Hello everyone. My name is Kelli Standish, and I'm a friend of Dawn's, as well as her web site manager.
Today, I am doing something I've never done before: hijacking a client's blog.
Dawn is one of those amazing, perky people who finds hope and humor in everything. She is the bright red balloon that keeps on sailing no matter how rough the winds, and she does it with such sparkle and grace that she keeps us laughing in the midst of our own challenges.
But the rough winds in Dawn's life have gotten rougher lately, and I've watched my beautiful, bright, courageous, cheerful, generous client and friend pounded to the ground. Over and over.
So here I am, thousands of miles away, watching mayhem and heartache ravage the Meehan family. And I'm furious over it. Enough is enough!!!
Dawn isn't the sort of person to ask for help. Not because she's proud, but because she always sees other people's needs as more important than her own. She would rather give than receive. And she has given. Day after day. Year after year.
She's given us laughter when nothing else could. She's given us hope that we weren't alone in our challenges. She's given us hilarious videos and let us share her life. She's given us courage.
I don't know about you, but I want to give back any way I can. I want her to be safe, I want her kids to flourish. And I think if we band together, we can help make that happen.
So. Here are a few ways I've thought of, that we can make a difference for Dawn:
a.) Donate Via PayPal - I'm posting a ChipIn widget here that will allow you to make a donation via PayPal. This will go directly to Dawn's account, and will help her with the major financial pressures she's facing right now.
(Note: Donations can take up to 5 minutes to appear in the totals, so don't worry if yours doesn't show up immediately.)
b.) Buy Dawn's Book - Here's a direct link to her book on Amazon. Publishing houses watch sales closely. If Dawn's book sells well, this will really help open doors for new writing contracts, and right now, writing is Dawn's best job option. Let's boost her sales and make her publisher sit up and take notice!
c.) Hold a Fundraiser- Most of us don't have a lot of extra money just sitting around, but that's okay because we can get creative! One really easy way to raise funds is to help spread the word. You can even post the ChipIn widget on your own site. Just copy the code below and paste it into a HTML window or widget in your site or blog.
Or what about a bake sale, or a raffle of cool items or services on your blog, or an eBay auction? For instance, my husband and I had a vow renewal ceremony a few years ago, and we got new wedding rings. So we've decided to auction our first wedding ring set on eBay, and send Dawn whatever we make from the sale.
a.) Hope Notes- As Dawn's web manager, I have seen some truly vile hate mail come through her contact forms and blog comments. I would love to see her deluged with notes of cheer and encouragement right now. Do you have a quote, song lyrics, a story, poem, or Bible verse that helped you through a hard time? Post it here in the comments section. Or put it in a card and snail mail it to her. Here's the postal address:
836 S. Arlington Heights Rd.
Suite 230
Elk Grove Village, IL 60007
Suite 230
Elk Grove Village, IL 60007
b.) Gift Cards- Do you have an iTunes or Amazon gift card you haven't used? Or a gift card to a fun restaurant with locations in the Chicago area? I loved getting gift cards when I was a kid. I'll bet Dawn's kids would feel the same!
Pray for health and hope and protection, pray for great writing opportunities, pray that no more heaters go out in Dawn's house, pray for reductions in medical bills, pray for insurance help, pray that her vehicle operates well, pray for her courage... there are a million great things to pray for.
These are just a few ideas I have, but you guys are so creative, I know you probably can think of more or better ones. If you do a fundraiser or raffle on your blog, or an auction on eBay, or have other ideas on ways we can keep our red balloon friend soaring, be sure to post them in the comments here!
We might not be able to stop all the suffering and injustice in the world, but we can make a difference for this family and give them back the laughter and joy they've shared so generously.
Let's do this.
Kelli Standish, hacking the blog of....
So glad you're doing this. Dawn I pray for you often and will continue in earnest. I've made a tiny donation as I know that every little bit helps.
thank you for posting this!
Also simple--------write a review for Dawn on Amazon or on Barnes and Noble!
Thank you Kelli for putting this together.
Tell Dawn to get all the info so she knows where she stands with that ex. Paper trail is very important in something like this.
In other words get and keep your duckies in a row, LOL.
Thanks for doing this, Kelli! xoox
I've posted Dawn's latest blog entry to my mom's group in hopes of getting her some much needed help. I will also pass her info to my former mom's group in VA and possibly my moms of twins group here. I'm praying that at least a few people in these various groups are able to help Dawn in this extreme time of need.
Good call, Kelli. I wanted a way to donate from here.
well I just started my avon site. Give me a few days, and I will hold a raffle for some free product! If anyone knows a good way to do this on my blog PLEASE let me know
Contributed what I could, and as soon as next payday hits I'm finally going to order a copy of your book and contribute some more to the paypal fund! Dawn, your blog has brought me much enjoyment, and it makes me so sad to read about everything you're going through right now. I wish there was something I could say that would be helpful but there's not. Just that I'm thinking of you and I'm wishing for brighter days ahead for you and your kids.
