Thursday, September 24, 2009

Whimsy Rings

I have a love of jewelry. I especially like unique pieces that you can't find in every store in every mall in America. I have a "diamond" necklace that Jackson bought me with points he earned at school a couple years ago. It means the world to me because instead of buying toys and candy for himself, he saved up points from October until December and bought this for me.
And, of course, I treasure the macaroni necklaces my kids have made me over the years. I love it when people comment on my jewelry finds. :)

That's why I adore these rings from Whimsy Worldwide. These rings are so unique and fun! They showcase the totally popular, collectible Trollbeads, Pandora and Chamilia glass beads. You can change the beads to match your outfit or mood. If you have a Pandora (or similar) bracelet, then you already have an array of beads that fit into this ring. You can have fun switching them whenever the mood strikes! If you don't, you'll soon fall in love with collecting these beads and showing them off on your Whimsy ring!

I do think these rings are on the pricey side ($125 - $399), but the fact that you can change the bead makes it versatile so it's like you're getting more than one piece of jewelry. And the comments and compliments you'll receive on your ring make it worth the price.

At first I was a little afraid to try and open the ring to switch beads because I didn't want to break it, but they're amazingly strong and durable. And they're made of 100% reclaimed sterling silver and 14 karat gold. This was a conscious decision by ring designer, R. Craig Whitten in an effort to help counter the effects of the top toxic polluter in the U.S., the mining industry.

Whimsy has another ring, the Audrey, coming out this fall with a threaded post that makes it even easier to switch beads. This ring was inspired by the elegance of film star, Audrey Hepburn, and can accommodate some of the larger, shaped beads as well.

You can shop online HERE or click HERE to find a retailer near you. These would make a great Christmas gift for any special lady in your life. (hint hint)

Want a chance to win your very own Whimsy Ring? Visit the Whimsy website HERE and browse through the beads. Then, leave me a comment with your favorite one. I'll pick a random winner on Monday, September 28.


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Anonymous said...

I gotta say I love the light pink swirl!!! I do not wear much jewelry, but this could suit me just fine. Nice and simple enough, and serves more than one purpose!! I love this look!!! pick me, pick me!! :)

Anonymous said...

While I loved the Emerald Sparkle, Northern Lights and Ireland Peaks I would have to say my true favorite was Lavender Petals. Gorgeous! What an awesome give away!!

Rebecca C in Texas

queenmommy911 said...

So many pretty beads. I like all the ones with water-related names...I think I like Deep Waves best...carrying a little bit of the ocean on your finger? How cool!

Anonymous said...

These rings are so cool! I would love to win one! :)

lvsgma said...

i love these
the sarah is my favorite
i also love the carousel beads

Juneau Poole Party said...

I like the green apple swirl!

Wendy Hill said...

Gosh, I don't know if I can pick one as my favorite. I do love the rings ~ it's so nice becuase you can wear them with anything. The bracelets are wonderful, too.

Kristine said...

the Blue Glitter bead is so pretty! It reminds me of sand art (but shinier!)

Anonymous said...

I love the Aqua Swirl - it looks just like my husband and son's eyes!

Adrienne G.
adrienne dot goering at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Ooh! Those are so pretty! I like the Hannah ring with the blue-green swirl...I would buy one if I had enough money to! :)

Karrie said...

Do these rings happen to come in teeny sizes?? I have SMALL hands :)

Jen said...

My favorite is the blue-green swirl bead. It's so pretty! Although many of them are gorgeous....that's just my favorite. I love the idea of changing the beads depending on your mood or outfit. What a great idea! I think you've mentioned these before as I think I went to the website the last time you mentioned them. They are so pretty!

Andrea R said...

Dawn, I have been reading your blog since the Pokemon incident. I love it and check it every day. I've never commented on anything because I'm not a parent so I don't have a whole lot of insight, but I do know this. I LOVE those rings! My favorite bead is Cerulean Haze. The colors are so pretty.

Anyway, I love your blog. Have an amazingly blessed day!


jessica said...

I like the sea foam bead. There are so many pretty ones!


Amy in Douglas, NE said...

My favorites at the Chamilia Pink Spectrum and the Carousel Red/Blue Herringbone! Thanks for the continued opportunities to win, Dawn! You are the greatest.

