Thursday, July 30, 2009

Paula Deen Giveaway

Those of you who have read my blog for some time, know that I hate I'm not overly fond of Walmart. I'm just not. Maybe it's the fact that the parking lot stinks. Maybe it's because there are like 2 cart returns in the entire lot. Maybe it's because I can never find anything in the store or because I don't appreciate the quality of the merchandise they carry. Maybe it's the other people who shop there that bug me. Or perhaps it's because I love Target so much and can't imagine going anywhere else for my toilet paper, shampoo, diaper wipes, laundry detergent, kids' clothes, birthday presents, etc.

That said, I stopped by the Walmart display at BlogHer last week because Paula Deen was there since Walmart is going to be carrying her baked goods. My kids love watching Food Network and trying out her recipes. I was personally just trying to see if her sons were there. (Did I just say that out loud?) I mean, I just wanted to hear her talk because she's got that quintessential southern accent that just makes you smile.

She offered me a sample of her baked goodies. "Here, try a gooey butter bar," she said.

I asked her, all concerned-like, "There's not any butter in these, is there?"

She looked at me like I was completely stupid, then said sarcastically, "No. Try one."

I like her! LOL!

So, I have this reusable Walmart bag to give away to one reader. It contains some sort of lip gloss, a dry erase picture frame, some baby food and a pedometer. But the best part is that the bag is signed by Paula Deen!

Leave me a comment here and I'll choose one random winner on Monday, August 3. Winner will have until midnight on Wednesday, August 5 to check back here and email me with their shipping address. Contest open to U.S. residents.
I don't do paid reviews, but I did get this bag for free at BlogHer.


1 – 200 of 285   Newer›   Newest» said...

I love watching Paula Deen and reading her cookbooks! What a fun giveaway!


Paula71 said...

I love Paula Deen. The people at work tease me for putting butter in EVERYTHING. They say I bet you cook like Paula Deen at home. It makes it easier to tease me since my name is Paula. I would love this bag

Laura in Knoxville said...

My mom LOVES Paula Deen (I think she likes "the sons" as well). She'd love it if I was the random winner, because I'd send it on to her of course!

Anonymous said...

Love me some Paula... tolerate Wal-Mart.

- TN momma

kirine said...

I love Paula Deen, "The Butter Queen". :)

noexcuses said...

I've been away for a week so I just played catch-up on your recent posts. Blogher sounds like an absolute blast! Your pictures are absolutely awesome! I also read Manic's dissertation on the weekend. She made it sound like all you two did was eat, drink and sleep. (I think maybe a few seminars were snuck in...)

I LOVE Paula Deen! I am sucked into the southern lifestyle by her smooth velvet voice. I also love the fact that she includes dessert with every meal she showcases! (I think we may have been sisters separated at birth!)

Hope Jackson is doing better! Great week of posts!

Bobbi said...

Love me some Paula Deen. This would be awesome. Thanks!

Katie said...

Love Paula and her stuff from WalMart. Gave my mom the pots for her bday last year.

Stressed Out said...

Two of my favority funny ladies - you in print and Paula on TV... what a combo.

I am forced to tolerate WalMart because I live 180 miles from the closest Target (look at the map of the US and see all the Great Lakes pointing together - that's where I live - 0.5 miles from Canada! I can go to the WalMart supercenter (that just opened and is actually pretty well-stocked and clean) or the KMart that should have been chosen as one of the stores to close when they were bought by Sears. Those are my options...

My dream day would be to take my daughters and my sister (who Paula reminds me GREATLY of) to see her show taped. And hear her say "Buuuter!" in person! If I won this bag, it'll go framed on my kitchen wall!

Anonymous said...

I claim Paula Deen as long-lost family. She sounds like my Aunt Toots - I just love her!

Ooo, what a fun giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I just moved to NW Arkansas home of Wal-Mart. Boy, do I miss Target.....when I go to Target, I call it the happiest place on earth. Anyway, just wanted to say I understand your position!

Have a good week. Can I get that swimsuit design? I have a 6 year old daughter. I am sure I will need that in a few years! :)

Sherry from AR

Amy said...