Oh thank you Kelli for being so awesome and hijacking this blog!! I'll give what I can!!
OMG I have not had a chance to read the blog in forever this is my first day back, I have cold chills and tears rolling down my face how wonderful
I haven't gotten on here (my blog...that had your blog linked to it) in about a year and a half. I am so sorry to hear about your troubles. Headed over to check out your latest book now. Yourself and your children will be in my prayers from now on.
With love and good wishes
An old (and now current) reader!
I am in tears over your kindness, I was hoping somehow us "blog" friends could help in someway... I will donating as soon as I get paid tomorrow. Although I don't know Dawn personally, she has been an inspiration to me, and if everyone just donates a few dollars we could change her life for the better.
Dawn, you are blessed to have a friend like Kelli and the awesome blog readers you do :) I'm excited to help out!
What a great idea, Dawn you and your family deserve this and so much more. You are a great mom, writer, etc. And u are loved!!!
What a great idea, and am glad to be able to help in some small way! Have also just bought two copies of the book which hopefully will help longer term but wanted to wish you the very very best of luck, with lots of love and best wishes from Lancashire, England xxxx
Just wanted to say two things:
First, sometimes, receiving is in fact giving. You are giving people a chance to do something they long to do. We all want to be there for you, and you are giving us that gift.
Second, as I read this blog entry, it occurred to me how important this could be for your kids. They have seen some lousy behavior out of people, now they can see the other side of the coin. They need to see that.
That's just my two cents' worth.
God bless and keep you,
You are absolutely AMAZING!Things are real tough right now but I am going to sell one of my quilts that I have made and donate all the proceeds to you and your kids. I've sent the email and pic out to all my friends and family. It will be sold soon.
Kelli- what an AMAZING friend you are to do this for her.
Yesterday Dawn you wrote you felt like Job, remember Job was blessed with 10x more then what he lost.
Many blessings and prayers to you and your kids
I have zero funds right now, but I have some extra crafting supplies and I am going to make something to auction off with the proceeds going to you Dawn.
As a fellow Chicago gal (currently living in MN), we need to stick together. You have provided me with many laughs over the years. I'm happy to help in your time of need. I have chipped in, bought your books just now from Amazon, I'm sending a card with a GC for the kids and I'll be praying!
Kelli, what an awesome friend you are to do this for Dawn and her family! So many of us sit here day after day reading Dawn's blog or being her friend on FB and really feel we are "friends" and also feel helpless in her situation, since most of us live all over the country! What a brilliant idea, and I'll be donating as soon as I finish my comments, (have already bought two books)and feeling at last good that I was able to help, if only a little bit! And to Dawn: just put your big girl panties on and accept our gifts for what they are! We love you and are happy to be able to help!
Dawn - I've been reading your blog since the 'ebay incident' *giggle* and bought your first book as soon as it was available - so NOW I've bought your second! I hope it helps! Love you - and the kiddos! Prayers and love!
~ Misty Traver
I've NEVER commented, NEVER ANYTHING on any blog before - til now. I only just started praying again, not very good at it - but you are included. And thank you to your friend for giving us a way to do something. That was the easy part.
Kelli--Wonderful idea, hacking the blog.
Dawn--Someone shared this video with me when I felt particularly beaten down, and it was so helpful. Hope it brings you some encouragement.
I'm a loooooong time reader but I've never posted anything because I figure, I have very little of substance to say. Nothing profound or off the wall funny so I just sit back and admire from afar [well, really, only a few hundred miles in Iowa].
But I couldn't NOT post on this one. I have admired you from day one. As a young, very young, Mom of two trying to navigate the world with two young kids and a husband who drives me up the wall, I often turn to you for inspiration. You have shown me how to be strong, how to stand up for myself in everything life, how to continue to hold onto my faith regardless of everyone else, and just how lucky I really have it.
I pray for you every day and if I had the means, I would send you and your kids a giant shopping spree or trip or whatever it is you really need right now. Unfortunately, sadly, I don't have those means. So I can only offer you my prayers, my love, my admiration.
Hang in there - you'll be provided for.
Thank you for posting.
Thank you so much Kelli! I already paid Dawn (too little) for a little bit of the entertainment she's provided for me over the last couple of years. Do you happen to know how we go about helping to get her 1st book released on Kindle? I bought the 2nd one, but every sale does indeed help plus increases the likelihood of book deal #3.
Also, if any of you live in Dawn's area - she can really use some hands-on help with babysitting and meals. Please think about it - it helps a mom more than you can imagine to have someone watch her kids while she's at doctors' appointments for one of her children, etc.
