Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Bill Cosby Would Feed his Child THIS Breakfast

So ABC was over this morning from about 7:30 until 12:30. They took a break for lunch and came back to film a little more from 4:00 to 5:00. The camera crew told me to make sure and write something good about them tonight, so I have to say thank you to Bob and Rene. You guys were great! And I hardly noticed your huge cameras, microphones and equipment following me around all day. ;) I am a little disappointed they didn't leave their really cool lights though. They set up these giant lights around my house so it didn't look like I live in a cave. These things were neat! (Did I really just write the word "neat"?) They didn't look like floodlights. They made my house look like I had a skylight in each room. Very bright and sunny!

Let's see, my kids spilled hermit crab food, Cheerios, water, and some more Cheerios all before 10:00. I think the camera crew pretty much just filmed me vacuuming all day. Then, stellar parent that I am, I fed Clayton chocolate pudding for breakfast. You know, because he had a tonsillectomy. He has to eat soft food. Pudding is soft. Of course, it never occurred to me that I could've made him scrambled eggs. Or pancakes. I could have given him applesauce or cheese. Something with some modicum of nutritive value. But noooo, I gave him chocolate pudding. In front of the cameras. The cameras videotaping my every move for America to see. I didn't even use Bill Cosby-like reasoning either. "Pudding has milk. Milk is good. Pudding for breakfast!" Nope, that thought didn't even cross my mind. :::shaking my head at myself:::

The woman who interviewed me, Barbara Pinto, was super nice. She even sat on the floor and played "animals" with Clay. She was very friendly and easy to talk to. She asked me wonderful questions. I answered her like a dork. Seriously. I really did. I'm not sure why. I'm really not nervous in front of cameras. It didn't freak me out that they were at my house filming, yet somehow my brain stopped functioning properly and I stuttered and repeated myself and sounded all around stupid. As Murphy's Law would have it, I thought of brilliant things to say. After she left. I kept thinking of clever retorts, and meaningful dialog. After she left. I felt like begging her to come back so I could have a "do-over"! Oh well. It probably wasn't as bad as I think it was and hopefully some genius at ABC will edit out all my stupidness and make me look articulate on t.v.

Oh yeah, and not to leave out the producer, Andy, he was great too. In fact he got to play babysitter to Brooklyn while the camera crew got a few more shots of Barbara and me. Brooklyn wasn't even crying when we got done and Brooklyn cries for everyone!

I don't know when this is going to air, but I will certainly let you guys know as soon as I find out! Even if I end up looking like a dork, it was still a really fun experience and I'm thankful for the opportunity to look like a dork on national television.

Something I didn't say (because, of course, I thought of it after they left) is that I believe so many moms can relate to me because I'm just an ordinary person. I'm an ordinary mom doing ordinary things and I have ordinary kids who act like kids, not like little robot adults. It's nice to see someone else doing the same things/going through the same things that you are. It's depressing trying to live up to that "Perfect Mom" image. You know the type of mom who showers. Every day! The kind of mom who always has on nice clothing, make-up, and actual hair care products. The kind of mom whose children are clean and dressed to the nines. The sort of mom who has a floor so clean you can eat off it, not the kind of mom who has a floor you can eat off of simply because there are so many crumbs on it. You know, the kind of mom who doesn't feed their kid chocolate pudding for breakfast on national t.v. Instead of trying to live up to Perfect Mom, it's much more comforting to know you're not alone in your quest to both love your kids, and to make it through the day without breaking down, curling up into a fetal position and rocking back and forth.


Anonymous said...

congrats on national TV. can't wait to see your carpet!
i have been following your blog since the ebay thing, and never thought i'd comment but there are 0 comments so far so what the hell?! you're an absolutely fabulous writer.

i expect i'll date myself by calling you the erma bombeck of the millenium but i thought it the moment i read your blog.

good luck with all you do and i look forward to your book(s)!

-samantha in oregon

Anonymous said...

I'm sure you did great! I can't wait to see it! You are right! One of the things I love about reading your blog is that I can relate to you and I only have one kid with another on the way!

leslie said...

Oh dawn...I just about pee my pants every time I read your blog, but tonight you have me on the verge of tears for another reason. Thank you for being so "ordinary" and thank you for celebrating motherhood instead of mourning it. Now I'm off to clean up my own version of a playdoh infested couch. Muah!

Anonymous said...

I'm so proud that YOU get to represent all of us regular moms doing our regular job every day.

Thank you!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your filming today. Love your style of writing and mommying! I have 3 under 5 and it helps to know the noise and chaos and mess is really just part of the job, not me being inadequate/inept 95% of the time.

Someone might have already shared this but you should check out Marie Bellet's music - she's a mother of nine. Her music is real and soulful and very much about being a mother. My husband gave me her CDs and my kids and I really enjoy them. She's soothing and reassuring.

Not sure why (OK other than the obvious more than 2 kids' connection), but in my mind I connected you two and thought you might really get her music.
Have a restful evening,

Ryan said...

thank you for always making me laugh

Can't wait to see you on tv & stand in line to get your book ;)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for being ordinary just like so many of us. Why do we feel like we have to be the "perfect" mom? All I know is I'm proud that you are representing us stay at home moms "changing lives one diaper at a time". Thanks.


Pickel said...

Oh, fudge...thanks for reminding me. I have a liquid diet tomorrow. Does Chocolate pudding count?

Tune in Thursday, or Friday, when I get my Arse moving after my 1st COLONoscopy. UGH.

Pickel said...

P.S....still in awe, no matter how many times you vacuum.

Jen said...

Preach on sister....glad to hear your floor is just as clean (or not so much) as mine!! :)

Betty said...

I actually think you're performing a public service by reminding people what it's like to have children. I've found that a lot of people in my age group (60's) have either forgotten or had "perfect" children. These are the people that roll their eyes when a child has a temper tantrum in the mall or fusses in a restaurant. My husband and I have never forgotten and we actually enjoy sitting next to the screaming child at the next table. I know that sounds sick, but for us it brings back memories. We watch the poor parents frantically trying to calm the child down and smile. Been there...done that. By the way, you were in the Houston Chronicle a week or so ago.

My Flock Rocks! said...

I am not a mother of six but I have a husband and an 8,000 sq ft house and do it all by myself!Kudo's to you! Thanks for the smiles!

Anonymous said...

I am sure you did fine...and that they will edit it even if you didn't :) Thanks for making me laugh every day and reminding me that even when I do have children it is ok to not be perfect!

Tammy B said...

yes, i have stopped rocking.
thank you.

Unknown said...

Dawn, I'm sure you did a wonderful job with the interview. But I would have found the cameras following around all day a little stressful, so kudos to you.

America is so fascinated my you because you are normal, but normal with a wicked sense of humor. That's the beauty of you, I'm guessing, since I don't really know you and all. Huh . . .

Anyway, drop by my blog, scroll down and check near the bottom of the righthand column, you have been awareded the "Wonder Woman" award.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you whole-heartedly on needing to see mom's that aren't "to the nines". If my kids ask for chocolate cake for breakfast I look at them and say "Have a glass of milk with that" lol! When you have more than two children you are extremely thankful for anything they can do themselves. Even if it is wearing their shirt backwards (like my 4 year old did today). My husband is out of town and the older two were late for the bus so I didn't care! Anyways, keep up the great work and the mom comradity!

Unknown said...

i love that you fead you son pudding on national tv you made me feel sooo much better for leting my son eat pudding for breakfast. at least you had a good reason to let him i just think sometime you go to let a kid have fun a whats more fun then pudding as a meal.

