Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Want Fries with That?

It was one of those nights. I was busy all day and never had the chance to sit down and eat lunch, let alone plan out dinner. After school, I took Jackson to the library for his Battle of the Books meet. Thinking I was going to have to rush home and get Savannah to confirmation class (it ended up being cancelled because of our 149 feet of snow), I opted to stop at McDs for a quickie dinner. I couldn't bring myself to order a salad, you know, because of the 50,000 feet of snow outside, but I thought I'd try to be sort of good by getting a grilled chicken sandwich without mayo.

I wonder what it would look like if I'd asked for extra mayo?

But being the ever-so-resourceful woman I am, I simply wiped the mayo on my dry, cracked, bleeding hands. It's quite the moisturizer!


Anonymous said...

Funny - I just did something similar this week with my kids! I couldn't bring myself to order just a garden I ordered the CRISPY chicken salad and a side order of small fries...I justified this only because chicken fried or not is still a protein, and at least it wasn't an extra large french fry! Thanks for this post - it makes me feel ok about my choice this week!

Tammy said...

Our McDs rarely gets our order correct. We get our food, pull forward and check everything.

The chicken snack wrap w/o dressing or the Big Mac wrap are actually better choices. :0)

Unknown said... just got me to smile.

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

must be an epidemic -- writing about McD's AND them making mistakes. I ordered a NON healthy 1/4 pounder with no cheese. The order tag said NO CHEESE. what was on it? Mayo. Hah,j ust kidding, but yeah, cheese! But I didn't blog about that, i blogged about how I stopped the fight at McD's -- what is up with McD's these days! messed up orders, fights? Come on! Are we doomed for BK?

And how are YOU these days? We're up for a BRIO run... they won't get our order wrong and maybe we can swipe some salt n pepper shakers! xoxo

Marly said...

hehe, that's funny! I love how its right on the receipt but not the sandwich. I guess you should have gone to Sonic :)
mmmm, Sonic....

Anonymous said...

This brings back memories of college. We would go through the drive thru at Taco Bell. They had such "brain surgeons" there that would get more money in change then we gave them to pay for the bill.

Bethany said...

Oy...I hate when that happens! There is a McD's here that can NEVER get my order right, even if I just order one thing. So, I drive to one that's a few blocks further away. :) Great job using the mayo as moisturizer, I don't know if I would have thought about that!

Blended said...

actually mayo and egg whites are great hair moisturizers! The proein and oils in them are lie! You get your wet with has hot water as your head will allow. Apply the two ingredients (mixed together obviously) all over. Wrap a ringed out SUPER HOT towel on your head. Wait 30 minutes and rinse. IT'S AMAZING!!!!

MaBunny said...

most of the time its not the people who take the orders fault - its the people who put the orders together! In all honesty, I'm one that says everything tastes better with mayo, but i understand not everyone likes it. Or were you being even more health conscious, and just didn't want it for the fat content? either way glad you still got to enjoy your sandwich.

Tina said...

I am 100% convinced that McDonald's could cut their prices IN HALF if they would just put a normal amount of mayonnaise on their sandwiches. Seriously. In half.

TC said...

Ohh, Sonic has good commericials...I get hypnotized by them. I mean, I love my homeland of Canada, but why can't we have a Sonic up here?

Anonymous said...

Sounds like the McDonald's in Illinois are the same as in Utah.

Cookie said...

I have to laugh at I "n"Cyst's comment! I would love to see a pic of you wiping that sandwich on your hair! Think of it as great blog material ;)

Anonymous said...

Absolutely hysterical! You are a resourceful mommy!! I guess when life hands you mayo...make moisturizer.

Lise said...

A long time ago I ordered a burger without ketchup, it took half an hour to get the sandwich. If I'm getting anything at McD's it's just fries and a drink.

I have to remember to say no horsey sauce at Arby's, too.

marybee said...

my daughter likes mayo on her burger at mcdonald's, but they always put to much so we order it on the side. every time we go they FILL a mcnugget box with mayo. i'm taking 1/2 cup of mayo or more!! we just roll our eyes now!

Eva said...

That's a really good question! :) and the reason why I don't like fast food. You never get the same what's on the picture, like in this movie with Michael Douglas, if anyone remembers...

MPMommy said...

One time after McD's got my order wrong, I decided to go online and let them know. Wow! I got emails from the local manager, and the regional manager who sent me McBucks or whatever they're called - enough to cover my whole order that day - and some coupons for free drinks or something. Let them know your order was wrong! I had ordered the burger that has lettuce and tomato, yet when I got home, both of those were mysteriously missing. Odd because that's the whole selling point of that burger! (wish I could remember the name of it! Ha!)

Suz said...

Make sure you complain - and send them the picture. Like previous comments have said, I ended up with calls from regional & store managers, coupons for 2 free 'meals' and then had two more mailed to me this month!

Donna said...

Yikes! That is a lot of mayo.

Chick Hatchers said...

The employees at McDonald's right by Wrigley Field actually told me to go to Burger King where they would make it my way. Can you believe that? That was years ago. Then yesterday the one in my western suburb got 2 of the 3 burgers messed up.

My poor daughter... traumatized by biting into what should have been a PLAIN hamburger and getting a mouth ful of ketchup, pickle, and onion. Lovely. The same daughter I traumatized earlier in the week by putting mayo in her hair - and she hates mayo! I'm hoping to get that whole story up this week. Maybe as a Not Me Monday, if I can get my act together enough.

I bet your hands are nice and soft now.

Anonymous said...

Last time we were at McD's, I ordered a cheeseburger for my son. A friend of mine asked him how his cheeseburger was, and he said, No, it's a hamburger. There was no cheese on it, so I took it to the counter and informed them. They apologized and made another one and said, "THIS one has cheese." Well, after we sat down again, I realized it didn't have cheese! They got it right the third time, though. I guess it must be pretty hard to remember to put cheese on a cheeseburger!

Lyuda said...

ha ha... I hate mayo myself, just for the taste, not fat content. But sometimes, I forget to say: no or light mayo, and get that much mayo, and it just ruins my appetite. To me, mayo tastes like whipping cream and butter put together. Disgusting!

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