Monday, April 7, 2008

I'm Blessed. And So Are You.

Well, it's day two of Jackson without meds. As of right now, I have to say that the diet isn't working. He's off the wall and completely out of control. I'm not sure if he's just eaten something he shouldn't have had or what. I'm not going to give up, but it's going to take a little detective work and a lot of patience, I'm afraid.

I'm so busy this month, I feel like I'm drowning. I haven't had enough time to spend with my kids, I'm letting my house slide. I haven't cooked a decent meal in over a week and I have laundry piled to the ceiling. Brooklyn has given up naps, but she still needs them. I should have said no to being in this play, but it's too late now. I still need to get one costume before Wednesday. I'm making plans to meet with Michelle and Mimi because Kendra was so kind and got us tickets to Oprah's show.

I need to find a way to clone myself so I can make sure the kids practice their instruments, read, do their homework, and get to baseball practice on time and at the right field so we're not standing around amid a bunch of Orioles waiting for other Red Sox to show up. Not that that's ever happened or anything. Ahem.

I haven't had time alone with Joe in forever. Perhaps that's why he knocked 4 holes in the freaking family room ceiling while I was out of town. I guess he didn't remember that brief conversastion where I said, "I don't want lights in the ceiling, and even if I did, we have a lot of other stuff that's higher on the To Do list."

Brooklyn's walking around in a shirt, diaper, snowboots and a backpack while eating leftover pancakes from lunch right now and you know what? I don't have the energy to try and find where she took off her pants. Whatever.

I believe I'm finally done with the book now. I think I may be done with the articles I've written. Maybe. I hope. I'm down to only 50 pieces of mail in my box at the moment.

As busy as I am, I know I can always come here and read your comments and feel a little bit better. Like this one I just got this afternoon....

Dawn! I have been such a big fan of your website for many months now. I used to love how long your blogs would be and how hilarious they were. Then, you started sharing less and less with us because of your book deal, which makes me a tad angry since without us, the readers, you really wouldn't have a book deal. I was so excited to get your book but because this blog has become really boring and seems like such a big time waste for you, I am going to stop reading your blog and won't buy your book. Something has happened to you. You are not funny anymore and seem angry for having to type a paragraph for your readers. You have also said in the past that you exaggerate on a lot of your posts, which makes me think that your household is not as chaotic as you make it seem. You have time to fly every other week, rehearsals, two blogs and your book? Something smells fishy and I think a lot of your fans understand this is sad. I used to be a huge fan, sorry you gave up on us.


Well, LR, I want to thank you for following my instructions on sending me hate mail. There's nothing worse than hate mail containing misspelled words. In the future, so you know, you can just leave. You don't need to inform me of your decision or ask permission, okay. Enjoy not reading my blog and not getting my book. God bless.

Actually, the things that always makes me feel better when I get just a bit too busy are my kids...

One day while the kids were on spring break, Lexi and Clay got up early and made everyone lunch. At 6:30 in the morning. There they were, preparing half a dozen indentical plates, assembly-style. I'm really more of a "coffee for breakfast" kind of person, but how sweet were they?

It's times like that, even though there was peanut butter smeared on every inch of countertop and pretzel crumbs on the floor, that I smile and know that everything in my life is worthwhile. I'm where I'm supposed to be right now. But like everyone else, I'm only human. I regularly get overwhelmed and have a hard time keeping up.

We've all been there. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has taken her child to baseball practice at the wrong field or the wrong time. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has spent an hour looking for my car keys only to find them in the refrigerator. I'm positive I'm not the only person with laundry piled up on the floor, or a baby walking around in a shirt and snow boots saying, "TOTALLY WICKED!" repeatedly. Okay, well maybe I'm on my own with that last one. But my point is - when things seem overwhelming and hectic and you find yourself living in a playland pit of all the balls you've dropped this week, just remember to take a moment and relax. Take a breath and smile and know that you're blessed.


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Anonymous said...

Some people are so rude. Dont mind them and take all those positive comments with you instead.

Just wanted to say that and give you a cyber-hug. :)

Kari Dawson said...

Obviously you didn't take the hate mail personally or you wouldn't have posted it on your blog. You are a funny lady but I laughed my booty off when I read this woman actually thinks your life isn't as chaotic as it sounds! I have five children and even if I devoted 100% of my time to them and my house it would still be madness! I am a stay at home mom but I'm also a human with interests that don't involve my children like posting on two blogs, photography, and I'm working on a book as well. My laundry is always piled up, I'm obsessed with how clean my house is and it still slacks as well, and just how many times per day should we be required to dress the same toddler? I have one child running track and playing baseball both, another playing softball, and all five of them are in the final weeks of preparing for a polish dance recital and I've been hand sewing beads on these frickn' vests for months! Clearly this woman has no more than one child at best! Kuddos for juggling ALL your passions, your family and personal interests! Keep on truckn' girl! Although your right you probably shouldn't have agreed to do the play but in the end I'm certain you'll be glad you did! I feel comfortable telling you that not because other areas are slacking but I've been there. We've all said yes to things we really don't have time for or truly feel led to do. It'll be over soon.

