Saturday, April 26, 2008

When Good News is Bad News

Good news: my thyroid is just fine. Wait, maybe that's not good news after all.

Bad news: I got the dreaded call that my pap showed abnormal cells. I have a colposcopy and biopsy scheduled for May 19th.

So, if any of you have still been putting off your visit to the gyno, GO NOW! Well, maybe not right now since it's like 9:30 on a Saturday night, but call on Monday and make that appointment!

I'm doing some reviews for my other blog this week. Check it out if you get the chance.
Check back here tomorrow for Sunday Sound Out.


Amanda said...

My mom ALWAYS has an abnormal pap. They have to run her results through a smaller "screen" (or whatever they call it). I hope it's something along those lines for you!

Anonymous said...

oh you poor thing! have you had a colposcopy before? they're fairly awful... not unbearable, but worth eating an entire pint of ice cream afterwards. hope everything comes back fine! i'm so glad you decided to go in and get checked finally!

Suz said...

Dawn, long time reader, first time writer. I feel as a fellow mother and one who has endured two colonoscopies I wouldn't be a true to myself if I didn't offer a small tidbit of advice. Take it as you want. The prep for the colonoscopy is the worse part. However, being the mother of six, I ask that you prep with some assistance in the house. Because clearing out the colon isn't something you want to do with ANYONE around especially children. I can't even pee alone with two kids, I can't imagine the lack of privacy you have. I hope this isn't too much information to share over the internet, but just a forewarning. You can chose not to publish this post, if you want. Good luck. I will keep you in my prayers that everything comes out clear and you and your husband just have a good laugh after the "prep" is over.
Thanks for the laughs and the smiles.

Dream of Scrappin' said...

Yikes!!! I hope (and am sure it will) all turn out fine. I will be thinking about you!

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

I hope it all works out okay--better safe than sorry.

Frances said...

Poor thing! I've been there. The procedure is slightly painful and I echo the earlier thought about it being worth it to eat lots of ice cream (or chocolate).

More than likely I'm sure it will be okay. I had the cells frozen off and my last two paps were fine. *sending good thoughts your way!*

Dawn said...

Ike and Suz - it's not a colonoscopy. It's a colposcopy. They look at the cervix through a microscope and take a sample. I had this done for precancerous cells about 17 years ago.

sharon said...

De-lurking to say Good luck with the gynae procedures. Both of my sisters had the same treatments and everything worked out fine. I'm adding to the PAP test plea with 'get your mammograms done too'. They aren't nice but speaking as one who has lost a younger sister to breast cancer (died on her 43rd birthday) and having survived it twice myself it's important folks!

Glad to know I'm not the only one who would welcome a 'sluggish' Thyroid result - unfortunately that's working just fine so it's back to the 'don't it anything yummy' diet and the 'get off the computer and move around' regime. I tell you since my boys grew up and flew the nest ( thereby reducing my level of activity to minimal) the pounds just keep piling on despite my best endeavours :-(

I have recently completed reading your blog archives and have to say you are to blame for a lot of ROTFL-ing,with tears of laughter rolling down my face. The green fish episode was a real killer! There's been a lot of 'OMG mine did that to, perhaps they weren't so strange after all'. Also I used to work as a registered childminder in the UK when my two boys were young so know only too well the logistics of 'many children, only two hands'!

Keep writing Dawn, you have a real gift and have to share it with the rest of us . . . please, pretty please.


Sharon (now living in Australia)

Anonymous said...

I've ahd both fairly recently (and a sonic histogram as well). The historgram was worst, the biopsy was bad and the colposcopy was a piece of cake.

Colleen - Mommy Always Wins said...

Hey Dawn - my paps come back "abnormal" every once in awhile, too, but thankfully all my follow-ups have come back fine. Best of luck on the follow-up visits. I'll say a little prayer for ya!

susan said...

ugh!! i got the same call, had the colp and then had to have a LEEP.. lets hope yours stops at the colp. have a good rest of the weekend!!

Brenda said...

Medical stuff is not fun. I'll pray it all goes fine and is soon just a bad memory.It is good you are using it to remind others though!

Kalynne Pudner said...

Praying for positive results...and that the gynecologist does not turn out to be someone you have to see on a regular basis!

Mum-me said...

Sorry to hear about the abnormal pap test, but glad you're advising others to go have a test. Good on you for sharing the good and the bad - God Bless.

nutralady2001 said...

