Tuesday, March 11, 2008

I Don't Wanna!

My kids would never dream of misbehaving. They are always polite and respectful. They wouldn't dare throw themselves down on the floor in an all-out tantrum. When I tell them it's time to go to bed, they cheerfully say, "OK Mommy!" Then they brush their teeth without being reminded, they lay out their clothes for the next day, and they say their prayers. They give me a kiss goodnight, thank me for making them eat broccoli at dinner, and tell me I'm the best mother ever. Even Brooklyn, who just turned two, is perfectly behaved and extremely agreeable as proven by this video.


Anonymous said...

I pick the exact same fights with my two-year-old. She always wants to go outside, never wants to nap, and insists that she's not a baby. I love to get her all riled up. I'm not sure why it's so much fun.

Anonymous said...

LOL When I hear, "I AM NOT TIRED!" I know for a fact that it's 10 minutes or less before the 4 year old is unconscious somewhere, anywhere but his own bed! I not your baby! So cute!

Noinix said...

Wow... your baby is so cute. So very very cute. I'm sure she knows it too. That's the only reason that she can get away with so many Nos.

Unknown said...

Please tell me you are not that calm during tantrums...My three year old still does that...and I'm never that calm. Except for when she says she's not the baby...she says...nope I'm a Myra. Anyhow...you make me think I'll make it through my husband's deployment with a three year old and a newborn. Thanks

Hannah Schaefer said...

It's so funny how the other kids egg her on by "helping" you: "Nap time, Brooklyn!" LOL

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

This is too funny. Social Butterfly (who is 13) was in the middle of a meltdown the other night. It stopped instantly when the video camera came out!

Unknown said...

Okay, I have to delurk for this one. I even had to share the video with my husband with the warning that this is what we have to look forward to. My daughter is 14 months old and already has a good start down this path! Thanks for the warning, and for having a great attitude when dealing with this! I'll have to work on that. LOL!

Pepper said...

What is it about kids not wanting to take naps? I would LOVE it if each day someone took me to a nice dark room and did not bother me for 2 hours while I slept. I might get 10 minutes on the sofa if I pass out - and someone always comes looking for me. Mom - are you asleep? Nope - just resting my eyes.....

debi9kids said...

Is it wrong that I'm laughing????

kimikki said...

From my own experiences with little ones, Brooklyn sounds like she in dire need of sleep. I still get that way....

Bekah said...

Hey! You have a V-Smile just like we do! Except, we haven't plugged ours in or learned how to use it. That's okay. We've only had it for 4 months...

Brooklyn seems to be a perfectly well behaved child. I loved the "No!" And then she stormed off in a huff. It looked just like my 5 year old daughter... lol

Franny Organny said...

ooooh, nice evil look and a sweet stubbornness. that's going to be a piece of cake (made with kool aid) when she hits puberty ;-)

which of your kids is still taking naps?

Michelle Kemper Brownlow said...

I am presently parenting her soul mate.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness I feel so much more a normal human being. My 3 1/2 year old, Jeremy, could be the twin of Brooklyn. I have two T-shirts that he wears to fit him to a T - "Hello My Name is Trouble", and "My Parents are Exhausted". He is the love of my life but wears me out daily with his refusal to do anything I say and I mean anything. His whole goal in life is to disagree with what I ask of him; "I don't want to", "I don't like that", and everyday this is "too tight", "not tight enough", "it hurts", "it's not bedtime", "I'm not hungry", "I want this" and etc. etc. etc. I asked him yesterday..."how much longer are you going to put me through this, you're over 3 and it's been over a year?" If he could answer I think he would of said at least 20 more years. Got to love them.

Jules said...

Loved the video!

And one really great thing here...
it will be SUCH GOOD blackmail material when she has her first boyfriend. :)

Just Because

RefreshMom said...

