Friday, March 23, 2012

A New Way to Have GoodNites

As you know, I work with Goodnites to help inform parents and answer their questions about bedwetting. Once upon a time, I dealt with bedwetting and the problems associated with it. At that time I didn't have all the facts and made some poor decisions in regards to bedwetting which is why I'm now so passionate about helping parents to understand bedwetting and to cope with it.

Goodnites now has a great alternative to disposable underwear! Goodnites disposable bed mats! These amazingly absorbant pads can be placed on your child's bed by peeling off the adhesive backing and sticking it to the sheet. It'll stay put all night without getting scrunched up. And it provides all the protection you've come to trust from Goodnites disposable underwear without the stigma of "wearing a diaper" that some kids resent. Occasionally I have a parent write to me that their child is such a heavy wetter that they saturate the Goodnite underwear. This bed mat in combination with the disposable underwear would save a lot of laundry and interrupted sleep for those individuals, ensuring your child does indeed have a good night. I have three packages of Goodnites new bed mats to give away! Read on for details!

Here's a little demonstration I did using a small square sample of the Goodnites bed mat and a whole lotta water!

Peel the adhesive backing off the bed mat and press in place.


"Night, Mom!"

I put TEN droppers full of water on the mat! I colored the water blue so I could see if it leaked through to the bed.

Super absorbant!

I easily peeled the mat off the bed. Boy was it FULL!

There wasn't a single drop of moisture on the bed!

"Yay! I slept all through the night! Thanks, Mom!"

I have three packs of new Goodnites Bed Mats to give away to three readers! Just leave me a comment here and I'll choose three random winners on Friday, March 30. Good luck and may the odds be ever in your favor!

For more information on bedwetting, please visit for a wealth of articles on all things bedwetting!


Bret&Amberly said...

These look awesome, we are potty training our 3 year old and he really doesn't want to wear the diaper at night anymore, this would be so nice to try out.

Megan said...

As a mom of a bead wetter who is 9 years old. These new mats could save us lots of laundry! And him a chance to sleep in underware for the first time ever!

Maternal Damnation said...

I would love to give a set to my nephew. He has a lot of trouble with sleep, and I just want him to feel better!

Chick Hatchers said...

Okay, I'm willing to try them if they're free. My 6-year old leaks through her pullups a few time a week. She rarely wakes up to go during the night. The boys on my husband's side of the family have this problem until puberty!

Step Hen Let Tow said...

Would love to try these! My 7yr old still wets the bed.

Unknown said...

I had no idea there was such a thing as Goodnites Bed Mats! I could have used these so many times. These are a must-have for my house as my cute little buddy is still having accidents at age 9. I usually put him in my bed after he wets the bed. If I don't get his sheets and blankets washed and dried in the next day I end up with a wet bed too. This would save me so much time, water, electricity and most important, peace of mind! What single mom doesn't want more peace of mind!
Oh Dawn, you're awesome, funny, vibrant, beautiful and hands down the most important multi-tasking single mom in my life. :)

Nicole said...

I would love to try these! My 7yr old still wets the bed.

sixkidsmom said...

these soung awesome. My 11 year old still has the occasional accident and these sound awesome.

Unknown said...

I would love to try these!

Melissa said...

Oh my goodness, if I have to wash my 4yo's sheets one more time, I'm gonna lose it! I would love to try these!

Linda said...

what an awesome idea!

whoopsiedaisy said...

I gotta say, I would LOVE to have these for my Type 1 Diabetic 10 year old. Between genes and disorders, the poor kid hardly stands a chance...until now :)

kelly w said... 6 year old has NO nighttime control. Pick me!

northernmommie said...

This would be perfect for my 7 year old! I am tired of buying pull-ups and I'm sure he is tired of wearing them! Great product testing from you, Dawn! That was very informative.

aimee said...

Would love to try these. My 4 year old daughter has to wear good nights underwear and is embarrassed. These seem to be a great alternative!

Michelle said...

Would love to try these with my daughter. Had no idea they made such a product.

I'm the Mom said...

