Tuesday, November 11, 2008

How Many Broken Bones Does This Make?

This evening I went downtown to a reception held for Adventures by Disney. I decided to take the train downtown because I just didn't feel like driving in the yucky weather at night, especially when I didn't really know where I was going. And let's not even talk about parallel parking! I'd still be driving around right now if I had to parallel park my huge van.

OK, so I only ride the train like once every two years. I parked at the train station, looked for a parking meter, and not finding one, walked to the building. Just before I got to the building I saw a sign that read, "Pay for parking here." Oh crud. Do I have 6 quarters? Which spot was I parked in? I had no clue. I dug out 6 quarters (whew) and put them in a slot for parking space 69, hoping that's where I was parked.

I splashed my way through the rain puddles and made it to the station. I walked inside and searched for a place to buy a ticket. No place. I asked someone where the ticket counter was and they told me to just buy the ticket on the train. I hoped the stranger was telling the truth about getting the ticket on the train. I envisioned the conductor walking along, seeing me without a ticket, and physically kicking my sorry butt off the train.

So a guy came by to collect money. I just stared at him with a "duh" expression on my face. I didn't how much it cost and was waiting for him to tell me. He didn't say a word so I finally admitted, "I don't know what I'm doing."

He was nice and smiled and said he didn't know what he was doing either. Then collected my money. I pictured Tom Hanks in Polar Express as he punched my ticket. He didn't make any cool shapes or words with his punches though.

I think I was the oldest person on the train on the way into the city. I overheard a kid say, "My mom is SO old! She's like 35". I kicked her.

So I got to the city and had a little time to kill. I got a sandwich and watched the guy at the table next to me pick his nose. It was charming.

I hailed a cab with no problems and got to the hotel where the event was taking place. There I met up with Stephanie from Adventures in Babywearing, Dawn from The Herald News, and Amy from The Ladybug and Her Blogging Mama.

Before we walked into the meeting room, Joe called me to say that Lexi had fallen off the bunk bed. Her wrist was swollen and he was taking her to the ER. Ugh. Now what? Even if I left right then, I wouldn't get home for almost 2 hours because of the train schedule. I stayed and told Joe to update me.

The presentation had just started when Joe texted me saying Lexi's wrist was broken. :( A splint that goes up to my poor Lexi's arm pit was applied. They told Joe that she'd have to have it set tomorrow. When Savannah broke her arm, they had an orthopedic guy set it right there in the ER. Of course, her break was really bad with the bone completely out of line. I guess Lexi's wasn't that bad, but it sounds like it might be worse than Jackson's recent break because his didn't need to be set at all. I guess I'll see tomorrow. Someone asked me how I could be so nonchalant about it. Don't get me wrong, I feel awful that she broke her arm. I feel really bad about it. But I guess after 6 kids and numerous trips to the ER, things don't tend to freak me out too much.

On the way home there was a guy on the train giving a very loud lecture on happiness to no one in particular. I wondered how much he'd had to drink. He was quite emphatic, in a very disturbing sort of way. The strangest part of crazy-man's speech was the fact that everyone completely ignored him. They acted like there was nothing out of the ordinary.

Anyway, I'll tell you about the Disney thing later and I'll update you on Lexi tomorrow. Right now, I'm so overtired. I really need some sleep tonight.


RefreshMom said...

Really is 'never a dull moment' around your place, isn't it?

Knock on wood, the only one to get any broken bones since we've had kids is me. Boo broke my nose with a well-placed head-butt (I can now sense changes in the weather by the pressure in my sinuses) and just the other day I'm pretty sure I broke my baby-knuckle by getting overly aggressive with the light switch.

I hope you all get a good night's sleep. Sounds like everyone could use it!

* Mandy * said...

That's funny you mention Polar Express as we just finished watching that at our house. Sorry to hear about Lexi's wrist. We haven't had any broken bones in our house yet. Big emphasis on "yet". I know it's coming.

Shellie said...

Poor Lexi! I'm the same way, though. It's hard to alarm me anymore. My poor kids pay the price though. Once when I had one little one in to get stitches the Dr. said they could just do it quick or sedate him. Usually he based this on how calm the mom was about the whole thing. He said I looked relaxed so he'd just go ahead and stitch him up quick. (They do put a little local topical stuff to deaden it). Poor kid freaked out. HE was not calm about it. It took about 5 of us to hold him down and he yelled so loud, and cried so hard his brown eyes turned green. That was amazing. I felt so sorry for him! And guilty, since I helped hold him down, he started calling out for his sister to come save him.

mommytoalot said...

