This is what we got Thanksgiving day. Snow! The kids dug out their mittens and snow pants so they could play outside in the 1/8 inch of snow. LOL! We went to my inlaws for dinner. The turkey wasn't alive when we got there, nor did they cook it on the car's engine. Everything was delicious and we had a nice time. (None of my inlaws touched my cheesecake!) :) Hee hee
Since I promised, way back in July, to show you pictures of my inlaws' garage, here you go...
This is ummm, I don't know. I think it's part of the outside of a car. Don't ask me what kind
of car. It's an old car.
This is another section of the garage. Note the shiny blue car up in the air.
Here is yet another section of the garage. Here are a million and one car building tools. And a TV. I think there may be a fridge, bed, and toilet around the corner too.
Shiny blue car. That's as technical as I get.
I was all set to hit the stores Friday morning, but when my alarm went off at 4:00, I thought to myself, "What, are you INSANE?!!! Do you really want to get up now and battle the crowds?" I answered myself with a big, "HECK NO!" and promptly fell back asleep.
I did brave the traffic to go out yesterday afternoon however. I met a couple friends for lunch. I only get to see my friend, Julie a couple times a year so it was great to see her and her husband Ron. And I haven't seen my friend Heather in several years, so it was wonderful to visit with her and meet her new husband Christian.
So, Julie and I were talking about taking care of the kids and juggling all the chores that need to be done on a regular basis. Ron made a comment to the effect that stay at home moms don't really work. We "get" to stay home all day. It isn't really work. You know, since we lie around eating bonbons and watching Oprah all day.
He went on to say, not two minutes later, "And then I get home from work and she (Julie) expects me to watch the kids. After I've been working all day, she wants me to do more work watching the kids."
Wait a minute, Ron. I thought it wasn't work watching the kids. Oh, I think I understand. When Julie watches the kids, while paying bills, going to the store, cleaning, and doing laundry, it isn't work. When you come home and have to play with the kids while she makes dinner, it's work. I see. Yep. That sounds about right. :D
Need some good ideas for Christmas gifts? Check out Mamaslike for unique presents!
Wow, snow. . .haven't seen that substance in about 15 years LOL!! It is still in the high 70's here, t-shirts, shorts, and flip flops weather! I hope your holidays are fantastic. I know I speak for everyone when I say you bring a bit of sunshine to each of us everyday!
Sounds like when I ask my husband to "Babysit" his own children when i go to work to work on the weekend. And Heaven forbid I work late...:) Bless his (not so)little cotton socks.
Poor Ron. Has he come out of the coma yet? Now don't get mad but it was 78 today. And sadly another fire in Malibu :~( Love your blog Dawn. We NON-working SAHM's need a good laugh.
Kinda like when my husband tidies up the place and comes back a bit later to a wreck, he doesn't understand why I "let this happen."
And if I do keep on tidying up after the kids and he comes home to a neat house and tired wife, he can't understand why I'm exhausted, "But there was nothing to clean!"
Oh, I'm so jealous of the snow! And how fun that you were able to meet up with friends for lunch. Wish I'd thought to do that instead of battling crowds with my cranky toddler.
Surely Ron was merely teasing, because if he wasn't, well, he went and stepped squarely into a rattlers nest with that comment!
There was a circular type email that went around a few years back that expressed my sentiments perfectly about such comments on the part of husbands:
A wife decided to just stay in her PJ's in bed all day long reading. The house fell into complete disarray around her, broken flower pot, sticky spills, dog prints in the kitchen, laundry souring in the washing machine, messes all over the place, kids running wild, and clutter everywhere one looked.
When the husband came home, he saw the carnage and rushed to find his wife, wondering if something horrible had befallen her. "What happened?" he asked in alarm.
"You know how you ask everyday when you get home what I did today? Well, today I didn't do any of it."
If SAHM's had a union, those kind of words would be grounds for a walkout. Not that most of us would, mind you, because the prospect of getting days behind in our work is just unthinkable. Just sayin'.
