Friday, August 17, 2007

Now a Word From Our Baby

Hi, it's me, Baby! My mom is walking around picking up toys and muttering to herself something about being a maid. Between you and me, she sounds a little crazy right now. I just wanted to take a minute and let you know that she won't be blogging tonight because she's busy cleaning up my messes. :::giggle giggle::: Now I have to go and pull off my diaper so I can do a little fingerpainting with its contents. Buh bye!


Anonymous said...

Oh boy!My little guy does the same thing. Toss everything out and hop in. Blah! I feel for you!

Genie books said...

Me too! Two of my six do the same thing ... leaving me to step on their cars and power rangers!@@

Jessiaremidorius said...

AHAHAHA sorry for laughing at your misery...My son used to do the same thing.

Absolutely NOTHING is more fun than cleaning poopie out of a box fan grate with a Q-TIP. Nothing, I say!

Anonymous said...

wow, thats so like me and my sister,, i used to take EVERY SINGLE toy out of my box and just sit in it. i would have been happy with no toys and just a card board box, cept then i'd have nothing to throw or make a mess with, now what fun would that be? and my sister has many times fingerpainted iwht diaper 'contents' poor mom... one time a dog uh... you know, on me and my mom almost threw up... all i heard was ::GARRGG:: ::GAG:: so funny...

rawsteak said...

thank you for writing this blog. i'm only in my twenties, but thanks to you, the only think i'll ever buy my kids will be cardboard boxes and nerf toys. keep up the good... um... sanity!

Anonymous said...

I think a lot of toddlers did this - mine used to even close the lid and pretend he was a stuffed animal... I had wierd kids.

Now they are teenagers - oh no, you too have up and coming teenagers - will we ever survive?

Anonymous said...

hahaha! funny! my nephew used to do the same thing.

Grafted Branch said...

That's hilarious...because we've all been there. Or are still there. *sigh*

Anonymous said...

OMG u r one twisted chick! I am your biggest fan for it too!

Anonymous said...

This is funny now but not when it happened. About 10 years ago my daughter use to take the poop out of her diaper and wipe it on the walls, carpet, whatever. She used our clothes as toilet paper. One time we were at Chucky Cheese and she did some finger painting on the ball pit. I couldn't get her cleaned up fast enough and clean up her mess around the ball pit fast enough. I was highly embarrassed and left before anyone could say anything! Thank goodness she grew out of that phase! (She is now 12)
Keep up the good writing! I'll be back!

Unknown said...

Fortunately I've never had to deal with poop painting...but as far as toy messes go, I am a leading authority on house is filled with toys...going through them as we kids can practically open up their own toy store..sigh

Anonymous said...

Hey, it's when they start dipping into and eating the "contents" that you really get to try your distance jumping skills!!

Anonymous said...

Hey, what's the big idea photoshopping your baby into my son's mess :P

As far as the fingerpainting goes...yeah I feel ya there too. We caught my daughter slinging dog poo onto the privacy fence one day (she will forever be known as "Monkey" because of that) and my husband found her shooting "marbles" under her bed one day :::GAG:::

Good luck and watch your toes, some of those toys look sharp.

Anonymous said...

Too cute. Wait until they hit their teen years.

Anonymous said...

Thank God I can say this anonymously. On the subject of toddlers and poop: On one rather infamous day this past year, I am sad to admit that one of my 5 kids forgot to shut the bathroom door. Shortly thereafter, I discovered my 1 1/2 yo PARTAKING of the "candy bars" in the porcelain potty!! I honestly thought I would hurl, but there was no time for such a luxury. :-p Why don't they prepare you for moments like that in all those hoity-toity parenting books? See, Dawn, THAT'S why you've gotta' write a book. :-)

Anonymous said...

I want to say I love reading your comments. You are so funny, love the sarcasm.

The baby in the toy box reminds me of my sons favorite play to nap and play when he was little.

One day I even lost him in his toy box. (My dad had this brilliant idea that he needed a 2' x 4' toy box). It got quiet and I looked all over the house for him. I finally found him about 10 frantic minutes later, buried in his toy box under all of his toys asleep. Of course then I had to clean up the mess I had made while playing our little game of hide and seek. LOL

Teryn said...

My younger sister used to paint with the contents of her diaper, too! That's when Mom stopped putting her down for naps.

Anonymous said...

We learned the hard way not to leave Hannah alone without britches or something snapped over her diaper. My husband used to change her before he left for work and one morning I was ready to grab her out of bed and head out the door myself, but she, and everything around her, was covered in poop. My husband was driving through a storm and I still called him so that he wouldn't forget to put something secure over her diaper again.
Another morning, she reached through a leg hole of her britches and ripped apart her diaper from the outside. She must still remember the trauma of frantic baths with the hand-held shower head.
Since then, she's almost lost her diaper a couple of times. Once, during a weekend day, she wasn't really out of our sight, so I was letting her run around in just a shirt and diaper. My husband went in the other room and I was reading a book, so not really paying that much attention. Hannah started running in and out of the room saying, "Uh OH, uh OH, uh OH!!" really urgently. She'd gotten the velcro loose on one side of her diaper and was hanging onto it so it would't fall.

We've been making Hannah clean up her own toys since she could walk and carry something at the same time. When she's tired, she cries about it, but picks them up and puts them back in the box, hollering the whole time. She'll look at me with a tragic face and I just say, "Yeh, I know, keep picking them up."

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