Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Guess what came in the mail for me today! MY BOOK! Hee hee hee! I'm giddy! I ripped open the package and showed everyone at the post office! Then I proudly carried it with me when I went to pick the kids up from school. I thrust it in everyone's face (whether I knew them or not) and yelled, "This is my book! Lookie! I wrote this! See? It's my book!!!"

People generally backed slowly away from me. I think some of them may have called the authorities. I might as well have been wearing a sign that read, "I'm a giant DORK!"

My friend, Ginny, ran up to me and gave me a huge hug when she saw what I was holding. I wrote in my blog (back on July 31, 2007), "...I got to read, a pastime I truly enjoy, but don't usually find time to do. I finished How I Write by Janet Evanovich, a book my good friend, Gin, gave me for Christmas. She insists I should write a book, but she has much more faith in me than I do..." LOL! And she hasn't said, "I told you so," even once.

Not only is this fun, but it's given me a much needed kick in the butt to start finish my second manuscript. I'm off to the library to write in peace.

Pay no attention to the seaweed looking hair. It doesn't matter that I have a book being published - I'm still a mom who oftentimes doesn't get in the shower until noon and then doesn't have time to dry or straighten her hair, thus the sunglasses headband. Classy. Very classy.

Thanks for mailing this out to me right away, Beth!!! :) You're the best!


MamaB said...

Congratulations! I look forward to reading it.

Erin T. said...

CONGRATULATIONS, DAWN! You have EVERY right to be proud of yourself and want to show it off to everyone - even strangers. Consider it a type of advertising!

Way to go!!!

Quawana said...

Congrats on your book. That has to be so thrilling. You look fine!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the book! I aspire to be you.

Kim Williams said...

Wonderful, wonderful day!!

I had to laugh about your "seaweed looking hair" comment, and say that I am jealous that you make it to the shower by noon! I usually find myself thinking about it around 3 or 4 p.m.!

Congrats on getting your first copy, I can only imagine how you must feel right now!

Anonymous said...

So awesome! It must be so thrilling to finally have your book in your hands! Congrats!

Leslie said...

Congratulations!! That's wonderful. Can't wait to buy my copy. ;)

Unknown said...

Congratulations, Dawn!!! :-)

Denise ~ Paper Ponderings said...

Many, many congratulations!!!

Patricia said...

Congrats on your book!!!
About the hair: even if you think it's not classy - I think it makes you look younger.

CatholicGirl said...

You may not have had time to "fix" your hair- but you are perfectly color coordinated with the book! (nice touch!) Haha!

You should be very proud! This is a great accomplishment, now... where do we get our OWN copy? God bless!

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Congratulations Dawn! We are all so proud of you! I can't wait to get my copy!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! That's awesome:) I would be a giant dork too...LOL Ummm, not say that you were a dork or anything....

Amelia Antwiler said...

Congrats, You give me hope!!

PS - I really like your hair. It looks remarkably like my own. :-) We are stylish.

Anonymous said...

Way to go Dawn. You look better than I do most days. I'd love to write a book. I write a 50,000 word novel every month, but December 1st they get packed away and never get seen again. So at least the world will see your book.

CristyK in MI

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Dawn! This must be an awesome feeling holding your very own published book. I am really happy for you and hope you can come to Western New York State to have a book signing!

Donna in Brockport, NY :)

Vanessa Rogers said...

Congrats! That is inspiring. I hope to write a published book one day!

Allison said...

I can't wait for it to come out!! You look great!!!!

Lynn said...

Way to go, Dawn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm thrilled for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And you look great!!!!!!!

opattie said...

Congratulations Dawn! Does it feel real now? I "hair" you on the shower issue.....shower by noon?, that's a good day!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the new book!

I am really happy for you.

Naomi said...

Congratulations! That would be the best feeling!

AnnG said...

