Saturday, January 12, 2008

This is How I Get a Cookie

In keeping with the theme of crooks....
I discovered how Clay was getting cookies and candy from the top of the refrigerator. He's a monkey. (Sorry, this starts out with the camera sideways until I realize what I'm doing.)


Anonymous said...

Love, love, love that laugh!! How can you be mad at someone who is obviously enjoying his ingenuity so much?? :) The borderline monkey grunts as he's working are appropriate as well! At least he's burning off the calories he is getting before eating the cookie!! Maybe we should all try it?!?! :)

jdb in AZ said...

We hid our cookies from the monsters by locking them in the freezer. Then they found the key and hid it from us. It doesn't seem like such a big deal now (compared to later problems.)

Crisis + time = humor.

jdb in AZ

Anonymous said...

ROFL!!!! that was sooo funny. his giggling is very contagious. "cookie is mine hehehehehe"

Megan said...


I'd suggest you enroll this agile little guy in gymnastics, except that might only encourage more of this behavior - and make him even better at it!

Anonymous said...

That was great!! Thanks for sharing!

Lucille said...

That was priceless! I'm so glad you were smart enough to grab the video camera!

and might I add - you are getting quite "techie" on us old moms! I'm jealous!

He sure is a monkey and my goodness - that laugh is contagious!

Thanks for sharing and yes, please move all those things to the garage tonight!

Shandra said...

what are you going to keep in the garage...the kids? JK! that was too funny!! he is a little monkey!

i do the same thing when i take videos w/ my camera... i always turn it sideways. i have no idea why.

Bronie said...

holy cow! he's like spiderman!

Unknown said...

Wow, that's all I am thinking right now. That is amazing! I love how he's totally giggling the whole time. And I thought my 2nd son was a climber, clearly he has nothing on yours. I don't think any of mine tried scaling the fridge, bookshelves and counters, yes, but then we don't have the handy ice maker as a foothold either. I love reading about your kids!

Anonymous said...

OMG Dawn, he's so freaking cute!!!

Lisa said...

LOL And I thought my kids were monkeys.

Shellie said...

It's so nice to see more kids like mine who climb. How many moms have to clean the ceiling all the time? Mine walk through locked doors too. You need something like a foot locker you can lock all these things up into. How do you manage to have a water/ice dispenser on your fridge? My floor would be littered with ice and water.

Anonymous said...

*grin* I so see my kids doing that!

Sally Datria said...

OH MY!! That giggle makes it worth it to plant a cookie or two on top of the fridge!! What a little doll!! You have your hands FULL with that one...the twinkle in his eyes tells all!!! Thanks for making us all laugh!!!

Amanda said...

depends on if you are planning on keeping the kids or the cookies in the garage. Look on the bright side - at least he can replace Tobey (Maguire??) as Spiderman when he grows up!!

DPUTiger said...

And now, when the handles pull off of your fridge, you'll know how it happened! :) (impressive on Clay's part to figure that out!!!!)

Anonymous said...

Ah, this is the reason we turn the deadbolt to the garage around so you need a key to get in from the house LOLOL Gotta love those boys.

Rachel said...

What a little stinker!! LOL- that is hilarious. Nice that he was so willing so share his accomplishments with you. My children won't be watching this, lest they get ideas...
Oh- and I've done the same thing with my camera- glad you left that part in though, his laughing cracks me up!

nomi said...

Oh my gosh, that's priceless! I don't know what's cuter, little monkey boy climbing the fridge, or his great giggle! I thoroughly enjoyed your little cookie monster! LOL

Blog Owner said...

LOVE the trick photography! He is SO Spiderman!

Lowa said...

WHOA! Good thing the fridge seems secure and doesn't tip over and hurt him! My oldest brother was apparently fond of climbing up on top of the fridge and sitting up there on the top of it when he was 18 months old!

Good thing the stovetop was not on when he tossed the cookie onto it! YIKES!

Boys are crazy, eh??

LunaMoonbeam said...

I think Costco is having a sale on vaults...think iron and a rotary lock could keep him out?

HAHAHA...That's hilarious! My little brother mastered the "top of the fridge" climb when he was about that age...and downed half a Costco sized bottle of Vitamin C. My poor mother had to call Poison Control on that boy more often....

They told her not to worry, but his pee might be a little yellow for a few days!

Marly said...

That is the funniest thing I've ever seen. I will make sure my almost 4 year old doesn't see it. I wouldn't put it past him to try something like this :)

Sabine said...

OMG!!!! I can see why you once said something like if you had to guess which of your kids would get hurt and end up in the ER it would probably be Clay. He sure is a little monkey. He is SOOO cute though!
Thanks for the smiles.

StampingJoan said...

Dawn this is hysterical!!!! What a little monkey! I think I would bolt everything to the wall now!

manda said...

Yep, he's a monkey alright and pretty darn proud of himself too. My little man used to puzzle us until i found him climbing onto the bench, then the microwave and then the top of the 'fridge. All the while the thoughts of "he's going to destroy something" running through my mind. Hard to be cranky isn't it when they are so clever?

A Few Tacos Shy... said...

Ack!!! the top of the fridge is my spot too!!! Where will we keep the knives?!?!?!?!?! (And the candy...) said...

