Monday, April 21, 2008

Book Tour

So it looks like I'll be doing a book tour right before that most magical time of year (Back to School Time!) come August. I'm a little nervous about this because I'm afraid I'll be sitting at an empty book store, twiddling my thumbs, looking like a loser, and begging anyone who walks in the door to please, please, please let me sign a book for them. It doesn't even have to be my book. Any book will do. Let me just sign something so I don't feel so pathetic. Please.

Meanwhile, my kids (who will be coming on this tour with me) will be running around the store like loonies. Clay and Brooklyn will be playing hide and seek, knocking over displays. Lexi will be drawing in the books and asking me, "How do you spell this?" every minute and a half. Jackson will bring me a stack 249 books with the question, "Can I get these, Mom?" Savannah will be sitting there looking bored and complaining that I won't get her a cell phone of her own and Austin will sneak over to Starbucks, buy some coffee and then, hyped up on caffeine, act even weirder than he already does. Sounds like a fun time, no?

Which brings me to my question. I really, really don't want to sit in an empty store like a dork, so tell me where you live so my publisher can come up with a plan that includes cities of folks who know who I am and who would love an evening out without kids enjoy getting to meet me or hear me speak.

Thank you!


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Rhonda said...

Come to Wausau Wisconsin! :) I'd love to meet you. I have three boys under 5 that would love to find mischievous things to do with Clay in a bookstore! (I often relate very well to your Clay stories! ;)


Unknown said...

Houston! I'd love to see you & promise to bring my friends!

Frances said...

I'm in the Houston area - so if you make it down here I will definitely say hi!

Anonymous said...

I'd love to get your book and meet you. Maybe in Duluth, Minnesota? :)

Brianne said...

You should definitely come to SEATTLE. We'll try to keep the rain away while you're here.

Kit said...

Just a bit North of Atlanta, GA!

Anonymous said...

Hi Dawn...not sure what bookstores you are going to do, but I promise if you are in the Mount Prospect area, I personally will fill that store with fans (and maybe bring your a starbucks of your very own!) Looking forward to meeting you and buying your book!

PezzyDB said...

Portland, Oregon! Please come here!

Unknown said...

I live in San Francisco and would LOVE for you to come please! I've been reading your blog for so long and am super excited about the new book. Congrats btw!

Jill said...

Metro Detroit area. And, this mom would love to meet you and/or hang out sans kids!

Anonymous said...

I live in Evanston! So you don't even have to travel far from home.

Suburban Correspondent said...

Will you be giving a talk, also? That will be fun. Hey, come to my town and I will babysit your kids for you. Or, actually, my husband will; because I will be at the bookstore enjoying the show.

Audrey said...

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma! Woohoo!

Denise ~ Paper Ponderings said...

Salem, Oregon. Pretty please.

Smiller said...

Phoenix, AZ

How about Berean Christian Store near Arrowhead Mall (that's on the west side of Phoenix)? Or, there is a Barnes and Noble at the Metro Center Mall.

If I come out for your autograph, I want the kid's too. I'll bring my 2 & 4 year old to play with yours.

Anonymous said...

I would LOVE to meet you! So please, please come to Fort Collins, CO......I would even be willing to go to Denver if you couldn't make it north.

Patti said...

Yah!!! Media, PA....outside of Philly. We will come out and support you.

Jennifer said...

I'll be near Lakeland, FL by the time your blog tour comes along. And I'll come visit you. And I'll bring my kid too.

Melissa said...

Denver, please! Or one of its lovely suburbs.

Anonymous said...

Come to Kansas City...we all know you here!!

Anonymous said...

Naples, Florida

If you can wait to visit here until February or March, then do so -- Spring Break! The weather her stinks in August and most people are off on vacation to cool loactions.

Dawn said...

Any chance you could come to Mississippi?

Solei said...

San Antonio babyyyyyy!!!

Come on down! I'll be waiting for ya!

Anonymous said...

Maine!! No one ever comes to Maine. (Bangor specifically)

Jaime said...

Ooooh, come to Austin, TX. My friends and I would love to met you and the fam!

Anonymous said...

Hi Dawn
I've enjoyed your blog for ages now, and haven't worried you with comment s(figured you had enough). I did enjoy sending you postcard info etc and am responding to your book tour itinerary plan question. I don't suppose you'd pop over to Sydney, Australa? Melanie

Erin said...

