Monday, March 15, 2010

The Birthday "Fun" Continues

The kids and I went over to my parents' house yesterday for a little birthday gathering. Note the deocrations...

Then my good, sweet daughter, Lexi, told Papa to change the number to 29 because I always say I'm only 29.

Then my bad children changed the number to 2940.

Then my totally evil children changed it yet again.

Oh, but it gets better. For my birthday, I opened a gift bag containing the following items...

You know, because OLD people sometimes have trouble seeing.

And OLD people have to take many pills for all their ailments.

A shower cap so I can get my hair done once a week and let it go for days.

You know, for all my aches and pains.

Because sometimes, you're just irregular.

Yeah, I know I have a million few fillings and a crown or two, but really???

And, of course, everyone knows that OLD people love their butterscotch.

Of course there was no card with this particular gift. No one would admit to giving me this. They were probably just afraid I'd beat them with my cane.

*****I didn't come up with a Sunday Sound Out this week because there were just a couple questions. Isn't there anything you want to know? Doesn't anyone have any burning questions just begging to be answered? Hello? Anyone? Anyone? Buehler?*****


PastryTiff said...

Ok, you want a SSO question - How does it feel to be SOOO OLD??

Mary~Momathon said...

I got a positive pregnancy test for my 40th. She's really cute!

Sarah said...

I'm glad your family has a sense of humor. :)

And, no matter what this year holds, I hope that you (and your whole family) will never doubt God's love for you, and His comfort and peace! :)

Sandy in Illinois said...

I never knew butterscotch was an "Old" Person's delight. I've loved butterscotch since I was very, very young. Must be a Greek thing.

Excellent Parent said...


Christy said...

I just had a child diagnosed with ADHD. Do any of your kids take meds? If so, are you comfortable talking about it?

Unknown said...

Hiya Dawn,
Don’t panic too much about the gag gifts. They forgot the most important one anyways. Spare marbles for when you’ve lost your current supply. *giggle*
Seriously though use the denture cleaners if you have a stainless steel kettle or the glass carafe of the coffee machine… just be sure to rinse really well before use.
They also forgot the brochures for the assisted living aged care facilities, the artificial memory (a notebook and a pen) and paperwork for an in home nurse.
You’re stunning darl, and I don’t mean just for your age. Live it up. Turn it around and use the gifts as much as you can… maybe drop the kids off at school wearing the shower cap and a robe.
Pay back is sweet, and you can always claim you have old age dementia if anyone asks.
Belinda in Brisbane, Australia.

Kelly said...

Hmm a SSO question.....

In less than three short years, I'll turn 40. Is it really THAT bad?

Kelly R. said...

That's pretty funny stuff! Don't feel too bad though, when my husband turned 50, his "good" friend sent him a huge box of Depends. Did anyone get you a bottle of wine or some fruity coconut drink? If not, you need some new friends.

Erin T. said...

Someone forgot to get you the BINGO markers and Beano for all your "Old Lady Gas"!

Anonymous said...

I know this is probably a stupid question to ask with 6 kids- but did you have any problems getting pregnant with any of your children? My husband and I have been trying for 5 years now and it's a daily battle. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Hey!! I love butterscotch candy!

Christina said...

Ah the joys of never getting to 40 myself since I am a leap baby! I turn 8 in 2012!

Ok SSO now that the twins are 1 tomorrow how do I keep them entertained with there 2 year old sister while all my eye's(aka the big kids) are at school? Oh and does the fighting between the big kids ever end?

Deirdre said...

Omigosh, I'm totally stealing those gift ideas. I have a friend who's having a joint party for her and her husband because they just turned 40. Since I still have six months to go, I am still a young whipper-snapper.

Hmm, SSO: Don't you feel just a tad guilty for packing up the snow gear? March and April snow are not unheard-of in your neck of the woods! I usually go for two months with complete snow gear out plus the range extends all the way to light wind-breakers and flip-flops. Because anything could happen within the next 48 hours.

Karin said...