Wow I definitely need to try these. My son who has to take Lasix due to his heart condition is 6 and still sets the bed due to the meds. Unfortunately the goodnights end up giving him constant yeast infections....this may solve all our problems. I didn't even know they existed.

Jen said...

This is genius - we're just starting down the potty training road with my little one who is about to turn two - these will come in so handy.

Kael,Maddie and Sage said...

Would love to try these, my 7 year old is such a heavy sleeper she pees in her pull up every night. We just ordered her a alarm ( trying to avoid the prescription meds ) so these would be great to use with that.

Carrie said...

These would be so great to have! Especially when my kids get to that stage where they are dry 2 nights and wet 1 night.

Stephanie said...

These sound like a Lifesaver in so many ways. We would love to try these Bed Mats out. I have never heard of them until your post. :)

Laughing My Way Through Motherhood said...

Would love to give these a try! My 11 year old boy appears to be one of those who won't outgrow it until puberty hits. Could you post some other suggestions as well?

Korinthia said...

These look great! What a good idea. Keeping my fingers crossed you draw my name...

Betsey said...

My special-needs grandson would love to try theses. It sure could save Mom a lot of time, energy, and effort.


Taryn said...

Just had my little boy climb into bed with me last night whispering "Mommy, I wet the bed"...again. These would be awesome to try. For his sake of not having to feel embarrassed and or mine, so I can sleep!!! Although it never bothers me to get some extra snuggle time, so that I will miss. The laundry? Not so much.

Anonymous said...

This sounds great! My daughter, at almost 10, still wears Goodnights every single night, and fills them up, even though she's taking bedwetting medication. It's very frustrating for her when she overflows one of them. This would be a good solution for her - unless someone can figure out a way to make the problem go away altogether! (Wishful thinking, I know.)

Queenie662 said...

You don't even have to enter me in the contest. I just want to thank you for telling me about these. I'm buying them today. Thank you, Dawn!

~ LaVonne said...

these look like a great alternative for older bed-wetters, instead of putting on a goodnite!

beth said...

My son could really use these! Great idea~

Erin T. said...

What a fantastic product! Even if I don't win I think Goodnites will be getting my business from this product!

I'm about at my wits end with my daughter. She's not a toddler anymore - she's 14 years old - and still wets the bed. Her pediatrician says she'll grow out of it, we've been to a urologist to make sure nothing was wrong with her bladder etc., she's been in therapy, we limit the liquids in the evenings... And she still wets the bed. If any readers have any advice, or maybe have a child who also is an older wetter - I would greatly appreciate ANY advice...

Dianne said...

I would love to try these for my 6 yr old son. My only problem is that he is a Mover! He ends up in all sorts of positions in his bed so I am not sure if he'd stay on top of the pad. We'll see...

For the other moms dealing with long-term bedwetting, my husband recently found this article and we think it might be the explanation to our son's problems. Perhaps it will be an eye-opener for you also.

Michel said...

My 7 year old has no night-time control. He wears Good Nights every night, but occasionally, even those aren't enough. Pick me, pick me, Pick me!!!! Please?????

Katy Riker said...

You are awesome, Dawn! Plus, I really hope to win a pack of these for my daughter's stepson, a total darling.


Kelly Strei said...

My 9 year old son still wets the bed. He wants so badly to be dry at night but he just can't do it because he's such a sound sleeper. I would love to try these. Thanks for the contest!

Tammy said...

Both of my kids are such sound sleepers they have to wear night time pullups. This would be a good alternative for my son, who is outgrowing the XL size and only wakes up wet occasionally.

Thank you, Dawn! :)

You ARE awesome & funny! :)

SubWife said...

I'm co-sleeping with my 3-year old who wets my bed regularly because her diapers don't hold everything. That mat might not save my nightgown, but boy would I be happy to save myself from washing mattress cover and sheets and all other bedding!

Melissa said...

Just what I need!

Sam said...

I'd love to win these for my friends daughter! Either way, I'm showing her these new pads, they sound awesome!

Kylie said...

I would love to try these. My 5 year wets every night. He desperately wants to try underwear and maybe these pads would allow me to feel better about that!

