and showers, fill a trigger-spray bottle with vodka, spray the caulking, let set five minutes and wash clean. The alcohol in the vodka kills mold and mildew.
If 5 minutes is too long to wait, simply strike a match and leave the premises*. Upon returning, the mold and mildew will be gone. To remaining vodka, add a splash of dry vermouth and an olive to deal with the smell.
Jill's comment (By Blogger Jill, at May 17, 2008 1:42 AM) should win the Starbucks card for sure.
My comment: Or replace vodka with 89 cent bottle of rubbing alcohol, send hubby in to clean, and enjoy a shot of the good stuff yourself.
Hey Dawn,
I have a use for vodka that you didn't mention. I helped with the costumes for my daughters ballet company and we used vodka as a spray to kill body odor on costumes between Friday and Saturday performances when there was not time to wash them. Works better than Fabreeze!
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