All my prayers, I'm buying the book, AND making a contribution. Not the mill that i wanted to give, but I'm still buying the lotto tickets, so hold onto that thought.
Girl? because I've been there/done that... TWICE! and I KNOW!
Hold your head up high, and keep this in mind... even in our lowest times, the kids always had what they needed. Funny how things would happen when i was on my last straw....and when you think about it, that's all that's important in our lives.
You will survive, and you will be a better woman because of it.
Much Love,
e & molly kate
Oh and PS...i still have some deep rage issues, following all the gossip that ensued about me around this small town...so if'n ya need me to pull on my butt-kickin boots and come to visit in shy-town? Holler up...I'm GAME! :-)
Awesome! Done.
I just made a small contribution to the fund. Can I ask for one in return? I'm in Queensland with all of the flooding, so it would be great if you would add us to your thoughts. More importantly, it would be great if your readers can help my state get back on its feet by coming to visit once we are ready to host visitors again. May we all have the strength and grace and courage to bring the positive back to 2011!
Write in campaign to Oprah and Ellen. Let's get Dawn's books some national press!! I've already written to Oprah, Ellen's next on my list tonight.
Kelli, you are awesome, and Dawn, you are in my prayers. I also had another idea
Are there any lawyers out there in the Chicago area who would be willing to help Dawn with free legal services so she can get help navigating the legal system and protecting herself and her kids?
Also, my credit card company rewards points can be used to purchase gift cards so if anyone out there uses Chase, check that out because it costs you nothing to use your rewards points to order gift cards.
I already commented but have to again. I am giddy for you Dawn, I just keep refreshing your blog and seeing the $$ number jump higher. You truly have made such a difference in many people's lives and I am sooooo glad that your great vibes and karma are coming back to you. You deserve all the love and support that people give you.
With love and well wishes!
Dawn, you are definitely in my prayers and I plan to order your book. I cannot imagine going through everythin you have lived through in the last couple of years, but especially recently. I have shed tears for you on more than one occasion lately and didn't mind one bit, because you have provided many tears of laughter and joy through the last few years...I hope I can do more soon. I am so thankful that your dear friend hijacked the site, because this is so awesome...You need to know how much people love you. I was cheerleading for you to win on the blog contest and now I am twice as excited to watch this outpouring of love to you! God bless you, you SO deserve a break today!!! Love and hugs, Kris
Hooray for Kelli! THANK YOU for helping us help Dawn! God is good!
God bless you Dawn and all of your children. I am so sorry for your struggles not only with Joe, but with your health as well. Not to mention the health of your boys.
I read Dooce too and your comment to leave a comment made me chuckle. I will be buying your books and leaving comments.
Thanks Kelli for Hyjacking the blog.
hi dawn, a very good friend of mine forwarded me ur blog. im a single mom of 3 kids myself. life is tough huh? no one would be able to understand what we went thru, unless they were in d same predicament like ours. but im much happier now. and i like it when u mentioned 'stupid ex'. haha! i wish i could rant bout my stupid ex in my blog as well but unfortunately, i cant. out of respect to his family who still continues reading my blog after d divorce. i believe in God too and i think, without His guidance, i wouldnt be able to be as strong as i am right now. i am juz grateful for the support that ive got from very few friends and esp my dad. seriously, i'd take a bullet for him. so dawn, i see that uve got support from all over d world now. things will be better. it is only a matter of time. i live by this motto :no one can break me. i wish u all the best in everything. :)
(((Dawn))) I've been meaning to buy your book - I did it. I've been praying - and know that for every comment that tells you you are being prayed for, there are probably hundreds of other people who are also praying.
Thank you Kelli, for giving us this forum.
Dawn, knowingly or not, your blog has helped many of us through our own dark days. Please allow us to support you and help you through this difficult time. Hang in there, you are loved by many.
I was just ordering my book on Amazon and noticed more reviews popping up - keep them coming, guys! We all know how powerful the written word can be!
-Jennifer in VA
Thank you Kelli, for posting this.
It's horribly sad that Joe decided to bail out on fatherhood. The kids will suffer for years for that choice. Dawn has been incredibly civil about the whole thing, I think... much more so than I could have been if it were me. I could say some more colorful things about it, but that would be unnecessary. We're probably all thinking it anyway. :-)
I am glad for this opportunity to help out. Prayers to you, Dawn.
What an amazing friend you are, Kelli. Everyone needs a Kelli Standish in their life. Seriously.
Dawn, big hugs, prayers and peanut butter.
Well, I don't know why I said that other than I hope it made you laugh.
My thoughts & prayers are with you Dawn! You are an amazing mother and I know things will work out just fine for you!
A company I work for online for petty cash (every little bit counts, right?), is always hiring.
It's great, and I love it. The pay isn't anything amazing.. but you could do it anytime from anywhere, it's perfect for some downtime when you're at the computer, or if you're up and can't sleep. Never hurts to make a little extra while you can.
