Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Pool Pass

Family pool pass $200
Super-size bottle of sunscreen $14
Swimmer's ear drops $6
Assorted swim toys $35
Having the kids get so tired from swimming all day that they do this by 8:00 -



Unknown said...

That's awesome! I've been waiting to do one of these for a FB status- but hadn't thought of a clever one- I like yours!

PS- did you get a new couch? I like it! (ok- I know, I really don't know you since I've only been reading your blog since "the" Ebay auction- but I just thought you had a beige couch- sorry if this sounds too stalker-like!)

Anonymous said...

now that is adorable :)

Anonymous said...

What time does she normally go to sleep? 8:00 is pretty late for most of my kids, especially the younger ones.

Teresa said...


Praise and Coffee said...

Love it!!!!!

Jennifer in Wisconsin said...

Gotta love Summer. Too bad we parents get just as tired (or is that just me).

MaranathaMom said...

Now if mine would only let ME do that UNTIL 8:00 in the morning!

Jennifer Darlington said...

Amen sister!!

We went swimming on Saturday, along with our town's summerfest (rides, games, etc) Then that night we had fantastic fireworks. All three of my kids were out as soon as they hit the pillow!!

Jo said...


Tammy said...

Funny, but so true. I just posted a pic of my daughter in a similar pose. :0) http://tinyurl.com/m3xs4l

Ruth said...

yeah unless they get up at 6am the next day like my kids would!!! :)

Jenni said...

The question is though...did she sleep ALL through the night????!! I can take my 2 year old out like this and he too, will pass out at 8 pm, but you can bet he will be up at 2 am and in our bed!!
It is beyond me...

Aimee said...

Great post...so true!!!

reen said...

Gotta like it! That's how my kids' grandma wore them out all this past weekend - smart woman!

T.M. said...

How cute she is. I find it amusing the positions that kids can sleep in. So completely uncomfortable looking, to me. :)

I hope she slept through the night for you as well!

Laura Marchant said...

Oh I am so with you on this! We have pool passes for the first time this year and it has been worth every penny!

Laura Marchant said...

I just saw you are going to BlogHer, me too!!!

Anonymous said...

Talk about wiped out! VERY cute -- makes me tired just looking at her! LOL

Donna in PA :)

Anonymous said...

Love her sleeping position!! Since when Brooklyn got so skinny?!


Anonymous said...

Not sure it looks very comfortable but she is adorable!

Michelle said...

Gotta love it when you find something that knocks them out :) Do you want me to tell you what time my wee ones are asleep each night? ;)

noexcuses said...

Oh, those were the days! What a precious picture! Use it for leverage when she's a teen!

Mine just take off in the car and I don't see them until the next morning. That's nice, too!

Good post!

Kerryn said...

how cute! Dawn I just picked up your book from B&N, I'm enjoying it so far :)

Domestic CEO said...

I LOVE these pictures! My daughter conks out like this too.

Ruthie said...

Wow! That is cool!

Alana said...

Oh yes, I LOVE swimming days...they guarantee an early bedtime, because God knows I can't get my child to take a nap!

CUTE pics of your sweet girl! :)

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

She's doing the FROGGY!

MaBunny said...

How cute! and yes, tiring your kids out to the point of exhaustion is always a good thing!

Laura said...

If you want to save on the eardrops, just use the dropper bottle with half water and half vinegar. My family were all pool rates from May through September and only when we didn't use them did we get infections.

Christine said...

I just did this yesterday, same result!


Vanessa Rogers said...

So funny, but I can see how it is comfortable, really I can.

Shellie said...

Priceless pictures too!

Flea said...

Utterly priceless. Does that work on teenagers?

Mum - Mainly Upbringing Monsters said...

Gorgeous pic! I have one of my daughter on her back fast asleep with her legs UP against the wall pointing outwards.
How do they DO it?

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