Tuesday, September 11, 2007

A Bunch of Random Stuff

First off, I want to thank Alicia at Raina's Designs for this totally cute dress that she made for my baby. These pictures don't do it justice! It's gorgeous! There's so much detail from the lace to the little flowers. This woman can sew and with an actual sewing machine too, not my "sewing" method of hot glue and duct tape. I would've taken a picture with my baby wearing it, but she has a cold and was crabby and not very compliant today (besides I wouldn't want her to get snot on it.)

I want to also thank Kim at Lillian Grace Boutique for making Lexi this adorable tutu and this T-shirt that says, "Move over Cinderella!" She wants to sleep in it every night! Talk about "fit for a princess". I'm not sure what she's doing in the picture. Posing? Shooting laser beams from her fingers? Doing a cute little wave?
And I want to thank Lindsay at My Family Meal Planner for sending me her family meal planner. This is a great cookbook with super easy recipes for busy folks. The really cool part of this cookbook is that she's got four meals planned every week and she includes a magnetic pad of paper with a grocery list for each week printed on each sheet. You can tear off a sheet, hand it to your husband, send him to the store, and as long as he sticks to the list, you'll have the ingredients for four nights of meals. Last night we had taco soup and it was simple to make and yummy to eat. Everyone liked it. Well, except Brooklyn who had fish.....

.....plastic fish
Gotta get those Omega-3s

Yes, that's my almost 40 year old child. Don't want to let the kids have all the fun now, do we? Between you and me - I don't think he was using it as a Pogo stick. I think he was fantasizing about using machinery i.e. a jackhammer.
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Oh yes - thank you to Sandy, a nice woman from my church who has been telling me that "I started reading your blog back before you became 'famous'." She sent me this email...
Just for your information. I found a city named Bob in Louisiana. So even though it would sound out of place in your list of names, it would continue your theme.
I stand corrected. I guess you can have an Austin, Savannah, Jackson, Lexington, and Bob. LOL!
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Here is a link to my most recent interview in The Daily Herald.
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Again, I want to thank everyone who's taken the time to leave me a comment or email me. You don't know how much I appreciate it. I do read all of them. Seriously. I only answer a very few because I just don't have the time. I wish I could write you all a personal thank you, but until I figure out a way to add another ten hours to my day, I just can't.
Thank you so very much!
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My little boy is having his adenoids and tonsils removed and possibly a second set of tubes put in his ears tomorrow. I won't be around to update tomorrow night because I'll be staying with him in the hospital. But since you guys are so awesome, I'll take a notebook and some pens and write a funny story while I'm there so check back in Thursday night. ;)


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Cecily R said...

Good luck to your little one! I hope it's as quick and uneventful as it was for my daughter.

All moments remembered said...

HUGS to your little one for tomorrow!! Both my boys had two sets of tubes and adenoids out. My girls were blesses with super ears!! I can only say that the second set were wonderful and took us through the ear infection season once more. HUGS to you too mommy!! I know how scary it is for us mommies!!! You will both be in our prayers tomorrow!!!

Anonymous said...

Good luck with the surgery... Hope you have a peaceful night in the hospital (LOL) it is probably quieter at home...

All moments remembered said...

WOW I just looked at the two links for the outfits! GORGEOUS!!!! The photos alone were amazing on both sites but those are two talented ladies!!

Anonymous said...

I wish you little one, God speed in healing!

I have just read through ALL of your posts (yes, my children are in bed and it's late! ha!)and you have brought a smile to my face! I only have three kids. All of which are now teens! 18, 15, 15. I relate to most of these! haha And for the record...my children were actually banned from one of the local grocery stores! (they had NO sense of humor!) Pfft! haha

Anonymous said...

I sympathize with you. My little one, not so little now, but still not quite teen, had the same surgery 6 yrs ago. Our prayers are with you and as everyone else; THANK YOU.

Ryan said...

Prayers for you & your son tomorrow!
Cute pics in the Daily Herald. I can't wait to read your book! :)

Dennis said...

Wait until the little one finds out that he can have ice cream. That soothes the area where the tonsils were.

When I was little, the doc wanted to yank my adenoids as well. I think I had an allergy but no one thought of that.

I know of a woman who had tubes as well. Every couple years, in she goes to have the tubes changed out. I can't imagine having that done.

Take care - the boy will do just fine. Mom, on the other hand, is doubtful. *grin*

Anonymous said...

All the best to your baby boy.

It's awesome being famous and getting lots of freebies! People are awesome!


Anonymous said...

All the best to your little boy, hope everything goes alright at the hospital. Will be sending good thoughts all day in your direction.

So long,

Anonymous said...

I look forward to reading your blog any chance I get...and can not wait for the book. I only have 2 kiddos...but my husband is in the military and away from home alot...so at times being a mom just seems like more than I can handle!!!! Women are not always open enough with each other about how they really feel. Afraid that we may not view each other as perfect I guess. Being a parent is wonderful...but exhausting and mentally challenging and one of the greatest forms of therapy is to know that you are not alone in the hectic life of a mother. You provide this therapy in your writing. Your children are blessed to have such an honest mother...and I can not even imagine how much you have helped so many moms get through a tough day. THANK YOU for your truthful humor!!!!

AlaneM said...

Thank you so much for doing this blog, it always makes me smile and often has my crying with laughter! I have 3 high energy, strong willed & emotional kids that are close in age. We had our first in 02 then along came twins 14 months later...life can be a struggle sometimes. But reading your blog always gives me a lift & reminds me that my life is not as insane as it can seem.
I'll pray for your little guy!!
Alane in WA

Becky said...

Dawn, we'll be praying for you and yours while your little one is in the hospital for his surgery. A boy we know just had the same surgery, and it helped tremendously! God Bless You!

Anonymous said...

Good luck with the surgery tomorrow. I'm sure it will go fine.

Just a comment - your site loads really slowly for me. I don't know if it's the pictures, but I have a fast connection, and I have to sit for a minute and let the computer stop "thinking." Don't know if there's anything you can do about it, but I thought you should know.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for all the laughs! As a parent, it's hard to survive without a sense of humor! What an important job you have as a mother. Keep up the great work!

Anonymous said...

I hope all goes well with the surgery.
I am so happy to see another adult enjoying a pogo stick. My husband thinks I am a nut!

Anonymous said...

