Thursday, January 3, 2008

Pizza Anyone?

Day two on Weight Watchers and I'm not dead yet. I guess that's a good sign. I should start looking like a super model any day now. (Hey, whatever motivates you, right?)

So, I was reading your comments about different diets (or eating plans or whatever you want to call it) and I came across one that mentioned a product, a pill, called Alli. Have you guys heard of this? I was curious so I checked out their website and read the following statements. Seriously, word for word, these statements were on their official website.

What are treatment effects?
alli™ works by preventing the absorption of some of the fat you eat. The fat passes out of your body, so you may have bowel changes, known as "treatment effects". You may get:

gas with oily spotting
loose stools
more frequent stools that may be hard to control

The excess fat that passes out of your body is not harmful. In fact, you may recognize it as something that looks like the oil on top of a pizza. Eating a low-fat diet lowers the chance of these bowel changes. Limit fat intake in your meals to an average of 15 grams.

Start trimming fat from your diet now, even before you begin taking alli. Then pick a day to begin taking alli, such as a weekend day so you can stay close to home if you experience a "treatment effect". Make the timing work for you. If you're getting ready to travel or attend a social event, hold off on starting with alli until the event is over

You may feel an urgent need to go to the bathroom. Until you have a sense of any "treatment effects", it's probably a smart idea to wear dark pants, and bring a change of clothes with you to work

You may not usually get gassy, but it's a possibility when you take alli. The bathroom is really the best place to go when that happens

Can I have a show of hands of everyone who wants to take a pill that will make you poop uncontrollably and will make you have "oily gas" that looks like the grease on top of a pizza?!! I think that visual alone is enough to make me stop eating for good.

And tell me, if you have to eat a very low fat diet while using this pill to avoid an oily gassy crapathon, then why bother taking the pill at all? If you're eating a healthful lowfat diet, then you don't need some stupid pill. Just my opinion, but seriously who, who, WHO would purposely take a pill that would make everyday seem like you're getting ready for a colonoscopy? I think I'd rather stay fat and not have to bring a change of pants with me everywhere I went.


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Michelle Kemper Brownlow said...


Seriously! I lost 14 lbs the first month I used alli.

I can say....I shouldn't, but I will...that I DID experience some treatment effects but NOT AT ALL like what the chatboards for alli users illustrate.

I think the company HAS to give the customers the WORST possible scenarios so they can not get sued when someone humiliates themself at work b/c they thought onion rings would count as a vegetable.

Once, I had a situation where I was glad I had on a long shirt but nothing gruesome.

Keeps me on track. And regular. HAHA!

But I TOTALLY enjoyed your take on it as that was MY take when I first heard of it.

Good for you on day #2!

Anonymous said...

boy, am I with you on THAT!!

Anonymous said...

I took a pill similar to that and did not know it would do that.. and well the side effects are all that and more.. a rather uncomfortable feeling all the time. Needless to say the pill was only taken twice and at a cost of $120 for the box, it was a waste. Keep up the good work on WW!

Shari said...

Amen, sista! I have had enough crap and puke for a year the last 10 days with my kids. Then add myself to the problem? I think not!

Just Me said...

LOL... I don't need to diet but IF I did I sure wouldn't be taking this pill!!!
I heard some people who came back from Israel after 19 years there say all they could do was laugh and shake their heads with the side effects listed during commercials for medicines in this country! I guess there is ALOT different then here!

Rick said...

I guess your choice of the color of pants you were choosing to wear might have to change according to whatever oil had had consumed the day before.

Unknown said...

Hello, personally I perfer Weight Watchers, I am currently practicing, it has worked well in the past (lost 45lbs) gained a few back over the holidays and am now faithful yet again...hoping to lose 20lb by the time I run the Hyannis Marathon in Feb. Good luck in your weightloss journey..Best wishes for 2008.

Anonymous said...

This post made me laugh so hard!! Especially when you said "oily gassy crapathon." I guess I needed a little bathroom humor tonight. Hilarious.

Anonymous said...