I love listening to Paula talk. Her accent is great!


Bonnie M said...

My mother is a huge Paula Deen fan. I would give her the bag and the goodies inside except for the baby food. :) My son could use that! Her birthday is Aug. 20th so this would be great for her!

Denise said...

Oh oh oh!!!!! Pick me! Pick me! I love her show! And her sons are super cute! :)

MaranathaMom said...

hmm, I could use some baby food! Pickmepickmepickmepickme.

Karen R. said...

I shop at Wal-Mart on a regular basis but let me tell you, if I had a choice, I would love to shop somewhere else! I live in a small town and the closest Target is 2 hours away! I have to drive 20 minutes to get to the Wal-Mart even! I know, I am such an unfortunate soul! :o(

Kim said...

Do you know when Paula's baked goods are coming to Wal Mart? I'd love to try them. Great giveaway!

Kathy Polak - TX said...

Oooh, I love Paula Deen! The bag looks like a great giveaway too!

As far as Walmart goes. I totally hear ya! We actually have a very nice clean Walmart with normal people shopping/working there. Any other Walmart I refuse to enter. They are just terrible!

Kathy P - TX

Julie said...

Love Paula Deen and "her sons"....don't love stupid Wal-Mart, but in a small rural community, it's absolutely necessary. You are blessed you have Target too.

Ruthie said...

Would love to win the bag! How lucky are you to have gotten a gooey butter bar from Paula! I love her!

jana said...

Some sort of lip gloss...funny.

Keekee said...

OH OH OH OH!! Please pick me!!! I want it! I LOVE Paula! She is SO cute!

Kelly T.
From Justin, TX

Anonymous said...

I inherited my mother's cholesterol problems, so I'm not a fan of Paula Deen. But her sons? Heeeeeeeeeellllllllllloooooooooooo!

Unknown said...

I just gotta ask because you don't mention it, but how was the gooey butter bar?

Anonymous said...

Oh pick me, pick me! I love the Food Network, and I wish to all the high heavens that I'll wake up one day and Paula Deen will be my grandmother and teach me how to cook. I love her so much, I'll even take a Walmart bag! I like shopping there, but I'm a very broke student, so sometimes it's better than Target for me, haha.

Unknown said...

I love Paula Deen! How cool that you got to meet her. Sounds like an absolute blast!

Love your blog, BTW.

Adrienne said...

I would love to win this!

Gina said...

I share your feelings about Wal-Mart, but I love Paula Deen...although I'll probably stick to making my gooey butter cakes at home!

Karen Marie said...

This would be cool to win!

H-Mama said...

ooooo... love this. i could use a 'pick-me-up'. i've been taking care of 2 lil' girls with the stomach bug. oh, and AMEN to the walmart vs. target comment! i heart target. :)

dmauton said...

How cool is that. I have enjoyed watching her when I get the opportunity.

Anonymous said...

My 5 year old son Brayden LOVES!!!
Paula Deen, he gets excited when he see's her on tv. He will scream MOMMA IT'S THE BUTTER LADY!!!!

Cristin in NJ said...

While I must say I agree with you about the Wal-Mart issues, I love Paula Deen! And what great pictures!

Sunnyworld said...

I LOVE Food Network! Can't wait to see who is the next Food Network star! Also, if you were 40 minutes away from Target, and 12 minutes away from Wal-Mart, you would learn to "like" Wal-Mart! lol It's just a matter of time management for me, and the cost of gasoline. I am also one who loves Target!

Jen K. said...

Love her, love her, love her!!! And I love reusable shopping bags so much that I have a gazillion of them and always forget to bring them with me whenever I go grocery shopping.

Minerva said...

Paula Deen is awesome. Is it just me, or does that pedometer look like an iPod Shuffle? I think I'd be giving the bag to my mom too, she's like the PA version of Paula! :)

Anonymous said...

This would be so much fun to win!

Melanie said...

I love Paula Deen!!

Rikki said...

I love Paula Deen! As a southern girl, she is one of my idols, lol.

Anonymous said...

