Friday, March 14, 2008

Who's Who in BabyWorld

I'm finishing up my book and am busy doing a little editing this week, so instead of wowing you with my awesome stories (HA!) I decided to do a little contest instead. I'm posting some baby pictures (Awwww, how cute!). They're all pictures of my kids. Guess who is who. (Hint: there aren't necessarily 6 babies pictured here because I'm just tricky like that.) So, go ahead and guess who's who. The first person with the most accurate number of guesses will win a $20 gift card for Babies R Us good at any stores or online. If you don't have little babies, you can use it for your grandchildren, nieces, nephews, neighbors, co-worker's kids, or buy a bunch of diapers and formula with it and donate them to your local food pantry.

My kids are:
Austin - 13
Savannah - 11
Jackson - 9
Lexington - 6
Clayton - 4
Brooklyn - 2

So here they are...








Anonymous said...

I'm sure I am way off but here is my guess...
# 1 Clay
#2 Austin
# 3 Clay
# 4 Lexy
#5 Jackson
#6 Brooklyn

Lisa McKenzie

Stephanie said...

Oooo! A give away! Count me in!
1. Clayton
2. Savanah
3. Jackson
4. Brooklyn
5. Austin
6. Lexington

I think....

Denise ~ Paper Ponderings said...

Okay, there's some wild guessing going on here. And since I don't have the names matched up with the kids, I'm going to use numbers...K? #1 is your middle son, #2 is possibly your middle daughter...that's quite a guess. #3 is your youngest son. #4 is your oldest daughter. Again, wild guessing. #5 is your oldest son and #6 is your youngest. How did I do???

Terri said...

Okay here are my guesses:

1. Brooklyn
2. Savannah
3. Clayton
4. Lexington
5. Austin
6. Brooklyn

Mauzy Fam said...

Okay -
Here's my guess - I hope I'm right!
1. Clayton
2. Lexington
3. Jackson
4. Savannah
5. Austin
6. Brooklyn
By the way, I think all your children are adorable!!

Anonymous said...

Cute! They all look alike. My guess is:
Austin is #5
Savannah is #4
Jackson is #3
Lexington is #2
Clayton is #1
Brooklyn is #6
Sandy, HE Illinois

Ryan said...

They are all so cute! :)

Here's my guess:
1. Clayton
2. Savannah
3. Jackson
4. Lexington
5. Savannah
6. Brooklyn


Rick said...

Let's see...

Number 1 is Portland

Number 2 is Hackensac

Number 3 is Sturgis

Number 4 is..., oh that's a hard one... Barkersville

Number 5 is..., now you're being tricky, that's Hackensac again.

Number 6 is Hollywood

Hey,wait a minute! Where's Nome!

Just donate my winnings to the charity of your choice.

Anonymous said...

1 - Austin
2 -Savannah
3 - Jackson

Numbers 1 and 3 were HARD!!

Love your blog!

~Caroline E

Kristine said...

#1 Clayton
#2 Lexington
#3 Jackson
#4 Lexington
#5 Jackson
#6 Brooklyn

The only one I'm sure about is #6. LOL

Best of luck on your book!

Anonymous said...

#1 - Jackson, #2 - Lexie, #3 - Clay, #4 - Savannah, #5 - Austin, and #6 - Brooklyn

Hope I guessed it correctly.

Jadie MT

JaseyRay said...

Aww, they're all adorable babies!
Okay, even though you said it might be a trick, here are my guesses::

#1: Clay?
#2: Austin?
#3: Jackson?
#4: Lexi?
#5: Savannah?
#6: Brooklyn?

Probably all wrong; I'm no good at these things. lol But thanks for the contest! Fun stuff. =)


Anonymous said...

Here are my guesses:
1 - Jackson
2 - Austin
3 - Clayton
4 - Savannah
5 - Jackson
6 - Brooklyn
And do I get extra credit for being up this late because my middle child threw up in his bed? Like you, the first thing I do is alert my DH! Happy editing, Diane K.

Aubrey said...

#1 is Clay
#2 is Lexington
#3 is Austin
#4 is Savannah
#5 is Jackson
#6 is Brooklyn
and they all look so cute.