Come to South Carolina! I live in Spartanburg but Greenville is only 30 minutes away. :)

Traci said...

I will buy your book! Definitely!
But I live here in CA. And I'm just one person, so if you have more CA followers than me, then hey why not come out here!

Do we have a release date??

WendyLou said...

Oooh!! Oooh!! ::Waving my hand like a lunatic:: Please come to Memphis, TN!!

Anonymous said...

Come on out to Modesto, California, I'd come by and see ya!! Congratulations!!

Aly said...

Hi Dawn. I'm an admitted blog stalker and decided it was about time I actually comment. I live in Sandy, Utah and I, for one, would definitely buy your book and love to have you personally sign it!!! Your stories are like my own - I am a 35 year old with 4 young kids and I totally empathize with you. I love that you portray motherhood as it actually is - pure craziness and not always a bowl of cherries! Keep it coming. Oh, and when and where can I buy your book???

Anonymous said...

Kansas City, or close enough to it! And I'll come! And I'll buy a book! Of course, I'm a sure bet to buy your book anyway, so maybe my vote doesn't hold as much weight. Maybe you want to hit the more delegate-heavy states. :) But there's a little contingent of blog readers down here that love you!

Steve said...

Albert Lea, MN.

About a hundred miles due south of where you just were.

Go too far and you'll wander into Iowa. Be sure to have your passport ready.

Heather H said...

Oh pretty please come to the Salt Lake City area! I would love to meet you and have you sign a book for me.

Katrina said...

Let me know when you go international

K. said...

Seattle! Come visit us here in August when the weather is wonderful!

Of course, my first baby is due 8/14 so I'll probably have to send my husband to the book signing. Be gentle with him - he's a newby to the parent thing too and we are valiently trying to hold on to our delusions that our child will be perfect. :)

Sila Lumenn said...

We don't have a large bookstore like Barnes and Noble or Borders, so you probably won't be coming to my town, but just in case, I live in Sherman, Texas. How about coming to Dallas? I would love to drive the 60 miles to see you. And I promise to not only buy a copy of your book and get you to sign it, I'll listen to you talk about anything you want!

Sila Lumenn

AnnG said...

Flower Mound, Texas....a burb of DFW! Can't wait to see if you come near here.

Anonymous said...

YAY! I would love for you to come to a store near me. But I live in RURAL West Virginia so I don't know how close you can get. I live in a little town called Elkins. I'm 3 hours south of Pittsburgh. Anyway, if you come someplace close enough to me, I will absolutely come and have you sign things. You make my day. Thanks Dawn!

Wendi said...

I've been reading your blog for several months now. However, I've never left a comment because you always have SO MANY of them--and I never wanted to increase your workload by having to answer a question or whatever. But I absolutely LOVE your blog. Reading your posts is one of the highlights of my day. (I do free advertising for your blog on my blog all the time. I'm always raving about different posts and telling people to go read them.) I can't wait to buy your book. (I love the cover, by the way.) It will be my Christmas present to myself. :) And the description of your kids' potential behavior in this post was hilarious--my almost 12-year-old daughter would be begging for a cell phone as well. (Because that is her mantra these days.)

Anyway, I live in Orem, Utah. It's about an hour south of Salt Lake City. I highly doubt you'll be out this way--but if you are, I'll be the first one in line. :)

P.S. I've always wondered how you cross out the text of what you're really thinking and then write the politically/socially correct thing after it. Do you have to have some special writer's program or something??? Do tell.

Anonymous said...

Not far from you in Machesney Park,IL
but the book stores are located In Rockford, Il.

This is so exciting.August will be here so fast. This has to be a dream come true for you. I have problems sending an email. Writing a book would take years. I will be waiting in line if they would choose a store near me.


Anonymous said...


You know you have to come to St. Louis and meet the kids and Mike! I'd love to finally meet you in person. If it's on a weekend, I'd be thrilled to show you the town, maybe hit the Zoo and the Arch? Holler back at me and let me know if St. Louis is on your list.



Anonymous said...

Please come to Hoffman Estates, Illinois!!! If not there, I'm willing to travel up to 30 miles. I know, I'm putting the cost of gas over the excitement of having you sign a book for me.

Anonymous said...

I'm on the southside of Chicago - the nearest bookstore to me is in Matteson, but Orland Park would be good too. I'd love to come see you and grab a book.

Unknown said...

