Tuesday, March 10, 2009

You Can't Take it With You

I can't remember if I talked about the play I'm in on my blog. I may have just mentioned it on Facebook. In any case, I'm in the play You Can't Take it With You right now. The performances are this weekend so I have rehearsal every night this week. (In other words, I'm going to be posting a couple reruns this week.)

I've been in a play once a year for more than 10 years. This has been my one outlet throughout the years, where I've been able to do something for me; something that I enjoy; something for Dawn the person, not Dawn the mom or Dawn the wife. Of course, now my life is a little different and over the past year and a half I've had the chance to do many things for myself. But in the past especially, this has been the one thing I've taken time to do for myself simply because I enjoy it.

This year I'm playing the part of Gay Wellington, a drunk actress. I go on stage, get drunk, and pass out. So easy a caveman can do it. It's actually a really fun part to play. At one point, I have to flip over the back of the couch. I'm afraid I'm going to tumble head-over-heels one of these times. It hasn't been a big deal, however, because I've just been wearing jeans at rehearsals. Today, I had to do it in my costume (which is a dress.) Because I had this overwhelming tiny little fear of flipping over the couch a little too energetically and ending up with my dress over my head, I made sure I put on a pair of Spanx under my dress. For those of you who don't know, Spanx are a type of undergarment that takes me 25 minutes to put on because I have to hold my breath and inch these up over my hips that have given birth to 6 kids. It's not an easy task. The wet suit I wore while swimming with the dolphins was easier to put on than these Spanx.

So, after 25 minutes of wrestling with these things, holding my breath, sucking in all my fat, and struggling to pull these stupid things up over my butt, I got them on. Then I remembered that Spanx just happen to be crotchless which, of course, makes sense because who wants to go through that routine every time they have to pee, right? Not that I've ever peed while still wearing my Spanx, come to think of it. I take them off anyway which pretty much defeats the whole crotchless idea. Anyway, as I was saying, after going through that whole routine, I remembered that they were crotchless which pretty much defeats my whole reason for wearing them to begin with. I think I'll be wearing shorts under my dress tomorrow. Just in case. Don't want to scare anyone in the front row, you know.


Anonymous said...

As I was reading this I was thinking...hmmm, my Spanx don't have a crotch! lol

Sandy in Illinois said...

Nice pictures!

Rachel said...

I'm so sorry... I saw the first picture and immediately went 'huh?' I mean, what's that lady behind you doing with her leg up on the couch. Is that really what I see?

Is it some kind of psuedo ballet dancer warming up for her part?

Love that you do this and hope we can catch a couple clips on here soon! :)

Cheryl said...

That's hilarious about the spanx. I had no idea they were crotchless. Never tried em. I'd definitely go with shorts under the dress. Love the pics of rehearsal! Hope you have a wonderful time doing the play!

Beth said...

i love it! looks like a ton of fun!

Kaitlin said...

I saw this play a few years ago at my brother's high school. It was really good. They have a great theater group. The girl who played your part was great...and I'm sure you will do great too!

On Stage said...

Good luck with your performance...


I bought a pair of Spanx for our high school reunion (don't tell anyone), spent the 25 minutes putting the stupid things on, then realized they were defective! There was a giant hole in the crotch! I think it was Amy F. who explained to me that the hole was supposed to be there for potty breaks. I don't know about you, but I'm not talented enough to pee through a hole... and of course I didn't attempt it at the reunion for fear I would wet myself and have to leave!


Anonymous said...

Love the pictures of you passed out on the couch! Wish I could see the play. I hope that you have lots of fun! And as they say in show biz, break a leg! ;)

Anita in Indiana.

AiringMyLaundry said...

Great pictures!

I've never worn Spanx before but I may have to start if I don't stop eating these Girl Scout cookies.

Anonymous said...

I have a reunion soon--July/August. I have been telling myself I just need to lose 25 pounds well 30. I knew about Spanx so forget the dieting--I'm going to the store :)

Have an awesome day everyone :)
Angeleyes Blue

Andi said...

Awesome, I would love to see it. Break a leg, Dawn. I know you'll be great!

Anonymous said...

hee hee. That's hilarious. Um I was wondering how you could be daydreaming in the middle of a play (what with all of the blocking and lines to remember) but now I see how it could be very easy! If I had to hold still and lay down in an evening after a typical day chasing my two little ones...you'd probably be waking me up from snoring in the middle of your play!

Anonymous said...

Break a leg Dawn! Also want to wish you a very happy birthday! Thanks for the giggles about the Spanx! Too funny!

Anonymous said...

why is that lady's leg on the couch?

Anonymous said...

We will be there on Friday, can't wait to see the show.
By the way Joe was so sweet at joys and concerns showing your book. He was so proud of you.
Amy P

noexcuses said...

We have the knock-off of Spanx, which, I am pleased to say, is not crotchless, as it is worn by someone dear to me who wears her skirts too short to school. That's the only way she gets out of the house!

Break a leg!!! You are going to be great!

Jennifer in Wisconsin said...

Thanks for the info on Spanx. I also have a class reunion this summer (my husband's) to attend and this will hopefully help lots. Any recommendations on which size to pick so I do not pick the wrong one?

Anonymous said...

Funny....looks a lot like a picture of Brooklyn asleep on the couch at home...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing the pics, Dawn! Looks like fun! ;)

Have a great time and break a leg!

Donna in PA :)

I said it on Facebook, but I'll say it here, too **Happy Birthday to you!!**

Michelle said...

Sadly... I never even thought or knew about the crotchless part. Lovely! And nice dress! It's ummm so attractive :)


Anonymous said...

I realize I'm one of your older readers, and I'm not familiar with these spanx thingies. So I have a question - If they are snug enough to defy the work of gravity, can you still breathe well enough to say your lines and get the necessary projection for stage work? I'd be more concerned they'd mistake me for Mama Smurf and I wouldn't have to "act" like I passed out. %) Have a ball and let us know how it goes.

Claire said...

Ok I don't think my Spanx have a hole (I can't believe we are actually discussing this!). I will have to check them the next time I decide to torture myself by putting them on!

Unknown said...

Poor Dawn: I honestly think that scene is about the ONLY rest break you have ben getting lately.
On a different matter:Would you ever consider getting some Ex Libris stickers to personalize(briefly) and mail out to those of us who were here at the start of all of this?Of course, one would first have to actually BUY your book...and then request a sticker onto which you have written: To Archibald..Thank You for believeing in me. Then we would get the sticker in the mail..MARVEL at it for a moment..paste it into our new copy..and maybe even tell a friend or towo.."Why, I KNEW her when she was selling PokeMon on Ebay" and of course, insist that they rush out and buy a book also!
THAT"S what ya call "marketing"!
Best wishes Always,
Mark in MASS

Tiffany said...

HA When I was in High School I was bi time into Drama and we did this play! I wasn't in it but instead found my thing as a Stage Manager. I was much better at scaring all the actors into doing great than acting HAHA! I hope it goes over well - this play was so much fun!

Charming Lizard said...

I directed this play a few years ago, and it's really a blast. So... what song did you have to sing, and will there be a video posted of you warbling?

Robin said...

Break a leg Dawn! Of course, not while flipping over the couch! = )

Scooter's Mom said...

I got some spanx and threw out my shoulder trying to get the dang thing up. I tugged and tugged then heard a pop and it was my shoulder. Ouch! I gave them to a friend to try. Who knew a ladies undergarment was so dangerous!

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