Kelly said...

you know, there is nothing wrong with pudding! giving the poor kid a treat after surgery - I'm pretty sure that gives you a gold star in the mom category (see, when you rationalize correctly it's all good!)

Michelle Kemper Brownlow said...

We are twins from different mothers, my friend!

I SOOO enjoy your blog!!

Thanks for being REAL!! That's what I love writing about - just the REAL stuff!


Corin said...

Hey hey hey now!!! I'm a real mom, and I'm clean and wearing hair care products! Does it matter that it's from TRYING to bathe my 4 small children?

They end up wrestling and bumping me until I'm covered in soap, shampoo and conditioner. All it takes is a good rinse and I'm done too! LOL

Jess Marie said...

You are an ordinary mom doing EXTRAORDINARY things! Raising the little ones God has entrusted to us is only ordinary by the world's standard, but in God's eyes it is a treasured job and worth more than rubies! :) Keep up the good work.

jenhirr said...

Your right! But that perfect mom image is just an image and it's certainly not the norm. I'm almost ashamed that it doesn't even bother me that yesterday my son threw up in my hair and instead of jumping in the shower I pulled my hair up, sprayed a bit of perfume and took my daughter to gymnastics. That's just life, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

Read about your blog in the paper and how popular you've become with the blogging crowd. I wish you and blogging had been around in the 60's when I was raising kids. Perhaps it will still come in handy when I have those weekends with the grandchildren. The lovely thing about that?! They go back to their parents and I go home to the white haired guy with the cute round belly. Keep up the humor and keep sharing.

Anonymous said...

A few years ago a lady passed on some words of wisdom to me. She said, "if you have children and your house is clean, then you are focusing and spending your time and energies on the wrong things." That is such a comfort to me as I am too busy looking at the cracker crumbs on the floor and step on the legos that my sons 'forgot' to pick up! Or maybe its an excuse----no, I think I will continue believing that it was one of the wisest things ever passed on.

But seriously,----those legos! They say that they are a choking hazard, but I'm more inclined to think they are devices of torture. They really hurt when stepped upon!

Anonymous said...

I have been reading your blog for a while now. It's my "laughing" fix before I go to bed each night! By the way...I live on the West coast so I read it at about 10:00 p.m. our time.

You have made me feel so normal knowing that it's impossible to keep a perfect house with any amount of kids! I have four, not six like you, and I struggle everyday. I gave up housecleaning and trying to keep up. My kids need me more than a perfect house!



Anonymous said...

Such a refreshing read this evening after I had one of those "rocking back & forth" mom days that is thankfully over!

Thanks for infusing humor into the insanity.


Dickson Family said...

I'm am very much looking forward to seeing the interview when it airs. I know you get tons of email and replies every day from your blog. I just wanted to let you know you have a great sense of humor (you remind me of me )and a fabulous writing ability, I'm envious of that. I hope that many great things come your way and i'm and hoping to see your book (when you write it) on the new york time best seller list and you make a butt load of money. The best part of the day is after my dd goes to bead and I get quite time to myself (yes,I have one child and I thought it was rough cause im a SAHM too ... but not after reading your blog.. lol) I get to read your blog and release pent up stress from the day by laughing ...

Thanks So Much !

Tarasview said...

You are absolutely right about the reason people enjoy reading your blog- you are a REAL mom! It is always wonderful to know you aren't the only one with crumbs on the floor. Plus you're hilarious.

Anonymous said...

What's make-up?? LOL

That's great, hope you can put up a link for your interview!


Anonymous said...

Dawn, please stop calling yourself a dork. YOU ARE NOT A DORK!

You are a lovely human being who is able to hold a mirror up to the rest of us and show us the best in ourselves.

Anonymous said...

Personally, I think of chocolate at the 5th food group. Just last week I fed my children left over birthday cake for breakfast. (Chocolate cake, the breakfast of champions!) Also, if they eat it for breakfast, it gives me an excuse to have some too ;-)
Thanks for your blog! I love to hear that I am not the only one to have washed a disposable diaper, found petrified food in my kids rooms, or under the seat in our van. I have my own "Spaz" who has very similar antics to your own.
Keep up the good work, can't wait to see you on T.V.!

Darla said...

Regarding the few mentions of Erma Bombeck...I had the same thought flash through my mind about halfway through your ebay posting that I just saw about 1 1/2 weeks ago! I barely remember her..was it articles in newspapers or magazines?..but she so clearly came to mind suddenly in the middle of your ebay posting! So refreshing! I've often lamented to my sisters and friends that it seems like SO many of my friends have these spotless, organized homes..that if you do the math and count up the minutes in a day that it takes to set up appointments, get to appointments (which for us with 5 kids is amazingly few), get to school functions, give baths, help with homework, make meals, read to the kids, resolve issues, just listen to how their days have gone in school and giving them guidance as needed, etc., etc., etc...there just AREN'T enough minutes, no matter how you add them up, to then on top of that eat, sleep, clean, organize, destain, patch up, shop, fashionize your home (and kids), to really do it all justice!!! I do notice, however, that the friends that I have that are so perfect in the fashion, cleanliness, and organizing sense, don't really have many toys for their kids and don't seem really so connected to their kids as they are to each other and their social lives! I have jokingly started a movement of, "Let's all just relax and let our houses truly be our homes, even, and especially when, our closest friends and family come by to visit so as to take the pressure of them when we come to visit at THEIR homes!" AND IT WORKS!!! I have a few friends and all of my sisters that if they're coming over to visit, I don't take the greatest pains to get the house spotlessly clean anymore, like I used to..my priority is to make sure there are places for them to sit and not too much rubble to distract our conversation and I've noticed that they, in turn have relaxed when I've come over and actually left dishes in the sink or have sticky spots here and there on the floor (we all have 4 or more young kids), and we are all a lot more comfortable having each other over! As a matter of fact, one day we popped in on my sister who had just had her 7th child because we happened to be in the area. She right away started explaining away, "Well, I hope you can just bless this mess..." and I just cut her off and raised my hand at her "mess" and said, "Fine, 'Mess, you're blessed!'" and asked if I can sit down and visit now. She just laughed and gave up on her explaining and told me later how much it helped not to feel embarassed about her house..she truly felt that we were there to see them, not their house! I think you said it all in your latest posting...you are just an ordinary mom, like we are, and make everyone else actually feel really good about being an ordinary mom, not embarassed to be! Thank you, thank you!
P.S. So sorry I am so long-winded with my postings but it's so refreshing to read that someone's ideas and philosiphies in life are so much like my own!

Becky said...

Don't be so hard on yourself, Dawn...you were everymom on NATIONAL T.V. for the first time! If you were too polished and practiced, your readership would begin to worry!

LOL about the pudding...I DO feed my son chocolate pudding for breakfast, but that's only when he happens to catch ME sneaking a couple of bites directly from the container and I'm forced to use it as 'hush money'. ;-)

Sarah said...

You mean we're not supposed to feed the kids pudding for breakfast. (seriously is it any less nutritious than Trix or Froot Loops)

Well I'm in trouble now.


Can't wait to see you on TV

O'Hana said...

I'm laughing so hard I'm near tears.... let me explain...

A few days ago my sister in law sends me this forward, now, I must be honest, I hate forwards....and I never open them. So, as usual, I disregard and erase it!

Around 1 am that morning she sends me a message on yahoo and tells me she's crying! Now, being the evil sister in law that I am, I think to myself "ooooooooooooh who did what?!?!?!" To which, she tells me she got half way through your blog about those pokemon cards.... and she had to stop reading she was laughing so hard, she was crying.

