The atmosphere at Joe’s is fun and friendly. It’s definitely a family restaurant. The one we visited, even had a play area outside for the little kids to explore while the rest of us finished our meals. They played bouncy 80s music, and it wasn't uncommon to see the waiters break out their dance moves throughout the evening.
As with any seafood restaurant, it’s on the pricey side so it’s not a place my family would frequent regularly, however it is a fun place at which to celebrate special occasions. Speaking of pricey, Joe’s Crab Shack is going to help out one family with that. I have a $50 gift card to give away to one lucky reader so you can check out their new kids’ menu yourself. And you’ve got to try their steampots! Huge pots packed full of deliciousness including different combinations of crab legs, scallops, mussels, clams, andouille sausage, corn-on-the-cob with your favorite seasonings. Check them out HERE! Yum-o!
Leave me a comment here, including a way to contact you, and I’ll choose a random winner on Monday, December 12. Good luck!
Contest open to U.S residents, age 18 and older.
Duplicate comments will be deleted.
Random winner will be selected on Monday, 12/12/11 and will be notifying shortly thereafter.
Winner will receive one $50 gift card for Joe’s Crab Shack. Find a location HERE.
I was given gift cards so that I could try out Joe’s Crab Shack myself.
I love reading about your new adventures in Florida. Joe's Crab Shack sounds yummy. Hope we win so we can try it. Kntsmom@comcast.net
Kim Fissette
Pick me! Pick me! Pick me! I LOVE Joe's but never get to go! Thanks!
Cyndi C.
Joe's is awesome! I went to a Joe's in Delaware a few years ago and really enjoyed myself, but never went back. Now that I'm living in Texas and there is no real seafood down here, Joe's is the place to go. I went a few months back with my daughters and grandkids, and Joe's really catered to the kids. They even had crab shaped rice krispy treats that the kids painted with different colored sauces. It was great!We're still unemployed since our cross country move, and my husband hasn't had the opportunity to enjoy Joes, so a gift card would really help us out. Thanks! donnapinder@yahoo.com
Oh how I hope I win!!! Hubby loves Joe's Crab Shack but we haven't been able to go in a while because finances are tight. Great give away to whoever wins!
I have tried Joe's before but it has been years. Might be fun to try with the kids.
jzuckero @ hotmail . com
best way to contact me is apricole at gmail dot com.
My youngest daughter's favorite food is shrimp. I love that they have it on their kid's menu.
I hsven't been to Joes since I had kids! atsharp(at)suddenlink(dot)net
Oh how I would love to try it! There's one about an hour from us that we would be thrilled to visit!!! Hope I'm lucky!!
I am sure being the first commenter is not a lucky sign - does number 1 ever win??? This is a wonderful giveaway - thanks for the chance to win.
I'd love a gift card!
I love Joe's, even had my bachelorette party there, but haven't yet introduced my kids to it. Would love to treat the family to a yummy seafood meal!!
My two-year-old loves seafood so I'm sure she'd really enjoy this!
So glad you guys had a great time! My son and I would love to win!! Thanks for the opportunity to enter!
This would be great - thank you!
Meg S
mysecretagentloverman at gmail dot com
sounds amazing!
Thanks for all you do. We love Joe's Crab shack and probably only go there once a year because it is expensive.
Love your blog! I just saw that they are opening Joes Crab Shack by me, finally. Hope I win!. - Robin milne68@verizon.net
I I heart Joes but never get to go cuz its not the hubs faveplace if I got a gift card I'd take a friend
Pick me! pick me!
34 years in FL and I've never been to Joe's Crab Shack.... my kids are currently going through a less than picky cycle with eating (gotta love a 12 year old's growth spurt ), so maybe we'll give it a try! Thanks for the great review:)
I would love to take my family there!
pednurse13 at gmail dot com
i LOOOOVE seafood!
thanks for the chance to win!
annecollinspiano at yahoo dot com
I love crab and also shrimp. In fact tomorrow I am taking my friend to Red Lobster. If I win the $50 gift card I want to go there for my next seafood dinner.
Pick me.... fingers crossed.
I've actually never been there even though I love seafood! This will get me there ;)
I'd LOVE to try Joe's Crab Shack. My son just finished reading a 600 page book (in Spanish, yes, he's a genius!) and as a reward he wants to go out for Shrimp! We always go to Red Lobster, I'd love to have a new place!
I didn't think there were any Joe's in my area (Denver), but I found some when I clicked on your link! My kids love seafood.
I would love to try Joe's Crab Shack. Thanks for the chance to win!
Awesome, Dawn! I would love to win! We have one near by but I've never gone, and I'd love to try it!
theborkas [at] verizon [dot] net
Thanks for the chance!
