Monday, May 18, 2009

In My Washing Machine are Many Things

I would think the world was ending if I ever switched loads of laundry and I didn't find any rocks, twigs, Legos, Polly Pocket clothes, dollar bills, gum, notes, nails, screws, bolts, washers, Nintendo DS game cartridges, Magnetix, wrappers, pencils, lip gloss, student IDs, disposable diapers, baseball cards, coins, candy, or misc. garbage I've picked up off the floor intending to throw away.
This is what I found today...

Fruit snacks. No one had them in their pocket. I asked the kids and they all insisted it wasn't them. They just magically appeared. Funny how that works, huh?
I just hope I got them all before I put these clothes in the dryer or I'm going to have one nasty, sticky mess. I'm kind of afraid to look.

And on an unrelated note, I found these pictures on the internal memory of my camera. I'm not sure how old they are or which one of the kids decided to dress up Brooklyn like this...

Yep, I encourage the baby to look like a psycho killer, zombie, pirate wrapped in Ace bandages with bad hair.


Ruth said...

I'm sorry but that picture is Hilarious, now I can go to bed with a smile on my face!! :)

Anonymous said...

I recently had a similar experience. My two year old stashed some in a NEW dress pocket.

Fortunately just a little HOT HOT HOT water and they dissolved and rinsed out. After a few more washes the RED stain on the WHITE dress was completely gone.

So if it gets on anything I'd try that method before anything else.

-Brianna, Mom of two.

AlwaysBecca said...


Stephanie said...

Oh my goodness! I am laughing out loud at the pictures of Brooklyn.

And I'll Raise You 5 said...

I always have plant materials in my laundry. Comes from having the laundry room right by the back door and having a landscaper husband. Drives me batty.

Love the zombie look. My baby (2-yr. old, youngest of 5) told me yesterday that "I shoot you and you die." The youngest of a big brood picks up these gems at a tender age, doesn't she?

H-Mama said...

Thanks for the laugh! I love those camera surprises... although I must say, none of ours have been quite as 'creative'? :D

Liz's Random Thoughts said...

Those pictures are hilarious!
She is, a blue faced pirate who is half mummy and half ninja. And has an extremely wavy hair so that she can be on the new Aussie hair commercials...;)

Anonymous said...

I actually appreicate the kids who dressed Brooklyn like this. i think it took a lot of team work and cooperation to create this masterpiece! and Dawn, good job at recognizing that's Brooklyn! For a sec, it did creep me out!


Crystal said...

Lol. The pics of Brooklyn remind me of pics I find on my camera from time to time of my kids!

Arlene said...

First time commenter, long time reader! Isn't it amazing what we find in the washer and the internal memory of our camera! Love the picture of Brooklyn! Kinda like a smurfy munchkin!

Frau Mahlzahn said...

;-). Cool pictures.

My two year old, who's sitting on my lap, thinks these pictures are great, she just loves them -- uaaaah, but this is talking about the toddler who picks up a stick from the ground and says: "knive!"

The Crazy Blonde Cougar said...

Too funny!! I remember the days. Never knew what color the laundry was going to come out on any given day, nevermind what was going to come out with it if you didn't go through it with a fine-toothed comb first. Then heaven forbid one of the kids toys get destroyed in the wash..OMG!!! Who's to blame for that one? Oh yes, I remember the days and I remember them all too well, with all four of my kids.

Anonymous said...

UGH!!! Disposible diapers in the washer! That gooey gel stuff NEVER comes off the clothes!!!

Suburban Correspondent said...

On her, it looks cute.

Figaro said...

Thank you for my morning laugh! I wonder what she will think about that years from now...

Melinda said...

Too funny ... I have an old picture of my son, who was about three at the time. His sister and her friend had dressed him up as a ballerina, complete with high heels and a fairy princess wand (kind of the reverse of your 'evil' dress up story! lol.)
I see blackmail in his future.


Michelle said...

Wow, that's a pretty impressive haul -- but at least you're getting paid! ;)

So does a Nintendo game survive being washed?

Also, may I recommend checking clothes for stickers? The chiro gives the wee ones stickers each time we go, and only about 20% of the time do the wee ones take them off before putting them in the wash. A washed sticker on clothing is a nightmare. The sticky gunk NEVER comes off. *sigh*

Shannon said...

Oh. My. GOSH! I am laughing os hard right now! My 3-year-old daughter just asked me "Mommy why does that widdle boy have a blue face?"

Tina said...

Hah, well Iv made a point now to check all pockets in my laundry...otherwise certain things might get ruined. The husband is notorious for leaving pens in his pocket.

Corrine said...

Crayons are the worst.

Cute cherub. You must be proud!!!

Anonymous said...

My kids are 20 and 11 and I've mostly got them trained to empty their pockets. Mostly. My 42 year old brother, however, was here a few weeks ago and did a load of his laundry. When he left I found his spare car key and a wad of wet kleenex in the machine. I'm guessing it never really gets better.

Alana said...

ROFL. That picture is hilarious! Too too funny. Thanks for the giggle. :)

Anonymous said...