Anonymous said...

okay, I tried to post with my name but it won't let me so I'll be anonymous
but I'm Abby W

1 Brooklyn
2 Savannah
3 Austin
4 Jackson
5 Clayton
6 Lexington

Amanda and Ron said...

#1 - Clayton
#2 - Austin
#3 - Jackson
#4 - Savannah
#5 - Clayton
#6 - Brooklyn

Anonymous said...

Such cute baby pictures!!
Here is my guess:

#1- Jackson
#6- Brooklyn

*sorry, stupid post wont go through

Anonymous said...

Here are my guesses :) I love this idea... :)

1- Savannah
2- Austin
3- Clayton
4- Lexington
5- Clayton
6- Brooklyn

Good luck to all who play!!

lisa said...

1. brooklyn
2. lexi
3. clay
4. savannah
5. austin
6. brooklyn

Anonymous said...

5. Austin
6. Brooklyn

Lowa said...

Wow. #1,#3 and #6 all look SO MUCH like Brooklyn that ONE of them has to be here:)

Here we go...

#1 is Jackson
#2 is Lex
#3 is Clay
#4 is Savannah
#5 is Austin
#6 is Brooklyn.

Now, please so not tell how far off from reality I am! LOL This is a fun idea, I may try it on my blog!

bucketgirl said...

That last one is Brooklyn, I'd bet the farm!

Anonymous said...

Here's my guess, mind you this is a guess. Most of them I was totally confused on:

1. Brooklyn
2. Lexi
3. Clay
4. Savannah
5. Jackson
6. Brooklyn again

Can't wait to find out who's who!

Donna. W said...

They all look alike!

roseys madhouse said...

#1 Clay
#2 Savannah
#3 Austin
#4 Jackson
#5 Lexi
#6 Brooklyn?????

dynamitt said...

Im guessing #4 is Brooklyn. The other once I have no clue about

Aleta said...

okay, first off let me tell you they all look like the same baby! LOL!


Anonymous said...

1- Lexington
2- Austin
3- Clayton
4- Savannah
5- Jackson
6- Brooklyn

Hope I'm right!


Anonymous said...

Alright, I would guess they are
1. Jackson
2. Savannah
3. Clayton (i m pretty sure abt this)
4. Lexi
5. Austin (very sure)
6. Brooklyn


Anonymous said...

Ok, let's take a stab at this! I was trying to find that family photo of you guys but unfortunately could not, so that was no!

I think this is the line up of cuteness:

1. Austin
2. Savannah
3. Clay
4. Austin
5. Jackson
6. Brooklyn

Man...they are all cuties, so hard to figure out, I hope I at least got one right!

Sila Lumenn said...

I'm totally awful at identifying people from their baby pictures, so I'll not guess, but can I just say how beautiful your babies are? I adore all those chubby little cheeks, happy smiles and bright shining eyes. I just wanna give 'em all smooshy kisses! And, boy, don't they look just like their mommy! Especially #6 (who I think might be Brooklyn, btw).

Kim said...

Just a guess...
1. savannah
2. austin
3. clayton
4. lexi
5. jackson
6. brooklyn

Anonymous said...

Hi Dawn. WOW! That's tough. Your kids look a LOT a like--unless that's just pics of 2 babies or something! :) Here's my guess, I'm sure it's not right, but:
1. Brooklyn
2. Jackson
3. Austin
4. Lexi
5. Clay
6. Brooklyn
Thanks for sharing their smiles--cuties!!! :)
Sarah from Dallas

Anonymous said...

So I'm going to go with
# 1 Brooklyn
# 2 Savannah
# 3 Austin
# 4 Lexington
# 5 Clayton
# 6 Lexington (again)

SuddenlySouthernCyndi said...

and let the cuteness begin..... I couldn't even begin to attempt this one (# 6 is Brooklyn, tho--I think) but hey, just had to say.

Anonymous said...

1. Clayton
2. Lexinton
3. Austin
4. Brooklyn
5. Clayton
6. Brooklyn

Cindy said...

Umm... are they all the same baby?? Nahhhh.. of course they aren't. Umm... well... I give up, the only one I thing I might even be close to getting is the #6 and that one looks like Brooklyn. Great contest though!

Mama Smurf said...