Anonymous said...

I've been reading your blog since the beginning but have never posted until now. I think what has intrigued me and kept me coming back time after time is you are the perfect example that with a little imagination and a sense of humor anything is possible. You remind me of another mom who had a very successful career as a writer.....anyone remember Erma Bombeck? What an exciting time in your life. As if motherhood wasn't exciting enough. I'm looking forward to following your progress and getting a chuckle or two along the way. But remember to never take life or yourself too seriously.

kristen said...

Dawn! We love ya! Go on doing what you're doing. You have six gorgeous kids with personality and a sense of self. What an accomplishment!

Andi said...

Dawn, you know by now that you are loved and we will tell you in ountless ways. YOu make me smile when I am sad, make me laugh when I want to cry, and you make me admire you for having and maintaining such a busy life with six kids when I can barely handle my three.

We need the pits of our lives to see the blessings. The bad comments are here to make the awesome ones shine brighter!

Hugs and blessings to you, dear Dawn!


Anonymous said...

Hang in there girl! We love and support you all the way! When are people going to start supporting Mothers and stop tearing them down? We've all been there-we've all had days when you forget the field trip form, mix up the kids' lunches, show up late to teacher conferences, etc. The reality is, none of us are perfect, but we are all doing the best we can. I can't think of a better example to set for children than that.

Memaw said...

You are awesome and hilarious and a great mother & role model. And whoever said your blog wasn't funny anymore has obviously blacked out while reading. You are amazing - please keep it up. I know there are millions of us who love your blog and will buy every book you can write!
Amanda S. in Charleston, SC

Anonymous said...

Well, I don't have anything to say that 135 people before me haven't already said. I just read your current post and thought I'd show a little support, too. I read your blog all the time and really enjoy it! You are truly awesome with everything you have going on in your life. I'm sure if you didn't post a blog for an entire month, you'd still have so many fans, supporting you and praying for you, and totally understanding that you can't do everything everyday!

OK - now I'm just getting long-winded. I'll leave you with this:

"I always thank my God as I remember you in my prayers." Philemon 1:4

God Bless.

TheHMC said...

And here I commented yesterday, asking you a barrage of questions, like 'how do you do it all'(ok, maybe that one wasn't in there) and here you are... totally normal like the rest of us. What a disappointment.

Ok.. totally kidding. I'm another I mean, reader that checks in daily(sometimes more than once) because you make me laugh. I have 5 kiddos myself and can say for sure that no one can make up the chaos that happens in a house with that many kids. Not possible.

Sorry that things are so crazy right now. I don't even have HALF of things going on that you do and I'm totally drowning right now. Getting on the computer and writing is the only thing that really helps me deal with all of the chaos and I don't get those chances as often as I'd like. Hugs to you, and here's to things calming down(like when Brooklyn graduates, right lol).
Take it easy,mama.

Cheryl Houston said...

Isn't it amazing how being Anonymous or even just leaving the untelling initials gives people the balls to be nasty?

I look forward to reading your blog everyday and am so happy that you have found success through it. Everyone should be so lucky. Keep up the great work Dawn.

Sassy said...

You reminded me of the day my son (now 15, then 3) had on his footie jammies, his Lion King snow boots and a Mickey Mouse ears hat. He stood in our kitchen spinning in circles until he fell down and then giggled like an idiot. Then he would stand up and do it again. He did this for about an hour. I have pictures and still laugh when I look at them. Weird kids are the best! Keep up the good work and take it one day at a time. You're doing great :)


Kim Williams said...

Hey Dawn! BIG HUGS from the Heart of Texas!! Forget the naysayers sweetie, you are loved by tons of us!

I only have one child and I still have a playland pit of balls that I've dropped the past two weeks. I don't even know how it happened but I figure, like you probably do, I will just pick them up one at a time and deal with them. And you know what? You will come out on the other side of this with more humor and a greater appreciation of all the good things in your life than you had before. At least you are willing to put yourself out there for everyone. That is more than I can say for alot of folks, and that counts for something great.

I'll read your blog everday until me or my computer gives up the keep it coming girl (when it is good for you), and never forget that you have an incredible group of women out here that love you!

Heather H said...

Well since my 3 year old is currently running around the house naked as can be, I am going to make this fast. :) I love your blog and you are still funny to me. I am sorry you got a mean comment, some people just havent learned how to play nice. I wish I lived close enough to come help you out for a day or two. Hope today is a good day for you!

Anonymous said...

Your blog is NOT boring. It is quite funny and I read it everyday. I love it. I have come to love all the stories and find out what all the kids are doing. I love the fact that Joe has half a million projects going on and doesn't always finish them, but the man cleans VOMIT! I am surprised that you haven't passed out from exhaustion or hired help. I will say a prayer for you. You are one strong woman.