Awesome!! And honestly I didn't even notice the hair...mine always looks a little frazzled and I only have 2 kids so I figured with your six, this was just your normal look!! Can't wait for the book to hit the shelves!! Sooo exciting for you...

Heather said...


Anonymous said...

Yah you!!!!!! I am currently writing my first book, and you just really gave me such a boost to see you standing there with a real book in your hands! Congratulations, Dawn! Can't wait to see you on the shelves at Borders;) (well not you, but the know what I meant, right?)

Beverly said...

I'm so excited for you! Congratulations!!!

AND -- You look fabulous! Inner joy shines through and is truly beautiful!

Warmly and sincerely,
Beverly in Kentucky

Hally said...

Congrats! Can't wait to see it on the shelves so I can snap it right up. Please let us know when you're headed back to SF Bay Area for your booksigning. I'll be the one with baby food stuck on my shirt but grinning like an idiot that I get to meet you!

Mandy said...

wow! you're looking very thin these days!! Good job!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! We are so proud of you. I love the seaweed hair with sunglasses headband. Isn't that "the look" these days for most of us? LOL! Congrats again! I am sure you are excited. (Where's mine???)

4cheeseheads said...

Congrats Dawn! This must rank as one of the most exciting/thrilling/best/awesomest days of your life. Wishing you all the best in your successful future. A loyal reader of yours. ~Chanley

Knitty said...


Kim VanDerHoek said...

That's fantastic! Congratulations Dawn! I'll put it on my husband's list of things I want for Christmas.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry Dawn, no one cares about your hair as much as the smile on your face!


I would dance around in my underwear if that was my book, and you do not want to see me do that, good thing its you and not me I guess. Still jealous but sooo happy for you.
Woo hoo for you!!:)

Anonymous said...

Sunglasses headband! Call the fashion police!!!! Oh wait, I have one too. Nevermind.

CONGRATS on finally getting your book - I'm looking forward to reading it!

Andi said...

When I get my copy, I am going to come to a book signing and make you give me a hug. Thanks for being a normal mom just like me. Love you always, Andi

Anonymous said...

Hurray! Congratulations!

jessicagv said...


I haven't posted a comment before but have been reading your blog for about a year.

I am eager to read the book and will be putting it on my Christmas list!


Angie [A Whole Lot of Nothing] said...

I sent you a a text, but I'll leave you a HOOOOORAY!!! here too!

SO happy for you!

Michelle said...

Oh yeah, that is so very cool and exciting! I'd say that I know exactly how you feel except... the new book that *I* got today that came in from the publisher was the cookbook I helped put together for the special needs foundation that is being formed in my area that we're selling as a fundraiser. It pales in comparison to your delight (although I did take it to choir practice tonight and show it off). And ummm when you WRITE A BOOK, there is no way to attach a dork sign to someone. Not possible.

Congrats again!

Anonymous said...

I'm SO happy for you - and honestly, I love the hair!

Tess said...

Oh, Dawn! I can't imagine the joy and excitement you felt when you opened that package. I don't blame you a bit for running around, showing it off.

Congratulations, Ms. Author!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Dawn!! That is fantastic:-)

Anonymous said...

Yay you! Thanks for sharing your great news!

Anonymous said...

I can hardly wait! I have already reserved my copy! I look forward to reading it! CONGRATS!!!!

Feisty Irish Wench said...

Congratulations! And at least you're not wearing a really old faded concert tshirt with bleach spots on it. It's been season-changing weather, and yea, that's it...the wind kicked up really fast and the spare brush you know you keep in the van is now seriously MIA when you need it most. That's my story and you should stick to it.

Marly said...

Congratulations! I'm so excited for you and I will be excited to read it when it comes out next year!
By the way, the hair does look awesome! Its kind of how mine looks right ;)

~Jenifer~ said...

I am totally thrilled for you. This has been an awesome new adventure for you... enjoy all of it. Just think if you had stoped at 2 kids this would never have happened!

