Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Sonic Giveaway!

For years and years, Sonic commercials played on tv even though there wasn't a single Sonic Drive-In anywhere near Chicago. The commercials taunted me and I became obsessed with wanting to try out their drinks and ice cream creations. Finally, Sonic came to Chicagoland and I was able to learn what all the hype was about. Now I'm addicted to their strawberry limeade, tator tots, and coconut cream pie shakes. Yum!

In March and April, SONIC Wacky Packs will feature one of five SONIC Pro Outdoor Toys designed to keep kids active. The five toys include:
- SONIC Pro(tm) Glider
- SONIC Pro(tm) Kick
- SONIC Pro(tm) Football
- SONIC Pro(tm) Flyer
- SONIC Pro(tm) Hydrator.

Leave me a comment here and let me know how you keep your family active and I'll choose a random winner from the comments on Friday, March 18. Be sure to include your email address/way to contact you. Good luck!


The Big-Bellied Beauty said...

I chase around an almost 2 year old. That is how I keep active every minute of everyday!


P.S. I also have watched those commercials forever and do not live near a Sonic. They taunt me and haunt my dreams....

Garima said...

Hey, TO keep my daughter active, one packet of M&M followed by park to expend all the sugar ;-)

I MUST try out Sonic.. its been way too long on my To-Do list

Laura~peach~ said...

my grandbabies are little but we play hard :) i love sonic and its "toys" PICK ME LOL
Peach 867 @

momnextdoor said...

We love to chase each other around the coffee table. The kid will keep running long after us parents are tired out. They just keep going, and going, and going.... It's a great activity during the winter. So far no lost teeth or broken bones, though they would probably still keep running even if they did!

KingerMom said...

Hey Dawn! I wish we had a Sonic in Canada! We stay Active By playing the Wii ( Just Dance 2) in the winter as well as Indoor Parks. And in the Summer, we just never stay inside!
-Patty from Alberta!

Jen said...

We go for walks!

Liz said...

We like Geocaching. It's like a treasure hunt combined with geeky stuff, like the GPS.

And it required a minimal investment on my part.

PS. You are totally awesome and funny. (Just following directions.)

Michele said...

I'm addicted to Sonic! I'm keeping my kiddo active this week by sending him camping! Primative camping no less! (No rest rooms, no plumbing anywhere - just him and his friend and NATURE! - they get to build their own fire pit and everything! Pray the family's ranch doesn't burn!)

Elle and Belle said...

Hi Dawn,

My 'lazy' way of keeping the family active is taking the kids to an indoor play centre - even better, sending the 2 teenagers to take the 4 little ones while I 'actively' chill out drinking coffee and eating chocolate. Seriously though, we love to go camping, find rocks and trees to climb, run about on the beach...

Queen of pink in a house of blue said...

i put em on the treadmill with a bag of candy dangling....just kidding, mostly. ;-)

we go to the park and walk the trails. we play basketball, football, and soccer. Riding bikes is something we do almost daily.

Ally said...

We have a Y membership and use it all the time! I live in the south and there are Sonics everywhere!

Jenn said...

Best way to keep my family active - let them do their own thing. I have a teenage daughter involved in the local JROTC. That alone keeps her busy enough to make my house more of a laundrymat and crashpad than a place to spend time.

Lisa A said...

We stay active by being outside when the weather is nice enough. Whether it's taking a walk/jog or playing on the swings in the back yard, we enjoy the fresh air and a little running around! =)


Kiote Agorist said...

We're a hiking family. We love to go hiking, and backpacking and camping. We also like to garden and take walks around the neighborhood.

pmerry said...

We like to walk to the park when the weather is nice.

Anonymous said...

My kids love to ride bikes to the park. I LOVE me some Sonic!

valsum at hotmail dot com

Tamra B said...

My kids play basketball and my husband is the coach! I do Zumba, myself.

Erika _Thatsitmommy said...

I too have been brainwashed by Sonic commercials! My mouth literally waters. Thankfully one opened up near us =) Now to answer the question ...How to stay fit after all my sonic trips ;) We go for family walks every night after dinner (at least 5 nights) it is a great time to talk and get fit!! It is so much easier for my kids to open up when we aren't staring each other in the face =)

MamaB said...

Dawn, I have to ask. Are they selling the "Chicago Dog" there? I live in Omaha and my hubbs is a native (grew up around Western & Foster). We opened up our own dog and beef spot here to get the goods regularly. We sell Vienna Beef dogs but Sonic has recently started an ad campaign for hot dogs, including a New York Dog, a Chili Dog, etc. plus a Chicago Dog. I had to try it just to make sure there was no competition - they're GROSS! No comparison. Just wondering what the vibe is in Chi-town on this? Go Sox!

Dawn said...

You mean, Go Cubs, right?
I haven't tried the Sonic dawgs, but I've seen the commercials for them. I'll have to give it a try, but I'm guessing it won't hold up to Portillos.

