Sunday, November 18, 2007

The Ultimate Diet

Have you guys seen this? I was unfortunate enough to catch this on TV this week.

It made my eyes bleed. It made me a little scared to eat. I think this may be the ultimate secret to weight loss.


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Donna said...

Ick. Creepy. Is that supposed to make kids want to eat? I can't help thinking there is someone in that costume who had to learn all those dance moves...

Bree said...

That show gives me nightmares...I just blogged about it a week ago or so. fah-reaky!

Anonymous said...

Ummm, the scariest thing is that it costs money to produce videos like that. Someone wrote the script to that and thought it was good...

Well, let's hope your book turns out better.

Jill said...

That show scares me. Like in a bad acid flashback kinda way. Yet, my 3-year-old is absolutely mesmerized by it! Better than Teletubbies I guess. *shrug*

Anonymous said...

Well then THAT explains everything! I've had too many parties in my tummy!

That is truly scary and making me glad that my kids are finally out of the Playhouse Disney, Nick JR age. Do kids actually like this show? Yikes!

Anonymous said...

I middle child (almost 4) likes this show. I find it annoying, and yeah a little scarey. Whomever thought this show up so smoking some seriously messed up stuff.

Liz C.

Anonymous said...

This just so happens to be a favorite show and segment in our house. We, myself 2 teen kids and little 23 month old Emma, sing this around the house all the time. The song is catchy and sometimes it gets Emma to eat her green beans. LOL We dig the old school 70's/80's feel of the show. It's just silliness.

The green monster kind of creeped us out at first but he's kind of growing on us now. Like a fungus. =)


Becky said...

urp. I just threw up in my mouth a little.

4boyz4me said...

Oh, how I loathe this show. My boys have been banned from putting it on under pain of losing all TV time for a week. Who thinks these things are a good idea is beyond me. Wish I could get paid the big bucks like they do tho. LOL

Anonymous said...

Oh thanks... I just got over thinking my stuffed animals have feelings NOW my food has feelings too!!! OH MY!

Goodwin Family said...

YO CRAZY CRAZY!!! Just think there is someone that actually made that up! Now I am singing that song in my head as I go to bed... oh yeah oh yeah... "there's a party in my tummy....oh yeah, oh yeah"
Have a great night Dawn!!
Charlotte in Hawaii!!

roseys madhouse said...

All I can say is "OH MY GOD".
My children were mesmerized though lol

Lacey said...

That was horrific.
Now I know why I stick to PBS and if they ever play something like this I think I'll send some hate mail.

So when does the first commenter win a book contest start?

Jamie said...

Wow. That really WAS disturbing!

Anonymous said...

OMG - like you say, fab diet tool - good he eats he vegetables, but not sure I want my kids watching the green fella!

Anonymous said...

lol... yep... my kids watch it. Every time I see it I think I've time warped back to the 70s (which I'm too young to remember much of).

mamabeck said...

Oh. My.

It's like a train wreck. Can't. Look. Away.

wow. that's definitely frightening.

Barbarella said...

Is that spongebobs voice?

Anonymous said...

They should show what happens to the party, which moms' know oh too well.

KamiMari said...

The first time I saw that I stared at the tv open mouthed, eyes watering and speehless for 15 minutes. Scared the absolute junk out of me!
Hope your eyes stopped bleeding :)

Anonymous said...

Eeeeeuwwww :O

Frogmorest said...

what. the. hell. was. that.

lol! Yah. I'm pretty afraid ;)

Amanda said...

There isn't anything about that show that doesn't make my eyes bleed. My kids LOVE it though. I can't find a good reason not to watch it, except I can't stand the sound/look. Stinking show promotes healthy eating, good manners, and lots of other things that I teach. (My smart little 7 year old uses the "You should like it, because they teach what you teach" argument on me.) I do like the if it hurts only a little "shake it off" song, and have used it during many a whiny moment. :) Thanks for the countless bits of entertainment.

shawna said...

i wish i hadn't watched that.... now i'm gonna have that song going thru my head all nite and any time i try to eat for the next week.
here's a good youtube video to watch:

Donna. W said...

Well, at least it didn't show us what happened AFTER the party. Whew.

Rick said...

Was that suppose to encourage our children to eat properly? The creature ate the chicken, bone and all. Some party. Nothing much there about chewying your food properly.

Melinda said...

That is just unbelievably awful!!! Ditto on making your eyes bleed, and my ears are suffering too!

Anonymous said...

Um, yeah, thanks for THAT. Party in my tummy.... I think you're right about it being the ultimate secret to weight loss. Who (or what) IS that green stripey thing anyway?

Jaszon said...

oook. thats it i'm never eating again.

'omg am i first lol' ?


aww :( and now i cant even have a snack to make myself feel better!