Are you talking about leaving the cookies and mixer in the garage or the kids...LOL..JK...I know how it is. Forget it since they'll find it all anyway and just mess up another part of the house trying!
BTW, thanks for getting back to me about my blogging! You're a sweety!

Amy said...

That is HILARIOUS! That is wanting a cooking REALLY BAD... but, hey, you are always talking about how much you like cookies... he gets it honest!

By the way, his little giggle is precious... he sounds/looks like a little 'stinker'. Bet you wouldn't trade him for a gazillion million dollars (that is what I tell mine)!

Anonymous said...

LOL!! That was AMAZING! And what an absolute cutie--I loved how much he was laughing! :)

Nice job with the video editing--it looked like you used Microsoft Movie Maker, is that right? I love that program! Nero is great, too--but not as user-friendly.

Suburban Correspondent said...

Looks like you'll have to put one of those invisible fences around the treats (with a collar on Clay).

Tracy J-Flores said...

He truly is a monkey. I'm surprised the refrigerator doors didn't open from him holding onto them as he climbed up.

I was most amused by his giggling the whole time as he climbed.

Anonymous said...

I've never posted before but I love your blog! This video is just the funniest thing! It's kinda hard to be mad at him when has the most awesome infectious giggle and seems quite proud of himself! :)

Anonymous said...

I guess you need to find a new place for those knives, huh?

Wowzers, that's one strong (and pretty smart) kid!

Anonymous said...

~ I'm glad I don't have a water/ice dispenser on my fridge, or they would have figured that out at my house already, though there is nothing as interesting as cookies on my fridge.
~ So, who has the crappy job of lifting the mixer on and off the fridge? (Sunday question?) I just leave mine on the counter by the sink (the only place it will fit, the cupboards are too short to fit it under them.)I don't use it THAT much, but I would probably never use it if I had to ask my husband to lift it for me when I did want to use it!
~ I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one with my vacuum sitting out when not in use. This irritates my husband immensely - mind you, he grew up with a neat/tidy/clean freak mother, who by the way still cleaned his house occasionally when I met him,he was 32 years OLD!!!! AND she will still pick off bits of whatever off my carpeted kitchen floor. It used to bug me, now after 7 years with him, 2 kids later, who cares. There's writing on the walls, play do ground in the carpet, dishes in the sink.... To me, this says that they are creative, we have fun, and they are fed! I can always clean the house later... when I get off facebook;)) Sorry for the 'short story length' comment, I need a blog!

Mary said...

Oh. My. Goodness! My jaw dropped to the floor. Will my baby do that? Oh. Dear.

Anonymous said...

What a monkey for sure! And that laugh is infectious...found myself laughing!! Cute video... cute kid!

Kati said...

That is by far THE BEST THING I have ever seen! I love his little giggle! What a cutie!

Debbie @ Three Weddings said...

That little stinker! You have your hands full with that one.

Anonymous said...

So that's how it's done? I ws thinking of moving our 'tin' of goodies onto the top of the new fridge (just ike yours strangely!)as my little monkey climbs up onto the workbench all the time.

Maybe I need to put mine in the garage too?

Will send you a postcard next week.

Anonymous said...

I have a monkey like that! Hope all your furniture is strapped to the wall...

Anonymous said...

Spderkid, Spiderkid, does whatever a Spiderkid does!

Jules said...

Oh yah - I can relate.
My two boys like to hang on to the door handle of the fridge and swing...and swing...and swing. Maybe that's why the handle is so loose (ya think?)! I wonder what they'll do when the it finally comes flying off.

Kristy said...

omg that is the funniest thing ever!!! my fridge doesnt have an ice maker on the front so i dont think ill have that problem lol. so funny i cant stop laughing!!!

Ma said...

Maybe you should decorate a cardboard box with pictures of veggies and stick the cookies in there. THAT would turn the kids away for sure.

Becky said...

Oh my gosh! And I call MY son "little monkey". Yours deserves the title more. LMAO! Using the fridge door handles...that is much higher a level of difficulty than opening the dishwasher and using the door to climb to the kitchen counter and from there, to the top shelf of the cabinet. LOL!

Anonymous said...

Oh, God, Dawn, how funny!!!! I love how at first he was giggling so hard that he kept sliding down =) And so smart too, to have a plan on how to put the cookies on the stove so he can shimmy down with both hands!

I think this is an excellent example of problem solving at its best! (And I'd probably move the knives and mixer, but I'd leave the cookies =)


Anonymous said...

I always try tell myself, the characteristics of my children that drive me crazy today, are going to be strong attributes for them when they are adults. My oldest son will make a great lawyer (ha!) someday. He can argue his point until he convinces you to see it from his view (we butt heads often, but with love). My younger son can will never go without and is very straight forward(he may lack couth at times, but is very altuiristic).
He is also very honest, "too" honest! He's only 9, but tells it like it is (we are working on the couth thing). "Does my butt look big in these pants?" Yeah, NOT a question I ask in my household! Now your Clay, he is going to be a great problem solver, maybe go into physics or something or maybe just be a world famous mountain climber! Our family mottos are 'Dare to be different', 'Take risks, but be accountable' and 'Think ouside of the box'. I just want to compliment you and your husband for letting your children just be children!! Life must be experienced to learn, not just obeyed or read about. Keep up the great work!!!