I'm so thankful that after working all day, my husband WANTS to play with his kids when he gets home!
You look very cute in that picture with your friends!
Hahaha, yes I have five kids myself (pg with #6), and I know that watching Oprah and eating bon bons in my jammies are really all that I do during the day. Hehe.
I have a little free newsletter for Moms to escape with for ten minutes when they need to and the pitch page actually has that on there.
I make sure to go away for a weekend with my girlfriends every year. My husband never tells me that I don't do any work (of course, he also seems to value not having a black eye and eating food without worrying about being poisoned to death....). :)
My husband has a 'look' that he uses when asked to look after the kids while I go somewhere like the shops to 'enjoy' myself. I wrote about it on my bog saying it's like he knows better than to actually say something but has to make his point in some way. Of course he denys doing it!
AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When MEN watch kids it's work but when we do it, it is either our 'duty' or we do it for FUN. My husband whines about no free time after work because he has to watch our son while I make dinner, wash the dishes, run the bath, etc and then after bath I'm doing the story telling and putting to bed! POOR MEN EH?
Need to mention that my husband plays games for a living. He works for a casino. He fixes machines and works on software. Half t he day is spent 'testing' and 25% is spent drinking coffee (his words!)
Do tell me Ron was just kidding. Please.
Hmmm, just a suggestion, Ron should be left fully in charge for about a week, with the daily chore list prominently displayed, no back up help, and an empty refrigerator.
Why do we see news stories about single dads holding down the fort as if it's some kind of Herculean event, when SAHM's do it all the time.
On the other hand, perhaps he has some kind of death wish.
I was a Daycare teacher before becoming a SAHM. That's like the parents that think Daycare teachers just play in the sandbox all day. It kills me. They wish they could work in a daycare and play in the sandbox all day. Never notice the fact that their child is not dressed in the same outfit they dropped them off in at 7:30am because they spitup and then had a nice messy, runny diaper that didn't do it's job to keep the poop in. Not notice the fingerpainted picture that is in the cubby. Obviously the fingerpaint didn't appear there miraculously without the hands getting messy. Not notice the frazzled hair of the daycare teachers at 5:30pm when they finally show up to pick up their little bundle only to take them home, feed them dinner, bathe them and tuck them into bed. And they can't understand why we want to get out of there so fast so we can now go home and cook, clean and take care of our own children. Because we just played in the sandbox all day. MEN just don't think when they open their mouths.
But when I take a day off and sit home all day and do nothing because I am exhausted, my husband walks around the house picking up toys and washing dishes and I feel guilty that I didn't do my job as a wife and mom. What gives.
I told my husband that I was going up to take a shower Friday morning and that he needed to watch our 4 and 2 year old boys and protect our 7 month old girl and he actually asked if I could take the baby up with me while I shower! How do they think we handle all of the kids plus household responsibilities all day? I told him that if put his magazine down he could probably handle all 3 children at once and went up stairs. Honestly!
My husband used to make comments about how staying at home with the children wasn't "work". Then, I made him a chart (including pictures) and showed him how much it would cost us a month to hire people to do everything I did. A maid (or two), a chef, a chofer, a laundry service, a diaper service, a gardener, a butler, a daycare provider (for 4!!), and so on. He tries not to complain about it anymore.
Whew! At first I thought the pumpkins were molding! (And then I wondered if maybe that WAS happening to the two I have on my front porch...). Thanks for all the laughs, Dawn. God bless!
P.S. One year my dad tried to boil live crabs in a styro-foam coolers in the microwave! Need I say I don't recommend it??! hehehe
I have to say my husband would probably kill for your inlaws' garage! I'm not exactly sure, but I think both cars are from the 30's. My husband is a HUGE car nut and our summers are filled with cruising and car shows.