Janet said...

I know that as comment beyond #200, I'm going to be redundant, but I will comment anyway. The blog has not become boring, as evidenced by the fact that you get over 200 comments nearly every day. And the fact that you find time to write anything boggles my mind. I only have 2 kids and neither is in school yet. The Queen has dance class and gymnastics and that's all. I have come to the conclusion that you exist on no sleep. Your response to LR was very polite and restrained and certainly far nicer than s/he deserved. LR is definitely in the minority. I'm looking forward to buying the book. I am still working on some stuff to send Austin about our town because I'm fairly certain you don't have anything from Krypton yet.

Anonymous said...

Some people are such dorks!!! You ARE funny, as always and I love your blog.

ashley nicole said...

If it makes ya feel any better, my (now 12 y/o) brother would only keep his clothing on long enough to be outside of the house. As soon as he would come home from home from preschool there would a trail of clothing from the door to where the last piece fall... Thankfully, it's only his shoes/socks that come off now!

And your little one, Brooklyn only took her pants off somewhere.

Have a great day!!

Anonymous said...

Dawn, all you had to say back to her was this "BITE ME"

Erin said...

{{{HUGS}}} Mean, mean person deserves 20 lashes with a wet noodle and to copy from Webster's 10. Honestly, I never understand people who have nothing better to do but leave mean messages. Take care, keep swimming along, this too shall pass. And for the record I LOVE your blog! Thank you for being real and sharing with the rest of us crazy and harrid (or is it harred, ok off to find my Webster's now) moms.

Anonymous said...

Not that this is really going to make a difference...since LR is NOT reading your blog anymore...but come LR's life that boring that she needs to depend on you for entertainment? A blog is, in my opinion, one's way of expressing themselves HOWEVER they see fit, even if it is in exaggeration, to vent, to entertain, to advise, or whatever else. No one HAS to read is their choice. You are not forcing them to come here and read! I love, love, love reading your helps me to realize that I am not the only one who goes thru the everyday "life with kids"! Dawn, you are a blessing and I am so sorry that you have received such mean emails in an attempt to bring you down or make these people feel better about themselves! I love your sense of humor and your "smart" little comments to some of the crazy comments/emails that you get. You are the BEST! Keep up the good work!

Jennifer said...

You are going to be super busy catching up with all these comments, but if you have time I would love to have you stop by my blog and read the note I left for you there:
And, just in case you don't have time, I'll let you know that you made my day today by showing me that it's okay to just be real and do what you need to do. Thank you!

ummmhello said...

You got it, sister. Moms are busy, seriously busy people. Whether you have 2 kids or 6, stay home or work in an office... we have parties and playdates, doctor appointments, eye appointments, fundraisers, plays, sports, home improvement (or just MAINTENANCE!) to keep track of. At some point we all feel like we're running on fumes. But tomorrow is a new day, and I'm sure you'll pull it together then. Or the next day. What the hell... ONE of these days we'll have it together!
Keep your head up, keep smiling, and know that being a Mom is the highest calling! Oh, and take a few minutes to read Erma Bombeck. That's what I do when the going gets tough!

Anonymous said...

We shall overcome! There's no way to help feeling bad about being so overwhelmed (and we all get there from time to time!) But take it from someone who vividly remembers childhood...the times that makes us mommies feel like we're total falldowns as parents, are the ones that kids just see as interesting adventures.

And boo on negative comments! Anybody that sets you up as some kind of oracle or deity is obviously delusional. "Boo hoo, why aren't you fulfilling my needs, even though you've never met me! Six kids, a play, flights, a book, and managing to post nearly everyday? You are obviously a superhuman who can manage it all with a smile, and you are just pretending that it's hard, as a sham to cheat us out of our reading pleasure!"


I look forward to your book! I will buy two, to make up for the "loss in sales" from Miss Smarty Pants' boycott.


Angie said...

Hi Dawn,

I wanted to send you a big hug and a pat on the back. There are always a few grouches and, unfortunately, they tend to be louder than the rest of us. I know what its life to feel overwhelmed on a daily basis (we've all been there at one point) but there is light at the end of the tunnel (eventually). Good luck and god bless!

Anonymous said...


You know what I love about your blog? It's real. You amaze me when you tell about all the different things you are involved with. And you still are able to be a great mom. I only have two kids (one month and 2 years. I have no blog. I work from home. I'm not involved in anything with the community. I have no book deal. Yet I get totally overwhelmed with the "everydayness" of things. Reading your blog helps me know that it's going to be okay. There are other people out there who are like me. Ignore those stupid mean comments. Nobody asked her for her opinion. She needs to sit down and watch Bambi with her children. "If you can't say something nice, don't say nuthin' at all."

Anonymous said...