I would love to meet Paula Deen. She seems like she is so nice. What a fun offer.

Lynn Haffner

Reagan said...

Well, I've got to enter because it would be quite an awesomely random thing to win!

Anonymous said...

paula deen rocks! she is my favorite female chef!

Shelley said...

Yay for Paula Deen, her yummy sons, and her butter.

Julia said...

Ok, I am sooooo very jealous that you got to meet her. I tried a couple years ago, but apparently, the book stores want you to buy their copy of her book (ooops). I have gotten the chance to eat at her restaurant. YUUUUuuummmm....

Julia : )

Tina said...

Gotta love Paula Deen...and *sigh* I am unfortunate enough to have Wal-Mart be our main shopping source in this podunk town... :o)

pammyjo said...

Dawn, I'M A TARGET GIRL TOO! Love, love that store and always find the very best stuff/deals there. Have read your blog from Day 1 and have been watching Paula forever. Her Not Yo Mama's Banana Pudding should be illegal it's so stinkin good. She's just so cute.

Stacy said...

I love the food network and especially Paula Deen. My favorite is when she says she's going to add a little butter then dumps 2 cubes in! She's hilarious! Yeah, I'd totally love to win some lip gloss! ;)

Garth and Becky said...

Luv Paula Deen!

Unknown said...

I just love your blog. I enjoy reading about your family. My four children are all grown but it brings back memories when they were little. Paula Deen is sure pretty and love to watch her on food network. Keep up the good work.

Amy Lynn said...

Paula Deen is one of our most favorite people to watch cook. Not only that but a reusable bag, how cool is that? That is if I remember to bring it in the store, lol. Thanks, Dawn!

Michelle said...

Having tasted that gooey butter bar, I'm glad I don't shop at Wal-Mart, or I'd gain another forty pounds. Man, was that good! How did you get her to autograph that for you? :)

Teresa said...

I love Wal-Mart probably because we don't have a Target here. I'd love to have the autographed bag too!

Harrisons said...

I'm with you on Walmart but I also LOVE Paula Deen.

Spookygirl said...


Joanna said...

I want in on this drawing. Paula Deen is such a cute lady and so talented...I could learn a lot from her. Glad you had such a fun time meeting her!

Ann said...

I love Paula Deen! This is a fun giveaway! Thanks!

Unknown said...

Sure! I'd love a Paula Dean bag! And I actually shop Wal-Mart! (of course it's the only store around for a 50 mile radius!)

Kathleen said...

My mom has loves her new pan from Paula's line! We watch her show often and also like to try her recipes. Her orange brownies are our favorites! Thanks for this opportunity, Dawn.

Tammy said...

I love Paula Deen and I have to live with Walmart b/c we don't have a Target close by.

Thanks for the great pics and fun give away.

AD said...

I like Paula Dean a lot. When she talks, she reminds me of my mom. My mom lives in India and when she was visiting me in Sunnyvale, she saw the show and was greatly amused by Paula's Southern style and was happy to see that a woman that age ran such a successful cooking show!!

Crystal said...

I LOVE Paula Deen. I think she is the only other person that puts more butter in her dishes than I do, lol. I never miss an episode of her shows

janes27 said...

Is that a butter stain next to her autograph? Just kidding, I would love to win! Thanks for sharing

Denise @ Sunflowers, Chocolate and Little Boys said...

Pick me! Pick me! Pick me!!! I love me some Paula Deen!!!

Me said...

I should probably not be included in this contest, b/c I hate Wal-mart, and recently wrote an "I hate Wal-mart" type post on my blog. I do love Paula Deen's cookware though, BUT I bought it at Target:)

Anonymous said...

I have a skillet. Her name is Paula. I also have a grill named George and a blanket named Martha.

sklay723 said...

Yay for Paula Deen!

Traci said...

They're selling her baked goods too? They already sell her cookware. It looks nice, buut my t-fal is holding up nicely. :D

Anonymous said...

It's my lucky day!


Amy said...

What a cool giveaway! Does she have no sugar added baked goods?

Kerri S said...

How cool I love her..But I'm with you on Wal-Mart I hate it too.