I have my life....seen 6 siblings who look so much alike. I would have sworn they were all the same baby. I'll guess anyway
#2 - Austin
#4 - Savannah
#5 - Jackson
#6 - Lexington
#3 - Clayton
#1 - Brooklyn

Crafty Japan said...

Here's my guess:

#1 - Clayton
#2 - Savannah
#3 - Jackson
#4 - Lexington
#5 - Austin
#6 - Brooklyn

How'd I go?

Thanks for the game!! :)


Please leave a comment on my blog if I happen to win! :)

Mandi said...

all your kids look alike!!

so here's my guess:
1. Austin
2. Lexi
3. Clayton
4. Brooklyn
5. Jackson
6. Jackson

Anonymous said...

Oh what the heck I'll give it a shot. And I think you are just sneaky enough to say you didn't necessarily use pics of all 6 kid-os then actually do it ;o)

1 Clay
2 Austin
3 Jackson
4 Lexi
5 Savanah
6 Brooklyn

Anonymous said...

ok here are my gueses...that was a hard one!
1 Brooklyn
2 Savanna
3 Clay
4 Savanna
5 Clay
6 Brooklyn


Michelle said...

Wow!! There is some definite family resemblence there! Here goes
5- Austin

Anonymous said...

Okay, here goes.
I hope I win. For my granddaughter. :)

Andi said...

First one has to be Brooklyn. I have no clue on the rest, nor would I even guess for fear of making a total fool out of myself. I can hardly tell which one of my kids is in all the baby pictures I have. I have to look at blankets or surrounding background to pinpoint time of year, or the time frame. I spit out clones. They all looked alike at the hospital and thankfully they all look like my family and not the Ex's. Have a great day!


Sherry said...

That was tough but here goes:
1 – Jackson
2 – Austin
3 – Brooklyn
4 – Lexi
5 – Clay
6 - Brooklyn

Irishmama said...

Jeezoman, they all look so much alike.

Not having too much knowledge, I'll give it a try:

1 Clayton
2 Austin
3 Jackson
4 Lexington
5 Austin again
6 Brooklyn

so 2 of Austin, none of Savannah.

Have a great day!

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Holy cow! Are you sure these aren't quintuplets? I couldn't even begin go guess! I guessed Brooklyn in at least three of them! They are beautiful!

Anonymous said...

1 –Austin
2 – Savannah
3- Clayton

Anonymous said...

Here is my best guess on the kids pictures. I've only got 2, and I still have a hard time telling their baby pictures apart! LOL

Thanks, too, for all the smiles you bring daily with your blog - I can't wait for the book!

#1 & #6 - Brooklyn
#2 - Jackson
#3 - Austin
#4 - Savannah
#5 - Lexinton

... and poor Clay got left out? :-(

Jennifer said...

This is hard! Your kids are ALL adorable and there is NO denying that they are siblings!!!

Here's my guess
1. Jackson
2. Savannah
3. Jackson
4. Lexington
5. Clayton
6. Brooklyn

Anonymous said...

Hi Dawn,

Thank you SOOOO much for your blog. I'm a mom of 4 and can relate to all of what you go through. Especially the toilet paper rolls.....grrrrrr. I also want to thank you for "introducing" me to Mimi and JuJU. My heart and prayers go out to them daily.
So, I thought I would give the pictures a try and please tell your kids that I am truly sorry if I got them totally wrong.
#1 - Savannah #2 - Austin #3 - Lexington #4 - Brooklyn #5 - Jackson and #6 Brooklyn.

Again, thank you for the laughs.
I can't wait for your book.

Christine H.

Jen @ Rolling Through Looneyville said...

OK, here goes!

1. Clayton
2. Austin
3. Jackson
4. Brooklyn
5. Lexi
6. Brooklyn

Kelley said...

C'mon, admit don't know which baby is which either!

Anonymous said...

I am not even going to try to guess because they are all so all babies are!
What a wonderful idea though about buying formula and diapers for the food bank or shelter. You are an amazing woman Dawn. God Bless you.
A fan,

Anonymous said...

WoW I'm shocked who they all look almost exactly the same... no guesses for me!

Anonymous said...

Adorable babies!!

1 - Brooklyn
2 - Austin
3 - Clayton
4 - Lexington
5 - Jackson
6 - Brooklyn

Thanks for making me laugh!