<< Hugs >>
"What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly."
~ Richard Bach
Sending you love from Brisbane Dawn. It's beautiful people like you who can inspire a lot of people in states like Queensland to pick up and carry on in these troubled times. Praying for better times for you.
Dawn my thoughts are with you and your family!
I want to thank you Kelli as I wondered how I could help Dawn.
I often refer to her as one of my best friends and I feel so bad for her and all the kids. I keep wondering when Dawn will have a break down too.
I will help by buying another book and also donating $ and or Gift Cards from my Discover Card Rewards.
Hang in there Dawn.....someday you will be writing a book about all this and show your X for who he is !
Hugs, Prayers, and Love,
Donna - NE Indiana
Great idea Pasadena Mom! I wrote to Oprah, too! If everyone does she'll take notice and hopefully mention Dawn's books and maybe have her on the show!
God Bless, Dawn! Praying for you and your kiddos.
Just bought the latest book and donated!
I think it could help if we posted positive reviews of the book on Amazon.
This is the best thing I've done this New Year. Thanks for letting me be a part of it, Kelli.
We love you Dawn. Hang in there!
Thanks for giving us the opportunity to help out via Paypal, Kelli! As many laughs as you've given us over the years, Dawn, it's nice to feel like we can repay a favor in some small way. Besides, I've made your Saucy Italian Roast for so many people that I feel like I owe you something (it's a HUGE hit with everyone!!!). Dawn, you and your family will remain in my prayers. Don't give up hope! Remember, life isn't about how you survive the storm, but how you dance in the rain. ~ Lisa
That is wonderful Kelli! I wish I could contribute financially, but I can say prays. I do have her book though and bought a copy for a friend. Hang in there Dawn!
Thanks best webmaster in the world! Now can give Dawn more than Hermann my protective spider!!
On the "Movers & Shakers" list on Amazon, Dawn's book "You'll Lose the Baby Weight" has moved up 16,846%. Ranked #368 in books. :0) Yesterday she was ranked #62,364. How cool is that?!
Kelli, way to go!!
Dawn, I have been reading this blog for a long time and you always make me laugh. Lately I have been very sad to see all the CRAP that you have been going through. I am going to donate and I would also like to do something personally for you as well. I am located in Rockford (about an hour west of you) and I am a family portrait photographer. I would love to give you a FREE session and prints, etc. Please email me! kim @ kimberlyneyer.com
I've been there. God turned out to be a much better provider than anyone else. He will take care of you, it's amazing to watch. I made it through- I didn't have to get a job and leave my kids. It was tight, but it was ok.
I will definitely be praying for you!
I would Dawn if I had more than 2 cents in my account, but we are in the same shoes (me with one less kid) But sending good vibes!
Oh my GOSH you guys, we're doing it! We're doing it!!!!! I'm watching an answer to prayer happen, powered by your little bright spots of kindness from all over the world.
You guys are so epic! Keep the encouragement coming for our beloved
Dawn and spread the word.
I'm having such a blast watching these totals go up, and knowing every cent is going to such a worthy, awesome family.
WOOO!!! *happy dance*
Kelli the Hacker Standish :) :)
Kelli - thanks for this post!
Dawn - thank you for all the laughter you've given me since I started reading your blog. I still remember the first time I read your Ebay auction ... I think I may have actually peed my pants, it was so funny! Your family is in my prayers (and I really mean that). I have also just purchased both of your books!
Love, a fan in California
I have been praying for Dawn and her children since she opened up about her boy's cutting problems. My daughter had the cutting problem too. I completely understand the issues that go with that. I will continue to pray for Dawn and her family. She has brought so much good advice and fun to me that I will be buying her book not only to support her but to SUPPORT HER. She is a daily inspiration. I can only hope she will continue to be that daily support. She needs our daily support. I hope everyone reading this will contribute to supporting her any way they can, via messages or purchasing her book or monetarily.
When I first read about all the financial crap going on, I wanted to set something up like this. I thought there has to be someone out there awesome enough to know how to do that! I'm so glad Kelli came and got it all set up. You've been good for me Dawn. When my kids are being them and I come and read about Clay climbing up your fridge, I just can't help but laugh and be OK with my kids. Thanks for all the awesome times. I really hope things can start getting better sooner rather than later.
First off--Kelli you are AWESOME.I hope you know what a great friend you are(I'm sure Dawn has told you as well as many others)and what a wonderful,wonderful, beautiful person you are. Thank you Dawn for the laughs,recipes,parenting skills,love and lol fun.You are loved and we can't wait for the next blog entry and the great adventures of Clay and Brooklyn,haha.As well as the other4. {{hugs}} Pam from CA.
