I had a meeting with the people from Guideposts (my publisher) yesterday. I'm still sitting here in a confused state because we covered a lot of information in a really short time and I'm having a problem processing it all. I ended up telling them, "Just tell me what to do and when to do it". I'm pretty sure those are the exact same words Joe said when we were planning our wedding. "I don't care what color dresses you pick; I don't care what kind of flowers you want; I don't care what we serve for dinner; I don't care what photographer we use. Just tell me where to go and when to show up."
Very soon, you, my awesome, faithful readers, are going to have a chance to win some really cool stuff. I'm so excited because you guys are all going to get the scoop before anyone else. ;) See what reading my blog will get you? - the scoop on cool stuff, stories that make you realize your kids aren't so bad after all, and pictures of miscellaneous people in airports...
Do you think he got dressed, looked in the mirror and thought, "Oh yeah, looking good!" Maybe he forgot to put his pants on? Maybe his buddies stole his pants as a practical joke? Maybe he went from Chicago to Minneapolis sans pants as a dare. These are the questions that keep me up at night.
Please tell us those shorts are not as see through as they look in the photo! Yikes what people will do to keep their creases in the pants (at least that's my theory).
I remember, way back in September, when you hit 1 million. Who knew? Can't wait to see what's next!
now isn't that a lovely exhibit of the male species and its extravagant sense of style...
;-) Franzi
Maybe he is trying to stay young -my two year old LOVES to go without his pants on!
Way cool! And Dawn, for a moment there, when you were talking about being in a confused state, I thought you meant Minnesota (and keep in mind, I grew up there, so no disrespect is intended; I just completely misread it).
The three million thing is such fun. Are you having a party when you reach it? And to think... I remember way back when you hadn't yet reached one million. I've got over 400 in the month or so I've been posting. Hmmm, not quite in the same league.
How come when a woman gets on a plane in what people consider "skimpy clothes", she gets asked to leave the plane; but when a man shows up at the airport in his undies, no one seems to notice?? Is it because we're so used to seeing men walking around with no pants on??? Things that make you go "hmmm..." Great picture, Dawn!!
Congratulations on your 3 million hits!! Are you convinced now that everyone knows you're talented???? We do!!
Donna in PA :)
WOW Dawn!
Okay, So I'm a little behind you...I've got TWO comments !
Of course, I only started today...
Your e-bay listing/blog connection got me started on this crazy world, so stop by sometime, hopefully there will be somthing worth reading! Congrats on 3 mil, that is SO Amazing, oh, and I'm just outside of Philadelphia, so let me know if you'll "be in the area" on the book tour.
God Bless, Elizabeth T.
My Question:
I just want to know if that photo was before or after he started TWITTERING!
Oh, and I think you need to award your three millionth reader with some sort of awesome prize, don't you all agree with me?!?!?!!?
That's a great idea, Manic! But how do I figure out who the 3 millionith is?
Maybe he was just a little early for No Pants Day:
Wow. I dont think I have anything else to say about the poor man not having pants on in an airport. I hope he won some kind of bet.
HEY! Why are you taking pictures of my husband?! ;) Thanks for that. i totally need the laugh. I have no idea what that guy was thinking but he is obviously single.
That photo is stinkin' hilarious. My guess is he spilled something on his pants and the shorts are the only thing he had to change into. It's worth a try, anyway!
Dawn... I'll help you... IT'S MEEEE! I'M THE THREE-MILLIONTH READER!!!
OK, so if that doesn't work, do it like they do it at the grocery store... you'll know when all the confetti drops and the buzzers go off and the big announcement comes over the loudspeaker saying, "CONGRATULATIONS: You're the three-millionth reader!"
Or, you can just start counting from the end of June 2007.
If I had a hook for a hand and was male I think I would be hesitant about zipping up pants too LOL
BTW do you still want postcards etc from various places? I wrote your address but haven't had time to send anything yet. I am in Melbourne, Australia
I love that guy's socks! Maybe he loves them too, why cover up great socks with pants!
Congrats on hitting 3 mil. Totally cool!
Gosh, poor guy. My guess is that the airline lost his luggage and his pants were too dirty to wear again, lol. Thanks for the laugh.
Congrats on 3 million hits. Can't wait to see what happens next.
I'm betting the guys in white coats were just out of the frame.
Manic is nuts and she is a little on the "twitter happy " side...
Cuz...who would think twitter, looking at this dude!!!! Come On ,Steph ...you CAN do better!!!
Oh my.
My first thought on the photo: he is following the Maestro's way of not creasing his pants. (from Seinfeld) HOWEVER, he was alone in his office....not out in a huge, public place!!
Kansas City is waiting for your arrival. :) Overland Park/Olathe area would be perfect!
"How come when a woman gets on a plane in what people consider "skimpy clothes", she gets asked to leave the plane"
What ? That really happens???? Not that I have to worry, I forsook skimpy clothes many moons (and babies) ago
ps They ARE shorts aren't they?? **insert confuzzled face emoticon**
ummmmmmmmm... those are some sexy legs ;-)
alright, just noticed the guy is waiting at the baggage claim and lost his right hand...maybe he lost his luggage and his sense of style...