"alright" I tell myself, let's see what this is all about!

I go back to my mail box, go to the trash can, RE MOVE her email to inbox...and finally tonight, I start reading.

I get to the point where you talk about running around after your children having no feet, and I lose it! I start laughing so hard, the tears are just rolling down my face.

Now, keep in mind, I laugh pretty easily to begin with....but, I can only imagine what my roommate is thinking. Here, it's (well I'll be!) 1 am... I mean, what kind of college kid is asleep by 1 am anyhow? Pah-lease!) I'm sitting in my bedroom, laughing hysterically... she already believes I laugh and talk to the wall at these weee hours of morning....

Regardless...just wanted to let you know....thanks for giving me yet another reason to laugh.... (at you....not my wall ;) )

ErickBlack said...

You should do a kids story book too.


Shauna said...

"make it through the day without breaking down, curling up into fetal position and rocking back and forth."

This is SO TRUE! Sometimes it's minute-to-minute. I'm feeling fine, loving my kids, thinking they're darlings. The next minute, I want to tear my hair out and run screaming for the airport and the first flight out. LOL!

Rafi G. said...

that is called a treppenwitz moment. look it up on wiki for an explanation

Anonymous said...

You are correct. We relate to you because it's clear how much you love your husband and children and enjoy your life, despite the difficulties. Well, that and the fact that we want to be you.

You make us smile and nod in agreement, even at 3:00 am, when a baby doesn't think Momma needs to sleep...

I wish you much success in your new role as a celebrity. Just don't let it all go to your head so that you hire nannies to care for your children, thus ending the delightful reading we commoners enjoy.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see this air! I LOL after I read every journal entry. I've even shared many with my husband and had him laughing. Can't wait for your published book! I'm sure I'll need depends when reading it :P

Sylke said...

I can't stand 'perfect moms', I always believe that they don't spend enough time with their kids as they spend too much time being self-absorbed. OK, I am sure there is the occasional model child that doesn't mind but I am sure most of them just would prefer mummy to play with them.
You sound like a wonderful mum!

Anonymous said...

[QUOTE]It's depressing trying to live up to that "Perfect Mom" image. You know the type of mom who showers. Every day! The kind of mom who always has on nice clothing, make-up, and actual hair care products. The kind of mom whose children are clean and dressed to the nines. The sort of mom who has a floor so clean you can eat off it, not the kind of mom who has a floor you can eat off of simply because there are so many crumbs on it. You know, the kind of mom who doesn't feed their kid chocolate pudding for breakfast on national t.v. Instead of trying to live up to Perfect Mom, it's much more comforting to know you're not alone in your quest to both love your kids, and to make it through the day without breaking down, curling up into a fetal position and rocking back and forth.[/QUOTE]

Thank you, you just made my day, I had to laugh so hard, and it's so true, too.

I hope they are going to put the interview on the internet, too, so I get to see it, too, way over on the other side of the Atlantic.

Still laughing,

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love your humor! I can relate....and that's what's great about you Dawn, you make us feel "normal"? lol

PS..ever found a salmon patty
in your VCR?(your hotdog story
brought back some memories!)lol

nutralady2001 said...

Dawn what a hoot! Love checking in and seeing what you have been up to.........hope somehow I can see this in Australia

Carla said...

Great job with the interview! Can't wait to see you! I guess I should go work out, shower, get dressed, do my hair and makeup. Oh, wait. I have children. Not gonna happen today either.

Melissa said...

Bravo to you for not being afraid to have them filming in your house. I am so in need of confidence about having others see my house - especially the moms I know who do have the spotless houses. I think part of me just doesn't care enough about having everything perfectly in place and wouldn't even if I didn't have the kids (and husband) to blame for it!

Anyway, thanks for being that voice for the majority of us moms. I just hope that the media doesn't try to turn you into something you're not, instead of being that typical mom. You know how they make things appear something they're not. It would be a real disservice to you if they do that.

Please do let us know when they will be airing this! I'm so looking forward to seeing this when it does! And please keep up your fabulous writing. That's the part I look forward to!

Unknown said...

I absolutely agree with you that so many of us read you because you're a normal person!
I give my son ice cream for dinner on a fairly regular basis, especially at the end of a long week when I just don't want to listen to anyone!
Pudding is good for you!! :)


Chrissie said...

Hi Dawn,
I am from Brisbane in Australia and I have laughted myself silly reading your blog for the first time! I have 2 children- DD aged 4 and DS aged 2. I don't know how you cope with 6 kids- 2 are enough for me. Thank you for making my day brighter with your "normal" approach to Mummy-ing!

kssdesigns said...

Just wanted to say how much I appreciate your blog. You have such a way with words and such great perspective on what REALLY matters. I look forward to seeing your interview and reading your book some day! Thanks for the laughs.

Suburban Correspondent said...

Just another thank you for being nice enough to "take one for the team," as it were, by being real on national TV. All we non-perfect moms salute you!

MLLiebhardt said...

Fantastic entry. I've been lurking for a while now, but I wanted to congratulate you for the ABC gig. Be sure to let us know when it comes on, I'd love to see it!

Val Cox said...

oh gosh, I think they will do wonders with an edit and you'll be very proud. Congratulations, I can't even imagine! Val

Anonymous said...

I am not a mother, but hope to be someday. In the meantime, your words have helped me get through another day of work knowing that in the future, I'll be as lucky as you!

Crystal in TX

Kimberly said...

Thanks for representing the mothers around the world ! I loved the part about chocolate pudding .My dd will soon me having her tonsils out and dental surgery and I was just telling dh last night I will have to stock up on pudding , jello,icecream, instant potatos and gravy !I want to see your clip on ABC so could someone please yell out when its on .
I started a blog about the things my kids do , im having so much fun.It put a diffrent light on things and I hope other parents see those annoying things are not so bad after all and they are not alone.
anyway,there it is. If you dont mind I would like to write alittle piece about you and add your blog link there sometime in the future when I get a moment alone to write.

Goodluck to u ,hats off for being able to allow tv stations in your home.Your a wonderful lady ,when I read your posts ..I can relate with every single word !


mom to 5

Kim said...

Do people really shower everyday?! What does that feel like? You are so awesome and I can't wait to see you on tv! Thanks for keeping us laughing and feeling sane. :)

Robyn Angel said...

You hit the nail on the head. You need to e-mail that last paragragh to Barbara.

BeccaSaun84 said...

How in the world you're taking it all in such easy stride, I'll never know!.. oh wait.. yeah.. that 6 kids thing kind of helps with 'taking it as it comes' huh? *L*
I saw a bumper sticker and thought of you the other day! (Yes, I am that lame.. haha!) It said-
"Got kids?"
(Want some?)

hehe A play off of the 'got milk' thing I suppose.. Just made me laugh. And that woman only had 4! :-)

Anonymous said...

I have been lurking a week or so .. and I have to come out and say that I am sopleased you are blogging .. I have 5 kids .. and reading the stories of what your kids get up too, most of the time you could be talking about one of mine .. it refreshing to know im not the only one out there :)
and keep on blogging!

Down under girl

Unknown said...

