Friday, November 2, 2007

If the Shoe Fits...

OK, those of you who know me, know I'm not a fan of shoes. These are what I wear when I have to wear shoes. I wear these until we have several inches of snow on the ground at which point I change to tennis shoes (or sneakers, or gym shoes, depending on where you're from.)

I have a meeting with an editor coming up. I figured I should at least pretend to have some class for this meeting so I went out and got these shoes. After all, Stacy and Clinton always tell people to get pointy-toed shoes. I have to admit that it was kinda fun trying on shoes like these. The only problem is....

This is my foot. Do you see how these new shoes are shaped NOTHING like my foot? It's OK though. I have a plan. I'll continue to wear my Crocs through the winter and the snow. I figure I'll lose two or three toes to frostbite by February and then my new shoes will fit perfectly.

Check out what's new at Mamaslike!


Anonymous said...

I hear you. I can't wear any shoes that have more than 1-inch of heels. And a big NONO to pointy ones. It literally hurts me.

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, good luck with the editor!

Anonymous said...

i just took off pointy toed shoes from my hot date (That would be my hubby) and my feet hurt!! As long as you don't have to wear them too long you can make it. I have faith in you ! They ar really cute shoes
Good Luck

Anonymous said...

Pointy toed shoes are the devil, and no amount of heart blessing is going to change that, lol.

GE is me said...

I'd say I was first, but I'm sure it's a lie. :)
Well, any how I totally understand about the shoe thing. They are cute, though. But I am all for the practical. My shoe wardrobe consists of sandals(not designed for a meeting with an editor), merrells that are on their way out & tennis shoes, oh & a pair of slip ons from land's end that I had to get when I was pregnant & couldn't put shoes on.
Good luck.

AutoSysGene said...

I've always wondered how those pointy toe shoes work. Thankfully I can't do heels or fancy shoes, so I don't have to lose a few toes for fashion.

Cute shoes...

Mary said...

Stacy and Clinton don't run the mom marathon around the house 50 times a day - they can wear the pointy shoes with the heels cuz they don't move! And they aren't carrying a child, a diaper bag, sacks of groceries, and sports gear all at the same time.

I will soon switch from flip flops to slippers that can almost pass for shoes. ;)

Peter said...

Crocs also does some totally covered shoes and even boots .. i have been thinking about those . but i ove my crocs too .. and our 3 year old has already his second pair and it was tricky to get him to 'it is not summer anymore, you cannot wear crocs anymore; .. sigh .. kids ... you know that propably better :)

Becky said...

I've always wondered how regular feet fit into those evil looking shoes. Frostbite...that just might be crazy enough to work! Otherwise you have to be like my Mother and train your feet from a very young age. She has worn shoes like that all her life and it shows. Japanese foot binders have nothing on her. It's like her toes have been folded into a point. Yikes. I'll just wear my Teva sandals until the snow flies, then switch to my space boots that I got in the 80s.

Anonymous said...

Ok, so I'm a book editor and it's totally not worth wearing fancy shoes for. I vote, wear the crocs!

Kim VanDerHoek said... I miss wearing pretty and painful shoes. Back then I could go where I wanted, when I wanted with only a tiny purse slung over my shoulder.

Now I am carrying a diaper bag, a toddler and pushing a stroller all while trying to navigate around completely oblivious people who put a lot more trust in the notion that it's at all in my power to avoid running them over....the fools!

Love the boots Dawn! Very chic!

Rick said...

Could you supply us with a set of "before" and "after" photos so that we, your loyal readers, can come to an informed opinion about the risk involved in wearing said "pointy toed shoes?"

Anonymous said...

In Northern California, we wear Birks year round. Only difference in the winter is we (sometimes) wear sox with them! Give me my Birks over Crocs!

Unknown said...

Just saw they have winter crocs (fur lined!):§ion=products

Anonymous said...

Crocs are awesome! They have a new style out called Mammoth. Look them up, they have the softest fur inside of them! You would love them.