Kelli, thank you for helping Dawn! Sometimes us single moms need someone to hijack our lives to force us to take the help we often desperately need. We're so busy surviving and helping others that we lose ourselves. Dawn is so blessed to have a strong support network right now. As a fellow single mom, I can't afford to donate but I did offer info on jobs at home. This just makes me feel so good to see people on the Internet coming together to help someone.
*hugs* Dawn!
All I can say is I'm sending cyber hugs to Kelli, Dawn, and the kids. I hope there are brighter days ahead for you. Thank you, Dawn, for letting us help. It means a lot. And thank you, Kelli, for putting it together.
Finally! A way to help someone who just won't ask for it.
Dawn... you are worth it. Your kids are worth it. (I've read you since the very first eBay debacle and you've more than earned payment for the laughs you've given).
I'm praying... that God will open some amazing doors for you. Thankful for your faith - it is a beautiful thing for God to use.
And praying for encouragement for you, for peace in your heart and wisdom in your decisions.
And excuse me... I'm off to buy your book :)
You are so in my thoughts and prayers right now. I wish I could donate something but my circumstances just don't allow it. However I'm sending up a whole bunch a prayers for you.
Now a suggestion. Why in the world don't you have Blogher ads on your site? Its my understanding you can make some serious money if you are a widely read blogger such as you are. Get the wheels turning, get some ads on your site and I'm sure your readers will "click" on them and you also get paid for each visit to your blog. You've got OVER six million hits! Let the blog work for you now!
In my thoughts and prayers....take care of YOURSELF!
i have given you some money because i think you deserve some GOOD luck for a change!!!!
mandyb from NZ
Dawn -
I've contributed a bit, and sent you a ray of sunshine because you've been so bright in mmy own life.
Kelli...you are a wonderful friend with a kind heart!
Dawn and kids...
Live and imagine your life as the way you would like it to be. Do not give any thought to all of the negative aspects and when you do find those thoughts creeping into your mind use tiny steps to start thinking of the things that make you happy! Concentrate your thoughts and actions on the positive! We all love you and hope for the very best for each of you. Dawn you are a talented writer and a wonderful caring mom! Many good things are headed your way!
Kelli, you're a true friend. So glad I know you.
Dawn, I just ordered your book. My daughter is expecting--she'll love it. But . . . I'm going to read it first, then I'll give it to here.
Grace and peace to you, dear one.
Kelli thank you for doing this. I have been trying to track down a way to get something like a food hamper and treats to Dawn and the kids but being from Aust wasn't sure how to go about it. You have solved that problem :)
Dawn - your a star. You have done soo much for your kids and always put them first. I wish I could wave a magic wand and have all the pain and hurt disappear for you - hmmn but then there wouldn't be as much material for book #3.
Dawn, when I lived in Senegal, I discovered your blog and it brought more joy to my already fun world every day. When I moved back to France and had a depression and felt awful, your blog was one of the very few highlights in my life. The baby picture of Brooklyn with the chocolate-covered face makes me smile every single day. I haven't sent much, but I sent it with the grateful feeling of finally being able to do something for YOU!
Thank you, Kelli, for doing this.
Kelly, this is such a great idea. You are a great friend.
Dawn, I love you sweetie, hang in there.
Kelli, thank you for this input, invaluable! I'll buy the book (and the next one...)
Here's a chip of myself - it's the best I can give http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Et3tD4wUEhU
Bought 2 books, chipped in, and card is in the mail....
I have been blessed with abundance lately, time to pay it forward!
And we know how things ended for Job, don't we? So hang in there! Big hug from Holland from a reader since the Ebay auction!!
Thanks for giving us so many ways to help!
Keeping you all in my prayers Dawn, family, friends and supporters and will buy your book.
Something good will come from this so stay as strong as you can.
You deserve this Dawn!
Your family deserves this!
We deserve this opportunity to help.
And don't think we will ever forget you who made this possible, webmaster!
I've been reading your blog daily ever since I heard about the Pokemon card incident. I feel like I know you so well, and my heart breaks for you and your family. Keep your chin up. Maybe someday they'll make a movie about you (or give you a reality show?? :D). I suffered from depression a couple years ago and the most therapeutic thing for me was reading. Encourage your sons to read where they can "get away" from their thoughts and get lost in another world.
I bought my pregnant sister your book for Christmas (and may or may not have read it before giving it to her...) and she loves it (as did I). I wish you the best, and hope to see you back here soon!!
Got the book!! Kelli, everyone needs a friend like you in their life. Dawn, prayers will continue to go up for you and your beautiful family!
Great idea Pasadena Mom!!!
I'll be writing too! In case you missed it Pasadena Mom suggested writing to Oprah and Ellen to get Dawn on the show and get some national exposure. I think it is a great idea.
I am so touched by this! Thank you for helping us help Dawn!
I ordered the book! Amazed at how much money has been donated so far!