Aww, I was hoping for some real ear-splitting, floor beating tantrums! 16 years from now though, we'll have to arrange to send Brooklyn to the same college as my 2 year old "Boo." Something tells me they'd be perfect together!

Anonymous said...

That is so mellow compared to my three year old!! Definitely the same level of logic though! We just took the pacifier away a month ago and every so often, she tells me that she doesn't want to be the big girl. She is just little! :) I agree with her whole heartedly!! How hard it is to grow up and not want to be the baby anymore!

Rick said...

Why is the concept of taking a nap wasted on the young. I wish someone would tell ME to go take a nap. That's EXACTLY what I would go do!


P.S. Brooklyn seems to be having a bit of an identity crisis. I think she's going to need to find herself before she goes outside.

Jessica said...

It's one of those times you want to say "Brooklyn, is that the only word you know?" Just to laugh when she says "NO"

As for sending the baby to bed... when my now 13 year old sister was about 2 or 3, this conversation would ensue: "Are ya tired?" "yeah" "Are ya sleepy?" "yeah" "You wanna go to bed?" "NOOOOOOO!!!!"

Anonymous said...

I've noticed a few people have already commented that she seems fairly tame in her tantrums. I have to agree! What's sad, is that my daughter really puts her to shame... and she is EIGHT YEARS OLD. It's truly ridiculous.

Shelly said...

Thanks for giving me a much needed laugh today! I have a 2 year old little boy that would match with Brooklyn very well. They can stay awake and tell each other "NO".
It made me realize how things are sooo much funnier when they happen to others than when they happen to us. I will have to remember to get out my video camera next time.

roseys madhouse said...

lol I shouldnt laugh but I too just keep pushing them till their heads seem to rotate and their eyes turn green lol. I have a 9 year old boy that is like this also, why doesnt he realise that NO means NO and if you keep asking me I am going to EXPLODE!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I am glad to see I am not the only one who pisses their kid off. Though I seem to get my daughter much more upset then Brooklyn, I guess it's from all the tormenting I got when I was a kid.

Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, she sounds JUST like my daughter, down to the exasperated HUFF, facing away from everything that makes her so exasperated. Too funny!

Shellie said...

She's really quite pleasant for a 2 year old. Love the evil look and how she goes stomping off; just wait till she's a teenager!! It gets even more exciting.

Anonymous said...

I sware she is Regan, My 3 yolds twin to a tee!! Including the Im not a baby..Too Too cute

Anonymous said...

I am so lucky my son who is almost 2 doesn't put up a fight too much. He tells me he doesn't want to go, but he goes when I offer to tell him "his story". First he has to lie down and put his head on his pillow, then "his story" begins. "his story" is the story about his day. I start with how he woke up, gave mom and dad good morning kisses, what he had for breakfast, what he did in the morning, and then it was naptime. He gave a biiiig stretch (he copies the stretch), and a biiiig yawn (he totally copies the yawns), said "love love" and "night night" (he does this most times too), then hugged his teddy bear, and closed his eyes (yep, he's still doing it) and went to sleep. Then I say Jack had a good day. This works miracles at bedtime too! it's amazing, the story goes for about 10 to 20 minutes, and when it's all over, he's exausted, and just passes out in minutes, no fight. It was such a hassle before I started his stories.

Although... I have a feeling when the baby arrives in two months, we may get back into some meltdowns... I'll have to come up with another plan...

Donna. W said...

Ah, the terrible, terrible twos! I remember them well.

Raene said...

What a GREAT Video :) Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

I have a daughter, now 4 -- who used to be able to make Miss Brooklyn look like a warm-up act. It takes time, but you can break this. In our house, cranky little girls go to their room when they act up or can't stop fussing. It took us nearly a year to get there, but she now goes to her room on her own (usually). We do have 1 way we use torment her if she starts up, and that's singing the chorus of 'It's the end of the world as we know it'. There's another song I made up, that other parents seem to adore..."No, means no ---no, means no! And if you think, no means yes, Mommie's hand will say NO NO NO!" I just loved it when my 10 year old launched into round of this with my 4 yr old in the foyer at church! Since then, I've heard that tune a few times from other kids....

