Saturday, February 21, 2009

Reason 104

The following is a public service announcement.
Attention all moms. Below, you will find information and appropriate graphics on why you should never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever take a shower while the kids are awake. Ever. If you choose to disregard this message and hop in the shower while the kids are up and running around, you could be faced with the following scenario. This is no laughing matter. This could happen to you.

"Hey kids, thanks for being so good while I was in the sho....what the???? Is that GLUE? Why, why, WHY???"

"And on the floor too?"

"And down the hallway.... Oh, for the love of... The bathroom too???" Before I could snap pictures of the bathroom, however, I had to respond to the call, "Mooooom! Brooklyn's putting her hands in the glue!"

Oh yeah, that's nice. That's just yeah, real nice. Wonderful. I'm pretty sure clean hair and shaved legs are not worth this.

Oh, but the fun doesn't end there. Oh no. While I cleaned up the gluextravaganza, Clay swiped some Valentine's Day candy and headed to the bathroom where he proceeded to pour out the blue-green crystals everywhere. But knowing I'd probably lose it if I saw another mess, he took it upon himself to smear it around clean it up with a dish cloth. Nice.

Ugh, that tile is filthy. I think I need a new bathroom floor. You never realize just how disgusting something looks until you see a picture of it.

And this, my friends, is reason 104 why you should never, ever take a shower while the kids are awake. Heed my advice.


Feisty Irish Wench said...

What? you mean we have to choose between sleep and a shower???
awww maaaaan! I guess I'll stink, then. I need my sleep, and can get by on a sponge bath.

Mandy said...

Thanks for the warning, but it is a bit late for me. My 3 year old boy was being an angel when I got in the shower, but when I got out, he had plucked all the keys off my laptop keyboard, and chewed them up so they wouldn't fit back on. It takes longer to type this way as you can imagine.

Brandy said...

Dawn, This is why we have doggie crates. J/K... kind of! ;)

Jodi Dolbel said...

Dawn thats so hilarious!!!!

Jillybean said...

I already knew that taking a shower while they're awake was not a good idea.
I've also discovered that one should never, ever take a nap while the kids are awake.
The few fleeting moments of rest are never worth the mess that I need to clean when I wake up.

Magda said...

... and f you have a baby, you wait until he or she is asleep to hop in... and within a MINUTE they are awake an crying!!! How do they TIME that!!?
Bottom line: moms should just forget about showering ,don´t you think?

Donna. W said...

All I can say is "Ewwwwww".

AdventurerMom said...

crud...and I'm reading this as my bathtub fills up and about to attempt bathing and shaving for the first time in a disgraceful number of days...grrr...

Amanda said...

That's exactly why I don't shower when my boys are awake. I haven't showered with a child awake since my oldest outgrew his baby seat and I could strap him in while I showered. That was 7 1/2 years ago.

Bailey's Leaf said...

Another one of the mommy laws. You never know how far glue or pop can go until it gets dumped.

Mentally noted. Thank you.

Robin said...

I feel your pain! It seems that every time I leave the house my 11 year old son wants to do some sort of scientific experiment ...with FOOD COLORING! I guess science just isn't fun if it's not colorful and staining every surface in the kitchen. I've even put it waaaaayyyy up high in the cabinet but being 11 he knows how to climb really well. I suppose I could just throw it away but as soon as I do, I'll need it for something.

MaBunny said...

Point taken. Sounds like when my cousin tried to take a shower and left her two little darlings watching cartoons. They had been eating and decided it needed syrup - so she found syrup poured all over their 2 wks old carpet! in a big puddle...

Tammy said...

Thankfully, my kids are such cartoon addicts that all I do is put on a cartoon or show that I normally don't let them watch, and their eyeballs are glued to the TV. I can get a very quick shower while they are mesmerized.

Sorry about the glue and candy messes. I'm sure it was worse since you were getting ready to leave.

Amy said...

I tried that once when my daughter was 2. The showering when they're awake deal.... She flushed my 14 k gold and diamond watch down the toilet while I was in the shower. Never tried that one again. I have 5 and my daughter is now 23 and my youngest is 13 and I still don't shower while they're home and awake.

Ruth said...

I'm sorry, but every time I read your posts, I feel soooo much better about my kids :) Have a good weekend!

Laura ~Peach~ said...

good thing is if you let the glue dry it dries clear AND it peels right off LOL.
hummm blue candy... I hear wd40 removes anything LOL

noexcuses said...

Ugh! I'm so sorry. Glue has got to be one of the worst things to clean up! Candy is not far behind! Good luck!

Anonymous said...

OMG! I hate, absolutely despise, that fun dip Valentine candy! There is not anything I dislike more about Valentine's day than colored sugar that you eat with an edible stick. Do you get the idea that I don't like fun dip? My 8 & 6 year olds each got 4 (yes FOUR each!) from their class parties and my 4 yr old got one from his preschool class. BLECH!!! How many did your household end up with?

Patois42 said...

Poor thing had to smuggle his own candy into the bathroom to eat in peace?

Amy said...