Oh no..poor Lexi...
how is she this morning?
I guess I've been pretty lucky, I've had six kids plus and not one of them have broken a bone, yet.
Glad u got the train ok. Living in a big city must be so exciting.
any advice on how to get peeps to read my blog?

Chasity said...

My very first trip to the ER with my oldest son was when he was about 18 months old and had face planted on the sidewalk. Shortly after we'd sat down in the waiting room, a nice lady said words I will never forget:

"The difference between your first child and the ones that follow is this: Oh,no,you're bleeding becomes Don't you dare get blood on my carpet!"

Anonymous said...

It was so good to see you again last night! Can't believe your daughter broke her wrist. :(
What's up with the guy on the train? See, all the more reason to carry an MP3 player and headphones with you wherever you go.

Anonymous said...

Poor Lexi!! I hope she's feeling better soon!

Patois42 said...

That day sounds so unusual, and then I realize it's probably pretty normal. (Excluding the lecturer on the train. Thank God you didn't need blue books for a test on what he was saying.)

Kelly said...

Aww..poor thing! Hope Lexi's arm is ok {{{{{hugs}}}}}

Anonymous said...

Hows this for nonchalant: My son ran into a tree, racing his bicycle, trying to beat his friend to the end of the street. He looked back to see if he was winning and veered to the side. He was muddy from head to toe and said his wrist hurt. He showered, (muddy clothes and all in the shower) changed clothes, iced the wrist, then was back outside playing baseball. I figured if he could throw the ball his wrist was okay. WRONG. He woke up the next morning and said ...MOM MY WRIST HURTS NOW WORSE THEN EVER. I called his pediatrician and took him into the office. Sure enough, broken. They asked me why i didnt take him to the ER the day before. I said If I went to the ER for every bike wreck, skateboard fall, bump and bruise, Id might as well rent a room there! And I only have two boys! I couldnt imagine what it would be like with 6 kids!

Brandi said...

So far we have no broken bones in our family. My kids just break their permanent teeth.

Stephanie Wilson she/her @babysteph said...

I do hope Lexi is ok! We ended up in the ER last night, too. Fun times!

It was really great meeting you, Dawn. You are beautiful, by the way!


Cary McNeal said...

SIX kids? Bless your heart. Just one wears me out. You must be superwoman.

Somehow I have missed your blog in my travels, but no more. Great stuff here.

Cheryl Pitt said...

Oh Dawn, of course you could have made it to the ER in enough time. My last visit there with my son had a 4hr wait. He was bitten by a dog, then I was told they couldn't give him stitches because the bacteria had been in the wound too long (because of the 4hr wait). So I could have saved time and money by NOT going...but then social services would have come after me ;)

rae said...

following you on twitter is like mini previews to your blog! HA! I feel like an insider...

Michelle said...

Here's hoping you got some sleep... and that Lexi's wrist isn't too bad. Good thing you had nothing going today so you can take her in to get it set ;)

And I get not leaving to go to the ER with Joe and the crew. He's a competent dad, and you being there isn't going to make her break less bad.

And I get the train stuff... I get to take the train down on the 21st to go to a yummy dinner. Always nice to get a chance to read :)

Kyddryn said...

Aww, poor Lexi! I broke my wrist when I was seven, and it was a bummer...but that was back when casts were plaster and itched like the dickens, and the cotton padding got all manky and gross and one couldn't even bathe properly.

I sometimes wonder if we avoid looking other's (others'?) lunacy in the face because we fear it will draw us into itself and make us mad, too.

Shade and Sweetwater,
K(who was nutsy-cuckoo to start with)

Maggie Moo said...

Thank you for stopping by earlier! You are entered in the Life is Short: Eat Dessert First! contest AND you've given Melisa an extra entry.

Good luck!

The Cohen's said...

If I'm learning anything about being a mother from reading your blog, it's that the more children and experience I have, the less I will be likely to freak out. As it stands right now, I'm the first time, overprotective, run to the doctors office type of mom. I guess I'll go get knocked up.... have a few more kids, and RELAX a little. ;)

Angie [A Whole Lot of Nothing] said...

Poor Lex!

You're so lucky to have the train to ride even if it's hard to use. In Orlando, it's allllll cars. :(

Vanessa Rogers said...

I broke two bones with I was two years old, one month apart. I then proceeded to get a black and swollen eye from a bee sting. My mom was afraid to take me out in public for fear they might arrest her for child abuse. :(

Elizabeth said...

You know, it amazes me that my mom never had to deal with broken bones with us five kids. My brother got his lip split and a tooth knocked out while playing baseball and also was stung hundreds of times by bees when he climbed a tree with a bee hive in it, but nobody ever broke a bone.

Hope she feels better soon and gets lots of autographs on her cast!