Thank you for this blog -- it's my sanity.

Bigmammy said...


My son is shaving his head for kids with cancer. We would love to have Julians story on St Balricks page so that we could have him listed in memory of. He touched our heart so much. Could you see if Mimi would do this? I know you are busy. My son is 7 and raised 145.00 in one day!!

Also, I was curious if you may want to put his link about this on your page? Who knows how much money could go to this. I am organizing an event in Louisville, KY and so far we have two moms who are in!!!! We have not set our official date, but if any one wants to donate, they can go to the page and it goes directly to the charity, not us.

Thanks for continuing to make me laugh everyday. I am a mom to 4, and my newest one was born with multiple medical problems..Your site makes me laugh when there are days I am so stressed...It also helps me remember how much fun being a parent really is.

Andi said...

Mean mommy laughing in the background. I recognize Clay's voice from the cookie video. My 5 yr old still watches that one and laughs at it.

That's one tired baby. But she is so cute!

All I have to do is put mine in my bed and she is out! Sleeping with mommy is always better than sleeping alone.

Hold her in your arms, and whisper in her ear, "No matter what you think, you'll always be my baby." Hug her tight and preserve that moment in your mind. I know you do that, but it's worth remembering. They grow up SO FAST!!!


Amy said...

If they ever do a remake of "Gone with the Wind", you should definitely let her try out for the part of Scarlett!:)

That was funny!:)

Your blog is great.

Anonymous said...

I thought my 2 year-old was the only one who whined like that....just kidding!!!!

Thanks for showing how funny they really are.

Anonymous said...

Oh I watch tickle me brooklyn after this one....I wonder....this is the same girl? Or her evil twin? Haha, still cute though!

Anonymous said...

Well now I am in official grandma worry mode. My grandson turned 2 right after Brooklyn did and he doesn't talk in sentences like she does :( Oh sure he talks and I thought he talked a lot, but WOW, Brooklyn talks like a big girl. He still takes naps without a fight, so I guess it's a fair trade.
BTW, no, there are no Sonic's in Morris, IL. The nearest one is in Champaign, so why $**@# do they tease us with those commercials.
Here's one more thing that bothers me......hand sanitizer....just what is the point? I totally get the handwashing, you rub soap on your hands, rinse, germs go down the drain. But sanitizer? You rub goop on your hands to kill the germs and now you have dead germs hanging around on your hands? And 99.99% are killed, just how many germs are in that .01 laughing their asses off%? Think about that for a minute and please pass me a slice of that tiramisu and some tequilla for my hands.

MaBunny said...

She is just too cute! Definitely exercising that NO word! Think she has that down pat, lol.
If that is the height of her terrible twos, wow you are lucky. Did the other 5 have the "terrible twos"?
Hope you have a great day!


Anonymous said...

Hi Dawn, I was wondering how potty training goes at your house? Did the girls catch on better then the boys? When I was teaching my son he would use the toilet to pee but when he had to poop he would dance around, holding his but and yelling..Put a diaper On Quick! Then he would run behind a door or in a closet and do his thing. That diaper was on a whole 5 miniuites. Kristine in Michigan.

Life with Spirit said...

Please tell me that is mild!!! I should have my girl show her how to really go at it if that's the worse she gets!

Anonymous said...

Brooklyn's "No" sounds just like my cat when he protests something. "NOooo." "MrOow." Very funny. LOve your blog - I read it every day at work and it always make me smile or LOL.

Anonymous said...

It's the flop!
I so recall that flop. The NOOOOoooo... fling self to the floor flop!
Thanks for the memories.
Glad to see it wasn't just MY kids!

Anonymous said...

I'll trade you all of Brooklyn's tantrums for just one of my 4-year old's ear-splitting, getting-on-my-very-last-nerve meltdowns...lol!