I was going to ask "was that a footprint in the glue?" before I saw the picture of Brooklyn with here hands full of it!lol

I've been spending my days in PJ's for this very reason...bed head and all! I can only hope company doesn't pop in for a visit. Yikes!

Anonymous said...

Same thing happens when you are sick and try to lay down for 10 minutes, except it is paint on newly refinished hardwood floors. Yup I been there :)

Veggiemomof2 said...

Mom & I just discussed this topic. Make them clean it up themselves. Even if they don't get it clean, it might teach them the lesson that unless they wanna scrub the entire bathroom floor on hands & knees w/a washrag, they shouldn't make big messes.

My question: Why isn't Brooklyn's hands glued to the table? At least that would be something fun to blog about! LOL

Julie H said...

LOL I have to say my favorite part of all my kids being in school is that I can take my shower and eat my breakfast all by myself!

Patty said...

Hmmmmm, yeah... My son gets into trouble when I'm showering too.

Shari said...

Dawn: My children did this ONCE and never did anything like it again. It all boils down to training, parenting, and discipline. And the child KNOWING discipline is in ORDER before they ever do it again!

*Tanyetta* said...


Mum-me said...

I never took a shower while my little children were awake unless there were safely contained in a playpen, and even then I rushed. I have heard too many stories like yours. Now they are older I sometimes sneak in a quick shower, but only after turning on their most favourite DVD and warning them not to move away from the sofa for anything. (Except a toilet trip.)

Amelia Antwiler said...

Deja Vu... bad .. bad deja vu.

Anonymous said...

Poor, poor Dawn! You've managed, once again, to put a funny spin on a HUGE mess. Great job! Can't wait to hear reason #105!! ;)

Donna in PA :)

Elleah said...

Advice heeded!

Mary@Holy Mackerel said...

Oh nooooo...For me, I think it was paint. But not all over, like with you. I hope you got it all out...

Jessica said...

I thought that's what the Disney Channel was for: plop them in front of it and enjoy a peaceful shower.

Michelle said...

And this is why I love my gym with free healthcare. Guess how often I take showers at home these days ;)

And Brooklyn looks WAYYYYY older than three in that picture. Where was Joe anyway? Here's hoping it was at least water soluble glue!

Anonymous said...

Oh my! I read this in the morning and still decided I NEEDED a shower, so I left my kids 9,6, and 3 in their rooms while I did and the whole time all I thought about was this post and how I hoped leaving them wasn't a bad decision. "Dawn warned me, Dawn warned me" just kept going through my brain! Luckily, nothing was destroyed when I got I guess there are miracles :)

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

How can Brooklyn know that you're mad at her when you're taking a picture of what she's done wrong? Do you say, "HOLD IT RIGHT THERE! I NEED TO TAKE A PICTURE OF WHAT YOU'VE DONE SO I CAN SHOW THE POLICE WHEN THEY COME TO ARREST YOU!"

That is a terrible, terrible mess. UGH! And that's precisely why my children grew up never believing that crafts existed inside the home. They always thought they were for school ONLY! LOL!

Tracy said...

looks like something my daughter would do!

Vivian M said...

Thanks for the advice. We don't dare leave Kerri unattended for one second. Because that is all it takes for her to get into some sort of trouble.

Shelley said...


Thanks for letting me get that off my chest. :)

Valerie said...

Wow! That's so funny (in a not a laughing matter way)!

I have on several occasions "made my peace" with the house before jumping into the shower while the kids were seemingly occupied. I have come out to many similar scenarios! Most recently it was my son covered completely in stickers from a sticker book (OK messy but nothing I can't handle) and then head into the living room to find my tan colored ottoman (I know I'm still trying to figure out why we picked that color too) covered in my Christmas red lipstick!

Never a dull moment right?!

Anonymous said...

I wonder if it woulda been easier to let it dry then peel it up, than to wipe it.

If not, it woulda been funner. ;)

Anonymous said...

People think I'm crazy because I think that if my kids would just watch TV for a few minutes, every once in a while, I could take a shower.

Since my first child was born, 6 long years ago, I've never taken a bath or shower while in the house with them alone. Why? Because they would do something like what you described and photo'd.

People think I am a non-TV watching Nazi, and that's not true at all. I'm glad they don't like it and want to watch for hours on end, but you know, 15 or 20 minutes once a week would have bought me about 100 more baths then I've a

Janet said...

Mine take everything out of the refrigerator while I'm in the shower and eat a bite out of everything.
They make glue puddles while I'm blogging.

Mommy Jes said...

oh no/......goodluck with the mess dear!!! =) good day!!!

Dawn said...

When I was a single parent and the kids were 1, 4 and 6, the only time I could mow was when the baby took his nap. I would send the older two into the back yard if I was mowing the front, or front if I was in back and mow for 1 hour. Sometimes they were inside instead. I just got to the point where I accepted I would have a big mess in the house when I came in. 2-3 days of 1 hour mowing got the yard done (big yard) and lots of messes to clean. Ya do what ya gotta do.

Christine said...

Since my oldest was born in 2000 I have not taken a shower with any of them a wake!!!!!!! It sucks that I have to wait until late at night or early morning but atleast I don't have glue everywhere. OK, we don't have any glue in the house, the fundip, yes.

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