Thursday, May 28, 2009

Share a Little Comfort

What do you think of when you hear the term "comfort food"? Warm chocolate chip cookies, chicken and dumplings, freshly baked bread, and mac-n-cheese are the first things that come to my mind. My kids could live on macaroni and cheese. I think I've personally kept Kraft in business over the years from the amount of mac-n-cheese I've bought, so when they asked me to help spread the word about their Share a Little Comfort program in exchange for some blue boxes of cheesy goodness, I was happy to say yes!

We can all help share a little comfort through the national hunger relief organization, * Feeding America. Simply visit to contribute a box of "The Cheesiest" to Feeding America. For every click, Kraft will donate a box of mac-n-cheese - up to a million boxes! Kraft will also be donating $100,000 to the organization.

Anyone use Twitter? If so, you can help out that way too. Every tweet that uses the Share a Little Comfort hash tag (#BlueBox) will count toward the million boxes. How easy is that?

And while you're at, you can check out Kraft's recipe ideas, money-saving tips, and you can download coupons for savings on your favorite mac-n-cheese products.

Want to win a year's supply of Kraft Macaroni and Cheese? Leave me a comment here and let me know how you serve "the cheesiest" to your family. Do you serve it as is? Do you doctor it up by adding cubed chicken and broccoli, or hotdog chunks, or something else? Do you use it as an ingredient in a casserole? Leave your comment with serving ideas and I'll choose a random winner on Wednesday, June 3. Winner will receive a year's supply (50 boxes) of Kraft Macaroni and Cheese!

* About Feeding America

Feeding America, formerly America’s Second Harvest, is the nation’s leading domestic hunger relief charity. Each year, the Feeding America network provides food assistance to more than 25 million low-income people facing hunger in the United States, securing and distributing more than 2 billion pounds of donated food and grocery products annually.


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CarrieHamm said...

My daughter lives on this stuff. This would be a great prize to win.

Lisa Noel said...

first I have to say Kraft brand is the ONLY mac n cheese!!! everything else... :Pblech

and in our house our mac n cheese is always straight up as is. i don't mess with a good thing. and i agree its totally a comfort food. i eat just as much (ok more) of it as my kids.

i <3 the blue box

Knick Knack Paddy Whack, Throw This Mom a Bone said...

50 boxes is a ton, but a year's worth? Not in this house! :)

We like our mac-n-cheese in it's original extras. My three girls,5, 4 and 2.5 can down 2 boxes between the 3 of them!!

I personally like mine with a hotdog on the side....delish! :)

Unknown said...

I mix mac and cheese with browned hamburger and taco seasoning and have a tex mex casserole

SARAH said...

yum yum yum.. loe me some Mac & cheese... I tend to eat it just the way it is... sometimes I will add tuna fish to it... sometimes I will add some extra parmasean/asiago cheese to the mix to make it a lil more grown up... Love me the Mac & Cheese!!!

Marjorie said...

OOO I like to use Kraft Mac n Cheese for tuna casserole. It's so Gooood.

Jacci O. said...

I add hotdog chunks, some peas and hot sauce to my Kraft macaroni and cheese. My kids on the the other hand are purist at heart and like it just as is.

Sila Lumenn said...

Boy, I sure could use a year's supply of Kraft Macaroni and Cheese! I use at least one or two boxes every week. I make it straight sometimes and sometimes I doctor it up. Stir in a pound of ground beef that's been browned with salt, pepper, garlic powder and cumin along with a handful of extra sharp cheddar shreds for a quick cheeseburger macaroni. Or stir in half a pound of browned hamburger and 1 1/2 cups spaghetti sauce, toss into a greased 8" square baking dish and top with mozzarella and Parmesan and bake for 20-30 minutes for Lasagna Mac & Cheese. One other way that sounds weird but tastes yummy is to add a cup of cooked chicken, shredded or diced, and a can of chicken ala king (eg. Swansons), toss into a greased 8" baking dish, top with cheddar and bake 20-30 minutes. Delish!

kimbalaya said...

We like to doctor it up by mixing a can of condensed cream of mushroom soup (straight from the can, not made into soup), and peas into the prepared mac-n-cheese. Sometimes a bit of browned burger crumbles as well. Yum!

ANGIE said...

I add cooked chicken and canned veggies. Yumm-o. Please pick me, we eat lots of mac&cheese esp. my daughter after school for snack!

Jen said...

mmm... .straight up is always a winner, but so is mixing in a can of tuna! It's amazing how something so quick and easy can taste sooo good!

Dayna said...

My children lived on original Kraft mac & cheese for a while, and then they took a 2-3 year hiatus. Recently, I introduced them to Kraft's white cheddar mac & cheese, and they love it! My 10-year-old would eat it every day if I would let her.

Anonymous said...

A year's supply? Do they have any idea how many boxes that would be for MY house? We like it the way it is - I don't ever add anything, because it never seems to taste as good as the original. I sometimes add garlic powder just to be a little different, but I love it the way it is, and so do my kids. Thanks for the chance to enter!