Anonymous said...

I guess soon he be a party pooper. Yeah Yeah

Anonymous said...

LOL! I had seen previews for that show a few weeks before it started. My kids were all excited, but I thought it looked pretty dumb. Thank goodness that was confirmed before I actually subjected them to it!

Happy Turkey Day...if you can eat, lol!

Anonymous said...

Uhhh??......Thanks?? Thanks I will be singing "there's a party in my tummy" all day long and thinking of you. *You Rock*...thanks again...have a wonderful day...NOT......
~just kidding!~

Donna, Brockport, NY :)

Kim said...

How bizarre! Who eats carrots whole with the greens still on?

Anonymous said...


I see what you mean! I watched the video 10 minutes after waking up this morning. Ugh! I can feel the coffee sloshing around as we speak! I'm afraid to eat...I have to go to work this morning. What if my co-workers hear "the party?"

Thanks for a great Monday morning chuckle!

God Bless,


Anonymous said...

Yo Gabba Gabba Is a sad frightful show. I think it is scarier than Barney.

Anonymous said...

That is wrong on so mnay levels!!! P.S. I think a signed book for the 1st poster is a fab idea, as long as I win LOL. Felt closer to you this weekend than I have ever been, attended a wedding in Rolling Meadows.

Michelle said...

My 4 year old son will not watch that show because it scares him too much... the minute it comes on he goes and hides.

Anonymous said...

Sad thing is I actually like watching this show with my 3 yr old! I have 4 kids (ages 16, 14, 5 and 3) so I guess I should warn you they finally drive you crazy enough that you have no taste in tv!

Anonymous said...

I can see exactly what you mean. I can't believe I actually sat and watched the whole thing. I guess I expected it to get better or something. Where do they come up with this stuff?

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh. I can see why your eyes bled. LOL I wanted to poke a fork in my eye to make it stop!! ROFL Did someone somewhere really think that was fun for kids to watch? Hm, maybe so.

Anonymous said...

Its not as bad if you watch it with the volume off, haha!!

Brooke said...

Oh my gosh, I'm first? HAHAHA Just kidding!

My son LOVES this show!!! The first time I heard it though I was freakin' out. I mean, I was kinda blocking it out for a while until I heard "their's a party in my tummy" for the bazillionth time!!!! I know they are just trying to get the kids to eat their vegetables but don't you think its even scarier to have singing vegetables in your tummy??? Plus, he swallowed them whole....that could be dangerous! HAHAHAHA!

Tonya said...

Oh thank goodness! I'm glad I'm not the only one scared by that show. I almost break my neck in the scramble to find the remote when it comes on.


Anonymous said...

That is truely scary! What a crazy world and a great way to start out the day! ;-) Krissi

Heather said...

Yikes! I made the mistake of watching this after just eating's a good thing I have a strong stomach! lol

And this is considered children's entertainment?!?!?!

Have a wonderful day and a Happy Thanksgiving!!!


Kate said...

You are either too scared to eat or after watching, you vomit everything that you have eaten for the last few days! An alternative to Ipecac!!!

Heather said...

OK...that *is* scary. :|

Anonymous said...

Ah yes.... Yo Gabba Gabba. Its like Baby Crack. I swear anytime my boys hear even a note of Yo gabba Gabba they come running and go crazy, they love it! Boombah, Tellatubbies, any of these superweird cartoons- I don't get it, but kids LOVE IT! At least from what I have caught in Yo Gabba Gabba- there really are some good lessons for kids. Sharing, about being scared, and based on this video- eating well "THERES A PARTY IN MY BELLY!"

Anonymous said...

That would of scared the heck outta of me too!!!

ruthEbabes said...

Hmmmm I'll be having nightmares for a week now!

Kim said...

Um, hello creepy. Although my 2 year old was watching and dancing while I was creeped out.

Anonymous said...

I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.

I'm not sure if the saddest part was the actual clip or that I actually watched the whole thing. The worst part is that the end kept skipping and it WOULDN'T END!!!! Make the bad green monster stop!

I wanted to tell the carrots and green beans that the party isn't worth it. They're just going to turn into poo! But I kept my mouth shut.....didn't want to ruin the party for them. haha!

Lucille said...

Hold me...I'm scared!

A dancing piece of mold with a frown face that doesn't move? Really motivating to kids, right?

It was funny, sad, scary and nausiating all at the same time.

Thanks for sharing. (I think...)


nutralady2001 said...

What? No Cookie Monster??

Krissy said...

That is really disturbing.

Unknown said...

I saw this a while ago and found it quite annoying. I hope your kids aren't singing this one at the dinner table.

Carol said...