Hi Dawn,

Sitting there all by yourself is SO not going to happen to you. If you're looking for a guaranteed audience, come to Longmont Colorado. WAY off the beaten path, I know, but hey, if you make it this way, I'll come out to meet you!

Anonymous said...

Hi Dawn,

I'm in Leominster, MA and would love to have you visit our area!


Anonymous said...

I'm easy... Local girl. I'm in Gurnee. So Chicago area here.

Lori T said...

I have never posted before, but I had to this time - PLEASE, PLEASE come to Greensboro, NC (or some where relatively close to Greensboro). I promise I'll be at whatever book store - with your book in hand waiting to meet you in person and have you sign a copy of your book!
Just to let you know I really enjoy your blog and cannot wait to get your book. I signed up for Amazon to notify me when your book becomes available.
Thank you for sharing your (and your family's) life stories with helps me get through the crazy days with my 4 kiddos (4 year old twin boys; 3 year old son & 1 year old daughter).


Anonymous said...

Come to Rochester NY -- I'll get you a good turnout!

Silent-until-now but amused fan,


Maureen said...

I live in Virginia Beach, VA and would love to meet you!

Elizabeth & Chad said...

Omaha Nebraska!

Anonymous said...

Please come to the Borders near the Maine Mall in South Portland, Maine. :-) I would love-love-love to meet you and buy your book.

Unknown said...

I live in Phoenix, I'd come!

Jessica said...

You could come to Oklahoma City... Or Tulsa... Either one is about an hour and a half from me... I'd say come to Enid, but lacking a good bookstore it would be difficult... plus I think you'd have a better chance of rounding up more fans than just me if you were in a bigger city...

Kara said...

If you came here I would definitely come see you! I live near Salt Lake City, UT.

Anonymous said...

Try Vroman's main store in Pasadena, California. They really stand behing author signings!

Anonymous said...

Hi Dawn,
If you are coming to Mpls. I will be there.
I have already pre-ordered your book through Amazon. I hope I get it before your get here!!

Anonymous said...

You can try Vroman's Bookstore (main store) in Pasadena, California. They do an excellent job in promoting new authors and in getting people to a signing!

jdb in AZ said...

I'd love to see you in Phoenix, but August is the worst time to visit the desert. Opt for San Diego, or anywhere that's half-way cool.

jdb in AZ

Anonymous said...

D - Biloxi, Mississippi!!!
Hugs, Zanne

Anonymous said...

I live in Wichita, Ks!! COME TO WICHITA!!!!

the Jennings secede from the South said...

Come to Erie, Pennsylvania! It's nice here around August!!!

Anonymous said...

HI Dawn, I've never posted before, but I do plan on buying your book and probably even offering a copy or two. I live in Martinique but will be in Appleton, Wisconsin in the third week of August visiting family. I'd love to see you there!

MaggieMay said...

Hi Dawn, I don't post often but read your blog daily. I finally created an account so I don't have to post as "Anonymous".

You are an inspiration and a big help since I became a part-time stepmother to 3 boys.

You've made me laugh at similar experiences (Q-tips in the nose). You've helped me take a breath and remember that when they run around screaming and trying to brain each other with whatever they can grab that it's "ok". :o) I can't speak yet of when they try to "blow stuff up" but their dad wants to build model rockets with them this summer. Maybe I should say I have FOUR little boys.


I'm in Winnipeg, Manitoba (but can get to Grand Forks or Fargo North Dakota).

Thank you and I can't wait for your book. I'll buy one - even if I can't get it signed

Mum-me said...

A book tour! How exciting! .... then I read the bit about having all six children with you. Well, that will be an experience. I avoid taking my six anywhere I don't have to - but with my hubby away for 3 months it means I have to take them everywhere!

I don't suppose you are coming all the way to Canberra - but I'd bring the whole clan along to have my book signed if you did!

Anonymous said...

Hi Dawn,
Come to Vromann's bookstore in Pasadena, CA! You could use the map data from Austin's project as a starting point too. I'm in Winnetka, CA (part of the San Fernando Valley), just north of Los Angeles. Come on out, and I'll motivate a whole group of moms to come see you!

Donna. W said...

I'm near Kansas City, Missouri. But I doubt I can help you, because I don't drive. Unless the timing is right for me to force my husband to take me. (He works 2:30 PM to midnight.)

Anonymous said...

