Eh, we just threaten the older kids that Santa will only leave them dirt if they spoil it for the little kids. The older ones have fun playing along.
What is you favorite coffee creamer during this time of the year?
Gingerbread by CoffeeMate. Yum-O!
What did Santa bring you?
A new, comfy computer chair that doesn't have screws sticking out of the seat to poke me in the butt.
Hi Dawn, I was lying in bed last night, thinking about what you said. Those darn Twist Tie's and plastic straps they put on all kids toys. Is it a conspiracy? Do they think the toys will really shift that much?
Haven't you ever seen Toy Story? They have to keep the toys contained somehow or Emperor Zurg would be running amok in Al's Toy Barn, the Barbies would be having a pool party, and Mr. Potato would be driving around in a RC car, knocking over displays of super balls.
Has the ENT considered tonsil and adenoid surgery for Clay and Lexi?
Already done. Remember - after Clay's tonsillectomy, I fed him chocolate pudding for breakfast on national TV? LOL
I actually have a question: How do I find some of your older blogs?
Go to the right side of my blog and click on the month you'd like to view under "Old Stuff".
So what does a tooth go for in your parts?
A dollar. Unless, of course, the Tooth Fairy has forgotten several nights in a row and has to pay some guilt money.
I also was wondering if you save their teeth?
Yes, but I have no idea why. What am I ever going to do with these? Why am I keeping them? Maybe the next time I need a root canal, I can just pull my tooth and glue one of my kids' baby teeth in the socket.
speaking of big trips--i am coming to chicago dec. 27-31! i've never been before. any suggestions for the newbie (besides LOTS of warm clothes--i'm from california!).
Yes, I suggest you tell me about your trip more than one day in advance the next time and I could come up with some ideas of fun things to do before you leave. :)
Do you write out Christmas family letters? No way! There is no way to write one of those without either sounding like you're bragging and all conceited-like, or sounding like you have no life with nothing going on at all. Didn't you ever see that Raymond episode? LOL
I hope that Santa was good to you and to all your family. (My 2 year old's favorite present was for some reason the Wellies she received -- she insisted on wearing them ALL day yesterday over her PJs, except when she was painting and please don't ask why that's the exception, as I have no idea.) What were some of the favorites at your house?
First off - what on earth are Wellies? And I think the big hit with my kids was the Wii they received. I have to say that I like it too. In real life, I don't think I've ever gotten a score higher than 70 while bowling. In Wiiland, I get over 150!
As I read this blog entry today I realize this is the beginning of the end of a blog i though very spontaneous, free thinking & funny ; Someone I enjoyed visiting every day.It saddens me because now that you have a book deal and you are actually going to be paid for being you, you are going to have to change because no one in 'the business' is allowed to remain them self. Someone has to tell you how to be you.
Hey, are you trying to tell me how I'm going to be in the future?! ;) I hope I don't sound too naive here, but I'm pretty sure I'll be keeping my feet on the ground. I'm not about to change. I have God and six kiddos to keep me grounded.
Does this mean Joe is home more often instead of having to put in so much overtime? I hope so. I'm sure you and the kids love having him around more.
Yes! It's wonderful! Well, there are times that he drives me nuts and I'm like, "Can't you go back to work???" LOL But really, it's very nice having him around.
Whose beautiful Christmas tree was that? It looks like a picture postcard. Very symmetrical (only a math teacher would say that).
Ahhh, that's my anal sister's perfectly symmetrical tree. I'm pretty sure (even before kids) my tree has never looked that nice!
Your slideshow is fantastic! Something felt funny as I was looking at it, and then I realized that I don't think I've ever seen Christmas morning pictures of kids in jeans! :-) Nah, my kids do the whole Christmas morning thing in their jammies. Those were pictures from Christmas morning, Christmas day at my inlaws, the day after Christmas at my sister's, and a few days before Christmas for a birthday party at my parents' house.