Anonymous said...

Ok, it's four o'clock in the moring for me, but I thought that it was hilarious that this is your first post after "Dumb Crooks," (since he is so willing to show you his trick.)

Did you ask him how he did it, so he showed you, or did you actually come upon him doing it?

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness, what a Little charmer! He is so gorgeous and a proper little monkey! Must admit I was giggling along with him...
Rosie in the UK

Kate said...

Now *THAT* video needs to be kept for his wedding.


Anonymous said...

Aaaand...that explains the mystery of the footprints in the ice dispenser tray. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Too funny!!!


Donna. W said...

Wow. And I didn't believe in the old theory of "man descending from monkeys". Looks like I've been wrong!

Hilary said...

He is hysterical Dawn! Have you considered a pantry size safe? LOL I'm surprised Clay didn't know you were holding the camera sideways. Seems that he's the next great director himself! Thanks for the laughs.

Kel said...

That made me laugh for about five minutes :) Talented kid!
I'll be sending a postcard in a couple of days... I'll find a postcard with the local castle on it :) I hope you get lots of fun stuff for that project!

Anonymous said...

That just cracks me up..

10/10 for sheer cleverness.

And that must be one VERY stable fridge.

Melissa said...

Dawn, and I thought I had a monkey on my hands!!! You gotta love that he figured out how to get those cookies. After a few days on a diet, I can't say I blame him!!!
Good luck trying to keep anything out of the reach of that one!!!


Anonymous said...

I'm usually lousy with resemblances, but once he hits the top of the fridge and first faces the camera (after a bit of rifling) he SO strongly resembles you. I can't quite see it later when he faces it again, but right there, that face is ALL you.

Anonymous said...

Oh My Gosh! I can't believe he did that! It was freaking me out thinking the fridge may fall on him!

Glad you are moving the food from off the top of the fridge. My sister keeps her goodies on top of her fridge too...I am going to show her this video to persuade her to move them. :)

Kids are unbelievable aren't they!!

Donna :)

trishia said...

I am thinking Clay is more Einstein than monkey. He saw those cookies and figured out a way to get to them. Now my kids would've pushed a chair to the counter, by which point I'd have heard them and put a stop to their scheming- Clay on the other hand worked like a secret op man- smart kid! Congrats, and well, good luck. Just don't let him take courses like chemistry in High School, I don't think he'd be able to pass up on the many
"experiments" he'd think up!

Robert said...

Wow, That little boy can sure climb.

Knowing how our garage gets, that stuff may get "lost" out there.

Great video!

Karen said...

ROFLMBO.... My 5 year old daughter now thinks that Clay is Spiderman.

Marva said...

Where there's a will, there's a way, huh? You've got one determined kid on your hands!

Zilla said...

That was very cute!!
He has an infectious giggle too.. little monkey!

Anonymous said...

Clay is a genius!!! I'd never have thought of that when I was a kid!!

Anonymous said...

Hahaha. That is the funniest thing i have seen in a while. His laugh was making me laugh. He's so cute though. I love how he says "The cookie is mine!" but decides he doesn't want that one and picks another one. Smart kid, though. Im surprised the doors on the fridge didn't fly open. And yes, would be a good idea to move those knives, especially.

Anonymous said...

How on earth did you find out he was doing this?

Anonymous said...

I had to show my 3 y/o son this video. He was amazed. We don't keep anything on top of our fridge, and it isn't a side by side, so I think I am safe.


As Cape Cod Turns said...

Maybe it would be a good place to store all Austin's letters...

Anonymous said...

Does he leave foot prints on the fridge doors doing that??

I know he doesn't offset the weight of the fridge at this point, but that would really make me wonder if there is any danger of it falling on top of him.

Anonymous said...

That is 2 year old is watching and says " Mommy - I try that"

keeping the kids or the cookies in the garage? I vote kids :) LOL


strikkegal said...

OMG! Crazy kid!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Dawn, he sure has the best giggle ever!

Greetings from Holland

Shelly said...

OMG!! I could so see me kids doing that. It is simply amazing what kids can do. Maybe you could make him a superman cape.

karen said...

Amazing! Truly amazing!

My kids would get dustbunnies off the top of my fridge, though....

Anonymous said...

What a delicious giggle he has.

Little stinkpot.

Anonymous said...

OMGosh. That is FUNNY!!!! He's like a little monkey!

Just-Me-Jen said...

Oh my goodness!!! I'm sure glad I didn't have an ice dispenser on my fridge!!! My little monkeys would have been doing the same thing! LOL
Hmmmm. Is there a top-lock on the door to the garage???

MaBunny said...

That is hilarious!! He is definitely a little spidie man. I'd be safe and move your mixer, and the knives and all that other little stuff though. You asked if they'd be safe in the garage.. depends.. is the garage locked and does it have climbable shelves? lol
Clay is adorable though::))


Laila and Angel Minchie said...

He's so cute! Perhaps he's been watching too many Spiderman movies? haha!