(((Dawn))) I had a colonoscopy and endoscopy last year they aren't scarey at all! You need to stick close to home the 24 hours prior as you are "cleaned out" ( I had pills then 2 lots of sachers to finish the job, you had to drink them at timed intervals. You get wheeled into theatre the anaesthetist says hello and gives you an IV sedation and you are off to lala land and next thing you wake up and can't believe it's all over

I had to have yearly smears for years and am now 2 yearly

nutralady2001 said...

Ahhh my post escaped before I finished it.Hope your thyroid IS OK because thyroid disease is the most mis-understood disease in the medical fraternity ( can't ya just tell I have thyroid disease?..LOL). Google Mary Shomon to get her thyroid.about website and read read read if you have any doubts or aren't feeling any better there

Angie [A Whole Lot of Nothing] said...

BEST best best to you. I'm sure all will be well.

Wendy Hill said...

Thank you for giving me another push. Like you, I put off my pap (although possibly not as long as you did - my youngest is 16 months and I just had the pap a few weeks ago - joy!) and he did require a mammogram. Of course, the order form is still on my fridge and I have yet to call the number.

I, too, am a procrastinator. One time, I borrowed a book from our church library and the librarian really got a kick out of me (you know they are far more laid back in a church library and only begin to check on things once in a while). I had been hoarding a book without returning for months and the title of the book was something like "30 Days to Kicking Your Procrastination Habit." Thing is, I really meant to read the book ... eventually!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad that you finally did go and get checked out -remember that it is not only important for yourself but also the six little ones that depend on you.

I think "Ike and Suz" has her procedures mixed up. a colposcopy is not the same as a colonoscopy (take it from someone who has had both).

Actually when I had my colposcopy it wasn't so bad. I also had an emergency biopsy (and they froze something too) right in the OBGYN's office at my 6 week check up after I had my baby. My case was a special one -I had a severe accident when I was pregnant and had to have an emergency c-section and then surgery two days later. I was confined to a wheelchair for 10 weeks after giving birth and was put on blood thinners. Well you can only imagine what it was like when my period finally returned after giving birth about five weeks later. It was like have Niagra Falls in my living room. Anyway, they had to do this procedure and it is uncomfortable but bearable and most definitely worth it to make sure everything is okay.

Good luck and I will say a little pray everything turns out alright.


nutralady2001 said...

OK I am officially an idiot.*blush*.....a COLPOSCOPY not a COLONOSCOPY........ *slinks off*

debi9kids said...

Dawn, saying a few extra prayers for you.
I know how nerve racking this can all be, as I just had to take my 13 yr old daughter to a breast specialist because of abnormal lumps. (she is ok)
But, I know that until you get the results, you will be worrying. So, just know there are lots of us out here thinking of you & praying for you.

Anonymous said...

I have three kids and after the first it came back abnormal and they said it was Cervical Dysplacia. Really I have had Cone, Leap and the like and still they say yep I think I got it this time. After my third I thought to myself, if you said I wasn't fertial two times now and I am it surely can't be this bad and I haven't been back since. Dumb logic maybe but I am tired of test after test with the same result.

Mommy to those Special Ks said...

Oh man, praying hard everything is ok!

elasticwaistbandlady said...

Who do those people think they are running a smear campaign like this?!!? Smearing your PAP as "abnormal" seems highly insensitive.

My Pap smears always come back abnormal, too. See, pretty much everything that pertains to me breaks down to this equation: Abnormal=My Normal

nomi said...

That is not a fun thing getting info like this from your doctor, nothing like adding more stress to a mommy's life! I'll be praying for you, and watching for updates.

Kelly said...

Hope everything turns out ok! Praying for you!

Anonymous said...

My best friend has had "abnormal" results before and she is fine. Hopefully that will be the case for you as well, but I am keeping you in my prayers anyway.

Take care of yourself, sweetie! *hugs*

Beth :)

Stephanie Honeycutt said...

Hi Dawn......

Had those too. I am glad you finally went. I was dx with Cervical Carcinoma in situ in Aug 2000 after my colposcopy and punch biopsy. Not horrible, but not fun either. The Biopsy was done during the colposcopy. My husband went with me - and described the instrument used to perform the biopsy as resembling a caulk gun. You definately want to pop a few tylenols and get a baby sitter. I am now cancer free after having additional surgery AND preg with 3rd child =).

Anonymous said...