That's horrible! I have banned this show from our house, just because I can't stand it. Where do they get this stuff?!

btw...I'm also pregnant and somewhat nauseous...that didn't help!

Anonymous said...

Ummmm, i think i may have had a seizure! I'm hoping they don't have parties for other life functions!

Anonymous said...

Disturbing. You are right about the diet idea with this one!

Brenda said...

Is there some way to have that playing in my kitchen all the time? Or maybe evertime I open the fridge door.

manda said...

What is the target audience for this? And you're right - this is scary, not to mention really, REALLY annoying. Oh yeah, oh yeah...curse you Dawn - it won't leave my head.

Steph said...

Am I first?!!!! My kids are lovin' this!! (We don't have cable) :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, wow!!!! I think I might have nightmares... "so yummy, so yummy..." Haha!

Anonymous said...

So true! Do we really need a song telling us "Don't bite your friends"? Have you seen the one with the dancie dance partner that looks like Mama Cass in a skin tight super hero outfit? Talk about eyes bleeding.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe how many people haven't seen this until now! I had the...umm...fortune? see this earlier in the year. Sort of horrifying, isn't it? The whole program is odd, like that. Wonder what's in the water, over there?

Shade and Sweetwater,

Anonymous said...


This is too scary. Who is Yo Gabba Gabba anyway?

I think I am glad I only had to deal with Barney and the Teletubbies.

I am having a party in my tummy with Golden Grahams and toast.

Now that's a party.

LaLa said...

I have seen this show a time or two...NOT on purpose...once I witnessed all of them eating breakfast and the fruit was crying..

Seriously, this is the weirdest thing...we successfully missed Telletubies and BooBa so we are not doing this : (

Anonymous said...

LOL my kids LOVE ya gabba gabba, they are glued to the TV while that is on.. I think D.J. Lance is scarier than the green sweater looking guy!

Anonymous said...

Roby has totally gotten my 3 year old to chow down on some green beans....they were crying because they wanted to go to the party in his tummy...yummy, yummy! =)

jugglingpaynes said...

The most frightening part of this was the last 7 seconds. I don't know if it was my computer or YouTube, but it just kept replaying the last 7 seconds, and my eyes were so glazed over it took 3 loops before I realized this was happening.

Peace and Laughter!

Shelly said...

My kids seem to enjoy this program, but I just don't get it. And like you, do I want my kids thinking there are talking foods having a party in their tummys.

Anonymous said...

Yikes! That was rather scary. Kids are suppose to like this?

Shelly said...

My kids seem to enjoy this program but I just don't get it. I ask myself, "do my kids need to think there are talking, feeling food in their tummys?" Not to sure that will help them eat their peas.

sklay723 said...

Wow, now that's just something fun to see on a Monday morning! I'm just glad that green guy's not the newest member of Sesame Street, or my kids would insist on watching him regularly...

Library Bookwyrm said...

And that's why my kid doesn't watch this creeps me out...

Laura ~Peach~ said...

few things scare me... but, that did! i wonder how my kids survived with out it? oh yeah they ate green eggs and ham for a year with the occasional purple pancake! gee i had forgotten.

Kara said...

I refuse to let my kids watch that show, it looks like it kills brain cells and just the commercials for it drive me up the wall.

Anonymous said...

I read your blog everyday when I get to work - never commented though...but couldn't resist this time...I'm FIRST!!! Whoo hoo!!

Bab's Journey of a Lifetime said...

My eyes are bleeding with yours! I do have to say that my 6 month old
Grandaughter loved it though.

Anonymous said...

I wanted to shoot myself when I first saw this show as well. But it happens to come on right as I am fixing lunch, and does a half way decent job of holding my almost 2 year olds attention. Because of this prelunch distraction I can often get his lunch made and on the table without him hanging off the waist band of my pants. So I have learned to just tune it out. Earplugs would be better, but I try to be a good mom and make sure he is not diving off the coffee table or doing anything too dangerous when I am not with him.

Anonymous said...

And that, my dear, is why my kids don't watch that show. We'll stick with Blue's Clues. I think that's annoying enough. lol.

Laurie said...

I just watched this with my 3 year old. She loved it! Maybe she'll now start eating veggies....but I, on the other hand, will never look at food the same again! "A PARTY IN MY TUMMY?....NOT! I think I'm gonna throw up! I'm feeling as green as that hairy guy looks!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing. Now my eyes are bleeding too, and I might never eat again either! (Good thing I need to lose a few pounds!)

Love your blog!
Melody (mom of 3 with a set of twins)

Anonymous said...

ahhhh, the next time something makes your eyes bleed, please...don't share, i couldn't even watch the whole thing, i don't even think my grandchildren would, but,...maybe they would. i'll try singing it to them the next time they won't eat something and see..."there's a party in your tummy!" (hope they don't choke laughing at me.)