Anonymous said...

That's so funny! My daughter always did that too!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness!!! That is hilarious. He is a monkey! You should send that one into America's Funniest Home Vidoes! You could win a prize with it!!!

Good luck in finding a new spot. I don't know that you could find one safe from him! LOL!!!!

Rick said...

The kid if brilliant. I tell you I've got to meet this kid! Yes, move the cookies, OR! One carefully placed mouse trap would take care of the whole thing. What am I saying? You couldn't, wouldn't, do that to our Clay, would you?.

The first part of the video reminds me of the old Batman TV show were they pretended to be climbing up buildings only the camera was turned sideways.

This must be how Spider-Man figured out he had super powers.

mamatwoboys said...

Quite a monkey you have there. I agree that a new hiding place is in order. No suggestions on where though. Good luck!

Angela S said...

Yeah...My 3.5 yr old son I found out last week could get on the counter, reach across the top of the microwave above the stove and pull out my crystal bowl and vase to get to his candy. Finally after the third time I asked him to show me how he did it and just like you...I found out. Nothing is sacred anymore. nothing.

Anonymous said...

Too funny! As a mom of 5 I am now wondering if my kids are doing that also!
This is my first comment I ever posted to you and I have to say I love your blog. My husband is currently deployed and your blog makes my day better by giving me some good laughs. I can not wait to read your book.

Anonymous said...

Hard to think about it in this way, but kids who figure out stuff like that at an early age can do amazing things in their lives! That is so cool! Plus he is cute as a button when he is being mischievious. Must be hard not to burst out laughing.
Thank you for the cute video!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one who takes the knobs off the stove!
Yeah, now that you know that he can get up there you may want to lock those knoves up.

Anonymous said...

Give up Dawn lol wherever you put the cookies they will find a way to get to them!
But yeah - I'd move the knives away from the cookies lmao

Very cute video, and Clay's giggle is so infectious!!!

Serial Mommy said...

i am SOOOO glad i don't have a fridge like that!!! i think with the standard set up for a fridge it would be much harder for him to scale it like that...and i've thought about getting one like that, however that just changed my mind!!! and moving the cookies would be good...and the mixer...and the knives...good luck with that...

Anonymous said...

hahaha the built in water dispenser is really a foot hold...
to funny

Anonymous said...

What a funny little monkey boy!!!
What color is your stove? Harvest gold or avacado green? The pretty ones never die.

Anonymous said...

That is priceless! :) His joy is really cute!!

Andi said...

Oh Dawn....that wasn't in the handbook they gave me when I had my kids. Guess we have to write our own. are writing your own so the rest of us can learn from the master and how to parent.

Today I am actually cleaning with my 5 year old and she is helping me do the kitchen and the bathroom. It was semi productive, if not in the way, as I scoot around making the house pretty again for the week.

Looking forward to the Sunday round up. I have a question. How do you keep the kids from playing on the video games 24/7? I took the XBOX controller to work with me for 8 hours and he cried the entire time about him not being able to play. He's 12!!!! Any ideas? AKB

Anonymous said...

Gotta love the genuine belly laugh. I'd try the attic or the place where you keep the garbage bags. Nobody in my family ever looks under the sink where my garbage bags are kept, because if someone were to SEE the bags then HE would have to line the trashcan with it! Trust me where there are garabe bags, no man, by which I mean no one 'of the male gender', will look there for anything. ;o)

Ali A said...

Flash back to growing up with my brother.

Anonymous said...

When I grow up, I want to be like Clay.

Anonymous said...

OMG, that was HILARIOUS! Clay the incredible fridge magnet! So glad my kids weren't in the room to see that!!!

Leanne said...

Oh he is a monkey!! His giggles had me in stitches!!

Unknown said...

ROFLMAO!! Must not show this to my three year old! After video taping that did you tell him he cant do it again? ;)

Lori A. said...

LOL! That is hilarious!! That totally looks like something my 4 year old son would come up with...but miraculously hasn't! Whew! Of course, there's nothing fun on top of our fridge.

rae said...

Dawn - Good luck finding a place! My mom was never able to find a place to hide the nail polish!!

Anonymous said...

Hi, I found your link from Megan's blog site.
You have a good news/bad news situation, I believe.
Good news: In a few, short, fun-filled years, he'll be able to reach the top of the refridgerator.
Bad news: In a few, short, fun-filled years, he'll be able to reach the top of the refridgerator.

I know this because I am the mother of two, 6'3 and 6'0, sons.
Congratulations! : )

Anonymous said...

I LOVE how he was selective in his cookies. No plain ones for him!

Nancy said...

That is SO funny! I love his infectious laughter! What a monkey climbing on the fridge like that - I hope my four year old never sees this or I'll have some troubles of my own!!

Tortilla said...


That kid has some serious climbing skills! LOL

motownmutt said...

It's like the laws of physics are all messed up! He seems do a bit better with the vertical gravity turned back on. Fun post, it's a wonder he climb while he's laughing like that.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad my kids arent the only one that does this. My 4 and 2 year old do the same thing! What monkeys!

Julie said...

I started to watch this and realized I'd better not let my 2 year old monkey watch it, or she'd be doing the same thing - especially since our refrigerator is almost the same as yours!!!