I guess that I have to comment on the headband sunglasses to. This was me up until I had to start wearing glasses all the time because I am getting old. Now I would look pretty stupid wearing 2 pairs (1 to see with and one to hold my hair back).

Again I am soooo happy for you. Also I have an idea I think that you should give away a few (or more) early copies of your book. It would be agreat give away.
Lots of Love from Huntsville, Alabama

Shari said...

Congratulations Dawn! I am so happy you have a copy of your very own book! How cool! Now, I can't wait to get it myself! I know your writing rocks!

Anonymous said...

Hey, Author!! Was the Janet Evanovich book helpful? I love her and would love to write a book.

I am so excited for you. And yes, since I have been at home with my kids since moving, I resemble your stay-at-home hair do and the reasons for it....



Anonymous said...

Congrats Dawn! Soooo happy for you!
It's nice to see good things happen to GREAT people.
Keep that big smile on your face, you deserve it, and have earned it.

Anonymous said...

Yay! Congratulations, Dawn!!! You look like a kid on Christmas morning! I LOVE that!!!! I'm so happy for you and I can't wait to get my hands on my own copy of your book! Be sure to head to southeastern PA for a book signing -- I want an autograph!!!!

Donna in PA :)

My Three Sons said...

Congrats on your new book. I have been lurking on your blog for a while and I'm always entertained. I'm a single mother of three boys and it's nice to see that yours and my kids do act the same. They never seem to amaze me with the silly things they do or say. I love have you put your own spin on raising kids. Thanks for all of the good laughs.

~Jenifer~ said...

Ok I can not figure out this twitter thing...
How do you send post with your cell? I looked in the help section and still can't get it. I know you posted about it but I can't find it so please tell me again or repost the link or something I think I would really enjoy it.
Thanks alot I know that you have plenty of stuff to do besides tell me how to tweet!

Lowa said...


I love your hair, what are you talking about?? Seriously, today after my shower (at 2 PM! teehee) I braided my hair in the hopes that when it dried and I took the braids out, it would be calmer. No such luck! *sniff*

Kristy said...

congrats! we have to wait until april 1st though, no fair! can i borrow yours for a few days? i dont want to wait until they hit the shelves at stores! lol

Lucille said...


BLESS YOU and congratulations! YOU deserve this and you give the rest of us hope that someday, we too, can find our niche and live OUR dream.

CANNOT wait to get my copy! Will you be doing an author signing? At your home perhaps...? Snort!

Dezimber said...

That's wonderful! I looking forward to getting a copy of your book when it comes out. I might have to get my nephew to get it signed for me when he goes home from college or just go jump on a plane to get it signed in person.

Chrissy said...

Hey, I was just thinking how cute I thought your hair was! My hair has that same not curly/not straight texture and I think its pretty!

I cannot WAIT to read your book, I am addicted to your blog and my husband thinks you and I know each other personally cause I keep telling him wacky stories from your blog. *Grin* Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I know you are thrilled and have every right to be. I want to personally thank you for remaining so real. I think your routine hair-do and behvior at school are a testimony to your integrity and genuineness. I'm not sure that's even a word, but hey, it says what I mean and I do mean it from my heart - CONGRATULATIONS!

RefreshMom said...

How exciting! Congratulations! How hard is it going to be to wait for everyone else to be able to get it!? Will you get enough author copies now to give them out for Christmas? (Writing books makes gift-giving simpler!)

Unknown said...

The ACTUAL BOOK!! Congratulations Dawn. Now why don't you ring up that darn publisher and ask (demand) a dozen copies. Sign them, and then have some sort of contest. Maybe tie it in to a charity. Just tell me where to apply!
P.S. What's wrong with the kid-style hair? After all, you ARE only 28 (ish)
P.S.S. Ya know....I just wanted to say a big THANX to you for providing real honest-to-goodness entertainment, and for making ME feel as if I was part of your big family.

