Monday, September 3, 2007

Hot Off The Presses!

A link to my Trib. interview.,1,987830.story?coll=chi_tab01_layout

A link to the interview I did with WTOP radio in Washington D.C. today. I sound like even more of an idiot with this one. You'd think I'd be over my nervousness by now. You'd think. Please, please, please, if I should mention doing another radio interview, someone slap me!


Jenn's finding life funny! said...

You did not sound like an idiot.

You have brought alot of laughter to so many people. (me being one of them.) Laughter gets us through alot. Thanks.

P.S. I started a blog. You inspired me.

Anonymous said...

Dawn, your blogs crack me up. I actually intended to go to bed tonight at 10 so that I could have a few hours in the morning to get things done before the kids got up, but I have read most of your blog. It is now midnight. I'll tell you right now that it was worth it. My mind might change when the alarm rings at 6. I just want to say that I hope all your dreams come true. If your ever in New Mexico, come up to Farmington and we'll treat you and the kidos to some fun. Cliff diving, oh, i mean going to the lake, out of control skiing, i mean nice down hill skiing. Camping with bears, i mean where bears might be. You know family fun stuff. Look me up
or let me know. jen

Unknown said...

Hmm, I seem to be one of the only ones to subscribe to the rss feed of this site, always seem to see this. Amazing the broad spectrum of people that have been exposed to your excellent sarcastic humor. Everything from "soccer moms"(no offense intended to anyone fitting this description), to people like me, a linux geek who is studying electrical engineering/computer science. Getting into the viral realm of the internet can certainly change prospects. I certainly wish you luck with your family and all that occurs in the future. Probably children will be more of a handful in the later years, though I am only 20, so have only gotten out of that frameset, though I never did go through the rebellion phase. Certainly hot here in AZ.


Kelli Standish said...

I was in radio for years and I can tell you, you did just fine with your interview.

In fact, you're doing just fine with all of this. Six kids, broken down van, the normal craziness of life, and a little fame thrown in to make sure you're never bored.

I'd have checked into a mental institution voluntarily by now!

Instead, you've kept your humor, (most?:) of your sanity, AND emerged daily to blog about it. You go, sister!

Cheering you on,

Rachel V. Olivier said...

I think you sound great in your interview and I love your upbeat way of speaking. I loved your story.

Thanks for sharing it all.

Anonymous said...

It is 12:17a.m. We just read ur "grocery store" posting also ur Chicago Tribune interview and while our four cheribums are sleeping, my husband and I are laughing our heads off. Me more so than him because I've tried to paint this picture of chaos for him so many times b4 but somehow he wasn't getting it. Somehow I think your story registered to him.
He's always calm and cool and collective with our crew except for the time I sent him to get Dr. Pepper 2-liters, there was a special with a coupon on the bottle, the cashier allowed us to remove at the checkout, upon finding this info out I just had to send my hubby back to the grocery, ( I had already had my sports trip for the day!) But the bargain was too good to refuse so I convinced my hubby to return, he even volunteered to take the kids! so i started into the lecture about which brand of pop was on sale where it was located in the store and how to go about removing the coupon... I got the i'm not a 2yr old look so i stopped the instructions even though there was a developing picture in my mind of what may transpire... upon returning from the grocery sometime later my husband arrives at the door i open the door saying "did you get the doctor...... my words trail of as I'm noticing the soda dripping from his ever meticulous hair and clothing as i am bent over laughing i hear my hubby say if you
want the cotton-pickin dr pepper go get it yourself, without an explanation i knew immediately what had happened you see i was trying to tell my husband to be careful when he used his leatherman knife to splice the coupon from the 2-liter I didn't get that far b4 the i'm not a 2yr old look he gave me. He told the story that as he was at the checkout trying to splice the coupons all the while trying to coral our crew the underpressure contents of the 2-liter erupted with a gunfire sounding explosion showering himself and everything around with the soda, this was not long after 9/11 so as you can imagine the explosion caused every eye in the building to focus on my
hubby and our smiling cheribums and the delima at hand. this was a rather large department/grocery store and wouldn't you know there was more than one person there that my husband knew personally.
I got the deal, it was in the form of a refund my husband did agree to keep the kids.
Just had to say thx for the laughs and also would like info on the story about the baseball that the interview mentions. then finally if you are a mom of 6 you absolutely need to know about MONAVIE. this is a nutritional beverage that is literally changing peoples lives. I know you will be extremely busy in the coming days but i do hope you will find the time to visit our site and e-mail us. You are such a fresh breath of air, I fully expect to see your name in print!
I do hope to hear back from you soon. God bless you and your hubby and your beautiful children! ID#29715