Niki said...

Would love to try these for my 7 yr old. He's too slim for the small goodnights and really hates wearing the little kid pull ups :(.

Jaime said...

Brilliant,Thanks for the super cute demo!

Anonymous said...

These sound fantastic. My 9 year old is just now starting to not wet every night, but still more often than not and even with a pull up, we end up with extra laundry to do. Not to mention, we have two more babies who will probably need something like this at some point in the next few years. These would save so much money on laundry (as we have to pay to do a load of laundry).

Diana said...

I finally don't need those, but if I did, I would probably have to use two or three in a night. My boys end up everywhere on the bed. I was one of the lucky few whose children actually night trained before they completed day training.

sclangs said...

I have never heard of these mats. Thank you for sharing about them. Winning some would make my washer and dryer thank you a bunch! I might just have to go out help myself and buy some. Glad to know that I'm not the only one out there that has a child with bed wetting issues!

Jeanette said...

These would be wonderful for my house! I have 2 girls, 4 and 5. The 5 year old is doing better now, but still has an accident about once a week. My four year old has maybe 3 dry nights a week if we are lucky; she has a hard time staying hydrated so we cannot cut off drinking liquid before bedtime. Pull-ups get so expensive and for my 5 year old, I don't like using them because she is starting to do better and needs to be in panties. On dry nights I feel like we wasted them, but you just never know if it's going to be a wet night! These pads might be the answer to my prayers, I would love to try them!

Anonymous said...

I am 20 and I still struggle with bedwetting nearly every night. I practically grew up wearing goodnites. They helped me through a few sleepovers and they managed to keep up my self esteem. Around 14 I outgrew them unfortunately. This led to experimenting with a few different adult diapers. I found the pull up adult diapers didn't work and I was stuck using the "briefs". This has been really degrading and I wish it could just stop. The adult diapers have been really humiliating to wear. I have tried bed pads but they always inevitably crinkle through the night, and I still wet the bed. This product seems so awesome, it seems like a miracle. I love the fact of adhesive on the back, what a great idea! If i were to win it'd really be too good to be true. I am on really low income and a free package to try out this awesome product, would really be too good to be true. On the off chance I actually do win I can be emailed at
Either way thank you for sharing about this product :)

Teresa said...

These would work great for my 6 year old. She wears "nightime undies" everynight, but this would be much less embarrassing for her. I can't wait to try these! Thanks Dawn!

Anonymous said...

I have 6-year-old twin boys and bed-wetting is a problem in our house. Thanks for the tip on bed mats. Anything to get more sleep!

Tara said...

My 7.5 year old son still wears and wets Goodnights every single night. Maybe 10 nights out of the whole year he stays dry. We'd love to try the disposable pads when we travel as a backup. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

omg, I soooo need these. I have twins that want so badly to be night-trained and wear underwear to bed, but I'm tired of changing sheets over and over and over and... PLEASE pick me!!!!

Angela said...

I'm getting ready to potty train my little one, so even if I don't win, I 'll still be checking these out.
angelou22 at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

This a reply for Erin T.
My son wet the bed every night until he was 10. We found out that he is allergic to chemical dyes in food. He eats it any time of day and in any amount and he will wet the bed that night. He takes a special enzyme when we eat out but we eat dye free at home. Bedwetting is a very rare reaction to a food allergy. I hope this helps.

Rebecca M. said...

I have a 13 year old daughter who still wets the bed at night. It is so embarassing for her! She doesn't want to wear the adult diapers to bed, so instead she puts several towels on her bed so that if she has a nighttime accident it doesn't seep through to her mattress. This product would be the answer to our prayers for her! I saw on the Goodnites website that these are available at "select" stores and will be nationwide soon. PLEASE, make these Goodnites pads available nationwide soon. There are a lot of children who would benefit so much from this product.

Kate said...

My 5 yr could sleep through a nuclear attack, so you could understand my frustration that he wont wake up during the night to go to the bathroom. He wears the diaper "underwear" to bed, and still wakes up wet in the daily basis. We have even cut off his fluid intake and nothing helps :(

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