Kim in Maryland said...

Wow...and people actually WATCH that voluntarily?? I agree about the weight loss plan. I think you should contact the surgeon general -- that's the cure for obesity, if ever I've seen one. I'm going to go loofa my eyes now. And try to get that song out of my head....

Anonymous said...

Yes that is very annoying but it gets my 2 year old to eat!! We (yes I sing along) sing it at lunchtime so that she will eat more than bread and cheese.


Anonymous said...

Poor you! My son LOVES that show. It scares the crap out of me! Hope your kids dont get addicted to it like mine!

Anonymous said...

Great. My 20 month old saw this playing and now is yelling "tummy" "more"
Thanks a lot!
- Maria

The Jones Family said...

Let me tell you, my 3 year old LOVES that crazy Yo Gabba Gabba show! I had to lie and tell him it was "accidentally" erased from the DVR. Sure, lying is bad...but Yo Gabba Gabba is worse.

larene said...

so is the trick to getting the song out of your own brain is to put it in others?
"There's a dumb song in my brain (oh yeah, oh yeah, a dumb song in my brain, (oh yeah, oh yeah)..." repeat until cured by chocolate.

Kelly said...

Disturbing...veeeerrrry disturbing.

§wanny said...

now that is just wrong on so many levels!! I can't believe that is actually on TV. LOL

Nancy said...

That's just plain weird. I'm going to go have a party in my tummy now.....

Ryley @ That's My Family! said...

Okay.. so i normally don't comment a lot on your site.. although i do LOVE reading it!
But this morning i couldnt help but notice i could be the coveted first one!! So i couldnt pass it up!
That was indeed FREAKY!

Thanks for sharing.. I'm sure the yogurt im eating is doing some cute little dance in my tummy right now.. :)

Figaro said...

EEEEEKKKK! Thank goodness I am the one in control of the tv!

Anonymous said...

Wow, that is aweful. I think the personn may have been on acid when they came up with that idea. Plus, who would want their kids singing that song the whole time they ate?

Anonymous said...

Gross!!! I'm so glad you wanted to share that with us. I prefered your son's safe! This is exactly why I refuse to buy the potty training books and movies. Some things are better left to the imagination.

Gonna go try to eat my breakfast now.

Deb in OPKS

Anonymous said...

I'm first??? Yee haw!

Anonymous said...

And yet my kids were enthralled!

Cyndy said...

That's just frighteningly weird.

Anonymous said...

My 3 year old son is absolutely in love with that show. You should see the episode where Elijah Wood teaches them his "dancy dance"! You will never watch Lord of the Rings without cracking up again!

Michelle - aka Belle said...

What in the world was that? I've never seen anything so scary!!!!

Anonymous said...

You're right - really disgusting, but I think THEY thought they were sending out a positive message.

Anonymous said...

Oh yes -- my 3 and a half year old daughter thinks this is just the best stuff EVER. It reminds me of a bad acid trip. She dances around singing 'there's a party in my tummy, so yummy, so yummy'. I'm 4 months pregnant, and she tells me that I've got a party in my tummy too -- uhhh, yeah, something like that. . .

Karen said...

Okay, I cannot imagine that this would actually help a child eat veggies. Or anything for that matter.

allison.barringer said...

My son loves that show. I try to find something to do when it comes on.

Needless to say, my house gets very clean between 10:30 and 11!

Covey said...

UGH~ I am with you on Yo Gabba Gabba. It comes on right after Blue's Clues here in NC and I have been unfortunate enough to catch about 5 minutes of it as well. I don't want a "Party in my Tummy!!" It is a horribly annoying show! Give me pawprints anyday!

Unknown said...

Ow Ow Ow that hurt to watch and I haven't watched the entire thing.

Tina said...

Seriously!?!?! Now I'll have that in my head all day! YAY!!

Anonymous said...

OMG! My 12 year old DD had been singing "There's a party in my tummy! So yummy! So yummy!" for days now. Now I see where she got it from. Yikes and double yikes!!

Anonymous said...

Seriously, you wouldn't believe how many preschoolers would actually eat their carrots and beans after watching this video. I remeber when my boys were younger (older than preschool), when my husband and I wanted to watch a movie without so many interruptions we would tell them we would time them running around the house 5 times(outside house). They would always want to beat their time so this could go on for awhile and then they would be too tired afterwards and go quietly to their rooms to play. If you think that is just horrible, they are now 15 & 20 and turned out just fine, even laughing about the timed relays. It is amazing what kids at a young age can be talked into, even eating their vegetables:-)
Not leaving my name in case stones are thrown for making my children run around the house. We do have a big yard and live in a safe neighborhood!