Anonymous said...

I have to say that I've been reading you since the auction. Your blog isn't the "type" I'd normally be interested in, but you're composed, funny, quick-witted, articulate and you really know how to tell a story. The interviews, the publicity, the rest of it are all well-deserved. I hope one day my own writing gets the kind of notice yours has.

Good job.

Anonymous said...

Dawn, the audio interview was great! Don't worry, I think you're going to have to get used to them! The Trib link, you have to be a member.

Just wanted to say how much I am enjoying everything you write. If only people with your skills wrote instruction manuals!

I really admire the way you seem to handle your everyday trials with good humor and what must be a ton of patience. I can barely keep my sanity trying to handle my 100 lb, farting, snoring, slobbering, toe crushing monster of a boxer! But I must admit, he does create some amusing chaos.

Can't wait for the book to come out!

Unknown said...

HA! very cool. i was on here last evening, around 8pm and read about the hubcap. very funny! got called back in to work (I am a recovery-room nurse) for a C-Section at 0500. Clicked to re-read the story and VOILA! have already posted a new entry. amazing.
keep up the good work. I will be sure to look for your books.
My wife and I love your stories.
Much respect,
(Hartford, VT)

Anonymous said...

I just read the newspaper article. Wow! Congratulations!!! I am loving reading your blog, only one child here at the moment but it's a good reality check for the future LOL.

Anonymous said...

Hey Dawn, I just looked on the Tribune's main page and your interview is one of the top 5 most viewed stories at the moment!

The radio interview sounded pretty good too. You sounded a little more confident, (read less terrified lol), than the last one.

Hope the vehicle situation improves soon!

Polli (mum of 2 from the UK)

Anonymous said...

Dawn, thank you for the hours of laughter! I have enjoyed reading your blog so much, and have had many good chuckles and outright belly laughs as I read each entry. They bring me back to when my kids were young and all the silliness and mischief that made daily life such a hoot for me. I love it!
Laurie - Alberta, Canada

Precinct 5 TMR EMM said...

The expression of the baby in the picture in Chicago Tribune was priceless ~~ very much

"What the heck is going NOW, mom?"

I very much enjoy the blog having four "interesting children" myself. For example, my youngest is 6 and is so freakishly strong he does one handed push ups while he is in a time out in his room. Kinda reinforces that Prison Matron feeling I get alot.

Tracy said...

Dawn- My husband and I both love reading your blog. I received your ebay link in an email from my friend- and then we were hooked. I won't ask any questions that you will have to answer...just wanted to give you words of encouragement. I would like to invite you to visit The children from Africa will be arriving in Chicago this week. We would love for you to bring your kids to a concert. Blessings!

Theresa said...

Now, I didn't think you sounded nervous at all! I loved the interview, thanks for posting the link!

Anonymous said...

Great article Dawn!
You look great too in the picture.
Just wanted to say yet again, I've found your blog is the perfect way to wake up in the morning. I even check your blog before I have my morning coffee. Kids can walk around in dirty diapers, empty bellies...but i have to have my morning read before our day can begin. It starts with your blog. thanks again girl. I'll keep reading...can't wait for a book ;)
Michelle in Canada

Unknown said...