Harrisons said...

Kraft Mac and Cheese is a lunch time staple at this house. We eat it plain because we are usually in a hurry to eat!

Sara said...

we love kraft mac and cheese here. we have it plain, sometimes with hot dogs, and sometimes with ground meat mixed in.

Donetha said...

We eat it plain lots of times. My favorite way to eat mac & cheese is to add hot dogs and peas to it. My husband likes to add onions and more cheese. My kids like to add pepper.

Denise said...

I love mac n cheese!!!!!! I like to cut up hotdogs, or maybe broccoli, or even some browned hamburger meat and a can of cream of chicken soup and toss it in the oven with some extra cheese like parmesan and french fried onions! YUM!!!!!!

Gina said...

We eat a ton of mac and cheese at our house! Our new favorite is with taco meat, salsa and sour cream. Yummy!!

PastryTiff said...

We LOVE the blue box - it's the only kind I will let come into this house! In fact it's cooking right now. We eat it as is for the most part, but I do add a little extra milk and 2 slices of Kraft singles per box (we are a 4-5 box family)

Tiffany in Ohio

Unknown said...

For some reason I don't like the regular macaroni noodle kind. I prefer the spiral shaped or any other fun shapes they have. I love it as is and I LIVED on this stuff in college. =)

Laura B. said...

Easy Mac is how I got through college.

Anissa said...

We usually eat it as is, though my husband likes to add hotsauce to his. I never really got the whole adding hotdog pieces to it...bacon pieces sure, but hotdogs?

Jen said...

My kids LOVE Kraft Mac and Cheese. My kids like it with cut-up hot dogs in it. I prefer to doctor it up and make it more like traditional homemade mac and cheese......I add some cut-up ham and then sprinkle an mixture of bread crumbs and butter on top and pop it into the oven to get a nice, crisp top.

Stacie said...

My family lives on this stuff. I usually add some extra noodles to stretch it a little, and sometimes add leftover taco meat or hot dogs, too.

Jessi said...

I like mine with tiny cubes of ham. Takes me back to middle school. Kids love it anyway I serve it, even cold. Hubby like to mix in tomato sauce(ewww...) says it tastes awesome!

MA Smith said...

We add hamburger meat, corn, peas, and diced tomatoes.

It's yummy and filling. Plus, we make enough to eat to last us a few meals.

nfraser76 said...

Hi Dawn! I love your blog. We eat our Kraft Mac and Cheese just like it says on the box. The kids love, love, love it that way!

juliebug said...

We love Kraft mac and cheese. I think my daughter could live on it alone!! We like it just as is, sometimes with chicken nuggets or a hot dog.

Sheila said...

Love Mac-n-Cheese. My kids lived on this stuff :) We love it just plain or mixed with cubed chicken breast and broccoli florets. Yum!

Anonymous said...

We LOVE mac-n-cheese in our house and I only buy Kraft! We eat it plain sometimes or as a side dish. I love to put broccoli or peas & carrots in it to make it a little more of a balanced meal. Thanks Dawn!

Kara said...

I really could live on mac n cheese lol. For a long time that is what I had every single day for lunch. It's one of my favorite foods. I almost always serve it up just regular without any additions or anything, but sometimes I cut up hot dogs into it.

Elleah said...

I sometimes serve it as is, but I also enjoy turning into a Mexican dish. I add salsa and beef to it and it turns into a totally different dish.

Missy Johnson said...

Oh we love Kraft mac and cheese in this house. My girls 4 and 2 years old love to eat it just the way it comes. Yummy!

Mandy said...

Hello Dawn

I use 1 box of mac and cheese, can tuna, mayo, onion, carrots, and celery..I make the mac and cheese as directed..let it cool..dice up veggies..when mac and cheese is cooled I mixed all ingredients and chill (always taste better the next day) there you have Tuna macaroni salad. It is a hit at all picnics!!

Dan said...

Kraft M&C plus taco seasoned ground beef plus a can of Rotel brand tomatoes. Sometimes I add fresh jalapenos. Awesome!

Tammy said...

Mac-n-cheese is yummy! We eat it as is; my kids got their sense of food adventure from their father. (Rolling eyes.)

TheQueenMom said...

I like to dice up a ham steak and pan fry that with some diced onion. Steam up some broccoli and mix it all together. YUM!

Firelizards said...

My kids (including the husband) love mac and cheese! I try to make it a little healthier by mixing things in - I've found pureed veggies work best since they can't FIND them! But in a pinch some frozen broccoli works ok - they just whine about it more.

Sara said...

My daughter LOVES Kraft Easy Mac - straight from the microwave to her mouth!

Shannon said...

Here's one for college, I would buy Kraft Mac n' Cheese and eat the macaroni uncooked...can you say crunch? After all the macaroni was gone, I would eat the cheese powder...yummmm! My husband and friends still tease me but it was quite affordable :)

Unknown said...