I guess I'm feeling a bit mushy this morning. Thank you for putting your life in print for all of us to relate to. I don't know too many people that have the hectic life I do and I feel right at home when I read your blog. Sometimes I feel like the "only" one simply because when I'm out - I don't see other mothers that are going through what I go through with my kids. Where are they? For example, I am doing my best to make to church every Sunday but I'm always late. Not only was I late this past Sunday, my hair was sopping wet, (I threw it up in a bun, of course!), and I had on jeans and a shirt that I didn't have time to iron. I'm glad my church doesn't glad what you wear otherwise I wouldn't go! When I go to the store, my kids are playing bumper cars with the shopping carts, hanging on the edge, or climbing in and out of the cart constantly. Again, I see no other children in the store doing what my kids are doing. But, I come on your site - and here you are and all the other mothers with "not-so-perfect" kids. I was in such a rush this morning to get out the door to go to work - I just remembered that I forgot to feed my 4-year-old! Luckily, they have morning snack at her preschool. Life is nuts right now but I don't know what I would do without my kids. Thanks again for what you are doing for us "not-so-perfect" moms :-)

Trish Berg said...


What a hoot! I can't wait to see you on the air. I have a feeling you look GREAT and are a natural...because you are a natural here as well...

And as ordinary as you are (aren't we all:) you, my dear, are one extraordinary mom because you are willing to be honest about your life, your kids, and your struggles for the world to see...

You touch so many lives in so many ways....

Motherhood is quiet an adventure, and I am blessed that we have become friends through this blog and can share in it together.

I posted a write up and some pictures from our ABC film day at my blog, if you want to see.


Our film crew was Jared and Thom, and they were the BEST. Jared even sat with Riley and had a tea party, and they loved the Autumn Soup so much, I sent them each home with a batch to enjoy...

Happy Wednesday everybody,

Trish Berg

Anonymous said...

I love you. 'nuff said.

Amie (of Amie and Brad) said...

I've been following your blog since the ebay auction, too. This was the first time you brought me to tears. (Thanks, by the way, since I am at work) Why is it every other mom seems to have it all figured out and I just go day-to-day? Thank you so much for being honest with us!

By the way, your blog has inspired me to start my own blog. It saves me from keeping the kids up later on weeknights so they can talk to their grandparents. Now they can get updates complete with pictures and talk on the weekends.

Oh, and for my birthday, I got a robot Scooba to clean our kitchen floors. It vacuums, mops and suctions the kitchen floors after dinner while the kids get their baths. For Christmas, I am getting the Roomba vacuum cleaner, which I can schedule to come off it's charging base at the same time everyday and vacuum our family room. The house is still a mess, but at least the floors look good!

maggiebsmocks said...

Chocolate pudding for breakfast makes you a VERY good mom. At least it wasn't yogurt ;)

Can't wait to see you on the big screen!

Thanks for letting us into your little corner of the world.


Unknown said...

My son thinks Pizza is a nutritious food (which it is, kind of...bread, tomatoes, cheese - good stuff, right?) and I've got only one to contend with.


Christine said...

Thank you thank you thank you. I love that you're a real person and a real mom! You're right about how we're always trying to live up to that "perfect mom" image. I really believe that most of us ARE ordinary regular moms but so many of us are pretending to be perfect because we think all the other moms are. When I take my kids to school there are SO MANY of those perfect moms. Like I'd say most of them are looking pretty, nice clothes, nice hair, nicely dressed clean kids. And it really makes me wonder if it's possible that they're all being themselves. Is that who they all really are or are they faking it? I think most of them are faking it. Why do we women do that to each other? Why do we always try to one up each other and be the 'better' mom? We all understand what each other is going through, I don't know why more moms can't just be supportive of each other instead of being competitive.

Unknown said...

Great post! Can't wait to see you on tv. Thanks for representing us "ordinary everyday moms" so well!

Sherri said...

I had to smile when I read the end of your post because I had just blogged about the very thing last week at OurPlace.


For so long, I thought I had to look perfect on my Blog. I now realize that other moms want to read things that they can relate to. It is so refreshing to just be honest.

I'm glad the day went well for you. I'm sure you answered the questions far better than you think you did! I'm SURE of it!!

Cat said...

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!! I can't tell you how hard it is to always feel so inept all the time and not perfect...but to find out that's normal and how most "real" moms are...All I can think to say is Thank You...From all us real Moms...you know the ones that work at home all the time and the ones that also work at the ofice and then at home too.

Waitingonyou2 said...

Dawn, I'm sure the interview went much better than you're giving yourself credit for. It's okay! :D

Thank you again and again for making us *feel* normal when there are those out there who make us seem inferior.

:0 )

Anonymous said...

You are so right about some of us (me) with 7 kids plus daycare kids always feels we are not as good as we "should" be.
We bowl every other weekend and we used to take all the kids (13-3). and they would sit play w/stuff we brought from home and towards the end if they had been good let them go play a few video games.One night last fall, right before my #5 sons 6th birthday they were a little off the wall. We were having his birthday party the next day at the bowling alley w/ his friends & family so he was understandable excited. 1 guy on a church team complained and now every time we go we get a talking to, this last time we didn't have any kids with us!! So I figured since we have so many and other people can't tell which are mine, they ALL must be mine..
Dawn I really like coming to your site every morning and hearing I'm not the only one...

Heather H said...

Chocolate pudding isnt a breakfast food... hmmm now I will have to feed my toddler something else! I love reading your blog, it seems like everyone out in the world has perfect homes and kids and I dont so reading your posts helps me to feel a little more normal. Keep up the great work!

Brian said...

I really look forward to reading your posts. My husband(a pastor) and I don't have kids, but we will someday. When we do, I know they will be scrutinized more because they are PK's (pastor's kids). Your blog helps calm my fears. I don't plan on haveing as many blessings as you, but no matter how many kids we have, it helps knowing that all their antics are normal, and I don't have to stress out over. I hope Clayton is feeling better.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure you were fantastic on TV. It's sad that I, living in Sweden and being a fanatic reader of your blog, won't be able to see it air. Give me a shout when you go on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, because that one we do get. Keep up the good work! And no worries about the chocolate pudding either, my baby got yoghurt and ice cream for breakfast because I had to be on stand-by for the handyman I had over....
Take care!

Anonymous said...

That last paragraph was AMAZING! Thank you for saying that and giving comfort to all those ordinary moms (and those of us who aren't moms yet, but know if and when we are a mom, we're going to be ordinary!)

Hally said...

Ah Yes! A moment of clarity for me. In the land of Silicon Valley where mothers are shoving their kids into ridiculously expensive preschools and 'classes' I am glad to have another voice shake their head in wonder. (What do you mean he goes to art class?! My 21 month old still eats crayons. How can he possibly sit through Music lessons? We can't make it through a Wiggles episode.) Thank you thank you thank you for being so real and like a real playdate. You know, the ones where moms eat Doritos and watch their kids ran around the backyard sprinklers. I am grateful....Thanks.

Anonymous said...

What you are describing is what I call "The Mommies." What I notice in cases like that is that they don't seem to have very close bonds with their children and that is sad.

I don't get along well with the perfectly coiffed crowd and you know, I don't mind either.:)

Dani said...

I have to say Thank You for being a normal mother. Not a "Perfect Mom" although in your children's eyes you will always be perfect (well most of the time) I just really needed to hear this today. I only have 2 kids but woke up to find my 2 year old eating a donut, my 6 year old yelling at him for taking the last piece of bread (even though he had 3 pieces on his plate) and popcorn somehow spilled all over my house. At least I know I am not alone in the craziness that is motherhood. So Thank You. Thank You. Thank You.

mkt said...

Thank you! I'm expecting my third and my oldest isn't yet 4...and I often feel like that last sentence is me... one small step away from fetal rocking and screaming - for some reason no one ever wants you to know they feel the same way so THANK YOU!

Andrea Hardee said...