Please keep writing, and I'll keep reading, OK? Love your blog and look forward to your book. People who feel the urge to write hateful comments have clearly not found their purpose in life yet. Too much time on their hands...

Nate's Mom

Anonymous said...

Dawn, I have never commented before- but...sorry for LR's comments. Don't worry about it- keep writing, I love it.

Ok, so the real reason I wanted to comment- your kids meal! I was laughing so hard- it reminds me of the Charlie Brown Thanksgiving meal- when Snoopy deals out the toast. BAhaha. Your kids are awesome.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE reading your blog! I find myself reading it at times when I need a short mental break. You always remind me that it's OK when kids drive moms insane. I know of VERY FEW places I can turn where someone will understand just what I am going through.

Thanks for sharing your life with all of us. You are really a lifesaver sometimes!!


Jules said...

It's sad how some sour people can steal your happiness and part of your day. Sending you big

((((( H U G S ))))) and (((((S M I L E S)))))

Anonymous said...

Hugs, hugs, hugs to you. I for one, enjoy knowing that there are other, "less-than-perfect" mothers out there (no disrespect intended). So often you hear about the women that seem to be able to get everything done, with a smile on their face, and plenty of time on their hands (of course, they are probably not sharing the entire truth, just to make us feel bad). I enjoy reading your blog and eavesdropping on your life, because it makes me feel better about myself (I really NEED that sometimes). I'm actually not the ONLY one who can't juggle everything 24/7? We just do the best we can, with the thought that one of these days, the kiddos are going to be all grown up and out of our houses (and then what will we do with all our time?). Thanks for sharing your life with us!

~Momma to Twin Girls~ said...

You know what I hate people like that! Keep your blog going and don't let rude people like that get to you! ;) I LOVE your blog and can not wait for your book!


Kyddryn said...

As I type, the Evil Genius is alternating between humming tunelessly and chanting various dinosaur names in a sing-song voice, and marching up and down the hall wearing nothing more than a long-sleeved shirt that he's had on for two days because he won't take it off and I'm not on the mood for WWIII today. He wants to be a half-nudist today, he's informed me.

Fine. I can pick my battles, and as long as he's clothed when we go out in public, I am not fighting with him.

What makes me laugh is Brooklyn's backpack. I love how kids accessorize their nudity. "Look, mommy, I'm naked with one sock and a baseball cap!!"

In the end, if kids grow up knowing they are loved, able to function within the bounds of society (even when they don't like the boundaries) and make their way in the world, it's enough. The rest is details, and often the only one who remembers is you.

Meanwhile, I would suggest that anyone no longer interested in your blog simply change the channel and move on without burdening anyone with their histrionics and judgement. It's a free Blogopolis. No one's being forced to read anyone else, and unless a person is paying for entertainment, they really have no right to complain. Really, what're THEY doing to entertain YOU?? Blogging is supposed to be for the blogger first, isn't it?

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go rescue the state of Montana form the Evil Genius (he has a US map puzzle that he likes to do, and sometimes the pieces go on "adventures"). And he's singing "Mommy, I will always love youuuu....until the end...which will never, ever be here....and I love you so muuuuch, 'cause it's all about youuuu", which I'd much rather remember when I'm eighty than the marker on the wall...

Shade and Sweetwater,

Anonymous said...

Mean people suck. You rock!

Rhonda said...

Hey, Dawn,

So sorry about the attack. . . I'm glad it seems over 200 people agree with me that you are AMAZING and those comments from LR were undeserved. Thank you for voluntarily sharing your life with us on your blog. It is simply wonderful!!

By the way, if there ever does come a time when you need to take a break from blogging for whatever reason, I (hopefully we, your readers) will understand!! You don't owe us anything! We feel in a way that you are our friend, and we want our friends to be happy and content, not stressed out and overwhelmed. Do what you need to do for your family and your sanity and don't worry about us! :)

Excited to read your book. . . and praying that you can find some peaceful moments this week to rest.

Rhonda in WI

Anonymous said...

Dawn, I absolutely love your blog. As a mother of two, a fulltime professional, oh and a wife, I love reading all the crazy and yet normal antics of your family. People like LR need to realize that life is not one hilarious story and the fact that not all of your posts are funny is what makes your blog so real to me. Hang in there Dawn, go on a date with your husband, and know that the hectic nature of your life at the moment will pass (or it will become the norm and you won't know the difference any more). Keep smiling!

Sophy Nextdoor said...

Dawn, I'm still a fan. Some days your posts are funnier than others -- just like life. I have a link to your site on my own blog, because I look to you as a role model for mommy bloggers. Thanks for all the joy you spread to all of us.