Hey Dawn,
I'm sure everything is fine. I will keep you in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

I used to always have abnormal paps, which for me luckily just meant repeat paps more often (oh, joy). But I once had a colposcopy. They're not fun and can be quite painful, but they're a necessary evil to know what you're dealing with. Good luck to you Dawn!

Hoffman Family said...

The prep for the colonoscopy is the worst....just don't eat a lot a few days before. What goes in, must come out :). My good friend was able to come in the room and watch my procedure...that is a true friend!! As far as the "abnormal" cells, been there done that too. It is just a good feeling to know you are not alone in the world with these issues - lots of us have been though it. Glad you put it out there for more to see they are not alone. We all will be praying for you that it all turns out well and that you have a GREAT blog story about it all for us to laugh at!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Dawn, I have had the same thing. Everything Will be fine. They scrape your cervix alittle and that it just as uncomfortable as the Metal jack. You might spot alittle after but no biggie. Kristine in Michigan.

Kat said...

oh god a Colp??? I started having those at 15 after they removed ovarian cysts and found endometriosis in the process. The doctor I got was a BUTCHER. My regular gyno and family doc were fine with the equipment but this special one I had to go to was awful. I would cry before having to go see her. On (I think that's the address) where you can rate your doc... this one gyno has NO good reviews.

Good luck with yours hopefully they treat you better than anybody ever treated me!

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Praying for you that all goes well. This is the worst part...the waiting.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Dawn,

I got that call from my doctor about two years ago. It's VERY frightening, isn't it?

I had both procedures done, followed by cryosurgery (they freeze the cells). Everything was done in my doctor's office and none of it was nearly as scary as getting that phone call! All you feel is like you're having a crampy period -- that's all. Since you've been in labor six times, this will be a piece of cake!!!! ;o)

My thoughts and prayers are with you. ((hugs))

Now, everyone else: GO AND GET YOUR ANNUAL EXAM!!!!!! It could save your life!

Donna in PA :)

Anonymous said...

You should be glad you have a normal thyroid. I was diagnosed with a sluggish one and HATE having to get up early to take the pill so I can eat an hour later. The doctor finally said I could eat 1/2 an hour later. Abnormal Pap Smear - I had a couple of these, then realized when I read an article it was because I had shall we say marital relations the night before. I guess you're supposed to abstain for 48 hours or so before a pap smear. They've been normal since I followed this bit of advice. Hopefully yours is something as simple and nothing to be worried about.

my3texasboys said...

Been there done that only I didn't put off my pap. My cervix had changed in one years time. I ended up doing the colposcopy and then had to have laser ablation of the cervix because mine was Stage 3 Dysplasia. Thankfully they caught it at Stage 3. I am a huge advocate for getting your paps done regularly. I am only 33 but I have already had a mammo also because my grandmother died from Inflammatory Breast Cancer.

Good luck. The colposcopy was only a little uncomfortable for me compared to the laser ablation. The ablation wasn't really bad just uncomfortable for a few days afterwards because of cramping.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness...much a ado about...well a little something.
I had abnormal paps the entire time during my second pregnancy with my 17 yr old. After her birth, I had your procedure then the freezing procedure. I'd had abnormal periods all my life and complained profusely until at 39 they did an internal ultrasound and found that my uterus was almost totally occluded with some's wonder I had kids at all.!! At any rate, I had an almost total hysterectomy...vaginally...I was riding four wheelers two weeks later. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT!!!

Crazy Raven Productions said...

Here's hoping it's nothing to worry about. Best of luck and health to you.

Wendy said...

Sending positive thoughts your way for a good long term result! May you have some peace as you await the results -

Laura Paxton said...

I dealt with that whole set of circumstances during my last pregnancy. It's scary, especially if you don't have any idea what it means (that was me!)...but really was not terrible. I had the colposcopy done, and it's uncomfortable, but we've lived thru childbirth...the colposcopy is bearable.

Good luck!

Leah said...

I hope it all comes back normal. My aunt had abnormal cells show up for the pap, then nothing came of them.

And I've definately put off my gyno appt, I got the reminder postcard back in AUGUST... Guess I'd better call!

Anonymous said...