So I've been reading your blogs for a little over a week now and this is the first second I've had to respond, yes, it's 11:30 at night, but I'll take what I can get. I too have 6 kids which include a SURPRISE set of 16 month old twins. Ah the stories I could tell you! For tonight though, I wanted to tell you that, yet again, you have been an answer to someone's prayers. When I was sent the link to the pokemon listing I was in the "pit of dispair" and had actually written a letter to my husband similar to your letter of resignation only far less funny and a lot more desperate sounding! I was a bit too far gone to laugh till I cried but your insanity was a healing balm to my troubled soul. Thank you for writing and I hope writing it is as cathartic for you as reading it is for me! Hey, see if you can get Spaz' adnoids in a jar to show him! I'll bet he'd love it! :) Best of luck tomorrow! The Dolly Mama

Kila said...

Wow, what a beautiful dress!

I pray all goes well at the hospital!

I'm off to check out the meal planner--it sounds like a dream come true!

Anonymous said...

Good luck!

LilBit said...

I hope everything goes well tomorrow Dawn!!! :) Good luck to you ALL. (You know.. especially those left at the house. Do things just fall apart without you there?)

Tiny Queen said...

Best wishes for your son's surgery tomorrow! I had my tonsils removed at 21, and only wished they'd been done when I was younger. Whatever you do, don't let him eat tomato soup. It was the first meal I had after my surgery -- I loooooove tomato soup, but just imagine lemon juice on a paper cut times one hundred ten, and you'll see why it's a bad idea!

Here's hoping both of you a speedy recovery :)

Anonymous said...

Good luck to your little boy. I hope he has a swift recovery.

Anonymous said...

You are one of only TWO blogs I visit regularly (Erma B. doesn't have one, does she?). You are #2 only to Amy the Advice Goddess! I can't wait for your book (I'm guessing that will come before the movie, right!?). -- Chief

Janice said...

Good luck with the surgery tomorrow, I hope it is more uneventful than your life usually is. ;)
Thanks for the link to the meal planner - such a great idea and so handy. I only have two and I can barely find the time to make food before everyone is starving, let alone plan it all ahead of time!

Anonymous said...

I swear to God little Brooklyn looks just like my Aaron at that age. Besides the physical resemblance, which I'm wondering if they'll grow up to be mates because they look so much alike, that "look" in their eye.... that determined, I'm gonna get my way come hell or high water, which is really a 'Are we having fun yet?' look. God love em.

Hope all goes well tomorrow.

Don't let this go to your head....but your blog is now my home page! Got to have a chuckle to start the day! Thank you!

Unknown said...

Good luck with the surgery!

Love your blog!

Joy said...

oh boy!! Did I laugh at the fish part???!!!! Ever since discovering your blog, I am often to be found sitting here really laughing out loud - my neighbours must think I have completely lost it now!!

Hope the op goes ok for your little one - I had the same thing done about 20-something years ago! I remember eating lots and lots of jelly (ooopps, sorry, jello to you lot!!) and ice cream afterwards!!! Kiddie bliss!

Suburban Correspondent said...

Oooh, I remember when I was 6 or 7 and I was so jealous of all my friends - they all got to have their tonsils out and I didn't.

If you have time (and need a laugh) (or need to be scared) check out on my blog (http://www.suburbancorrespondent.blogspot.com) what my 4-year-old did to me last year (sounds like your 3-year-old may be capable of some of this).

Bobbi said...

Hope his surgery goes well. I'll look forward to Thursday!

Kim said...

Good luck to your little guy tomorrow! I've been there and feel for you. It's so hard to see your little one hurting. Thanks for the post with my tutu also. Your daughter looks so cute. I hope she has lots of fun with her tutu. Thanks again.

Melissa said...

Good luck tomorrow with your son's procedure. I'm sure you'll be able to find humor in something while you're there and have all of us in stitches because of your spin on it!!

I've been enjoying your daily writings for a while now, but haven't left any messages (yes, I'm a terrible lurker!) until now. Wanted to also mention that my kids have names that are places as well (Sydney & Austin) but we didn't think about it until after the second was already named. We figure if we are ever blessed with another we certainly have to use another place. At least now I have a few more ideas thanks to you!!

Suburban Correspondent said...

Whoops! I didn't tell you which posts. Check out the 4 under "Popular Posts," beginning with Bad Craziness. Enjoy!

Oh, and we had hotdog issues with this child for a while. She kept stealing them and eating them raw - with mustard. She'd hide the rest of the package for later. Yuck.

Anonymous said...

Bless his little heart. Here's to a speedy recovery for your small fry.

tedebear511 said...

Sending prayers for you and your son. I hope his surgery goes well and recovery is quick and painless. Thank you for sharing your sense of humor with us all. I look forward to reading your blog each day.

candi said...

We have done the tonsils, adenoids, and tubes before. I will be praying for you and for him. It really is harder on us, they are in and out in 15 minutes and then get a steady diet of ice cream and popsicles for the next few weeks, must be nice!! Oh wait I already have a steady diet of ice cream.

Andi said...

I had surgery in June and I am totally fine so little one will be too. He'll wake up, see you there, and want to hold you for hours. Nice memories. Prayers to you and your family. XOXO


Kara said...

oh love to all, I hope your little boy gets on ok, I am sure he will be fine having his super mom with him.
Your little girl looks adorable, I want the outfit for myself.
Thanks for always cheering me up

Anonymous said...

Good luck to the little one. Good luck to you getting any sleep in the hospital. Hope all goes well!

InsomniacRed said...

Aweee! My 6 year old had the same surgery in June! She was a bit tired the first two weeks, but now shes doing great!

Anonymous said...

HI Dawn,
ANother lurker-reader coming out of anonymity! Just wanted tos end my best to you and your 3 year old. My son had his T&A (yes they really DO call it that!) last year right before his baby sister arrived. (The tubes went in the year before!) The worst part (for us) was when he woke up from the anesthesia. He was thrashing around and not able to be calmed except by me, heavily pregnant me.... he wanted to curl up on my lap and go to sleep... which he did... he had a very good recovery... We made sure he was well hydrated Before surgery. Then we had lots of movies and easy things to eat/digest (no ice cream 'cause that actually makes them have mucous and it isn't good for them). We made sure he drank a little bit every half an hour and he did great. Keep him drinking! :) Good luck! He'll be so much better for it!

Barb Smith said...

What wonderful people/friends there are out there, huh?

Good luck to the little guy...may he have a quick and painless recovery!

Anonymous said...