Hi Dawn and the rest of you Moms!Ok...You all may think I am too old for this blog but I've lived and sort of survived the years of my 2 kids growing up. Do they REALLY ever grow up! I read the article in the Chicago Tribune today, and I am linking ALL of my girl friends here!!! I am 49 and my babys are 20 (going on 14) and 26 (Mom can you send me some money)

Dawn you are AWESOME!!
All my friends online know me as Moon but my real name is Linda.

Anonymous said...

I think you sounded great. Did you do an interview w/a NYC radio station.


Test said...

I have to tell you that I try coming to your site and my computer has frozen up more than once! When I go get on, your heavily travelled blog, I try to read comments and it bogs down my high speed internet ;-)

I was so excited to no comments yet ;-)

Love your blog. Love your story! You are so cute in that picture! Where are the other two kids?


Whitney said...

Why?! WHY aren't you ASLEEP at 12:15 AM? I've only got two and I sleep....well ok I sleep when I can get my husband to come to bed because I can't sleep without the furnace that is Harold. But seriously!

Like everyone else, I found the listing and have hooked up to your blog ever since. LOVE the blog. So...econoline van since minivans only hold 7 people? How does that work? Do yall just never go anywhere as a family in one vehicle?

Do you, by chance homeschool? I figure you must, otherwise you'd be going to the grocery when the elder children are in school....

LOVE IT! Great article in the Trib btw.

Anonymous said...

I loved the Tribune article! And I think the interviewer wasn't asking very good questions.

Anonymous said...

Very nice article in the online Tribune. Good luck with the book. Your husband is an angel for working at a school. I have a brother-in-law doing the same job. A friend of mine had a Dad doing the same job too. His Dad had been in the Dutch underground, came to the United States after the war. I think he worked around Blue Island. Anyway, blessing to you both. John

mynameismommy said...

Hey Dawn. I'm so glad WTOP did the interview! You didn't sound like an idiot. You sounded just like you are - a very funny lady. You're really gonna love when they to be teens. The good news: much lower maintenance (like, mommy is sleeping, get some sugar bombs for breakfast). The bad news: not much else changes (as in, mom he's poking me again). Keep it up. I look forward to reading your stuff everyday!

Unknown said...

Nice article! I can't wait for the movie. :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I just arrived from the article! Then spent some time reading your entries. Very funny views of life with six with very cool names. All the best to you and yours now and in the future.

Anonymous said...

Dawn, that Trib article is fabulous and I'm sorry I didn't draw the comparison to Erma Bombeck sooner, because it's right on!

Keep on Bloggin', and I look forward to those books. You're going to make a mint - and you MUST do a Nick show! It would trump anything that's currenly shown. Thanks for the morning giggle.

Anonymous said...

Just saw your article in the trib and sat down to read the blog....Great job! Of course, I only have 1/2 the size of your brood, but in the first 2 minutes of reading your blog, my darling 2 year old bit the 4 year old in the butt, 6 year old is asking for 2nd breakfast (What? We're almost to lunch time since you've been up since 5 am!) Can I choose to ignore the chaos around me and indulge in reading your blog? I think so....It is so reassuring to know other moms have to deal with such "interesting" behavior! Good luck with the blog and I'll be back to read regularly!

gomomyourock said...

I loved it! I'm thinking you need to get used to it too because you are goooooood!

lawnajo said...

You have to register online with the Trib to read the article. It was a great article and the pic was way cute!

Anonymous said...

But Dawn, you do not sound nervous at all! Perhaps a bit of speedy speech, but that's all, really =)
Go girl! Keep up with this great blog, we all seem to love it ^.^

Anonymous said...

Dawn, I think this is the correct link:,0,2773360.story
The link on your blog leads to a registration page at the paper.

Anonymous said...

Bravo Bravo Bravo!!!!!!!!!!! I feel like a proud sister (since I now know you so well and all). Great job! Angie

Anonymous said...