I just have to say THANK YOU!!! I'm pregnant with my fourth child and we (a military family) can't afford for me to get an entire maternity wardrobe since I gave mine away after the last child who really was supposed to be the last child. So, I wear sweat pants, some old fat capri's, and old WalMart shirts. I have a new "no guilt" policy for at the end of the day as I crash in bed: I'm not allowed to think about what I didn't get done. I'm only allowed to think about the smiles and hugs. I really needed your post today because even though I did shower, I'm still running my daughter to school with one kid in pj's, one kid hollering b/c he woke up too early, one daughter who dresses herself and has no idea that pink and white checked shorts don't really go with a dusty purple long sleeved shirt, one self with no makeup, wet hair, and the above mentioned attire. At least this last one is still in the pre-packaged state. For now.

Rick said...

I like checking in on your blog early when there aren't so many that have already postede. I feel like I have a better chance of getting notice. So, no other real comment besides that. But I do hope to catch your ABC interview - Mrs. Cosby.

M the Mommy said...

Shower EVERYDAY! That really would be a luxury. I am so glad you said that because I often feel like -- the greasy mommy who smells like a trucker.

Kristy said...

You know... I've eaten Scrambled Eggs with a soar throat and those aren't as soft as you might think. You were just trying to be *sure* his breakfast was soft enough for him. Course, you are on your own for an excuse ruling out applesauce... but anything you have to chew just has the potential to scratch on the way down. :)

datatech57 said...


You might want to check out the Google ads at the bottom of the page. "Date Hot Moms Next Door" doesn't sound like your kind of thing! ;-)


sue said...

Yes, you said it perfectly. You are a real mom in the real world and that's what we can relate to. I'm a mom who has four grown kids, but everything you do is a flash back. Also, it is nice for people who don't have kids to see what their mom went through, or their friend or family member may be going through. You are as real as it gets. Good for you to get some recognition for it!

Mandolin said...

You may not be the "Perfect Mom" image, but I think you're anything but ordinary. In fact, you're pretty extraordinary if I do say so myself! Reading your blogs makes us all realize that life is worth having a good sense of humor about (whether we have kids or not). I've told all of my girlfriends to read your blogs because you're simply uplifting to read :D So thank you for sharing your good nature with the rest of world (a lot of us needed it)

Anonymous said...

I just LOVE reading your blog!! I myself am not able to have children, but I'm one of 6 so I KNOW exactly what you describe! And it's ok you didn't remember to say about being an ordinary mom; why do you think this has taken off as it has...it's because people who have read your blog relate to you because they KNOW you're an ordinary Mom just like them! Your kids are ordinary just like so many around the world; everything you write is TOTALLY relatable!
I just want to say thank you!

Anonymous said...

Amen, sister. I'd love to have you over for tea and floor crumbs anytime! =^)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing who you are, dorky moments and all. I have to go speak in front of a women's group soon, uttering sheer dorkiness for a few very painful minutes. Having someone in my home FILMING the chaos for the nation would be pretty humiliating for me. So you did great! We will all enjoy it, I'm sure. :-)

Anonymous said...

It's amazing to me that a stay at home mom would finally get some credit (and even notoriety) for the most important job in the world! I can totally relate to the pain (joy?) you experience on a daily basis. Hey, I was pooped on (well, more like squirted on. My first newborn...silly me, I faced her bum towards me during a diaper change). And I was thrown up on all down my front right before landing on an airplane. I was so humiliated and tried to not look up for the fear of the horrified stares I would see. But take heart in knowing that someday you will be able to take a daily shower and even do your hair. My 4 daughters are getting older now. My oldest is a high school senior and as I prepare for her to leave for college in about 10 months, I am reminded that our time with them is very short. Although the pats on the back are very far and few inbetween--I think the best pats are the ones when you look at your older kids and see what awesome people they have become! Best of luck to all of you young moms (and old moms) who do such important work! Thanks to Dawn for adding a little humor to the very hard job called parenting.

Paulette said...

I totally get you on feeding your child chocolate pudding for breakfast. When my son had his tonsillectomy, I fed him pudding for breakfast as well a few times. He kind of got spoiled by that. :-)

Love your blog!!!!


All moments remembered said...

DAWN you are the BEST!!! You really know how to make the rest of us feel like we are doing a good job! Thank you for letting me feel like I am a normal mom doing a great job even if my floor is not freshly mopped!! Glad the interview went so well!!! Can't wait to see it!!!

CONTEST ON MY BLOG FOR TWO $25 shopping sprees. Would love to have you all visit there!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for reminding me that I'm not a "Perfect Mom" nor do I have to be. I'm just like you...an ordinary mom with ordinary kids who act like kids. My floors ALWAYS have huge amounts of crumbs and most of all dog hair. I bet people come over thinking, "does she ever clean her floors?" but I honestly don't care. I'd rather be playing trains and cars with my boys than worrying about if my floors are clean. SO THANK YOU FOR MAKING MY DAY A LITTLE EASIER! You're wonderful!
-Lauren in Fort Worth, TX

ummmhello said...

You're so right! I'm sick of the idea that moms, houses and kids are immaculate at all times. And pudding is FINE for breakfast after a tonsillectomy (or any day that ends in Y)

Anonymous said...

you just make me happy eveyday! my kids ate nurtagrain bars for breackfast because i have a cold and didn't want to get out of bed. \

Ck said...

after reading that last paragraph, I now know for certain that you are my hero. Truer words have never been spoken.

KLS PP PLS said...

Pudding for breakfast is better than cookies or brownies for breakfast, and pudding has calcium. Don't worry about it - we all feed our kids crazy things at one point or another. (And give the little guy a break - he's just had a tonsillectomy. He deserves popsicles for breakfast if he wants!)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing that last paragraph--I needed to read that today. You rock!

Hugs to you and all the kiddos,

Anonymous said...

AMEN! Your last paragraph hit home for me. I'm too old and tired to keep up with the Perfect Parents anymore. I've tried, I've failed. I'm just ME, MOM, WIFE, BABYSITTER. With bathrooms that need cleaning and a day care baby who I SWEAR was just licking my kitchen floor. He must've found something yummy.
It is so great to read your blog and know that someone out there is having the same kind of day I am. And doing it by choice!
Can't wait to see you on TV, and thanks for just being YOU and blogging about it! {HUGS}

Leslie in California

Shellie said...

Don't worry, if you were too articulate, they would just cut the intelligent parts out, I know this from personal experience. So, they'll make you look great. And AMEN on all you said!

Jennwith4 said...

I can't wait to see it on tv!

It's so true though, we all have this "perfect" mom image in our heads. I don't know how many times I look around at my house and think I am falling short. But I know that I'm normal (well, sort of, ha) and that there are other moms out there doing the exact same thing.

Anonymous said...

I so agree with your last paragraph. Nothing more important than being a normal, non plastic mommy. Kids won't remember your makeup and clean house later....jut that mommy was there and spending time with them. Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Hello Famous Dawn!

Thought you might enjoy a couple of my "policies" from back in the day when my kids were so, let's say, CREATIVE, that our pastor once told us that we should sell tickets to our dinner table at the next church auction.

1. Do not interrupt me when I'm on the phone unless it involves blood, fire, or head injury.

2. If you have to throw up, DON'T DO IT IN HERE! (in my bedroom during the night)

3. The floor gets washed when my feet start sticking to it. Similar policy for sheet changing.

4. Every time you say "can we get" at the grocery store I will knock a few percents off your allowance.

5. My limit on toilet talk at the table, while somewhat tolerant, is ARBITRARY and can result in disciplinary action at any given moment. The disciplinary action is also arbitrary.