Jennifer said...

OK a ring like that could be addicting! I just spent wayyyy too long browsing that site, looking at all the beads that match various outfits of mine! It was VERY hard to pick a favorite, but I think I'd have to say mine is Violet Mist (Code: OB-102). Ohhhh I hope I win, but my hubby better hope I don't because there's too many beads that I would want! :-)

Jenn said...

My favorite is the Sunkissed Dream, but I'm not sure I could resist the oh-so-cute Tortoise (Blue & Green)!

Julie said...

My favorite is the reflections bead!

jennifer hooper said...

my fav by far is the Tortoise (Blue & Green)I just love turtles and how cute is this one? Way too pricey for me to buy but i would love to win one.

kimikki said...

I love the Whimsy rings! I especially like the Hannah. Blue is my all-time favorite color and I love a silver (or white gold)setting. The Whimsy suits my personality. Ask any of my co-workers!

Jessi said...

those rings are so unique! I've never seen anything like them! I can't imagine paying that much on jewelry for myself, though. Macaroni necklaces are the best jewelry I own at the moment. :) I love the apple swirl bead! such a pretty green.

Kristine said...

Blue Energy or Indigo Dream

Allie said...

My favorite is the Silver Green Peaks one! I already have a trollbead bracelet. I love them!

Mynde said...

Gosh- they are all so dag gone pretty! I probably would pick the black or blue energy (can you tell what kind of a craptastic mood I am in today). Thanks for the great contest!

Chick Hatchers said...

I love the olive scroll and emerald sparkle, but some of the bright ones are just as beautiful. Deep water and misnight blooms are very intriguing pieces. Emeral glitter took my breath away and I could see my 6yo daughter stealing pink spectrum to hide in her drawer. She loves sparkly things. I wish our finances afforded something like this, but we barely pay the bills as it is. These are truly beautiful and I'd love any of them in the Megan, but I wouldn't be picky. All 3 rings are very pretty, as are all the beads. The other style of beads was interesting, but a very different thing altogether.

Cindi said...

Hey there! Since one of my favorite rings is lost forever in my dryer's lint trap, I am thinking a Whimsy ring would make me happy! I really like the Whimsy Ring with the Herringbone (Red)Carousel Bead. Thanks!

Amanda Williams said...

I love the Hannah, with the Chamilia™ Bead in Spring pink. Gorgeous!! Maybe the first one to post should be the one to win? Just a thought...

Amy W said...

Hi Dawn!

Those are so unique and beautiful rings! After perusing the website, my hands down fave is the "Still Wild" bead. I am a huge fan of leopard/animal prints and think it totally looks like me.

Love your it all the "Friends" references!

Amy W.

Anonymous said...

I love their Megan ring.


Carrie said...

I love the Hannah. The aqua blue is beautiful! Thanks for the information, I'll send the link to my hubby, my birthday is around the corner!

Angie Kerr said...

Oh, my.....these are so beautiful. Absolutely LOVE them all.

I really like the Ocean Waves bead. Very pretty!

Superhappy said...

Oooh, these rings are great! I think I like the Hannah best, it's simple and chic.
But what I like most of all is that you love your macaroni necklaces! I still wear a bracelet my baby sister made for me when she was four, so I can relate to that. LOL

Anonymous said...

Wow, it's so hard to choose! I think my favorite is the Passion Flower. :)

Amanda E.

Denise said...

I LOVE the blushing dream! It's so pretty! :)

Anonymous said...

wow those are super cute. I agree though the things my kids have gotten me including the 99 cent store ring that turns my finger green every time mean the world to me.

Anonymous said...

Can I have them all????? I follow quite a few blogs but yours always makes me laugh. I identify with you so well. Thanks for making my days! said...

Love- Love- Love the Midnight Dream bead!!!!

Jacki said...

Oh they are gorgeous! I have 4 daughters and they all have a bracelet, they would LOVE these rings! You may have just helped me do my christmas shopping! I love the Sarah ring it's so elegant. :)

Jen@Scrapingirl said...

pink petals or cinn sticks. Those are very cool.

sklay723 said...

I really like the Sarah ring with the Blue Green Swirl bead. Very pretty!!! What a nice idea for the holidays. :)

Parker and Lauren's Mom said...

wow - what a cool ring - i'd love to have one! my favorite bead is the halo chamilia bead - simple and elegant!