What a wonderful friend you are, Kelli, to do this for Dawn. As soon as I have money in my account I will be buying books, donating, and doing what I can for Dawn and her kids. Definitely keeping them in my prayers. I sincerely hope this is the end of their difficult times and things can turn around for them; they deserve some happiness and peace of mind.
Way to go Kelli the Hacker! What an amazing idea!!! I'm going right now to make my donation and am so THRILLED to be doing it! AND I bought both books yesterday for my sister who's preggers with her first baby. :)
I know the stress you are under all to well... in April my son was born, in May my hubby lost his job (and his insurance) and did I mention I was a stay at home mom?! Talk about FREAKING out!!! I don't know how you stayed so calm!!! My hubby was unemployed for two months... worst two months ever! He now has a part time job. I still have not found a job (bc everything I have found wont even cover the cost of putting both kids in daycare). Enough of my sob story....
I am so excited for you Dawn! And amazed at every one's generosity!
I have given what I can knowing that every little bit counts :)
And YAY for Kelli and hijacking your blog!
Oh my goodness...just checking in and the total Chip In is up to nearly $10,000!!! That is amazing! I am so proud of the blog-reading community. What a wonderful idea to do all this Kelli.
Woo-hoo! Doing the "happy dance" watching the numbers go up! :D
Kelli or Dawn,
I'd love to get some meals to Dawn. I've met her a few times at some blog events but have never been with her on a personal level, so I don't know how to get them to her. If either of you could send me Dawn's address that can accept food to paula @ frostedfingers.com
This effort really needs to be on the news! Go people go!
I want to address everyone's comments, but I have to begin my afternoon kid pick-ups, so check back later this evening. I'm just so overwhelmed by everything! Your comments and emails are making me cry, smile, and feel so happy and proud to be part of such a caring community. I just can't put into words how I feel right now. I can't seem to wrap my brain around it. I'll be back later, after I get all the kids home and settled.
Long time reader (since pokemon cards), first time poster. It has brought tears to my eyes to see what has happened this past year and I pray that things turn around. I've donated what I can this time around, though I wish I could do so much more! If you are ever in North Dakota (I know..who goes to N Dakota by choice right?!) Be sure to give a heads up on your blog! I'm sure your kids would get a kick out of the Air Force Base I live on. :)
Dawn, I donated a bit and ordered your book. It's the least I can do to thank you for all the laughs (and tears) over the past few years that I've been reading your blog. Stay strong!!
Hey Dawn,
I dont have the capacity to donate... but I just bragged about you to Oprah and Ellen... maybe something will come of that! :) Ive read your blog for over 2 years now and check everyday... you should definitely make money from ads on here... I'd click on them everyday for you!
So sorry Dawn. I have been reading your blog for quite a long time. My prayers are with you and your family. I sent a card but my first attempt to address it was bad....to say the least. Please excuse the 'overlay'. I tried to make it more readable. Smile...things will get better. ((((hugs)))
Hi Dawn, Hi Kelli,
Just reading the responses from everyone is really overwhelming. There is so much good in this world.
Just to let you know the impact you've had, Dawn, - I'm an aetheist who has chosen not to have children. And I read your blog everyday and have bought both your books. Your blog has made me laugh until tears rolled down my cheeks, and made me wish I knew you in person.
I'm off to buy a couple more of your books for friends who just had babies.
Prayers just said for you and your family. Hang in there. We enjoy reading your blog...
Dawn, you are definitely in my prayers. Thanks for the laughter and joy that you have provided. I am a mother and grandmother and just enjoy reading about all the escapades that you and your children go through. Just so sorry about all your bad times, wish I lived near to help you out. I am thankful that your dear friend hijacked the site, I have made a donation and it has brought me joy to know that I can do a little something for you.
THANKS! I've been reading Dawn's blog ever since the Pokemon auction. The last weeks I have done so with increasing worry and frustration. Frustration because I want to make a difference - but what is there to do for someone living on the opposite side of the earth? For someone who feels like a friend although I've never met her or even commented on her blog? Of course it's possible to drop a consoling comment - but what do you say when the situation just is beyond what can be put into words? Now, finally, here's a way to express those things that are escaping mere words, but requiring hands-on action. THANKS for making it available to us!
You have given us so much joy over the years. I hope that you can feel that the growing sum of money is not at all about mere charity. I hope that you can feel that every single cent is wrapped in big, ultra-fat coatings of LOVE for you and your family, and thousands of earnest wishes from all over the world that everything's gonna be allright. (Yes, it IS possible to love someone whom one never has had personal contact with!!!)
Now I'll be off to figure out how this Paylpal thingy works, and donate a (far too small) amount of money. Take care! Remember that there will come a day when the storms are over.
Mom of 6 here, too and I have no idea how I would do it on my own! I have tons of prayers for you and your beautiful children!