Oh, that's exciting! I always intend to go to things like book signings and local presentations, but I seem to never find the time or else I forget.

I live in Seattle and if you happen to make it out here I will put it on my schedule and hopefully actually make it to come see you.

Anonymous said...

I hope you'll come to beautiful, sunny San Diego. Please, please, please! You'll LOVE it here.
I'll be there in line for sure & bring all my friends.

Northsound said...

Ooh, ooh! Me! Come to Stamford, CT. We've got a spankin' new Barnes and Noble and a g'zillion moms.

Edie said...

Oooohh! Ooooohhh!

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Jennifer said...

Oh, PUL-EESE come to the Atlanta area. More specifically 30-45 minutes WEST of Atlanta!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Dawn! I would LOVE to meet you in person! I live in Oroville, CA, and we have no book store, but we're only a half hour drive away from Chico, which is a college town. They have a very fine Barnes and Noble (with a Starbucks) and I would be honored to buy you a coffee!
Dot Binder

Anonymous said...

I don't suppose the tour includes the UK?

vtbyers said...

Spring, TX...but am willing to travel to Houston, Kingwood, or The Woodlands!

Anonymous said...

Please ask your publisher to schedule a stop in the Twin Cities. You already promo'd MOA (the Mall of America), maybe you could go back there again? I know I'm not alone in looking forward to reading your book; best wishes!

Anonymous said...

Hey Dawn,

I will certainly come see you! I live about 20 minutes north of Ann Arbor, Michigan.


Autumn said...

I will totally be there!! Either the Charleston SC area or the Marietta Ga area!!! (we're moving at some point, hopefully before school starts)

Anonymous said...

I would love to come see you, and your beautiful children. We live in Marlton NJ. There is a Borders and a Barnes and Nobel,within a few miles of me.

Katie said...

Come to Wilmington, North Carolina. The Barnes and Noble is only about 2 or 3 miles from the Atlantic Ocean :)

jennsquared said...

I would TOTALLY come have you sign a copy of your book for me. It would be lovely to meet you finally in person. I live in CT and the bookstore RJ Julia ( does a lot of book signing. It's a little ways for me, but they seems to have more events than the big chains.

Kiki said...

Richmond, VA sweetheart!

Steph said...

Providence, RI or Cambridge, MA! :)

Anonymous said...

St.Louis would be nice to you even though you're a Cubs fan!

Anonymous said...

WHerre to visit..

NJ works for me.. No not wher you were but southern ( do you gamble?. Some towns called Cherry Hill, Marlton even Philadelphia would work

we have tons of Barnes and Nobles and many Borders in the area and convenient to airports and fun places to eat and shop

Anonymous said...

Las Vegas is not a big book store town, but there is a wonderful Borders at Town Square. Come there and I'll come see you. You'll love the play ground there. It's fabulous. Siggy

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

If you come to San Diego, I'll come to you. (Unless it's during the week in August I'll be taking my son to college in Colorado).

Sarah said...

I live in the south St. Louis area and would love to get a signed book from you (or Lexi which ever...) I love reading about your exploits on your BLOG so I'm sure the book has to be GREAT!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Dawn I would love for you to come here. We are in Daytona Florida but Orlando or even jacksonville would be close enough! Can't wait. ~Aimee

Ali A said...

Rocky Hill CT. 15mins from Hartford.

Roni said...

I think it would be totally awesome if you come to my town. I am in Hagerstown, MD. I look forward to reading your book!! I can hardly wait.

fa_th7 said...

I live in Greenville, NC. It's a fabulous place. I love reading your blog. Can't wait for your book

Becci Hethcoat said...

Well...I live in Wheaton so how about a local stop! I would come to see you...

Anonymous said...

I'm in Fremont, Ca half way between San Francisco and San Jose. It would be great if you were to make a stop at one of the smaller 'burbs. The big cities always get all the good authors.

Anonymous said...

Hampton, Georgia (Henry County)
Allison Rice
Just love this blog. Would love to get your book!

Anonymous said...

I would love to come see you!! Come to San Mateo, CA. We are only 20 minutes south of San Francisco!!


Anonymous said...

Small town America here - we don't even have a bookstore! It's in our neighboring head toward Tryon, NC specifically, The Bookshelf and the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains. If a small venue won't cut it, then the big city B&N in Spartanburg, SC is our favorite Saturday night hang out. My kids will be the ones fighting over the Thomas the Tank playset! LOL
Billie Jean

Thany said...