Celticspirit said...

Oh my gosh, that brings back memories! One of my daughters used to climb up the walls in the hallway with one foot on each side. She looked like a ninja while doing it. Crazy.

Mrs. Schmitty said...

That is definitely one for America's Funniest Home Videos! You should enter it!

Anonymous said...

love his laugh! i should not have watched this with my son who is 3 1/2 he just got a new idea to int the goodies!

Anonymous said...

I suppose you could always grease the door handles.

Carla said...

let me be first to say, thank goodness, my boys never figured out that trick ;)

Audur said...

Now THAT's impressive. You should sign him up for a rock climbing class!

Tina said...

Oh my goodness, that boy has skills. :) That was amazing. When Toby does anything stelthy like that we call him the special ops team. (he's usually working with a buddy or the animals.) Thanks for sharing cause that was GREAT!!


Anonymous said...

Hahaaa, the sideways thing happens to me a lot!

And your son is awesom, i would have never been clever enough to get cookies like that. :D

Anonymous said...

That is hilarious and adorable! He seems so proud.

Have you considered applying a layer of Crisco to the front of the fridge?

Anonymous said...

He's so cute! And looks just like you! :)

Anonymous said...

Awww, memories. My now 8 year old daughter started climbing out of her crib at 8 months old. That is also the age that she started walking and climbing up EVERYTHING. It was quite the adventure keeping up with her.

Anonymous said...

Hi Dawn,
We have a climber too - he's 3, and climbs up everything... so thanks for the heads up! I saw a crock pot on your counter in the video. I received one for Christmas, and I tried pot roast - it was delicious! What is your favorite (and/or your families) recipe to cook in the crock pot?

Pam (Seattle)

Anonymous said...

That's amazing! And scary! Good luck...

Elisabet said...

Like Sir Edmund Hillary cresting Everest! The giggling alone would have gotten him a pass from me. I'm sure my kids did things like that when I wasn't around! And is there really any safe hiding place for cookies?

Anonymous said...

LOL! Maybe I should move my knives?!?

Lara said...

As a mother of 6 myself, that video doesn't surprise me one bit. I used to hide treats on top of our book case until one day I witnessed my own little primate scaling it with reckless abandon. If you hide it, they will find it.
You should know my girlfriend and I refer to you as "Six-pack Mom" ;)

ConnieC said...

Did you record that with a Flip? I have one ordered that will be here on Thursday. I must live in a bubble, because the first time I heard of one was on your blog last week.

Anonymous said...

My husband and I are both rolling on the floor laughing so hard we are crying. So that's what we're in for during the next couple on years!?$%@!! Very Cute and Very funny! Thanks for making our day!

Dawn Hudson said...

I would be so proud.

Anonymous said...

Too Cute! Hey, I love that I'm the first to comment! That's never happened before!

Laura Paxton said...

What a funny little monkey! Can't believe some of the things our kids do...of course, my kids won't show or tell me how they do things...after all, THEY didn't do it. It was "not me" that did it!!

Anonymous said...

That is too funny (and not a just a little scary to me)! Which of his older sibs suggested it, or did Clay just figure it out on his own?

Anonymous said...

I can totally relate to the camera angle, Dawn! We have some video footage I did after the baby was born where I'm turning the camcorder to the side, but the funny part is hearing the hubby say [on the video] "Honey, if you hold the camcorder like that it will end up sideways" and then the next section of video has me doing this again with the hubby saying; "Honey, remember we had this conversation about turning the camera sideways?" Anyway, we all crack up when we watch it. Good luck with the cookie hiding!

Techie said...

Now that is one very motivated little cookie monster, I'm impressed.

Anonymous said...

I have to figure out how to post without being Anonymous...

I didn't know Spiderman was giving out free lessons with the purchase of a DVD!! :o)

So where did the cookies end up after you moved them? Oh and which of his siblings showed him how to do this, or do they just pay him to get the cookies for everyone?

RoeH said...

Why are kids so MUCH smarter than we were? Or I was. Who thought!

Shelley said...

Hey, I have that same refrigerator. And a monkey child. *note to self* Do NOT show monkey child this video. I'm surprised she hasn't thought of that one. Of course, she just climbs up on the counter next to the fridge and gets whatever she wants anyway. Thanks Dawn, that was pretty hilarious. Clay, you are too funny!

Anonymous said...

No Dawn, they aren't going to be safe in the garage either. He's so adorable. How do you get after him for anything?
He's got one of the best laughs I've ever heard.

Anonymous said...

Ha! I love his giggling! What a cutie!! I was laughing along with him the whole time : ) My 2-yr-old and Clay should get together... Wait, on second thought, they'd probably blow up the earth together...

Veggiemomof2 said...

Look at it this way...the more u keep on your fridge, the higher the chances you can catch him at a cookie alarm! LOL

Anonymous said...

Oh my word, that little laugh...I was ROFL. So cute and mischevious! "Cookie is MINE!!"

Alison said...

Okay, I had to pause and minimize in a hurry when my four year old came in. He hasn't thought of this one for himself yet, and I certainly don't want him to see it! What a laugh Clay has! HOw do you keep a straight face with that giggle going on?