~LeAnn~ said...

My birthday is Aug 3rd! AND I love her! I have 6 kids, in SC and they love her...oh man I want some cookies, lol

Firelizards said...

What a fun giveaway! I'm not a big fan of Walmart but I love the Food Network!

Unknown said...

Love Paula Dean, and my grandmother is a huge fan as well she would love this.

Ashley said...

I really just had to comment on your loathing of Wal-Mart...yet another reason to love you Dawn! I too detest shopping there. Anything we think we must get from there, I send my hubby. I'm thinking maybe you dislike it so much cause it's so freakin dirty, the customer service folks are adverse to any kind of customer service, the fact that you can never find a customer service person, but then again I'm sure it is b/c Target is so GREAT! I heart Target too.

Beckie said...

Paula's my hero. I love her shows and have fried, oops I mean tried, lots of her recipes.

Jen@Scrapingirl said...

I love to watch her cook. My cholesterol goes up just watching it though. :)

Jaclyn said...

I love reading your blog! That is so awesome you got to meet Paula Dean & so many other wonderful women at BlogHer! Our family watches Food Network all the time too & love trying out the new dishes & techniques they show.

The Mueller Crew said...

I aspire to be like Paula. She's always been a fave of mine! But I must admit, I cut the butter in her recipes sometimes... Thanks for the fun giveaway! The babyfood would come in handy since I am 8 mos. preggo and have a new 1 yr. old at home already! Oh, and I feel your pain about WalMart shopping - I get so irked when they are out of things on my list!

Laura ~Peach~ said...

i love walmart and like paula deen :) she cooks like me LOL... i know a little boy who adores her and would love that signed if i win to super bay it goes.

Dorene said...

My (29 year old) sister wants to be Paula Deen when she grows up. I would love to try some of her recipes but my dairy-allergic kid makes that difficult. That woman loves her butter.

Tina said...

I do shop at WalMart. The Target in my area is crappy. It is small and doesn't carry a good selection of anything. I'd love to win this. Thanks

Anonymous said...

Love Paula Deen...wanna win!!! Great giveaway!!


Sharon Harris said...

Well, at 50-something, I have no use for the baby food but I love Paula Deen. She looks gorgeous in the pictures you took.

Anonymous said...

It would be awesome to meet Paula Deen!! I love her show and your blog!! Glad you had a great time at Blogher!!

Melissa Chase :) !!!

The Book Lady Online said...

What a great giveaway! Paula is awesome and what a great picture!

Melissa B said...

I LOVE Paula Deen!!

I got her cookware set for Christmas and it is FABULOUS!

Amanda Eiynk said...

Even though you seem to despise Walmart, you are giving away their bag - what a sport! At least you are being honest about it!
Thanks Dawn!

Nikki said...

OH how cool! I bet y'all had a blast! And what an interesting mix of items for a raffle, looks like fun, thanks!

Anonymous said...

Oh I LOVE Paula Deen!!

Thanks for this AWESOME giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Pick me; pick me! ;)

Jen S Pgh said...

I love Paula Deen AND Walmart!!!

Deirdrea said...

I love Paula Deen, but my mom LOVES her. It would be awesome to be able to give her that for Christmas! *crosses fingers for winning*

Amy in Douglas said...

Oh, please, please, please, let your random integer thing-y pick my number. Not that I need anything that's inside the bag, but it's got Paula Deen's signature on it. And, it's not like the blue resuable bag will match the black & pink ones I use. But, to be perfectly honest, I'll probably frame the bag instead of using it. :+) I absolutely LOVE watching Paula Deen on Food Network -- her cooking style is similar to my grandma.

Amy P. said...

I love Paula Deen, but I would have been looking for her sons too! I don't need the baby food, but I would love the bag!

Jesse said...

I think Paula Dean would be one of the very few reasons I'd actually walk into Walmart! The others being if I needed dog food or car parts. Does it drive you nuts that their aisle markers list different products at each end of the aisle so you have to guess??
The store also eerily affects my kids - from the minute we set foot in the front door, they have this weird habit of becoming hoodlums until we leave. In Target they just want to shop and buy stuff.