Anonymous said...

woah look at all those comments. that's crazy! i'm so jealous i've always wanted to go to the oprah showwwwwwwww *whine* well i hope they give out awesome stuff when u're there! maybe like a maid or something LOL jk. anyhoos, i think its totally wicked that brooklyn can say totally wicked, i'm gonna teach my zoe that right now...she only says stuff like "come on guys!" and " i'm so excited!"
really tame stuff. kekeke God bless u babe, and for what its worth i think youre awesome and i hate people who can't speel either. ^_^ kekekeke

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding me LR? Thanks for being down to earth, Dawn. I will buy 2 copies of your book to make up for the 1 LR won't be getting! We are all overwhelmed...I read your blog when I am, so that I don't feel so alone in my big pile of laundry! ((HUGS))! I still laugh when I come here, and cry some too...blessings to you and yours!

Anonymous said...

Hi Dawn
I've been lurking here for a long time now. I guess I haven't really had much to say until now. But here it is: You are doing fine. Sheesh lady, I have half as many children, do not keep a blog, I am not writing a book, I do not perform in plays, my children are not in sports......and I have days like that too.
Your blog is always a great read...I can't wait for your book.

Cat said...

Question for your SSO- Will we be able to pre-order your book? I can tell by the hundreds of posts before mine that it will be a hit and I for one do NOT want to have to wait til the croud dies down to get it. And forget about the idiot who felt the need to put you down, they only do it because it makes them feel bigger. ALL your fans know how great you are and you make it real for us. Thanks for making the average Mommy feel good about herself. :)

Angie said...

Dawn, because of you I smiled today. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Re the getting your kids' eyes checked: thank you so much for that.

I took my daughter back to the pediatrician at seven years old and told her, humor me. I know you screened her last fall. Check her again... (I'd had this gut feeling for some time, and was finally insisting.)

She had a cataract. She was essentially blind in one eye, and she'd bluffed her way through every preschool and school screening, answering their questions like she thought she was supposed to. At 22 now, her depth perception will never happen because they caught it too late, but they did catch it in time to at least save the eye--after nine years old, the brain doesn't try to create a pathway to that eye anymore.

Your plea to check the eyes is hugely important, and you may have saved a child's eyesight out there. You did much good with that post. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Guess LR wouldn't want to know about the time I had 6 kids in soccer...Saturdays were chaotic as could be...and I was carpooling other kids at the same time. I picked up kids at two other fields (some mine, some others), went to the last field to pick up my daughter and another girl. Found the girl, sandwiched her into my big van and took off for home. Left my OWN daughter at the field. Went back within about 10 minutes and she was sitting, waiting and said, "I figured you counted wrong and would be back." It's called life!!!
Hang in there..I love your blog.

SARAH said...

I think you made up the LR's comment, just to see how many peopple would respond.
I am right, right?


btw, I am jealous that you get to spend time with Mimi! Thank you for introducing her & the Lil King to us. If it were not for you, I would never have gotten a chance to "know" him, Coleman, or SuperBAy & a number of other kids on the Carepages.

hope you get some time in with Joe.

Queen Elaine said...

Dawn, LR can go stuff it up her you know what!

I wouldn't care if you made the whole thing up (not that I think you do ), I would still enjoy reading your blog. I love the way you write and I love your perspective on life.

Anonymous said...


Hi Dawn,

I have read people's suggestion for you to take a break for a few days of blogging so I am initiating the first step for you. I call it...

Give Dawn A 3-Day Break

I have created a Message Board where all Dawn fans can get to know and make each other laugh for 3 days while you're "out." It will be our tribute to you... for making us laugh and touching our lives. The board link is:

Thank you.

Annjanette -
(You might remember me for reporting the plagiarized Pokemon listing)

Anonymous said...

Dawn I also have a child that is ADHD. My husband and I are in the process of adopting a sibling group of three. We tried for years to have children and after much prayer God led us down the path to foster to adopt. We prayed more and God answered our prayers alittle more then we had planned. He picked us to be parents to these three beautiful children. The oldest is ADHD and is a sweet little girl that considering what she has been through has adjusted really well. I picked her up from school today and instead of hearing all of the wonderful things I usually hear I got a note from her teacher about how "odd" and "out of control" she had been all day. I, like you feel like I can never get caught up and almost every night I lay my head on my pillow thinking I am a rotten mom. I was in the brink of a meltdown when I opened up your blog and read it. It made me feel so much better and reminded me I am extremely blessed! I have what I prayed so long for and I need to enjoy it more instead of striving for perfection so much.

You are an inspiration and I love to read about your kids. It reminds me of my household at times becasue we went from just the two of us to parents of three overnight.

Kit said...

Nothing much to say- just want to send a hug! We love you! Have some fun in your ballpit- that's all I can do, anyway- resign myself to some temporary chaos and try to enjoy the moment. :)

BandK said...

Dawn, my dear, you are a bright, talented, overworked mother of six. LR obviously has no children, or he/she would NEVER have written that to you!! You know you are a success when you are the subject of jealous criticism. She/he only WISHES he were as together as you are!!

And I am SO jealous of you getting to go to the Oprah Show!! I've been trying for YEARS and can't get through to that *(&$*(# phone line. Ugh. I can't wait to hear all about it. You are so so lucky!!!