I love MAC & CHEESE ! Personally I love it AS IS but once I fixed it this way and my family LOVES it...One box of Kraft Mac&Cheese, 4 hot dogs that you pan fry just to get them brown and 1 can of chili (of your choice). Mix all together and then sprinkle some shredded cheese on top ( can't ever have too much cheese) and bake for about 15 minutes...serve with a salad and voila'...DINNER !

Vanessa said...

1 year...OMG...that would be a LIFESAVER!!!!! My kids eat it EVERY DAY...seriously. They like it the old fashioned way...just like the box directions. I even sneak a few bites here and about comfort food! :)


Diana said...

We eat it "as is" as a side dish now but when we were first married and had little money, one of our favorite dinners (we had this A LOT) was a box of prepared mac and cheese and add in a can of green peas and a can of tuna. We still make it if the power goes out or for a lunch on occasion! Can't beat macaroni and cheese for an all American meal!

Laura said...

I don't do anything to it, it's perfect as-is. I hate homemade mac and cheese but I LOOOOVE fake orange mac and cheese from the blue box.

And, as a grad student, I don't think 50 boxes would last me a year ;) But it would be awesome anyway!

Carla said...

Oh! pick me pick me! I love me some mac & cheese!

Denise ~ Paper Ponderings said...

I think we could live on mac and cheese...kraft anyway. There is such a difference in the store brand the one in the blue box!! I sometimes add shredded cheese so I can have it stringy! I've been known to add broccoli or hot dots, but we love it plain...and sometimes with ketchup!

Lorna said...

Generally with chunks of hot dogs with a little beef stock for a little spice.

Anonymous said...

Bring it on! We just eat it the regular way. Occasionally when we want to make it a little less healthy, we add hot dogs. Actually, it's really yummy if you mix it with hot dogs, put it in a baking dish, sprinkle some cheese on top, and bake it at 350 for about 20 minutes!


Tracy S said...

My kids like it straight up as is. Hubs likes ground beef added. I like tuna added.

Jess said...

We grill up chicken and toss it in. We looove it!

The Cochran Family said...

We eat it as is usually. Sometimes we'll eat hot dogs w/o the buns... Yummy! My kids would live on Mac and Cheese if you let them...

Roni said...

What a wonderful thing to win!! When I make it sometimes I serve as is.. and sometimes I mix in a can of tuna and a can of peas. My house goes through mac n cheese a lot and we always buy kraft :)

Rebekah B said...

My children love it plain, but I love Mac-N-Cheese with LiL Smokies!!!

Jen@Scrapingirl said...

I love Kraft mac-n-cheese. I like to put bacon bits, or broccoli, or smoked sausage in ours. I'm gonna try chicken and broccoli this week. I've never heard of that. Sounds yummy.

AlaneM said...

Hoo boy that would be awesome!! My kids can polish off 2 boxes (with a package of cut up hotdogs mixed in) between the 3 of them & they are only 6 & 5! We can't afford the good stuff so having Kraft would be a blessing, I might actually want some too :)

Pam said...

We love Kraft mac n cheese! We serve it plain or with chunked up hot dogs.

Kelly M. in Texas said...

We love it and we eat it straight -- just as it is!!

Anonymous said...

We eat a box or two a week! Usually straight up, but sometimes with peas or a cut-up hot dog mixed in. It's so good the next day (if there's any left!) with ketchup on it. Weird, but so good.

-Beth in MI

Anonymous said...

Mmmm. We love some mac n cheese here.

The house favorite is probably a box(or two) of mac n cheese. With a can(or two) of drained tuna and some mixed veggies. and just a table spoon or so of sugar to give it a different taste. Absolutely fabulous

Brianna K.

SuperAlto said...

My son and I add peas and tuna. My daughter likes hers straight up :-) (I think she could eat 50 boxes by herself in a year!)

pednurse said...

This is one food I can guarantee my kids will eat without fussing about it. Served as is, plain original goodness. :)

Penny (CA) said...

My kids like it cooked according to the box and served with apple sauce and green beans.
Comfort is a good word for it.

Gabriel said...

our kiddos eat it with either broccoli or corn thrown in :)

Unknown said...

We use it in Chicken Broccoli casserole!

DeeDeeSkidee said...

I serve it as is. That way my 2-year old can smear it in his hair without having to deal with any extra chunks. Not only is it delicious... but it serves as a great hair styling product as well!

Lynn Kellan said...

Kraft Mac and Cheese is our favorite. I love that it is inexpensive, too.

Veggiemomof2 said...

This week I'm making Cheddar Mac & Ham Casserole, but I substitute Tuna for Ham.

Anonymous said...

We love this stuff at our house. We like it straight up but my husbands favorite comfort meal is kraft mac and cheese with ground up hamburg, gross I know but he loevs it every now and then.
Billie Jo

AiringMyLaundry said...