Andrea said...


Brandi said...

Just a stab in the dark?

#1 Clay
#2 Lexington
#3 Austin
#4 Savannah
#5 Jackson
#6 Brooklyn

My first impression when seeing the first picture was that it was Brooklyn. So if you did put one child twice, then I would have to say that #1 and #6 are Brooklyn. However, I'm inclined to think that #1 is actually Clay and #6 is Brooklyn.

Neat idea!

Holly Wilcox said...

I've been wanting to say this since you posted your "big hair high school photo." You and Brooklyn look exactly alike!
1. Jackson
2. Savannah
3. Clayton
4. Lexington
5. Austin
6. Brooklyn
Those are beautiful baby pictures!

Jessica.Gardner said...

1 - Brooklyn
2 - Austin
3 - Savannah
4 - Lexington
5 - Clayton
6 - Brooklyn

Anonymous said...


#1 Austin -
#2 Savannah -
#3 Jackson -
#4 Lexington -
#5 Clayton -
#6 Brooklyn -

Holly C. said...


Now, you wouldn't let anyone out would you?

Holly C.

Life with Spirit said...

#1 Clayton
#2 Savannah
#3 Lexington
#4 Clayton
#5 Jackson
#6 Brooklyn

Is this contest rigged? Does your mom get to play too??? :-) Very fun btw. Soooooooooo cannot wait to get your book in my hands!!!

Krysten said...

Oh I like contests!
My guesses are:
1. Austin
2. Savannah
3. Lexington
4. Austin
5. Jackson
6. Brooklyn
All your kids have the same upper lip, it's cute!

Brenda said...

I am horrible at this game but I'll give it a whirl:
from top to bottom:

Anonymous said...

My goodness!! They all look just about alike! It is hard to tell the difference between the kids. How do you keep their pictures straight?

Anita in Indiana

LaLa said...

My guesses are as follows:
#1 = Clay
#2 = Savannah
#3 = Jackson
#4 = Clay
#5 = Austin
#6 = Lexington

This is a FUN contest Dawn!! :-)

Anonymous said...

Last night I tried to comment when you just had pictures only (and then it mysteriously disappeared)- but then I went to bed! My guesses are: #1- Austin, #2- Lexington, #3- Clayton, #4- Savannah, #5 Jackson, #6- Brooklyn.

I am hillgal3 at yahoo dot com.

Deb said...

OK, I am guessing:
1 - Clayton
2 - Austin
3 - Jackson
4 - Lexington
5 - Savannah
6 - Brooklyn

Anonymous said...

OK here are my random guesses!
1: Jackson
2: Austin
3: Clayton
4: Brooklyn
5: Lexington
6: Savannah

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure they are all pictures of Dawn!


Andi said...

I have never left a comment before but I love contests like this!
You said there aren't necessarily 6 babies pictured, which confused me a bit...but I couldn't see you excluding one of your kids from the pictures. So I am hoping you just said that to throw us off.
Your babies are all so adorable!!

Waitingonyou2 said...

1 - Austin
2 - Savannah
3 - Clayton
4 - Savannah
5 - Jackson
6 - Brooklyn

Megan said...

Okay, Here are my guesses:
#1 - Clayton
#2 - Lexington
#3 - Austin
#4 - Savannah
#5 - Jackson
#6 - Brooklyn

Unknown said...

Wow your kids look alike. Here goes my guess.

1. Clay
2. Savannah
3. Austin
4. Lexi
5. Jackson
6. Brooklyn

Kim said...

1- Brooklyn
2- Lexington
3- Clayton
4- Savannah
5- Austin
6- Brooklyn

no Jackson! Thanks that was fun!

Randee said...

I'll take a stab at it:
1: Clayton, 2: Savannah, 3: Jackson, 4: Lex, 5: Jackson, 6: Brooklyn.
Fun idea!
Randee from MN!

Anonymous said...

I haven't a clue, except that I think the 1st and 3rd are the same and Brooklyn is the last. But that's okay, b/c I have no use for the card :)
Can't wait to hear your answers!

Anonymous said...

I'm guessing #2 is you.


Team Hanni said...

Fun contest!!!

