Monday, September 17, 2007

Diapers Only Hold so Much Before They.....

Hey there! I knew you guys would like the supper swapping idea! I hope those of you who give it a try are successful and gain a little extra time and a little less stress at the dinner table. I know Trish has answered a lot of your questions in the comments. Just scroll through them quickly until you see the really loooooong comments. Those are from Trish. I'll try and reprint them in a post later this week so they're more easily accessible. Remember the contest will run until midnight on Friday and if you leave a comment on yesterday's You Mean I Only Have to Cook One Night? post, I'll enter your name in a drawing for one of Trish's books, The Great American Supper Swap.

A camera crew from ABC is coming over tomorrow to film and interview me for World News with Charles Gibson. Tonight I really should be cleaning. Or thinking of clever things to say to the reporter. Or perhaps getting some sleep. Or losing 50 pounds. Or begging my children to behave tomorrow morning. Instead I'll be cleaning out my washing machine. I know, you're thinking 'what a strange thing to do when she's going to be on national t.v.' Cleaning out my washing machine wasn't my first choice of activities, however I inadvertently washed a diaper. I'm not talking about the cloth kind either. I'm talking about a disposable, super-mega absorbent, nighttime, pull-up kind of diaper. SpongeBob couldn't hold as much liquid as this thing did. Then, much like all good things, it had to end. It exploded. In my washer. It left behind a trail of sticky gel-like material and fluffy diaper particles all over every article of clothing in the machine. Despite the fact that I'll run the washing machine fifty times, I'll be finding this gel stuck to surfaces in my house for months to come.


Anonymous said...

I can't WAIT to see you on the news! Congrats!!

Let us know how that whole diaper-in-the-wash comes out.

April Nivens said...

Good luck tomorrow!! Those diapers are disgusting I know.. My dog snuck in miraculously one day while we were gone and ripped up two all over my livingroom.. guh.

Anonymous said...

I sure do hope that it was a somewhat clean diaper as in only number one and not number 2 or even better yet unused!

Good luck on national TV!

Anonymous said...

kind of like Christmas tree needles, eh?

How do you get the gel stuff out of the clothes or did you just toss them all and call it a day?

Anonymous said...

first time commenting here, but I have enjoyed your blog for a few weeks now. I wish you all the success and exposure you can endure!!



Anonymous said...

LOL! I did the same thing when my daughter was still in diapers. What a mess!! I wish I could give you a quick and easy clean up solution but I never found one. Just lots of rewashing and using a lint roller on the ones that aren't too bad. Good luck and I can't wait to see your interview!

Anonymous said...

I just have to tell you something so funny.... I thought your post yesterday was about SUPER SWAPPING... you know.. being a RUBBER STAMPER.. I was waiting to read something about swapping a mega number of stamped cards... but I quickly caught on and realized it was dinner/supper.... not super. geesh!! oh well! Keep up the great work... you bring smiles to so many moms!

Anonymous said...

I a mom of six also! Mine are ALL BOYS! Pray for me :)

I did the same thing with a pull-up! My boys are always taking the things off and leaving them in their jammies on the floor. It's no fun to step on them either!

Brett and Heather said...

Ok, I'll stop complaining that I forgot to put a pull-up on my child last night and now the nicest mattress in the house has been decorated with a yellow oval. I'd much rather deal with that than the washing machine issue.

A friend told me about your blog/ebay listing two days ago. I have been amused and entertained (and reassured that my household is "normal.")

Mrs. Falkenberg said...

Hmmmm. Sounds like the voice of experience. Is this your first time washing a pull up, or have you tried re-using them before?!

MeegsW said...

Those nasty clear, gel-like diaper innards are disgusting. I only know this because I am a horrible Mom and didn't change one of my many children until her diaper literally imploded on itself. All that was left were tiny globules all over my family room carpet. Good luck with that. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Dawn, I love you're blogs....I hate to say that I only found them after your rise to stardom recently. I do wish that I had found them earlier, as I would have had a lot more belly laughes and "OMG I know exactly how you feel's!" than I have had. Oh well...there's always more to come!! Good luck tomorrow on your interview, you'll have to let us know when it will air so we can all tune in!
~~ Rhonda

Anonymous said...

Ah, the memories! Last time I did the diaper in the washer thing was just over 6 months ago when I was potty training my now 3 year old! Um, still finding gel in the clothes!!

Tammy B said...

holy crap!
charlie gibson? woo hoo!

Anonymous said...

Oh.. Is it mean of me to say I am glad I am not the only mom that has washed a diaper! It was mixed in with a barfed on set of sheets, and there was NO WAY I was digging through the mess to see what shouldn't do in the wash, and it was also 2 am. So I got a nice handful of gelly when done. Also wish I had some clean up advice, but I let it dry out a little... not because I had a plan but because I was busy. They sorta just fell off a little easier after.

PS- I love your blog. You totally make me feel like a normal mom :)I thought i was the only one .. but now I see there is a herd of us!

nutralady2001 said...

OMG Dawn............ I'm hysterical here. Next time I wash a tissue...*ugh*........I'll think of that diaper (we say nappy here in Oz ) and then I won't feel soooooooooooo bad!!

