Wednesday, October 7, 2009

This Stands for Monkey Talk

When you're bored, there's nothing more fun than taking the belt off your robe and playing "monkey" while trying to land in the ER again.

Note how Jackson just keeps playing his game, completely unfazed by Clay.

When that gets old, make a swing out of it.

When you get bored playing monkey and swing, just pull your pajama bottoms up over your shoulders and you have a brand new game.

I swear, I have no idea where he comes up with this stuff.


Anonymous said...

Clay has so much energy have you ever thought of enrolling him in gymnastics? He seems to fear nothing!--Sharon

mommyknows said...

Too stinkin' funny!

My kids have invented a new game too.

Put on old ski boots. Tie rope around boots. Throw rope over tree branch. Have siblings and friends hoist you several feet in the air. You're now dangling by ski boots several feet in the air.

If you fall, it'll be on your head. No worries, it happens often.

Now you pray the other kids let you down slowly.


I'm glad healthcare in Canada is 'no-pay'.


Anonymous said...

Boys are weird...

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that your kids are ijits, just like mine. I often wonder what people would think if they could have a peek into our home lives. They're nuts!

-Beth in MI

jjnusenko said...

I love Clay. He reminds me of my little monkey...uh son.

Sara said...

I'm amazed the pants stretch that high!

Jennifer in Wisconsin said...

I sure hope you have good health insurance. :)

Natalie said...

That's so funny! He acts just like my boys and that is exactly why we didn't get bunkbeds.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm..I seem to remember the same child scaling the front of the refrigerator in search of cookies! Look at how much he has learned!!!

becs said...

Don't you just love how simple things can be so entertaining... ok, maybe not after seeing that video... I have girls so things turn into tiaras and scarves, and princess items... NOT quite so crazy.

I love how no one else seems phased by this at all. Just another day in the Meehan house :)

Donna. W said...

Good grief, that's a sturdy bunkbed!

Kylie said...

This is SO going to be my son. He's 2.5 now. He likes to fly off couches. That happens to be why my husband has two fake front teeth now...

Anonymous said...

Hilarious only a mother of boys would understand why you were videoing him and not screaming for him to stop! Hilarious and I stopped the video before my three year old saw the marvelous new game HE could try! :)

Anonymous said...

NO FEAR! That's amazing. Put that boy in drama....he likes being on the camera and center stage.

Anonymous said...

THAT IS SO MY SON!! My goodness I think Clay & Caydon are brothers.. at least in spirit. To Cute!

Carla :)

lesan said...

I'm in sooooooo much trouble. I have a 2 yr old and 11.5 wk old twin boys. Yikes! Already told hubby to turn the backyard into a mud and sand pit. lol

Laura ~Peach~ said...

oh to have his energy :) if you bottled him up you would be rich!!!

Donna A said...

I was just waiting for him to smash into the bunk bed and knock himself unconscious. At least he provides comic relief for the rest of the family. He is hilarious!

Amy said...

That swing game looks super fun actually. Austin's a good big brother for participating in the fun. :)

Shellie said...

I don't know either but he's obviously using the same reference material as my kids.

pmerry said...

How many times has he knocked over the instrument he keeps swinging past? This is a child born to bungie jump....

kimikki said...

Hilarious! I didn't have sound, but it was still funny! One thing we used to do as kids was to take a belt (or rope), hang it back over one shoulder, loop it around one foot, pull it up tight, and try to navigate the driveway. My mom never would have allowed us to try it in the house.

Anonymous said...

That is amazing...VERY strong belt....VERY stong bed....WOW. It didn't even move!!Cute "PantsSuit" hee hee
oh and will this count as my comment for the water bottle?
St Helens OR

Jennie said...

Nice to see that your kids are so good at entertaining themselves. I hope I'm so lucky. :)

Anonymous said...

That is SO funny. Glad I wasn't eating or drinking.

my3boys said...

May God Our Father bless and keep this child's current and future teachers! tee hee! :)

Anonymous said...

Is the girl who said "He's weird" in the vid Lexi? She doesnt look like Lexi

Ellobie said...

He is so going to regret this when his first girlfriend discovers your blog... :D

Sonya said...

My son did the pants up over the shoulder thing! He chose a pair of sweat pants that were a bit too big for him. Then comes wandering into my room saying "Look, Mom, I have a wedgie!"

Hazel Nut said...

What a nut, I think my kids would have tons of fun with your son lol.

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