On another note, my husband kind of thinks like Ron. He comes home from work and can't understand why I'm pushing him over to run into my bedroom and lock myself in there. Just because we "get" to stay home doesn't mean it's not hard work! My husband works 2 jobs and sometimes I really envy him!!! :)
I'll never understand why dad's call it babysitting when mom's ask them to watch the kids for a few hours. My response to him(now my ex) has alwasy been. "They are your kids too. When they are with me, I'm not babysitting them, so you're not either. It's called spending time with your kids and keeping an eye on them."
love your blog!
melody-single mom of 3
Boys are so stupid.
Yikes, really?!?! I wish I could just get paid for all the work I do. Could you imagine if you charged for all you do around the house? Our husband's couldn't afford us!!
Off to eat some bon bons...
I think all men think this about woman that stay at home. I know my dh did, until he had to take time off of work to care for his children while I was in the hospital. He never could figure out why if I stayed home all day, this house never seemed cleaned, he soon realized that cleaning a house is like shoveling snow when it is still snowing outside. He nows has respect for the stay at home mom.
I'm lucky I don't have to fight with my husband about watching the kids for me, even though we both work, he nicely takes them to the Y so I can paint, pay bills, fix jewlery, write, etc.....
My kids were out playing in the snow too. What is the fun of the 1/8 inch and freezing cold? Beats me! Glad you had fun with your friends Friday. My husband will be the first to admit that I work at home and wouldn't trade me jobs for anything. Smart man, my husband!
I've been reading your blog for awhile and this is my first post. You are a wonderful writer and I'm looking forward to your book.
What has prompted me to post here is that my hubby is a car buff and he says both those cars in the in-laws' garage are 1939 Chryslers. (I'm always impressed with how much my hubby knows, LOL.)
BTW my hubby thinks you are a wonderful writer too.
One other thing: my son-in-law says that it is NOT "babysitting" when the children are yours. Good for him!
i went back to work full time and made my husband become a stahd when he pulled that line on me. He has since apologized lol
Hmmm, that little comment sounded vaguely like a discussion my husband and I had on Wednesday while we were running around trying to get the house ready for company. He was a little disgruntled that he was working on his vacation day...I couldn't help myself when I calmly quipped, "I don't get vacation days."
"You need to talk to your boss about that," he said.
"It's a non-union shop," I replied.
That was the end of our little conversation but I think he picked up on the hint. :D
I had almost forgotten what snow looked like, still looks too cold to me.
Now, why don't you make another cheescake for that Neanderthal Ron and send him back with it to the Mesozoic Age. (often referred to as the age of the dinosaurs.)
Neanderthal's were capable of speech, but their communication skills were not very advanced. ;)
...(why won't they eat your cooking?) ...and I know someone who would love to have a garage just like that, sadly.
This laying around eating bon bons sure gets tiring. Lately my hubby has been home alot and has seen me in my daily routine, there has been a couple of times he has suggested we eat out as I have been working so hard. And this is on a day when I have already taken a break and went for a walk with him.
I dont think SAHMs get enough credit for what they do, but the average mom working out in the trenches and then coming home to manage a household is managing a huge burden as well.
haha...the in-law's didn't eat my pumpkin pie either. They opted for store bought cake instead ;) I wouldn't have passed up your cheesecake!
Wow...I don't think my husband would still be ALIVE after making comments like that...
Ooh! I can tell that this one is going to be a heated discussion!
I thought I heard the collective angry breath of the thousand SAHM's that read your blog, while they type out their knife-like replies to this one. (At first I thought it was only a sonic boom.)
Watch out Ron - the term "Your name is mud" may apply here. :-)
My husband actually read your blog- thanks to the shiny blue car! I love all the mamaslike stuff too- I know where to e-shop for the holidays!
Hey- Is there a way I can pass my info for custom photo t-shirts thru your blog? We donate a portion of the profits to a Biblical school in Argentina where my step-daughter is a former student and current teacher (Palabra de Vida). I'd be glad to pass the info along to you!