Great interview! So what is it going to be? TV series? Movie? Book?

Anonymous said...

Hi Dawn! I read the article and listened to your interview, and they were both great. I love the photo of you and your kids from the Trib, and I don't think you sounded awful at all in your interview.

The article in the Trib mentioned that you have ha many different writing offers from many different sources, and I am so proud of you! What a wonderful opportunity for you! I sure hope that you do get a book deal, because I want to buy a copy as soon as it comes out. :)

Take care!

Alex said...

Hilarious as usual.....and you definitely don't sound like an idiot. Nice article in the Tribune.

LeftyMama said...

Re: the Trib interview -- Y'all did all that housework and they only published the picture from out in the yard? I'd have been steering the photog back into the living room with "Don't you wanna get a nice shot of us sitting on the sofa?" You know, as evidence that the living room was clutter free for once. Well, at least you got to enjoy the cornflake-free carpet for a few minutes ;o)

LOVE your writing, Dawn, and can't wait to read the book. Tell us more!

Dennis said...

Go for it, Dawn!

You have achieved what most bloggers dream about!

Anonymous said...

Great interview .. Dont put yourself down.
You sound happy, smart and SO young !!
Trib article was great, lovely group picture ! You all have beautiful smiles / Giggles, Love baby looking at you all like What ?!?! So Clasic
Debbie xxx

Lee-Ann said...

Dawn you did awesome in your interview! It was nice to hear the voice behind the blogger. :o)
Lee-Ann from Canada

Reader Melly said...

You were sensational in your interviews!

RondaJo said...

I have been reading your blog almost every day I really enjoy the laughs I get. Your entries always make me feel better. I went to the store with my 3 (2 year old boy and 8.5 month old twin girls) and I was having a horrible time and then I thought of you. I figured if you can get through the store and day-to-day life with 6 then I can surely manage my 3. So, thanks! ;)
I read the article in the Chicago Tribune and I have to say you are very pretty. That is a very nice picture they have of you with 4 of your kids.
I look forward to reading some books.

Anonymous said...

Dawn, another set of great interviews!! I really truly hope that you write a book, I think it would be a great read...not to mention a great gift!!! Thanks for keeping your blog up to date. I'm a stay at home mom for my two sons while my husband works days....then I go off to work part time nights for some extra money. I love to read it when I get home from work at night!! It is a great way to end my day!!

Anonymous said...

Could you post a copy of the baseball ebay auction?

Anonymous said...

Dawn, just wanted you to know that you sound fine. I am a 911 dispatcher & know what you mean when you say you don't sound like you think you do. I hate to listen to myself also, I sound soooo sweet, not that that's bad but I hoped I sounded more commanding, like I know what I'm doing!! hahaha. Keep up the writing. I have you in my favorites at work so I can start my day laughing.
thanks again la

Unknown said...

Dawn, I feel for you. I’m a freelance writer, and I spent a summer babysitting six kids. (I can’t tell you how many mothers suddenly light up when they learn what I do. “You’re a freelance writer! Oh, good! You can watch my kids!” I have made it a point not to make any new friends anymore.)

So I admire what you're trying to do -- it's tough to keep your thoughts straight with all those kids around, let alone keep a journal. An of these kids I watched was my 2-year-old godson, Robert. One morning, his 10-year-old brother forgot to bring the diapers to my house. It was 8 a.m., and I knew Robert would need new diapers soon, but I had back-to-back telephone interviews all morning. (I was writing an article for a real estate journal. First mistake. You shouldn't even try to do something halfway grown-up when you have six kids around.)

So we had no choice but to wait. The kids got busy playing and watching TV and fighting and throwing stuff. I ignored the yells and thumps, and I think the Realtors I was interviewing on the phone were just too polite to say anything. By noon, I was on the phone with a multimillionaire Realtor-to-the-stars, asking about property values in Malibu, and suddenly I had Robert banging on my door yelling “Change my butt! Change my butt!” (He learned that from his brother.)