San Diego! Come to San Diego!

Abby said...

Fort Wayne Indiana!!! :)

Tracy J-Flores said...

Oh, you must come to NYC! :)

Anonymous said...

How about somewhere in Northwest Indiana---perhaps Merrillville or Valparaiso? I know that myself as well as 3 of my friends will come to see you---and of course, we'll buy your book!

Anonymous said...

Come to Knoxville! We have a great Moms Group (I've quoted your blog a few times!) and I think it'd be great to meet you.

Unknown said...

Come to Sandusky, Ohio - we have a brand new Borders that opened in our Mall. I will round up all of my friends and we'll have a good time. Sandusky is also the home of Cedar Point, and awesome amusement park . . .

Jolanthe said...

I'm in Harrisonburg, VA. We have several lovely bookstores here. I'd get a great group of moms together - and we'd hype ourselves up on caffeine. :)


Anonymous said...

I'll come! I'll come! Stop by a store in the Los Altos, Ca area! Los Altos, Mountain View, Sunnyvale, Palo Alto, San Jose - any of those would do nicely. I think you'd probably get the best turnout in Mountain View or Palo Alto.

Melia said...

Oh, come to St. George, Utah. (Never heard of it?) It is about 110 miles NE of Vegas and 300 miles S of Salt Lake. I just want to hear that you might be coming close enough for me to make the trip and meet a celebrity. Hooray for you.

Anonymous said...

If you come to the Detroit, Michigan area, I'll be there and I'll spread the word. Specifically, come to the Borders Books in Canton, MI. You kids and my son could all go to the park in the neighborhood behind Borders.

I have a better idea. Have your signing at this place called Jungle Java ( There will be a ton of parents, mostly moms and there is a giant indoor play structure your kids can climb. No books to buy or destroy. There is a coffee bar but they have kid friendly stuff too!!!

Please, please come to my area.

JenLo said...

Barnes & Noble, zip code 13760!!

Tamara said...

Come to Canada!! Specifically, Regina Saskatchewan, or at least somewhere in Saskatchewan.

Anonymous said...

Hey Dawn! I'm a fan of your blog and I'm so excited about your book! I live in Graham, Washington. You should come to the Borders in South Hill Washington, it's just a few minute drive from there's no book store in Graham. Anyways, if you come to South Hill in Washington, I will definitely come see you and buy a book!!

Anonymous said...

I am in San Angelo Texas, aka the middle of nowhere. If you come to Texas please stop by here.

Michelle in Texas

Anonymous said...

Dawn, Please come to Dallas--PLEEEEEEEZE!!! (Did that sound like one of the kids??) ;0) Truly would be wonderful to give you a hug for all the smiles and laughs you've brought to me. Blessings! ;) SM from the Big D

Vanessa said...

Come to San Antonio Texas! :) Congrats on your book...I can't wait to get it!


Tammy B said...

i live in edmonds, wa but you'd want to do your book signing in in lynnwood, wa - or seattle, but shoot for lynnwood, the parking is easier!

CristyK1 said...

I live in Allen Park, MI. Near Dearborn,MI (if you know Ford Motor Comany you know of Dearborn). But I can do Ann Arbor too.

I really really want your book, and it would be better for me if it was signed.
I can't wait to put in on my book case. I have a spot picked out between Midevil Warfare and D-day Invision, hour by hour.

Anonymous said...


PLEASE include Topeka, KS on your list of places...I will come and have you sign the book and my kids' foreheads etc. It will be a good time! (Lawrence, KS is close too!!)

Britney said...

I live in the South Bend, IN, region and would love to see/listen to/meet you!

Anjie said...

Oooo! Please come to Salt Lake City! Utah has a ton of Moms, and we would ALL love to meet you!

Kim said...

I don't think I've ever commented before, but if you came to Louisville or Lexington, KY - I'd be there - and I'd bring my friends. (and I actually have more than one friend!!) :)

Mandy said...

Well, I'm in Lexington KY and I think you should go to the cities with your children's names...perhaps ONLY these cities, go crazy an demand that you will only go to cities with these 6 names...or...or...i got nothin' but it would be funny and not unlike what you put that poor girl through at the photo place!

Persnickety Ticker said...

Woohoo! Come to Jacksonville, FL! Please? Pretty please? That would SO ROCK!

Kate said...

