Friday, March 28, 2008

Random Stuff

I know I said that my blog was going to be moving to my own domain. Umm just kidding? Actually, Kelli, the tireless servant who will be creating my website, emailed me at 3:oo in the morning to let me know that the transfer was complete. Unfortunately, Blogger wasn't redirecting people to my domain, so Kelli transferred it back. I will have a website of my own soon (and it will be way cooler than I am!), but for now, it's the same ole blog. A reader of mine, Dana, needs some help with her research. If you fit her criteria and wouldn't mind participating by answering 15 questions, I'd be much obliged. 

OK, now I need to ask for some prayers/good thoughts/well wishes. First, Kelli, my web designer and friend is working around the clock (thus the 3:00AM email) and has had "everything that could go wrong" go wrong. She's lost several employees and is struggling to take care of everyone. If you know Kelli, you know how dedicated she is to her clients. And Kelli, if you read this, switch from tea to coffee. It has more caffeine! ;) Secondly, some of you may read Kendra's blog Barely Controlled Chaos. This woman was touched by Mimi's and Julian's story. She felt that Mimi, Michelle and I should meet in person and she made that a reality. She was able to get all three of us tickets to Oprah's show! Mimi, Michelle, and I have been busy making our plans to meet up in Chicago for the show. And then today I got an email from Kendra's daughter. It said that she was in the hospital and had just had emergency brain surgery to remove a tumor earlier this week. She was diagnosed with metastatic lung cancer. :*( This was a huge shock to her. Anyway, please keep Kendra in your thoughts/prayers. 


Brenda said...

I'm sorry to hear Kendra is so sick. I will pray for her healing and guidance for the doctors.

Michelle said...

Wow! I've definitely got a lot of people to think about right now. It seems like when it rains, it pours. I know there's been a lot of death and unhappiness amongst friends of mine the last two weeks, too. Maybe there's something with this freaky weather (which means that it's almost over and things will return to normal!).

Best of luck to everyone!


Kim VanDerHoek said...

I checked out Kendra's blog and her last post made me hold my breath considering her state of health today. I'll keep her in my prayers!

Melissa said...

Actually tea has more caffeine than coffee. :)

Anonymous said...

I loved Friends, especially Joey! This was a great clip!

Bigmammy said...

I am cracking up! I was at Target the other day and saw a shirt that I loved, was about to try it on and it was a maternity shirt!! I knew it would fit, but I could not make myself buy it..funny....Thanks for the post! I know I am not the only one.
Amy, mom to 4

divadev said...

Hey Dawn, I'm a web dev of 12 years. Tell Kelli that it takes about 24 hours for a DSN change to propagate across the internet, so you have to be patient to see the domain redirect happen. Feel free to email me if you have questions about it.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for those "Joey Clips", Dawn! Once again, I'm cracking up reading your blog!


Donna :)

Anonymous said...


May I say, I love ANY 'Friends' humor, whether it pertains to the conversation at hand or not.

And also? I am STILL wearing some of my favorite maternity clothes even though my daughter is 10 months old, because I love them more than my regular clothes!

Danielle said...

I love the episode where Joey wear the maternity pants on Thanksgiving. What a genius idea! Looking forward to your website!

Trish said...

First, I WISH I could help Dana, but my children are too young. My MOTHER could participate in the study, but she--bless her heart-- is remedial when it comes to using a computer. I've tried to help her over and over again, but she is technologically challenged. Dana, if your next study involves parents of children four and under, I am THERE! :)

Now, about Kendra. Can we say "serendipity"? A complete stranger started chatting with me and a few others after a seminar last night. She told me she just saw a piece on the news about a woman (in Miami?) who had an allegedly inoperable tumor blocking all of her organs. Sure, it may seem like kind of an odd topic for a stranger to tell me about, but - hey- I figured maybe I need to hear this story for some reason, you know? Plus, I have the flu and had to drag my bacteria-ridden body to this seminar, so I'll listen to whatever anyone tells me because the thought of moving my body is abhorrent at the moment-- but I digress. Anyway, this woman featured on the news was told by doctor after doctor that she had very little time left. But she wouldn't give up. She ended up recruiting a whole team of doctors who removed every single organ from her body, removed the tumor, then replaced all the organs in some sort of super surgery. Apparently, the woman was being interviewed as she walked out of the hospital (on her own power)and she looked right at the camera and said something along the lines of, "I want to be healthy. I know that if I believe I can do something, I can do it. Don't ever, ever give up. Go get exactly what you want." Then, this complete stranger told me she felt like this woman on the news was talking directly to HER, and she said she felt compelled to tell a few of the people at the seminar about it. Coincidence? Maybe. Maybe not. I don't know. Why would a stranger tell me this only last night? So, for whatever it's worth, tell Kendra to go get what she wants--whatever that is . I mean, maybe that message landed in my lap last night in order to be passed on to Kendra? It's kind of touchy feely, but...maybe that's why the whole situation happened? You think?