I harnessed a supreme amount of focus and continued the interview, and I’m sure the Realtor heard my painful smile on the other end of the phone. She was very tactful. I think she is a mother.

Anyway, finally, I finished the interview, and we piled into my little sedan (I paid Robert’s older sister $5 to let him sit on her lap and leak on her) and ran to the grocery store. I changed him right there in the bathroom. I won’t go into what I found inside that diaper but it was worthy of a citywide evacuation.

All this is just to say that I’m amazed you have even 30 seconds for blogging. Weird stuff like that was happening to me all summer. I remember the time I found April and Frannie (ages 9 and 6) on my exercise bike. April had a foot in one pedal, and Frannie had a foot in another. They were both standing straight up and down, and as the wheel spun, they took turns bobbing up and down like a pair of pistons. They were having a ball, laughing and shrieking. I looked at my watch, and I thought, "Well, I'm on deadline, and I'll finish the story in an hour, and by then, one of their ankles will be broken, so the timing will be just right." The bike broke before anybody got hurt.

Keep up the good work. You’re an inspiration to moms everywhere.

Oh, and one other thing. I’m a journalist myself, and there’s no need to be nervous around reporters. Just imagine them in their skivvies, without their Arrogance on. Works every time.

Mimi Lenox said...

Thanks for visiting my blogs recently. You have a fabulously funny format here and I can't wait to explore your blog even more. Listening to the interview this evening!

Congratulations and have a wonderful Labor Day Weekend.

Mimi Lenox

Bob's Blog said...

What are you talking about? You did a beautiful job on WTOP. That would be really hard to respond to rapidfire questions, and still make many good points, as you did. Your humor and personality come through loud and clear. Congratulations! You are definitely an inspiration to me.

Steph said...

You have inspired me too!

Come visit when you get a chance!

By the way, you are beautiful, your kids are beautiful, your life is beautiful...
Keep up the great work! I look forward to reading your blog every day!

Anonymous said...

Good Job Dawn!! You sounded very composed and put-together on the radio. If I haven't been reading your blog for the past few weeks, I would not have guessed that you have six children!

Anonymous said...


I have 8 children and reading your blog is like watching my own family from the outside!

After reading your interview and some of your blog I was truly inspired to share and bring inspiration and laughter to others.

Lisa C. said...

I read both the article and listened to the radio broadcast, what I thought was so funny is that my husband works in DC and this is the radio station that he listens to. I laughed and told him that he can now hear about the lady I find so funny to read..LOL! I enjoyed listening to the broadcast and thought you sounded very personable and I enjoyed very much hearing the voice of the woman who has all of the world laughing at the hijinxs our kids are pulling..LOL!

Anonymous said...

I just LOVE sarcastic humor .......
Keep it up lady friend.

Happy blessings,

Charlotte Cushman said...

Hey - My friend Amanda emailed me the link to the ebay auction and normally I would delete because I am always positive my computer will be infected by a virus... but because I never get to check my email because it is upstairs and I am downstairs with 6 kids (13,7,5,4,2,5mo 3 boys, 3 girls) I never got it deleted! Very funny! Good interview... Good luck! Charlotte

Anonymous said...

In one of your interviews the blog
"Mom 2 my 6 pack" was mentioned a couple times.

Do you have another blog?


Rey Flores said...

That's great...being a mom of 6, of course!
That article in that little paper is also pretty cool too.

Don't forget us little blogger people when you get (more) famous.

Crazy Raven Productions said...

AWESOME!!!! Great pic of you and the kids, too.

All moments remembered said...

You sounded GREAT!!! Your kids are just beautiful and you look super too!!! What a fun picture!! I look forward every day to reading your blog! I know I know I need to get more of a life! But you still make me smile! Thanks for doing the tagged thing, maybe I wasn't the only one to tag you though. I have found I really enjoy this blogging stuff. A new place for me to tell my stories that my friends are sick of hearing! LOL!!!
Happy Labor day!!