I had the same reaction when I read the web-site info. My question was...Dark Pants???? What about the smell? What good are dark pants? LOL
We have a family tradition of SBD (silent but deadlies), but now we have to worry about SBO (oilies?) No thanks!!

Donna. W said...

I use a website, , to track my food and exercise when I need to lose weight. It's free, and it works. It does take forever to enter your own foods that aren't listed, but once entered, they're on there to use again.

Anonymous said...

I've always said, "I'd rather be chubby than hungry." Now I will have to ammend that to, "I'd rather be chubby than hungry and/or having anal leakage."

All the wearing of black pants has to be slimming, too.

Anonymous said...

I am always skeptical of taking pills for weight loss. But I also read about this pill and I found the most disturbing part of its effects to be
the "wear dark pants" part. Are they serious? Dark pants? eeek. Yeah, I think I'll just go about it the hard way. Diet/exercise.. bleh.

Lorna said...

hi im Lorna from the uk
i was on a pill called orlistant, basically the same pill, and it does work, the side affects r v bad but it basically forces u to eat low fat, i managed to lose 30 lbs in 6 weeks
mines was prescribed my dr.
its good it you can keep the motivation up

Anonymous said...

LOl! love your thoughts Dawn! perhaps these people who take the pill and are carrying around the extra change of pants are mums with toilet training kids - hey if i have to take one change of pants, why not a few...???


Anonymous said...

you know several years ago there was a RX pill that people were trying ... cant recall the name but it was the same thing as alli only stronger perhaps. Anyway my Dr. asked me to try it i was not given much warning as the the effects (it may have still been in the trial stage) anyway one dose and i was marching back to his office bottle in hand and telling him that i will die fat before i subject myself to that kind of insanity ... it took days!!! literally days to get the effects to stop. grease from pizza tops is not anywhere close to what this stuff was more like magnesium citrate in a gallon not a little green bottle and it .... ugggg no one really wants to know its GROSS.

Becky said...

Oily gassy crapathon

ROTFL! **Tears spurting**

That was heelarious, Dawn!

Susan said...

Laughing my oily butt off!!! Okay, yes, I tried this..::::blushing::::. I knew a doctor years ago who was of very large stature and she took this concoction before it was over the counter. She lost a ton of weight. And if you think about it, there are millions of people who are literally killing themselves to be thin, so really, what's a little poop in the grand scheme of things? ;) I did not personally like this supplement or whatever you call it not because of the "treatment effects," but because it was really too expensive to continue. The "treatment effects" went away after a few days for me and after 2 months on it I only lost 5 pounds, but that was prob just excess water. K, well, good luck and I look forward to your next post.

Heather said...

I hear ya!! I've been saying the same thing since that stupid pill came out. I, for one, will pass on Alli!

Anonymous said...

Eeeeew! That sounds like a real winner to me; I can't believe people actually take that stuff.

Anonymous said...


I had considered Alli when it first came out a few months ago and had the same thoughts! As a K teacher I don't get to go to the bathroom exactly when I need to and I kept thinking "I would wind up standing in the middle of my classroom, surrounded by screaming 5 yr olds, while oily crap oozed down my leg!! No thanks!!!"

I am also back on WW (yay us and yay WW) and hoping for supermodel results by summer. Just kidding, I'm just hoping to fit back into last summer's swimsuit without requiring a girdle underneath!!

kimikki said...

Thank you! My thoughts exactly.

MaBunny said...

Dawn all I can say to that is EWWWWW!!
You are more sensible going the Weight Watcher Way. I do Weight Watchers too, and currently can have 31 pts a day. Which isn't that bad, really. Only one time a month that that number is a challenge. Any guesses? Anyway congrats to you starting the new year out right. Good Luck! Are you going to a local meeting? or are you doing W.W online?

Marcy aka Mabunny

Anonymous said...