6. NEVER AGAIN trade underpants with your girlfriends. NEVER. I'm SERIOUS.

7.NEVER AGAIN snatch and eat chewed gum out of an ashtray at Logan International Airport. I don't care if you're only two. You must, at this very moment, understand that you are way too impulsive, and WAY too gross.

8. DO NOT reach up inside the flap of a vending machine to try to get (STEAL)cheap useless merchandise. You may be punished to the fullest extent of the law once your arm becomes freed by a tube of A&D and a kindly sales person. I will serve as a witness against you. Trust me.

9.All family matters must be cleared before being shared with the neighbors. Asking Mrs. Rackley if you can borrow some garbage bags because all the stuff in our fridge went rotten because your mom didn't pay the electric bill is VERY BAD for the family image. In actual fact, we COULD usually afford both electricity and garbage bags. It was just one of those rough spots. PLEASE.

10. Marie Antoinette's "Let Them Eat Cake" is fine with me when the food on the table doesn't suit (or is too fussy and expensive for) the under 12 crowd.

Sorry for the long comment. I got on a roll here, and these only cover ages 0-12! There are more policies for adolescence. I'll spare you, at this juncture.


Anonymous said...

O how I love your last paragraph! I AM normal! Yeah! lol Can't wait to see the interview on ABC!

Blythe said...

How exciting, I can't wait to see the interview. That last paragraph.. totally uplifting today. Pudding for breakfast! Sounds like heaven :)

Kandy Seaton Smith said...

As I sit here in my recliner, laptop (and cat!) in my lap, still wearing my pajamas, no makeup on, and still haven't brushed my hair, I realize that even though its 12:19 in the afternoon, I'm not "alone" LOL.

Seriously though, I love your blog, and I love your attitude about parenting and life with kids. I'm sure the interview will be great, and I for one can not WAIT to see it.


Becky in Wyo said...

Can't wait to see you on tv! And honey, I would have looked like a dork, too, if someone had interviewed me on national television. In social situations, I ALWAYS think of something clever to say after the fact. It's why I started blogging: I've just about decided I should not be allowed to talk to people some days because I just embarrass myself. So, you have my sympathy, because I would have been a nervous wreck!!!

Erin Earls said...

Being a perfect Mom, is loving and nurturing your children. As long as you have that covered, your PERFECT.
Love (all so mom to six) Erin~

Hoffman Family said...

You are an AMAZING woman, mother and wife! You have a special gift. I can't wait to see the interview on TV. America is going to fall in LOVE with you and your family!

boogmonster said...

That is what makes you a super mom. Most mom's would have done the eggs or pancakes but when your kids are down you make them more comfortable by giving them what they like more then need.

I haven't read your blog in a while, we all got really sick. Something about the kids and the husband getting sick and whining all day to remind you how much you love school and work. LOL Then of course, I got the cold...did I get a day off? Nope, had to call for reinforcements in the form of grandparents and sister in law. They were life savers.

I think that it is great that you are getting all of these things done and not getting a big head about it or high and mighty. I would have asked if you were LDS like everyone else but being LDS myself I could read some things that didn't click. LOL Nothing bad just subtle differences between us really. No, I don't have a lot of kids (only 4) but that might be considered a big family to most. LOL.

I will keep reading and getting inspiration from you. It really does help me to see that we all are trying to get by and our children are here for entertainment reasons. (THat includes the husbands in the children category)

Anonymous said...

I would totally eat chocolate pudding for breakfast! And I would say I did it because we were out of yogurt and it was almost the same thing! :)

You are indeed normal, and that's the kind of mom that the world needs to see most! Thanks!

Jenn's finding life funny! said...

Dawn, AMEN!!

You are one awesome "ordinary" mom. You represent SAHM, in a time that has forgotten about the value of Love instead of focusing on the value of Things.

Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against working Moms. My mom was one. Divorced and raising 6 kids. You do what you gotta do!

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...


But what is it with them taking a lunch break from 12:30 till 4??!?!

LOL at the eating off the floor because there were so many crumbs!

Please make sure to let us know when this airs!

maggiebsmocks said...

ya know what *I* want to see?
I want to see your family get together with Laura Bennett's from Project Runway.
Laura lives in NYC, has 6 children, is perfectly coiffed, yet her son offered Tim Gunn turtle p00p, and Laura didn't miss a beat.
It just goes to show you that children are children, no matter where they are nor how their mother is dressed.

Kristin said...

AMEN SISTER!!!! You are a real mom and that is what makes us love you....

Oh, and btw my 3 year old had vanilla pudding this am for breakfast and she didn't just get her tonsils out ;)

Anonymous said...

Hey! What's wrong with pudding for breakfast! I have a sore throat (cold) this week, and I had a caramel sundae from McDonalds for breakfast yesterday! Yum yum!! ;)

Okay, I wasn't on national TV, but I just posted it for all the world to see. I'm pretty sure most of the world is reading your blog by now!

You have an extraordinary twist on being ordinary, and that's what makes us all love reading about your life with your wonderful bunch!

Bigmammy said...

Thanks! Your last statement is so true! I love your blog. You bring a smile to me everyday.
mom to 4

Herd Momma said...

Hello Dawn!
I bow to thee! I have 4 kids;girl age8,boy age 6, and 4 1/2 year old twin boys. We had 4 kids in 3 1/2 years. When expecting the twins I started sending little updates to my family and friends. My mother now refers to us at the Herd. My little fan club asked me to start a Blog so recently I did. One of my readers sent me to your blog. Oh My Gosh! I have just barely started reading and had to comment and say thank you. I am anxious to read through your Blog and see how the TV thing came about. I will be checking you daily.
God Bless! Amy

Anonymous said...

Chocolate Fudge Pop Tarts - chocolate pudding - what's the difference? As far as I'm concerned if I manage to get a carrot or some orange juice in the kids everyday I have fulfilled their nutrition intake. My kids can't eat their Pop Tarts on the floor either because they would have to wrestle the dog for them. I'll have to record your segment - can't wait to see it.

Kim in PA

Anonymous said...

Dear Dawn~
I hope you remembered you 'good manners' and offered those nice TV people some of those Cheerios that fell on the floor.

Remove your thumb from your mouth, uncurl yourself and stop rocking ....
life goes on.
and, I am sure you will have to find kermit the crab to have him clean up that mess.


The Miller's said...

Loved that closing line.

Allison @ Allie Browns Layouts said...

I would've fed my son chocolate pudding too! I would've looked in the fridge, thinking, "okay, something soft", see the chocolate pudding and think, "Oooh, and that's cold too and already made"! And then after it was aired my in-laws would see what I was feeding my kids and would immediately be rebuked as an awful mother. I guess we can't all get everything as right as someone else would like for it to be.

Congrats on the interview! Let us know when it airs! I want to watch it.

Matchbox Mom said...

You are awesome! Congratulations on all your popularity!
I fed my son cold pizza last week for breakfast, so I think you're ok, plus I would have done it on TV too. He was happy, I was happy...whatever.
Have you ever heard the Bill Cosby story where he's talking about the Dad feeding his kids chocolate cake? It's so funny. It reminded me of this story. The kids are all marching around singing, "Our Dad is GREAT! He feeds us the chocolate cake!" I still sing that in the morning sometimes.
Our Dawn is GREAT! She feeds them the chocolate cake (pudding)! haha!
Congrats again,


Unknown said...

Thanks, Dawn, for sharing your daily "normalness" with the world.