Dawn, I recently had an abnormal pap and colposcopy. I actually just received the results of it on Friday. I'm sure it will just come back as mild dysplasia as mine did. It will hopefully clear up on it's own. It is something my doctor and I will watch. My sister was also diagnosed with mild dysplasia this year. The unknown... the waiting is the scariest part. The procedure itself, while uncomfortable, isn't horrible. I suggest taking some pain reliever before your appointment and I would take a friend. I felt slightly violated after the procedure and really didn't feel like dealing with driving afterwards. Keep your head up momma! SO many woman have abnormal pap results at one time or another and it is usually nothing.

Anonymous said...

Hey Dawn, I know what you're going through! I had a colp and a biopsy on the 24th. It wasn't fun, but not too, too bad! They took FIVE pieces out of my cervix! It now looks like swiss cheese! And the doctor was oh-so-chatty, like I was a long-lost friend! Why do they do that? You're face is in my hoo-ha, and you want to talk about newly released movies?? Um, no, that does NOT relieve my discomfort! Anyway, everyone has different reactions (or how they feel, whatever...) after procedures. I hope you feel well after, I just needed a few tylenols for the next day and a half!
Hope everything goes well, and they find NOTHING! ;)

Unknown said...

Hi Dawn,

Don't sweat the abnormal pap. Apparently it's quite common for that to happen and for nothing to really be wrong. I went through the abnormal pap/colposcopy thing and I'm pleased to report that while it was far from a pleasant experience, it wasn't nearly as bad as I had feared.

Hang in there...

Anonymous said...

Hey Dawn, I have abnormal paps all the time!! I have been through this procedure and it really is nothing. You may have a little cramping but that is all usually.

I wish you luck, but I am sure it will be fine!

Rick said...

Very sorry to hear about the preliminary results of your test. You're right, it's nothing to triffle with. I'm glad you're getting tested.

Dumb, stupid, abnormal cells. Tell them to go away and milk a rubber duck.

Anonymous said...

I hope everything turns out ok with your tests. You'll be in my thoughts. *huge hugs*

Question for Sunday's- By the time you found out your were pregnant with Brooklyn, how did you tell your family and how did they react? How many kids do your sibling's have?

Take care!

TheHMC said...

Well I'm glad that you finally went in!

My mom had the same kind of thing about..mmmmmm.. maybe 5 or 6 years ago. She ended up doing a hystorectomy in '04 since the dysplacia kept coming back(not trying to freak you out). I'm always paranoid because "female problems" run high in my family and I've already had enough issues reproductively.

Thinking of you!

Unknown said...

You are absolutely in my thoughts and prayers! Hoping it is absolutely nothing!!

I've had a few paps come back abnormal! And now I'm totally heading to the gyno....

Good luck!
Thinking of you!

Korkie said...

I HATE when you have to go back for additional tests. I'm like ....'why didn't you get it right the first time.'

'Don't worry' is a useless phase at times like this. But, don't.

My medical advice ..... take two rum and cokes (diet)when needed, follow it by a hot bath and a good night's sleep.
Follow your normal schedule until after the procedure; then, go to bed and have the entire family wait on you had and foot and treat you like the domestic goddess you are.

Call me if you have any side affects. I will rush over with a pint (maybe a gallon) of your favorite ice cream, chocolate cake and key lime pie. Oh yes, and freshly made whip cream.

Doctor Try not to worry.

Anonymous said...

Oh that's scary! I'm going to add you to my nightly prayers tonight. I hope all turns out to be A-O-K! Love the blog, thanks for sharing your life with us internet souls. :-)

Anonymous said...

as another "Abby Normal" girl whose 2nd tests have always come back normal, I can relate. but you are going to be OK. I'm sure with all the everyday "excitement" of having 6 kids, you don't need additional "excitement" of this kind! I will keep you & your family in my prayers for peace of mind, both before & after.

Kitti said...

Dawn, have you thought about having the pap done one more time before having the other procedures done? I've had abnormal paps before and then had them redone only to find out they were normal. I think I would try that before having the more invasive procedures done. Always get a second opinion!! Either way, I hope you get a normal result. Good luck.

Kim said...

Just to let you know we're praying for you.

Michelle said...

So glad you went to the ob/gyn and got your pap! Here's hoping that it turns out to be the "usual" abnormal cells. I've (along with apparently everyone else who reads your blog!) had abnormal results in the past, and thankfully they came back normal the next time around. Fingers crossed for you, as well!


Anonymous said...

Dawn, I am a mom of six as well. All in the same age range pretty much as your children. I am a first time commentor and relatively new reader. I find your stories and experiences very funny and oh, so close to home! As far as the Colposcopy, I have had one in the way past. It's not that terrible and probably easier in the recovery aspect than delivering a baby or 2 or 6! I wish you well and hope for good results!