National television!!!! I so hope we get to see it somewhow in Australia!

Anonymous said...

I found that it worked well to shake the clothes over the bathtub then re-wash. I could shake many gel spheres free then just wipe out the tub and re-wash the clothes. Best of luck but it probably won't be the last time.
Loving your blog,
mom to four ages 5.5 and 3@2.5

Congrats on the Prime Time TV slot!! Has Oprah called yet???

Kelster said...

Months to come? Try all eternity. Those gel blobs never go away. I suspect they have the same ability to reproduce as ameobas. Even after you move, you will still find gel blobs in unlikely places. They stalk you!

How do I know? Call it a hunch.

Crazymamaof6 said...

oh holy cow that is horrifying about the diaper explosion! i recently washed a (new) TAMPON with all my black clothes! MY black clothes only mine! it was horrble and it didn't have those absorbent gel beads! wow that ROTS! good luck with overcoming that good time and hope your interview goes great!

Anonymous said...

suggestions for helping remove "pull-ups" after washing them:

Wipe clothes with a baby wipe then dry the clothes for a short time in the dryer, remove and brush or lint roll them - repeat as required, but be sure to clear the lint filter of your dryer regular.

For the machine - clean the filter then run an empty wash using baking soda or vinegar in place of your detergent (don't worry your machine won't smell like a chip shop). The filter will likely need to be cleaned again afterwards.

Hope that helps you some what =)

Kia xxx

Kathy in WA said...

Wow! A tv interview! Are you still in shock about the notoriety of your blog and the Ebay story? I hope you have a lovely interview. I'm sure you will be witty and impress them all with your amusing responses. :)

Come by and see our latest Tuesday Tips for Parenting. Maybe we'll do a post on dealing with exploding diapers (or not - some things are too intense even for the internet).

Duckabush Blog

Anonymous said...

I was notorious for doing that. Run a load with oxyclean & a towel. It will clean it right up

Lisa-Anne said...

Hey!! I just did that diaper in the washer thing 6 months ago. One thing that REALLY helped clean it out and off the clothes was SALT! I put my college education to good use (no, I didn't study anything remotely related to the problem!)and figured out that salt is a desiccant, it collapses those little water-loving globules. I poured a whole .79 cent container of salt in my washer and swished it around with a paper towel, scooped out most of the deflated junk, and ran it again. I rewashed the clothes with another carton of salt, and never saw any more of them! SALT IS THE ANSWER!!! :) Good luck with your interview!

Anonymous said...

tee hee - as a cloth nappy (diaper) user, it kinda gives me a good feeling to know there's yet another reason why I prefer cloth!
Seriously though - yuck - hope you can find a way of getting rid of it all as it's horrid stuff! As if you didn't have enough to do already!
Good luck on telly.
Jac (in France)

Anonymous said...

Hey, doesn't the film crew include a washed-disposable-diaper removal specialist? He fine-tunes plumbing while someone else does your makeup.

As a teenager, I was the Kween of Kloth diapers. The spare diaper pins with pink plastic animal heads pinned to my shirt pocket weren't a political statement. Then I moved out and my parents switched the new baby to disposable. They also got a very hip jogging stroller. Hurrah for modern parenting.

Eddie Carter said...

I too have done that - what a mess! Good luck with getting that cleaned and the interview. I only have 2 kids - I greatly admire the fact that you haven't lost your mind - mine is gone about 1/2 the time

Kim said...

OMG! I did that just last week! It's disgusting and oh so much fun!

OGD Critic said...

I look forward to seeing you on the news.......good luck with the diaper, yuck!

Unknown said...

Good Luck today!
How exciting! I would say ply the children with benadryl and cookies but I have a feeling it might give off the wrong impression to the camera crew! Be sure to let us know when it will air!!


Crafty Christina said...

I washed a diaper once too, but it was in a laundromat! My daughter had hidden one in her pj's, rolled it into a ball, and thrown it in the hamper. Oops!

I really enjoy your blog! You're a very funny lady.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I did the same thing TWICE when I was sleep-deprived and just trying to wash some underwear so I'd have clean ones that day! That's about as much fun as when your husband leaves a black ink pen in his jeans the same day you decide that your daughter's favorite toy could probably use a wash today. Gotta love carpenter jeans. Lots of pockets to miss.

Anonymous said...

Oh, there was nothing that I hated more than when a diaper exploded and left that gel stuff everywhere!!! Best of luck cleaning it..and if you find the secret to getting it all off...let us know!!! :-)

Anonymous said...

Thats why cloth diapers are amazing!! :-)

Ole Miss Mom said...


I did that one time and all that gel stuff was all over my clothes and machine. I googled it and it came up to rerun the machine with salt in it. A chemical reaction happens and the gel stuff just disappears! PROMISE!

I hope you get this before you spend all night cleaning!

I'm sure I'll do it again one day! I have 3 kids under 4 and I'm 25 - I can relate to you all the time - and I'm sure they'll be more kids! Good luck with your interview!!