Amanda said...

Congrats!! That's an awesome accomplishment and an even better feeling, I'm sure. :-)

Janis said...

Dawn, Congratulations! And you are truly beautiful-inside and out. I love the way you remind us that we are each our own person with beliefs and traditions that sometimes conflict with others but that doesn't make them wrong. You encourage others in so many ways-be encouraged today!

mommytoalot said...

Congrats on the book Dawn. I can not wait to read it.
LOL @ your sunglasses headband comment..I do that so often it's become a joke around here..
have a great day

Suburban Correspondent said...

Yay! It must feel great to have accomplished something tangible.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Dawn. And your hair was one of the first things I noticed and thought it looks great!! Margie

Anonymous said...

Woohoo!! I can only imagine how I would have acted at the Post Office. They probably would have had to ask me to leave or I would be banned! :o) You are awesome - what an inspiration!! CONGRATS!!

Anonymous said...

to quote a soon-to-be famous author:



Brenda said...

Congratualtions! I wish it was coming out sooner. Didn't you say spring? I am working on a masters and have so much reading. My husband and I are going to Antigua for our 25th anniversary over Christmas break. I have a month of free reading time! I could lay on the beach and read you! Tell them to hurry up.

Anonymous said...

CONGRATS!!! Who cares about the "seaweed hair?" You are being true to yourself,staying the way you are, even though you are FAMOUS now!!!! I cannot wait to read your book. I've been reading your blog since I got an email from a friend about your pokeman card post and each day, you provide a little giggle to make my day!!! YOU GO GIRL!

Anonymous said...

Congrats! Nope not a dork I would've done that too shoved my book in everyone's face!!!!!!! I can't wait til it comes out!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I can't help but smile from ear to ear for you! If it were me I think I would thoroughly embarrass my children with my own rendition of the opening of the Sound of Music, you know singing and twirling and pretending I was in the Swiss Alps. Tell your kids your behavior is considered tame! Again Congrats on the book! That's Awesome!

Anonymous said...

Woohoo! Congratulations! I hope your book arrive on Philippine Shores too! Or else I'll just order it online!

Allison Hill said...

I had the weirdest dream about you last night! Well, two dreams actually, the second being me "waking up" and realized that the first was a horrible dream and telling you all about it! And you lived in England...hmm...Anyway, I hope neither of my dreams come true, but just to be on the safe side--how is Austin feeling?

Carrie said...

WOW! I have had a real live author come comment on my blog! Congratulations!

Don't mind me while I nose around your blog...

Anonymous said...

Mazel Tov Dawn! You deserve everything good to come your way.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I anxiously await its release.

janetcc said...

Congrats! I'm green with envy. Did the Evanovich book help?

Keeley said...

WOO HOOO!!!! How awesome is that??? Congratulations!!! =)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I can't wait to read it!

Eva Carper said...

Congrats! How exciting!! :)

Jenni said...

Congrats! I would do the same thing if it were me! I love your blog and you inspired me so much! I would love for you to check out mine and give me ANY advice:
Oh, and you look HOT! Seriously!

Anonymous said...

YAAAY CONGRATULATIONS! How awesome! How proud and happy you must be :)

Janet said...

Congratulations! I'm looking forward to reading it when it's available to the general public!

Sheila said...

Congratulations! Let me know when it's for sale and I'll advertise it on my blog!

I think it's going to do really well!

remember how proud I was to hold my first book. Sigh. :).

Anonymous said...

Yea!!!! Congratulations!!!

Anonymous said...

I like your hair like that :)

Congrats on the book and yey and some more yeys

Matchbox Mom said...

YOU GO GIRL!!! Way to get that book out! I can't wait to read it!


Melissa said...

Wow! That seems like it happened fairly quickly! Congratulations, that's fantastic!

Vivian M said...

Congrats! When will your book start shipping out to people who have pre-ordered them?
And love the sunglass headband hair - it is my everyday look!