Anonymous said...

Oh dear, this will be my Joey in a few weeks. He too is a monkey. I'd climb like that too for those cookies! I recognize that Jarosch's box. Hey they should send us both FREE cokkies for the plug LOL. Patiently waiting for the Sunday questions........

Laura ~Peach~ said...

people always believed i was making up my son climbing EVERYTHING, we found cory up on top of the fridge a couple times but we dont have the ice water hole!! my son will be 20 friday and oh how i wish i had videos of all his antics hes the only baby i know of that had to have sheet steel put on the sides of his play pen to keep him from climbing out and it did not alwas work!
Love the laugh and pure joy in his eyes!
thanks for sharing the cookie is MINE!
ohhhh yeah we put a slide bolt on the top of our closet door and until they were old enough to realise it was up there that kept things safe... about age 4 LOL.
Good luck, Peach

Dorothy said...

OMG Dawn, I'd be so scared he'd climb on something that will tip. Wow do you have your hands full.

Your helping me see what it's been like for my daughter all these years. I was tired watching.

Best of luck to you..keep smiling
Dorothy from grammology
remember to call gram

Johane said...

Should I tell you that it's probably "safer" if he climbed on the counter? I guess not...

Gymnastics would be good for him though. My 10 yo dd was a climber as a child. Even now, she'll climb up the stop sign on the corner of the property. We enrolled her in Gymnastics and Jujitsu though - so that she could learn to fall and roll properly. That way if anything ever happened, she would at least know how to fall with less chance of hurting herself. We haven't had a broken limb yet!

Good luck. lol :D

Anonymous said...

Clay had me laughing along with him the whole time! What a cutie! How do you ever deny him anything-I would cave to that sweet, sweet smile!

I found my then 18-month old inside our grand piano once, he had climbed floor, to piano bench, to keyboard, over the music rest thingie and into the place where the strings and hammers are. He sat there grinning at me like, "What'd I do"?

Now to be a nuffer for a moment. He's little now, but I hope he stops doing that soon. My friend's son did that with a dresser when he was three and ended up underneath it. One trip to the ER later he had a broken arm and a wicked looking black eye. And it could have been so much worse!
Your video is super cute but it gives me the chills a little bit!

Your video skills impress me, I am a technological caveman(woman). Keep up the good work with those kiddos, you're doing great!!!!

Anonymous said...

Looks like someone's watched Spiderman one too many times! : ) I love his adorable laugh! hehehehe. Whatta a cutie!

MomNKid said...

All that for one cookie....

Jennifer said...

Oh my...that is just too funny. We've always joked around here that we breed monkeys, but I'm pretty sure you have us beat.
My kids were standing here watching and my son (13) pointed out that maybe I shouldn't let our daughter (3) be watching this for ideas. I think he has a point. She's more of a monkey than he was, and I already have my hands full with her. I hope she won't remember seeing this!!

And I agree with the others - his giggle is adorable!

my3boys said...

Not that Clay's climbing skills aren't amazing, and not that your cinematography skills weren't riveting, but all I could think of is how no cookie would be safe to eat if it fell on the top of my refrigerator amidst the 1/4 inch of dust up there! Ewwww!

Kati said...

Dawn...will you let your readers know about the eBay charity auctions going on right now for the family who was killed over the Christmas holiday by a drunk driver?

The link for the auctions are here...


Waitingonyou2 said...

Clay is absolutely adorable, Dawn! :D

I think he may have gotten the cookie on the first try if he wasn't so curious to know why you were holding the camera sideways! ;) heehee!

As for keeping the cookies in the garage: they may last longer out there, unless your hubby has a sweet tooth like mine! :D

Jen said...

Cute! Clay's "technique" to climb the fridge resembles rock climbers'. Most kids are natural at climbing until a certain age (or so says a rock-climbing mag I read last year).

Ever consider taking your kids to an indoor rock-climbing facility?

Anonymous said...

lol...that's so neat! what a dare devil!

All moments remembered said...

Hi Dawn, It has been a while since I visited you!! Working hard building my online store up! I am excited I now have Angie working on a banner for me so I can put it on both your sites!! Store has been picking up!! :) I added a message board to and that has been fun. Looks like you are still doing super over here!! Love your monkey child!!

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...


You are a way cooler mom than I could ever achieve to be. I would be screaming my head off: Get the EFF down from there! Who do you think you are!?!?!?!?


C-Rah said...

hahaha The giggling is absolutely hysterical. How did you convince him to SHOW you how he does that? Didn't he realize that you'd now have to move the cookies once you knew his secret??

roseys madhouse said...

Wow thank goodness I dont have a side by side fridge otherwise my now 4 yr old daughter would be doing this to get chewing gum lol.
I have to laugh at how many comments have been about things in the background lol I only watched it once though maybe I need to watch it a few more times to pick things up lol.

Anonymous said...

What a cutie! I'm SO not showing that video to my 3-year-old! He still doesn't even know he could easily climb out of his crib if he wanted to. Yes, crib. He's happy still sleeping in it, it's the same size mattress as a toddler bed mattress, and we can't afford to buy a bed right now!