Anonymous said...


i just had to come on here to add to the long list of people that love reading your blog Dawn!

i look forward to your book.


Jodi (Landals) Landry said...

Wow...dont understand coming into someones "home" and complaining about the way things are done there. Thank you for letting us into your life, in whatever way you see fit, and in your own time! For someone to feel that they are entitled to more from you, they should at the very least offer to clean your home, do your laundry, wash your cars and walk a mile in your crocs! :) Know that most here appreciate you taking any time out of your busy life to share! Have a great week and thanks again!!


LunaMoonbeam said...

Wait..."totally wicked"? Can she do the right voice, too? 'Cause that would WICKED! My BIL has it down to a science. ;-)

Shari said...

Dawn: I am *such a goof*! The comment that I meant to write on this entry of your blog, I typed on your *previous* entry. I am sure you were wondering what land I came from when you read it in the wrong place. Just kidding, of course! Hope this finds you having a fabulous day! Love your blog and can't wait to get my hands on that book! Blessings! Shari

Anonymous said...

Hey I still love ya! And look forward to every post. It makes me feel like im not alone in the mommy world. Also we have the same plates as you! And they are my Favorite ones!!!!! I love how my kids can slide it off the table and it just spins on the floor! LOVE IT!

Anonymous said...

LR is a poopy-head.

I've read your blog since the get-go, having found it through your eBay posting.

Don't let the emotional vampires suck the good stuff outta ya.

LR, you are a poopy-head.

Anonymous said...

Whatever. She'll still read your book, and she'll probably still read your blog, too. She won't be able to stay away, especially now that hundreds of people are talking about her!

And by the way, I still think you're as funny as ever and I love reading your blog as often as you can squeeze in a post!

Anonymous said...

Not like you have time to read upwards of 300 comments, but I wanted to go on record as offering my piece of mind. I have a 14-year old daughter, a one-year old daughter, and am ready to give birth any day now to another little girl. I can't imagine 6 children because the 2 I have now are so much work. However, I needed to hear what you had to say about being blessed. It is so true! My house may be a mess and my refrigerator may be broken, and I am having contractions throughout the day and don't feel like doing anything, but all that means is that my home is lived in, a place of comfort and love to my family and all the mess and headaches are simply reminders that my children are only with me for a short time. When they are grown and gone, my house may be clean and I may have more money to spend on myself, but I will miss the noise and clutter and thousand distractions because the house will be empty. Thank God for children and family and chaos. Love is messy.
Thanks, Jen

Anonymous said...


I love to read your blog and LR doesn't have a clue what she or he is talking about. I know what you mean, at times when I think life is just too much with 4 kids, I look at my sweet little 3 year old and think it's all worth it! Thanks for all the laughs Dawn and I continue to look forward to them.

Do you have anymore Ebay auctions planned? Just wondering. lol

Kristin said...

No worries, I took my son to school today. It's Spring Break. Oops.

Anonymous said...

LR is just a sad person. You're great whether your post is funny, sad, informative, and/or just interesting. I love your blog.

I haven't had the experience of showing up at the wrong field yet (time yes) but they all play the same sport at the "same field" so really, it's just a matter of time. When they're older and start branching out I am in so much trouble. I can barely keep up with my life and I maybe have a quarter on my plate that you do. You're awesome and you're human, like the rest of us. A perfect Mom or one that pretends to be is just annoying. You're real and that's why your readers love you.

Katharine said...

I think I'd like to knock LR into next week. Or feed her the spoiled roast I threw away today.

Anonymous said...

I still think you ROCK. And you are NOT the only one with a little girl running around your house dressed like that. My daughter, who is 20 months old, will frequently walk around in very similar style saying something totally random. Like yesterday she insisted on wearing rain boots with hot pink giraffes on them that were 3 sizes too big and saying "macka hone eee". THat is her way of saying "holy mackeral"

Times like that are when you have to just smile and take a mental picture to treasure for years to come. I think you are awesome and can't wait for your book! Thanks for bringing a smile to my face each night.

The Craftypigs said...

My heart just broke for you. I'm the wife of a worship arts pastor. What he does for God and for the congregation is nothing short of amazing. I know I couldn't do what he does every week and even if I could I'm not sure I would. I'm more of a take no crap, don't like it, leave kind of gal. I don't have the generous spirit he has. I don't have the patience for people he has. I don't have the tenacity to keep doing what's been asked of him, no matter the response. Every week he pours himself into what will bring people away from themselves and instead bring them to the throne of God to worship, to give thanks, to praise the ever patient, ever gracious, ever loving Father. I love him for his gifts and his willingness to use them for His glory. But no matter what he does he will ALWAYS get, from someone who just doesn't get it, a card suggesting how he should do it better so to suit them. As if the whole world revolves around them. The attitude in the heart of these people astounds me. How is it that they consider what they write helpful? The sense of entitlement to express such hurtful crap will never cease to astonish me. It hurts my husband's heart in a way no one will ever understand but me and today, I think, maybe you too. As I tell my husband, for every stupid word of selfishness and self-righteousness that comes in, there are a 1000 unwritten words of love, encouragement, appreciation and gratitude.