We'll give it a try:

#1 - Jackson
#2 - Lexington
#3 - Austin
#4 - Savannah
#5 - Clayton
#6 - Brooklyn

Trish said...

This is totally a guess...
1. Clayton
2. Austin
3. Jackson
4. Savannah
5. Lexi
6. Brooklyn

Unknown said...

okay, here's my attempt...
#6 Brooklyn

Did I get anywhere close? Oh, and don't be offended kids if I mistaked a boy for a girl. There were no pink bows to help me tell the difference!

Anonymous said...

Okay, decided to guess.
1. Jackson
2. Savannah
3. Austin
4. Savannah
5. Lexington
6. Brooklyn

Awww... Who am I kidding? I have no idea?

Melissa said...

Austin -#1

I had them arranged differently. But then I thought what the heck! I'll just list in order.

Anonymous said...

Hey here are my guesses..I am sure they are way off. I kow you said they may nopt be all your children, but could you really leave someone out? lol

Picture #2-Austin
Picture #6-Brooklyn
Picture #5 Jackson
Picture #1-Clayton
Picture # 3- Lexington
Picture # 4-Savannah

Anonymous said...

I hope you wrote on the back of the photos who it was because they all look alike! Are you sure you didn't post six pictures of the same kid?

Becky said...

They are all darling babies, Dawn. I can see why you kept going! ;)

#1 - Clayton
#2 - Lexington
#3 - Jackson
#4 - Savannah
#5 - Austin
#6 - Brooklyn

Sheila said...

I'm not even going to try to guess!

Have you ever noticed that some families just have the same baby ovr and over again? It's like they come in two models: boy and girl, and then they just churn them out. That's what it looks like for you!

Congratulations on your book. I'd love to hear more about it. I've got three marriage/family books out now, including To Love, Honor and Vacuum, and Honey, I Don't Have a Headache Tonight: Help for women who want to feel more in the mood. Best of luck on yours!

Visit To Love, Honor and Vacuum today!

Dawn Hudson said...

1. Jackson
2. Savannah
3. Clayton
4. Lexington
5. Austin
6. Brooklyn

Anonymous said...

Maybe you are tricking us, and using all the kids?

1. Austin
2. Savananah
3. Jackson
4. Lexington
5. Clayton
6. Brooklyn

But I would have to say that they are all beautiful - you are blessed!

Anonymous said...

1. Clayton
2. Lexington
3. Austin
4. Savanah
5. Jackson
6. Brooklyn

:-D I *think* I got them right... as much as they all look the same, they still have their little differences.

brandi (and tim) said...

#1 Clayton
#2 Jackson
#3 Austin
#4 Savannah
#5 Lexington
#6 Brooklyn


Carla said...

I could be snarky and copy. But since I never win anything I will say that those pictures are all of the same baby. That is my best guess.

Shasty said...

Here what I deduced:
#1 Lexi
#2 Austin
#3 Jackson
#4 Lexi
#5 Savanah
#6 Brooklyn

Tarasview said...

1. Jackson
2. Savannah
3. Clayton
4. Austin
5. Clayton
6. Lexington

That was hard!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Here's my guess!

1. Clayton
2. Savannah
3. Jackson
4. Lexington
5. Austin
6. Brooklyn

Ashlee Marie said...

1. Lexington
2. Austin
3. Clayton
4. Savannah
5. Jackson
6. BrookLyn

Maridy Carpenter said...

no fair! You mostly post pictures and videos of Brooklyn and Clay, so they are the only ones that I really know what they look like, so of course all the pictures look like those two. :)

Purple Quilter Queen said...

1 - Austin
2 - Savannah
3 - Clayton
4 - Lexington
5 - Jackson
6 - Brooklyn

Anonymous said...

# 1 Austin
#2 Savannah
# 3 Jackson
# 4 Lexy
#5 Clay
#6 Brooklyn

debi9kids said...

ok, didn't read everyone's guesses, but here are mine:
1- C
2- S
3- A
4- B
5- J
6- L

PS They all look very alike. ;) Just adorable! You make some pretty babies.

Anonymous said...