Kelly M. in Texas said...

My favorite is blue rocks! Or midnight dream! Or . . . :)

Tamara said...

My favourite is either Creme Brule, or Deep Ocean.

KarenOjai said...

I love these rings... But would never buy one for myself due to $$. I love the Sarah and Megan especially. I love the two tones.

Jessi said...

Deep waters idk if you need a link so here you go:

Oh and my birthday is the 28th, so this would be fantastic!

Anonymous said...

Dawn, I am loving these rings! I really love the Hannah ring (Not a huge gold fan) with the Endless Summer bead. Or maybe the Deep Ocean bead.

I have a Pandora bracelet, and I love that the beads can be swapped out! This is great, thanks!

-Coury in PA

Gretchen said...

I like the Hannah. It's such a pretty color.

Anonymous said...

Hi Dawn,
I think the Whimsy rings are unique. I really like the Sarah one. I really think it would look good on me. I never get to see you much. If you pick me as a winner, I will think of you every time I wear it.


becs said...

The blue green chamilia bead or the pink petal one are so pretty. I have seen these before and thought they are cute but wondered about durability, etc.

Lauren said...

I've seen those before, they are so neat. My favorites are a tie between Deep Waters and Ocean Waves.

Karolyn said...

Emerald Sparkle!

Anonymous said...

There are so many pretty ones that it's hard to choose! My favorites are deep ocean, Halos, and World.


Tmomma said...

endless summer with the pretty blues, love it!

Kristen said...

What a great ring! I definitely will have to say I like the Megan the best! It had the diamonds and its my daughter's name!!

Karen G. said...

My fave is the Hannah. Nice and simple. And the beads are so pretty and unique too! Love them!

karen c said...

i'd love to win one!

Cheryl said...

This is so exciting! I love the ring and all the possibilities! My favorites are the Carousel Beads but there only seems to be a couple that are compatible with the Whimsy Ring. So, I'm going with Passion Flower Code: OB-114.

Thanks for sharing this on your post.

Patty said...

They are all so beautiful!! I had many favorites but I think the Sea Foam stands out. Still reminiscing about the beach (didn't make it to one this summer)and the colors take me there in my mind. Thanks for sharing this site:)

Nina said...

I love this one : Leprechaun Blooms

but many of them are beautiful. I do have a pandora bracelet.

Jess said...

I *love* the Hannah ring. What a great idea!!!

Jess said...

Ok I changed my mind....I Love Emerald Sparkle
the best!!!

azpaladino said...

Jewelry is my thing! I would have to say I really like the pink petal!

Lyndsay said...

Ooooohhh! They're all so pretty. But I'd have to pick blue-green swirl. It reminds me of the ocean.

Anonymous said...

Wow, these are so cool. I have to say, Red Energy is my favorite. My favorite color is red, and as a mom to 3 soccer crazed girls, and one little prince, energy is something I sorely need!

Heidi Winkler

Kristy said...

Oh my word, how on earth do you just pick one favorite? These rings are beautiful! I would truly love to win one, as I am sure everyone would. lol. If I had to pick a fav though I think it would have to be Deep Ocean. I love the ocean and I love the color blue. Whoever wins this will be one lucky lady! Good luck to all!

Katie Ann said...

The Hannah ring, with the Tropical Forest bead. So pretty!

Anjie said...

I love these rings! I think I like the Black Energy Bead the would go with everything I own, since most of my clothes are black, white and gray. (Yeah, I know...I need some color) Thanks for the chance to win! :)

Mimsy said...

I love deep waters, deep ocean and sea foam. Oh it's too hard to pick. Such a pretty and unique ring.

Allenfamilyadventure said...

Oh, I love the blue energy bead in the Hannah ring. It would go with everything I own. Pick me!

jana said...

There were so many I loved, but I think I like the pink lemonade bead the best.

ademorow said...

I love the rings! So pretty and feminine. I really like the Hannah ring with either Red Spiral or Apple Swirl...the vibrant colors would give such an energy boost!

Patty said...

Beautiful! I really like the Midnight Blooms and the Ocean Waves beads. What a cool idea!!

Bailey's Leaf said...