LOL! I so agree. I actually bought it, thinking that if it could help out with 50% more weight loss, then it must be good. But, the test group was people who do only eat right, and then people who eat right and exercise and take alli. ??? How do you know you didn't lose that extra 50% from working out? I'd rather not live in the bathroom with oily poop and gas that would peel the paint off of the walls, thank you very much!!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah I get to finally leave a comment for you! First of all, I have been meaning to tell you this for a while...YOU ARE AMAZING!! I think six kids is so awesome and even with all the messes, coloring on walls, food science projects and everything, isn't it all worth it? You get six times as many smiles and laughs, six more little people to tell you that they love you and six more loads of laundry a day. Oops I didn't mean to add the last part! ;) I have four kids, five and under and no twins, triplets, etc and I am one busy mom too! I am in this with you! Consider this your gold star for the week from me!!!
One more thing...having four kids in five years hasn't been nice to my tummy...ok it has been awful! The "diet" that has worked for me has been South Beach. I lose 5-10 pounds each time I do phase one. The first phase really, really stinks but you can do anything for two weeks right? If you stick to it, it really does work..I promise! In fact I am starting again Jan. 5 and you can do it with me if you want. I can tell you that you for sure won't have oily bowels or anything like that!!!! LOL. Sometimes it helps to have a buddy system or at least telling hundreds of people that you are going to do something! ;) Happy New Year! Sorry this post got super long!
Kirsten in Ohio

Anonymous said...

I am a weight watcher for over 4 years now. i lost 50 pounds and have kept if off for over 21/2 years now. i have an additional 50 to lose and am stuck in "maintenance" some days good some bad. Let me know how you are might get me motivated again

Mimi said...

And there you have it...why does alli work?? Because the dieter needs to eat a low fat diet to prevent all the "treatment effects"...hmmmm...I'm with you, why would anyone try it? I must admit, though, I'd love to hear from someone who has and find out what their "treatment effects" were. lol

Anonymous said...

OMG!!! Crack me up!!! My friends and I wre discussing this very thing on New Years Eve..... though no one knew it said to wear dark pants and take a change of clothes!! LOL!!!! I am with you on this one! I figure we will all be crapping our pants soon enough, no reason to speed up that process!!!

Good Luck with WW!!!

Anonymous said...

Remember "Olestra?" - the product in which yummy potato chips were fried to yield lower a lower fat product? It did the same thing - Holy Crapola - a little extra weight, we'll help you poop it off!
Novel approach.

Anonymous said...

Hey Dawn!
WW is prolly one of the best diets out there. Because it really does teach you how to eat better and you don't gain so much after going off! I lost 60 lbs with WW and have only gained about 4 of it back over the past year. Its the only "diet" that I could lose weight on and not gain it all back plus some in a year!
I didn't go to meetings I just did the on line deal and it still worked! I found support on the boards. Anyway (((Skinny Vibes))) to you.

Anonymous said...

Precisely why I decided not to take it. Who needs that crap? HA

Dawn said...

OMGOSH Too funny!!! Your post totally reminds me of a bit that Jeff Foxworthy does regarding the side effects of some medications actually being worse then the issue they are supposed to take care of..."The worst side effect I've seen; there's this diet pill, and one of the side effects they list is anal seepage. You know, I dont care how much weight you lose. If this side effect kicks in, you ain't lookin' good in them jeans. "Oh man! Check out the girl over there---OH MAN!" Anal Seepage!!! It's not even fun to say! Much less to write on an insurance report. And not medical insurance, homeowner's, to explain why your sofa is sitting at the end of the driveway!" - From his Blue Collar Comedy Tour. :)

Blended said...

That is hilarious that it even suggests you wear dark pants and bring an extra pair with you!!! OMG! MY mother-in-law does NOT take this pill but she lives everyday like this because she has IBS. I can't imagine PURPOSELY putting yourself through that!!! What's the best is ANY diet you hear about says "Along with a healthy diet and excercise" well yeah if I ate healthy and excercised I would loose weight..that's the problem NO ONE WANTS TO DO THAT!! WE WANT THE MAGIC PILL!!! Good luck with your resolution though...

Leah said...

LOL I thought the same thing about the eating low fat when taking this pill. BTW who would want to take a pill that should wear dark pants when using.

Anonymous said...

My thoughts exactly!!
(although, I have to admitt I did at least consider the idea for a few moments)
Common sense won over that decision though.