AutoSysGene said...

LOL! I had planned to blog about this, too. Isn't this show horribly scary? My dd loves it, I want to lose my mind by the time it's over.

Tara said...

LOL, I can't stand this show... the whole thing is about eating, and well it's a bit creepy.

Jessica said...

How do you spell relief? Tums, Tums, Tums, Tums!

Kate said...

In your previous post you mentioned jeans. Have you tried It's helped me find some really greats jeans!


Anonymous said...

It is a bit wacky, isn't it? But, I've heard a lot of kids are loving it so I guess they've got something there.

For a Season said...

Now all my kids are dancing around singing the "Party in My Tummy" song!

More than slightly disturbing, that could definitely cause a therapy moment. LOl.

Joy said...

The incredibly sad thing is that I viewed this when my 5-year-old and my 2 1/2-year-old were up. They were instantly mesmerized. The youngest is running around grumbling "I wanna see it again" and the 5-year-old is chanting "there's a party in my tummy" over and over.

I suppose if it gets them to eat their vegetables it's worth it.

Anonymous said...

That was HILARIOUS!!!!!!!! Thanks for sharing. Love your blog!

Anonymous said...

I hate it. My 4-1/2 year old thinks it's the coolest thing. He wants to hear it again!!!!!!!!!!! Ugh doesn't quite cover it.


~dani said...

oh me oh my I may need therapy after watching that, please tell me there IS NOT a follow up to where the food goes to after the party is over :)


Kristin said...

Um...I don't even know what to say about that...but hey! I'm the first to comment, that's something right?

Cindy/Snid said...

I miss Mr. Rogers.

Anonymous said...

OK, I never WATCH the show, but I love the songs! I listen everyday. That is actually my favorite!

Anonymous said...

I've seen this is utterly disturbing. Especially when I can't get the song out of my head for like an hour!

Anonymous said...

This has got to be one of the scariest shows on tv! My twin 3 year olds and I watched it for the first time last week (I'm not sure why I let them watch the whole thing, I think it hypontized me, or least put me in a semi-coma). On the show we watched the green monster thing dropped his snack and it got covered with germs. The song scared my twins so badly (we are nasty ugly germs, we will make you sick!) I had to tell them that germs weren't real just to get them to eat their dinner. Now THAT may be the ultimate diet!

Anonymous said...

I have to laugh, my kids sing that song all the time whenever they eat green beans or carrots, they do the voices too. It's scary, but if it makes them eat their veggies good for them.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that video mananged to scare me but attract all 3 of my cats to watch it. Love your blog, I read it daily.

Anonymous said...

honestly, who thinks up this stuff?

Nancy said...

Dawn...honey...I'm SCARED! Make it stop! hahaha

Don't you think if this is for children (I'm thinking it HAS to be) that showing the entire chicken BONE is misleading to kids? lol

Hugs and keep up the great work! I love reading your blog!

Unknown said...

That show scares me too. I am glad I don't have my Directv anymore so I don't ever have to worry about that show invading my home for even a second.
You washed a disposable diaper in the washing machine before, any advice on a crayon that made it into the wash? UGh!

Anonymous said...

Wow. That made my eyes bleed too. I am going to be driving myself crazy today with "there's a party in my tummy (so yummy, so yummy)..." AAAHHHHH!!! :-0

Rob, Amy & Emily said...

Okay....that was just wrong.

Unknown said...

Whoa! OK, that is a bit scary! LOL! That's supposed to get lil' kiddos to eat? Really?!

On a totally different subject, I just received my first Meme "tag" and guess what? I am now sharing the fun with you! ;) Head over to my site to see what it's about, if you feel like playing. :)

Anonymous said...

My husband almost choked at the one-eyed monster. What IS that?

Heather S. said...

Okay, that is just a little too disturbing. It did catch my kids attention though, scary!

Anonymous said...

Oh boy oh boy! I'm the first commenter!

Boy was that painful to watch. I especially "love" how it loops in the end, forcing you to actually hit the pause button to make it stop! Oh please God make it stop!

LOL! Love your blog. Always checking in to see what's new.

=) Nona

Brandi said...

Now mothers everywhere will have trouble getting their children to chew. "But Mo-om, the food won't be able to 'party in my tummy' if I chew it!"

Anonymous said...

My two year old was mezmorized by this. I think my husband was too,lol.

ArcticAngel said...

wow, thx for sharing :) my 4 year old and 17 month old started dancing!!! and "hey mommy, theres a party in his tummy!" i may never eat again!!! can one live on coffee alone? ha, ha!

Carla said...

My children are completely horrified by the show. Me too. GAH!

Terra said...