Spring fling or Passion flower are both great. Argh. Too. many. to. choose. from.


Joanna said...

I love so many of them, but I think my favorite is the Brittany!

Emily said...

OMG! I LOVE these rings and beads! I know what will be on my Christmas list this year!!! My favorite bead (which was hard to pick, by the way) is the blue and green tortoise. How cute! I hope I win! Thanks!

Jen K. said...

I can't pick just one, because I love them all. Love all of the colors. For the ring setting I happen to like the Hannah one the best. Love the solid sterling silver look.

Unknown said...

love them all but my favorite is Endless Summer :)

Garth and Becky said...

My favorite is the pink petals bead...very pretty.

pbo said...

These are WAY COOL! I love the fuschia dream!

Anonymous said...

My favorite is the Chamilia Creme Brulee, which is an amber-brown-gold mix. It makes me feel all warm just looking at it. Plus it's named after a dessert.

Kate said...

What a fun ring! I have to say it's hard to pick a favorite, but the Deep Waters, Aqua Reef, and Sunkissed Dreams would have to among the prettiest!!

Anonymous said...

I think the sea foam is gorgeous pick me pick me sasha-bridge city tx

Nadia said...

what great names!! midnight blooms, pink petals,ireland waves,leprechaun blooms,endless summer

Michelle said...

Oooo I've got to go with Lilac Spin I think. Those are some way cool beads! Out of curiosity, which is your favorite?

Carol from Iowa said...

What an awesome give away! If I HAVE to pick one, I would say deep ocean, but to be honest, there isn't one I don't like! These are for sure going on my Christmas list. Thanks, Dawn.

Anonymous said...

I love, love, love the Halo bead! It is very cool!

Lynette in Columbia, MO

Anonymous said...

Northern lights is my fave! I had never heard of these rings before. Thanks, Dawn!

Tara L M said...

I love them all. seriously it was so hard to chose a favorite. Glass beads are my "thing" andyway I REALLY like Pink Lemonade. Thanks for another great give away, Dawn!

Kathy Polak - said...

Wow, they are all so pretty! I love Midnight Blooms the most though! What an awesome giveaway!

Anonymous said...

My adoration of you has increased because a) you're a jewelry girl and b) you introduced your readers to a very cool site!!

I am normally all about RED, but I really like the Fuchsia Dream bead! It definitely caught my eye!

Anonymous said...

That is an interesting concept. I like the Sarah ring and the black energy bead.


Laura said...

The Deep Ocean one is beautiful, although I couldn't figure out which bead is the one in the picture at the top of your post on the right hand side - it's such a wonderful shade of blue!

Marissa F said...

I LOVE the Lavendar petals bead. Beautiful. I love that the rings are silver, too; it's my favorite color!

Johnson Family said...

Summer Hydrangea - one of my favorite flowers/shrubs...

Michele said...

I love the blue-green swirl. Very cool rings.


Jen S said...

They are all gorgeous and I love that you can change them! I'm a big "changer" depending on mood, weather...

Judy K said...

Boy it's hard to pick just one, but I'd say Midnight dream.

Anonymous said...

I have to pick ONE favorite???? These are all so beautiful! I think (after browsing for a while) that I really, really like the Blushing Dream. I love the pink ("Pink is my signature color" ;o)) and the sparkles running through it.

Thanks so much for another awesome giveaway.

Donna in PA :)

The SC Elwarts said...

My daughter's birthday is Mon, Sep 28. What a great present that would be! I'm sure she'd love the pink petal, or any of the other light pink ones.

Jacqui said...

There are so many awesome ones. Guess if I had to pick one, it would be the Night Sky.

Unknown said...

I like light pink swirl. It's super cute! Thanks for holding this giveaway.

Stephanie said...

Deep Ocean is my favorite!

FelicitysMomBecki said...

Oh.. The Blue and Green Turtle is just so charming. I wish there was a way to search for a keyword.

Tracy S said...

I loved Reflections and Midnight Blooms

Cristen said...

These rings sound really neat I am a simple gal and i like silver not much gold... I like the Hannah the best!!

Heather said...

I love River Rocks on the Sarah Ring. Pick me please!

Anonymous said...

I like the blue/green swirl....but picking just one is a bit of a challenge. They are all very neat.....pick me! Pick me! :)

Sherry from Siloam Springs

Jenn said...