Melody in TX
single mom of 3

Anonymous said...

Amen to that! I agree, if you need to change your eating style to take the pill then why take the pill??

WW is so much better, no change of clothes there, until they get too big and you need new ones.

Anonymous said...

Whoo-hoo! Oily farts sounds like fun!

Does this remind anyone else of the "side effects" the no fat Doritos had years ago? MMMMMMM Doritos - I can't control my bowels - but they are yummy Doritos!

Anonymous said...

I haven't posted in awhile but felt the need today. I too think the "results" of that pill are disgusting. However, my husband has some VERY wealthy firends(we are nowhere near their leauge not sure how we are friends)in some well known southern city where this pill is the fad with all the high society women. Can you just picture them at high tea or extravagant social functions when the effects of this pill kick in? haha

Irishmama said...

Oh, funny. I totally agree, no one wants to shart all day at work.

My husband worked for the company who makes that, so I could have gotten it cheapo, but knowing the side effects. NO THANKS.

Good luck on your diet. I'm trying here too.

Anonymous said...

?????? Think I'd rather deal with the extra pounds that that!! LOL! Thanks for sharing that info.......

Suburban Correspondent said...

That's because you're not willing to suffer for beauty, Dawn. Shame on you!

Glad you're not dead yet. You're 5 days ahead of me. I drag my sorry (and fat) a** back to the WW scale on Monday.

Raene said...

I wouldn't take Alli for all the money in the world. There are some things I don't want to go through. Best of luck with Weight Watchers! I lost 32lbs on it several years ago. This year however, I'm going with the Fat Flushers diet.

Anonymous said...

I have seen the alli in stores here, but its really expensive so i didn't bother to look at it. Now I am really glad I didn't. Who needs those problems on top of being hungry all the time. That just makes me want to say EWWWWWW. I am also doing Weight Watchers and it works pretty good for me. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

"oily gassy crapathon" , Thank you for my first laugh of the day.

Anonymous said...

Uuuuuuuuuuuah...I really do not understand why some people do want a pill or surgery to loose there fat.

to feel really comfortable while dieting, sports is much better. you get more energy, it helps against so many nasty effects. (depression etc.)

I'd never thought of me as someone who loves to do sports....I am still overweight, but I love the look on the faces of people 20-25 jears younger than me, that cant keep up with me while I am running stairs up. :)

RoeH said...

Exactly!! I think the term..'major marketing' comes to mind.

Anonymous said...

Oh man like we don't have enough to carry as mothers :P! I am laughing so hard right now at the last 2 paragraphs of your blog!

Anonymous said...

Hey Dawn,

I don't use this, but I think the point is motivation to eat a low-fat diet. If you know you are going to have a really unpleasant outcome if you eat too much fat, you will turn away from the high-fat food you are considering.

Also, it prevents digestion of a certain percentage of the fat you do eat (25%?).


Anonymous said...

LOL! I was reading your post while eating my eggs this morning...not a good combination;) I'm with you, why would anyone take that pill??!!

Anonymous said...

I don't usually leave comments, but I always read your blog! I just had to comment on Alli. Some girls at my office took it and only one of them had "treatment effects" because she ate something ridiculously high in fat. But the other girls were so scared they just barely ate. I agree with you about this pill being crazy. I was the only one that didn't take it.
Anyways, good luck on your weight watchers and Happy New Year!!

Howdy said...

LOL - but ya know those 'treatment effects' would for some folks be a great motivator to be good... kinda like saying to your kids - just wait til your father gets home.

I had similar thoughts about the by-pass surgery or the lap band surgery - you are forced to put less food in your face... so why don't ya just do that already?

Something I'm gonna get some practice doing now that the holidays are over!

I'm guessing that if you have a lot of weight to loose and have been fighting that battle all your life these options may help achieve the goals you are working towards - and you'll take what comes along with it to get there.

We will all choose the tools to fight our battles... lets hope everyone reads all the fine print!

Vicki said...