I remember how cute her little tantrums were, and my DH and I would just tell her "come find us when you are finished" and walk away from her. It was like an instant off switch! Now she just follows us while wailing all the louder, so we have got to switch techniques.

Brooklyn is a cutie though, I think if she was mine she would me in mortal danger of having those precious cheeks chewed off every second of the day! Thanks for showing us that our kids aren't the only ones with the "no" gene in place!

Anonymous said...

OH MY HEAVENS! She is so adorable in her tantrums. My 7 year old son is my baby. I call him my baby, and I ask him, "What will you be when you're 67 years old?" He always answers, "I'll be Mom's baby boy." I told him to get used to it; kids are always Mom's babies, no matter how old they are! He's the only one who's embraced that idea.

Nicole said...

Ahhh thanks for what I get to look forward to. I'm pregnant with my first and I have a feeling I will see much of the same (although we are having a boy) when my child gets to be that age!

Tammy said...

You call that a tantrum? Wow. When my 4 year old was 2, we found ourselves in the middle of HELL when he started throwing fits. He would go on for HOURS. He still throws fits, but we put him in the naughty chair and tell him we'll start the timer when he's ready. He eventually calms down and we don't have to look at him throwing his fit. It has made our part in the process very unemotional.

Now our 2 1/2 year old daughter is beginning to throw fits, too. She's more mellow than her brother, but both of them make Brooklyn look like an angel. :0)

Here's to hoping for a tantrum-free day!

Faith said...

My two year old son couldn't see the computer screen and when he heard the video playing he thought I was watching a video of him! He kept asking to "watch Rowan". I guess all two year olds the world over sound the same- "NO!"

Tonya Staab said...

Oh I forgot about those fun times. My eldest is now 12. So this is what I have to look forward to in another 6 months with the twins. Awesome. That's it I'm planning a year long vacation and my husband is taking over LOL, yeh like that would actually happen he he.

Flynn is my little terror, if things don't go his way he pushes over furniture and throws things against the walls ... he has my temper LOL. Marisol is very calm when she's not happy, she gets up in your face, waggles her little finger at you and says 'no, no, no' LOL.

Anonymous said...

The video says it's not available when I tried to watch it :(
Although I have a 3 1/2 year old who pitches the biggest fits when it is time to go to sleep.

S2K said...

I'm the youngest of 3 and always got upset when called a baby - my parents used to always say "you aren't A baby, but you are THE baby of the family!". I feel your pain Brooklyn! It's tough being "the baby"!

Maridy Carpenter said...

wow, I'm impressed that there is a two year old out there that is not obsessed with cartoons. There is no way that my 2yo would sit and play with blocks while someone watched cartoons in the background.

Anonymous said...

I think you've stolen my Bear and renamed her. You can keep her.


Mandolin said...

hahah I agree with some of the other comments. This is perfect blackmail for when she's older and starts dating :P

trishia said...

My three year old came running out of the kids' bedroom the other day screaming "I am NOT a Girl!" so I asked "are you a boy, then?" she screamed "I am NOT a boy!", so of course, my 9 yr old said "So then you are a Girl?".... She Screamed "I am NOT a Girl, NOT a Boy! I am a Briena!!!"

too cute.

AlaneM said...

I must say that she's kinda tame. All my kids scream at the top of their lungs, flop on the floor like fish and kick. Truly pleasnt behavior I can tell you!!
In facet right now my 4yo daughter is pitching a fit cos I won't let her on my lap...off to her room she goes :)

Anonymous said...


You never fail to make me laugh. My 3 yr old son was diagnosed with leukemia a month ago and your site has brought me some of my only laughs and happiness in this past month. Keep up the great work! I can't wait to read your book :-)

Shelley said...