Anonymous said...

Dawn ~

As a widowed mom of 5-year old triplets, reading your blog daily is one way I find to continually see the humor in life, instead of getting bogged down in the rut of depression.

Your writing is brilliant, and is such a gift. Nurture that gift as you nuture your children. And if my vote counts for anything, I say a sitcom to go along with many, many delightfully funny books.


Anonymous said...

Hi Dawn!

You have inspired me to do more blogging. I have a 2.5 yo and 15 mo twins. I really didn't think I had much to say in a blog until I started reading yours and realized that the every day stuff can really be quite amusing. Plus I have an awful memory and to write it all out will be good for me!!
I've enjoyed stopping by your page on a daily basis!! You crack me up!! Thanks for the laughs!!

Nancy said...

Dawn ~ I knew you reminded me of Erma!

Cecily R said...

Great stuff! It's nice to know motherhood is equal to insanity for other people too (sometimes I look at some of my supremely put together friends and their wildly clean houses and wonder what the heck I'm missing).

Loved the article, and love the posts!

Anonymous said...

Hi Dawn,

so what's this reference to the baseball about? Someone mentioned in a comment a couple of days back and they talked about it in the newspaper article. So what happened there and is there a link to the story you wrote about that somewhere?

Pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease, *fluttermyeyelashes*

So long,

Unknown said...


Loved the pic of you and your kids--- you've aged much better than your high school photo ( I hope we all have). Could you post the baseball auction? I'd love to read that one too.

Great job, keep up the good work!

Mary said...

Dawn, I love your blog! Mostly, I love your humor! I've always been a bit of a sarcastic clown myself.

Today I am getting a taste of what you went through with your instant internet success. This morning I wrote a little piece, just off the cuff, and my husband put it online. It's spreading like wildfire! This is kinda fun. I hope you are enjoying your success and fame. Mine is fairly anonymous and can be found on It is an editorial defining the word Holiday.

Thought I'd share here since all of us mommies seem to understand each other best.

chel said...

Dawn, killer funny. It could have come out of a day in the life of me,lol. I think so many people can say the same thing. I to am a mom of six and love seeing the humor with it's oh so many opportunities to share. I think it's sometimes a survival thing, lol. good luck with this new chapter in your life. Just know there are lots of strangers high fiving over this and wishing you well.

Anonymous said...

I am the mother of 6 as well. A single child, triplets and twins. Your story on e-bay was the best and so very true. Like you, I will do just about anything to avoid shopping with my crew! And all the crazy questions... Before I had the twins, when the triplets were small and in a triplet stroller, I got asked if they were all 3 twins... DUH!

I will continue reading! Great job!

Anonymous said...

Ok, after days of reading and laughing my butt off, I have decided to join your crew of "Dawn Rocks" groupies.(at least this is the name I have given us) I too relate to your stories and have to say, it has made me look at my own kids, three girls, in a whole new light. I often relay sarcastic stories of our "adventures" to friends, but really admire your guts to put it out there for all to review. If you ever find yourself in Twin Falls, ID(not Iowa, Idaho, don't feel bad it is a common mistake) I would love to sit down and compare notes. The squirrel story hit VERY close to home, although ours involved a half dead gopher and my daughters reenacting "Animal Cops". Lets just say the gopher is in a better place now. Good luck on all your endevors!

Anonymous said...

I just read the article and it was really good. I hadn't heard about the baseball, though. How about re-posting that story here for those of us who are newly arrived?

Keep us updated on what's happening--your life must be quite wild these days!

Anonymous said...