This would be perfect - we are on our way to Florida with our five kids & have 5 birthdays during our time there :)
We love Joe's, too -- I think my daughter loves the play area more than the food, though.
I love Joe's and haven't been since my kids were born!
I would love to win a gift card to Joe's! My college-aged daughter is coming home for a week at Christmas (hooray!) and would love to be treated to a delicious shrimp dinner there. She does not cook much, even though I taught her everything I know about fixing a meal. :o)
HOPE you choose me and Chelsea!
They just opened one here and I have never been! You can PM me on facebook or...
deeannec2000 at yahoo.com
mmmmm....eat at joes! Get crabs!
Peace Love Crabs!
Pick me!!
December 12 is my birthday :) Pick me. I like shrimp too.
that sounds way fun! i wonder if the one by me has a play area! carriericks (at) gmail (dot) com
I have only been to Joe's once, but what we did eat was YUMMY! Thanks for the chance to win.
showustheworld @ gmail.com
Never been there, but sounds good to me! public at bagotricks dot com
Ooooo I love Joe's and the classic steam pot or just a bucket of dungeness is my typical meal. As well as the amazing crab dip for starters.
We've been tightening our belt lately too, so a $50 gift card would be very nice.
Thanks for this chance!! Pick me!!
Hi Dawn! Yum Yum Yum! My son and husband are huge CRAB LEG lovers! Would love to take them to Joe's for my hubby's birthday on January 2nd! I too am a teaching assistant, except I spend my days in kindergarten mostly tying shoes and spelling color words! I'm in the western suburbs of Chicago (not too far from where you lived) and although it hasn't snowed yet - it is FREEZING!!! Enjoy the warmth of Florida - I'm jealous!
Thanks for the chance to win! I can be reached at lrs1848 AT yahoo DOT com!
I never have been there, but would LOVE to go!!
Dawn - Thanks for the fun giveaway!
We love Joe's, but because it's pricey, we don't eat there as often as I'd like. I have a kid who loves seafood, so this would be perfect!
I have one real close to me and would love to try it out. Others have said how good it is!
Winning this would be awesome. I have been wanting to try Joe's Crab Shack for a long time. Judy
Oh, I would love to give this to my daughter. Pick me, pick me. . .
Yum! Love it. Haven't been there in YEARS! Since pre children...
have never been but they look very interesting, seafood places are a bit out of my range normally
always intrigued but never went, seafood places are not in my budget normally
Pick ME!!! I've never been to Joe's and there is one just up the highway, under a couple of bridges and in the next town away from me!! I'm funny about trying different places but the gift card would get me in there!!
We have never eaten at Joe's before but it sounds yum! Would love this for my husband's 42nd b-day later this month! Thanks Dawn for doing this!
one just opened by me and i would love to take my also picky 5 year old there. She won't eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwhich, but requested clams and artichokes for her birthday dinner!!!
"Eat at Joe's"??? Wahooo, I'd love to. It's my hubby's favorite place.
Pick me!
Merry Christmas,
Donna Mc
My family loves Joe's Crab Shack. We'd like to go there more but it's kind of on the expensive side...a gift card would help!
My family loves seafood. We would love to go to Joe's.
-Donna W.
Love Joe's, particularly the one on Weed Street in Chicago. YUM!
Thanks for the opportunity!!
My kids love seafood, but we've never tried Joe's. Would love to try it.
Even though I try not to eat at chain seafood restaurants since moving here to Florida, I'd love to take my family out to eat after wrapping up the holiday craziness. And Lord knows we could use some healthy meal options after all the Christmas cookies! sbsteel at gmail dot com
I have never been to Joe's but would love to try it!
I've never eaten at Joe's (because it's SO expensive), but living in TX, I feel like we should.
Yum! I love Joe's Crab Shack. That would be a great treat for the family! jenefren1 @ yahoo. com
Oh, I'd LOVE to try Joe's! We never seem to have the time or money to go out to eat, but with the Christmas break coming up, this would be perfect! JJBryan22@gmail.com. Thanks!
My husband and son would love this! My email is bamagyrl74@gmail.com
I have never been to Joe's but have been looking for a great seafood place other than Red Lobster and I'm sure my son would love the captain's catch with a little bit of everything. mamaswink05@yahoo.com
I had never tried much seafood and was determined I would hate it until I was pregnant wtih baby number 4. I woke up one morning when I was 6 months along and had a heck of a craving for crab legs. My husband insisted I didn't like seafood but eventually gave in and took me for some crab. I fell in love and can't imagine how many pounds of those yummy things I ate before Bridgette was born. She is now 9 and crab is a favorite food for both of us. YUMMY!!