Anonymous said...

Weighing in as a WOMAN, an RN and mother of a child who is older than I care to admit, but was born during the 80's.

I remember when doctors did D and C's for first trimester bleeding. Think how many children were lost through good intentions, because almost ALL of us have had first trimester bleeding..

I remember when the cervix of a woman totally capable of future births was rendered an incompetent mess due to totally invasive biopsies for Class II and III biopsies with Cell Dysplasia. Future pregnancies were impossible in some cases due to scarring, and in some cases the circlage technique ( a stitch or two into the cervix to keep it closed) worked and still works for different reasons.

I remember when I had an ovarian cyst, which I often did.. This time, my body reacted badly with what they call an " acute abdomen", should have just been "cute abdomen" at the time.. They did a blood test called a CA 125 which is a fairly inaccurate blood test marker for Ovarian Cancer, but it is still the best we have. Mine came back sky high, and I have never smoked in my life-the main reason they are high. I had transvag. US done, and there was a mass. I begged for a biopsy, but my doctor refused. I was told that I most likely had ovarian cancer. I had a hysterectomy and my ovaries removed at the age of 32,so I read your blog vicariously. I only had one child.. never any way to have another. I did not have ovarian cancer, thank God, but medicine has erred so far on the side of dire dianoses and painful procedures to avoid terrible lawsuits and deaths. I thought my emergency midline incision C section was bad- a hysterectomy was 10 times worse due to both physical and emotional reasons, but I made it through it all.
I am extremely glad not to have had a killer cancer, but doctors are often alarmists.
I never thought I had ovarian cancer in the first place.

I hope you will remain the same optimistic, calm and funny Dawn that we have come to know and love. If you can't, then share what you really feel with us, your legion of sisters.

The important part of my post---
Our Grandmother's legacy to us were Pap Tests to almost eradicate cervical cancer deaths.
Our Mother's legacy to us were Mammograms, to cut the deaths from breast cancer into a small fraction of what it was in the 40's through 70's.

What will our legacy to our collective daughters' reproductive health be? Maybe it will be a safe and effective HPV virus vaccine which is still being refined to be safer and more effective. As you know, most Pap abnormalities are benign, and most do come from HPV.
Maybe it will be an extremely accurate test for ovarian cancer early in life. I hope to see these two things come to pass in my lifetime. I only wish ovarian cancer could be predicted sooner and more accurately.

At this time in our lives as women with power, maybe these are things that we need to think about for our daughters futures as well as ourselves.
If you ever decide to crusade for an aspect of women's reproductive health, please know that you have an able and willing partner right here.

Your supporter and long distance friend alwqays.

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...


Not to worry, I've had the abnormal pap--it's way more common than you think. I had that freezing of the cells (LONG time ago though, right after college) ... so maybe they do something more advanced now...

Oh, and guess what?

I've also had a colonoscopy, and you know what?



(If you want more of the details you can call me, you got my number... 1-800-TWITTER!)

Anonymous said...

Been there, done that, got the T-shirt, then had a hysterectomy!! Now, darling daughter is going through the same.
Not fun, don't let anyone tell you it's a walk in the park. I had the most insensitive doctor. He said there would be a LITTLE pain. I would have loved to share it with him!!
My darling husband went with me, and I will tell you right now, yours needs to too!! No Kids!!
Definitely a kid-free zone.
And, pain killers are a whole lot better than a couple of tylenol.
Praying for your results.

Dawn said...

Dawn, best of luck with your colposcopy. As others have said, it's not really TOO big of a deal..just uncomfortable and, in my case, BP dropping. I've had several done and, while it's not something I really would WANT to do again, I've learned how to take them in stride (mainly by making sure that I have something sugary to drink immediately afterwards because my body reacts by dropping my BP and making me nearly pass out.) {{{hugs}}} and I hope that everything turns out okay with it!

Anonymous said...

I understand your comment about the thyroid test being normal. Having a weight issue I went to the doctor thinking I might have polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), which would explain why I was overweight. Once this diagnosis was made I knew the doctor would give me a pill and I would magically become a size 6 and live happily ever after.

Unfortunately (really fortunately), my bloodwork came back that I was healthy as a horse just fat as a pig!!

Hope your colposcopy results turn out well!

Unknown said...