Wow--here's my bright comment for the day: you can sure tell they're all related! :-P And all adorable :-)

Here are my guesses, though I'm notoriously poor at this sort of thing:

1: Brooklyn
2: Savannah
3: Austin
4: Lexington
5: Clayton
6: Brooklyn again?

Of course, with my idea, poor Jackson is left out. And Jackson isn't baby #1...I don't think...aww, to heck with it. my answer stands!

Anonymous said...

They all look the same. Same chin, same smile, same cheeks. Wow, there is a definite predominant gene there.

Anonymous said...

Okay, here goes - my best guess:

#1 Meehan
#2 Meehan
#3 Meehan
#4 Meehan
#5 Meehan
#6 Meehan

How'd I do? Am I even close?

omystarling said...

I figured out why you onely have five....poor little Brooklyn doesn't have any pictures b/c she is number 6. Poor baby - just kidding.
Great pictures. I can figure out which ones are boys and which are girls but that is as far as I can get.
Thanks for sharing the pictures. My, my how fast time flys when you are having fun. I remember when my babies were that small :(

Kim Bridges said...

1. Clayton
2. Austin
3. Jackson
4. Savannah
5. Lexington
6. Brooklyn

Anonymous said...

#1 Brooklyn
#2 Savannah
#3 Clayton
#4 Savannah
#5 Lexington
#6 Brooklyn

Jodee said...

My best guess:

1. Clayton
2. Savannah
3. Jackson
4. Lexington
5. Austin
6. Brooklyn

Steph said...

Here's my best shot!
#1 - Jackson
#2 - Austin
#3 - Clayton
#4 - Savannah
#5 - Lexington
#6 - Brooklyn

Love your blog by the way!

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

#1 Jackson

#2 Savannah

#3 Austin

#4 Lexington

#5 Clayton

#6 Brooklyn

I'm totally guess here!


As Cape Cod Turns said...

Here are my wild guesses....

April said...

This was SOOOOO hard, I can't beleive how much your kiddos look a like! Such gorgeous eyes!!!

Anyway, I thought that maybe, just maybe it was this:
#1 Clayton
#2 Lexington
#3 Austin
#4 Savannah
#5 Jackson
#6 Brooklyn

Anonymous said...

I think it is

1. Brooklyn
2. Savannah
3. Austin
4. Clayton
5. Jackson
6. Brooklyn


Mom said...

Here's my guesses:
1. Clayton
2. Savannah
3. Austin
4. Lexi
5. Jackson
6. Brooklyn

Probably worng and someone probably beat me, but this is the fun in life. LOL!

Anonymous said...

1 Lexington
2 Austin
3 Jackson
4 Savannah
5 Clayton
6 Brooklyn

Unknown said...

1 - Clayton
2 - Austin
3 - Jackson
4 - Brooklyn
5 - Savannah
6 - Lexi

Anonymous said...

I also was pretty sure you wouldn't leave out one of your kids from the photos, so I was prepared to pick each of the six kids... until I saw baby 3 and baby 5, and I SWEAR they have to be the same baby! SO that threw my strategy out the window :)

I left my guesses earlier up in the comments, I just had to comment like so many others that I too thought you were saying not all six were there to throw us off, because you're just tricky that way :) Anyway, I'm lost :) they are all so adorable!

Heather said...

1- Clayton
2- Jackson
3- Savannah
4- Lexi
5- Austin
6- Brooklyn

These are pretty iffy, since I do have trouble telling my own kids' baby pictures apart ;) This was fun!

LaLa said...

Hah, I couldn't begin to guess, your kids look SO alike, except for #5. Milkman's kid?
Although, #6 has that look in their eyes, I'd say that's Brooklyn!

Mirth said...

1. Brooklyn
2. Austin
3. Savannah
4. Lexington
5. Clayton
6. Brooklyn

Anonymous said...

So I was supposed to grade some tests for my daughter's teacher last weekend...but of course I forgot! Until I got THE CALL from the teacher (why do I hate those more now than when I was in school?!?)...she was nice about it, but I felt like I had been sent to the principal's office. The first thing I did to make myself feel better was read your blog! I LOVE IT!!! Thanks for always making me laugh!
--Tammy D.

Here's my guess:

My Kids' Mom said...

#1 Brooklyn
#2 Not Brooklyn
#3 Not Brooklyn
#4 Brooklyn
#5 Not Brooklyn
#6 Brooklyn

How'd I do?