Anonymous said...

Pmsl!! I know exactly where you're coming from! I HATE shoe shopping!

Anonymous said...

Thing is with pointy shoes they make your feet look like three sizes bigger than they really are and I'd trip up over things.

I'm one of those 'one pair of black sensible shoes for work, one pair of smart trainers, one pair of dog walking trainers, one pair of winter boots in blackish brown (goes with anything) and one pair of mules for summer. All replaced by similar when necessary' people.

Hoffman Family said...

Crocs are very comfortable, as my oldest daugter tell me. She recently got some with fleece lining. Good luck with the editor.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Stacey & Clinton will invite you on "What not to wear". Not to mean that you NEED a look good, but it certainly would be fun. Someone might just enter your name on TLC's website. :)

Jo in NZ said...

Add socks to your crocs and you can go all year....

Anonymous said...

I thought crocs were the most hideous things ever. Until I was 8 months pregnant and tried one on. It was like a foot orgasm. awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Yeah. I bought some pointy toed boots because Stacey and Clinton said they make you look thinner. The DID make my feet look thinner. Plus they will come in handy if I never need to kick someone in the eye.

It's all about Sam said...

Flipflops, Birks, and Crocs--if I could wear nothing but any of these for the rest of my life I would be happy. I've never understood the compulsion to cram feet into something that is uncomfortable. TG for Aerosoles, at least I can wear heels occasionally (for business!) without screaming in pain.

Just-Me-Jen said...

I wear sneakers or mocassins. I hate shoes... if I have to dress up, I look for nice non-pointy flats or pumps, sized "wide". It's a search, believe me!
Good Luck with your meeting!!! (and be kind to your feet!)

Suburban Correspondent said...

I'm a Birks fan, myself. Everyone once in a while I lose my head and get something dressy and pointy, and limp around for a bit; but then I give up.

Although, I found a pair of dress boots at Kohl's this fall with a square toe (and a 2-inch heel - which puts me at just over 5 feet) that seem to be doable. Do you have a Kohl's? Or go online...

Alie said...

Love the boots! Where did you get them? Who makes them?

Laura said...

Ellen DeGeneres reported that women are having their smallest toe surgically removed to fit into pointed-toe shoes. Then she rhetorted,"what are they going to do when clown shoes come back into style??"

Anonymous said...

Have you seen the fur lined Crocs yet? Other than your meetings (cute shoes by the way) Yoou can now wear crocs year round!Thay are soft and warm. They feel like slippers.

Anonymous said...

Hi Dawn, I see you have Wide feet like my Husband, Son and Daughter. It is so hard to find shoes for them. I live in Michigan and I wear my slip into sandels most of the year. Except when theres alot of snow on the ground. Also No Socks. I have the same pair of boots you have. You might not need frostbite, Just wear the boots for awhile and the circulation might make them fall off!

Jay said...

those second shoes look painful!

i just wear nikes all year round!

lawnajo said...

Hahaha I love the frostbite bit.
I'm a barefoot girl myself. If I have to go somewhere, then it's Birkenstocks. But your "pointy" shoes look way cute and sophisticated. My grandma always says, "You have to suffer to be beautiful." You've had 6 kids, you can wear those shoes for a couple hours. Good luck at the meeting.

Anonymous said...

I read the post and then looked down. Goodness, Dawn and I have matching Crocs. And she's as crazy about wearing them as I am! I do, however, adore my pointy boots. And my peep toe 4-inch heels. And the brown slingbacks. And maybe I'm just way too into shoes. I'm sure that will change once I have kids...

Putting the FUN in DysFUNctional said...

I love Stacy and Clinton. I don't know why, since they would rip me to shreds if they ever caught sight of me.
(said as I sit here in holey yoga pants and a baggy, bleach-stained shirt)

Anonymous said...

I understand about the shoe thing too. Have you tried the Mary Jane style Crocs? They are a tad fancier and just as comfortable as the regular Crocs. I love my Crocs. Very good luck with the Editor. ;)

Anonymous said...