Southern jezeBelle said...

try magic eraser for the goo. it cleaned goo and ink out of both my washer and dryer. you may need to wet it a bit, i can't remember.

At A Hen's Pace said...


From another mom of six...

Anonymous said...

Ahhh Yes! I have done this many times. There is no easy way to clean that up. At least it did not make its way into the dryer, that is a fun filled experience as well. I wold have to say that red chapstick in the dryer has been my least favorite so far. Good Luck with your interview.

At A Hen's Pace said...

I meant to say--from another Chicago area mom of six!

And good luck on your interview!


Anonymous said...

Oh you know you've hit the big time when you meet Charles Gibson!

I've had exploding diapers before and wanted to tell you I've had good luck just vacuuming that stuff up.

Krys72599 said...

Thank you. Finally. Reassurance that my life is normal. Like yours.

Anonymous said...

Ack! I've done that a couple times too. Well, actually, my HUSBAND did it, but I was the one cleaning it out because I switched the wash over to the dryer. Those little gel things get over everything!

Congrats on your interview. How exciting. You're going to look great. And do great. And the kids will be great too.

Mary from Canada

Unknown said...

I did the diaper in the washer only a few months ago also. At first, I couldn't figure out what the heck was all over the clothes. lol. However, I pulled out each item individually and shook it out completely (outside of course) and then proceeded to dry them. This worked great and it took car of all of the little gel stuff. I used a cup and spoon to get most of the stuff out of the washer and ran it once empty (on small load) and never once saw another gel ball. Just letting you know what worked for me for future reference. btw, I love your blog. I read it everyday!

Tanya said...

Oh my! I can say that is one thing I haven't done YET! Let's not put it past me though. I am sure it will come eventually! LOL

I am hoping for a quick gel free home ;)

Nicki said...

Oh my gosh! I am so sorry. I've done this and I know it is not a pretty sight. I hope you can get it all out. Good luck with the interview.

Carla said...

Yay ABC! I am glad you are getting ready by working on the gel particles. They are nasty little things! Have a great interview and I can't wait to see it!!

Deb said...

Oh yes, although it tends to be pull-ups in the wash lately - thankfully they aren't nearly as bad. Good luck on the interview!

Suburban Correspondent said...

I am so impressed with your bravery! You are letting a camera crew in your house? And the children will be there? Someone would have to pay me a lot of money before that would ever happen here....

Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Eeeew on the diaper! what a mess. And why does the filling have to turn into gel? I never understood that.

Oh a televised interview! How exciting!

Hoffman Family said...

Can't wait to see the interview on TV! You will do great and America will LOVE you!

Just Me said...

HA, I know that one. I thought my first child has some weird disease for a while. I couldn't figure out what I was feeding my son that would make his pee or poo come out in this sticky gel like form. Wow... remember being a new mom?! LOL

Michelle said...

Enjoy the interview. I hope you are keeping a scrap book of all the print interviews, audio files of all the radio interviews and copies of all the video interviews. It will be a treasure trove to share when baby is older.

So, can you spray the inside of the washer down with a hose (using a spray gun) while the lid is open and having one of the older kids hold the sensor thing down so it will spin with the lid open? That may be the only way to insure all the gel gets washed out instead of having it float around in a wash cycle and cling to the inside during a rinse.

Please don't ask how I came up with that.

Anonymous said...

I thought I would pass this tip along because while i don't have children yet, i do have an absentminded husband. If your kids ever leave gum in their pockets that you don't find out about until it gets out of the dryer, use a dryer sheet. I don't know what they put in it but it takes gum out of a dryer like magic.

Good luck with your washing machine

Anonymous said...

I have had a diaper fiasco myself and this was AFTER my kids were out of diapers. We had the nephews over and one of them escaped my watchful eye and decided it would be fun to play in the water in the tub. He took his diaper off and "sopped" up all the water he could. It's a real pain trying to get those little gel pellets out of the tub.

I will be wathing for you on the t.v. Good luck.

Oh, by the way, my sister is LDS and she has 9 kids. I told her about your blog and she says she doesn't ever get anything funny from her brood. Guess she just doesn't have the same sense of humor.

Anonymous said...

I to have done the diaper thing, what a mess. Can't wait to see you and trish on the news.

Anonymous said...

I did the smae thing with a pull-up a few months ago. Whatever you do, MAKE SURE NOT TO TOUCH YOUR EYES after trying to clean out the gel-stuff. Why? Because if you get any of it in your eyes, it literal sucks the moisture from your eyes and you feel totally miserable. *bad memory*. I was able to get the stuff out of the machine- - I ran an empty load with only Oxy Clean. It broke up all of the the gel bits and everything washed away. (Vinegar didn;t work, neither did an empty load with only soap and a towel- - thought it might..). Anyway, just thought I'd pass along.
Good luck today. I've been reading you from the start-

Tiffany said...

You are so "real" I love it! I think you keep so many people who read your blog grounded, including myself!

Unknown said...

