Thursday, April 17, 2008

Great Minds Think Alike Warped

Yes, this is the kind of thing Clay thinks up on a regular basis. I'm glad I took a picture of this because....

I KNEW it reminded of something! John Cusak in Better Off Dead (a movie Clay has never seen)

Edited to add - go visit Mimi's Relay for Life page!


Jennifer said...

That is hysterical! Thanks for the laugh!

Kim VanDerHoek said...

What a crack up! I think you have a future movie star on your hands.

Laura ~Peach~ said...

too funny! clay keeps me laughing.
great thing you got a picture!

Sherry said...

Too funny! Or should we be thinking this is a little bit scary? :)

Brenda said...

Wow. How did John Cusak know Clay was going to do that?

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

Nice. And they are all moist now and ready to use!

Anonymous said...

That is one of my Favorite movie! John Cusak is the best! "Sorry i blew your mom up Ricky!"
I luagh just thinking about it!

Tracy said...

Maybe it's the influence of Chicago?? LOL

Michelle said...

Love it, love it, love it! We had to hide our Q-tips because of the places my kids were trying to stick them. I don't know what the fascination is with them, but I'm glad to know we're not alone!


Anonymous said...

Better Off Dead is one of the funniest movies I've ever seen!!! I'm not surprised you mentioned it in your blog! ;o)

"Gee, Ricky. I'm sorry your Mom blew up."

Donna in PA :)

Faith said...

Having a crazy husband, I am afraid this is the kind of thing I have to look forward to when my son gets just a little bit older and can reach the Q-tips! Your little man is still awfully cute even with his facial enhancements!

Jenene said...

Oh my word, that's so funny and scary all at once. He got it EXACTLY RIGHT too!

Tarasview said...

bwahahahahahaha... boys will be boys.

The Craftypigs said...


Laski said...

Oh, BOYS!!!

I LOVE that movie, btw!!!

nomi said...

Love it!! Now when he's done with them, he can just stick them in his pocket!

Nickalli Braaten said...


It has raisins in it, you like raisins.

OMG - I quote that movie DAILY!! John is the love of my life :0) beside my husband of course.

debi9kids said...

OMG! As soon as I saw it, I immediately thought of John Cusack! LOL
Thanks for the giggles! :)

*Sweet*Caroline* said...

muahaha - soo funny! :-))


Debbie @ Three Weddings said...

I LOVE that movie. We just introduced our 11 year old to it recently and she liked it, too. She didn't get some of the jokes, though.

"Go that way, really fast, and if something gets in your way, turn!"

L M said...

Hee - even the same eyebrow is raised :)


Sandy in NH said...


Anonymous said...

One of the BEST movies EVER! "TENTacles...N-T...BIG DIFFERENCE!" Thanks for the laugh...I can always count on you for that!

Irishmama said...

What a fabulous way to start my day!

Clay Rocks! And so does John Cusak AND that awesome movie!

Thanks, have a great weekend - you're becoming quite the jetsetter

(Note to may get my comment twice, as my PC was acting up when I tried to send. Just decline one of them)

Don Mills Diva said...

Aww - sticking q-tips out of every facial orifice: it never gets old...:-)

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...



YOU GOT ROBBED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

Oh, and PS, do you know how many hate letters you're going to get telling you how bad a mom you are for letting your kid stick shit into his orifices and then you laughing about it and saying, "Oh wait, Clay, let mommy take a picture of you cuz you're just too cute so I can show everyone on the blog!"

So, I'm just saving all those haters the time...



This has been a Public Service Announcement brought to you by Manic Mommy, Dawn's newly personal appointed keep-it-real, give-it-a-rest PR gal.

So there! : )

Anonymous said...

Hehe!! Maybe Clay has a future in comedy/acting....??

Valarie said...

Hey, at least if he has a q-tip shoved in every hole you don't have to worry about what else he is sticking in them for that moment.

Keeley said...

Hahaha!! As soon as I saw the picture of Clay it reminded me of Cusak. I LOVE that film. Saw it when I was in labour with my first child. =D =D

"He put his hairy te(n)tacles all over me"

Hahaha....and they all get frozen dinners for Christmas....and the Mother's green goo creeps off the plate. Ahahahaha. Ok. Must introduce my children to the delights of that film.

Anonymous said...

This is so bloody brilliant! Raising boys is always an adventure.

TheHMC said...

haha! That kid is awesome. I haven't seen that movie in Eons!

That's better than my daughter at least. She steals all of my q-tips and then eats them.(along with lotion, batteries and dog food. I blame her father.)

Me, Myself and I said...

Ok... this is along the lines of the Warped sense of humor. I was sleeping this morning (I had a migraine which may be contributing factor to the dream I had) and dreamed that you were in a predicament about having to change your email, etc. because it was no longer mom2my6pack... as you were pregnant with your 7th! Well, I tried to email you that little funny tidbit but it came back as unsendable...can you imagine my first thought??

I hope you got a chuckle out of this... and wanted to give you a laugh as you have given me so very many times. Tank you for them all!!


Me, Myself and I said...

oh PS....
I love the pic of CLay... that's one that will be great to chow at his graduation open house and wedding!!!

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

That may not be my favorite Cusack picture.

Jillybean said...

So, does he also like to eat "Franch" bread and "Franch" fries and "Franch" dressing???

Just wondering.


SuddenlySouthernCyndi said...

Cute as a... Q-tip!

Rick said...

I think Clay is one of those that people say, "He won't be just famous. He'll be infamous."

Anonymous said...

This has nothing to do with your blog today. Just wanted to make sure you faired okay in the earthquake.

AlaneM said...

OMGosh, I LOVE that!! That is totally something Eli would do. I fondly call him my maniac monkey-boy :) I think he & Clay are kindred spirits...good thing they don't know each other, who knows what could happen!
To all the haters, get a life, dang!

Jillie Bean (AKA Bubba's Sis) said...

OMG - that is too funny! And so is that movie! Thanks for the laugh!

Alison said...

Are you SURE Clay hasn't seen that movie?????

As Cape Cod Turns said...

At least Clay has good taste in movies even before he sees them!

Anonymous said...

TOO FUNNY. Kids-a never ending source of comic relief. He is going to be a great comedian some day.

Kresta Glaser said...

OMG they almost have the same facial expression and everything!!! Waaaaay too funny!!!! Clay is just a cutie pie!!

Kendra Field said...

I know you don't get a lot of time to read other blogs...but your post cracked me up. I have almost the same picture of my son on my blog for a few months ago!

Boys will be boys, that's for sure. Thans for the laugh!

Rick said...

P.S. Guidepost should have put THAT photo on the cover of your book instead.

Anonymous said...

Hi Dawn, I don't think I ever saw the movie. I am going to rent it today since everyone loves it. My 11 year old son will too I feel. I was wondering if Clay saw the movie before doing this? Kristine in Michigan.

Bottles Barbies And Boys said...

At least they keep us entertained, right!

Love your blog

LittlePaintedPolkaDots said...

Too funny! What a boy!

bigwhitehat said...

It must be a Chicago thing. Your boy is more like John Hughes.

Sine said...

Oh Dawn - this has nothing to do with your post, although I definately see what you mean.. I just tumbled across this youtube link and I couldn't help thinking of you.. You've probably seen it before, but here goes.. Momsence:

Be sure to watch the dadsence too.. ;)

Unknown said...

hehehe the kid looks nice in warped state.

we say in Hindi here "poor ke paon paalne me hee dikh jatte hain"
which sorta implies that, the man starts showing his future feeta and abilities right from the stroller.

Tonya Staab said...

ha ha, that's hilarious. Gotta love boys.

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