Crocs makes an all-weather type footwear, too. Get a size larger and wear 'em with socks! If you must go formal, I suggest looking into Mephistos - I have a pair of shiny black sandals that are as comfortable as sneakers, and they last forever.

They'll pry my Crocs from my cold, dead hands...

Shade and Sweetwater,

Shawn said...

You are seriously hilarious!

Good luck with your editor. Whatever it is...I'll be getting it!

Anonymous said...

I was just ogling at some cute high healed pointy toed shoes the other day, reminiscent of when I was young, single, 80 pounds lighter, no kids, and had somewhere fabulous to go in the afore mentioned cute shoes. Now, I think my feet would go into SHOCK, the toes would fall off naturally for the pure lack of blood circulation, and I would walk like a duck out of water if I attempted to wear such shoes today.
Thus why I have TWO pairs of Crocs and wear them year round - just add socks in the winter and throw snow boots in the car for emergencies!
I Love your blog! Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Love the boots - have a pair like them. Wear them for an hour or so each day around the house to break them in for the next few months and then they won't hurt as bad when you wear them. I can now wear mine for almost 12 hours and not feel like I am becoming crippled!

If all else fails wear your crocs/slippers in the car, switch to your boots once getting in the parking lot, to switch back to your crocs/slippers upon re-entering your car.

Anonymous said...

Have you heard - they now have winter crocs! They are fuzzy lined, but otherwise, regular crocs.

I quit wearing anything uncomfortable while preg. w/ DS#1. He's 14 now...I still refuse to wear heels, hose, and anything else that tortures me.

Michelle said...

OK Dawn .... It's time you became familiar with the Crocs all Terrain shoes and their "winter" shoes:§ion=products§ion=products§ion=products

Maybe you can score some more advertising dollars! ;)

Kandy Seaton Smith said...

Too funny! I have scrawny chicken feet and I can't wear pointy shoes either! My hot pink crocs are worn the winter I just wear socks with them LOL. However, in south Mississippi, we never get snow, so there is a difference.

Did you know they now make solid Crocs? problems with rain or snow with those ;)

Anonymous said...

LOL! I love the look of pointy-toes shoes, but my feet are long enough, thank you. I actually look better wearing snubbed shoes. That are comfy. Like... crocs or airwalks. Good luck with the plan, although I think frostbite hurts a little bit.

Anonymous said...

I hate putting on shoes, too! I wear my slip-on Doc Martens as long as possible! And I don't think those pointy-toed shoes would work for me because I already wear a size 10 and I don't need the extra length to make make my foot look even longer! I love the "frostbite" plan!

Anonymous said...

Remember, your feet have to carry you for your whole life, and the happier they are, the happier you'll be.

Remember, what got you the interview was your sparkling wit and sunny disposition. Both of which are easier to maintain when your feet are not all scrunched up and cranky.

Remember, life is too short for uncomfortable shoes. There was something else I was going to add but I forgot what it was. :)

Your bud,


Anonymous said...

I'm with you all, comfy shoes all the time! unfortunately, work requires me to wear the blasted dress shoes. i've found that if i go a little bigger in size, they're more comfortable. little extra wiggle room does the trick for me!

Growing up said...§ion=products

The winter crocs! just get them half a size bigger! And best part the liner comes out so if it gets wet you can throw it in the dryer!

Jen said...

Stacy & Clinton are crazy fools, bless their hearts.

Anonymous said...

Try buying a size or size in a half larger. That helps!!

Growing up said...

Another tip for the dress shoes, wear tights or leggings not pantyhose, the leggings are thicker and help to suck in the foot and they add extra padding!

And if you have time to break the shoes in rub the inside of the shoe with rubbing alcohol and then try to wear the shoe for 30-40min that will help mold the shoe to your foot and should help with comfort!

Karen said...

Your editor loves you for the same reason everyone else does. You're a down to earth kind of mamma. Wear your crocs with pride! You don't wanna blow your image.