I would love to try Joe's. I have lived in 2 different cities that had one but have never been.
I've never actually been to Joe's and would love to try it!
I love Joe's. I'd also love to win this for my birthday which is on the 16th of December :) amanda.fleeman@gmail.com
Never been to one before, but would love to try it. My email addy is bbeward (at) verizon (dot) com.
OMG I love seafood and my kids loves them some shrimps, too.
ivan 9469 at aol dot com
Sounds delish. I've seen their ads on the telly. Have thought about trying them but they are about 35 miles away. A GC might be just the thing to get me to make that drive. ;-)
My Daughters boyfriend live in Georgia going to Grad school..this would be great for him
I love seafood! AND I've never eaten at Joe's (which seems wrong somehow). I would happily take this gift card off your hands!
Sounds delicious! Thinking of you today when I went to the Randall Rd. Target! amyvillarreal@comcast.net
I love Joe's Crab Shack and would love to take my son there!
Ohhh...would love to take my boys there. I think they would love it!
Yay, Joe's Crab Shack! I wanna go and take my family of six! $50 would come close to covering it...!
I love Joe's Crab Shack! It's one of my favorite places to eat, but we rarely go. Their margaritas are amazing. If I win, I will have to wait a few months until I deliver this baby so I can really enjoy the experience. Haha.
Did you see the pink stars on Kids Menu the menu for GLUTEN-FREE!!! After eating at Joe's in March 2010 in San Antonio on the Riverwalk, I emailed and asked corporate Joe's to put GF menu on their website. It was posted the very next day! Way to go Joe's! Plus, they have GF dessert options too for the kiddos!!!!! [Dawn pls ignore my grammar!]
I'd love to win this! My kids love seafood. You can reach me at: limar082002 at gmail dot com
There's a Joe's near my parents' house that would be fun to try!
I would love to take my kids to Joe's.
As much as I love Joe's, I wouldn't normally enter, but my brother's birthday is on 12/12, so if I win I am giving him the card from you ;)I feel like there should have been a period in there somewhere. I can feel you cringing.
We like Joe's, but only go every once in a while. We would love to go for free :)
I love seafood, but I have never been to Joe's Crab Shack, and yes, there's one not terribly far from me. Would love to remedy that with a gift card! :)
Love your blog and love Joe's Crab Shack. My kids would love their new kids menu because they can now get their favorites (seafood), and not have to choose pizza or mac-n-cheese. They love seafood but it can break the bank with 4 eating it (I know a small group compared to yours :)
Dawn, there's a location near my daughter. If I win, I'll give it to her for their family to use-and they all love fish!!
Glad you were able to enjoy a meal out with your family. We've only been to Joe's once w/ my kids. We wanted to eat outside to enjoy the water view (St. Pete, FL) but because of cigarette smoke we left early. Hope we win so we can give them another try!
Joe's sounds great! Winning a gift card would be grand. =D
natemyers42 AT gmail DOT com
I LOVE seafood. Pick me....PLEASE. Love your blog. You have me laughing all the time. Merry Christmas
I hope I win. I live in Indiana and going to Joe's is like going on vacation to Florida. While there I pretend that we are at a beachfront restaurant. Hey, it makes going out into the 23 degree weather easier!
I haven't been to Joe's in many years. My son loves seafood so I will take him if I win!
Joe's is wonderful we just ate there last night for my daugthers 6th birthday. We are a lucky our Joe's has toys indoors heaven sent for a mother of four. Contact info lbugsh@aol.com
I'd love to take my seafood lovin' husband when he comes back from his deployment to Afghanistan!
LOVE Joe's Crab Shack...best snow crabs EVA!
I would love to try Joe's Crab Shack with my kids! We have one pretty close but we've never been. I love the playground they have there though.....such a great idea!
jenc at crazysummer dot org
we love joe's! nice to hear they have a kids menu now, will check it out with the grandkids, if yu pick me!!! teehee. old town sacramento joe's here we come...................
I love Joe's Crab Shack! We go there when we visit my mom.
Never been to Joe's before.
I have heard awesome things about this place, but like you said..pricey. Would love to take the kids and try it out! We LOVE seafood!!
Would love this treat! Thanks for offering, and glad your fam had a good dinner out!
My kids have never been to Joe's so I'd really love to win. My contact is missb9523[at]gmail[dot]com.
My favorite restaurant! chickie@skitteringthoughts.com
Would love to have a night out with my fam!! Money is so tight this time of year...or all year i guess :) jlkeehn3 at hotmail dot com
My family would love to eat at "The Shack!" I've always wanted to eat there but haven't had the chance.