Congrats on being on World News. First time commenting but I LOVE your blog! LOL on the diaper/pullup - I've been there MANY times. When will kids learn that the hamper is not the trash, toy chest, place for barbie clothes, etc.? My fave has got to be when my Hubby decided he'd had enough of the girls "painting" their room once the diapers started coming off by 'themselves'. He duct taped them, the diapers not the kids, so that they could not pull the little tabs after being put to bed. Worked like a charm even if we did get a few odd looks. :)


Anonymous said...

Good luck on the interview. Unfortunately I won't be able to see it because my area doesn't have ABC. (I live in GA)
Anyway, good luck also with the clean-up. I do not envy you!

Anonymous said...

Okay... I guess my comment didn't go through the first time.
I wanted to wish you luck with your interview today. Unfortunately my area apparently doesn't get ABC (I checked) so I won't be able to see it.
Also, good luck with the great diaper clean-up. I don't envy you!

Ken Tanis said...

Oh no! Would have been pretty spectacular to watch it explode though...

The TV crew would probably rather there be a disorganized house and flying children, wouldn't they? It's ambience. ;)

Anonymous said...

Oh no! I have mistakenly washed a diaper several times and it is a HORRIBLE GOOEY MESS! The worst part is getting all the sticky gel globs off all the clothes, isn't it? I think one time I even tried vacuuming them up. Ugh! Like you need this to happen?! :-)

Sharlyn said...

Be sure to let us know when the interview is going to run, we don't want to miss that!
Reading and loving it!

stop by the circus if you have a second (hahaha)


Anonymous said...

Hey Dawn,
I realize now that you can't wash regular diapers (that is filed away for future use - and salt will solve the problem if it happens!)

- but I can tell you that I reuse Swim Diapers all the time - I put them through the wash, and reuse them. We've got a pool, and I can get 3-4 uses (washes) out of them before tossing them. Just thought I would pass that little hint on too!

Good luck with your interview - I love Charlie!!! I can't wait to see you on the news!!!

Pam (Seattle)

Michelle said...

Okay ... after reading all the suggestions I hope you go with the salt one instead of mine. Although it does remind me of pouring salt on slugs to kill them. GO NaCl!!!

Unknown said...

Yuck, I have totally done the diaper in the wash thing. How miserable!

Good luck on the news! I hope I remember to watch it because I will be so disappointed if I miss it!


Becky said...

Dawn, Congrats on World News Tonight...that's bigtime! Not every home can boast having had camera crews come by! Hope you're getting copies or recordings of these for posterity!

LOL on the whole diaper/gel catastrophe...we had the same thing happen, except it was in a relatives pool. I'm afraid to ask if they're still cleaning up gel globs.

idiot said...

GOOD LUCK! Can't wait to watch it! Do you know when it's going to air?

Anonymous said...

I had the diaper thing happen on the floor much more often. You know when you get lazy and just throw a shirt on the baby and consider him dressed, then the diaper gets caught on something and leaks all over. UGH! I did have it happen once in the washer and wish I knew about the salt thing. I took all the clothes out on the lawn to dry and shook them off. The I turned them wrong side out and did the same thing. Not exactly what you need on your lawn for the interview, huh?
Good luck with the interview. As another mom of six I would much rather see your children do more than sit and smile so perfectly (like the 17? children did during their interview). It really made me feel like a bad mom because mine, although good most of the time, would never sit there like that.
Enjoying you blog!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I did the diaper in the washer thing once. Only, I made it all worse. In my postpartum, potty training at the same time fog, I decided that the lint filter in the dryer would collect all the gel that was stuck all over the clothes. So... I put the whole load in the dryer.


I spent days (DAYS) cleaning out the two machines. Not good.

Matchbox Mom said...

you've gotta love those diapers. But when they say 21-32LBS, they don't mean in water...they mean your baby's weight. You're so silly!
hahahaha! Good luck in the morning, we're all rooting for you! (Not like a baby roots, but well, you know)


ashley nicole said...

yays for being on the news!! maybe for once I'll watch the news on tv instead of getting all of my news online like normal...

good luck getting the diaper out of the washing machine!!

Sarah said...

Oye, Good Luck

Never have washed a diaper, but I swear I wash a pullup once a week.


Anonymous said...

I just wanted to drop a note about the supper swapping. 4 of us did this about 20 years ago. I don't remember how long we did it but it was wonderful. We all had 4 kids except for one of us and she had 3. We were not all the best cooks but for our one night we would really turn it out so we ate great. Even the kids liked it. One girl always made jello and the kids thought she was the gourmet cook among us!!!
I am so sorry about the diaper incident. Those things are incredible. I remember when disposable diapers could not hold an ounce with out leaking and now you can use them to drain a pool. Hang in ther eand keep having fun!!! Mollie

Mommy Brain said...

I think this would make a great Sponge Bob episode..."Sponge Bob and his evil cousin Diaper Bob!"

Great post and congrats on the TV interview!

sue said...

...and I always thought it was bad when Hubs left kleenex in his pocket or one of my girls left lipstick... I feel for ya, really.

Can't wait to see you on TV! Whoo-hoo!

Amy said...

I've been there too! Hang in there! I *love* your blog. You are my morning cup of coffee routine! Thanks for all the laughs and the daily reminder that I'm not alone. I have four kids six and under!