Jp said...

That made me crack up, I wear either my dog-chewed flip-flops or tennis shoes, why, you ask? because thats all I have.

Vivian M said...

I'm with you, Crocs rule. They are very comfortable and easy to clean, and last forever.
If I have to wear something other than my Crocs, I have a great pair of Merrell hiking sneakers which are very comfortable and don't necesarily look like sneakers. Merrell makes comfortable shoes too, by the way, and they have wide sizes.

Anonymous said...

Love the shoes...however, I have a said problem called the evil bunion on my right big toe at 38 years old so said pointy toed shoes are the devil for me. Take my slip on mules over heels and points anyday.


Michele said...

Go Momma! Those are very cute boots! Actually, Stacy and Clinton convinced me to go the pointy-toe route and they truly make me feel more confident! (This said from a Momma that loves her crocs, birks and skechers when she's hanging out at home! Just a tip, 'causae I know you're going to want more sassy shoes now, try a half size larger than you usually wear and see how those feel. Also, gel inserts are fabulous, too! Good luck to you!

Lucinda Naia said...

Okay - I just spent 30 minutes getting caught up on what you've been doing. I know I ought to say something about the croc/boot posting, but I can't.

I'm still thinking about your trip....

Oh my! I absolutely want to move to Discovery Cove!

Thank you for sharing all the pictures!

oh yeah - I like the pointy toed shoes, but I know what you're saying about the pain...

evitafjord said...

They make Mammoth Crocs - nope, not for the gigantically footed but fleece-lined (removable), fake holes, slightly taller for winter. I've never been particularly tempted by Crocs (ugly) but winter shoes are allowed to be ugly, so I am exceedingly tempted by the Mammoths.

Fiona said...

Okay, I will be the lone voice of dissension...I love me some pointy-toe shoes. I don't think they're any more uncomfortable than any other shoe . What really kills me is too high of a heel (a 3-inch heel on a size-7 foot is a lot different from a 3-inch heel on a size-9 foot!). Someday, tho, I'm going to be able to afford WNTW-type shoes and then I'll see if Stacy & Clinton are right and more expensive shoes really are easier to wear! :o)

Britt said...

I have what my boyfriend jokingly (and i hope lovingly) calls "Equatoes", Translated: 'Equal toes'. My first 3 toes are exactly the same hight, with my fourth almost up there, and my pinky toe is almost non-existant so it doesn't count. So basically, i can never buy shoes. ever. They have to be the kind that old women with diabetes wear, or nurses, or perhaps cows. Even with my berks, which i love dearly, and crocs I have to cut out a spot for little toe #3 so he doesn't get all scrunched up. Yes, seriously i cut up my shoes to fit in them.

I have always felt sympathetic towards the ugly step sisters.

Brandi said...

I used to have narrow size 8-8.5 feet. Then, I had six children. Now I only wear men's Nike Air tennis shoes in an 8.5 wide. Trying to find dress or casual shoes is torture, so I avoid doing so.

Brenda said...

I have some pointy toe shoes that feel just like other shoes because the point is way behond my foot. I feel self conscious when I wear them though because they are so different.

Jackie said...

Even our feet look the same! Except mine have bunions. Lucky gal!

Anonymous said...

You know what I don't understand? WHY are we wearing these torture devices to begin with????

I absolutely refuse to buy or wear ANY shoe that that does not conform to the shape of my foot! No offense, Dawn...God love your heart...but, when we women keep buying these Japanese-foot-binding ornaments, aren't we also responsible for their proliferation?

I think it's hilarious hearing stuff like "They're not any more uncomfortable than any other shoe." Doesn't that just about sum it up? THESE SHOES ARE UNCOMFORTABLE FOR EVERYONE! If we stop buying them then, and ONLY then, will the designers take comfort into consideration.