Well wishes are sent your way! Remember to get any post drug stories on your kids now, so you can tell them how awful they are on drugs! :)

I'm sure it will go smoothly and easily!

BTW-you look waaaay too pulled together in your pics to be the mom of all those kids! You are too cute! :)


Whitney said...

Ahhhh....the pressure of being funny even in the midst of family issues mounts. Dawn - you take care and your and your son. Don't worry about satisfying our need for humor. Obviously most everyone loves you, but the public in general will chew up everything you have. Take care of yourself.

GORGEOUS dress and tutu btw!

Anonymous said...

We'll pray for your son and a speedy recovery.

Davney said...

I hope everything goes well with your son's surgery!

Alicia said...

Here's to you son for a speady recovery!!

Anonymous said...

Good luck! We have eight kids, and someone is always begging to go to the hospital...I think they're afraid that the staff will forget them if we don't pull in with a bent elbow or a mystery infection at least once a month. I think they just like to get one of those fancy wristbands with their very own name on it. Hospital advice: make friends with the nurses, find out where the snack pantry is, and bring a good book. And oh, yes- it's perfectly normal to laugh & cry at the same time when they give your son something "to make him sleepy", and he starts with the drunken, "I love you Mommy"s while wearing a ridiculous grin. Thanks for the great blog, and good luck!

Bekah said...


Check out the above link for another GREAT cookbook similar to the one you were talking about. The author is from Iowa and created a cookbook for 13 weeks of meal plans, recipes and grocery lists. So in your "spare time" maybe you can check it out. :-)

Shannon @ Gabi's World said...

I hope everything goes fine with the T&A! That's funny about the Bob thing! Your girls are just adorable!

Anonymous said...

Dear Dawn,
Thank you for normalizing what goes on in my house. Instead of crying, now I laugh. I'm pregnant with my 5th girl (don't know how to make boys) and the thing I'm dreading worst is the laundry. Looking forward to my vacation in the hospital.

Seriously, you don't know how much your comments have altered my outlook on what goes on in our home. I have a much lighter outlook now. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Prayers are with you for your son. I think sometimes its easier on the kids than the parents. All 3 of my older kids had anenoids and tonsils out plus tubes. Tho I am surprised they are keeping him overnight cause they didnt do this when my kids had them done tho I wish they had just for the peace of mind. My daughter was 2 when she had hers done. I remember it like it was yesterday. (shes 17 now) The anesthigolost (spelling forgive me its early and I am half asleep) Came in to get her to take her for surgery. He was a big African american man. they were planning on putting Kadie in one of those big metal cribs and wheel her away. This sweet man said shes so little do you mind if I carry her down. I said no of course not. He came over and petted Kadies hair and said come on sweet girl. Kadie looked at him then at me and said Mommy I dont wanna go with the chocolate man. I was stunned. And I started to apologise and the man patted my shoulder and said Ma'am if thats the worst thing I am ever called in my life I would be really happy. He took my little girl and she wrapped her arms around him and off they went. This sweet guy came and checked on her several times before we left and brought her a teddy bear during one of the visits. ust thought I'd share that. Hope all goes smoothly and it will. Eisabeth

Brea in Texas said...

Dawn, many prayers for your little one ... it made a world of difference when my oldest had it done; he actually sleeps now!!

That dress is amazing!! And seriously, what parent hasn't had thoughts of eating Nemo after seeing the durned movie for the 1,984th time??

Anonymous said...

Good luck with surgery. My little one had this done and it changed her life. Just a suggestion though- ask for something for pain stronger than tylenol/advil( you probably won't need it but you'll have it if you do). Kathleen

Vivian M said...

Best wishes for a speedy recovery for your little one!

Anonymous said...

I just finished reading through all your past posts to date (I started last night when my 13 month-old son was in bed and got the time to finish the remaining posts tonight). If your blog was a book I would not have been able to put it down!

You do a great job of showing the positive and fun side of having a large family (despite the hard work), but after reading your blog I don't think I will be anymore kids! Well... maybe one more, as long as I don't let my partner read your blog that is ;)

You are a wonder woman and I am telling all my friends about your blog. :)

(Melbourne, Australia)

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful looking family, my prayers go out to the little guy today and hope for a speedy recovery!
Yesterday I was looking at the cook book and debating should I get it or not. I always by cook books but once I get them they have like a zillion ingredients, anything over 5 I makes.. But if someone makes my list for me in advance, I can handle that.. I will now have to try it!
You truely are a very talented writer! I know you said in your interview that you are not funny that your kids just do funny things, but it does take a VERY talented person to take those thing in put them into words! Keep up the GREAT writing! I look so forward every morning to reading it! Which reminds me, what will I do tomorrow?

Anonymous said...

Warm fuzzies for you and your son! I have a friend whose son had his done, and it's made a world of difference! Good luck!

Anonymous said...

That is so nice of those vendors to send you and your kids those items! I was looking at Raina's Designs the other day from the link you have and I fell in love. If only I could afford some of her stuff! Your girls are so cute!

Hope your little man's surgery goes smoothly. I wish him a speedy and comfortable recovery!

Anonymous said...

Your son is in our prayers for a smooth surgery and easy recovery! Keep us all posted (I know you will) :) Have a blessed Wed!

Anonymous said...

There's a place in Arkansas called Toadsuck. That'd make a good name, don'tcha think?? It's around Hooker, I believe.

Anonymous said...

Hi! I just read your pokemon card ebay listing (I'm in the UK, I found the link on a forum, and have since posted it on another!) It had me in stitches, I think I'll be checking your blog too as you have such a fab way of writing :)

A couple of things I wanted to say/ask:
1, I know how you feel being constantly asked if all 6 are yours, I'm the eldest of 6 and my mum had the same questions!
2, you sound like a wonderful mum and deal with the stresses of so many kids in such a nice, fun way (the humour and sarcasm is great - I wish my parents had been more like that)
3, have u ever thought about online grocery shopping? ;)
4, did you really receive the final bid of $142 for the cards? Wow! if you did!

Best wishes, Emily.

Anonymous said...

Love the Fish dinner! Good luck with the surgery!

Anonymous said...

I hope all goes well for your little boy today! :)

I'm sure you'll somehow make your day in the hospital into a hilarious story!

I'm counting on it. :)

Terry said...

Much luck to you and yours with your son's operation.


Anonymous said...