I got stuck in traffic this morning while driving my 1-year-old daughter and 2-year-old son to the park. How silly...I forgot it was 9am rush hour! I've never EVER been this happy being stuck in traffic and knowing that I'm officially now out of the "rat race".

As crazy as it gets at home sometimes, it's just so awesome knowing that I'm the one who gets to raise my kids. And that is truly what's most important.

Now...I gotta go scrape dried peanut butter off the bathroom wall. :) (don't ask :)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for making all us mothers and wanna be mothers feel good about our lives, and our families. That was realy touching, and I realy enjoy your blogs. I love loggin in every day and wondering what awe inspiring thing your going to say to me ( all of us I mean, :))...

kleb111 said...

So when will the interview air. I don't want to miss it!

Anonymous said...


I've just spent my workday (ok more like 6 out of 8 hours of work) reading your blog - yes I even read some of the archives. I'm sure I looked pretty dorky sitting here laughing at the computer screen but I couldn't help it. Your stories are a delight to read....they're real, just like the rest of us. This is why you're such a hit. Your's is the only blog I have read and I'm sure I'll be checking it daily now that I've discovered it.

BTW, there is nothing wrong with letting the kids eat pudding for breakfast. I have occasionally been known to also allow ice-cream as breakfast.

Thanks for the great laughs.

Mommy to 3 girls

Sam Currie said...

Know what Dawn? You'll be perfect on ABC............nuff said

Alabaster Mom said...

My kid lives on Backyardigans fruit snacks.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure ABC will do all they can to make your debut on national television as entertaining as possible. Good luck!

Rachel said...

Hey, pudding for breakfast sounds great. I left a muffin wrapped in foil on the kitchen table for my 4 year old today so I wouldn't have to wake up until I absolutely had to.

mamakt said...

You are so right! I love you because I can sooo relate to you. You're wonderful and you make me laugh out loud everyday. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to tell you what a wonderful job you are doing both with your life and with your blog. I am not a blogger but a mother of seven(oldest 30 with four grand children) and youngest four soon to be five.

After my first two kids I gave up being someone else's idea of a perfect mom and concentrated on being my idea of a perfect mom. I have been a working mom some of the times(those are times when you need some extra cash for those tots of yours) and most the time a stay at home mom.

My idea of a perfect mom is this:
She tailors all things around her children; then incorporates her needs(cleaning time for herself ,time for hubby ,etc)into the formula.

What I came up with was this(for my family and my peace of mind)

To save time , have fun with the kids,and teach some responsibility and caring was to incorporate straightening up with games in which I played as well. My youngest likes this because she thinks she is faster then mom picking up her dropped toys and clothes.

Reading time is spent with the whole family reading pages (usually someones homework)

Cooking dinner is a community effort-- this can be quite funny at times when the youngest doesn't know what lettuce heads look like at first. Makes for interesting dinners and recipes sometimes also.

bathtime-- give them a few minutes to play and splash floors etc before washing them--gives me time to sweep up kitchen while older children help with loading dishes.

when they go to bed (all varied times,) I do small odd jobs-- start a load of clothes to wash, run thru and pick up family room. I leave vacuuming for when they are at school. Needless to say not much dusting or bed making goes on in this house. When the last goes to bed; I have an hour to unwind on here reading your blog. Laughing at the chaos we live in with our children. My husband of course is the funniest man. He thinks the children have all lost their minds or touched in the head. But then when I read this blog of yours he cant help but laugh (which is good , he's not one for alot of patience) You see he is trying to be the perfect father more so then I the perfect mom.

Keep up the good work and thanks for the laughs it helps me in a much different way then most. It convinces my husband that his children are normal. Thanks again for all the laughs.

Anonymous said...

I have to say that I myself have been known to have some crazy things for reakfast,
know what my favorite is??
pumpkin pie, or more specificly the custardy pumpkin stuff. mmmmm yummy good,
nothin wrong with a little treat when you aren't feeling well right??

Shelley said...

Always remember the wise words of Phyllis Diller - "Cleaning your house while the kids are still growing is like shoveling the sidewalk before it stops snowing."
Can't wait to see you on TV!

StampingJoan said...

I cannot wait until this airs and I hope we get it here in MD! And I see NOTHING wrong with pudding for breakfast! We eat cereal for dinner and sometimes eggs, pancakes, or french toast.....don't we? I only have one kid, but he loves it when I tell him we are having a breakfast dinner!! I had them as a child too! Mostly when Mom had to go to a PTA meeting or something. Dad didn't know how to cook anything besides pancakes or Westerns.

I had a happy childhood and so does

Anonymous said...

You are great! I have 5 kids all 5 and under and it is a crazy house! So many people think I have it together from the outside but boy have I fooled them! I guess we both have then, huh! Hehehe! As long as the windows are not open, I can keep up appearances... no, all kidding aside, it is nice to see a real mom getting the attention that we all deserve for the extremely tough job we have! God Bless!

Anonymous said...

My mom thought it was alright to give us cherry or chocolate pie for breakfast on Christmas and Thanksgiving. There is nothing wrong with pudding for breakfast, especially right after surgery :) Thanks for the belly laughs everyday!!

Stacey said...

Thank You!
From one Ordinary Mom to Another :)

Anonymous said...

Hey don't feel bad--my 2 oldest kids had Reeses peanut butter sticks for breakfast.
My son even said "my tummy doesn't feel good. Is it because I ate that Reeses stick?"
My reply "of course not, you probably just need to poop or something."
Such wonderful dialect we have in the mornings before sending them to school. And apologies to his teacher if he was a little hyper this morning.

Anonymous said...


Your Grandmother Lavonne sent the Tribune article to my mother (her first cousin, Beverly). She shared it with with her family and I am really enjoying reading your articles. Good luck with your future endeavors!!

A distant cousin,

Unknown said...

I think chocolate pudding sounds like a delicious breakfast. And it isn't like he eats it everyday, right? Why not give him a treat... he just had a tonsilectomy!

Ruthanne said...

Mmmmm....chocolate pudding for breakfast...it sounds DElicious! Don't forget that Bill Cosby also had a very funny skit that included the song, "Dad is great...gives us chocolate cake" because I believe he gave his kids cake for breakfast. lol

Can't wait to see your interview on TV. I bet you were brilliant.

Anonymous said...

Yep! It was cake! and my kids have had cake for breakfast, and pudding... and god only knows what else! I can't wait to see the interview...

And I think you are right, we love you because we can relate to you - there is no sugar coating just you, telling it like it is to be a real mom, with real kids... in a real world.. no matter how messy or real that world becomes!

Thanks Dawn! You never fail to make me smile!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for saying what we all WANT to say!!
You rock!

Anonymous said...

Dawn- Having had a few kids go thru the whole tonsilectomy adenoid thing, I was first suprized and rather hesitant when my DR told me to feed the kids crackers , pretzles, and chips.
Seems the salt feels good to the kids and the roughness of the foods act like a piece of sandpaper and keep the scabs worn down to a manageable size. You might ask the Dr about this. Clayton might just love those treats as well. Oh and I love the name. My dad was a Clayton, my sons middle name is Clayton and his sons first name is Clayton. Keep up the good work, I really enjoy your outlook on life.

Anonymous said...

That was perfect. I'm a working mom of 3 children, and nothing irritates me more than moms who try to make it look easy. This is a job where the description and players change EVERY day, and if you can just keep your head above water, you are succeeding in my book. Thanks for the comraderie!

taximom2 said...

When your kids are grown, they are going to look back at this and realize they had the best mom ever! They will remember all the "quirky/insane moments" and really know they were LOVED!
God Bless you and your family!