So many to love.... But, I was drawn to the red energy bead for some reason.

Pick me!!!

Anonymous said...

I have a few Chamilia beads on a bracelet but to be able to wear one as a ring would be fantastic! The Rocky Raku bead is beautiful and would be fun to wear.
Thanks for another great giveaway Dawn!

vtbyers said...

Oh my goodness! I had no idea there were so many. Blue green swirl, apple swirl, aqua reef, pink lemonade, deep ocean, and summer hydrangea were my top picks, but I think I like passion flower the best.

Shellie in CA said...

Tough decision, but I think it'll have to be "Amber triangles!" :)

Shellie in CA

Spinnwahn said...

OMG what have you done to me? I LOVE those beads, ok, I take them all... No? I have to pick one? So I take Still Wild, soooo pretty!

Mom of 3 Es said...

Pick just one?! LOL I like the Silver Green Peaks one, but that may be because I'm a May baby (emerald birthstone!). :) The rings/beads are all beautiful!!!

Anonymous said...

These are so cool! My favorite is Deep Ocean.


Anonymous said...

I Love this ring. I love any of the chamilia beads. ( not sure if that is spelled right) I would love to own one. Thanks!!! I love your blog as well! :)

Melissa Chase, PA

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the Creme Brulee bead. What a neat concept!!! I also love the whimsy beads (the turtle being my favorite!)

Rebecca M.

Susan in NC said...

Tough to choose, I have to go with Midnight Dream. I've bought a couple of beautiful hand-made beads from a vendor called "Into the Fire" on eBay (I don't even have a Trollbead bracelet yet) and this would be a great way to wear them. Gonna send the link to my hubby as a Christmas hint!

Susan in NC said...

Forgot to comment on the rings - I love the Sarah and the Megan - heck, I love 'em all!

Karrie S. said...

Amethyst Eyes is my favorite. What gorgeous rings! Thanks for the giveaway!

Monique G said...

Just love the Chamilia beads. I also love your '"diamond" necklace" story. - Monique, Phx, AZ

Janet said...

Such cute rings, nice and simple and very pretty. They'd be nice to wear and not be an overpowering piece of jewelry with lots of flexibility!

Nicole said...

They are all beautiful but my fave is the deep ocean.

Mom said...

Wow, too bad there aren't very many beads to choice from - lol. I really like "Red Energy," because if it has the name energy in it, maybe it will give me some!

Kristin of course said...

After scrolling through that and back here, I've totally forgotten the name of it. It was swirly with blues and I want to say the word Memories was in it, but I totally could be making this up.

Choose me!!! I have a sophomore girl who would just absolutely love fabulous if you got one of her Christmas presents for me!

Anonymous said...

I love them all!!! - if i had to choose one - maybe the Blue Green Swirl Bead.
L Robinson, VA

Lorene said...

I love the color green. All colors green. I think at times I drive my kids crazy because that is also my husbands favorite color. After pondering the beads my favorite is "Green with Silver".

pigbook1 said...

the tortoise carousel beads are my fave (we have tortoises) but fuschia flame chamilia bead is awesome!

Katie said...

Ooh, sparkles! I like the Hannah and the Red Spiral bead the best. They are all beautiful.

Anonymous said...

I really like the sarah ring with the swirl beads. Too Cute. Looks like a must have. :)
Did you guys make it to the STL ZOO? It is awesome.

Kristen Cooper

Cernin4 said...

These are so beautiful and fun!! I LOVE the colors in the Blue Green Swirl! What girl doesn't LOVE jewelry??! Thanks Dawn for adding some hilarious stories into our lives!!

Christy P said...

Fuschia Flames on The Megan would look fantastic!! These rings do look amazing!

Darlene S. said...

Spring Fling is my favorite! It actually has a nice combination of colors for Fall!

lizzyval said...

what a great giveaway! I love love love Apple Swirl, it's perfect!

Cheryl V said...

These rings are really cool! I love how you can change out the beads, what a great idea- talk about a great piece of jewelry! I loved the Cool Dream the best, but there were tons of runner-up favorites. I would love to win one!! Thanks Dawn for sharing!
Cheryl Vetter

Unknown said...