Happy 40th!!! Really it is not that bad :-)))))

I just love all your presents....hilarious!! Wish I had thought of those when hubby turned 40 ROTFL!! Guess I have to wait till his 50th!


lbugsh2 said...

I know each year in Chicago they dye the river green. Have you seen it? What is it like?

Juneau Poole Party said...

I have a daughter w/ ADHD and have been considering the Feingold Program - any suggestions? Did you subscribe and do the full blown program or just avoid anything that wasn't all natural? My daughter is currently taking Focalin (ADHD medication), but was wondering if I should give her the medication while "trying" the Feingold Program - any thoughts? Thanks!

Ryan said...

My mom is a wise woman.

Saying 29 when 40 results in a worn out 29 year old. Saying 50 when 40 instantly results in being the best looking 50 year old out there.

Anonymous said...

At least they didn't give you a tube of Preparation H and a bottle of prune juice.

Jen@Scrapingirl said...

Am I allowed to like butterscotch even though I'm only 33? How's that for a question? :)

Jen@Scrapingirl said...

OH! I forgot to ask, did you nap on this National Napping Day?

Jen@Scrapingirl said...

Me again. Miss me? I forgot to ask about napping. Where was the weirdest place you've ever napped? Now, that's a question.

Bethany said...

Love it! For my dad's 50th we got him a cane, fake hearing aids, a blowhorn, and fun stuff like that! ;) Happy Birthday!

Unknown said...

Hope no one really reads my message but when I turned 60 my daughter threw a huge party.
It was tons of fun too.
Anyhow, I got many bags of depends.
So....if you think 40 is bad - Just wait. LOL

Michelle said...

Gotta love the gift there - I'm giving your sister full credit. You have to admit they're at least creative. Was it good cake? (Because that's all that matters, of course.)

And yes, I have a question, but I'll email you since it's totally related just to me :)

Happy birthday by the way - I think I forgot to mention that earlier. Oops.

Anonymous said...

Okay I have a question. What kind of cane do you beat them with? And do you get out of your chair to do or just wave your arm around and hope to hit one or many of them?

Happy Bday!!!!

wombles said...

Happy Birthday!

I have a question, I finally got a copy of your book today and I was wondering if you have a link to the baseball auction? I read the Pokemon card one a long time ago, and I had thought that's what started you blogging. I'd be interested to read the Baseball one.

Qld Australia

Novia said...

Happy Birthday... your family is so funny. I LOVE the shower cap. But you'd probably look good in anything. ;)

Anonymous said...

An SSO question. How many siblings do you have? Where do you fall in the birth order?

Happy Birthday, from someone who turned 40 several years ago!


Michigan Mama to 2 said...

SSO because you asked, part 1) "What trips/vacations do you have planned for the summer?" part 2) you don't have to answer this part "Will Joe be part of trips, especially, if camping is involved?"

Anonymous said...

This isn't exactly a question, but it made me think of you & your blog when it happened, which I think is proof that I'm becoming an "official" fan or something! My family went to the Palo Duro Canyon (it's in Texas) over spring break, and there was a natural rock formation that kids were allowed to climb on and play on, and the woman next to me had 3 boys and two of them were named Austin and Jackson! I didn't catch the third one's name, nor did I ask her if she had three girls...I figured that would be a bit too weird of a question :)

Ashley said...

Here's an odd ball question. With 3 boys I figure you must be a bit experienced...any advice on socks that don't wear holes in 2 weeks flat? We are constantly throwing away my son's socks, thinking I should by stock in Hanes.

Pammie said...

Here's a question: Is it wrong for you to dress your children in their worst clothes when you visit their grandparents in hopes that they buy some new ones?

Susan said...

Thanks for posting all the pictures! Gave me even more ideas for my husband's 40th b'day party. And I'm not telling him who they are from...and I'll be wrapping all of them in different wrapping paper!!!

Hope you had a great birthday, despite the age thing. :)

kssdesigns said...

Thanks so much for sharing! I have tears in my eyes from laughing so hard. You really have a way with words. Happy Birthday and thanks again for the laugh.

Anonymous said...

Wait a minute, they forgot the preparation H!

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