I hope that your son's surgery is quick & uneventful tomorrow. My godson had the same surgery last year, and it worked like a charm. Even his speech made huge leaps in a matter of a week (pronounciation became terrific!) Anyway, I wish you the best and I'll say a quick prayer for you and your family right now...

Anonymous said...

Good luck thing will be just fine..

Rusheika said...

Prayers for your little one. Thank you so much for letting us see a little bit of your life... when I read your blog I think "wow, our experiences are quite similar" but it wasn't until I started reading your blog that I started to appreciate every aspect of being a SAHM.. I have started to see the funnier lighter side of the times the kids are driving me bananas! I guess it's not so bad if they are bathing themselves with yogurt or letting the plastic fish "swim" in the toilet!

Gods blessings on you and your family!

Unknown said...

Dawn- you are too funny! I adore your style of writing and eagerly check your blog daily! Best of luck with your little one at the hospital!
Take care!

4D said...

Lovely pressies!

Good luck with the operation. Never easy. Hugs to you all.

Keep smilin!

Tracy said...

I've been through 5 tubes in ears surgeries and 2 adnoids removed, tubes put in surgeries. And I only have TWO kids!! I've never done tonsils though.

I'll say a prayer for the little guy!! I hope the surgery goes well.

Anonymous said...

praying for your son. may he have a quick and easy recovery.

Anonymous said...

Our prayers for you and your son will be with you tomorrow. Thanks for using your talen and sharing your family with us!

Anonymous said...

Long time listener, first time caller. Love your work, it is a bright spot in my usually drab workday. I will be praying for your son, and I hope everything goes well for yall. Looking forward to reading your book/s. You're an inspiration to many; keep on keep'n on!

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love your blog!!!! I heard your interview on Star 102.5 in Des Moines, IA and I came to work to pull up your blog. You are so funny. Thank you for bringing a little bit of sanity to my day. Somedays I think my husband and I are gong crazy with our 2 year old son and his newly found independence. Thanks again!!!!

Mom of 4 said...

I love your blog! I make sure I read it every day. I recently started a blog of my own & I am really enjoying it. I have always loved to write but with 4 kids "fun stuff for me" always gets pushed aside. Thanks for making my day!

Good luck at the hospital.


BrainLint said...

OK, I've only been reading this blog for a few days now, but I love, love, love it. Can't believe you have 3 times as many kids as me! Here's a 'Can't believe I said that' I said yesterday.

Please let me wipe your butt.

Go figure.

Funny Mommy & Daddy T Shirts and Gifts

Jennifer said...

I hope the surgery goes smooth for your little one today. I look forward to reading your post tomorrow!

I can totally relate to your stories. I only have 1 child but I used to run a daycare with 8 kids at a time in my home. They were my kids for 8 hours a day =)FUN!

veritalia said...

This spring my two year old boy had his second set of tubes put in and his adenoids taken out. It has made a world of difference in our lives. I hope you guys have the same luck we did!

Matchbox Mom said...

noooo...Thank You...honestly.
Good luck at the hospital! I'm sure it will all be fine! I'm sure you know that too! You are an amazing woman, and I wish I could be more like you! Thank You again.

Rhonda said...

I hope the surgery goes well! I have to tell you I have been checking in every so often lately did not realize until now that you were also from the Northwest Suburbs!!! I get the Daily Herald delivered! :)

Anonymous said...

I love, love, love to read your blog each day. Gotta love big families (I am from a family of 7 children and have four of my own plus 3 grandchildren now). My mom was a crazy lady trying to deal with a bunch of wild ones....usually just locked, er sent us outside and hoped one less would come home.

PS....love a man that can have fun like a child.

Pattie said...

i cant believe it theres only seven commets so far and boy do i feel lucky to be able to be number 8 I love your blog and i read it every day its so much like my family crazyness but you have a way of writing it..Thank You.
and i am sure things will go fine tomorrow and i look forward to reading your posts.

Tracy.H said...

Good luck with the surgery tomorrow...you and the little one ;0)

We all love your blog up here in Canada too!! Thanks for the daily laugh ;0)

Pattie said...

I just checked out Daily Harold what a cute family including you you look like you would be a fun friend to have around..

laurac19 said...

I will say some prayers for your son...

My daughter had her adenoids and tonsils removed and I can't begin to tell you how much better she did following the surgery. It was remarkable and well worth it.

I wanted to tell you how much I've enjoyed your blog! Thanks for sharing your stories and making me smile... it's nice to know my children aren't the only ones who allow food to fossilize in their rooms!


Anonymous said...

Good luck with your little boy's surgery. We've been through it in this house too.

Love your blog. You are hilarious!

Karen said...

We'll keep you in our prayers tomorrow as he goes for surgery. We've turned it into a yearly event at our house but it's still not as fun as Disney would be.

Katherine said...

I'll be thinking of you! My youngest had tubes -- it made a huge difference.

He also had to be circumcised when he was 6--boy was he scared of what he'd see when the bandages came off even though we'd explained exactly what was being done!

hpalleiko said...

Good luck to your little one. I know so many people who have had that surgery. Everyone came through with flying colors.

Just want to take a moment to say I LOVE your blog. My lovely peaceful child-free shower was interuppted this morning when my 3 1/2 year old excitedly came careening into my bedroom screaming something. Here I am getting slightly concerned only to discover that one of our cats was sniffing the other cat's butt.

They make me so proud! Snort.

Keep writing!

Summer said...

I just read your blog again and I wanted to wish you all the best with your son. I know it's stressful with one down and the rest are well, but just remember that he will make a quick and full recovery. Anyway so good luck and well wishes your way.

peacekeeper said...

I have been reading for a while but never commenting...I just wanted to let you know that your family will be in our prayers. Good luck to you and your little one...and those at home that will be missing mom. May everything go smoothly and successful. :)

Anonymous said...

My son had the same surgery almost a year ago~~now he's a whole different child! Well, give or take a few tantrums, but he's so much more agreeable because he can HEAR and SWALLOW FOOD and generally just feels better!

I have two boys ages 6 & 14 (which gives me the equivilent of two 10 yr olds) and they fight like crazy! I also do child care for a 7 & 13 month old. I can see so many similarities between my days and yours~~I wish you lived next door to me, we'd have fun swapping kids, errands, stories and possibly a beer. Oh, and from the pic of your hubby on that pogo stick~~our men would get along fine too!

Sending all the best of luck to your little man for his surgery! I love your writing style and look forward to taking a peek into your life every morning (via your blog, of course!)

Leslie in California

T with Honey said...