I'm like a lot of these other moms...My kids' tantrums were much worse. Especially my 3 year old. But my SIL moved in with us, and she took him in his room and had a fit right along with him. He yelled at her to stop, and she yelled back "I'LL STOP WHEN YOU STOOOOOPPPP!" It took him a while still, but he finally stopped. Now whenever he goes into fit mode, she says "OO, Can I go have a fit too?" and he stops mid-scream! It's hilarious.

Anonymous said...

My video said not available when I first clicked on it, but the page had been sitting for a while as I was busy, so I refreshed the page and it worked just fine. With two teenagers in the house now, it's kind of nice to look back down memory lane. Thanks.
Annette in BC

Anonymous said...

my little 2.5 yr old recently said to me: "im not a baby anymore, i'm a big girl now." i dont know why but it totally broke my heart and i blubbed a little bit. :( y cant she be my angel baby forever?!?!

Crazy Raven Productions said...

Wow...remarkably low-key tantrums, compared to some I've seen. Not a lot of kicking, screeching, or throwing things at you. She's adorable, by the way, even when she's cranky.

Anonymous said...

I have never reacted, untill now.
My girls is 2 years also, and its like I'm looking at her.

Only here it is:"NEEEEEEEEEE"

My only problem is that she haves a twin brother.
Can you imagine ? 2 kids acting like a 2 year old at the same time ?
Aaaaaaargh !!!

(PS I have just made a blog about you, because you are one of my favorites, hope you don't mind)

Michelle said...

Ahhh, Dawn, I love it when I get to see that I'm not alone. Poor Brooklyn not getting her way every minute of the day. My 2 year old really feels for her.

As far as the evil look goes, I love it. Sadly, my 2 year old has a far more evil one. I really need to take a picture of it and post it on my blog one day.

She's also really started pouting when she doesn't get her way. So of course I tell her that she's making SUCH a great pouty face but that I can see a smile peeking through, at which point she cracks up. So now Mister Man and Little Miss run up to me and say "Look at my face! Look at my face!" so we have to run through this exercise even when she isn't pouty. Whoops!

And for the Grandma whose 2 year old doesn't talk like Brooklyn, don't worry (this coming from a mom who's had both children go through speech therapy via Early Intervention). Every child develops differently, and Brooklyn is at the high end of the speaking spectrum for a 2yo (probably partly due to being generally more developed in that part of her brain for whatever genetic reason and probably a big part to do with having lots of brothers and sisters modeling for her). If he has words and puts together 2 and 3 word sentences, he's doing fine. And if you're at all concerned (truly - not just in comparison to Brooklyn), talk to the pediatrician or look up the early intervention services in your state (I can provide you all the info you'd ever want for Illinois).

So precious, Dawn!

Oh, and a question for you, Dawn. I have to make a decision about whether or not to send my son to kindergarten next year (he misses the cutoff by just a bit but academically is doing what he needs to do in kindergarten). Did you have any kids at/near/past the cutoff date for kindergarten? If so, what were your rationales for sending/not sending and how did they work out? I so don't want to do the wrong thing for my kid (granted, what parent DOES?).


Anonymous said...

HA! HA! HA! That's great! I have a daughter that will be 2 in April and she is soooooo much fun, BUT I can totally see her stubborness and individualism coming out more and more each day. All those NO's are totally turned around for me when mine says "Lub you mom" or "sorry mom". I LOVE THIS AGE believe it or not! We have 5 children and even the older ones are always telling her how cute she is. . . no pride developing there! LOL! I'll have to look back and see if I can find it, but when did Brookly turn 2?

Anonymous said...

OMG Dawn! My 2 year old, Ethan, just had the same reaction today at naptime. He thought it was a much better idea to go outside. He's been such an awesome napper but when there's a pretty day, I get ready for a fight. Thanks for making me realize how normal it is. And wow...your tolerance is inspiring.

SMC said...

If thats the worst tantrum she throws, then you must be the world's greatest mom with the world's greatest kids!!!!

LilBit said...