OMGOSH! My daughter loves to play on Nick She found this video one day and played it like 86 times in a ROW...I had it stuck in my head for days. And now, guess what's back in there? LOL Thanks for sharing...haha

Anonymous said...

That's the only clip I've seen from that show and, unfortunately, I've seen it several times! Very creepy! I'm surprised it doesn't scare the children it's made for!

Valarie said...

HA! Now did you really need to subject us all to that?!? It's kinda like whn xomeone takes a bite of something that tastes disgusting and then says "Ewww, this is nasty!!!! Here, try some!"

Anonymous said...

I've caught a glimpse of this show before. It's absolultely horrible. The way it sounds during the clip is the same way it sounds during the ENTIRE episode. It seriously makes me feel like I will break into seizures at any moment.

On other note, this is my first time posting a comment and I've wanted to before, but didn't have a chance. I'm a stay-at-home mom to two boys ages 1 and 4, but I babysit to bring home an income. All week long I have 3 kiddos plus my two and I go absolutely insane. That's only five kids and three of them get to go home at the end of the day. It makes me in awe of you that you are able to handle six that are all yours!

Amy said...

All I can say is


That's just wrong.

Dr. Laura said...

Ok, so this is not related to this entry. But any comments or suggestions on when and how to wean from the bottle to a sippy cup?

Anonymous said...

Oh my word!!!
That is way too much! Do they think kids will have a "party" or what???

I am a mom of 6 and thoroughly enjoy your blog!!! Keep up the good work!

SARAH said...

THANKS.. thanks alot for getting that song stuck. stuck. where? stuck in my head.

have a great day

Melissa said...

I'm glad we instituted that partial TV ban at our house. Yikes!!

Colleen @AMadisonMom said...

I can't believe it took you this long to discover Yo Gabba Gabba. I have been "blessed" with this show since August.

Anonymous said...

Um yeah. I may desperate to lose weight, but I just am not THAT desperate.

Lacking Productivity said...

That's like a bad pick up line...I can hear the monster at a club, "Hey baby...there's a party in my tummy...and you're invited [wink]."

Anonymous said...

you may be interested in the above site

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure what that is, but every time I see something like that I wonder if that's what my students watch and home. Then I understand why they lack vocabulary...why can't we talk to kids with real genuine language anymore?

Arlene said...

NOOOOO... I had to make it stop. Whew.

Anonymous said...

LOL! My 10mo loves asparagus. At what point do they begin loathing veggies?

On an unrelated topic, how about a chapter on fire. I've had quite the weekend ending w/ my baby's humidifier catching fire at about 4:30am this morning. Now this is a product I never associated with fire. (yes, we're all fine and I don't think there was any damage.)

Michelle Kemper Brownlow said...

Unfortunately I HAVE seen it, too!

tonya5015 said...

the little clip was my first time every seeing this show. i've never heard of it before. my kids are 6 and 11 so there are way too old for "party in my tummy" type shows. thanks goodness because it was really stupid. but kids 5 and younger might like that type of thing. big ackward looking thing who dance and sings. it's kids tv.

Anonymous said...

We adore this show - I'm not sure what the PP is talking about regarding "real genuine language" (BTW, nice non-use of the comma, there) - but since this show reinforces many of the positives we already teach our 3 1/2 year old (saying please & thank you, sharing, being active, using imagination), we'll keep on watching.

Nicki said...

Seriously, who comes up with this stuff? And why do kids like watching it? It's freaking scary!!

HeyItsBeej said...

Okay. You need to go to Jarosch's RIGHT NOW and scarf down a cake just to get that horrific image out of your brain. It's the only way.

Go now now now!

Heather said...

LOL. When I read of your horror then saw the start of the video I thought it was going to finish with the food being, erm, ejected from below, shall we say?

As Christina (?) commented, seems one way to get my daughter to eat more than bread and cheese for lunch!

Anonymous said... one likes this show??? I actually think it's pretty brilliant as annoying as it may be... Took a few episodes for me to get it, but it's pretty good. I can probably handle it more than watching "Joe" on Blues Clues. LOL And C'mon the guy from Devo draws on that show! Something for everything..LOL

Jen said...

Wow, thanks for getting THAT song in my head. You are cruel. It mad me think of something my gpa used to say..."Yummy, yummy, in the tummy, round and round, and out the bummy!"

Anonymous said...

I've never seen or heard of this before, but I honestly didn't think it was THAT bad! The freakiest thing ever is Boobah, especially when it's on at like 2 am.

janel said...

Do you mind if I add your blog to my "google reader"--which is a program through igoogle that lets me know when my favorite blogs have been updated. I was also wondering if reading your blog through google reader takes away from the hits to your blog itself, or are you still able to make money through my "subscription" to your blog on google reader? Does this make sense? I just am happy to support such a talented and fun writer, and want to give you all the benefits that come from me (and many others) partaking of your humor every day!