Lisa said...

Paula Deen is so SWEET! My 15yr old Daughter thinks she is the cutest thing on tv! She even records her shows!

Kimberly said...

I really like Paula Deen! When someone questioned her about how "healthy" (or not) her cooking was she said, "I'm your COOK not your doctor!" That's the kind of attitude I love!

Anonymous said...

Paula Dean is a favorite of mine too! I've been to her restaurant in Savannah, GA.

~Betsy in VA

janice said...

she's just the best! thanks for a chance to win this!

Missy Johnson said...

I Love Paula Deen and I would love to get that bag.

Unknown said...

what a fun person to meet! i am jealous!

Kelly B said...

I love Paula Dean. What a great giveaway!

Shannon said...

I actually argued with my Husband last night because I reduced the amount of butter in the recipe. He said I ruined it and when I was offended he says I am USUALLY a very good cook. Yeah...our doghouse is now very definitely OCCUPIED!

Steph said...

pick me! pick me!

i rarely shop at walmart these days, unless the target across the street is out of what i need.

and i looove paula deen. i would love to go to lady and sons but savannah is too far away for this unemployed lady!

Valerie G. from GA said...

I would LOVE to win this! Paula Deen is great!

Chasity said...

I too, have an aversion to Walmart. It's the only store in the history of mankind I can enter and they'll be all like, "Sorry, we've got no eggs today. Or iceberg lettuce. You want orange juice? Tough. We're all out of that, too."

And yet I still shop there because for the most part (if it's in stock) no one seems to be able to beat their prices.

Anonymous said...

ok, so i would seriously love that bag from paula!!!

janetcc said...

I don't watch the food network, barely know who Paula Dean is. But I also hate Walmart. Mostly cause of the crowds of ignorant and/or rude people. And it always sounds like someone is killing a 3 year old somewhere in the store. Necessary evil though, the costs for pantry staples and name brands, especially cleaning supplies are significantly lower than Jewel. We just got a Super Walmart out by us in Orland Hills, it's ok, crowded and not great produce, but seems ok for everything else. I'd love it if I could have a once a month appointment, say the third Tuesday of the month at 2am, where I could have the store to myself for 20 minutes.

Lisa said...

Miss Paula looks so much thinner, you look fantastic too.

Anonymous said...

The Walmart in Bloomingdale is the WORST. We called it the crabby store because we all came out crabby if we went in there . . . . even our daughter who was about 2 at the time (she's now 13)!! The Walmart on Meacham in Elk Grove was only slightly better. Walmarts out of state, however, are different. I now live in Wisconsin and shop there a lot more (although Target is still better!) - but the Walmarts up here all have full grocery stores and Target doesn't.


Anonymous said...

Dawn, I love Paula and her shows. It would thrill me to no end to be the lucky recipient of her signed bag.

I'm a Target gal also, but do wander into the occasional Wal-Mart.



linski said...

How neat that you got to meet her!

MaBunny said...

She is a very perky lady! The accent can grate on the nerves at times, but she seems like a very sweet person and yes her recipes and show ROCK!!

Anonymous said...

My husband LOVES Paula Deen! He loves the way she says He would love the signed bag although don't tell anyone, he might kill me. =)

Jen said...

OMG - I love Paula Deen!

Dee said...

I love Paula Deen! And I dislike Walmart too. But our nearest Target is an hour away. While Walmart is blocks from where I work, so I have to make due.

The Domestic Princess said...

I LOVE Paula Deen and would love to win this! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Love Paula...HAVE to shop Wal-Mart..only store in my small lil town..yes I live in Hickerbillyville....

jeri lynne

Kim said...

I love Paula Deen! ... and I just discovered your blog and love that too!

Karrie S. said...

I love Paula Dean! Thanks for the great giveaway!

Jennifer said...

I happen to shop at Walmart all the time. Maybe because we don't have a Target very close or even in our town. Love Paula Deen.

Steff said...

I don't care for Walmart either, but I do love FREE stuff!!!!

Knitty said...

Another Paula fan here. :) Count me in!