LOL...I agree with you! Post your super model pictures to motivate us all!!!! I joined the YMCA yesterday to try and get a few extra pounds off this butt of mine.
Good luck on your new eating plan!

Dr. Bob said...

I heartily agree. While I would looooove to have a magic pill that would make me lose weight, taking one that makes me poop in my pants is just a bit much. Although I seem to lack self-discipline when it comes to dieting, I would rather scrape the bottom of that particular barrel before I use a product that should come with a box of Depends.

Patience-please said...

And then they say, in addition to taking the fat-pooper pill "Eat a lowfat diet and exercise" on their TV commercials. Hello???
Although, I must say, my dogs would LOVE it if their humans suddenly started with loud, stinky, fatty farts!

good luck with the book deadline- you can do it!

Anonymous said...

Hi Dawn,
It truly scares me when I read about the "treatment effects" of Alli. Anything that makes me give off greasy farts just isn't worth it. It sounds like a continuous enema at work or maybe Metamucil on speed.. Yeah, sure...sign me up...

A question for your Sunday sound off: Will there be a book tour when your book comes out in the near future?

Thanks for the constant laughs!

Lisa, San Antonio, Texas

Anonymous said... put off eating for the rest of the day...thank God im naturally skinny and love to work out and hate to eat...come on...hate me just a little bit....

Anonymous said...

I think I might need a change of pants just reading today's entry! Too funny! Thanks for my morning laugh!

Tabitha said...

Ha Ha Ha! I think I would just buy some Depends if I had to use that pill to loose weight. Fortunately I have good metabolism, so I don't have to worry too much. And people look at me and go "You have five kids? No!" Maybe that is what everyone should do, just have a lot of kids so people say you look good to have that many children! And then you never sit down if you have three or more children, so it's like a 24 hour workout! :-)

Sherry said...

ROTFLOL!! And don't forget how much this pill costs! Not only does it have those nice side effects, you pay a bundle for it too. Go figure.

The Flying Circus Mom said...

I now can never look at pizza the same way again...ha ha, I have a friend who tried Alli and she did have to take a change of clothes with here everywhere she went due to "treatment effects", not my idea of fun. I too am on weight watchers, a total of 6 days now whoo I feel your pain, hang in there!

Theresa in Mèrida said...

I looked at Alli too, and came to the same conclusion, there is also a prescription strenght version, the OTC is 25% of your fat absorbtion and the other is 30%. I think people are looking for an easy out. Sorry, the only thing that works is actually keeping track of what goes in your mouth. One trick that is helping me is smaller plates, I bought cute plates that have a broad decorative rim, the part where the food goes is about 1/3 smaller than my "normal" plates. I also am serving soup with our main meal, it helps fill you up. Good luck with your diet! I was thin until I hit 40, and now I have about 25 pounds to lose! I have lost 10 so far.

Anonymous said...

Hi Dawn, Yes that pill cracks me up! I have never been on a diet and I don't like to excercise either. My idea of excercise is going to the frige and back to the couch during commercials! Ok..really I do get out and mow the grass and snow blow the driveway. I actually love it and my husband loves me for it too. Today is my 44th Birthday and I actually always hated it being on the 3rd of Jan. Everyone is so done partying with all the previous holidays ending. I have a question for you...What do you think about the Super Nanny show on t.v? I am always amazed at the parents on there! Kristine in Cold Michigan.

Jacque said...

Right on Dawn! When I hear those ads on TV with the side effects listed I think....Duh! WW worked great for me, and I am back on it hoping to lose 10 more lbs. Good luck!

Just-Me-Jen said...

Ew ew ew!
I can't believe they've actually been able to sell that stuff! Gross.
I love how all these "diet miracle" drugs include advice to eat a low fat diet & get regular exercise...

Cat said...

Oh my GOD! I can't believe what you wrote. No, I don't mean you lied... I just can't believe that alli would really have written that. Their marketing campaign is great -- cute little books, cute little ads. Wouldn't reducing the fat in your diet help reduce your weight? Is it even proven to work? Whatever...

Love your blog - your insight on the topics you write about are right on . Thx!

Jenn said...