I read often. I comment rarely. I'm so excited for your book. I'm amazed at you and what you accomplish in a 24 hour stretch of time. Not in a year could I get done what you do in a week. I hope you stay encouraged. Know you are adored. I can't wait to read your book. --Celeste

Michelle said...

After all this outpouring of love (and an apology!), I hope that your day is going a bit better today....

So I know you're already going to Oprah and are super busy and all, but have you thought about getting tickets to Ellen? She'll be here May 3 to film (of course I'll be in Houston for a wedding -- the ONLY weekend I'm not available to do something like that).

And do you realize that you have more comments than I've received visitors to my blog in the month it's been up? That oughta really show you the love!


Brandi said...

Okay I am like comment number not sure if you'll even read this. But on the off chance you do... I love your blog. I have only recently started reading it, but I love it. I try to check in at least once a week, and usually end up doing it more. My laundry room would probably put yours to shame, and at the moment I have blue marker on my fridge from where the 2 year old wanted to do an art project an couldn't find anything else to work on. I agree with what you ended with...take a breath, and relax. When the kids are grown and we aren't running around like chickens with our heads cut off we will miss it! As for the wrong daughter almost missed her first Soccer practice because I went to the wrong field 4 times! Finally found the right one, and just as they were dividing up to practice. Please blog as often as you can, and I can't wait till the book comes out!!!!

Tracy said...

I read your blog every day but rarely comment. I just enjoy reading and laughing.

Don't let emails like that get to you. I'm sending a hug your way (and by the way, I'll be buying your book!!) :o)

janetcc said...

If you decide to never post to your blog again - I'll get over it. If you embellish or exaggerate, oh well. I enjoy reading your blog, but my life is certainly not dependent on it. Jeesh, I think you have enough going on without worrying that some stranger is dependent on you for their entertainment. What ever!

Anonymous said...


Do you tell the teachers that you are taking Clay off the meds to try out the diet or do you wait for their response? Are you afraid of bias if you tell them ahead of time?

Good luck!

~ Dawn S.

ilovecheese said...

Hi Dawn!
Do you want me to come all the way from Bangalore, India and kick that LR's arse?! Cos I will, you know!!! How dare he/she assume that your only job on the internet is to amuse and humour other people? I bet he/she has no kids and no life, either. I loove your blog, and followed it from that POkemon ebay post. I read it everyday and love it when you post, no matter what it is! And I wish and hope I'm one tenth as good a mother as you are, when I have kids. Rock on babe!

Nancy Binky said...


268 Supportive comments so far, which I think constitutes a lynch mob!

IMHO, you've provided us all with hundreds of mini-(Meehan) books that we can open and read at our leisure!

Sorry LR has unreasonable expectations of you.

You are greatly loved and appreciated by your fans, one of which is ME!

Here's a CYBERHUG for you:


Unknown said...

Keys in the refrig...? Where else do they belong.

So you can have a laugh on me...
Before Hubby and kids, I was working in retail and after several days (maybe weeks) working zany hours I came home and for two days in a row could not find where I put my keys. First day they were in the freezer. Strange but true the next day, They were under my pillow. I guess I was so tired that I held on to them when I when to sleep for fear of putting them in a "crazy" place. Needless to say I was breaking the sound barrier to get to work on time.

We all get crazed and you manage to make it fun. You go!

Lindsey said...

I can't believe someone would take the time to write something so mean! I love reading your blog! Although, with 4 kids and 3 in baseball, I don't get to read it every day like I used to. So it works out just fine for me if you don't post every day. I have a baseball one for you. Have you shown up at the field and looked around and asked "who has snacks?" and someone turns and says "you do!"? He-he, now I just assume it's me. Good thing a grocery store is across the street! I am looking forward to your book, although I don't know when I will have time to read it. Even as I type, 2 kids are into some kind of food, candy for breakfast anyone? And 1 is soaking the bathroom floor by opening the shower door from the inside, over and over and well you get the picture. Hang in there, I hope you can let it roll off your back! We love you and ALL super moms take on more than they can handle!

To The Moon Eh! said...

You are amazing.

Anonymous said...

I've been reading your blog since the Ebay posting and I can't tell that the blog has changed any at all except that it's gotten better.LR needs a prayer said for her.Some people never see any good in anything and the only thing that will help them is God.It's nice to see someone mention God and all that he does for us.I can tell that you put him in a high priority and he is blessing you.He'll continue to give you strength to juggle all those balls you currently have in the air.By the way, I read your blog and I don't even have kids!lol.may God bless you and yours.