Unknown said...

My kids never stop moving. Even when watching TV. I bought a small trampoline so they can jump while watching it.

Unknown said...

We stay active by taking turns walking to the kitchen to get snacks...what? Its moving isn't it???

Alison said...

My toddler received a bounce house (toddler sized) for her birthday last year. Her grandmoms and aunts and uncles all chipped in for it. Since she loves to be outside, I usually set it up for the both of us to play in and keep active!

underthebigoaktree (at) gmail (dot) com

Cristen said...

WE are an active family we are involved in Cub scouts so we are always busy. Not to mention my 10 year old is in swim lessons. He LOBES to ride his bike. And the rest of us keep moving by keeping up with our 2 year old. We two just got a Sonic which is cool cause we are in Montana!!

Judy said...

I want to know how to be inactive. My kids are involved in a sport year round. Football, cheer, basketball, wrestling, baseball and track. Like you, I have six which means an awful lot of sporting events!

Donna's blog said...

My family and I have been geocaching. A great way to stay active.

-Donna W.

Sheila said...

Hmmm, how do I keep my family active?! We don't actually excerise, but does this count??

1. Pushing a bicyle with my 5 year old daughter on it because she saw her sister and all the neighborhood kids ride without training wheels and demanded that hers be taken off. Yet her idea of learning to ride is to let Mom push.

2. Chasing all the neighborhood kids and keeping them out of mischief because I'm overly paranoid and can't stand the thought of all those kids playing outside without supervision.

3. Herding the kids in and out of the car, into stores, and paying bills.

Wonderful post!! You're drawing on our anniversary!

Many Blessings,

Lorene said...

I have an 8 and 10 year old that keep us running with school activities. While at home though we walk the dog and they love to ride bikes. Thankfully spring is here...maybe...hopefully...well it is March right?

Lorene said...

With an 8 and 10 year old they keep us active not the other way around!! LOL

Kirsten said...

we walk a lot .. and my son asks us to kick around the soccer ball every night that he doesn't have soccer practice!

kjmaje said...

I keep my family active by taking walks around the neighborhood, going to the playground, and riding bikes!

kjmaje at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

we stay active by running around the park across the street. Or rather, they run around the park, I run after them keeping them from fighting, stopping the throwing of woodchips, chasing the balls that go out into the street, etc, etc. My boys are 8 and 3.

Chris Davis said...

I'm a mean mom. I make all of my kids get off of any and all electric devices they are on and kick them out into the yard everyday for at least an hour. The first half hour they usually spend moping around and asking "Can we come in yet?" but by the time the hour is done they are so deep into mud, climbing, building forts, bicycling, etc that they don't end up coming back in for a while. We also go to parks and camp and hike and stuff, but I want my kids to know how to play outside without "plans" or having to go anywhere, everyday.

stormimay AT gmail DOT com

Denise said...

We got our bikes out (after a long Midwest winter) and have been strolling through the nwighborhood!

Anonymous said...

I keep my family active by chasing after my Daughter, who is JUST now crawling. It's only me & her and her daddy, so it's not that hard. We like to walk around our chicken houses around back (no more chickens though, just used for storage) or take her to the park, & let her swing.

Stephanie said...

Found your blog on the sonic fb fan page! I love Sonic! That's actually our family's favorite way to be active! We love to go to Sonic and play on the playground or play some volleyball then get a slush or an ocean water!

Jessie said...

When the weather is nicer, we take evening walks. In the Winter, we play on the Wii. Just Dance is a favorite way to have fun and work up a sweat.

Susie said...

We walk a rail trail near our house. We also go to State and National Parks that are near by. We stroll around and have a picnic lunch. To encourage the "kid" to keep walking I promise to stop and buy a special drink on the way home. Nice when the place is Sonic! We have two in my state now!

Anonymous said...

I take my 2 1/2 year old son in the back yard and we play fetch with the dogs. It ends up being more like chase with either him chasing the dogs for the ball or the dogs chasing him. Lots of fun. :)

Staci said...

In the blahs of winter we play the Wii or go to the rec center to swim. In the summertime we can be found at the park, at the pool or splashing around in our backyard.
Staci G.

Unknown said...

We played kickball in the front yard as a family! We love the quality time together! We never realize we are exercising because we always have too much fun! :)

Unknown said...

I have 4 kids so they keep ME active!!! HAHA THey are ages 9, 3 and twin 2 yr olds. We are constantly on the go so we don't know what rest is. :-)

ldfendley at yahoo dot com

debra barber said...

I keep the boys active by doing indoor walking in the winter and whenever the weather is nice enough we pick an activity and go with it, yesterday we went hiking in the park. I tell them all the time exercise is healthy....

Unknown said...

SOME of these toys are great for dogs too. Be sure to join our cause on facebook at : we save animals lives..

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