It's hard to pick a favorite. They are all beautiful. If I had to pick, I'd say the Irresistible Pink.

Bethany said...

I love the Sarah with the Olive Scroll, the Silver Green Peaks, the Ireland Waves, or any of the other green ones.

Meredith said...

I love the Megan ring, Hannah is 2nd fave. As far as beads go, "pink copper" and "night sky". I love these rings and I already have a collection of beads, I just wish there was a retailer near me so I could see them in person!

Lindsey Wolfe said...

LOVE the sea foam one... I love beachy things. Makes me happy!

Anonymous said...

Blue dusk, Cerulean Haze and Amethyst eyes are my 3 favorites. These rings are so cool! Would love to win one for my B-day, on 9/30. Thanks,


Fuchsia Flames

Anonymous said...

oh my goodness I LOVE the Tortoise (Blue & Green) Carousel Bead!! I'd love to put it on The Hannah!

Mandy said...

I Love, love love these rings! I've never seen them before and have just fallen in love. My favorite bead is the Emerald Glitter. I like it because my birthstone is an emerald and I also like the other blues and greens in the bead.

Sharon Harris said...

I like the Megan ring and would pair it with a blue energy bead.

Elleah said...

I like the Fuschia Flames. Very cool!

Vicki said...

The turtle has to be my fav. My son loves them and after the follds this week we found a baby snapping turtle. So, turtle it is!
This is the first time I have seen these rings and they look great.

Tammy B said...

what a fab idea....i'm a blue green swirl girl myself!

Anonymous said...

I love those rings! Thank you for sharing them with us!

Anonymous said...

I like the leprechaun bloom bead - we just got home from a trip to Ireland to celebrate our 10 year anniversary, and it would be so fun to have a ring to commemorate it.

Carrie M. said...

Oh I couldn't possibly pick just one favorite!! I love them all...but must be in PINK!!

Amanda E said...

I like the Hannah ring paired with Deep Waters bead - awesome!
Thanks for always thinking of your readers Dawn!

Kirsten said...

love the hannah ring and light pink swirl ... but also like pink peteals and fuschia swirl ... i'm on a pink kick lately, can you tell?!

Chris Pierson said...

You mean I have to pick ONE??!! Oh ok, my favorite is the Fuschia Dream - but Spring Fling & Deep Waters are beautiful too!

Lisa M said...

Wow! What a neat idea. I especially like The Sarah because it has gold in it. And, the green bead featured in the ring on their main page has so many layers to it. All the completely green beads are gorgeous. I also like Black Energy. Let's face it, they're all pretty. This, like a charm bracelet, is the gift that keeps on giving b/c you can continue to give new beads as gifts. Cool beans! May have to look into this as a gift for my sis. I also like that it's reclaimed silver and gold - helps our environment. :)

Lisa said...

I really like the blue and green tortoise ALOT but my favorite is the Midnight Blooms in the Chamilla collection!

cheryl said...

I love the Hannah ring with the herringbone red carousel bead! These are so unique!

Anonymous said...

Wow, love em but a little pricey for me... maybe I will finally get lucky and win something???

I love the deep waters bead. Such a hard choice, all of the colors are beautiful!

Please, luck be with me, Please

Tracy said...

I love the fuschia flames or maybe the pink petal, I'm such a girl lol.

Vanessa MG said...

I like the Hannah with the Aqua swirl. I would love one of these rings, but does anyone else think it's odd that no pictures seem to exist of the ring on someone's finger? (I did a google image search) Are they hiding something?

Kerri S said...

I like the Megan ring and the spring fling and the midnight blossom

Anonymous said...

I couldn't pick just one, so there are five in random order: Pink Spectrum, Emerald Glitter, Passion Flower, Sunkissed Dreams and Tropical Forest. I love the idea of this ring, and even better is that it's helping counter the effects of the mining industry. Thanks for the chance Dawn,

Sheri said...

There are so many pretty ones, how could you possibly choose just one???

If I had to choose I'd go with the Blue Energy...or the Blue Green Swirl...or ... Oh wait, you said just one.

So Blue Energy with the Blue Hannah if I *had* to pick just one.

Rachel D. said...

Oooh the lavender petals is beautiful! Might have to add this to my Christmas list :)

Donna T said...

I love the Spring Fling! It's beautiful!