This would be a fantastic prize because my husband loves mac and cheese. Oh, my kids do too but my husband is always all, "Can we have mac and cheese? I'd really like some mac and cheese." He really is a big kid.

I like mac and cheese because it's one of the few things I can make without burning. It's fantastic. I just make it as is. I once tried to throw in broccoli and it freaked everyone out. So now I don't even bother adding anything.

JackieVonn said...

I would LOVE to win 50 boxes of mac n cheese! We usually have it straight up, but sometimes I'll slice some summer sausage and pan fry it, and mix all together YUMMY!

ya ya's mom said...

i put broccoli and chicken in it. oh boy would i love to win this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stefanie said...

I would NEVER add anything to Kraft mac & cheese, it's too good just the way it is!!!!

Would-Be Bonus Mom said...

I have a 7 year old and a 4 year old and we eat Kraft Mac & Cheese a MINIMUM of twice a week. I throw in everything from hot dog chunks to chicken chunks to sauteed hamburger meat to make a quick & easy meal after a long day at work and a long commute home!!

What a great prize AND a great cause!

Mandy Ferguson said...

When I make it for my daughter and the kids I babysit I serve it just the way it is. When I make it for my husband and me I often add some smoked sausage. Very yummy!:)

Jessica said...

We are hard core, plain jane, mac n cheese eaters. And only with real butter, no margarine for us.


EvelynMasters said...

We like to eat it plain with hot dogs on the side. We also have it a lot for a quick lunch. Kraft is the best and the whole family loves it!

jennie said...

I don't know what I haven't done to mac and cheese. I say it should replace all holiday meals.. throw in some hot dogs, ground beef, kielbasa or chicken and ta daa. I also do the broc and bread crumbs to it. I also use it for crafts with my 3 yr old. My dad had a can I made him in 1st or 2nd grade spray painted macaroni's that he still to this day uses! Kraft is timeless and the only brand I will buy.

Jamie said...

Um, 50 boxes is only a month's supply around here! My little guy would subsist only on Kraft mac n cheese if I let him! I use waaaaay less milk and margarine (country crock with added calcium) than the recipe calls for, but I would be tossed from the kitchen if I dared add anything extra!

smlemos said...

My boys love Kraft Mac n Cheese. I like to serve it with fried bologna on the side

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, I'm thinking that I eat mac and cheese waaay more than my daughter does! ;)

In our house, we like to slice up hot dogs and mix them in. I also make just the plain mac and cheese as a side dish. I think my favorite combo is Shake 'n Bake chicken (or pork chops) with mac and cheese and string beens as sides. YUMMY! Thanks for making me hungry - AGAIN!! ;)

Donna in PA :)

Nina said...

usually just plain. sometimes w penzey's fox point spice. my son could eat it 24/7 and want more.

Melanie said...

We serve it as is!

Unknown said...

My kids love it just plain but before kids my husband and I liked it in a beefaroni kind of dish. We added ground beef and stewed tomatoes and made a casserole out of it. Very good!

Nicole said...

I always made my mac n cheese then added in cooked ground beef, green peppers, and either diced tomatoes or some spaghetti sauce.

Being pregnant with #2, I am off to go make some now.


Jen K. said...

We love Kraft brand Mac and Cheese! The other brands are just not the same. My kids go for it just the way it is. I've tried adding extras to it, but the kids are not fans. Don't mess with perfection.

absterarnold said...

love mac and cheese! i usually make 2 boxes at a time because with 2 year old twins and a husband it doesn't last long! even the dog gets to enjoy it when the twins dump it on the floor!!!

MJ said...

I always dress it up with peas or corn or any veg that I have leftover in the fridge and either diced chicken or ground beef and salsa....yum

katie ann said...

I love putting a can of tuna in mine. You can get little cans or packets of tuna that go great with the easy mac bowls to take to work.

MaBunny said...

I used to live on this stuff, but my mom found it to be cheaper to buy macaroni and a big cheese block - so that is what I now do. She does however love the easy mac for school lunch.
I'm not entering to win, but there are tons of stuff to do with good ol' mac and cheese!

Kari said...

My kids usually like it straight up. Dh and I like to add a little flair to our Mac and cheese. I like to add a can of tuna, sliced black olives, and mushrooms to mine. Dh likes to add hamburger. Another way he likes it is with peas. He also like it with brats. Just depends on his mood. And Kraft mac and cheese is the absolute best!

Lindsey said...

We eat it plain of course. We sometimes have to make 3 boxes at a time to feed all of us, so winning this would be awesome. My 5 year old lives on his "cheese"!!!

Jenn said...

I always add bacon bits (the real bacon pieces, not those hard fake things) to my mac & cheese. I could live on it, too!

JLMiller2004 said...

My daughter's favorite is "mom's cheeseburger mac" She loves Kraft spirals with hamburger!

Karen said...

50 Boxes!!! Holy Moly! We eat it just as is. I don't put as much butter or milk in as they suggest and my kids love it. They're always thrilled when we go out to eat and they get the mac and cheese and it's Kraft. They can tell the difference!