Supplanter64 said...

I would have left the diaper goo in there to educate the general public on the effects of the overnight diaper in the common household washer.

Then again, it's not the Science Channel that's coming over.

You'll do great for TV! Just be yourself and talk to the crew just like they were coming over for tea and crumbs.


Anonymous said...

WOW! I have done that soooo... many times. I actually called Pampers and they told me what to do. Although I can't remember. I usually just run and plain load with some towels and re-wash the clothes. I have even put the diaper through the dryer without knowing. Don't know about that. Good for you for getting an interview! I can't wait to see it!

wencanscrap said...

Oh YIKES!!! Good luck with the diaper mess, and with ABC news! Let us know when it will air...

All moments remembered said...

SOOOO have done that not once but twice!!! OHHH that gel is so not fun. Good luck cleaning it. ABC's film crew coming? OMG I would pass out!! I went for a job interview yesterday and my nerves almost killed me. I could not imagine what your nerves are doing. I hope it goes super!! WHEN is Oprah going to call you? Gee wiz she is behind in the times!!

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, I'm familiar with the exploding diaper. The sticky gel is impossible to clean up wet. Leave your washer open and let it dry. Then it's like salt and you can sweep and scoop it into piles. Or vacuum it out the washer. Otherwise you end up with that sticky stuff ALL OVER. Good Luck!

Catesalim said...

I read a tip recently that WD-40 would remove gum from a dryer, so I'm guessing the same would hold true with diaper gluck. It apparently does everything else. Best of luck, and thank you for the joy and laughter you've brought me. I have my own version of Spaz. He's wonderful birthcontrol!

Anonymous said...

We recently had to buy our third new washing machine. My husband and 3 year old son share the same genetic disorder. It's called "pocketism". All manner of strange articles appear mysteriously in the washing machine from their pockets and generally lead to its rapid demise. The last one finally died when a wrench clunked around on the fast spin cycle. The house normally vibrates as though we are having an earthquake when the spinner is on. But I thought we were having a cyclone-earthquake combo when the wrench incident happened. That poor washing machine had already washed 2 cell phones, a calculator, a pair of vibrating shoes, and a gorilla with a Welsh accent who got peed on by the cat but has now lost his voice and still smells of cat pee.

I can thoroughly relate to natural disasters of the washing machine variety.

Sue the very bad washing machine owner.

♥Shally said...

Sadly, I have done this too, more than once (you think I would learn!). It is not fun to clean up. At first I had no idea what it was. I have 3 kids in diapers now, so it is bound to happen again.
Good luck!

Amanda said...

I thought I was the only person alive who has ever washed a diaper/pull up. Whew!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the interview! Cannot wait to see it!! Your blog has entertained me for 2 weeks now and it has become a daily ritual to see what you will post next! I only have one 2 year old...but your experiences have not hindered me from wanting more of these "perfect little angels" we call our children! Good luck tomorrow, you are truly an inspiration to all mom's out there!!

When will you be on Ellen?? =)

Thanks for all the smiles everyday!

Candice Berryman
Reily Twp, OH

Anonymous said...

I sure have been getting an education today by reading all the comments regarding exploding diapers. My baby will be 42 this year. They had just invented disposable diapers when I was potting training him. If I remember correctly, they only came in two sizes. Unfortunately, both too small for him. Also, they didn't have little sticky tabs to close them. You had to pin them on just like a regular diaper. Of course, they then would tear very easily. Not a very pleasant experience. Anyway, things sure have changed in 40 years.

Love your blog.

From one who was a fan before you became famous.

Lisanne said...

Oh my gosh! Wow! I cannot believe that you'll be on ABC World News Tonight! I got to meet Charlie Gibson back in April, right before he left "GMA." He's such a sweet guy (and a cutie!). Kind of a grandpa figure! How exciting!

Anonymous said...

I've recently experienced the washed pull-up. I had no idea the stuff inside was a gel. Ug. Mine made it to the dryer (thud, thud, thud...) and didn't "completely" explode.

Your blog is great - I've been enjoying reading! Thank you for the humorous commentary on motherhood and all its tribulation! :)

Bev in Iowa

Anonymous said...

Been there. Done that. Glad it's not me this time! Lol!

Anonymous said...

I've washed diapers before too. It's no fun to clean up! Hugs!

Anonymous said...

When will this aire, do you know?

barb hendrickson

Carrie and Troy Keiser said...

Hey, Dawn, I think you're a Wonder Woman. Stop by my blog for details..... Keep up the good work!

The Miller's said...

Oh my goodness, some of the messes you have to clean up! I have 2 kids and almost 3, somehow we manage to keep our messes pretty typical - I guess we'll see if that changes a lot with the third. I discovered your blog a few days after blowing up at my kids over a "big" mess - a box of cookies spilled on the floor. Then I felt bad, because it sort of seemed pretty small scale compared to what you have had to deal with!

Six kids is a lot, but can you imagine 17? I just discovered a family from some documentaries done on TLC about a family that had 16 at the time, and now they have 17! Check out their site (if you ever have time!) ... Pretty amazing.

Anonymous said...