Anonymous said...

My 2 year old was watching this video (she came over because i was laughing) and I could just see the wheels in her mind turning "hmmmm I could do that, gonna try it out!!". But he was so cute and happy, how could you be mad. I would not be able to keep a straight face to yell. heheh too cute keep em coming. OHHH yes, thank you for "introducing" me to Mimi and JuJu!! Mimi is one amazing woman and Juju well he is just the KING!!

Anonymous said...

Hi, Dawn...

I'm with Rick on how Clay's Cookie Climb was like watching the old (Adam West) Batman TV show!


By name...How many ER visits, due to injuries, have there been for each child?

With the agility shown on this video, I'm thinking a lot less than the norm...whatever that is!

OFFICIAL SCORING for Olympic Trials...Frigidaire Routine...Clay Meehan:

Although Clay's initial mount proved to be less-than-perfect (impaired by the physical/psychological effects from the peals of laughter overcoming his person), points were not deducted as the judges wisely agreed with young Clay's hysterical assessment of the camera person's incompetence.

Quickly recovering, he amazed the judges with a masterful mount as he continued through a series of well-orchestrated moves. He was justly granted bonus points in originality, style, difficulty, execution and overall performance. His dismount alone would have
justified his final score...a PERFECT 10!


Nancy Binky, OJMAC
(Olympic Judge, Major Appliance Category)

Valarie said...

Ok, that is HI-larious!!

Anonymous said...

Isn't that what the icemaker's for?? LOL -- how adorable he is!

Anonymous said...

Didn't realize my five year old was watching over my shoulder until I heard "sweet! I want to do that!" At least I don't have a water dispenser for him to step in! They're resourceful little buggers, aren't they!

cheripiez67 said...


surprised the fridge door didn't open

Anonymous said...

I LOVE this kid!!!

Julia said...

crazy little munchkin! he's so cute, I just want to pick him up and swing him around.

my dad always used to hide my halloween candy in our outdoor freezer or in the waaaaaay back corner of the top shelf of the indoor one. I knew where it was and I could get at it if I wanted to, I was just a lazy little kid. lol.

krystina said...

i'll admit it, i used to climb in the kitchen to get things too. but i wasn't that young, just maybe 7 or so, and while it was mainly to get legal stuff, i did do it to get cookies and candy. i just wasn't as inventive to climb the fridge...

Anonymous said...

I don't know who was laughing harder...Clay or me! If that isn't a cute giggle then I've never heard one. His climbing prowess gives me a great idea for housecleaning though. I am going to make my 4 year old a microfiber jumper, spray her with endust, then start hiding the cookies in all those places that I never clean. Top of the fridge, under the beds, top of the ceiling fan blades. I figure it will be a great payoff for her and my house will be sparkling within a week.

Just remember, when y'all see the "Ronco Duster Jumper" for sale on late night heard it here first!

Thanks again for more laughs Dawn!

Kim W.

Anonymous said...

Wow. He's part monkey, part Spiderman! I love his giggles as he climbs up to get the cookie.

Cheeziemommie said...

So you ASKED him to show you how he does it and he did? Proudly I might add! haha His lil giggle is just too much! And when you asked if he was stuck now and he said NOPE hahahaha Thanks for the chuckle! Now I'm off to count my blessing that neither of my kids were/are climbers! LOL

Cyndy said...

LOVE IT! I too have a climber, and grandma told me it sounded like I needed to move things to a higher shelf --um so she can climb higher? Have more fun getting to it? Get a bigger head bang when she falls? I don't think so. Her younger sister is following her with the climbing, and she is only 11mos. Good luck to you! Thanks for the laugh, and the warning.

co•lin fam•i•ly said...

Alright...last Sunday someone asked the question about how you do the line crossed through certain words with blogger. I was EXCITED! Not so excited for your answer! Share your secret :)! Pretty please with sugar on top, and whipped cream and a cherry....{see know I probably sounded like one of your children :)!}

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

What a little monkey. He deserves that cookie, I think.

Kim VanDerHoek said...


"cookie is mine."


Anonymous said...

Oh he is just too cute! I didn't let Zachary watch, I don't need him to be inspired! ;-)

Amy :-)

Kila said...

LOL, that was hilarious. Whew, so relieved my fridge doesn't have a "step"!

MaryLu said...

And the knives! Oh my, bet you thought they were safe up there!
His laugh is tooo funny! "Cookie is mine!"

Slatsette said...

My MIL found her toddler son on top of the fridge one day. He'd pulled out the drawers and scaled them like stairs, then scaled the distance from the counter to the top of the fridge. Apparently, she was shocked more by the fact that he'd JUST STARTED WALKING when he learned to CLIMB.
Neither my husband nor my sister-in-law managed this feat. And to think, all I did as a toddler was 'decorate' the bathroom with nail polish, 'scoop' the litter box, pour milk into a strainer (I think I saw it on a commercial), and try to 'cook' breakfast. With eggs. Before my parents woke up. Of course, to do any of this I had to discover the way over a baby gate.

Anonymous said...

Think he'd find the cookies if you hid them in HIS room?
Ditto of all other comments - great video!

Handmade by Shazza said...