Melissa said...

My five year old calls it the "Polock Express". So funny.

Nothing wrong with not freaking out. It's hard to tell when to be upset. My daughter broke her arm she either she jumped, fell or was pushed off the couch. It took me over 3 hours to decide to take her to the ER. They then told me it is rare for a 3 year old to break a bone and almost sent me home. Silly Doctors.

Stephanie said...

I can sympathize, but I only have three kids! My oldest just got her cast off this morning from a broken elbow...and because things just can't run smooth, I wasn't surprised at all when, after a 45 minute drive to the orthopedist, they told me her doctor wasn't even in the office today, he was in surgery all morning....that was a fun battle.

Anonymous said...

It's funny how we take tihngs so gracefully in stride now that would have bowled us over as brand new parents. Remember bringing your first newborn home from the hospital and maybe a first case of croup cough, or something scary?

I have had truly suicidal children from a mental illness, a child with a life threatening disease who requires daily shots, and with 5 kids ranging from 16-3, I think I have privileges for frequent flier miles in the emergency room. However, I stay calm for little things like broken bones, cut off finger tips, and heavily bleeding noses. Afterall, we can deal with those and by contrast the rest is worse.

People think I am crazy to be calm when chaos arrives, but it is part of life and so I just wait for it, and know it will pass. We may lose the finger tip (it healed perfectly and she even kept the fingernail!), the broken bone may require surgery, (didn't require surgery and healed well. He even kept skateboarding if I turned my back with his cast still on even though it was january and there was snow around the driveway!!!) So, I figure I can't change the outcome, but I can wait to see what it is, pray a whole bunch, love and comfort my kids, and know that I have had worse things happen, and I will, again.

It helps. But, people still think I am insane to be calm. That's okay. I would rather be calm and thought insane than so stressed out and unable to help my kids.

Good luck to you and Lexi and I hope this helps your hubby appreciate your sweetness even more. Afterall, I am sure Lexi wanted her mom there, and he probably did too.

She'll be in my prayers.

Have to sign this one anonymous, but I am a frequent reader and commenter.

Allison said...

Just found your blog thanks to Stephanie @ Adventures in Babywearing. Love your design/blog. I hope your daughter has a speedy recovery on her wrist.

I'll definitely be back!

AutoSysGene said...

OMG, I hope Lexi's wrist heals quickly...I think with all the breaks you've had lately you should get a good deal from your orthopaedic surgeon..;)

Hang in there!

Anonymous said...

Hang in there Dawn. Accidents happen. You are right. Freaking out does nothing for either one of you so the fact that you are able to remain calm in a crisis shows what an incredible Mom you are. All you can do now is hug and comfort her (and make her her favorte treat!!) Hope she has a quick recovery.

tracey.becker1@gmail.com said...

What a night!!

Glad you kicked that girl on the train...

Anonymous said...

Hope that Lexi's wrist gets better...

Anyways I have two questions for your Sunday Soundout or whenever you can answer them so save them until Sunday or answer them on your next post...whatever.

1. Have you ever considered setting up a chat room on your website so readers of your blog could chat with each other and possibly with you?

2. I had a dream I met your family. What do you think about this? Think I'm going insane by reading your blog so much? :)

Anonymous said...

Here's a question for you...

What would you think if you knew that an 18 year old high school senior with schizoaffective disorder and no children regularly reads your blog?

Anonymous said...

A question...

What would you do if one of your children had schizoaffective disorder, schizophrenia, bipolar or was battling major depression?

The Bertone's said...

Oh my goodness! My niece just broke her wrist recently too. :) I hope that she made it out ok. Good luck to you. I have three kids, and no broken bones thus far. I hope to keep it that way!

Feisty Irish Wench said...

Sorry you have another child with a broken bone. I have 3 kids. I have friends with one. We went to dinner one day after church and they asked me how I was so relaxed about things. I said that I had so few brain cells left, that I had to choose carefully how I used them. I don't think I've ever been overly antsy about my kids, except when the first spawn turned 13 and became a royal PITA.

I too can tell barometric changes by my backside. Yes, I broke my tailbone a few years ago. That story is a blog post in waiting at some point.

WeaselMomma said...

Judging from your descriptions of trains and people, you must live in Chicago!

Anonymous said...

I hope broken bones are all you ever have to deal with on your babies. I had to bury one of my daughters last week and that is something that no parent should ever have to do. I still can't believe it. Don't ever let your children go skydiving. Lots of people do it and don't get hurt, so she said. It only takes one bad landing to change that. Now her two little girls don't have a Mother. Without God's help, I could not survive this. I also thank Him that I still have two daughters to keep me sane.

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