Dayna said...

I sometimes dice ham and fry it up and mix it in with the mac and cheese.

Anonymous said...

How could I pass up a chance to feed my kids Mac n Cheese every day for a year?! Okay, maybe that would be a little overboard but I bet they would love it. My variation is simple, add some frozen peas to the noodles during the last couple boiling minutes. I think it tastes great but my kids (and husband) would say don't mess with a good thing.

Sarah Proctor said...

My husband is a sick, sick man. He makes Mac~n~Cheese with tuna and mayo. He and the kids just eat it up but I prefer mine without the tuna and mayo.

Kerri S said...

This is so cool!! We just eat it as is most of the time sometimes I add hambuger to for a quick dinner.

Whining and Dining said...

this would be great for my girls (ages 3, 2 and 1) they can eat a whole box by themself. what a great giveaway! msnavygirl2002 at yahoo dot com

KarenKal said...

My kids LOVE Easy Mac. I think it's totally gross. :)
Growing up my Mom used to make mac and cheese in the oven. she would make the mac and cheese on the stove, ground up hamburger meat and add tomato soup (mix the 3 of them up) and bake it in the oven for 30 minutes. I used to love it!

Karen R. said...

The only thing we do different for mac and cheese is that we like it a little soupie! Ya know, a little extra milk so it slides down your throat, no need for chewing really! And I must say, 50 boxes is not a years suppy at our house but it would be a good start!

Chris Davis said...

This would be such an awesome prize to win. I am about to have my 7th baby, and my oldest is 9 years old. My two oldest make mac and cheese with tuna, canned chicken, or chopped hot dogs with a bag of frozen veggies. Knowing they can make this meal for themselves is a big help for me when I am busy chasing the youngers.

Lee said...

Whoa! That's a lot of different ways of fixing the mac and cheese...I do it the old, boring way, from the directions on the box. I'll try something new the next time I fix it. I hope I don't have a mutiny on my hands. My kids like it the regular way. I'd love to win this giveaway...we'd definitely use it. Thanks.

Teresa said...

My kids eat it with nothing added, but after four kids within 16 years, which equals 27 years of kids at home I have to add LOTS of salsa to mine.

limetulips said...

thick n' creamy with peas and corn... sometimes chicken/hamburger if there was planning ahead involved.

Anonymous said...

We love to eat it just plain. On occasion I add some tuna and of course we put extra parmesan on the top. Bring it on!


Betsy said...

I love love love the blue box stuff just straight up as directed. It is comfort for sure. Although you can't go wrong with a hot dog sliced into the bowl too.

Anonymous said...

We love it just plain over here in Oregon.


Tara said...

gotta love the blue box!! i like to make it with 2 boxes of mac and cheese, a pound of browned ground beef, one can of cream of mushroom soup,a can of cream corn,and a can of regular corn. mix together and cook until warm all the way through! yum yum!!

Amanda said...

Why doctor it up? It is perfection!

Daddy's Girls! said...

so my 5 yo tells me that she wants to have 'homemade macaroni and cheese' and she's referring to Kraft Macaroni and Cheese -- from the blue box! but it *has* to be freshly prepared. It could not have been previously refrigerated. It could not have been doctored in *any* way shape or form, nothing added, nothing taken away ! But I did figure out a way to add a little more butter and milk when I warm it up in the microwave to try to 'trick her' into thinking it' "homemade" but then she got smart to that, and wanted to see the pot that I had 'just made it homemade' in.. LOL of my three children she's the only one who seems to be so particular in how the mac and cheese is prepared. My 3 yo will eat it until it's turned rancid, should that ever happen - as it never does in our home! LOL and we love costco, we buy it in bulk there!

Laura G said...

We like mac n cheese with a generous handful of shredded cheddar in the pot, to make it look homemade. Also black pepper, and I personally like some little peas on the side. I think we'll have it tomorrow!

Becki Buss said...

My friends make fun of me because I am always making some sort of Mac&Cheese 'sperament. The favorites around here are M&C with tuna ( super yum ), M&C with beef flavored ramen noodles ( don't knock it till ya try it! ), M&C with hotdog chunks and ketchup ( the ketchup part makes my friend Steph wrinkle her nose ), M&C with corn and ground turkey or beef or even with canned turkey or chicken, and M&C with eggs and crumpled bacon. I never really learned how to cook so I always feel like a super cook when I come up with new mixtures to go into M&C.

Save Room said...

We use less milk. It makes it cheesier :)

jenhirr said...

The reason I love it kids can make it! Straight up, at our house.

Pick me!

Anonymous said...

We've used Kraft Mac & Cheese to make everything from soup to salads and for the standard skillet hamburger/pasta dishes. About the only thing I haven't tried is adding fruit. Would be really nice to win a year's supply!

Sharon Harris said...