I have NO IDEA why anyone would take that pill. My husband is the manager of a grocery store and said it sold out the first day they had it.

Lot's of washing machines are working overtime in my neck of the woods!

Brenda said...

I can't even speak because my jaw is still on the floor.

That is the grossest thing I have ever read.

What a promising therapy.

Anonymous said...

I know... but my mom is taking it (with no 'treatment effects' yet) and has lost 60 pounds since May! She said that the pills give you some motivation to eat right so that you can avoid the 'treatment effects.' It gives you just enough fear, not to cheat and enjoy that Christmas fudge. It's not for me though, I just eat the fudge for her! Fudge probably wasn't the best example here since we are talking about 'treatment effects'....
PS- I love reading your blog everyday...
Beth in FL

jerilynne said...

If i was smarter on the puter i'd figure out a way to raise 1000 hands...ewww i once tried the vingear diet..pretty gross but it did "butt draining" but lots of trips to the bathroom..i don't recommend it if u have small children,a job,or a life..good luck to ya

Anonymous said...

Hi Dawn,
I'm with you - I don't want farts - and I dislike diets. A friend told me about Isagenix - and I tried it the day after Thanksgiving. My theory was if I tried it during the holidays, I might not gain weight. Weird concept I know - but I stayed on it through the holidays. It's a shake diet. I don't do the cleansing that they talk about, I just do one or two shakes a day (I add a half banana and some peanut butter to the shakes). No shakes have ever held my appetite - and this does!!!! My husband has lost 12 pounds since Thanksigiving, and I have lost 7. No effort - I'm not hungry! Here is a link if you are interested in checking it out. I just buy the shake mix, the "snacks" - I like them, and the peanut/chocolate meal replacement bars - they are tasty!

Click on the "are you toxic" video to learn more.

I hope you find what works for you - we are all different! I can just say this works for me!

Happy New Year!
Pam (Seattle)

Unknown said...

Hi Dawn,
I honestly think that they call it your "Alli" because it forces you to eat the lower fat diet. I know some people that have taken this pill, and they have not had the extreme circumstances given on the warning labels. They are much more careful about what they are eating though. In a way this might be a good thing because the foods they choose are healthier for them, and there is less absorption of fats in the system, though it is sort of scary to think of the repercussions of eating some onion rings with some friends for dinner!!! My suggestion if you want to try something a little more natural, green tea pills! Great antioxidant, a little bit of energy, and if you don't like the taste, they have it is pill form. Good luck and you have a wonderful blog!

Anonymous said...

I took that pill!! You lose a lot of weight and fast but the side effects are horrible!!

I did weight watchers and used the pill at the same time and it still works and helps you lose weight faster but the side effects arent as bad.

If you eat like crap then you're screwed!! You dont get the leaky butt symptoms as much if you're on a low fat diet like weight watchers but if you anre't controllig your food then you aren't going to be able to control the leaks.

Nancy said...

I agree completely. I also don't understand how someone can have a surgery to make them eat less, when they are still in control of what they put in their face.
Why not just do it without the surgery?!!?!?!?

Anonymous said...

Yay for you for going to Weight Watchers. I went there and lost, it took time, but I did it, then I gained it back like a stupid fool. Oh well. Time to go again. It's the only diet plan that makes sense to me. Not any of this crap in your pants, or staple in the ear infection, diet/hoax thing. GOOD LUCK!!!! Tina

Cyndy said...

I had the same thoughts...I mean lets really consider who's pocket book is getting fatter (pun intended)here. What a wonderful someone else to eat a lowfat diet!

~Jenifer~ said...

Hey Dawn,
I was just reading you post on "alli" Guess that carrying a diaper bag full of kids clothes and such is not good enough! Like I don't have enough to keep up with already like hats, coats, and gloves I don't even wear a coat most of the time cause I have all the kids stuff to carry and keep up with. Plus all the other stuff that kids carry along that they think they need or the necessary stuff you really do need and with 6 kids I am sure that you already have enough to keep up with. So lets add another bag to all that because you are going to have to keep extra clothes and run to the bathroom all the time.... this makes a lot of sense because I don't have enough to do with 2 kids, 3 dogs and a hamster so I can sit in the bathroom all day and I guess that would be ok if I got quite time while I was in there but I don't usually there is 2 dogs and one kid with me all the time ( I have large dogs a Doberman and a Dalmatian) I can't even close the door! I guess my point is this stuff is crazy no way am I going to take something with those side affects!!!