Anonymous said...

LOl definitely not alone on ANY of it and I only have 1

Anonymous said...

Tell LR to take a long hike off of a short bridge. How mean are these people. I only have three kids and my life is hectic too. I have taken my kids to the wrong place for ball games to. The kids just look at me like I am "stoo-pid" as Coleman would say. Oh well too much to do and too little time. Thanks for humor Dawn and ignore all the "stoo-pid" people. Dede

Anonymous said...

Hey Dawn, not like you need another comment AT ALL!! imagine how many more important things you have to do, and our comments slowing you down (and picking you up) a tthe same time :)

Anyway, I just wanted to let you know, I am a wife, mom to an almost 2 year old boy, and expecting my new little girl in 3 weeks. I have a book coming out in October (Children's book, nothing as wordy as yours), a business starting up officially in October, and I juststarted Maternity leave. I run a group for crafters in my area that lists upcoming shows and contact information, and I tell you... I am also dropping ALOT of balls lately. I don't have a blog to keep up with, I don't have all those extra kids to keep up with, my kid is too young to have all these engagements to go to, and I don't have people keeping track of my progress. I just want you to know, I feel completely blessed to be not accomplishing so much right now, because I get a little piece of what you are going through. Hang in there, you were strong enough to believe there was something more for you to do, you are strong enough to get through it and shine!

Say no to the next few plays though, will ya?

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

Screw LR!!!

Anonymous said...

People who have time to leave negative messages have nothing better to do with their time and need to share their negativity to make them feel better. I love reading your blog and it still makes me giggle and wonder how the heck you do it!!!

Unknown said...

please don't let the stress get to you! You are worth more than your blog!

Anonymous said...

Wow. Guess LR learned a tough lesson about comment posting not being particularly private. Must be fun to have 280 people instantly hate you.

But I'm absolutely croaking with curiosity - what IS the misspelled word in her post??? I couldn't see anything so I had to run it through the spell checker and it came out squeaky clean. Yes, I'm that anal about spelling. Do tell!?

Anonymous said...

The absolute NERVE of that LR character.

As far as I am concern you did not tell her butt off in strong enough language.

If she is watching a program on t.v that she does not like, does she turn the channel or whip up a nasty comment to the network.

She must be a very harried, busy lady sending off all those 'I am not happy, you are no longer entertaining me, can't you be funnier' letters.

Opps! I just fell off my soap box.


Anonymous said...

Makes me think of something my mom used to say. It went something like this.

If you can't say something nice....

Keep up the great work!

Anonymous said...

I know I'm a tad late reading this. But that LR comment makes me really mad at her. You have less time for your blog maybe but it's still great. And I don't see where you "seem angry for having to type a paragraph for your readers" You don't need a reader like her anyway. Humph.

Mommy to those Special Ks said...

Wow... just wow. Yes Dawn, you MUST drop everything, ignore your children and your book and your husband and ENTERTAIN US! Please! @@ I've had this entry sitting in my reader for a few days because I wanted to wait until I had time to sit and read it... and now I'm irritated. Not at you of course! Sheesh... heaven forbid you have a LIFE! Anyway, like others have said, don't let that one poster get to you. You get to see MIMI soon! Focus on that, and give her a big hug from me! :)

Anonymous said...

LR needs to learn the golden rule... if you can not say anything nice, do not say anything at all. I am guessing that no one is forcing LR to get on the internet and read your blog. If you din;t like it don't read it.
Don't let this person get you down there are lots of us out there who enjoy your blog a grea bit.

Jill said...

Well, good grief. Don't you know that above your six kids, your husband, your household, your book deal, your newfound publicity, and maintaining your own sanity, your NUMBER ONE PRIORITY is keeping a bunch of strangers on the internet happy by posting funny stuff on your blog as often as possible! How DARE you let us all down by not putting us first?? And how DARE you exaggerate to make yourself funnier!! Here we were all believing that your kids truly do run rampant like feral dogs while you bury your face in your laptop! Now our image of you as a horrible mother with half a dozen rotten offspring is ruined!


Supplanter64 said...

You're my 2nd favorite Mom, Dawn (my wife is my favorite :-) You really do work hard at it. You are blessed, so we are blessed. You love people, so you loved.

Let me interject a little bit of Biblical wisdom. LR is pretty much getting a lot of stones thrown at her now, and rightly so. Her message was mean. But remember folks, she needs to be loved too. She needs hugs and encouragement too so that her days can be better and perhaps she can love people rather than hurt them.

So LR, hang in there, better days can and will come. We (well... some of us) love you too. Praying for ya!


Betsy, short for Elizabeth, formally known as Esther said...

I. feel. like. that. now.

When my kids have spent the day outside and come in all dirty I declare it a great day. I tell my kids I love it when they are dirty because it means they have had fun.

Sigh. Life is overwhelming in the best of times...

I still think you are FABULOUS!!!

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