Colleen - Mommy Always Wins said...

Wow - good luck looking through all these comments!

Here are my guesses:
1) Austin
2) Jackson
3) Austin
4) Savannah
5) Clayton
6) Brooklyn

Anonymous said...

This is HARD, but here goes(and I'm only pretty positive about Brooklyn and maybe Clay):

#1: Savannah
#2: Lexington
#3: Clayton
#4: Austin
#5: Jackson
#6: Brooklyn

To reiterate what everyone else has said, you have such happy-looking babies! I don't think either of mine has smiled that big YET! Great idea...have fun reading through everyone's wild guesses!


Mary said...

They all look so much alike! Very adorable!

1. Savannah
2. Jackson
3. Clayton
4. Lexie
5. Austin
6. Brooklyn

JR said...

1. Clayton
2. Savannah
3. Lexington
4. Lexington
5. Jackson
6. Brooklyn

Anonymous said...

I think they are all YOU!

Carrie said...

Because it's fun and I can always use a gift card for BRU since baby #2 is 5 1/2 weeks away, here's my guess!

1. Jackson
2. Savannah
3. Clayton
4. Lexi
5. Jackson
6. Brooklyn

Thanks for the entertainment!

Anonymous said...

I think I'll go with:

1. Clayton

2. Savannah

3. Austin

4. Lexington

5. Austin

6. Brooklyn

But I might be totally incorrect :p

Angie said...

How fun! Ok, so I think:
1. Austin
2. Savannah
3. Clayton
4. Lexington
5. Clayton (again)
6. Brooklyn

Dorothy said...

1 - Clayton
2 - Lexington
3 - Savannah
4 - Brooklin
5 - Austin
6 - Jackson

That's my guess but it's very difficult!

Anonymous said...

1. Jackson
2. Lexi
3. Clayton
4. Brooklyn
5. Austin
6. Brooklyn again

Anonymous said...

1. Clayton
2. Lexington
3. Jackson
4. Savannah
5. Austin
6. Brooklyn

Weird it won't let me post with my name either. Ok I will post anon my name is Kama O.

Suburban Correspondent said...

Beats me, but #3 and #6 look like you.

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking:
1. Lexington
2. Clayton
3. Jackson
4. Savannah
5. Austin
6. Brooklyn

Also, as if you had the time, I've tagged you for a quick meme. I'd love to see your fridge ;)

Kathy D.

TheHMC said...

Ok, I'm so not going to win this one, but it's fun to try anyway. Besides, I totally cheated and went off of what color clothes they were wearing, but then you messed me up by putting a few nakie babies in there lol.

Here goes:
#6- Brooklyn

And 3 and 5 have me confused, but I'm going to say that #3 is Jackson and #5 is Lexi, but just in case I'm wrong, switch them around for me lmbo!!

P.s. I don't think I commented, but Brooklyn had me cracking up in that video. She reminds me SO much of my 20 month old...attitudes, the way their hair is in back.. all of it lol. They even cry almost identically.

Can I send her to you? lol

monica said...

1. Jackson
2. YOU
3. Clayton
4. Savannah
5. Austin
6. Brooklyn

nutralady2001 said...

Oh my they are peas in a pod!!

1 Jackson
2 Savannah
3 Austin
4 Clayton
5 Lexington
6 Brooklyn

and I probably have them all wrong LOL

Anonymous said...

Wait! Is this a trick? I swear it's the same baby-okay maybe 2 babies! :-)

nutralady2001 said...

OK I just read that the photos aren't necessarily of all of them you might have doubled up. In that case can I vote again?

Nah too hard first time around...........good luck to whoever wins I think I blew it.....**rolls eyes**

Anonymous said...

okay! this is my best guess,I know that I am most likely wrong but it was fun! okay...

1 clay
2 brooklyn
3 clay
4 jackson
5 savannah
6 lexi

thats my best guess!

Anonymous said...

Hmm I'll be here all day trying to work it out and still get it wrong, so here are my guesses;
1: Brooklyn
2: Savannah
3: Savannah
4: Lexington
5: Austin
6: Brooklyn

Brandie said...