Also going to go check out your book...
Hang in there! God loves all of his children, and you and yours are included!
Mommy Rantings
Hi Dawn,
You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Thank you so much for giving me an opportunity to do something so simple that feels so great. Hang in there, there's always a rainbow after the storm.
I have read your blog forever and this is the first time I have commented. I can not believe all the crap you are going through. Your humor amazes me. I wish you a lot of luck in figuring out a way out of this.
I bought your book today to show my support. I will be praying for you and your family.
Hi Dawn,
No doubt you are feeling somewhat overwhelmed right now with all that is happening. I'm not sure if I've ever taken the time to comment on your blog before but wanted you to know I've been a reader for some time and even when my blog reader is overflowing, I seem to always gravitate to your posts. Others get left unread but very rarely yours.
I believe God has given you a gift of writing and will pray he'll open doors for you to somehow use that gift both for his glory and to bless your family.
You have blessed many many people through your blog and it's wonderful that we've been given a way to bless you.
Bless you too Kelli for being such a wonderful friend and taking a chance on this.
{{{HUGS}}} and here's to light at the end of the tunnel!
P.S. Just noticed you don't allow me to post via my blog (www.lighteningonline.com). Will see if I can drag my blogger account out of the ashes so I can comment. If not, guess you'll never know any different. :)
Why can't you get money from your blog? There are many less deserving bloggers making a ton of money from their blogs. Why don't you take on some ads?
Kelli, thank you so much for putting this together! I am so happy to be able to contribute to Dawn's Hope fund.
Dawn, you are the bestest and most awesomest!!!!! I don't pray, but I think of you often and send good thoughts and good energy your way. Your children have the best mom there is to help them through these troubled times, so I have tons of HOPE for you and your children.
Fellow Readers, thank you for being there for Dawn! Together we can make a difference, even if we don't know our lovely Dawn and her lovely children personally.
You guys have made me feel like I can do anything! The support is really overwhelming. I want to respond and thank every one of you personally, but I think it would take me a year at this point! Here are a couple answers to your questions for right now though...
Diane said, "And to Dawn: just put your big girl panties on and accept our gifts for what they are!"
Hey! When did you go through my underwear drawer?
cakeburnette said, "Do you happen to know how we go about helping to get her 1st book released on Kindle?"
I recently rewrote some of Because I Said So and it's scheduled to be re-released next year. I'm sure it'll be for Kindle as well.
Michelle said, "I just made a small contribution to the fund. Can I ask for one in return? I'm in Queensland with all of the flooding, so it would be great if you would add us to your thoughts. More importantly, it would be great if your readers can help my state get back on its feet by coming to visit once we are ready to host visitors again. May we all have the strength and grace and courage to bring the positive back to 2011!"
I'm praying. And this really makes me want to send all the money that's been donated to Australia (even if you do eat that vile, revolting Vegemite stuff!) ;)
Donna wrote, "I keep wondering when Dawn will have a break down too."
Never! Are you kidding me? How could I break down when I have thousands of people from all over the world supporting me?
Recipe Contributors said, "Why in the world don't you have Blogher ads on your site? Its my understanding you can make some serious money if you are a widely read blogger such as you are."
I am looking into putting some ads on my site, but it doesn't work quite as easily as you might think. BlogHer ads are very restrictive and I ended up dropping them because I made very little money with them and because of their strict regulations, they were preventing me from making money on other potential writing jobs. And before I can put most ads on my site, I need the blog to be redesigned so the ads can be put at the required placement. Kelli will work on that as soon I get her the pictures she needs. :)
You guys have made me feel like I can do anything! The support is really overwhelming. I want to respond and thank every one of you personally, but I think it would take me a year at this point! Here are a couple answers to your questions for right now though...
Diane said, "And to Dawn: just put your big girl panties on and accept our gifts for what they are!"
Hey! When did you go through my underwear drawer?
cakeburnette said, "Do you happen to know how we go about helping to get her 1st book released on Kindle?"
I recently rewrote some of Because I Said So and it's scheduled to be re-released next year. I'm sure it'll be for Kindle as well.
Michelle said, "I just made a small contribution to the fund. Can I ask for one in return? I'm in Queensland with all of the flooding, so it would be great if you would add us to your thoughts. More importantly, it would be great if your readers can help my state get back on its feet by coming to visit once we are ready to host visitors again. May we all have the strength and grace and courage to bring the positive back to 2011!"
I'm praying. And this really makes me want to send all the money that's been donated to Australia (even if you do eat that vile, revolting Vegemite stuff!) ;)
Donna wrote, "I keep wondering when Dawn will have a break down too."
Never! Are you kidding me? How could I break down when I have thousands of people from all over the world supporting me?
Recipe Contributors said, "Why in the world don't you have Blogher ads on your site? Its my understanding you can make some serious money if you are a widely read blogger such as you are."