MY generation put women in pants/ was a COMFORT thing that our daughters can now benefit from and enjoy. Perhaps THIS generation's responsibility will be to protect our daughters' feet by insuring that evolution doesn't turn them into some kind of two-toed sloth-looking creatures! Yeah, like the one Dawn saw at Discovery Cove!

Women of the world unite! YAY, DAWN for "pointing" this out to our sisters in pain!


Nancy Binky

onthegomom said...

I love my fleece lined slip on shoe...okay they technically are slippers... but they have a rubber sole to wear outside, so they count as shoes, RIGHT?!?

Becky said...

LOL on the frostbite plan, Dawn!
If you feel terrific in them, then go for it, because you want to be confident for important meetings like that...just bring along some comfy shoes to wear before and after or you'll be miserable.

I remember laughing to myself when I was on jury duty years ago in St. Paul. It was a Wednesday around noon, and as I sat peoplewatching during my own lunch, I noticed hundreds of professionally dressed women walking past wearing new looking, comfortable gym shoes (often over pantyhose) during their lunch breaks. These were the women willing to suffer for looking good in the office, but not on their own time. None of the men did this, but that's because they make comfortable men's dress shoes, and they don't have the added discomfort of 2 inch heels).

I'm afraid that by spending my days wearing flip-flops or Birks (which have have arches and are comfortable enough to wear all day long, I couldn't cram my feet back into dress shoes again if I tried, lol. But then, my dress shoes are comfortable slip-ons (with arch support) in black leather...that I picked up on sale at Big 5 sporting goods.

Now that I think about it, as a total FrumpMama, I have no business offering fashion advice to anyone, so forget I ever said anything.

Anonymous said...

You're suppose to get the shoes, that fit your foot and then the point begins, not the squish my foot into a point to be able to wear the pointy shoe :)

Nicki said...

If the shoe fits! Whatever it takes to make them comfortable, even if you do lose a couple toes.

Anonymous said...

Oh! Yes! Your blog comments are so awesome because I have just now learned about fur-lined crocs. I'm going to go look them up right now.

Anonymous said...

My shoe selection kinda sucks right now, so I would love to have some new ones...even pointy boots! However, I'm all about comfort these days. Guess that wouldn't work too well. Meh, forget it, I think I'm relegated to wearing Sketchers (Sketchers:Me::Crocs:You).

Anonymous said...

I honestly hate Crocs. They are hideous looking shoes. will live foreva!

Anonymous said...

So funny!! My friend and I were just discussing how painful those 'roach killers' look.

I,like you, consider crocs my daily shoe. As a matter of fact, I consider them my 'dress shoes.'
If they are not sandals, then they must be dressy.

I'm told when you buy these pointy numbers you are supposed to get them long enough that your toes are not crushed into that narrow point.
My feet are long enough. It would look as if I were wearing kayaks.

Personally, not my look...

Take the 'roach killers' back. Spray some glitter paint of your crocs ......Viola!! Dressy!!

SteamyDreamer said...

Wear the pointy shoes and when you have foot problems, call hubs and I. Our podiatry office is near you!

Emma and Natalie's Mommy said...

pssss you're supose to go up a 1/2 size when you get point toe shoes. I have a pair from lifestride that are very comfy.....and i have walked several blocks in them, carring my work "breifcase" a diaperbag, a purse and a baby in a bucket carseat.

wow looking at that i am really proud of my accomplishment!

Valarie said...

I have read your "ebay post" that made you so famous. Why don't you just take your oldest daughter shopping with you and let her push the cart. Then she will amputate your feet and you won't have to worry about what kind of shoes to wear! Just a thought.

Michelle Kemper Brownlow said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE my crocs, too! I even wear them to church!! :) I have the MaryJane style. LOVE THEM!!

Did you know you can get them with a Sherpa insert? All fuzzy and cozy on the inside!! :)

Which editor? How cool! Wishing you the BEST - you deserve it!!!!

All moments remembered said...

You really are a nut!! I love SLIPPERS!!! Of course they are no good outside in the snow!


Unknown said...

ooooohhhhhh sweetie...that is hilarious. I love what not to wear.