I found this blog and she cleaned up her washer no problem. My kids are in their 20's so not an issue here.

Rachel said...

I washed a diaper once. Unfortunately it was one my husband had put in his pocket in case of an emergency and forgotten to take out. It mostly contained the gel but he had also forgotten to take a few small electronics out of his pocket. Even if they could have survived the washing machine I don't think they could have survived the gel filling in all the small spaces and expanding.

Anonymous said...

Wow, only two holier-than-thou posters lecturing about cloth diapers? Must be a record.

I too have inadvertently washed a diaper. Good luck getting rid of that mess, and with the interview!

Anonymous said...

You will do GREAT of course! Maybe Charles and the crew would love to help you clean the washing machine? Wouldn't that be nice. Anyway, hope to see the interview. When will it be aired? I am in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida and would love to see it. You keep on making me smile.


Anonymous said...

I've done the wash the diaper thing before, too. Pull Ups are almost as bad, but they do have less gel.

Last night, I spent an hour cleaning my dryer, because my husband decided to sneak some smokes while golfing last week and left 4 cigarettes in his shorts pocket. I guess cigarettes don't fall apart until the dryer, because there was no hint in the washer. When he came home, I told him the next time he wanted a nic-fix, he could suck on my PJs.

He didn't feel it would have the same affect . . .

Anonymous said...

i know those horrible gelly bits well. disposables used to burst on my son every single night. strangly enough i do less washing with cloth nappies that i did with my magical exploding disposables!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey I'm new to this and not yet a mom but just wanted to say I really enjoy reading your blogs. A friend of mine emailed the link to your ebay of Pokemon cards and I read the story and I give you major credit for taking not one, not two but SIX kids grocery shopping. You deserve a medal! Good luck with ABC News. I'm sure I'll be watching for ya. Have a good one.

Rene said...

I've accidentally washed a diaper before! What a mess! No amount of grumbling made me feel any better.

Good luck with your interview tomorrow! Let us know when it is going to be airing. I would love to watch it.

The Intern said...

Pour salt over it and the gel will dissolve.
My boy is a chemist and I've seen him do it a hundred times at the 'magic' shows his group holds for kids at the Science museum.

Good luck on TV tomorrow! I hope this gets to you in time to save you some! Keep up the good job.

Anonymous said...

In all my years of changing diapers, and there were many. I have never washed a disposable one. That is a good one, too funny. I would probably be crying tho. I love your blog.

Anonymous said...

OMG - how cool that you'll be on ABC!

I've done the whole washing the diaper thing... and yes, the gel lasts forever - my youngest one was 12 before my washer stopped sticking that stuff to clothing... no matter how many times I cleaned it out!

Anonymous said...

Ewww, those diapers are just nasty when they give way. Never had a diaper in the washer, though--I can only imagine! My only experience was at the beach--also not good. (That was back in the days before they came out with swim diapers.) I'm sure the environmentalists would have had some things to say about the mess we left. =:-o

I imagine you'll think of all kinds of good stuff for the news crew while you're doing THAT job! LOL!

Joy said...

I'm torn as to which is worse: washing a diaper or having a dog shred and eat the contents of a dirty diaper! Nasty gel particles no matter what, but at least the ones in the washer are clean! The gel particles strewn all over the floor are so horribly nasty and the thought of what the dog ate just made me want to hurl! (and he did it more than once)

Melissa said...

That's going to be my new worst fear - accidentally washing a diaper! Hope it all comes out. My hubby would go nuts if I did that. Our washer and dryer are the newest things we own.

Kelly said...

I had a run in with a banana today and for some reason it made me think of you. If you ever have time( ha ha) check out my blog and read about it: This is the only way I know of to show you!

Bri said...

I knew exactly why you were cleaning out your washing machine... I couldnt help but grin from ear to ear LoL My friend did this not too long ago and Im sure I will do it at some point in time seeing as I still have two in diapers. Dont you just hate when things like this happen at the most inconvenient times. Take today for example, I dropped my phone in the toilet... which is a bad thing in and of itself, but it couldnt happen at a better time than when I was peeing (it was in my back pocket, slipped out into the toilet and I realized it as I started to pee just seconds before fishing it out... ick).

Cori said...

Okay, I can say that I've been there, done that. I was really horrified & not sure how to get all the gel off my clothes & out of the machine. I just washed a 2nd time with a 2nd rince & all was well afterwards! So, good luck & let us all know how it turned out!

And good luck on TV!! :)

Anonymous said...

oh pshaw! Let Charles Gibson, ABC and America experience the clean up!!

Sue said...

When are they airing your story on ABC?

Anonymous said...

I have been fortunate to never have washed one of my daughter's diapers/pull-ups yet, but I have a dog that looks at them like they are the best doggie treats on earth. Ewwww. One day I came home from the store with my daughter in tow and as she ran into the house she just said "Bax got into something." This was followed by me trying to simultaneously put down 7 bags of groceries and do a quick assessment of the situation. There, all over my den floor, were the remnants of two of the wettest pull-ups you can imagine with a dog who looked like he was going to be sick at any moment. He had ripped the diapers open, eaten his fill of the gel, then managed to imbed the rest into every square inch of my carpet.