There's just something about kids and Kraft mac & cheese; I think every kid in America has been addicted to "the cheesiest" at some point in their lives. And it was also the first thing my son made all by himself. I've no doubt it keeps many college kids from starving each day. If I should win, I promise to donate half of my supply to our local food pantry since I don't have that many kids at home now.

Rhonda said...

I'm a purist and serve it just as it is. I love to fix a couple of boxes to take to church suppers because sometimes, once the adults have hogged all of the fried chicken, it's the only recognizable food that my kids will eat.

Cheryl V said...

Wow, a year's supply of Mac & Cheese! I would love to win that, and I know two little boys who would love it too! I tend to serve it as is :)

Anonymous said...

My kids live on Mac N Cheese!! 50 boxes is a years supply??? Boy am I in trouble. lol!! Usually the kids just eat it plain but sometimes I mixes it up with hot dog chunks in it.


Dana said...

I love it just the way it is - never doctored! But I do remember this one time at a friends house about 15 years ago my friend's mom made mac and cheese with hot dogs after a morning of sledding. I thought it was the strangest thing. I ate the mac and cheese around the hot dog pieces and then ate the hot dog pieces.

Christine in NJ said...

OH OH OH - 50 Boxes of Roni Mac and Cheese!!!!... My kids AND my checkbook would LOVE it! How do we serve it? AS IS!!!!... But all 4 kids have a different favorite SOOOO I frequently have several pots of water boiling on the stove!... Occassionally (very rarely!) I have some leftover - which I use as a side for ME (comfort food!) because all of my kids will ONLY eat FRESH Roni Mac and Cheese! -Thanks Dawn for another great contest!


Sara said...

My kids could live on this stuff! Yum!

Amy in Douglas, NE said...

Mostly, I serve it as it, but every once in a while we do what is called "Mac N Stuff"

You make the Mac & Cheese like it says on the box. But you add one box of (prepared) Stove Top Stuffing, 4 sliced up hot dogs & peas (seems like it's about a cup or two of peas).

I know it sounds strange, but it's really good. Sometimes, I add more than 4 hot dogs, or I use leftover bratwurst or kielbasa. It just kind of depends on my mood, and what we have in the fridge. :)

Unknown said...

Kraft Mac and Cheese is Nasty with a capital N, full of all kinds of nasty artificial colors and stuff. If I don't have time to make macaroni and cheese from scratch, I'll serve some Annie's. I'd rather starve than eat the Kraft Krap.

Jennie said...

Yummy! We love Kraft Mac and Cheese straight. My oldest adds hot dogs and chili sometimes.

JULIEMAY said...

My three girls could live on Mac & Cheese!! I prepare it just like the box says and then add a Kraft single slice of cheese. Let it melt and then stir it in....makes it really cheesey. YUM!

Anonymous said...

it is the perfect thing to serve in the summer when the babysitter is there. I would love to win.

Julie L

Harmony said...

Love Kraft Dinner! This is one thing where you cannot substitute the store brand! We love it on its own but sometimes I put tuna, or hotdogs or even brown beans in it. Really good!

Kelly B said...

I serve it up just as it is for my kids. They love it!

Sharon said...

We love it plain, but my favorite way is with extra shredded cheese and hot dog slices - with black pepper.

Mom in MN said...

My kids will only eat the White Cheddar variety. We eat one box between the three of us. (Hubby is on his own for dinner on the nights when the kids want "mac 'n cheese from a box" as they call it. (They must make the distinction between Kraft and my homemade mac 'n cheese.)

dramamama said...

I serve Kraft Mac & Cheese two different ways (in addition to straight up traditional that is):

1) I mix a little salsa into it...YUM!

2) I cook up a pound of hamburger, then mix the mac & cheese, the hamburger, and a can of diced (or crushed) tomatoes.

Both are very popular with the kids!

JennM said...

Love Kraft Macaroni and Cheese. I think that's how I survived college. LOL. My kids love it now and it's a quick easy meal especially on ball game nights!

Rox said...

Kraft has THE BEST Mac 'n Cheese, it's the only one I use and my kids just love it plain with nothing added.
Thanks Kraft!

rebecca said...

I'd love to win!
We add italian seasoning and olives. My kids love it this way!
What a wonderful thing this program is doing!
God bless them and you Dawn for sharing this with us!

Purple Quilter Queen said...

Plain and simple with a little salt and pepper. That's how my kiddo likes it. Me too! Cold or hot - either way is fine with me! Jenn

erika said...

I buy it in bulk, its a students staple! I add ranch dressing to it. Yum!

Michigan Mama to 2 said...

Yes, would love to win mac n cheese for a year, imagine the savings.

We eat it plan or make a whole meal out of it by adding a can of tuna & can of peas.

Tina, MI

Tawny said...

I will put a can of tuna and a can of peas in with it.

Carm and Jay said...

I eat the whole box by myself! I add the regular ingredients plus a little salt and tobasco! Yum Yum Yum.

Cookie said...