We would love to have you visit Birmingham, Alabama. Don't forget---we are all inbred here in the South, so any behavior your kids might display would be considered normal!!! :)

Anonymous said...

What about Los Angeles?

Laura ~Peach~ said...

Augusta Georgia...come on down and bring the kids :D

Anonymous said...

Please come to Wilmington, NC!!!

Keeley said...

I live in sunny Tennessee! =) In Franklin - home of strip mall capital of the world, Cool Springs. It's near Nashville. =)

Anonymous said...

Fort Worth, TX!!! Ok, anywhere in the Metroplex and I'll come!! And I can play with your kids. I'm very good at that, having three of my very own. Pretty please??

Anonymous said...

PLEASE come to Clay, NY. I promise to bring all my friends.

Mama Smurf said...

Another Metro Detroiter here! I would LOVE to come to your book signing!

Anonymous said...

Temecula, CA, closest bigger city to me and I have a hoard of moms club groups who cant wait to get the book!

Anonymous said...

I second Omaha Nebraska! I am in Lincoln Nebraska (Lincoln I might add would make a good name for a future child) but Omaha is only an hour away and I would be happy to drive up to see you!

Aemelia (who is always anon because the name feature doesn't work)

Anonymous said...

Indianapolis... not to far!


Anonymous said...

Another local gal here! We're in Naperville/Aurora, but I will go anywhere in the Chicago area to see you and get your book!


Anonymous said...

Columbus, Ohio! Or even, one of the smaller, safer towns that surround it. Pickerington, Westerville, Worthington, Upper Arlington, Groveport, Gahanna, Dublin. Take your pick. I know there's a lot of us who would drive there.

Unknown said...

Springfield, MO! I wonder if that would be possible- we are about 2.5 hours from Kansas City and 3.5 from St Louis. But still- I would love to meet you! We have both a Barnes and Noble and a Borders!

Shelly said...

Please come to Dallas, Texas. I would love to have a book signed by you and I have lots of mommy friends that would like to meet as well.

Anonymous said...

Anywhere in Ventura County, CA!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm all the way up north in Lake Zurich, but I'll drive down to Naperville if you don't get up this way.

Stacey said...

SEATTLE!!!! I'll bring my kids and they can run around the store with yours.

Anonymous said...

Barnes & Noble

Blue Back Square, West Hartford, Connecticut.

Unknown said...

I already saw at least 2 Houston's so I must say another one just to be sure you know I am in the Houston area and would go into Houston with my daughter who would also be screaming or carrying 100 books wanting to buy them! Oh wait no the kid with the 100 books will be me! Anyway come I would love to have an autographed copy of your book!

Anonymous said...

Please come to Fort Wayne, Indiana. Road Trip! :-)

Anonymous said...

Baltimore, MD!

Anonymous said...

Another local! How about close to Huntley?

Ms. Karlyn said...

I live in Centerville, UT. However anywhere in UT would work

Anonymous said...

Nice to see so many St. Louisans leaving comments. I'm on the Illinois side and a HUGE Cardinal fan, but don't hold that against me! My kids are almost grown but don't hold that against me either!
Come on down to Cardinal territory. We'd love to meet you!

Anonymous said...

Albuquerque, NM please please

Anonymous said...

Dawn, you must come to Portland, OR. My friends and I would love to have you sign our books.

Jennifer :)

Anonymous said...

Another vote here for the Kansas City area. I would come wherever you end up, but consider the Kansas side - Overland Park specifically. Tons of families here. Also - a great little kids book store here is called the Reading Reptile. They do an annual children's book festival that draws a lot of big name children's authors. They would be a fun place to do a book signing. You'd have a family audience built in!

Anonymous said...





You have A LOT of FANS here :)

Anonymous said...

Bend, Oregon. I'll bring my six and yours won't look so bad.

Jules said...

Rochester, MN!

Anonymous said...

Why not just hand your publisher the map you made up for your son's school project? :)

Dayton, OH. I'll be there if you're here! :)

Erin said...

Hi Dawn,
How about Vancouver, Canada? It's really beautiful here...
otherwise I'll just have to make a trip to Seattle!


Tracy said...

I live in SE Wisconsin. There are large bookstores in Brookfield, WI and Greenfield, WI.

I'll come see ya!! :o)

Randee said...

Come back to MN......MOA!!! :). Actually, much easier for folks to get to and from (well, in my opinion seeing as I live here) EAGAN (10 min south of MOA) has a B&N....either way I would come see you!!