Amy said...

LOVE Stacy and Clinton! Big fan here.

I searched high and low for "pointy toe" boots that were also comfortable. I finally found them at a Rockport store in the mall. I seriously can wear those things all day without hurting my feet. The arch support is amazing.

Good luck!

Kila said...

I don't care what Clinton says--no way will I ever get pointy shoes! If he likes them he can wear them, LOL! Us women have enough BS to deal with.

Miss Hannah said...

Okay, first off, any mom who watched what not to wear is a cool mom in my book =)
second, if it helps, you have cute feet =)
your blog cracks me up!

<3 miss hannah

Anonymous said...

So, I saw this, and you HAVE to watch it! =) You could probably do this! LoL

<3 Bailey

majikfaerie said...

Honestly, dont go with frostbite. It just takes too darn long, and the results are unpredictable.

Probably your DH has a good set of bolt cutters in the garage (or whereever it is you keep tools). They work wonders; one snip! and your toe's history.

Make sure you have some antiseptic handy and give the bolt cutters a good wipe with the hem of your skirt, or sleeve before you do this: Hygiene is important!

Once the toe is off, press a small handful of ground coffee onto the wound, that should stop the bleeding. If you're handy with a needle and thread, you can just sew it up, but if my memory serves, you're more of a hot-glue woman. Otherwise, a welder's flame is good for cauterizing the wound.

I can recommend a good swig of Captain Morgan's before attempting this, and perhaps the rest of the bottle for after.

Enjoy those shoes! :)

Unknown said...

Great lookin' shoes! Good luck getting your foot shaped to fit them properly. Ba ha, that was funny!

MamaMaven said...

I am so with you on my deep dislike of shoes. The transition from sandals to things that touched my toes this week has been awful. Sexy boots though!

Alicia Sharp said...

You so crack me up! Good luck with the shoes!!

Anonymous said...

I love my Crocs, too! Whoever invented those pointy shoes must be into torture. My mother and aunt have so much trouble with their feet, numerous surgeries to correct bunions, etc. and all from wearing those painful pointy-toed shoes just to look stylish. It's not worth it! Give me my Crocs or my Birks any day.

Anonymous said...


As I've said before, I read YOUR blog everyday...even when you're not writing that particular day because you're still posting comments.

I enjoy reading them, too, and feel there's a real spirit of community among your readers. It's like "Dawn's Neighborhood" and I'm so blessed to be a "residing" here.


Nancy Binky

Rachel said...

I spend most of my life barefoot just because it's easier. Tennis shoes are acceptable but most of the time I'm not going far enough to justify taking the time to put them on so slip on shoes are easier.

Still a work in progress but loving every minute said...

How Funny! I am mostly barefoot around the house but I totally get what you mean. My feet are a size 8.5 but when shoe shopping I have to try on those 9s or 10s who have some width to them or they won't fit, then I have to make sure I buy the right socks. Mostly, I would run around barefoot! Much more comfortable! Hopefully you'll find something between now and your meeting! Good luck!

Anonymous said...

We were recently taking a tour of the PA state capitol building. I was very pregnant at the time, so I sat for about an hour and watched congresspeople and staffers and other government workers going back and forth and visiting in the hallways. Almost without fail you could link how powerful a woman was to the shoes she was wearing. The newer she was, the pointier the shoes were. The more powerful a woman was, the more sensible her shoes were (not totally unstylish, just more comfortable). (You could also tell how they ranked in the power structure by how other people greeted them.)

Pointy shoes = insecurity ??

Michelle said...

Beauty is pain!! That's what my die hard heel wearing grandma always told me :) LOL

Unknown said...

Your feet are adorable! (Down with pointiness - there has to be a happy medium)

Heather said...

Bad news for your plan. They make Crocs lined with fur now so you can wear them all winter.

Anonymous said...

So What happened with the Editor??? When is your book coming out? We are all dying to know!

Unknown said...