You have become such a great source of support for all moms. We all can relate to you on some level. You really are a true inspiration.

Anonymous said...



Erin said...

You really do know how to relate to the rest of us. I try to save your blog for the hard days but sometimes I just can't resist!

I just noticed you have comment moderation turned on. OMG! How do you find the time to approve so many? I noticed your last entry had over 600 posts! How can you keep up with this blog AND your family?!?!?! Truly, you are inspirational... even if you feed pudding for
breakfast.on.national.tv! ;-)

Best wishes,

Anonymous said...

I don't have the problem of not being able to say smart, witty things during TV interviews (well that may be because I've never *been* interviewed..) My problem is that I'm not funny at all like you. I have a blog as well and I know my friends enjoy it, but it doesn't get them laughing and rolling like yours does!
For example if you experienced the day at the grocery store that I had today you could make it sound hilarious, but if I write about it I'm sure I'll come off sounding like I'm simply giving a report. It involved wiping up a huge mucusy mess of spit up from my 6 month old. I was tempted to rip open the package of napkins that I had just put in the cart, but instead I opted to wipe it up with the thick training underwear that was in the backpack for my 2 year old. That's not the end of the story, but like I said, I'm not so funny...
Maybe you could give us funny lesson...? :)
(wow, now who sounds like a dork?)

Anonymous said...


I'm so excited for you! I'm sure the interview will be great. Can't wait to see it.

Curling up in the fetal position and rocking back and forth....that's the extent of my daily exercise! I can totally relate to the quest many of us are on to be the "perfect mom." It's sort of like the Vogue models and the impossible standards they set for our teenage daughters. It took me 20 years to realize that I'm okay, just the way I am. I've been blessed with four great kids; some with unusual (but interesting) habits. They teach me something about parenting on a daily basis. I guess it never stops, does it? I hope not...what a bore my life would be!

Thank you for reminding me that my kids and I are normal.

God Bless.


Crazymamaof6 said...

ok congrats on the interview way to go surviving it! ok so i wondered? did you vacuum all that stuff just because the cameras were there? because i would only because they were filming but the rest of the time,everyday, i figure hmm, it'll happen again in 5 minutes lets let them finish making messes and I'll vacuum later?!
love the last paragraph and really it doesn't matter if you didn't day to the camera crew you said it to the ones that read your blog and think you're neat. and we are the ones that matter anyway right?! congrats on the book deal! hope you and the baby feel better soon!

Anonymous said...

Never fear. They'll edit it beautifully. Congrats on the interview.

If they ask you to host a reality show in your home, however, say no. ;)

Karen said...

You've hit the nail on the head. I keep reading because you make me realize that my bad parenting skills are actually normal. When the kids didn't get a bath today, or the baby ate dog food (again), or we have chocolate cake for breakfast (which is way worse than pudding) it's all going to be OK. I'm not alone in the overwhelmingly joyful task of teaching these kids wisdom and faith.

Anonymous said...

So like alot of your post, I can relate to this one. The Red River area of Louisiana has a special site just for moms called www.redrivermoms.com . It's a good site to share info and answer questions. Well, I made a comment to a post about house cleaning and such and about how I don't have time and I think the most important thing is spending time with my kids and no matter how much I clean ..it's always a mess around here. I even SPECIFICALLY said...please no super moms post and give me great advice about how I can keep my house clean or cook every night or something..and SURE ENOUGH..that super mom posted..sighs. She told me about this "great website" that would change my life and how clean her house was...sheesh. I DON'T CARE. I'm not THAT MOM and I'm ok with that. Actually I like not being that mom so I'm good. Thanks but not thanks I say. My dirty house is my badge of honor so up yours I say. (Maniac scream with the fist in the air sign)

Anonymous said...

I would have written sooner, but I've spent the last 30 minutes looking for the computer keyboard. Yes, life with kids is crazy, and I only have one! A friend of mine who has 10 children was ever so greatful when our church added a Saturday night service, because "by that time of day, everyone has found underwear." Thanks again for keeping us laughing. I worked in a daycare center in charge of toddlers, so I can relate to your breakdown scenario. There was one mom who was telling me about her daughter having a high fever and she found her in her crib in a "fecal position." I had to walk away! LOL

Anonymous said...

Hey!! I go to work in that look!

You know, pudding falls into that same nutritional category as carrot cake, banana bread, raisin cookies, all fruit pies and sweet potatoe pie. I call it the super fruit and vegetable group. It's secret location on the food pyramid is at the very bottom, meaning you should eat as many of these foods as you can stand. So you didn't do anything wrong.

Anonymous said...

Wait, pudding isn't a breakfast food? Next you'll tell me Eggos & fruit salad aren't dinner foods!

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to say that it is so nice to have someone to relate to. I got married less than two years ago to a man with three kids (boys). I have a son from a previous relationship and we have one son together who is 14 months old. I am due in November with our sixth child and first daughter (I have nightmares that the US tech and my OB were wrong). We have had full custody of my husband's boys since January. So in the last two years I have gone from mother of 1 to full time mother of 6. I just turned 26. My husband asked me today if I could do some laundry so we can get the heating guy into the basement to fix the furnace. I realized that there is literally not room in the laundry room for a person to get to the furnace, let alone a person with tools. I have children's names carved into the paint job on my suburban and I have more plant growth in my fridge than my garden. Unfortunately, I often feel like I should somehow do a better job of keeping up "the image." You are helping mothers like me all over the country to just be and do the best we can. Thanks.

ShellyBlake said...

Hi Dawn,
Maybe the ABC crew will read your blog before they do editing & let you read that last part. I think it would work out really well as a voice-over. Of course, you prolly didn't look/sound as much like a dork as you think! I'm looking forward to seeing the show...whenever it airs! :o)
Shelly in Palatine

zoloft mom said...

sounds like you did great. always fun reading your stuff..just found you last week!

check out my blog if you like. it's similar to yours except i have less kids and use a lot more swear words!


Lucinda Naia said...

I keep telling people to check out your blog because you are our generation's Erma Bombeck! If someone else is reading this comment and doesn't have a clue who Erma was, that's their problem. I love that you're ordinary, loving, and funny.

Thanks for giving me a laugh every time I read your blog. It means a lot to me to have a laugh these days.

Amanda said...

Don't feel bad about the chocolate pudding. I probably would've fed my kid ice cream had he just had his tonsils out. Right now my oldest is on a pumpkin bread kick. I swear they lace that stuff with crack the way he always wants it.

Anonymous said...

Don't feel bad about the pudding. I remember when I was little (I'm old now at 36) my grandma, who is (retired now) an RN, went to help my aunt care for my little cousin who had her tonsils out and Grandma made her milkshakes for every meal for almost 2 weeks!

Mamarazzi said...

i am 100% sure i lost my nomination for "Mother of the Year" when i gave my daughter chocolate cake for breakfast on her birthday this year...thinking it would sustain her until lunch...poor kid sugar crashed at school...but she survived sooooo whateveah...it was her birthday...and i DID do the Bill Cosby thing...EGGS eggs are good, MILK milk is good...etc. but i didnt get the "chocolate cake song" from MY kid...SHE made ME sing Happy Birthday instead...sheesh! (pics on blog...proof of my not so much mother of the year moment...better than TV tho...i adore you Dawn...lol)

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to say how hilarious your blog is, because you are a fabulous writer and what you write about is SO true! Thanks for making us moms out there that aren't in the "super mom" catagory feel like were doing something right! Its good to be reminded through your humor.


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