Thursday, March 27, 2008


What? Isn't this how you vacuum? I know I always vacuum in my underwear and Elmer Fudd hat.


Anonymous said...

I'm just impressed I can see the carpet;)

Suburban Correspondent said...

Not me - not without a bra, anyway - all that back and forth motion makes my boobs bounce too much.

That sounded weird. Oh, well. Delete if you must.

Lowa said...

Is this Clayton??

He looks small from this angle. My 8 yob just came and asked, "Who is that??" I said, "I think it is Clayton, but I am not sure." He asked, "Who is Clayton??" and before I could answer he yelled, "I know! I know! Don't tell me! The kid of one of your friends. MAN! You have A LOT OF FRIENDS! This is amazing! You can talk to people in Florida if you want. Or NEW YORK! You are SO LUCKY!"

I got almost as much of a kick out of what he said, as I did from seeing this vaumming crazyman! (Clay??)

Anonymous said...

wow looks just like me. I have the same figure too. Yea thats a lie I wish my thighs were that small.

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

Okay, I just looked at that picture and said outloud, SHUT UP!

It is sooo cute!

majikfaerie said...

how can you admit in public that you vacuum in your underwear and elmer fudd hat??
I usually vacuum in the nude, with a feather boa around my neck.

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

Me too! We must be long lost sisters.

Michelle said...

Well, I don't vacuum at all, so I really can't say what my attire would be....

Just kidding! I only wish I had a life where I didn't vacuum. Very cute, Dawn!


Life with Spirit said...

Soooooo, if that is how I vacuum, is something wrong with that???

Brenda said...

RFOLOL! That is the cutest thing I have ever seen.

Anonymous said...

Of course! Makes perfect sense to me. That's how I always vacuum. LOL!
~just me

Kim VanDerHoek said...

Yup, it's the ONLY way to vacuum!

Angie [A Whole Lot of Nothing] said...

Looks VEEERRRRRYYYYY familiar... I wonder where you got that idea.

Glad to be an inspiration. :)

My Two Army Brats said...

I have that outfit in Pink!

Anonymous said...

Yes, that is how I like to vacuum!! Actually, a bra is optional since no one sees me upstairs where we have carpet. Downstairs is all tile since we live in the exact place where you are dreaming to live and sand & water gets tracked in often. Although, there is no real scent from our hibiscus bushes outside the windows. The best natural fragrance in Florida is ORANGE BLOSSOMS (orange trees don't like the salt air, they live much better away from the ocean). So unbelievable that you close your eyes and wish to save it forever!! I did enjoy seeing the snow picture from spring break, I do feel very sorry for you all - that just doesn't seem right - snow during spring break!? Mr. Meehan really should submit resumes down South, then you really can get a bigger house near a sandy beach. We bicycle everyday and Thank God for these gorgeous spring days of 75 degree high temps.

Kelli said...

That is the BEST.

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

Well it's sure more fun that way!

Jillie Bean (AKA Bubba's Sis) said...

Oh I always vaccuum like that - it's so....uninhibiting.

Sophy Nextdoor said...

My almost four year old likes to wear a necklace when she vacuums...

Rick said...

Add a little chest hair and a 5 o'clock shadow and... do we have Joe?

Anonymous said...

I smell an endorsement deal!

Me -- I do it in seashell pasties and a funfoam thong.

I mean, you have to do something to break the monotony, ya know?

nutralady2001 said...

Hmmm maybe I'd enjoy vacuuming more if I dressed like that ........or then again maybe not

I am however impressed with the speed at which the vacuum cleaner is moving.......bwahahahaha!!!!

chocolatechic said...

I always vacuum in my undies...they are of course properly covered with jeans and a tee.

chocolatechic said...

PS...Were you going to have a RSS feed for your blog?

Hoffman Family said...

Ok. Here is a guestion for Sunday. Why did you go to the dot com address vs the blogspot?

Karen said...

Those are the days I usually get caught by the UPS man.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that was fast! Can he come and do my house? ;) Got to love the hat.

Anita in Indiana

Colleen - Mommy Always Wins said...

Make sure that pic comes out again when he gets married. :O)

Anonymous said...

LOL! Karen, your comment was hysterical!!

Anonymous said...

Clay totally has a six pack in that picture! He's one buff little dude!
-Lisa :)

MaBunny said...

HEHE I do it in high heels and nothing else:)) J/K , I can't even walk in high heels let alone vacuum in them, lol.
Usually the comfiest thing I can find is what I do any housework in, usually sweats and a tshirt of hubbys:))
Have a great day!

Jen said...

So I have something similiar to this but my oldest was potty training at the time and not vacuuming. She however has her pull-up on her head - a clean one mind you and is sitting on the potty. Her face is in one of the leg holes.....I believe this to be GREAT first date material for later :D


Valarie said...

Apparently I have been vacuuming the wrong way for the last 28 years. I'll have to give that a shot tonight.

Cheryl said...

That is so cute! I have a similar photo of my older daughter (about 27 years ago) when she was being Mommy's little helper. She loved to vacuum, and also did it in her underwear! Sadly, we had no Elmer Fudd hat to complete her outfit. :-)

Leah said...

whatever makes the vacuuming more fun, I say!! LOL!!

Anonymous said...

I used to vacuum that way but the neighbors started complaining.

SuddenlySouthernCyndi said...

I couldn't pass up this opportunity: when I vaccuum it's in a dress, heels and pearls, of course. AND when my hubby comes home the children's toys are all picked up, dinner is on the table and I greet him at the door with his favorite cocktail.

KJ said...

*Snort* I popped on your site after a while and the first thing I did was laugh! Love it. Love the hat, too. Rockin'

Jillybean said...

I just don't vacuum.

However, if I did I would definitely get me a hat like that.

Love the photo!
Just out of curiosity, what would be the proper attire at your house for say, cleaning the toilets, washing the windows or mopping the floor?

Anonymous said...

So funny! I have a great picture of my son at 1 year old, with a bucket full of play cleaning supplies, wearing an apron that says "I Love To Clean." Hope he feels that way in a few years.

Anonymous said...

Ohhhhh, I get it now! I haven't been vacuuming because I don't have an Elmer Fudd hat! Don't tell my husband that's all it takes.

Anonymous said...

What is the link to your other site where you review products?

Anonymous said...

Too cute! :) Thanks for sharing.

Tonya Staab said...

ha ha that's too cute.

Anonymous said...

Our girl may have taught him that when they met... see video link.

Naked Vacuum

Anonymous said...

If I could just get my husband to vaccum like that...j/k! Does he do windows like that too?

Anonymous said...

Hat and undies?! No way, the whole purpose of vacuuming almost naked is to keep cool, and the hat would certainly make me sweat. I have a darling picture of my daughter at 2 1/2 at her play kitchen in nothing but plastic purple high heels. You know momma's saving that one to embarass her later! ;)

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