Loved reading about the Meehan household, reminds me of mine only I can elevate myself to an even wilder level.... I am an extreme parent over 40! now 51 with TWO - ADHD kids.... they are killing us! hang in there... through the madness of trying to keep my own sanity ...which resulted in my neighborhood title as 'Martha Stewart on Crack' I discovered I could also draw in addition to crafting everything....! my website has my first quirky illustrative character "The International Laundress" - a women like me who has left the Board Room (Corporate work) to now find herself in the Laundress Room! check it out! Many of you I am sure can relate!

Anonymous said...

Hi Dawn,
It is so great to see your picture and hear your interview. I think you did a great job and NO you don't sound like Elmo Fudd (or something like that!) You have a friendly upbeat voice.

I am just one of many people who hope to see you profit from your refreshing, upbeat, and oh yeah, funny writing.

Thank you for sharing your stories with all of us Moms. Looking forward to reading your first book.

Lisa, mom to a clan of 5
San Antonio, Tx

SteamyDreamer said...

Love your blog and glad to see NotMe finally left my house! Someone mentioned kids grow up someday. Mine are 27 and 24 and it still hasn't happened. I wait patiently for them to have kids as I have heard it comes around thricefold!

Word of advice on cleaning boys pockets: wear gloves. Industrial gloves that something biting you back won't penetrate.

Word of advice on girls: they get kidnapped at around age 8-9 and become this alien child who can't seem to manage a good hair day so their day is perfect. Bribing works with them. They do not like being embarrassed. Make sure you show up in the strangest of clothing and cheer the loudest. They will not defy you for at least 24 hours.

Word of advice on bedroom door slamming: take their door off the hinges until they learn to respect said door. It does work.

Now to add depends to the grocery list! Keep up the good work!

Jen said...

You're freaking hilarious.

Sam said...

Hi Dawn, it's me again, Sam from Idaho, so I felt so inspired by you that my 9 year old daughter and I set up a blog for me. Only problem is now that I have done it, not so sure how it works. Any help you could send my way would be great. I would direct you to my blog, but it turns out I can't remember what name we decided on...needless to say I may be in way over my head. I can however find your blog, so I will keep checking for any advice you might have. Thanks so much-

KATE said...

I loved your article! You sounded great like usual! I think you're hilarious & I can't wait for the book!!
- Kate

Kelly said...

ah, but those of us who have been lurking quietly knew it all rock!

Anonymous said...

I heard your interview live on WTOP yesterday. In fact, my neighbors asked me why I was sitting in my car laughing my head off. Neither had heard your story so I promptly sent them the link.

Keep up the good work put remember the main thing is to have fun.

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

My neighbor saw the article in the Trib today and sent me it right away, because she knew I would LOVE your blog!

I do! Even before I read a word, the photo of your daughter drenched in chocolate leapt up at me, and I was hooked!

And then your stories!!! Great fun!

I'll be stopping by for more, and congrats to you on all the success. I am sure you'll be getting a book deal (jealous sigh from me, over here in Woodridge, agented, but not sold yet!)

(If you ever have the inkling --or time/desire--to join a critique writers group, we just started a small one in the area --feel free to email me at

Off to read your archives!

Anonymous said...

I found your blog via a message board.

My husband and I have been trying to conceive for almost 4 years. We are moving onto adoption.

I share this with you because I just finished reading your blog - every word of it. I haven't laughed this hard in a LONG time. I read parts of it to my husband, especially the Pokeman post. We can't WAIT to be parents! Seriously, we are not running away, but running TO this life :)

Thank you for your sharing your life with wonderful humor.

We can't wait to read more!

Washington State

Episcopollyanna said...

Those are great interviews and the pic with the Tribune article is darling!

Can't wait for your books! :)

Bethany said...

I read about your blog through another ("my little cottage") and I just had a great time reading your posts and listening to your interview! I think the guy interviewing you didn't know what to say... he kept waiting for you to say something funny but it really was his job to ask the good questions!!
Thanks for making me laugh today!!!

Ladybug said...