#1 Clay
#2 Savannah
#3 Jackson
#4 Lexi
#5 Austin
#6 Brooklyn

? That's hard! I've seen one of my OWN baby pictures once and didn't recognize me :)

Anonymous said...

1. Austin
2. Savannah
3. Jackson
4. Lexington
5. Clayton
6. Brooklyn
Those are my guesses. All so cute!

The bibliophile said...

# 1 Lexington
#2 Austin
# 3 Brooklyn
# 4 Savannah
#5 Clayton
#6 Brooklyn

Anonymous said...

No wonder you had SIX, they're like Lays' potato chips, so delish, you can't have just one.

Austin - 13 #2
Savannah - 11 #3
Jackson - 9 #1
Lexington - 6 #4
Clayton - 4 #5
Brooklyn - 2 #6

Shelley said...

Can't tell you how glad I am that I don't have to evaluate all these answers! You have beautiful babies, BTW.

Anonymous said...

I haven't checked others to see if this order has been done but here it goes...

1 - Lexington
2 - Austin
3 - Jackson
4 - Brooklyn
5 - Clayton
6 - Savannah

MaBunny said...

Okies, here goes;
1. Brooklyn
2. Clay
3. Lexi
4. Austin
5. Jackson
6. Brooklyn again

Don't know if any of those are right, but they are all adorable!!

Can't wait for your book Dawn!


Jen said...


Rsymphony said...

#2 Lex
#3 Clay
#4 Savannah
#6 Brooklyn
#5 Austin
#3 Clay

They really all look so much alike and I'm sure most of my guesses are wrong :)
This was fun though!
Anna :)

Anonymous said...

Austin is # 3
Savannah is # 2
Jackson is # 5
Lexington is # 4
Clayton is #1
Brooklyn is #6

Rachel said...

okay, my guesses are.....
2-You (as a baby of course)
Way cute kiddos!!!

Anonymous said...


InspiredByInk said...

Wow, great baby pics. Here are my thoughts:

Good luck to me! hehehe

Bobbie :)

Anonymous said...

1.Jackson Raine Meehan
2.Savannah Lee Meehan
3.Clayton(Punk) Reed Meehan
4.Lexington Anne Meehan
5.Austin James Meehan
6.Brooklyn(Oat-AAAAAAA) Rose Meehan

Dawn said...

You spelled your brother's name wrong, you goofballs! :)

Just your everyday average married momma... said...


Those are my very scientific guesses...I had a process I went through to figure those out ya know...took me lots of time...

Elle said...

I really need to go to bed, but here are my guesses:
1. Clay
2. Lex
3. Austin
4. Savannah
5. Jackson
6. Brooklyn

Pretty good eh?

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

What a fun contest but no way am I playing cuz holy F Bomb there are 161 guesses already and helloooo, if someone didn't get it right by now, well then, that's a BIG problem!

But I will say the first one is Brooklyn.

Anonymous said...

#1 Clay
#2 Lexie
#3 Jackson
#4 Savannah
#5 Austin
#6 Brooklyn

I realize we aren't first, but my children are terribly disappointed that we won't be winning anything, although I doubt if they realized that the prize was a gift certificate to Babies R Us. So here we are, guessing anyway while my son does cartwheels in my bedroom at 9:58 at night.

Margaret, Julia and Michael

Anonymous said...

1. Clay
2. Austin
3. Savannah
4. Brooklyn
5. Brooklyn
6. Lexington
Boy...that was difficult!

Anonymous said...

1. Clayton
2. Austin
3. Savannah
4. Brooklyn
5. Brooklyn
6. Lexington
OK....I forgot to tell you my name on the last round...
Shirley from CA

Anonymous said...


1. Clayton
2. Austin
3. Jackson
4. Brooklyn
5. Lexington
6. Savannah

??? (-:

Tory (

Lisa said...

Wow, cute kids! These are truely guesses but I'm guessing...

1. Austin
2. Savannah
3. Jackson
4. Lexington
5. Clayton
6. Brooklyn

Lisa said...

Wow, what cute kids!

1. Austin
2. Savannah
3. Jackson
4. Lexi
5. Clay
6. Brooklyn

jenny said...

They are all so similar, do you have a jelly mould for a womb! I have no idea! x

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