(Glad to know there are kids menus for picky eaters)
Yum-o! We love Joe's but because of the prices, don't go nearly as often as we want. I'd love to try out the Kids' Menu for our son! jessicawillis1105@gmail.com
Love Joe's!!
I love Joe's but we never eat there b/c it's too much for our budget.
Stephanie P
colornineus (at) gmail (dot) com
My kids love Joes! This would be a treat fro our family of 6!! Thank you :)
I will check out the kids menu while I am out on a date with my hubby. And when we come home we will tell the kids about all the yummy things they would have liked!
Yum! Love me some seafood :) What a great giveaway -- sounds like a good place to go as a family.
--Becky (this is linked to my blog when you need to let me know i won!)
Yum! I love seafood and would love to try Joe's Crab Shack! Thanks! Kristen.koenig@yahoo.com
Haven't been to Joe's in forever!
oh we LOVE Joe's!! My daughter asked to have her birthday there last year.
My kids love seafood, but it's getting more and more expensive to feed them. A gift card would be awesome! Thanks for the giveaway.
I love reading about your mis-adventures in parenting and how you handle the interesting situations. I know it's not all roses and moonlight, but your attitude and sense of humor are helping us all.
thanks, Dawn.
We love Joe's! Being from Delaware we are used to good seafood all the time and now that I'm in Texas, well Joe's is as close as we get.
Is there anyway you can put me in touch with Donna P. who commented who is also from Delaware and now also in Texas? What a coincidence!
Merry Christmas to you and the kids!
I love seafood! Thanks for doing these giveaways :) my email is hot_rod_dragon@hotmail.com :)
P.S. my birthday is the 13th so this would be an awesome time for me to win a prize ;)
Yay Joe's! Free Crab Tomorrow! Ha!
We have a Joe's about 20 minutes away but have never tried it and I REALLY want to! Hope we win!
Haven't been to a Joe's in a long time, due to the three young boys we have. Would love to take them out and eat over their holiday break.
We live in St. Augustine, just south of Jacksonville, and we love the Joe's in Jax Beach! Our favorite is when the waitstaff dances around. :)
I have never been one and have always wanted to. my name is karen casey, my email is kmc979@yahoo.com
I'd love a gift card!
LOVE Joes!!!
It's hard to get good seafood out her in middle america :)
My kids would gonuts...I must have the only 8 year old that loves peel and eat Shrimp!
We have had a very difficult year, healthwise with several surgeries. On top of that we are losing our home due to high medical bills--it would be such a treat to win the gift card as we could actually go out and celebrate with our son for Christmas.
I love Joe's!!
I have a 3 y/o and a 1 y/o . . . hmmm, I'm brave enough to give it a try! Love Joe's Crabshack!
sunnyside_up2day at the yahoo dot
Never been there, but hope I can try it!!!
My kids LOVE Joe's! We haven't been there for a long time (it's a "special occasion" place for us) and we'd love to go! Pick me, pick me! ;o)
You can contact me via my blog, twitter or facebook!
Twitter: shellyblake
Blog http://shellyblake.wordpress.com
Facebook - I'll go "like" your post on this!
There is a Joe's here in Jax but I will be visiting Orlando over the holidays and the card would be put to good use, for sure.
LOVE,LOVE LOVE Joes Crab Shack! We started going there several years ago for our annv. Do not get to go much because they are on the pricier side, but man, they are so worth it!
esalansky(at)aol(.)com. :)
We have ever been but would love to try it out!! I follow you on facebook!!
I thought I had clicked publish for my comment, but I am not seeing it here (I've tried in Firefox, but it's not showing that it's published, so now I'm trying in Chrome). But, I would love to try Joe's Crab Shack. They have a gluten-free menu (my daughter and I both have to eat GF) and they just opened a location in my area! My e-mail is tmpavlac [at] gmail [dot] com.
I love Joe's but it's been forever since we have been, full time nursing student doesn't leave much "extra" for dinners out. You can reach me at lirish@emich.edu
I haven't been to Joe's Crab Shack in years but my kids love seafood so I'm sure it would be a big hit!
Love to crack some crabs! Winning this would make my whole year. fairies4hope@yahoo.com
Sounds yummy!
mastinhome at yahoo
My son loves Joe's ... we always have to go there for special occasions!
Sounds so good! Hope you guys have a great Christmas!
You can contact me at jennifer.turner2008@comcast.net
I LOVE your blog--and I would LOVE to Eat at Joe's! Either way (I think I'm too late anyway!), I look forward to reading about more of your adventures!
OK Dawn dear, come out now. We need our fix. Where are you??? You hoo! You can't possibly have a life because you're entertaining us...seriously, hope everything is ok and you don't stay away long.
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