Chris said...

Dawn, congrats on the book AND I really like your hair...I like it better this way, really!!

Cheryl Lage said...

If you get a chance amidst the well-deserved celebrating, drop me an email at cheryl [at] an exposure/publicity possibility for you. :)

Kitti said...

That is AWESOME Dawn! Can't wait to read it =)

Craig said...

The hair is hawt!

And the giddiness of excitement is awe inspiring.

My awe. It's inspired.

going to go write on my journal right now!

Anonymous said...

Congratulayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy-tions!!! Way to go :-)

Hey, it's 12:20 here, I'm still not in the shower and I wish my naturally curly hair looked as good as yours in your picture!

P.S. Thanks for mentioning Statcounter (I think it was you). I'm having a BLAST seeing how people get to my blog. "Late 80's senior picture with feathers" is my favorite so far.

furiousBall said...

that rules! hey, late showering just mean you're funky

Anonymous said...

I'm so thrilled for you. I'm actually choked up. Congratulations.-helen

Jessi said...

That's so awesome! Congrats!!

jen aka mommay said...

lol..can you get a bigger smile? =)


Anonymous said...

Congratulations - you must be so pleased!! I'm very excited for you and look forward to reading it!!

I Play Outside The Box said...

WOOO HOOO for wishes for huge success with it!

Boy Mom said...

Congrats! From someone who has many kiddos and wonders what the heck I was doing during every English class I ever took, cause I sure wasn't learning grammar, you truly are amazing.

Anonymous said...

How rewarding! And your hair is fine for all us wavy and curly girls out there!!!!

Cheryl said...

WOO-HOO!! This is awesome, Dawn! Congratulations! I can't wait til the rest of us can get our own copies.

Shellie said...

How exciting, I day you had a right to be a dork! It looks great, CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Can't wait to read it.

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

And now 42 million people know about it too and I'm pretty sure all of us will buy a copy. Congratulations!

Martha said...

Congrats on your book. I found the link to your blog through one of the Carepages moms, I don't remember which one! Too funny about the sunglasses headband, that is standard attire for me.I just started a blog yesterday and commented on the fact that I don't seem to find time to take a shower too! I guess all of us mom's have the same dilemmas

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! You should be excited. I can't wait to read it myself.

Rick said...

It's bigger than I thought. Don't get your finger print smugges all over it!!

Anonymous said...

You can officially add another title to you long list of mom, cook, etc.


You look like a kid at Christmas who got the "must have" toy, the smile says it all. So when will the book be available? Keep us posted. I want to buy a copy.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! You are living my dream. I can't wait to read your book, and hopefully write my own at some point. I had a children's picture book up for consideration as well as an article. But a book--well--that's another story, as they say.

Can't wait to read your book. Congrats!!!!

Melissa said...

I love this. I have crazy out of control loveable monsters and other people are always laughing at my pain. But, you. You are an author. I love it. Way to turn raising crazieness into a true career. I love it. Have I metioned I love it? I would love to share my keys and cell phone getting flushed down the toilet at Target story with you someday.

Joanne@ Blessed... said...


Anonymous said...

Good job, Momma!

Wineplz said...


Seeing in in print, with a cover and everything makes it seem so much more real, doesn't it??? How cool! I am so excited for you and your family (and can't wait to read it myself).

Lisa Noel said...

Ok, color me confused. Maybe I've missed it but the book doesn't come out until April, right? But its printed now??? I 'think' I understood the logic behind putting off promotion etc but why can't/won't they release it now if its donw and printed??

Lisa Noel said...

Oh poo, I hit send before finishing...didn't mean to end on a negative sounding note to rain on your parade!

CONGRATS, it's got to be 'slightly' like delivering a child after 9 months of waiting to have an actual real cpy in your hands after all the work and waiting!!!! CONGRATS again!!!!!!!

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