Wow! My first time to your blog and I LOVE it! You are wonderful. I really needed a laugh tonight and you have brought me plenty. I will definately be a regular now! ;)

Anonymous said...

I think you are an amazing writer, I hope you can inspire a friend of mine who has such talents as you but a lot of roadblocks. Keep writing!!

Unknown said...


Next time you have to do a radio interview contact me and I'll walk you through the process. It's really very easy when you known what you're doing. There's just a couple of tricks and you'll get down cold every single time.

Going to read your interview right now. I'm sure you rocked.

Unknown said...

Okay -- great interview. Don't know what you're talking about. You were natural, calm -- you did a great job!

Anonymous said...

This You Tube video of Momsense totally made me think of your blog.

Ambar D. said...

Dawn you are a breathe of fresh air. I saw your ebay auction and added your blog to my favorites. I shared your day to day stories with my husband and I have gotten tons of laughs. Today I was standing at Jewel with my 3 kids and I saw you there right on the cover of the trib. Congrats to you the attention is well deserved! It's nice to know you are a Chicagoland mom too ;)

Erin said...

I am so excited that you were on the radio where I live! You did NOT sound like an idiot!! You have brought so much laughter and joy and relief (!) to parents all over the world. You should be so very proud of yourself. Keep being yourself and you will always be successful and happy!!

Anonymous said...

Great article, Dawn! I had no idea you have so many irons in the fire now, and all because of those damn Pokemon cards. See, your kids were right, Pokemon does solve problems like poverty!

Nobody deserves it more than you. You're hilarious.

Anonymous said...

I know how you feel, I have 8 children myself. What I don't understand are these familys that have all 6 or 8 children at once and they think it is such a feat. I'm envious because its over for them 20 years later. I'm going in my 25th year of being mom and with the youngest being 5, I have another 15 years slapped on my already 25 years. My advise is just hang in there. I have written a book, it has nothing to do about my children and you are right it is hard to get one published, had to go self publisher. I can be found at I wish you blessings and I will tell you that my oldest son who is almost 25 and is married with 3 children of his own finially appoligized to me and appereated all I have done. So be of good cheer all your work will come back and be a blessing to you.

Jen said...

Yay you! Love the article and you look great! :)

Anonymous said...

I just read your ebay listing for the Pokemon cards (a friend emailed it to me, and it's still up). I'm the oldest of 6 kids, and the proud mom of 2 (because I did not want 6), and your story cracked me up!!! I'm emailing it to my mom--who I know will relate with your grocery shopping phobias! I just wanted to let you know that you brightened up my dreary life for a minute! Thanks for the laughs! I look forward to many more!

G said...

Being compared to Erma Bombeck, imho, is one of the highest honors you could ever achieve. And it is true- you make me laugh just like she did!

Anonymous said...

You sounded great in the interview! Loved the pix too. It's nice to be able to put a face to your voice.

Why weren't your other 2 kids in the pix?

Can't wait for the book!

ummmhello said...

I sooooo did not realize you were in the suburbs of my crazy city! Great article, you DESERVE all the attention!!!!!
And like others, you inspired me as well....

ThriftyMommy said...

Wow. That is awesome. Congratulations! :)


Anonymous said...

Dawn, you are very pretty! Cute kids too! Hey, How do you tell how many hits your blog gets? Is there a way? Thanks!

amy said...

The article with the Chicago Trib. was excellent-- I thought you and your family came off really well. I wish you all the success in the world! I can't wait to read your book!!! Good luck.

Anonymous said...

So glad to see what all is going well with your blogs! I love checking here everyday to hear about the new adventures that have happened in your household! Congratulations on you becoming a famous mom! I just know I will miss your blogs when you become too busy to write them anymore. I will definately buy your book though!

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

Now I am seriously thinking about selling my circa 1978 Grease trading cards on eBay! I bet I could get two grand for those pups! I am an eBay virgin so I am scared to 'go there!'

Rick said...

Lovely faces - all of them.

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