I'm starting to believe that some of the best daddies out there really are children at heart. It can be a little trying for the mommies, but the kids love it.

Anonymous said...

Good luck to your little one! I'm sure everything will go fine.

And by the way- are you planning on having more children?

sue said...

Good thoughts for your little one!

Blythe said...


I love reading your blog, I read daily. I can SO relate to all of it. My kids are interesting to say the least.. yesterday, I found out if you heat it long enough in the microwave (mondo microwave), pizza is flammable lol.

I hope your little guy's surgery goes smoothly and you have something fun to share with us!

Unknown said...

What a beautiful dress! Man, I wish I could sew like that.

Your daughter looks cute as all get out in the t-shirt and tutu. She's ready for her picture Mr. DeMille.

Prayers go with you and your son to the hospital.

Anonymous said...

i haven't commented before but i have to tell you how much i enjoy your blog!!! you're so funny and down to earth and that's much appreciated.

i hope your little one does well with his tonsils & adenoids!

Hoffman Family said...

Hope surgery goes well and brings a funny story.

I think you are amazing.

Anonymous said...

Praying that all goes well with the surgery! Hang in there mom!

Anonymous said...

Dawn -God bless you. Just think of the Hundreds who are praying for you all, and esp for the operation Junior

Ellen said...

I hope the surgery goes well. Our two-year old has had two sets of tubes so far. The hospital was very nice though. The second time they had a couple of wagons available so parents could wheel their restless kids around the hallways during the long wait between arriving and actually going into surgery. It made the morning so much easier!

Anonymous said...

Best of luck for your little one's surgery. I'll pray for you guys. Wanted to thank you for your blog. I look forward to reading it. Its great to see someone take the daily motherhood drama / lifestyle and shed some positive attention to it. Take care and best wishes!

Donna G said...

Just wanted to wish you all the very best for surgery and recovery. We just went through this with our son a month ago. Hope it all goes well!

Anonymous said...

You and the little man are in my thoughts..... and thanks for putting a smile on my face everyday.

Leayellowrose said...

Hey, Miss Dawn!
Thinking about you and your little man today!!! Lots of funny stories at the hospital, believe me!!!
hugs and prayers from Fort Worth!

(www.carepages.com juliansworld)

Angi said...

Hope the surgery went well! Congrats on the book!

NadineDiwanyFit said...

Poor baby!! Good luck tomorrow!! Hugs

Angela said...

I will pray for your little one. my husband, my son and I read your blog often and it reminds me all too much of my life (except I work at a daycare I dont have to live with all of them). We want 5 kids so your tips come in handy.

Anonymous said...

And I thought I was the only one who replaced her sewing machine, needle and thread with the hot glue gun ....

Blessings to you little one for a speedy recovery.


ps did you know hot glue sticks come in colors now? I can now 'embroider' with them.

Keekee said...

You little man will be in my prayers! I hope he recovers well from his surgery!

I LOVE your blog and your stories. I have been following ever since someone sent me the link to your auction several weeks ago. While I only have HALF the kids you do I can relate SO well! I too have a list of things I tell the kids every time we go somewhere. No running, no jumping, no yelling, no screaming, no hitting, pinching, punching, skipping, hopping, twirling, etc etc etc.... LOL and EVERYtime I rattle off my list of nots I immediately get WE KNOW MOM! LOL IF you KNOW then why do I have to remind you of the list EVERYtime we are in the store. HMMM Anyways! I just wanted to say Hi and thank you for sharing your life with us to make us other moms know that we are NOT alone!


Vanessa said...

I'll be saying a prayer for you and your son, that all goes well with his surgery. :)

Anonymous said...

I love reading your posts! Although I am now 41 and have a 17 yr old, I can relate! I grew up in a home where there were 5 children, born in 5 1/2 years. And no....there were no twins! My siblings and I really gave my mom the gray hair that she now has.

You have been gifted with a wonderful sense of humor, which is what is needed to raise children.

Your little one is in my prayers for the upcoming surgery. I can't wait for the funny stories that you will have after this event!

Lori_N said...

#2 son had his adenoids and a second set of tubes in too. His throat really bothered him, but recovered very well. It's been almost two years and Matthew can hear so much better and doesn't have ear infections anymore. You'll have a totally new kid.

Slatsette said...

I'll be praying for the surgery to go perfectly, and that his recovery is very rapid!


QuantumJourno said...

Dear Funny Mom, I finally found someone who is not whiny and has a sense of humor about raising her kids. Bravo! I had to once travel across three continents with an older Indian relative of my hubby's and let me tell ya, it was like your trip to the grocery store with your kids, only mine lasted 24 hours!


Keep Going!
Priyanka Joshi

Anonymous said...

I stand in awe of you! I have 2 boys 14 and 4 (40th birthday surprise for my hubby!)and they drive me nuts. I thought they would play nicely having such a big age gap - Oh no!, I don't think they could annoy each other more than they do. I'm still trying to get used to the idea of choosing my battles. Seems like I'm dragged into all of them at the moment - but it does help to have a sense of humour and your life stories to remind me how easy I have it in comparison
Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Good luck to your little one and his surgery! I just started reading your blog and my wife thinks I am silly for reading a Mom's blog. But, I just can't seem to get enough. I can relate to your stories about your husband, as he sounds very similar to me. I forget everything, and tend to play with all of my sons toys (a little too much) according to my wife. Keep up the good work!

ummmhello said...

I love, love, LOVE your blog. It makes me laugh out loud and sometimes it makes me wonder if we'd have been more "normal" if we hadn't had kids. Nah. We'd just be boring then!

Carla said...

I so love coming here even though I can hardly get a comment in to save my life! :) You are just such a fun read and I am excited about your future success! I will pray for you lil boys surgery.

Anonymous said...

Hot Glue and Duct tape sounds familiar but you forgot about doing hems with staples... That is how I hemmed my living room drapes... dug out my trusty little desktop stapler...But the big one is I used a staple gun to hang them up.... I didn't have any curtain rods and I wanted those curtains hung, come "heck or high water".
Louise in Alberta, Canada

Miss Hannah said...

I'll be praying for your little boy. your kids sound so awesome! makes me wanna go over there and do all that crazy stuff with them! I love reading your blog, it is so cool! My mom always gets the biggest kick out of it too =]]
you sound like a totally awesome down to earth mom.


Anonymous said...