Having been through this twice - once resulting in a Cryosurgery (the freezing one) and the last one in the LEEP (knock-your-butt-out-out-patient-surgery) I feel for you. This was all last year too nad I'm still getting abnormals - but not as abnormal as it was before the LEEP. I agree - men Dr's need to have a certain part of their anatomy put through the procedures before they can tell us "it will only hurt a little". :) It will get better and you are in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

hey dawn, i underwent a colpo last august and had a total of 9 biopsies on my cervix. in the end, i ended up completely fine which was certainly a breath of a relief! keep your head up... you're in my thoughts and prayers!

Kaye said...

Been there, done that. Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you.

Anonymous said...

Praying for you and your test results and I called to make my appt today......2 years after I was due

The Adorables! said...

I haven't read all the comments, but I wanted to tell you that I had my 2nd colonoscopy in December -- and I hadn't even turned 32 yet (the first one had something bad when I was only 25, yipes). I did see one person told you the prep was the worst part, and they encouraged you to get some help around the house the day before and the day of. LISTEN TO THEM! The pill prep was much easier for me than the liquid prep of 6 years ago, but none of it is fun. (Read Bill Cosby's account sometime...) But, on the flip side, the recovery is much quicker after you've had it. But you don't have to tell your family that. ;-) And finally, thank you for being so open about these things, because too many moms put their own health on the back burner. I can't imagine what might have happened if I hadn't had that colonoscopy at 25, if I'd been too embarrassed or whatever. Praying for you!!

Tonya Staab said...

Good luck Dawn. Prior to having children I had abnormal cells 2 years in a row that progressed at such a rapid rate I had to have them removed. I'm so glad they caught this. This is the reason I have pap smears every 6 months.

Anonymous said...

You've been blogging about "female" doctor visits. Here's one for you: Enjoy!

POWER OUTAGE DURING A MAMMOGRAM I actually kept my mammogram appointment. I was met with, “Hi! I'm Belinda!” This perky clipboard carrier smiled from ear to ear, tilted her head to one side and crooned, “All I need you to do is step into this room right here, strip to the waist, then slip on this gown.. Everything clear?” I’m thinking, “Belinda, try decaf. This ain’t rocket science.” Belinda skipped away to prepare the chamber of horrors. With the right side finished, Belinda flipped me (literally) to the left and said, “Hmmmm. Can you stand on your tippy toes and lean in a tad so we can get everything?’ Fine, I answered. I was freezing, bruised, and out of air, so why not use the remaining circulation in my legs and neck and finish me off? My body was in a holding pattern that defied gravity (with my other boob wedged between those two 4 inch pieces of square glass) when we heard, then felt a zap! Complete darkness and the power went off! “Oh, maintenance is working. Bet they hit a snag.” Belinda headed for the door. “Excuse me! You’re not leaving me in this vise alone are you?” I shouted. Belinda kept going and said, “Oh, you fussy puppy...the door’s wide open so you’ll have the emergency hall lights. I’ll be right back.” Before I could shout “NOOOO!” she disappeared. And that’s exactly how Bubba and Earl, maintenance men extraordinaire, found me, half-naked and part of me dangling from the Jaws of Life, and the other part smashed between glass! After exchanging polite “Hi, how’s it going” type greetings, Bubba (or possibly Earl) asked, to my utter disbelief, if I knew the power was off. Trying to disguise my hysteria, I replied with as much calmness as possible “Uh, yes, yes I did thanks.” “You bet, take care” Bubba replied and waved goodbye as though I’d been standing in the line at the grocery store. Two hours later, Belinda breezes in wearing a sheepish grin. Making no attempt to suppress her amusement, she said, “Oh I am sooo sorry!” The power came back on and I totally forgot about you! And silly me, I went to lunch. Are we upset?” And that, Your Honor, is exactly how her head ended up between the clamps....

Anonymous said...

Dear Dawn, I've been without internet service for a few weeks and so just caught this post while catching up with my blogs. I just wanted to send you a hug and to offer what little comfort I could. I'm sure this scare will likely amount to little more than inconvenience. I'm sure if your doctor thought it was serious, s/he'd have had you in the operating room the next day. They don't waste time with cancers. The fact that they scheduled you so far out would indicate to me that it's mostly just a "probably nothing to worry about but let's just make sure anyway" kind of thing. I will say a prayer for you, as always, and I hope you come to Gurnee (yep, by the outlet mall) on your book tour!


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