GailV said...

I would love this!!! Thanks for having such a great blog and making my day every time I tune in!!!

Amanda said...

I would love to win!

rebecca said...

I would love to win!

Chris P said...

My Mom LOVES Paula Deen! I've only seen her once on TV - she was on Jay Leno cooking (of course). She was CONSTANTLY licking her fingers as she was mixing & cooking & not even wiping them on her apron or anything! Ugh! She seems like a lovely lady & lots of fun, but I can't bring myself to watch her while she's cooking!

Marly said...

I love Paula Deen! I love how you asked her if it had butter in it. Sounds like something I would say :)

lisa m said...

Your feelings about Walmart mirror mine. It and Kmart just seem like cheap, dirty wanna-be Targets to me. Target is wonderful, I am there probably 3 times a week, love that place!

However, my daughter adores Paula Deen, and thinks she's a goddess since we got the basics for our spinach-stuffed zucchini recipe from her.

Rsymphony said...

Oh my sister-in-law LOVES Paula Deen!!! This would be a great surprise for her :)

Laura B. said...

I love Paula Deen!

lizzyval said...

Great giveaway! I just want to know if I'm the only one that noticed that the first picture of Paula looks like she has glittery pink Mickey Mouse ears on?

Ruthie said...

Cool that you got your photo taken with Paual Deen.
I would love to win this!

Kim said...

I love Paula, but love her sons even more!!!!! She's an amazing woman and donated a signed cookbook to the silent auction we did for Chicago Children's Memorial Hospital. You can't imagine my reaction when the phone rang a Lady and Sons came up on the caller id. Screeching in a corporate office is probably not the best thing to do.

Valerie O from Ohio said...

I love watching Paula Deen! I think I gain a pound though everytime I watch her show. Isn't butter the only thing to cook and bake with?

lifebythehandful said...

I am a kindred spirit when it comes to feeling the need to bathe after a trip to Walmart and liking the Deens. However, I think if I were to win I would give the bag to my friend Kim who is obsessed with Paula, to the extent I think she is beginning to act like her - finger lickin' and all. I would lay claim to the lip gloss since my kids have managed to either loose mine or eat it.

Unknown said...

Hey Dawn. I love Paula Deen as well and I can vouch for a lot of her recipes. Tried & true.

I like the note about paid reviews, heard a report this is becoming quite the issue in the mommy blog world.

Unknown said...

I would LOVE that bag!!! I am obsessed with that woman, her voice AND her gorgeous sons! Hahaha!

Tracy said...

Love Paula, and her son's aren't hard on the eyes LOL.

Anonymous said...

ME, ME, ME! I never win anything.....ME, ME, ME! :-)

Love your blog!


Shayna @ Texas Monkey said...

Love your blog and love Paula Deen. Butter is a must!!!

Julie B. said...

Sadly, I have been forbidden from even WATCHING Paula Deen by my Doctor. The man has my vital statistics, (Cholesterol, blood sugar, blood pressure, all that "good stuff") and has declared anything that looks or smells good to be "off limits" for me. His exact words were, "If you look at the plate, and think, "oh, man! That looks SO good!" then you should probably pass it by." And EVERYTHING Paula makes is in that category! But I COULD use a bag... and one with a real Paula Deen signature would be awesome!

Angela said...

I AM Paula's biggest fan!! (And yours too, btw =) ) I need that bag. =) Thanks, Dawn.

Jen said...

i hear you on Walmart. I too am a Target addict. But I still want to win the bag!

Wendy in Idaho said...

My birthday is the 7th and this would be a fantastic gift!

My kids love watching Paula Deen and we bought them Paula Deen "My First Cookbook" for them for Christmas.

I am jealous that you got to meet her!

Julie B. said...

LOL @ Amy in the comments up there! Her comment was, "Does she have any no sugar added baked goods?" She OBVIOUSLY has never seen a Paula Deen show... Paula, leave out sugar or butter, or anything that tastes good? NOT gonna happen! Sorry I commented twice, but I didn't read them until I'd already responded... Amy, Amy, Amy... poor, disillusioned girl... hugs to you, sweetie! LOL

RobinAN said...