Hi Dawn,
Check out Peter Bowerman’s The Well Fed Self-Publisher, describing the entire self-pub process. Not just vanity anymore! Publishers still make you do lots of promo work – so why not keep the profits yourself? Just a thought...
Best wishes!


Supplanter64 said...

More great stuff Dawn! You are blessed with an entertaining family, much like many families I imagine. You capture the good feelings we have about our own families so well in your writing and that's why we love to read your writing. It is so powerful because it is filled with love. It's got to be, especially when:

I caught my 3 year old punching holes in the wall with small metal toy jet that his big brother should have put away after he was done with it. I told my wife that it was a good thing God made kids cute, else they wouldn't have a chance.

A friend of mine tells the story when he was five and he and his cousin carefully finger painted every square inch of the interior of his mother's car with mud... thick, sticky, brown, clay mud. His mother was so overwhelmed when she saw her car, she couldn't speak for hours. He said it was one of the few times he didn't get punished for being... a kid.

It is times like these when you can cry or laugh. Like you've said many times, it's better to laugh, the memory is so much better.

BTW, The newspaper article mentioned your church in Schaumburg. Several years back when I was single and free ... :pause: ... :sigh: ... ok, I'll leave the humor to you, I used travel to Arlington Heights for work. I've been in Schaumburg several times. It's a nice area. I don't like traveling any more. I'm glad I can be at home every night with my wife and kids.

Unknown said...

Good luck and prayers for your son tomorrow. I'll look for your update on Thursday!

Kim H. said...


We'll be praying for your little one tomorrow - regardless of how "minor" we Moms worry. Know you've got lots of prayer warriors out there.

Thanks for the smiles - in this month of "overwhelmies" (back to school) I'm so grateful to have your blogspot to make me laugh.

All the best to you and the fam!

Anonymous said...

Mmm...Nemo good...

Dawn, if you end up with a 7th child and feel disgusted, there is always Hell, Michigan, to inspire the next name. :) ;)

Anonymous said...

We will be praying for you and your son. Our son has spent way to many days in the hospital this year. Hopefully your little guy will be out quick with no trouble.

Anonymous said...

I hope all goes well with the op tommorow with a son that has been through 7 ops in 5 years I know the strain and worry it can cause any parent...I am glad to kow I am not the only one with a big kid in tow (he is 33)


Waitingonyou2 said...

Prayers and happy thoughts for you and your little boy!

I've had that surgery myself and cared for my stepson after he had it as a toddler.

:- )

Anonymous said...

Good Luck at the hospital tomorrow. BTW I LOVE your blog!!! Can't wait for the book to come out. Oh and I've got my husband hooked on you too!

Melissa said...

Hope the surgery went well! I remember when my little brother had the same surgery, but that was 23 yrs ago. My husband had his tonsils out when I first met him - he was 21 yrs old at the time. He was a piece of work during his recovery period (I did feel for him, but if you think it's bad when your hubby has a cold...). Your son will probably do much better :)

B Butler said...

Take Care and Good Thoughts to you and your son. You've made me laugh out loud these last few days since I found you online. Thank you! May I add to your list of things I never thought I'd say "Stop drinking milk, put down the book and GO PLAY POKER!" Said in a fit of trying to make my child socialize...May your son request earplugs because of the loud laughter from the nurses...

Anonymous said...

One of mine had the same surgery last year at age 2 and did fine - expect a bit of recovery, though. Prayers to all of you!

Anonymous said...

hugs and kisses for your little one and a big cup of coffee and a hug for you. praying that all goes well.

thanks so much for your blog. I look forward to it everyday.

Anonymous said...

Hi Dawn
We all know because you are a mother who loves her children that tomorrow will be a nerve racking experience and you will have to spend time away from those others who are also very dear to you.
You have opened your life to us all and you should know that everyone will be routing for you and your family.
God bless and keep you all safe and may your inner strength help you in times of doubt.

Anonymous said...

hahahaha, the picture of your husband is hilarious!! hahahaha.

SARAH said...

praying for you & your boy for COMPLETE healing of those ears of his.
we may have crazy lives, but we have an AWESOME God!

I pray rest & peace over you and he.

Anonymous said...

OH MY! My 40 year old did the EXACT same thing this summer but I didn't get a picture...because 1. the camera was in the house and 2. He had a misstep on the way down and when I was running back out with the camera it didn't seem appropiate to take a picture of him writhing on the ground clutching and 3. it's hard to get a clear picture when your laughing so hard snot comes out your nose. He'll be thrill when I show him your big kid though...

Unknown said...

Dawn, prayers and thoughts for your little boy's surgery. My son had the same procedure, and it was the best thing we've ever done in our lives! I think you will be pleased with the results! Don't forget to eat at the hospital!

hugs! ~Dawn

lebnanyi said...

My prayers are with your son for a safe and successful surgery and a speedy recovery.

Thank you for making me kill myself laughing. I don't have kids, though I want them, even with your tales, which are certainly a good form of contraception!

~K said...

Awww, I'll pray. =)

D'you mean Clayton, NY? I've been up there and it's gorgeous.

Wow, those dresses are fantastic! I wish I could sew like that.:p

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

All my rugrats have had their tonsils, adenoids, appendixes, brains removed... they're fine.

Hope your little guy gets through it just as well as mine did!

epiac1216 said...

Hello Dawn:

I just read the Daily Herald's article about you as the "Super Mom" and her "Super Kids". I enjoyed the article, even though most of the information there was familiar to me. I've read everything I can get on hands pertaining to you and your large family.

We don't have any kids, but reading your blog, gives my wife and me the opportunity to share a family with you and your readers.

It's a rewarding experience reading about the funny things kids do.

We're anxiously waiting for your book in the Republic of Panama in Central America.

God Bless,

Omar and Aura

Anonymous said...

i just wanted to say i so love your ebay story and your blog! you have a new faithful reader! just wanted to say good luck to your little boy! thanks for the laughs and keep on writing;)

roseys madhouse said...

Good luck with your hospital trip. My son had his adnoids and tonsils out just before his third birthday and he is 9 this year and what a difference it made to his sleeping. I no longer listened to make sure he was still breathing, when he snored and he stopped breathing quite often. I was amazed at how quickly after he got home and his throat settled down how well he recovered and I slept so much better. His speech improved tooo he went through 3 sets of grommets ( Australian term for tubes).
Looking forward to your hospital story.
P.S Love the story in the paper too by the way

Anonymous said...

there is seriously a city named Bob?? that is awesome.
good luck with surgery. i had tubes put in my ears when i was 3 and one didn't fall out so the doctor had to pulled it out and when he did he ripped a big hole in my eardrum leaving me deaf in that ear for a few years until i got a replacement. but i'm sure that won't happen with your son. :)

Anonymous said...