I managed to get him outside before the 24 hours of non-stop diarrhea started, and it took about a solid month of vaccuuming like a mad woman with OCD to get the stuff out of the carpet. Now, every morning I make sure that the night time pull-up goes into its own bag and straight to the outside garbage can as I make my way to the morning paper. LOL....thanks for bringing me another great laugh! And, can you tell us, when will your segment be aired on tv? I don't want to miss it! Keep up the great job of raising your wonderful family and bringing that difficult, rewarding job to the forefront.

Anonymous said...

Here's a suggestion, although it may be too late. (Tuck the idea in the back of your head. Just in case ...)

Empty the washer of all clothes, and run a rinse cycle. That should get all that gel crap out of the washer. Then, once the gel is gone, toss the wet clothes back into the washer and run them again on a short wash cycle. That should take care of it.

Be sure to let us all know when you're going to be on the news.

Anonymous said...

Could you tell us all, if you know, what day you will appear on ABC? Thanks.

Tamara Baker said...

i sympathize. i did the same thing a couple of months ago. it took me forever to get it all out, and i was still having to shake the clothes out cos some were hiding in the same place all the socks go!

Anonymous said...

Have you ever washed and mostly dried a pack of gum? My 3rd son informed me the other day that he had a almost full pack of gum in his pocket. I got to the bottom of the dryer drum and found a nice wad of gum not too hard yet. I used that great orange stuf goog gone or something and got it out. There were no clothes casualties just a little gum that was easy to pick off his older brother's.
boxers. I love your blog! you make me laught! I also have 6 kids from 15 to 3. I have 5 boys and 1 girl. I don't know which people comment more that I have six kids or that I only have 1 daughter.

Anonymous said...

Hey, that is so cool! Let us know when they are going to air the episode on ABC and i will make sure to tune in!

Unknown said...

I've done this myself! Good luck!

Karen said...

What an honor to be on national television! Good for you.

I'm so sorry about the diaper. Those things are only good for their intended purpose. My kids were playing diaper ball one day when one exploded. My daughter vac'd it up and I had to dismantle the entire appliance and clean it to rid the house of the urine aroma every time I cleaned.

Alexia said...

I have not washed a sposie HOWEVER I've had quite a few lose their crystals all over the floor and my son...definitely nasty!

Anonymous said...

"ABC is coming over tomorrow to film and interview me for World News with Charles Gibson...


You and the Gibson man ..... now how cool is that! (way cool ... just way cool!!)

I hope you are finding some personal enjoyment in your new founded celebrity status.

I also fervently hope someone will offer to pay for your six-pak's college education ..... or whatever career they choose to follow...


mnhyrkas said...

Well it looks like you got alot of advice on what to do about the diaper thing. I called the manufacturer when this happened to me and they said just put the clothing in the dryer anyway. it will come out in the lint trap.

Anonymous said...

I really enjoy reading your blog, I am a grandmother that watches my twin 2 year old grandsons.

Keep up the writing.

Good luck with the interview tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Oh no!

I have washed a diaper...all you have to do to get it out is wash a load on hot with a lot (a cup?) of salt...the salt breaks down the gel :D

Kristina said...

Oh my goodness!!!!!!!!! I am so sorry about the diaper. Yuck!

Good luck with your interview tomorrow!!!!

Anonymous said...

Dear Dawn,
That nasty gel stuff has to be of the devil! Sounds like several people here have conquered it though!
I have washed two watches and lipstick before, and I don't have children ~~!
Oh well, nobody's perfect !
God bless you and your family and we'll all be looking forward to seeing you on tv!
:) Elaine

Anonymous said...

I have so done this too. I was amazed at how much the diaper could hold, but oohh was it a mess!

Unknown said...

I'm a relatively new mom (10 month twins) and will be sure to check every load of wash now to make sure there's not a diaper in it!

Good luck with the interview!

CACKEL said...

wow. charles gibson!!! and to think that i get nervous when my mother-in-law comes over.

this post was very educational. i have four kids and have never washed a diaper or pull up, and i am thanking my lucky stars. but i will keep that salt trick in mind for when it does happen, because surely it will, right?

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness!!! I think that you should start your interview by asking Charlie to help get the goo out. Nothing like a little diaper humor to break the ice. I've washed diapers and everything else in between. The latest though is my youngest "cleaning" the toilet with the toilet brush after my older one (one of the three others) has peed and not flushed. I have a decorative paint that has a rough finish and I can tell you that wet tp gets stuck and doesn't come out easily.. Not to mention the yuck factor of knowing that it was all pee all over everything!! You make me smile girl!

Anonymous said...

I just read your blog for Monday, Sept. 17. The funny thing is I just sat down at my computer, with white fuzzies sticking to my black shirt and said to my husband - "I just washed a pull up in the last load of laundry without realizing it was in there!". Hence, the white fuzzies on my shirt. One minute later I read your blog. TOO funny that it is exactly what happened to you. Now I can sit back and laugh that it happens to others and not just me!