My kids like mac and cheese with hotdogs. Pick me!

Marisela said...

HA! I made some last night! I like it straight up, like God meant it to be eaten. My kids, on the other hand, like it mixed w/ tuna. Makes a great, quick lunch for them!

Amanda E said...

We typically serve mac n cheese just the way it isbut occasionally tailor it to our own likes - My DH likes his to be a bit soupy, I may add either tuna or shredded chicken now and then for a bit of protein and flavor boost. Yummy any way you serve it!

Tina in Ohio said...

I throw in a can or two of tuna, some frozen peas, and a little bit of cheddar cheese.

Anonymous said...

Mac and Cheese is a staple in our house. We eat several boxes a week. Usually I will just serve as is with something on the side but I have been reading about the fun ways to change it up and may try them!!!! We would love to win a year supply of Mac and Cheese. Ohhh and like the other people said we don't buy any other because tastes as good as the blue box!!!

Amber Narae said...

Clicked... and putting it on every twitter! Thanks for sharing, Dawn!

larene said...

my mom put TUNA FISH --yes you heard it right-- in Kraft. Personally, I like to add even more cheese, less butter and call it good.

Unknown said...

Our favorite is just straight up, as-is. However, I will sometimes add hot dog chunks or ground hamburger and a little salsa, if I want to make it into more of a meal rather than a side dish or snack. We LOVE mac n cheese :)

Missy in FL said...

My husband adds canned tuna to his. We eat it straight, no chaser :) I owe Kraft a debt of gratitude for providing my kids with dinner on nights I wanted to run screaming from the kitchen.

Shane said...

My wife likes to add a little ground mustard to it. It gives it just a little kick

mommyrox said...

My 7 year old loves mac-n-cheese.
Here is the gross part. He likes 1/2 the bowl with mac the other 1/2 is home made applesause. Then he mixes it together. He loves it so much he has two bowls.

MarcomMom said...

I don't mix veggies in, but often serve steamed broccoli on the side. We love the new 50% whole-grain Kraft Mac and Cheese, too.

Unknown said...

Usually we serve it plain. Sometimes we add extra cheese. If I'm trying to serve a super quick meal to the kids I'll add two packs of microwavable Boca Ground burger and a bag of frozen veggies. Super quick meal.

When I was a little kid, my parents would leave a box of Kraft Mac & Cheese out on the counter every time they were going out for dinner. It was a message to my older sister to make it for me for dinner. :)

Unknown said...

My girls love mac and cheese, they could live on it!

Valerie Leonard said...

We usually leave it the way the box says! Sometimes I'll add in some ground beef and extra cheese and serve it as an alternative main dish. Love it!!

Valerie G said...

We LOVE mac-n-cheese in my house! I normally just serve it normal, but there have been times I have snuck chicken or a veggie in there for my picky son :)
Please pick me!

Jennifer from Hurricane said...

YUMMY!! Our Mac 'n Cheese is usually servied with the Little Smokies. But every now and the a can of chili or a scoop of salsa is added instead to give it that extra flavor. If it weren't for Mac 'n Cheese at my house, the FFY nights (fend for yourself) would be nothing but a bowl of cereal for my husband and daughter.

Valerie O. from Ohio said...

It is the cheesiest! Husband loves Tuna Delight (mac & cheese, cream of mushroom, & tuna). For my son it's straight up or a sometimes a couple of slices of Kraft singles. Me? I just get whatever is leftover!

-T- said...

We love it best with tuna, cream of m'room soup and a can of corn! YUM!

Anonymous said...

Mac & Cheese is the all time best side dish. It goes great with Grilled Cheese Sandwiches, salmon patties, hamburgers, tuna sandwiches or even doctored up withs ome extra cheese. My kids love it.

Anonymous said...

My daughter's have different ways that they enjoy mac and cheese, and both ways are enjoyed by all! The youngest one has mac and cheese, hamburger meat, corn, and a bit of garlic. The older one prefers mac and cheese, stove top stuffing, hotdogs, and peas. Both are delicious!

Wendy Hill said...

as is and with tuna

aceiatx said...

I like to cook a turkey frank in a skillet until warm an then slice it up and add it to my Kraft Mac-N-Cheese. My husband likes to cookd ground beef and add that in to his. My son likes both of those and when we add broccoli.

Amie said...

At my house, it's served either straight up, or with tuna fish and peas... said...

Mac N Cheese is my daughter's fav food. (and many days all she will eat!) She doesn't like any "mix-ins", so it's served plain around here. Although sometimes I'll separate some for myself and add a little tuna and extra shredded cheese.
Thanks for the chance to win some!


Tina said...

We like our Mac and Cheese just as is. Sometimes with a couple hotdogs cut up and thrown in though.

Anonymous said...

I love mac n cheese with a can of drained tuna fish and cooked green peas. YUM ! I could eat the whole pot.

Julie said...

my kids love this stuff. they especially love easy mac. I do too, since they can fix it themselves.