Ali said...

Would love to see you in the Tampa Bay (FL) area! I, too, have never commented before, but I am a daily reader. Looking forward to the book release!

Mommy to those Special Ks said...

Come to NASHVILLE!!!!! I'll bring the masses! :)

Sabine said...

OMG! Getting a copy of the book I'm going to buy anyway, but signed by the real, actual Dawn Meehan? And a chance to see the 6pack in action... Woohoo - that would be one of the highlights of my summer! I would probably be too nervous to actually talk to you, you being such a celebrity and all, but believe me, I'll be there!! Tampa, FL, PLEASE!!! I might be in Daytona Beach and the Miami area at some point in August, so if you end up going there that might work out for me too.
And, oh, reading the post about Lexington, KY also made me think that it would be so cool if you went to all the places you named your kids after. But PLEASE, come to Tampa too :o)

Anonymous said...

Come to San Antonio, TX!!! I can't wait for your book to come out!

Diana said...

Belchertown Massachusetts! woo hoo...We're too small to have a bookstore in town (that went under a few years ago). But there is a Borders in Holyoke MA and a Barnes & Noble in Hadley MA. Both are close enough. Good Luck and I don't think you're a dork.

Anonymous said...

Hey Dawn,
I am near Annapolis or Baltimore, MD or Warshington, DC. C you real soon, Y because we like you.

Anonymous said...

The Lehigh Valley in PA will welcome you and your children. Growing up with 4 younger brothers, I can understand how it is for you. Good luck with the book and tour.

Anonymous said...

I love your blog & can't wait for your book!!! Please come to Appleton, WI. I'd be there to support you!


Anonymous said...

Please come to Indianapolis!!! We have lots of Borders and Barnes and Noble bookstores on the north side. I could bring all the moms from my triplets (and more) group! The Indiana State Fair is also in August and they also have family day!

Julia said...

Longmont, CO but anywhere in the area will work! Boulder, Denver, etc. I would love to meet you! I'll bring friends! :-)

Lisa said...

Sacramento, California. But if you are within a couple hours drive time and it fits the stinkin schedule, I'd make the drive to keep you from twiddling your thumbs. OK. I lied. I'd make the drive to watch your kids trash a Barnes & Noble.... LOL!

Anonymous said...

Oh PLEASE come to Des Moines, IA! We could definetly fill the place up! I have so many friends that would come and I know there are others out there too. Maybe it will be state fair time and you could stop by there- a great time for sure! :)

As Cape Cod Turns said...

Cape Cod, Massachusetts! At least you will have me at your signing! I would even volunteer to take your kids to the beach, while you signed other's books.

Laura said...

Dawn. I saw someone else asked you to come to Vancouver Canada. And I have to second that motion! Otherwise I too, will be driving down to Seattle, if you go there. Have fun planning your tour!

Anonymous said...

Dawn, Please come to St. Louis. It's close enough that you could send the kids home on the bus if needed! Just Kidding! I'd love to meet you, you have kept me in stitches for months.

Julie said...

How about Flint, MI? We have a Borders & a Barnes & Noble....our Barnes and Noble even has a Starbucks in it!! LOL

Anonymous said...

Northern Baltimore! I'll round up my whole Mom's club for ya, if you come!

Grandmother Goddess of the Garden said...

Estacada, Oregon...I would love to find you out here and okay with your kiddos Dawn!


Anonymous said...

Another loyal fan in Jacksonville, FL - please come here!

Me, Myself and I said...

Lansing, MI! I live not too far and if you need help corralling the kids for you if you want! Just can't wait for the book to come out... thank you so much for all the laughs!


Anonymous said...

Please come to Fort Wayne, IN!! I even seen a few others vote from here as well! woo hoo!

Michelle Kemper Brownlow said...

READING PA!!!!!!!!!!!
READING PA!!!!!!!!!!!!!
READING PA!!!!!!!!!
READING PA!!!!!!!!
EXTON PA!!!!!!!!!!
EXTON PA!!!!!!!
EXTON PA!!!!!!!
EXTON PA!!!!!!!

~Shell said...

Ok I live in Sidney NY...however the bookstore that is a biggie is in Vestal NY( about 35-40 minutes from me)It is a BARNES and NOBLE. There is also one in Oneonta NY that is near me....but I would go for the vestal one it is big, attracts lots of folks, and I could come meet you and bring MY crazy crew of 4 ( 4,3,2, and newborn if it is held at the end of August) one of whom is also ADHD...It would be a grand time!