- A Canadian friend who reads your blog on occasion

Amanda Pedro said...

Oh my, that's just awful! and funny and just plain Awful. I think my eyes were bugged out while I was reading the story, not wanting to believe it or hoping it never happens to me!!

WHy does great reading material have to be so yucky in reality?

good luck

Anonymous said...

Ah, yes, priorities. Love that you have them in order. Charles Gibson...gel in your laundry for weeks. I'd go with the washer, too.

Anonymous said...

Wow!! I've been reading your blog since the auction. You truly are an amazingly funny woman!! I can't believe you haven't been "discovered" before now! When I am reading your blog and cracking up my dh asks what is so funny?? How do your kids and dh feel about your celebrity status? Good luck with the interview!!
Shannon mom to 4 boys

Pickel said...

OMG, I washed my FIRST diaper today and was just contemplating the title when I ran across your post on my RSS feeds. How funny! How do you get the gel out?

Ummmm.....WORLD NEWS? Don't forget to mention the title of your new book and where you got the name. :) I think it has something to do with painting the PICKELS?

Can't wait to see you on TV.


Anonymous said...

ewwwww! i am sooo glad i never encountered that! crayons on the other hand have been my nemesis. just when you think its all gone....poof! your favorite shirt is ruined! good luck getting all of that out!

cozzyz said...

Hello new to your blog. I have four kids ages are 17,4,3,and 1 1/2 two boys and two girls... Jessica is the oldest, linzey is 2nd, Nikolas is 3rd and Alec is the last one... I too had a similar incident only I didn't know until the dryer, it was a total pain... Thanks for ur writing i read ur blog everyday and I laugh and relate so much... just glad that I'm not alone and that you are brave enough to start such a wonderful blog and not care what others might think.... Tina

Anonymous said...

I washed a diaper a few weeks ago and had it explode on me, too. I took the vacuum in there and sucked up the gel beads. What a mess!

Denise said...

OH MAN!!! How awful!! Never washed a diaper before... I hope you get it all out!

Anonymous said...

Oh! Dawn! I so know the feeling. I am nearly 5 months pregnant and my dog found my daughters diaper and tore it to bits!!!! And those gel beads do not come up with out a fight! I tried sweeping, mopping and scrubbing, even a wet paper towel. Nothing worked. UGH!!! I was crying like some crazy emotional pregnant woman and I ended up having to pick them up bit by bit!!! So my heart goes out to you! I haven't commented yet because I know your busy but I just had to share your pain with you! I love reading your posts everyday. Its now part of my daily routine. It makes me feel like I have a friend that understands me! Hang in there! You are a great mom! God bless you!!!

Anonymous said...

HAHA!! I did the SAME thing a couple weeks ago, except I didn't just wash one diaper, I washed TWO! When I first looked in the machine I thought there were soap suds, but no, that would be too easy!

Good luck getting it all out. That stuff is gross!

**I still don't know if mine were clean or dirty diapers, either, but I don't think I really want to know the answer to that one!

Erin said...

Oh my. That's a horrible thing to happen! I've never personally had it happen...yet, but almost everyone I know has : ) I'm just waiting though, I'm sure it's coming. Good luck getting it clean!

Wolfie said...

Hey - I want a free book!!! I am a full time working mom who is too old for a 4 and 1 1/2 year old but that's what life dealt me! It's great to see other mom's who appreciate how much we really sacrifice for our families. Who knew??

Oh and are you LDS? You do kind of fit the stereotype - I should know, I live in Utah! But I'm from Chicago and married to a south side Italian - were Catholic thru and thru!

Anonymous said...

I haven't had the pleasure of washing a diaper, but I have washed a panty liner and it must contain the same gel like substance as the diaper you described. And you must have had a gazillion little pieces of that stuff cuz that little panty liner had lots and lots!

Renee Unplugged - said...

OMG! My mom had my kids over the weekend and did the same thing!
She called me and asked if it had ever happened to me and how do you clean it up...
Honestly, it had never happened to me so I didn't know. So...she called the diaper manufacturer.
Their response was to re-wash everything....

Anonymous said...

I was just catching up on some of your posts and this one I just had to comment on. Not only have I washed a diaper but pretty much anything that will fit into a curious kids pocket. The inside of my dryer currently looks like a swirled easter egg of colors! If you ever need anymore "crazy" ideas for you book.... Look no further, I can help!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for everyone's helpful hints! Tonight, I had accidentally washed a FULL load of my son's laundry and blanket with a pull-up diaper and boy, it was such a mess!! Sticky goop was stuck EVERYWHERE on EVERY piece of clothing! It was just nasty!! Anyway, after reading the suggestion of the "salt," I decided to try rewashing the load a 3rd time, but this time with 1/4 cup of salt. It worked!!! For the most part, 99.9% of the sticky stuff is gone. Now, I'm just rewashing the entire load with Oxyclean, another suggestion I found, just to make sure. =) Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Having grown up the youngest in the house, I became an aunt real early in life, so lots of diapers I changed, diapers I washed, and diapers I hung.

My sisters and sister in law were old-fashioned, so they used cloth diapers, safety pins, and rubber pants.


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