Jill J. said...

Hey thanks for sharing I love the rings as does my 10th grade daughter...She said she would rather have one of these than a high school ring (which you only wear to 2 yrs. Thanks again.

Kathy said...

I really liked the Fuchsia Flames, but it was hard to choose just one!

Lyuda said...

Ooh..very interesting rings!!! I think I would like the Hannah ring paired with Fuchsia Dream. I love the pink, purple and red on this bead!!

Brian, Crystal & Gage said...

Oooh Aqua Swirl! Pick me Pick me!

Mapajama said...

I love jewelry too, and have quite the collection of oversized funky chunky rings myself. I love the Lavender Petals cause I'm a purple girl! :)

Rhonda said...

LOVE the Spiral Sphere (blue) bead on the Hannah ring. So pretty!

Anonymous said...

I like the Midnight Blooms!

Unknown said...

Northern lights and light pink swirl are my favorites, but I'm sure I could narrow it down to one!

Anonymous said...

Pink Petals is my fav! Love, love, love it! I want a Pandora bracelet for Christmas....this would be a perfect "add-on"!!

Gail V.

Snoopyfan said...

Emerald sparkle! But I would love any of the green ones, really.

Katina Sharp said...

I love the Megan setting. All the stones are so pretty! How could you choose a favorite?

pmerry said...

Oh, those are so cool! I love the Hannah, and the extra beads are soooooo beautiful. I have to go with the Silver Green Peaks.

pmerry said...

Can't you just spend forever looking at the beads online? They are all so gorgeous!

Jena said...

I love the blue green swirl. That's so cool. Those stones are so pretty...there are so many to choose from, hard to decide!

Lesley said...

I just love "The Hannah" and my fav beads are the Blue Green Swirl and Aqua Swirl. Those are so pretty! Love how unique these rings are, I have never seen anything like them!

rankin1997 said...

I love the night sky and the fushia dream

Carol said...

Oh, I absolutely LOVE rings. They're my favorite jewelry item. Would be great to win one of these.

Anonymous said...

I like the Hanna Ring...the red swirl bead....and....and....everything is really cool. You always have such interesting things! Thanks, Dawn for introducing so many cool items to us.

Sue and Randy said...

Lavender petals is beautiful! I have one of these bracelets--I definitely need to add some of these glass beads for more color-they are beautiful.

Unknown said...

I loved the Hannah and the aqua swirl bead!

pogonip said...

Chamilia Blue-green Swirl makes my heart sing!

Brandi said...

I would love to win this ring... especially since it is out of my price range!

Krissy said...

Ohh I love Spring Fling! What a neat ring. If I don't win, it is definitely on my Christmas list!

Anonymous said...

I like the Spiral Sphere (Blue). It has a classic look with a whisical look. The silver and blue would match LOTS of my clothes as blue is my favorite color. I don't wear much jewelry except my wedding ring, but these look like fun rings!

Shannon N. in SC

R said...

I don't wear rings, but I'd wear a Whimsy Ring because of how beautiful they are. I would have lots of fun changing the beads and matching with my clothes.

Sandra Poarch said...

I am dying for that Pink Petals...... that with silver!! Lovin it!!!

Unknown said...

I love the Hannah! Simple and yet elegant.

Unknown said...

I just saw these rings this week at a Women's Expo I went to! I would SO LOVE to have one!

Mel said...

What an awesome idea! I loved the Megan ring, and my 6yo daughter was sitting beside me and she really liked the pink petal bead!

Stephanie said...

I love the Sarah and all of the carousel beads are beautiful!

lovinsanta said...

I love the Aqua swirl bead, but actually I love all the swirl beads. The energy beads are neat as well.

I just hope I win :)

Blended said...

spring pink bead is my fav...Although it is not pink and actually a tan color!

Valerie Leonard said...

Ooh! My favorite is the blue/green swirl. So pretty!

Jayne V. said...

The Sarah ...simple, pretty and goes with everything!

Anonymous said...

Love the elegance and simplicity of the ring design! Timeless. And the tortoise beads are just too cute.

Kari M. said...

I love deep waters. These rings are awesome but your right pricey. I would love the chace to win one.

Dave and Amber said...

All of them are awesome but I like the spring pink. I haven't ever seen a ring like that. very cool!

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