Love the blog- you always make me laugh! "The Milk Maid"
Amen for putting Ron in his place. ;)
I despise when people tell me I'm lucky I "get" to stay home. No, I chose to stay home and raise my children and we have made plenty of sacrifices to go with that decision. I don't regret my choice at all.
BTW, I love your blog and can't wait for your book to be published!
We got snow, too - it's pretty much all melted now, since it's a balmy 43 degrees here today...
I "taught" my DH how much work being a SAHM was - and all he did was watch the 2 year old & 9 month old for a day. No cooking, cleaning, laundry, bill paying, grocery shopping, etc, etc. I think he appreciates me a little more now.
I've been a SAHM for nearly 19 years now. After 9 years of homeschooling, all of my kids are in school this year. I thought I was going to be able to get so much done and have all kinds of free time. Now that it is just me home during the day, everything takes longer. The day before Thanksgiving I was trying to get my husband to help and his response was, "I just worked all day." Like I was laying around doing nothing and waiting for him to get home. LOL! Gotta love the way guys think.
Mmmm....classic comment. But really? I wouldn't trade my job as a SAHM. I'd much rather be my own boss and change poo than sit at a desk all day long and crunch numbers. And I can't lie---I do occassionally lie around, eat candy, and watch Oprah. Am I really the only one?!
I'm sure Ron was chastised properly. If not, mention him again and I am sure several hundred women will do it here. We had about that much snow in Nebraska too.
My dad would love the garage - and be able to tell you the year, make, and model of everything he saw in it. He has some amazing classic cars and has had at least one extremely cool car ever since I can remember. I'm the only one in my family that does NOT own a street rod or classic or vette. I just traded my mini-van of 10 years in for a car. Though my family thinks me odd, since I am hauling a baritone, cello, and other assorted items along w/the kids each week - I miss the van! These days I'm thankful for a vehicle that gets me where I need to go, though, so I'm kind of the odd-ball of the family! :)
I am spoiled in many other ways; my beloved husband - who grills an aMAzing turky every Thanksgiving (and Christmas) - is wonderful about staying home w/the kiddos so I can get out (my friend and I were just out last night cheering on the local AHL team - Go Griffs!). So, I may not drive the hottest car in the family, but I have the coolest hubby! :)
Thanks for sharing your pictures!
About a year ago I went to an embroidery convention for a week, leaving my DH in sole care of our nine year old daughter. I put meals in the fridge, arranged after school care everything... On day two I received a text message "I know why some animals eat their young" along with "I'm sooooo tired!" It's funny how he now appreciates me so much more!!!
Ugh! Some men and their ideas. If he was smart, he woulda kept his mouth closed! LOL
Ron sounds like my EXhusband. =)
'nuff said. LOL
Oh my goodness! I will definitely have to remember that with my husband. We have that argument what seems like ALL the time!
I liked the top 10 list & the thankful list.
Hope the book is coming along.
Gotta love a man's brain - and unfortunately that brain is connected to their mouth - which causes a lot of trouble as we all know!!
Was happy to finally get home and get back on line to check in with you Dawn- missed reading you!!
Hee hee... along with everyone else, Ron (who probably will never talk to you again ;) ) and his comments cracked me up!
However, one thing that no one else pointed out is that you still have your pumpkins, and they don't look at all ucky or moldy in any way. Very nice! We unfortunately had our pumpkins smashed within 10 minutes of turning off our lights this Halloween. Explaining what happened to 2 and 4 year olds wasn't exactly easy, and sadly, they still bring it up. Next year ... my husband is going to sit lookout in the dark! Gotta love him.
Happy post-Thanksgiving coma!
The car is a 38-41 Willies! I asked my husband who has a shop too!!! Please clarify the year/make of the shiny blue car!!!
I dont think that theres a household that could 100% claim to be equal shares in the chores but one village in the UK took this to extremes when all the women went on strike and got together to go on holiday leaving the men in charge for a week. It made headline news and I seem to remember the men were very glad to see their partners come back at the end of the week.