Yeah, I wore shoes like those on Thursday, and I could barely walk by the time I got home. OUCH OUCH OUCH! "Good luck" on fitting into them. LOL

Anonymous said...

It's been a while since I had the opportunity to watch Stacy and Clinton, but I'm guessing they would make everyone throw away those crocs!! And now winter crocs?! Wow. I'm definately not a fan of the "shoe". But, Dawn - I won't hold it against you ... love the blog! :)

Lucille said...

I think it would be AWESOME if the editor comes to the meeting IN CROCS! You'll have to let us know - please remember to look at his or her shoes!

I wear a ton of those pointy boots - trick is you must get them one half to one FULL SIZE bigger, but then you look like a witch! Ahhh the price of fashion.

roseys madhouse said...

Man I just love my crocs. They are so worn now that I now need a new pair lol. I too bought myself some new shoes with the pointy toes and they kill my feet when I wear them but I still do it for the sake of fashion lol. I dont wear them very often though lol.

Anonymous said...

Here's a question that I don't believe has EVER been asked but is CERTAINLY worth pondering...

Is there any other species, (besides homo-sapiens) where the FEMALE's appearance/ornamentation determines whether a MALE chooses HER as HIS partner/mate?

Not that I can think of! It's usually just the opposite. MALES must appear or prove to the FEMALE that THEY'VE got "the right stuff!"

How did things get so screwed up? SOMEBODY, SOMEWHERE in time, got things WAY outta whack, don't you think!?!


Nancy Binky

nutralady2001 said...

Yes I saw that the shoes of my teenage years ( the '60's) had made a re-appearance I want to scream at every pretty young thing tottering around in them..."You'll be sorry in 40 years time" but I can't do it and not sound mean and jealous so I don't.

I succumbed a couple of years ago and bought these strappy little (well not so little but very strappy) shoes that were satiny green and bejewelled and 3 inch heels.....what was I thinking!! I was just overcome by the bling and convinced I'd wear them . I my daughter's 21st a year later, carrying them in from the car park, putting them on inside and taking them off to walk back, I can tell you pavements and roads are not kind to pantihose

nutralady2001 said...

Oh and Hush Puppies are my best friend , and I don't mean the sort that wags it's tail

girlymom said...

I have the same light blue crocs- without holes. I just went on a shoe shopping tour and bought shoes that I can slide on and off, with traction, and NO POINTS!! My last attempt at shoe shopping I thought I would splurge and buy some nice pointy shoes. They now decorate my closet and make it look cool and stylish, while I walk around in my comfy, albiet ugly shoes! At least my closet looks good right! Good luck with the editors!

Tracey in CT said...

My feet hurt just looking at the picure of those pointy toed boots. No thanks, I'll keep my Crocs!

BTW, Crocs have comeout wih a new version of Crocs called MAMMOTH, they are designed for winter (and I have to hunt down a pair this week!)....they have no holes and are lined with fleece!!! See, you can now keep wearing your crocs even in the snow!!!!

Anonymous said...

I love the band-aid! For me it's either Scooby Doo or Hello Kitty - my little miss is a huge fan!... eh so we get looks. I consider it body art. As close to jewelry as I get these days. I am reading all of the posted comments about Crocs and I have to say that all the haters just haven't TRIED EM ON YET! Seriously, they're ugly.. but they're dreamy to walk on. The rip off shoes can't quite match the comfort although I haven't tried Skechers... Yeah, my Mamma also said that beauty is painful but my much wiser Grandma said that you invest in your shoes!.. Have you heard about Yoga Toes?? It's supposed to help reshape that awful point some ladies toe's get from wearing certain, ahem, shoes day in and day out for years... I don't know if it works though.

Cannot WAIT to hear about the meeting with your editor! Also, your food art is inspiring.. I actually looked at fondant today. (-:

Tory in Orlando

Candace J Banks said...

i have no idea how the stars do can't tell me that they all have perfect skinny feet!...i'm with you, sister...wide feet are IN!

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