Good luck to you and your little one!

And THANK YOU for the tip on the Family Meal Planner. I've been trying to figure out what to get my great friend for her birthday - this will be awesome, especially since she mentions often how she just doesn't have time to cook with her little one - AND baby #2 is due shortly after her birthday. Hopefully she'll find this a useful gift :-)

Anonymous said...

May I reprint your work in our free MOPS newsletters? I'll give you full credit of course. Hope the surgery went smoothly!
Mel in Missouri

Lindsey said...

Good luck to the little guy. I have been reading your blog since the infamous Pokemon Cards. I have 4 myself and when I read your stories it makes me happy to know I am not alone with the crazies my kids come up with! Thanks for the laughs and enjoy your mini vacation at the hospital, 1 kid yeah!
Lindsey from CA

Ahnie said...

For your son, when you get a chance: find a copy of "17 Things I'm Not Allowed to Do Any More," by Jenny Offill. I know, I know, sounds dangerous, and it IS - but you will laugh so hard it will be worth it. Our whole family adores this book, and yours will, too.
Best wishes for tomorrow.

Val Cox said...

nice article, loved the photos. 'Bob, Louisiana', who would have guessed it? Good luck tomorrow! Val

Stella Dean said...

I've been a regular reader ever since the Ebay incident. I didn't see the ad, but I got a boatload of traffic and my stats said it all came from your site so go figure.

Anyway, I wanted to say good luck with the tubes and doctors. I'll be thinking good thoughts for you.

Anonymous said...

Just want to say hi and how much I enjoy reading your log. It's nice (in a way) to see others out there going through what us moms do.

Anonymous said...

To be honest, I'm too chicken to leave any comments on your blog. But, I guess I'll say (for once) that I really enjoy reading your weblog even though I'm just an almost-seventeen-year-old schoolboy. Something about it makes me reminisce about my lost childhood and makes me want to live out what time I have left before I blink and have OMGchildren. If you're writing a book, I'll totally try and buy it. :D

Good luck, and make sure nothing's burning.

Anonymous said...

I am new to your blog since someone e-mailed your hilarious ebay posting. Love your writing, and can empathize with all (even though I only have 1/3 of the kids that you have). Good luck with your little guy in the hospital. Thanks for the nice breaks in my day, reading your posts.

Anonymous said...

I hope all goes well with your son tomorrow. My daughter had her tonsils and adenoids out last summer and you wouldn't have know it, she was bouncing around the house on tylenol with codeine the same day.

Putting the FUN in DysFUNctional said...

My son has had the same surgery. He did fine and he's 14 now although I can't quite figure out how THAT happened. I hope your little one does just fine! I am yet another big fan of yours, love your writing!

Mrs. Ranucci said...

Just wanted to send my best wishes to your son and you as well.

Annalea said...

I grew up near Clayton, CA. I've also seen towns named George (WA), and Hell (TX).

But, just in case you need more fodder for your next six kids (wink), here's a great site I found:


Best of luck, to you and your son, in the hospital!

Kahlan said...

Good luck tomorrow. I'll be thinking of you and hoping everything goes nice and smoothly!

A Frayed Knot said...

Awesome. Love the blog. Your 40 year old child would get along famously with my 47 year old child. Reading your blog is just like having coffee with a friend, and I only have two other blogger friends that give me that boost and I've known both for 10+ years. "Having coffee with you" is like spending time with an old friend. Not that you're old. Or that I'm old. Neither of us is old. Did I mention I love the color scheme on your blog?

Laura ~Peach~ said...

prayers for you and yours, surgery should be completed now and hopefully you are both resting
Love n hugs

maggiebsmocks said...

Just checking in to see if you posted about your day at the hospital. It's never fun handing your baby over for surgery.
((hugs)) to all of you.

Sam said...

After several hospital stays, we finally figured out my youngest (3 at the time, now 4) needed to have tonsils and adnoids removed. It was the best thing we ever did! I will warn you though, for somone so cute and little, it caused her breath to stink a stink that no one should ever have to smell. I will keep our family in my prayers, best of luck over the next few days!

Rene said...

A night in the hospital! Oh wow, a mini vacation! My baby has congenital heart defects and the Pediatric heart floor is our second home. If he has even a simple procedure, I request a room for the night right away! Where else can I get away from my other kids, watch what I want to watch on television with no interruptions and sneak to the cafeteria ALONE while someone else watches the baby?? Why, a night at the hospital is a blessing around here! I could do without the serious surgeries he's had to endure...but an overnight...I can handle that!


Just your everyday average married momma... said...

Best of luck with the surgery! Hope your 40yo child won't need any after playing on that contraption!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, those outfits ARE adorable!

Anonymous said...


Hope all went well today. I lucked out with my four. We had ear infections, but the tubes were never recommended, so I didn't pursue. Hugs to both of you.

The outfits are darling. Your comment about sewing, hot glue and duct tape make me smile. It never stops. My 16 year old needed a tutu for girl scout camp, and here we were....one hour before we had to leave....hot glueing and duct taping rows of netting. It came out cute, but the stress nearly took me over the top. Luckily, there were m&ms in the pantry. They helped me cope...

Glad you took a day off. You should do it more often. Especially since you are writing the book.

My prayers to you and Mr. Courageous for a speedy recovery.

Anonymous said...

I started reading your blog a few days ago and I just wanted to wish you and your boy good luck and best wishes for tomorrow (or perhaps its today). I'm often in hospital with my 3 year old as he has bad asthma so I can understand how it feels.
Best wishes from Australia!!

Anonymous said...

will be praying that all goes well tomorrow. i had adenoids removed and lots and lots of tubes in and out of my ears when i was little. have no problems now as an adult. thanks for making me smile. take care and God bless! ; )

Anonymous said...

OK. You CRACK me up. I hope tomorrow goes well for you - my 3 year old had her tonsils and adenoids out last Thursday. My advice? Get the Phenergan RX up front... just in case.

Mrs said...

Praying for your little one!

Just read your names post. Everyone knows Tallahassee is for a lassie!

And Rancho Cucamonga is a beautiful place!

Pieces of me said...