Denise said...

Tuna and mushroom soup. Sounds gross, but it's really good. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

My favorite way is a casserole that I involves mac n cheese, evaporated milk, and extra shredded cheese, and butter, and french-fried onions. :D It's soooo yummy.

RobinAN said...

Mac & cheese all alone or with hotdogs or with polish sausage or with hamburger or for extra cheeesssyyy add Ragu cheese sauce!
My kids love it all!!

Stephanie R said...

Total comfort food! We like it as-is, although I usually add more butter (I don't measure). We also like it with browned hamburger and a can of ro-tel.

Stacy said...

I love Mac & Cheese, too. My kids like it just as it is. I always eat mine with just a dash of black pepper. We also like it with browned hamburger meat for cheeseburger macaroni. Mmmmm!

Ker said...

I'm a girl who needs to eat it plain, with just a little pepper. My husband and daughter swear by the man and cheese with hotdog option.

Thanks for this, Dawn!

Anonymous said...

Only a family of two here, but we love Kraft M&C just like everyone else! We also love your blog and have followed since the beginning! Betsy

Carrie said...

I serve it to the kids as is, but my husband likes to add hot sauce or cayenne pepper to his! I also love making it in the microwave so I don't have to heat up the kitchen as much... its hot in Arizona!!

The mom said...

My three year old requests "mac n cheese hot dog" almost every day for lunch. So, that's what we eat a lot of in this house. Mac and cheese with cut up hot dog mixed in :)

Anonymous said...

I love to serve Kraft Macaroni and cheese with Koegel Hot dogs. I always buy some when I am in Michigan, as Oklahoma does not have Koegel-Thank goodness you can get Kraft Macaroni and cheese in any state. Okie Nana

BeccaSaun84 said...

Ooooh! Mac-n-cheese.. I swear I'd eat a box a day when I was pregnant! My daughter and I looove it with just a tad of bacon bits sprinkled on top. It's the cheesiest! ;-) hehe!

Stephanie said...

My four year old loves mac-n-cheese with tuna and peas. Yum!

Stacey Cory-Carachure said...

Yummy with some shredded pepperjack cheese mixed in!

Missy said...

We don't doctor it up here! Just plain, it's the best :)

Leandra Williams said...

With cubed up ham and peas... yum!


crazy4mycrafts said...

Everyone in my house eats mac-n-cheese! But the one thing we add to it is ketchup! Interesting what others add though!

Four Men and a Lady said...

Sometimes I put cubed ham in it and use it as a meal... we all love it, well, except for my self-proclaimed vegetarian who picks out all the ham and enjoys his mac-n-cheese au natural.

Cristen said...

I love mac and cheese but it is best served with cooked hamburger with out draining the fat I know that it sounds nasty but if you make the mac and cheese as according to the package then just add about a half to one pound of burger it is grand!! it is not so bad with some good old ketchup.

Smiller said...

Mac 'n' cheese is my husband's forte when feeding our daughters. He add spices and meats (usually hotdog), tweaks the milk/butter ratio, generally gourmet. I, on the other hand, serve it up "as is" on a paper plate. They like it both ways

Anonymous said...

Mac n cheese - just as it is.
Thanks for this contest.


Kathy said...

Oooh! We are HUGE Kraft fans around here! We usually eat mac & cheese without anything added but occasionally I'll throw in some hotdog chunks, you know.. for variety. :) This would be an awesome prize to win!

cbuttery said...

We eat it "plain Jane"...I once slaved for hours making the perfect homemade mac' n' cheese and the kids woulndn't eat it because it wasn't ORANGE! Gotta love them!

Katie Lamont said...

I like it with a little ketchup, mixed with some green peas and fish sticks on the side! LOL, it's always been a weird thing that I liked :)

Kim in Columbia, MD said...

Yum! We love mac & cheese. Sometimes plain, sometimes southwestern with ground beef, sauteed onions, salsa and taco meat seasoning added in. Add a green salad and, voila, dinner's on the table in a snap!

Lisa said...

My kids like it plain old, and almost every day.

Brandi said...

We eat it plain, with add-ins, and as a casserole. Add-ins may be different meats or veggies. For a casserole we add cream soup, a veggie, a meat, and some Worcestershire sauce.

Rachel said...

I used to be embarassed that my kids ate so much Mac & Cheese. . . but they love it!! Plain Jane for our house, although I think I might try some of these other suggestions!!

Thanks for the contest!

melissa said...

In our house mac n cheese gets served as is! I've tried making my own, but you know what - the kids don't like it! They like Kraft's Kraft's it is :)

Unknown said...

This might sound gross, but it's actually good. For a quick meal, we add tuna and sometimes broccoli. It's nice to have on hand when you need dinner quickly.

Syar said...

Kraft mac n cheese is my emergency meal for the days I don't feel like cooking. Now that I have preteens, they make it themselves.

T- said...

We serve it as is!

Love it!

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