Tooo funny!! My 2.5 yo is the same way!! I'll say something like.. "Okay dood/baby/sweetie, it's time to blah blah blah.." and he'll say.. "I not a dood/baby/sweetie!! I Zeke!" Oh. Pardon me!

Petula said...

LOL... yes, out of my four, the 3 and 4 year old are the most behaved! Ahem! Sure, that's the truth!

I can't remember if I stopped by already and said congratulations for your success and being in Redbook Mag.

Kim VanDerHoek said...

O.K. seriously, her tantrums can't really be that adorable, it's not fair to the rest of us! She didn't even try to hit you or throw anything or threaten to put you in a time-out like my 3 year old does. Not fair at all...

LaLa said...

Hah you had to prove that she doesn't always have that 'I'm sooo cute' look.
I like how the other kids like to try to help you out there.

Anonymous said...

Possible SSO question: Did Brooklyn actually end up falling asleep on the clothes?

Danielle said...

That video is way too cute! I wish someone would ask me to take a nap.

Brenda said...

You are very brave to record that. It is the part of having 5 kids that I choose to forget. I have 4 teenagers right now. The only difference is that they don't fall to the floor and there is no pull up sticking up out of the back of their pants.

Unknown said...

That's funny that you posted this today. My 15 month old twins are adored by their teachers at daycare and are always happy never throw fits there. They just said that again today and I laughed b/c both of them have started throwing kicking, screaming, run-around-and-throw-yourself-down tantrums at home if we take something away,tell them no, or don't pick them up when they want to. We joked about video-taping her tonight when we got home, as my daughter immediately started in after I shooed her out of the kitchen while dh was cooking. And I agree - Brooklyn's 'tantrum' was nice and quiet compared to my little drama queen's screams! Lets hope she uses her words as well as Brooklyn does by the time she's 2!

Mark and Abbie's blog said...

Wow! That sounded like our house at any given time with my 2 year old! Glad I'm not alone!

Anonymous said...

I guess that's why they call it the "terrible two's" (or three's, or twelve's, or teenage years...)

; ) You're doing a great job! Thanks for the smiles!!!

As Cape Cod Turns said...

At least she has a good concept of the word "NO". It is one I could use more often.

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

Dawn, you just sound so sweet to her!!! All calm and gentle ... no wonder you have SIX KIDS!

Anonymous said...

I'd love to post a video of my 15 year old daughter when she throws a fit--except that I'm always too fried to remember to sneak out the camera. Brooklyn reminds me of the good ol' days when fits use to be cute.

Anonymous said...

Hahaha oh gosh. I love "I'm not a baby!" I call my nephew "man" all the time. :ike "hey man, what are you up to?" like that. Finally one day, at 4, he said "Lala, I'm not a man! I'm a boy!"

Also growing up in the South has made me appreciate things that DO NOT drawl. I love your accent!

Katie said...

Well now I know I've been working with preschoolers with challenging behavior for far too long! I kept watching and thinking to myself... where's the tantrum? :) Love your posts!

Life with Spirit said...

SSO question: Did you enjoy all the parenting advice you got for Brooklyn WHEN SHE IS YOUR 6TH KID???? I'm guessing you have a grip on how to handle tantrums in your house by now. I LOVE when people can't resist a moment to be bossy. :-) Thanks for putting yourself out there. You must have thick skin.

LHD said...

Hey Dawn! Two things...how do you keep your kids socks separated and sorted properly? I cant tell the difference between my 4 year old and 1 year old socks at times until I go to put them on their feet! And...do you want to walk to support the March of Dimes in April? Check it out...www.marchforbabies.org. They cured polio and are trying to cure prematurity and infant mortality! Thanks!!! Lauren

Karrie said...

I just wanted to tell you I had "the restaurant" dream last night! I left all my tables to go take a shower. I had two lady's credit cards with me and they left me a note with their addresses to mail them back because when I got done with my shower all my tables had left without paying!