Sending prayers up for your little ones and your whole family. Hoe it is a quick uneventful surgery and an even speedier recovery.
Thank you for always making me laugh!

Anonymous said...

I just want you to know that everytime I read your blog I feel sooooo happy. It puts a huge smile on my face. Bless your heart, and best wishes for you and your family!!


Axle said...

You're a huge inspiration for me and my goals of humor writing. I really like the blog even though I feel like your only fan that's not a mother. Keep doing what you're doing and I'll pray for your son.

Alto2 said...

Two of my three boys have had tonsils and adenoids out; no tubes though. If you haven't been through this before, keep in mind the first 7 days post-op are the worst, then things improve rapidly from there. Despite anything you've ever heard in a Bill Cosby routine, ice cream is really not appealing to tonsillectomy patients. Jell-O is a better choice, and perhaps an Icee pop. Keep the boy medicated on Tylenol and Advil to keep the pain down. Stock up on straws to make drinking easier, b/c staying hydrated is also important.

Like you didn't know all this already.

Alice Perryman said...

I just saw your ebay auction from last month. I laughed until I cried. I agree that you should definitely write a book! I will be in line to buy it.

Anonymous said...


This one is for everyone who ...
a) has kids,
b) had kids,
c) was a kid,
d) knows a kid
e) is going to have kids

I was packing for my business trip and my three year old daughter
was having a wonderful time playing on the bed. At one point she said,
"Daddy, look at this," and stuck out two of her fingers.

Trying to keep her entertained, I reached out and stuck her tiny
in my mouth and said, "Daddy's gonna eat your fingers," pretending to
eat them. I went back to packing, looked up again and my daughter was
standing on the bed staring at her fingers with a devastated look on
her face.

I said, "What's wrong, honey?"

She replied, "What happened to my booger?"


Amanda said...

Good luck with the surgery! Will be thinking of you tomorrow! Take lots of chocolate to ease your mind!

Kristina said...

I am in awe at God's faithfullness to you and your family! 6 children are a handful, but also a great blessing!
I personally praise God for your unique sense of humor!Nights like tonight where my worries are doing overtime I am grateful for it! Please keep writing you help in more ways than you know!
Prayers going up for your son!

BlondeBlogger said...

Hi Dawn, from another Dawn! I found out about your blog after the news story on you ran.

Good luck with the surgery tomorrow. My youngest two had ear tubes and that part of it was a breeze. I wish I had some words to offer on the other parts, but I haven't been in your shoes as far as adenoids and tonsils go.

Wishing you and your son well!

Anonymous said...

I just discovered your blog. You truly have a gift... Thanks for sharing it!

Julie said...

Best wishes for a quick recovery for your son. My daughter loved the cherry popcicles. :)

Elizabeth F. said...

Nice perks of blogging, huh? I love the tutu with the move over Cinderella shirt! So adorable!

Stacey said...

*HUGS* for you little one.

Those are darling outfits!

Love the fish pic! :)

Anonymous said...

I hope your son's surgery went well. I really enjoy reading your blog, I only have 2 kids but still relate to a lot of what you say. Thanks for giving me something to laugh about at the end of the day!

Wendy said...

I hope that everything went smoothly with your son's surgery and that he's up to his usual antics in no time!

Stacey said...

Good Luck with the surgery.
Love reading your blog.
Thank You.

Shauna said...

I'm blanking on the age of your little boy, but my son had this surgery when he was four. We had to stay the night as well and I'll just say that the stretcher (yes, little narrow wheely bed) that they gave me left a lot to be desired. And I was 8 1/2 months pregnant! But my little guy bounced back so quick and was eating my muffin the following morning!

Good luck and be brave. ;-)

Nancy said...

Good luck with your little ones surgery tomorrow. Will keep him (and you) in my thoughts and prayers.

Anonymous said...

you know how I heard of you. Yep, a link to your long closed E-bay auction/post. Linked here. Wanted to offer up best wishes and prayers for your littlest guy for quick recovery.

Katja said...

Thinking of your son, and you and your family!

Thank you so much for your fantastic blog - it's really added an extra dimension to my life. I only have a three yo and a 9month old, but it's enough for me!

Anonymous said...

I hope your son's surgery went well and he's doing well.
I have to tell you, I've been checking into your blog almost daily since your eBay auction, and the pic at the top, "Mmmmm chocolate good" is HYSTERICAL and ADORABLE! I just never get tired of looking at it. It cracks me up on multiple levels.
I'm guessing that it's Brooklyn, based on the "Omega-3 fish" pic. You have beautiful kids!
On top of being a great writer you also take fab pictures!

jeanie said...

Good luck tomorrow - and thanks for giving us the smiles at your days.

Anonymous said...

I was just forwarded your Pokemon/E-bay fiasco...And I don't think I've laughed that hard in weeks!.I also have 6 children so I feel your pain...lol I've subscribed to your blog maybe because its nice to know that finally someone out there really understands what sheer fun raising 6 kids is all about or maybe because im a glutton for punishment...?

Anonymous said...

I have a forty-one year old child, I mean husband, who also pogo sticks. Last Christmas he had to buy an extreme pogo stick for our 12 year old. See here: http://www.flybar.com/pages/home.html Anyway, our 12 year old quickly learned to jump on it with no hands. But decided he wanted to sell it to buy drums. So what does my DH do? He BUYS it for 100 dollars from our son! Then he goes outside and on his first jump ever, decides to try it with no hands. It was so funny watching DH explain to the ER doctor what he did. It is indeed a FLYbar. DH flew one way and the pogo stick flew the other way. He got a broken wrist, the poor dear. I wish I had taken a picture. All that to say, tell your DH that pogo sticking can be very dangerous. :) Heather

Rebecca said...

The dress & tutu with shirt are soo pretty. If you do find 10 extra hours in the day be sure to fill us all in on the secret. ;)

byLGD Glass Jewelry said...


Your blog is just fantastic. It's so uplifting and energetic to all of us who need a fun break in the day. Thank you for providing that...I'm very thankful. Have a great day!

Laurie Eller

Anonymous said...

My two didn't go through the tubes but I believe one has no tonsils. I will keep your little man in my prayers and I really don't know about the house being quieter than the hospital. I hope you get plenty of rest. More of my prayers are for you to get home without having a pile of clothes in the middle of the family room and a pile of dishes in the kitchen. Dads generally are lazy when MOM isn't home.
Thank you for your writings and your valuable, precious time!!
Gregory in Texas

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