Haha I have a clever girl (who is almost 13 now and doesnt do that any more) who used to do stuff like that. I had to tie the fridge closed with those ocky straps(what you use to tie things down in a trailer) because the Child Proof!! Fridge lock I bought was really easy for her to open and if I didnt lock the fridge I would have scrambled eggs and pretty drawings on the cupboards and walls drawn with butter. And I had to hide the knives and wooden spoons in a cupboard which I would have to lock using the child locks you need two hands to open all the other types she could open. And Heavy Blankets on the windows to stop her waking up at 4am!! Oh the joys of an ADHD Child who never slept much!!
Have fun with your adorable little monkey Dawn they grow up so fast, My 4 year old only climbs the lounge/lounge chairs and tables no cupboards or wardrobes YET!!
I hope you have an ever frozen cold pack for him he will probably go onto trees and roofs soon!! Superman look out as well as Spiderman lol
Love your blog keeps me amused everyday, especially on these hellish school holidays here Downunder!

Anonymous said...

Well.. at least you can say he has a can do attitude and persistence. :)

Anonymous said...

Okay so it is monday morning and I am watching this and laughing all by myself in my office. Thanks I needed that. Oh and that laugh is hysterical! LOL

Anonymous said...

Dear Oprah,
I am so glad I have girls. I'll be regretting that gratefulness in about 10 years, but for now, I am grateful.
Your friend, Angie

Josephine Milkweed said...

He looks like a professional, like he has clearly had a lot of practice doing this before! My favorite is his giggle, that giggle only comes from a little boy who can't quite gage if his mom is mad, humored, impressed, or confused. I have one that's 4 and he gets that same belly giggle! Little does he know it is usually a combination of all those things! I almost called him in to see Clay's 'trick' and then (thankfully) realized what a badbadbad idea that would be!

Thank you for blogging. You have inspired me to recently create my own, which is quite lame in comparison, but also quite fun. So, thanks. Also- hope it's okay to post your link on my blog because I know my friends will enjoy it! Thanks!

Kathy said...

Wow I think he almost deserves a cookie after all that hard work! It was really cute to watch LOL! Are the other five monkeys as well?

Thumbelina's Mom said...

He deserves a cookie after all the hard work of climbing!

Anonymous said...

Wow! If you can channel that ingenuity in the right way, he'll take the world by storm! If you cah't channel it in a positive way, look out world! You gave my whole family a great laugh with that video. I think you also, unfortunately, gave my 4 1/2 year old some ideas.

Anonymous said...

My 3-yr old watched this with me....he said he wants that kid to come over to our house to play with him. That was hilarious!

Nicki said...

He'd probably find them in the garage too. I think the funniest part of this is how hard he was laughing. Such a contagious laugh! He's resourceful anyway.

chris said...

We can't put nothing on top of our fridge because of all of the dust. It just seemed like it was dusted last year.

ck said...

Clay at least takes a direct approach. I have a teeny "L" shaped kitchen. Dishwasher is on the short end of the "L", fridge on the long end. Darling Son #3 (of four boys) is the trouble maker (if you have time, I think I can match you story for story on my blog, last entry particularly). This is how he gets the snacks on top of the fridge: open dishwasher and use the open door as a step stool onto the counter top. Stand up and walk through sink, turn corner and walk across stove, reach fridge, still can't reach because snacks are against wall. Open freezer door (we have a regular fridge, not a side by side) and scooch one leg over until you get a foot hold. Use (now open) freezer compartment as a step stool to the top of the fridge. Grab snacks and throw them to ground. Inch way back onto counter, turn around and drop down (apparently getting down is not as elaborate as getting up). Ignore all pain from bumps, bruises, falls, etc, unless you have an audience. Then wail like an air raid siren until you get a Taz band aid somewhere on your body (even if you aren't bleeding)

And a note to all dads (because mothers instinctively know better) When you find said child in the delicate operation of swinging from counter to freezer, do NOT yell at him from the kitchen entry way to get down. Because he will drop. All the way down. Surprisingly fast (slo mo is only in movies and mother's memories) and you will not be able to catch him. He will land ON HIS FACE and be perfectly fine but will look like he went a round with Tyson.

The day before he starts preschool

Surro Momma said...

My son used to do the same thing! Well, at first he pushed the chair over to the counter, climbed on the chair, then climbed on the counter, then walked across to the fridge. After I tied the chairs to the table (I'm sooo not kidding!) he figured out how to climb straight up the front of the fridge. We had the kind that was the freezer on top and the fridge on the bottom.

I finally stopped keeping the candy from holidays and I stopped buying cookies.

LittleBirdies said...

I love it. I love his creativity, his determination, and most of all his giggle. I showed it to my husband, and he was impressed! (And I thought my boys (4 1/2 and 3) were monkeys!)

Sam Currie said...

Oh Dawn that video is hysterical, how tenacious is he? I just love the glee when he finally eats the cookies, or biscuits as we Brits call them, if they were US biscuits I can bet he wouldn't be such a climber hee hee!!

Mrs. Hardaker said...

Oh no, I have missed the video, it is no longer available.

Amie said...

WOW. That is amazing! I hope your frige is bolted to the wall!

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