How fun for you...thanks for giving us all the chance to share in it with you.

PBH said...

I'm not too proud to take a Paula Deen signed walmart bag into Target as I shop! I am Paula Deen's biggest fan. I have all her cookbooks and just love her shows. There's no such thing as too much butter y'all!

Katina Sharp said...

I agree about WalMart. I always cringe when I have to put my kids in the carts. They are so gross and ALWAYS squeal all over the store. BUT I love Paula Deen! :)

Amy said...

Gotta love Paula Deen! My sister chased after her in O'Hare about a year ago to say of her sons was there, too. Wal-Mart isn't too bad...if you go to a new one. But Target definitely does Costco.

Sherry said...

How totally cool is that!

Babyducky1968 said...

Ok so I had to google "Paula Deen's sons".....Ummm can you say Yummy!!!! LOL!

Carol from Iowa said...

Since I'm a carepage follower, I know a boy named Bailey who would LOVE this bag signed by Paula Deen. If I win, I'm sending it to SuperBay (with different stuff in it of course, what would a little boy do with baby food and lip gloss???).

Kat in Key West said...

I'm not thrilled with Walmart but since the nearest one to me is about 120 miles away (nearest Target is even farther) I find myself jonesing for it now and then.

Meg said...

I also cannot abide WalMart, but LOVE Target!
I, too, would've relaxed my WalMart distain to meet the wonderful Paula Deen! LOVE HER! (my kids love her too)
Spring Break we went to Hilton Head and did a side trip to Savannah (in the rain) just so we could eat at her restaurant. Lunch was as delicious as we expected!

Angela M said...

I LOVE your blog Dawn! I've been reading it since 9/07 (the Pokeman Ebay phenomenon!) and I just think you're awesome!!

Sue daisy said...

leaving comment here....
love me a funny, southern woman who can cook.

Mamapajama said...

My sister just loves Paula Deen, her cooking shows, cookbooks, and yes, her sons too! LOL

Dot said...

I pretty much agree with what you say about Walmart. However, where I live, it's the ONLY game in town, unless I want to drive 40 minutes to the next town. I would LOVE a Target to open up here! So I make do with what I have open to me. Love the Walmart bags, tho ;-)

Becky said...

I love Paula Deen. All of the baking recipes of hers that I've tried haven't turned out. But her cooking recipes that I've tried turn out great!

Purple Quilter Queen said...

I love Paula too! And love reading your blog. I'm so jealous you got to meet her. Enter me in your drawing please. Jenn

Sondie said...

My MIL LOVES Paula Deen! This would tickle her pink! Thanks for the chance at this giveaway! Glad you had fun at the conference.

Jessica A. said...

I love Paula Deen! She is so cute :) And seems super sweet. Fingers crossed that you'll pick me!

Tina said...

Love love love Paula Deen! Hate Walmart!

KirstenLiesl said...

My mom would love this bag. :)

angie said...

I love listening to her talk. She could come to my house and cook whatever she wanted, as long as she would just chatter away with that darling accent!

Chris said...

Wal-Mart, Target. A no-brainer kind of choice. But I have a friend who loves Paula Deen and I'd love to give her the bag. Pick me, pick me!!

Sas said...

I met her sons at her restaurant on St. Patty's Day. Very handsome men, I must say! Would loved to have met her though!

kimbalaya said...

Paula Deen is awesome! And maybe it's just because it's not quite 2 years old, but the Super Walmart I shop at (a mile from home) is really nice. Always clean, cart returns all over the lot. And better than driving 14 miles to Target. said...

I love Paula Deen (and her sons too). You both look great in that picture. How cool to meet her.

Tami said...

I Love Paula Deen, she is sooo awesome!! I love watching her on TV!! I hope I win!!!

Murmer said...

What fun! Paula Deen is great!

April said...

I also hate Walmart and love Target... which doesn't make much sense since they're essentially the same store. Paula Deen rocks. She makes REAL food, none of that diet salad crap I see on some of the other shows. And it's my birthday on August 6th! What better reason is there to pick me?! ;-)

Michigan Mama to 2 said...