I think Dr Phil sums up that photo well with this quote
"What was he thinking?"
Congrats on the 3 million club, that sure is one milestone to be very proud of. Just wait til you sell your 3 millionth BOOK!!!
My top ten reasons why he was sans pants! (in no specific order)
1) he lost a bet
2) Maybe he was in the process of winning a bet
3) the airport lost his luggage, AND the stewardess spilled soemthing REALLY smelly on his lap
4) He loves his socks THAT much
5) Someone he wants to embarass (make that mortify) is picking him up from the airport
6) He escaped in the middle of a strip search
7) You know the fancy restaurants where if you don't have a jacket they supply you with one?
8) The airport did something very inconvenient for him, and he's making a statement
9) No shoes, No shirt, No service.
10) This was the only way he could get women to stop hitting on him.
At least you didn't sit beside HIM on the plane :)
LOL! Oh the people you see at airports... Someone should write a book about it!
Dawn-I hope you're going to put us out of our misery by saying you walked up, tapped the guy on the shoulder and found out why he wasn't wearing trousers?? ;)
It's obvious, Dawn - the poor guy's luggage has been lost at a stopover somewhere, and he has been forced to manage with no clothes for the rest of his vacation.
I think like Kramer on Seinfeld, he just did not want to get his pants wrinkled while he was sitting in the airport or on the plane and they are folded somewhere just waiting till his meeting starts.
Anyone notice that he is missing his hand?
congrats to you! that dude has some HOTT legs. He probbaly feels uncomfortable in long pants.
Maybe he was in the airport bathroom cleaning up after a long night at the airport bar and he wanted to check and make sure he didn't miss his flight.....I do enjoy the see thru socks!
Ummm...I have NEVER seen that before- omg! They are even sheer!!! Did you die laughing???
Congrats on 3 million! As for the airport guy...maybe they kept his pants in security? Maybe he has poor bladder control so planned ahead? Maybe his pants were in the wash?
I think that man's get-up deserves a call to the Homeland Security officers. I mean honestly. Those signs may only say "No shirt, No shoes, No service" but the need for pants in implicit!
Too funny...
Photoshopped? Ya think?
Also I noticed he has an artificial arm.
These questions keep you up at night but you can just accept SpongeBob is a kitchen sponge and his parents are sea sponges...I just dont' get you sometimes. ;)
Did you say 3 million?? uhh...wow... I think I've had like three..LOL
Maybe that poor mans wife was out of town and he was there picking her up. Lord only knows how my husband manages to pick out his clothes when I'm not there!!
Maybe he ripped his pants with his hook hand (altough it looks like it has a soft covering) but you never know.
I didn't know men used Knee Highs
The guy remembered the extra underwear, but didn't read the fine print on the ALLI box about BRINGING AN EXTRA PAIR OF PANTS AND NOT TRAVELING WHEN YOU FIRST START THE PROGRAM.
ps I hope I spelled 'Alli' correctly ;)
Congrats on 3 mil!!!
Hey now.. don't make me tell my dad that you took inconspicuous pictures of him roaming airports!
That guy cracks me up.. I'm so loving the socks to the knees with matching shoes. Were those shorts see through or what?
I can't wait to see what else you've got up your sleeve and CONGRATS on hitting the 3 million mark! That's awesome!
That is what happens post 9/11 when you forget to take your cell phone, keys and change out of your pockets when going through the metal detector.
The person I feel sorry for is the poor man's wife! Just imagine if that were your husband...
The things men do (or don't do). That's what keeps me up at night.
Congratulations on the 3 Million mark!
Maybe he's training for an ImprovEverywhere mission lol
For your SSO or just for fun.
Type the following into Google search and reply with the first thing that it finds.
1. "[your name] needs"
2. "[your name] looks like"
3. "[your name] likes"
4. "[your name] says"
5. "[your name] wants"
6. "[your name] hates"
7. "[your name] goes"
8. "[your name] loves"
9. "[your name] has"
10. "[your name] does"
Wow! 3 million!!! I'm so excited to be a part of it. Congratulations.
Maybe he split his pants ;O)
Where are Stacy and Clinton when you need them?
Those black knee socks definitely complete the ensemble. Congrats on 3,000,000!
wow congrats!! Ijust hitover 1200and was happybutrican't imagine 3 million.
Words cannot describe that guys ensemble...
And there it goes - 3,000,003 hits
Congrats Dawn
Hi Dawn,
Do you carry your camera in your purse everywhere? You seem to capture all sorts of "interesting" (that's code for weird) things for your blog. Please tell me that someone, anyone, took that nicely socked man aside to show him how the garanimals tags work. Match up those animals baby, don't go all "creative" on us. As my husband would say, "Hey. Looks good on you!" ..snicker, snicker...
Congrats on 3,000,000. When's the party??
~Lisa, San Antonio, Tx
Poor old chap. Little does he know his pantless picture is being posted on a blog viewed over 3 million times!