Conny said...

Stuff like this makes me doubly (is that even a word?) glad that I don't let my kids watch TV and won't until they're in primary.
Here in Europe people are much stricter with TV time anyway, and I've rekindled my love for BBC's nature documentaries which I watched when I was little (when I watched TV at all).

At the moment the twins don't ever sit still except for sitting under the table for our evening songs (my DH or I play the piano and the kids and I sing) and on the bed for their bedtime story.

Well... at least that clip put me off my dinner tonight, DH too. Your kids really like that show?


I guess I'm just not a media person at all *shudders*

lawnajo said...

I haven't liked that "yo gabba gabba" show since I fist saw commercials for it. I've never let my son watch it. I think it looks like it was created by people who are HIGH on something.

Anyway, if you haven't seen this "Mom Song" on YouTube, you've got to check it out. It's hillarious, but so accurate it's scary.

MamaEscandon said...

We love this show in our house! The songs are hip and catchy! We are always singing them to our daughter. We don't watch much TV at all so I DVR them and when I need to get something done I put it on because she just loves to dance!

Heather said...

Yup. My kids like it. It looks a bit like an acid trip to me.

Jennifer said...

I guess I must be in a serious minority here - but I actually think the show is kind of cute, and really has some good messages. This is one of my (almost 3 yr. old) daughter's favorite shows. She's been watching it since it first aired, and we have all the episodes dvr'd so she can watch when nothing else is on. I'm cracking up at all the comments.

Actually, I don't know what's funnier - the comments on the 'scary-ness' of this show, or the ones about all the people thinking they are the first commentors! Guess they don't get the whole comment moderation thing - that the comments don't show up as soon as they are made! Sorry - I didn't mean that in any snippy sort of way - I just truly find it amusing! (and funny!)

Liz's Random Thoughts said...

I just watched the first few seconds. I'm creeped out. *shivers*

Anonymous said...

I can't believe I'm saying this, but that tune is kinda catchy! I hummed it for an hour afterwards.

Anonymous said...

I watched it, then forced my 13 year old daughter to watch it. I told her if she ever fusses about the veggies in front of her I will break into song! Thanks for the ammo.

Anonymous said...

Oh my my daughter enjoys this shudder!

Marcela Sulak said...

Uh, why is this gross? why is this scary? I thought it was cute.

Am I the only parent on earth that uses anthropomorphosis (giving human qualities to inanimate objects) to help introduce my baby to the world? Surely not.

My mother once told my little sister that if she didn't get into her sleep sack she would turn into an ice cube, and then she (my mother) would put her in a cup of tea and drink her up and she wouldn't exist anymore--now THAT's scary.

Anonymous said...

Ok, I'm posting again, but this is in response to "Dr. Laura" regarding sippy cups. I'm a mom of 3 and daycare provider for infants for the last 4 years, so I've had some experience here. The best way I've found to get babies to switch is "cold turkey" when they turn one. You take them off the formula which goes in a bottle and milk goes in the cup. Those toss and go cups are good because they don't spill too much but are easy to drink from. Some kiddos fight it a little harder than others, but when they find out that's all they get, they adjust quickly. Only give milk at meals and water for roaming with. I find the younger you do this the better. At one they aren't as stubborn.

Hope this helps.

Deb in OPKS

The Miller's said...

That show totally creeps me out, but my kids love it.

Anonymous said...

my daughter (3) loves this show. although, my daughter is blind and only cares about the music. maybe if she could see it she would find it as creepy as her twin brother and older sister seem to!!

Anonymous said...

And people get paid royalties on this everytime the music is played?
Okay, if people can paid to write and produce this stuff, there is no excuse for ANYONE not having a job or income, except people who actually want to be PROUD of how they make a living.
The monster thing could almost be adorable, but I think there is a party going on , on top of his head, a candy corn type party.
I'm glad this bothers other people!

Anonymous said...

Ok...not sure if this happened to anyone else... but when it was finished playing.... IT WASN'T FINISHED!!! IT PLAYS AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN.....ahhhhhhhhhhHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Just your everyday average married momma... said...

Hello Miller Lite...what is that you say? You want to go to the party in my tummy..... okay... chug chug chug..... Hello Mr. Margarita...what is it? Oh you want to go to the party too... okay... gulp gulp gulp....

Yo Gabba Gabba for adults! Or at least this one b/c after watching it I feel a strong cumpulsiveness to run STRAIGHT to the liqour store.....

TG that comes on while the kids are at school and the toddler doesn't watch tv!

Anonymous said...

My six year old highly approves of this video. "I think it's funny" she says. They obviously appeal to what is their probable target audience though it's somewhat repulsive to those who have matured a bit more.