LOL!!!! I only have 3 kids but I find all kinds of fun things in the washer and dryer and of course they usually say it is not theirs! Unless of course it is rocks then that was the rock they picked up to add to the million others they have in their "collection"!!! I have washed a DS game once and we waited for it to dry out and put it in the game and it still works. Indiana Jones just needed a good washing!!! LOL

aceiatx said...

Heh- the ace bandages were probably to make her look like a mummy too!

jana said...

HILARIOUS!! Thanks for the good laugh to begin my day.

Magda said...

OH MY GOD DAWN!!! I am laughing my head off!!!!! Those pics are PRICELESS!!!!! BWAAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!!!!!

Katy said...

LOVE the pictures of Brooklyn!!!!

Jessica said...

The photos of Brooklyn had me in tears, I was laughing so hard.

MissCRegrets said...

LOL! I wouldn't think she would be able to raise her arms!

Anonymous said...

And it is good of you to support her no matter what she wants to be when she grows up....even if it is a phycho killer, zombie, pirate wrapped in Ace bandages with bad hair. ;-)

St Helens OR

Shauna said...

No, she's a mummy-pirate, rockstar-crimal, blue-man-group back up singer. There is a multi-tasking girl!

Carrie said...

i just read the section of your book with the disposable diapers in the wash, so this post got me laughing again. i can't even imagine dealing with all those little gel balls. its bad enough trying to wipe them off a baby's bottom when i've let them stay in one diaper a little too long! thanks for the laughs!

Tracy said...

I constantly find little rocks in my machine. My son has a playground at school with rocks covering it. he "collects" them.
That picture is freaking hilarious!

C-Rah said...

Something mysterious was knocking around in my dryer today, and I don't even WANT to know what it was. And to think, I only have a husband to deal with! I can't imagine the treasure trove you get in your dryer every week.

Frau Mahlzahn said...

Michelle asked:

So does a Nintendo game survive being washed?

That IS a good question! So, does it?

So long,

Jkhb said...

Ok, laughing so hard I couldn't read anymore!

Pam from alertandorientedx4 said...

What I think is the most precious is that you could tell which kid it is....mine did stuff like this and I had to identify the kid on the old camera by the furniture and color of the walls....sigh

Stephanie said...

The zombie child is soooo funny! I was laughing out loud!! That is priceless! You need to keep that for when Brooklyn starts dating! ha ha!

I have been getting pull ups in the wash lately! Talk about gross! I have had rocks, paper, gum, lipstick, video games, toys, etc, etc! But there is nothing worse than a pull up! UGH!

Robin said...

That is the funniest picture of Brooklyn. I can imagine a smile from ear to ear under that mask!

Did any fruit snacks escape and make it in to the dryer? I sure hope not!!

DeeAnne said...

You clearly asked the wrong question... the question was not who had them in their pocket. The question was who stashed them in the laundry hamper!

Unknown said...

Oh my Goodness-- those pictures are HILARIOUS (and a little bit freaky all at the same time)!!!! Did you not just crack up so bad when you saw them??? Thanks for the laugh!

PS- I find the strangest things in my laundry, too- and most of it doesn't make sense either.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the dryer magically turns those missing socks into fruit snacks.

Anonymous said...

Lol @ Brooklyn that made my morning.


Jacci O. said...

ROFL, Brooklyn looks way too funny!

amyanne said...

I know everyone else said it...but ohmygosh that is too funny. I love you. Thanks for the laugh!

Gina said...

What??! You've never heard of Serial Killer Smurf? LMAO on this one! Save this idea for Halloween next year. WHenever I'm having a bad day I just have to look at this blog.

Diagnose Rachel said...

I LOVE IT when my kids steal the camera and later I find all sorts of odd photos on the memory card.

Still laughing as I think of Brooklyn's photo. did you even know it was her? And I'm very impressed at the other kids ace bandange wrapping skills. Have they had first aid training? My last ER doctor didn't even do as good a job as Brooklyn has on her legs!

Oh, belated thanks for the book i won in your last give a way :) . I got it, Jumped once for joy, then made my confused husband take pictures of me opening the package and smelling it to see if Chicago smelled different. (which it did not) I'm enjoying you book SLOWLY, because I don't want it to's like group thereapy for mothers of big families :)

Love ya Dawn! Hope you're over the cold/flu.

Anonymous said...

In reference to the person who left the candy in the pocket. That would be your seventh child, "NOT ME". :)

Beth in Texas said...

You know, if you checked the pockets before you put stuff in the washing machine, this wouldn't happen. ;-) If I had checked the pockets of my kids' pockets recently, I wouldn't have washed the new neato Star Trek toy that came in the Rice Krispies (not that we ever eat cereal for breakfast -- I *always* cook from scratch), the merit badge card that had all the signatures on it so my son can get that merit badge (yeah, now, he can get it right after he does everything all over again) and the Speed Racer Mach 5 which came out the best of all the items. BTW, email me if you ever want to know how to remove melted crayon from your dryer drum. I full of good advice on that one too.

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