Last, maternity wear. Maternity wear is the new SEXY. You are single-handedly bringing sexy back to women's wear! In this dark time of the skinny jean and ballet flats (Who invented THAT ensemble?? Even Nicole Ritchie looks pudgy in that get up!), what are we women to do? Designers of the world,take note! We want sexy and flattering clothing for REAL women-- and we're not afraid to snub your skinny jeans in order to get it. Until then, Motherhood Maternity gets our business. And Ann Taylor Loft in Schaumburg just came out with a sexy line of maternity, too, so you better get on the stick and start designing something people who aren't pre-teen can wear or those teeny little tops and painted on pants are going to go unpurchased.... Yeah, that's right! Here I go getting what I want! :)

Mary said...

I'm totally going to participate in the kindergarten age survey. We really struggled with the decision and later thought we made a mistake. It's all good now, but for a while it was pretty frustrating.

Good luck moving to the new domain!

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

I've already sent off an e-mail to Dana. I have a child that was born 2 weeks before the cut-off, so I have volumes to say on this subject!

So sorry to hear about yet another person with metastatic lung cancer. I have a dear friend dealing with that right now. Will send positive vibes her way.

Life with Spirit said...

Is it just me or does anyone else feel just a bit sad that you won't type in your browser anymore? Why does life always have to change???

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

I'm telling you, I think I bought the same shirt Three Kid Circus bought at Target the other day. Not only did I buy the turquoise one, I got the salmon-pink one too!

What's up with that!??!?!

debi9kids said...

So very sorry to hear about Kendra. I will add her to my prayer list on my blog.
As far as the maternity shirt... LMAO! It brought back memories for me of my mom doing the same thing a few years back. She was all excited that she found this gorgeous shirt that flattered her so nicely. That is, until we pointed out the cute little stork on the pocket with the baby. LOL She was so embarassed. LOL

Krysten said...

did Dana really mean children 18-35 YEARS old? Maybe I'm crazy, but it'd make more sense if she meant 18-35 months... I can't say that my Mother would remember enough to say anything about it now haha. Can't wait for the new site! yay! Between you and pioneer woman ( I can't stay OFF this darn computer! thanks a lot!

Katrina said...

I just thought I'd let you know I have nominated you for this award,check out my blog for the details


Nanny said...

I regularly check Kendra's blog and was wondering where she was.

I am so sad to here of her diagnosis. I will keep her in my thoughts and prayers.


Autumn said...

I would be willing to help with the Kindergarten question. I have 2 children, one in school, Kindergarten. chargingbird at gmail dot com is my addy.

hmm, an attempt to get on the Sunday Shout out...

Before you had kids, did you have any hobbies? crafting, gardening ect?

my3boys said...

Dear Dawn and all of her blog readers!
Thank you, thank you, thank you so much for your interest and participation in my research study! I have heard so many fascinating stories from those who do or do not qualify to fill out the survey. For those of you who are confused, I did indeed mean to survey parents of grown children. The reason is, that I wanted to see how the adolescent years turned out, and if parents (as they look back on the experience) would have changed their decision making about sending their child to kindergarten when they did. At any rate, I am so grateful to you Dawn, and everyone who was so willing to participate. I have enough participants now, and I'm ready to start analyzing my data! Once again, thanks so much!
Dana Frerich

AllisonDacia said...

I have been reading your blog for awhile now, I just wanted to say how much I love it! Check mine out if you get a chance...

Im a first time mom posting all about my lovely daughter.

Anonymous said...

I love maternity shirts--they are actually long enough and not skin tight!

vegiemama said...

I love reading your blog! The bit about accidentally buying a maternity shirt reminds me of a giggle my mom and I get. When mom was 2nd trimester pregnant with me, she bought herself a loose, stylish (late 60s!) non-maternity dress and wore it to church. And a "slightly older" very much non-pregnant lady in the church wore the very same dress on the very same day, LOL. Needless to say, the other lady never wore her dress again. Wish I'd been born so I could have gotten a giggle out of that one ;-)

skipper said...

Okay, on the subject of maternity shirts and Joey, did you see the episode where they all tasted the breast milk? LOL!

And, honestly, my youngest child is almost three (not planning on having any more) and I'm still wearing maternity shirts. Sigh.

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