Ms. Karlyn said...


Okay, am I the only person in America that doesn't have cable tv?

Anonymous said...

A pox on you! I had just gotten that song out of my head! :-) My 2 and 4 yo's LOVE it. I resisted watching Teletubbies because I felt the writers were on acid, but when my oldest fell in love with it I grew to like and appreciate it. Now there's Yo Gabba Gabba. I resisted, hated at first (the characters still make me cringe a little, okay, a lot), but now I just go with the 70's flow and the house music dance vibe... so yummy, so yummy.

gillian said...

Oh. My. Friggin. Gawd.

What kind of television programming do you have?! I am SO very glad I have none at all. The idea of running into that on tv makes me... well... shudder. Laugh. Cry. It's like Jerry Springer for kids. Or a trainwreck. Wow. I guess the cable networks are really strugglin' 'eh?!


Putting the FUN in DysFUNctional said...

I am strangely nauseous, now. What IS that show? My eyes are fine but my EARS are bleeding for sure.

Conny said...

I'm still a bit reeling at the thought of letting my Twin Terrors watch TV. People in Europe (especially my pediatrician) tell me this will cause hyperactivity and ADD. I don't know, but from personal experience with TV-watching and non-TV-watching kindergardeners in the neighborhood I'm inclined to believe him. Yes, it's the dose that counts, but what ever happened to The Hungry Caterpillar which makes my twins want to eat all the yummy fruit and veggies the caterpillar eats?

I don't know, I'm not really buying into that shiny, loud, sparkly world of pre-school TV.

(and just yesterday, when we passed the TV aisle in the supermarket the twins were complaining that "it's loud, Mommy" and "the pictures are wobbly". I feel so vindicated right now. DH wanted me to relax my rules a little since "all the others do it, too". :P)

Unknown said...

I think what scares me even more than this show is the article I just read in yesterday's NY Times Magazine saying that they are now labeling the original Sesame Street episodes as 'potentially harmful' to children. And this stuff is considered 'good'? Yikes!!

StampingJoan said...

Darn! It won't play for me! Says the video is no longer available!!!

Julie said...

How desperate to be on TV do you have to be to dress up like that and actually sing a song called "There's a Party in my Tummy"? CREEPY

Kathy said...

Okay, I'm on my work computer so I can't actually hear anything on the video. However, from the other comments, I don't think I need to. I'm sorry you had to watch that!
Thanks for the fun blogs.

Anonymous said...

Ok, so that is one the most disturbing things I have watched, now I remember why we choose videos over cable! I am glad I can monitor what my children watch.

Anonymous said...

The biggest crime here is that it loops!

Okay yeah I shouldn't admit that I watched the entire thing.

I was suffering from paralysis or something..

It's awful! Boy I am glad I don't have to endure that stuff anymore.

Kristin said...

Wow. This makes me really glad we don't have any TV reception. Our boys watch only parent-selected DVDs. We don't even have a TV antenna. Thank goodness, if that's what's on these days!

Anonymous said...

OMG! What channel are you watching that shows this stuff! I've never seen it before. Please tell me so I can avoid it forever!

Anonymous said...

My little guy has been sucked into this mess and it drives me NUTS! The only thing creepier than Krobie (the green striped thing) is Muno. He's a giant, orange bumpy thing that looks like a vaguely phallic dog toy. And just who not only sits around thinking up with songs like "Don't Bite Your Friends", who thinks it's good enough to put on TV and PAY THEM FOR IT?! And the whole "Party In My Tummy" reminds me too much of the short lived maxi pad gimick where they printed confetti on the top liner and used the slogan "have a party in your panties". No matter how you slice it, it's just WRONG.

Am I the only one that has the distinct feeling that the special guest of honor at all the writer's meetings over at Yo Gabba Gabba HQ is a lady named, Mary Jane?

Rebekah D. said...

My 2 1/2-year-old loves Yo Gabba Gabba, especially that song. It's one of the shows I let him watch when I have something to do that takes me far, far away from the TV, but I can't complain about the messages of the show. So many of the songs mimic our rules that he'll start singing one of the songs - and then obey us! As you know, getting a selectively deaf 2-year-old to obey on the first try is no small accomplishment, so I reckon I'll keep letting him watch.

Nicole said...

Oh, the sad thing is that we love this show in my house! I have to say that even I love the show. We walk around singing "There's a party in my tummy" all the time. When my daughter fell down the other day, she stood up, shook and sang, "Shake off the boo boos" (another Yo Gabba Gabba favorite). I was always freaked out by the Teletubbies and BoohBuh, but for some reason these guys seem cute to me and I actually like the lessons of the show. Guess there's no accounting for taste, huh?

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