Colorful & Hip Photography by Billie said...

Dawn, I just found your blog linked from a friend's. Oh, how I can relate regarding the tantrums! When my son (3yrs old) hears the "N" (nap) word he immediately breaks down into "I'm not sleepy mommy" or "it's not dark outside mommy"... I could go on & on - it's a constant struggle! You're doing an awesome job @ being so calm! Kudos to you Dawn!

Sonja said...

Hi Dawn,

Your children are so lucky to have a mom like you! And you are also so lucky to have such adorable children- or maybe they're so lucky to be so adorable- a defense mechanism??


Donna said...

I LOVE your posts! They always bring a smile to my face - usually because it reinforces that I'm not the only one that goes through the same "fights" with my son (my baby girl is too little yet).

ummmhello said...

Love it. Sounds like my house!

Unknown said...

I don't know, that looks like amateur hour to me. If only my son's tantrums looked like that. Please tell me that it gets worse than that or I will start to feel really badly about my own demon child :)

Irishmama said...

Ah, the toddler tantrum.

My son who is Clay's age has this new thing: "if you don't buy me a new book, I'm gonna break everything in the house and run away"

All this week I've been using the "Go ahead and run away, I can cancel your birthday party". But I can only use that one for another week.

BTW, he is running away to Disney World (we live in PA).

Val Cox said...

ahh, classic, this sure made me smile! Val

Unknown said...

Here's a SSO question: how do you color Easter eggs at your house? With just my 4-yr-old, and 1-yr-old trying to help too much, it was stressful. Do you end up with six dozen colored eggs?

Debi said...

And the Academy Award goes to....

That is too funny, not funny when you're the mom or very tired, but funny just the same. Oh man I do NOT miss those days.

Valarie said...

That is freaky! That is EXACTLY what I do when it is time for me to do the dishes!!

Sheila said...

I love her "evil" look. That's going to take her far in life...

And probably drive you crazy when she's a teen!

Hope you all eventually got some sleep...

Visit To Love, Honor and Vacuum today!

Morrighan said...

Ha, Dawn. I just think you're the coolest mother ever. Your kids are so fortunate to have such a funny and caring mom. There's never a dull moment around there, I'm sure.

Anywho, maybe this'll get me a SSO question (yeah, because you KNOW it's already a contest). If you were to have another kid (and no sarcastic comment from you please :P it's hypothetical), and most likely a boy, can you think of a city you'd like to use as a name?

I've been meaning to ask you this out of curiosity for some time now so that I actually dreamt about it a couple of nights ago. Your answer was "Los Amigos", if you must know, which I thought was very strange, LOL. And really, I don't even know if that's an American city so, people, don't come knocking.

Anyway, just wanted to let you know that when you REALLY decide to resign, you can always come to Europe. I'd be more than happy to show you around.

Casa De Galletti said...

That sounds like the fight that my 4 yr old used to give me as recent as 6 months ago when I'd ask him if he needed to go pee. Of course I would ask him when he's dancing in circles on his toes while holding himself. "NO, I DON'T HAVE TO GO PEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

nomi said...

ha ha! our little "innocent angels" should hang out some time! I have a 2 year old that makes Brooklyn's tantrums look like sweet little peeps! LOL

Anonymous said...

Dawn, how do you deal with "real" tantrums?
Do you leave them to it (providing they are in a safe place)? Or do you try to talk to/rationalise with them?

Anonymous said...

lovely and attractive...........
threes aren't much better as you well know

Tricia said...

I am glad I am not the only one who finds it funny to video tape the tantrums in our house! I have some really funny ones. I plan to include them in my children's wedding video montages. Because I am evil like that.

Leah said...

LOL!!!!!!!!!! Trade the name and face to my 21 month old, Connor, take away some of the verbal skills and replace with louder screams (he's not talking NEARLY as much as Brooklyn) and TADA, that's the story of my child's life as well. That was great!

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