I especially love the picture of your dad. He looks so sweet - can I bring him home with me? :-) He must be so proud!
My dad thanks you for this comment! LOL! He's a great guy. Very laid-back and positive. And yes, both my parents are very proud!
Obviously the answer is "d", but before I saw the multiple choice list, I thought they were all items to help get out of the house and take the kids to school
OK, so my husband actually told me this very thing - that it was to help get me up and out of the house on time in the morning! I'd be offended, but it's true.
Yia Yia is greek for Grandma right?
I suggest the couch to 5K program on! it's awesome. and you can do it as a run walk program, of if you don't feel ready, do it as a speed walk/slow walk program. only 40 mins max a day, 3x a week ;) gee doesn't that sound FUN!?!?
Honestly? Ummm no. It sounds like torture. I'd rather go to the grocery store with the kids than to run on purpose.
Dawn, have you met Flylady?
Nope. Is she related to this guy?

Fat is good for brain development, right?
Which is why I'm so darn smart. ;)
I can relate to your family, but only because I was one of six kids. My mom says that, if she had it to do over again, she'd have had all six of us at once. Any thoughts? I think it would be pretty painful to have all six at once.
Just wondering what's with all the santa bags under the tree. My dad wrapped all those boxes in red paper and then cut different Santa faces out of white paper and glued them on. Cool, huh?
What is your deadline for the first book, in time for next Christmas? My deadline is January 31 (insert freaked out "I'll never finish in time" scream) and the book is scheduled to be out October, 2008 (in plenty of time for Christmas!)
Is that a chocolate milk mustache to go along with it?
Nope, do you think I'd let my kids run around with chocolate milk all over their faces? It's peanut butter, naturally.
Congratulations Dawn!! You passed TWO MILLION!!!!
Wooo Hooo!!! Thank you!
EXCUSE ME!!!!! Is today not SUNDAY????? Where is the customary question and answer blog?
Hold your pants on! OK, so maybe technically it was Sunday when I did the Bert post, but it doesn't count if I post it in the wee hours of the morning. I count that as Saturday's post.
Hi Dawn, so this comment is totally unrelated to your post but I have to let you know that you are obviously making some kind of an impact on me. The other night I had a dream that my husband and I bought your house. For some reason, you all couldn't move out in time, something to do with your 6 kids I think, and so we decided that you could stay with us until you could figure things out. Any dream interpreters out there?
Easy - after reading all the talk of diets starting in January, you decided to load up before officially starting the diet, so you had a strange concoction of left-over sweet potatoes, pumpkin pie, Christmas cookies, a ham sandwich, a couple deviled eggs, and a big glass of egg nog before bed.
But more importantly, I can't believe my house was ever clean enough to make someone want to buy it!
Thanks for sharing the pictures, Dawn. I was truly impressed by the organized presents by the tree. I've never seen that so well presented before, except in magazines that make me feel inferior -- now ever your blog is doing that ;)
Oh no, no, no, no, no. The picture to which you're referring is my sister's beautifully decorated tree with my parents presents artfully arranged around it. (My sister just has a 5 month old, understand?)
Love the stocking gifts! I usually plan my own stocking. Your way, although last-minute, is more creative. Noooo, no, that is most definitely not my way. I actually take the time to think of gifts I believe the recipient will like. I start thinking about presents usually in October and I try to find things that people can use, or things that people would like, but wouldn't spend the money on themselves, or things that are just fun. I do not run out the night before and buy whatever I can find. Ever.
Next year I am SO taking the suggestion from you guys to fill my own stocking with goodies. "Oh thank you, honey. These earrings are just beautiful! How did you know? Oh look! A charm for my bracelet! Thank you! Ahhh, my favorite lotion. How thoughtful, Sweetie!" as my husband just stares at me dumbfounded and unable to remember buying any of the items I pull out of my stocking.
As always, check out my other blog, Mamaslike, to support other SAHMs.