Funnily enough while I was surfing the net the other night I came across the following self help guide which some of us SAHM might like to take a look at
maybe it may help even things up a bit.
Love your blog again Dawn, just what the doctor ordered.
Ron has got a lot to learn. Poor guy. Someone needs to clue that man in to the fact that those comments make for cold nights.
Brrr your snow makes me greatful for the rain and wind that we are having here in Florida! Reminds me not to complain when I am at work and "cold" while hauling Christmas Trees!
That is too funny about the cheesecake!
I, like 8 million other SAHMs, agree regarding Ron. My husband often tells me "well, you were able to go grocery shopping!". HUH? THAT is MY time!? Idon'tthinkso.
Here is Pennsylvania, it is the first day of deer season - my husband is in the woods for most of the day. And yes, you can bet I will make sure I get MY time off too - and not at the grocery store!
that first pic could be my garage. we have a 1940s willys in pieces too. this means my car sits outside in the snow and rain.
Wow, I guess that I am in the minority, my husband tries to get me out of the house whenever he can. He has gone so far as to kick me out of the house with orders to go have fun. (ugh, in the middle of this my two year old manages to hit two keys on the mouse and put so much text up here that I spent 5 minutes holding the backspace, why can they always hit the worse possible keys?)
Christmas gift idea for Ron. The movie "Mr. Mom". Oldie but a goody. Remember, the grass is always greener and/or Be careful what you wish for!
Deb in OPKS
PS here is more info, with lyrics!
Anita Renfroe
Ok not trying to make anybody feel bad, but I have one of the most understanding and helpful husbands out there. The first few years after we had our kids, I worked outside the home and after I quit working outside the home, I still picked up seasonal work here and there from time to time. Oh and I was also going to school much of the time. Most of the time that I worked outside the home, we worked opposite shifts to avoid childcare expenses. So he was forced to watch his own children a lot and help around the house. Now even when I am not going to school or working outside the home, he still helps with the kids and the house as much as he can (despite working 50-60 hours per week and going to school fulltime himself!). But every so often he still says things like, "Wish I could sit around all day and not have to work." Of course most of the time (when he is not saying things like suggesting I don't work) he actually tells me that he could NEVER stay home with the kids all day. He says he doesn't know how I do it day in and day out. So I know his comment isn't mean spirited. Funny thing is, I have a male friend from high school. His wife is a SAHM and just last night he did the EXACT same thing. Suggested that we don't work all day, despite FREQUENTLY telling me that he could never stay home with the kids day in and day out & he doesn't know how me or his wife do it. So again, not mean spirited. I know there are a lot of men out there that really have no clue what it is we do all day and really think we sit around eating and watching tv all day. But in a lot of cases I think it's just careless speaking. What they really mean is "I wish I didn't have to go do my stupid job all day." They're frustrated with their job or stressed out and the grass looks greener on the other side. But as I told my friend last night, "I am more stressed out now just staying home with the kids, than I was when I was working and going to school and watching the kids. So what does that tell you?"
I do think more women should find a way to force their men into taking care of the kids for a whole weekend (or longer if possible) and let them see what it is we go through. Because I don't think one single thing has made my husband more understanding or more appreciative of me than that, lol.
If that had been my husband, well, let's just say, he wouldn't be near me for at least a good 6 months. Ice queen would be a nice thing for him to think, cause that just isn't even close to how bad I would be towards him! My goodness! Let's switch jobs for a week, then tell me how you feel (and, no, the kids can't and won't do it all for you).
When I come home from work and see the house spotless and a hot meal waiting for me on the table I can't express in words how awesome my wife is. When I'm at home alone all day nothing ever gets done. My wife is the best.
OMg - Julie? As in Julie S. from high school??
I work full time but used to work-from-home on Fridays so I could be home with our son when he was little, and my husband made the mistake of asking me one Friday when he came home, "didn't you DO anything???" The very next day, I assigned him laundry, dishes, and our son, even though I knew he had work to do, and I left the house. That type of phrase has never been uttered again.
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