Simply Lovely Gifts said...

Allen, TX, so could do Frisco, McKinney, or Plano :-)

Anonymous said...

I live in St.Charles, Missouri. Just on the out skirts of St. Louis. With one of the highways shut down it will make more since to have a signing in St. Louis and one in St. Peters mall (mid-Rivers) at Boarders that way no one will be stuck in traffic. It's bad The traffic. I hope you enjoy our City lots of free things for your kids to enjoy. Maybe dad can take them. Hint Hint. Susan

Anonymous said...

I'm from Ithaca, NY (home of Cornell University) but I would happily come to Rochester, Buffalo, NYC or Boston if you give us enough notice.

- Jennifer

Anonymous said...

Cincinnati, Ohio!! :-D I'd be there in a heartbeat!

Anonymous said...

Hello Dawn,
I have been a silent reader up untill now, but I noticed another poster mentioning my area, so I just had to speak up:-) Please please please make a stop out at Vestal NY!!

Lynn said...

If you come to Clarksville, TN (or even Nashville) I will be there. Since my husband is deployed, I'll be forced to bring my four kids with me. That's 5 people right there! =)

Aubrey said...

Please, please, please come to Salt Lake City. I'll probably get shy or chicken out, but I'd love to meet you and I'll bring my husband so you can talk him out of having six kids.
Hey--maybe some of the polygamists will show up with ALL their kids and then you'd have a ton of books to sell.

Anonymous said...

Please, please, PLEASE come to Georgia! Gwinnett, County (NE Suburb of Atlanta,) if possible. Heck, I'll even bring all 6 kids home to play with my 2 while the book signing is going on, if you'll have a glass of wine or coffee with me and sign my book.

Yes, Georgia MUST be on your list. We even have a marvelous Barnes & Noble in Lawrenceville or a Borders in Snellville.

I'll beg if I have to. Don't make me.


Anonymous said...

Baltimore! I'll even make a tampon centerpiece for you.

~ Elly ~ said...

Chicago proper checking in. North side. I'll bring people, you know..."people." :D

Anonymous said...

Jackson/Clinton, Mississippi
Would love to come see you. I want your book..May not be able to read in public--might get strange looks from laughing out loud. If it is as funny as your blog!! You make my day....

speedycyn said...

I have been a lurker since September, until now! I hope you can come to Southern California this summer. Riverside, Ontario, San Bernardino, Anaheim (Disneyland), are all great locations I could make it to, plus there are fun things to do with the kids!

Sherry said...

Southside of Indianapolis!!

Franny Organny said...

wow, now that gave u some comments!

Europe...Germany to be more precise so if that's an option -> come visit me!

as for the they know what they are getting into?? hehe..

mamatwoboys said...

I am moving to the DFW area in June. I am certain there are some big bookstores in the Dallas area that would love to have you warm the hot seat.

Will you travel by bus on this tour, Like a Rock Star!?!?

Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I forgot to mention that I'm a past-president (and founder) of the MOMS Club of Grayson. MOMS Club chapters number about 68 in the metro Atlanta area... it's a support group for stay-at-home-moms. You've probably heard of it, but the acronym stands for Moms Offering Moms Support. There are over 1600 chapters in the US. They're in Canada and many other countries too. MOMS Clubs members alone would pack every single signing and keep you there until your poor signing hand went numb - and we'd help entertain the kiddos too!

Remember... NE Atlanta (Gwinnett Co.)


Kayla said...

salt lake city would LOVE you. i promise. :)

Anonymous said...

Come to the grand state of NC - I'm in the triangle which is defined as Raleigh/Durham/Chapel Hill. Durham would be best...but I'm willing to drive for ya. :)

Kyddryn said...

Atlanta, or even better, a bookstore near the Mall of Georgia. I can't promise any interesting centerpieces, arts and crafts, or that I'll have the Evil Genius, but I'll buy a book anyway. :-)

Shade and Sweetwater,

Lisa-Anne said...

I'll even entertain the children in the bookstore... I used to be a summer camp counselor! ;)


Anonymous said...

KANSAS - an added bonus to the 'Reading Reptile' recommended above - there are establishments nearby to procure refreshing libations after a hard day of signing.

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