Darn, I won't be able to access a computer all next week due to "rustic camping trip", but I'm so sure your random number generator will pick me this time I'll have to email my snail mail address to you ahead of time. JK

Anonymous said...

I would love to win this i love love love Paula Deen i love the cooking show and her sons are Hot Hot Hot =. I also do not like walmart Target allll the way.

CC from Ny

Parker and Lauren's Mom said...

ohhh i love paula...even if all of her recipes have at least a stick of butter and i have baby weight to lose!

CDS said...

Paula Deen is the real deal!! Just love that lady!!

Pick me Dawn, pick me!!!!

Anonymous said...

Well I have to admit a fondness for Walmart, and as for Paula Deen, watching her show always leaves me wiping drool off my chin.


Jessi said...

I love paula dean. I was raised in Alabama and her accent and cooking take me back to my grandmothers kitchen.

Andrea S. said...

OMG! That's so freaking AWESOME. I'd give you a sob story, but hell, I don't have enough time. We call Walmart "that seven letter word" because we've deemed it that. I once wrote a letter to my local store, telling them that I'd rather spend $75-$100 a trip to shop at Publix than spend another dime in "that seven letter word". I got a PHONE call the next day from the regional manager who tried to tell me that it was training. I politely told the YOUNG gentleman, that I'd believe that had anything been an isolated incident, not five years of the same treatment.

I love you Dawn, I love your blog, and I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE Paula Deen!

Anonymous said...

Just discovered you a month ago. I have five kids ages 8 to 21 months and can't wait to use your line about no they are not all mine I just go around the neighborhood finding kids to take to the grocery store.. You always make my day better when I read your blogs. Thank you! Anyway yes hate Wal-mart love Target but the road to Wal-mart goes right past Grandma's and babysitting and the road to Target sadly does not. What can I say?

Melanie said...

I would love to win this stuff...I'm a Paula Dean fan (and her sons!) ;)

Melissa said...

OMG She is my FAV cook of all! I think I have dvr'ed almost all of her shows just to copy recipes! LOL! My husband got ticked cause I used up tons of dvr time! Good luck to everyone!

Anonymous said...

I really love her!
Billie Jo

Katrina Russo said...

Ick. I hate to go into Wal-Mart too. It's the only time in my life I'm not totally budget conscious. I comparison shop on for days, but if I have a choice of Wal-Mart or a grocery store, I'll pay more to go to the grocery store.

MKS said...

We are closer to Wmart than Target. Wmart is better than our small town groceries stores, believe it or not.

Anonymous said...

I want it! I want it! oh pleeeeeeeeaaaaaaase!

heh heh, I do love her show tho,so gimme!

Kris said...

Love me some Paula Deen. Would love to win this!

pitapocketmom said...

Not a fan of walmart either but id love to try the baby food (well have my babies try it)! and of course the bag!

Donna T said...

I would love to win!

Unknown said...

I can't believe that you got to meet Paula Deen! I would love to win that for my mom. She loves the Paula Deen cook books and magazine.

Michelle said...

I love Paula Deen! She is too cute and being from the South, I also have a certain affinity for the foods she cooks. ;)

Mom of 3 Es said...

Love, love, LOVE Paula Deen! Oh, and anything free is always awesome. :)

Unknown said...

OK I have to admit..I LOVE WALMART & I LOVE PAULA DEEN !!!!!

Brian, Crystal & Gage said...

Ooooh, goodies! Can I have some?

Edna said...

I won't win...but I'm commenting anyway. I love Paula Deen!...(and her sons ain't nothin to sneeze at!)

Patti said...

I am green with envy that you met Paula Deen! I know how you feel about Wal*Mart as I do love my Target as well! Love the blog!

Liz from CT said...

Oh...Pick me! I love her!

Anjie said...

I LOVE watching Paula Deen. I'd love to go visit her restaurant in Savannah! Please pick me to win.

Amy McMillan said...

My dad always said there was nothing in the world better than fat and sugar in good cooking- she's a testament to that! Oh, but it's just so good!

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