I am looking into putting some ads on my site, but it doesn't work quite as easily as you might think. BlogHer ads are very restrictive and I ended up dropping them because I made very little money with them and because of their strict regulations, they were preventing me from making money on other potential writing jobs. And before I can put most ads on my site, I need the blog to be redesigned so the ads can be put at the required placement. Kelli will work on that as soon I get her the pictures she needs. :)
Kelli - Thank you !!
Susanne in Sweden - Loved your comments!
Dawn - it feels so good to be able to give a little something back, I was happy to hit the ChipIn button & buy the books. But I wanted to do more (I now see I wasn't alone with my idea) ... I sent an email to Ellen, told her about you, whats been going on in your life recently & about what Kelli did & the results in only one day. I also told her that you should be a comedy writer.. What?!? It could happen... It Really Could !!!
I just bought Because I Said So, You'll Lose the Baby Weight, and See Mom Run. I'm also praying for you!!
I couldn't afford a lot, but I gave what I can for now. I know every little bit helps!
I wrote to Ellen too, and included a link to the blog. Hopefully someone on her staff will read what everyone's sent and you'll get a nod of some sort. Even a national blurb about your books can't hurt!! Good luck!
Question about buying your books on Amazon: Do the numbers count only if you buy directly through Amazon, or do you still get "credit" if your books are purchased through resellers on Amazon or other online bookstores?
Thanks for setting this up Kelli! Way to go on the hacking of her blog!! :) I just donated a small amount....but every little bit helps, right?!?
Dawn- I'm a long time reader, but never post comments (until now). Just wanted to let you know that you (& your family) are in my thoughts. I'm thinking about you & am sorry you have to deal with all of this BS. It sucks.
I hope things turn around in NO time.
Since you have Kelli redesigning your site anyway...could you ask her to make it wider? Right now, the youtube videos you make don't fit in the allotted width of your site. A little bit gets cut off.
Hang in there, Dawn. We are all rooting for you1
Dawn, thank you for taking time out to comment ~ it sounds like you're getting some of your spark back. Wahoo! I've been thinking of you, as I'm sure all your readers have.
I don't have kids and won't pretend to know what you're going through. I was, however, one of five kids being raised by a single mom who also happened to be disabled. I can tell you that your kids will thank God every day that you are their mother.
You don't know this, but you've become part of my family. Surprise!
I had my son almost 6 years ago, and 4 months later my husband killed himself. And I had moments where I felt sorry for myself. And then I found your e-bay listing. You made me laugh. And gave me perspective. Since then I have vicariously gone with you through disastrous camping trips, infinite kid funnies, ER visits, Suave parties, divorce, and hospitalization. During Christmas I read about your sons' struggles and dropped to my knees and prayed for them and for you. But not just for the obvious reasons. I thanked God that you were such a wonderful mother that you did not ignore the signs of depression just because it was easier to pretend and that you are getting your sons help. So that they can gain the coping skills to turn those negative thoughts around when they come.
And I admire that the one day it simply became too much, you had the strength of character to tell us. To let us in. Rather than pretend. Because it takes real strength to admit when you are weak. I hate that you got to that dark and twisty place, but admire the honesty which you are dealing with it. It helps you, helps us, and will teach your children well.
I don't understand why you are going through all this. But God has given you many blessings and made you strong and made you you friggin' hilarious. So you will survive. And thrive. And get a 3rd book deal after the flurry of this weekends sales.
Basically this was a really long way of saying thank you and God bless.
Is it possible to keep the Chip in link on the side or on the top of the blog, so it doesn't get lost in all the other posts? :)
I just wanted you to know I bought your book. I bought the first one and loved it and expect I will this one too. God Bless You and your family.
I'm addicted to watching how high the ticker climbs! So exciting. I bought your book on my new kindle and reading it now. You are awesome and so deserving of something good right now.
Kelly, can you post the Chiplin widget on the sidebar to keep this fresh in our minds, and so we can have the fun of watching the $$$ grow?
I just bought BOTH of Dawn's books...can't wait to get them. And I plan on ordering more for gifts as soon as I've read them and know who I think that just **NEEDS* to read them!
Keep your chin up Dawn! We know you'd do the same for us...
I'm sure you already know this, but just in case: starting this year, PayPal now files 1099s when your gross payments exceed $20K in a calendar year. Just wanted to throw that out there so the IRS doesn't add to your troubles.
I'm cheering for you all the way!
I'm a Canadian biochemistry student who's also an atheist, and I STILL find your blog hilarious. I don't pray and I don't have any money to donate, so all I can do is offer my words of admiration--for your strength, determination, and of course your inimitable writing!
Curiously, when I first started reading your blog a few years ago I swore I'd never have kids. Now I want to...and no, I didn't mix that up! Figure that one out. ;)
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