Is that Dr. Phil in the picture???? Kristine in Michigan.
And his wife is reading this blog, seeing his picture, and is mortified for life. :)
I saw my neighbor, about the same size as this guy, out in his yard the other day in tighty whities, maybe they are brothers...or just like to be comfortable! No excuse for walking around in public like that, the men in the white coats are looking for him! Can't wait to get your book!
i haven't posted a comment in ages. mostly because, you get so many, and i don't want to add to the burden of making you read them all! and i know you respond to a lot of people too - so i just enjoy your blog in silence. BUT, i had to post today. first - my husband said the EXACT same thing to me when planning our wedding 22 years ago "...just tell me where to be and when" but he added "...and what to wear" *SNORT!
and your airport guy is HYSTERICAL. i think i would have had to ask "do you know you're missing your pants", or "i'd never put those socks with those boxers!"
thanks for giving me something enjoyable to read!
Is a hook considered a weapon, and if so, how does he get it on the plane? They hassled me about baby formula, but a hook and knee high pantyhose? Now that's a deadly combination.
Oh my goodness!
hehe... Noticed the Hook Hand, but if the hook hand would be a problem with putting on the pants, how did he manage the snazzy stockings and the buttons on his shirt?
300,1500....... That's my number. Then I came back, not 3 minutes later, and the count had gone up by 60! Wow!
Good grief, you could make a parachute big enough to float an elephant out of those drawers.
what's with the missing arm/hand.. maybe nobody would help him get his pants on...
Maybe he spilled on his pants and that was all he had readily available..
Maybe he was super embarrased too.
Ok, what I want to know is how did you manage to get this shot without the camera "sound effect" drawing undue attention to yourself? Or did you cleverly turn it off first? That's always my downfall when trying to get sneaky photos **ka-chink** Darn! Busted again!
WOW 3 million hits that is fantastic. I can not tell you how much I enjoy reading your blog. Can't wait to read the book. I hope you have a signing near Atlanta, GA
So that's where my hubby was yesterday. He gave me some story about the airline having a new dress code for security reasons....right!
Congrats on 3mil!!! You rock!!
Come to St. Louis and my teens (girls wearing tutus) will babysit while you sign books! Bring Joe and my hubby will take him on a tour of the Busch Brewery. I promise to make him wear pants.
God Bless,
Oh my...they almost look see through...now that would be scary. What was he thinking? Can't wait to hear about the give aways! WOO HOO!
What? There is something wrong with that look. It can't be any worse than disheveled look I have everyday as I run out the door trying to get the kids to school on time!
That man has balls! I am just glad I can't see them. haha
3 Million! HOLY! You rock!
Hmmm, thinking...maybe the girl sitting next to him puked on his lap and he had to remove his pants in the teeny tiny bathroom????
Hey, Dawn, that's my dad!!! JK :-) If it was, would I really claim him as a family member? And so publicly? No, I'd probably deny it. So NO, it's NOT my dad. -or is it?? Now the world may never know!!!
Thank you Dawn for such a funny end to my day! I raised two boys but drove a school bus for 28 years so I really have lots of "kids". Love your blog. Cannot WAIT for your book. I have been a Guidepost reader for 36 years!!! This is so exciting!
I always have to scroll down until I find Rick's comments because I tell you, he makes me laugh ALMOST as much as you do Dawn. I'd die if I was that man, how could anyone let him out like that? I hope you got the story on him to share with us. I'm so excited about the upcoming events and being able to get the "heads up" first is great. 3 million is just awesome and just goes to show you that once we read your work, we are hooked! Good luck
Congrats on the nearly 3million hits!!! Ive been reading your blog for a while now and just love it! I actually just posted yours on mine so hopefully a little boost to numbers for you. Although really mine is a measly 2700 hits...lol!
Again congratulations!
I think you get a pass - you don't have to wear pants - if you have a hook for a hand. (Or am I seeing things again?!?)
3 Million, Wow!Keep up the good work. You always make me smile!
Maybe, just maybe the airline lost his luggage AGAIN!
Congrats on 3 mil, if I that only came to you in dollars, right?!? I think I would have approached the pantless man and asked if we could have sat next to each other in flight. I think that would have been one hack of a flight! Who knows it may have even boosted book sales to 10 mil! Congrats again, and I don't know anyone who sees the random things that you do!
Awesome Dawn. You rock!
And that was when Harold realized he'd forgotten his slacks in the closet at the hotel.
Hilarious! I carry my camera in my purse every where I go. I saw a guy in the Minneapolis airport (I'm sure that's where he was!) I'd be taking several pictures of him too. LOL People watching can be SO interesting.
LOL! You're like me, my camera goes everywhere with me! I took pics incognito one time of a woman carrying a "purse" made out of duct tape! (In the heart of the Ozarks!)
I can't help wondering--didn't this guy feel a LITTLE breeze??!!
Maybe he packed his heels in the other bag....
Yeah- when you have a hook for an arm, missing pants aren't your biggest issue.
this guy must have a case of: crs or well this wife for got to pack his paints go figer lol
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