I hope that everything is going well for you and your family. I have been reading for a while (you even visited my blog once when my husband was in "jail") . I can't wait for your book my birthday is in October and that is what I am getting.

I have a monkey on my back (just my 3 yo) and that makes it hard to type so I will keep reading and leave a note sometimes................ was I first today?

Christina Marie said...

I had no idea when you said "diet" that you meant Weight Watchers. WW sisters unite!!! One word of advice, don't ever do it with your husband. Mine lost 18 pounds in the same amount of time that I lost 5. Talk about feeling beat down! Do you think the meetings work???

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh!! No way would I ever take that pill then! Yuck! I had wondered why there were so many warnings about that pill on every ad you see. No thanks!

Heather Everingham said...

All I have to say to that post is hahahahahahahahaha!! "Crapathon" is websters paying you for this stuff?!! That was great ..gross but great! Thanks for the laugh today!

Rita Loca said...

Yikes and ...yuck!

SARAH said...

oh oh oh.
sign me up for the craps-a-lot pill.
surely that will help me lose weight.
let me poop all day long!

Anonymous said...

I so agree. Besides, you wouldn't want to go anywhere stinking, farting and pooping uncontrollably, so why bother loosing weight if no one is going to see? Yuuuck.

Patricia said...

I know of 2 people who took these fat pills. Both had er...uh... "oily" accidents. One of them was at work and she had to go home to change. Her chair wasn't pleasant to walk by let me tell you! When she changed jobs we let her take her personalized chair with her. It sounds easy to eliminate fat to a low amount but then these individuals wouldn't have a weight problem to start with. The side effects of these other fat-busting pills caused both people to stop taking the pills. They didn't lose any weight. There are certainly many better methods to the madness - er, weight loss journey - than little pills!

Anonymous said...

Good luck with Weight Watchers! It works if you stick to it! I lost 40lbs in 7 months on it. (Too bad I'm pregnant now and all that hard work is going out the window as I'm shoving all the chocolate I can into my mouth! :-) Some days are harder than others, but the nice thing is you get to start new each day!

Anonymous said...

Shoot, after gaining approx 40 lbs while my wife is pregnant with identical twin girls it almost sounds worth it... j/k I cant imaginie anyhting that tells you to bring a change of clothes could be good at all... Actually I went to that someone posted and I am going to do the couch to 5k and see what happens.

Oily stool and flatulence... ergauphaugh.

Anonymous said...

Amen to that! I will keep my saddlebags and love handles. Wow, I'm so glad you put this up, I have been concidering buying this - sure have changed my mind now.

Maybe they should suggest adult diapering, it couldn't be anymore embarrassing than - bring a change of clothes to wrok, 'cause you are going to crap yourself. Sheesh!

Grace said...

I read all of that info when I first heard of it too, and there was NO way I was going to try that, it just sounds too gross, And Pizza has never been the same for me after that. YUCK!!!

Unknown said...

Dawn! Good one! I'm with you on this one.

Ruth J Leamy said...

ROFLOL Those lists of side effects are scary!

Anonymous said...

Oooo Oooo! I can see a diet blog coming on!! All new advertisers and lots of input from readers!! I cannot think of many moms our there (who puts their families first) that doesn't need to shed a few pounds. (Or 100 pounds as my case may be) I also started WW January 1. I hope we are successful in 2008! FYI - I thought the same things about alli....if a sensable diet and exercise are required to use it....duh!

AB said...

Um, yeah, I think it was the "it's probably a smart idea to wear dark pants, and bring a change of clothes with you to work" that was the capper. "Probably?" Ya think MAYBE people shouldn't TAKE this product in the first place if it puts you them in that situation? EEEWWWW. The scene that popped into my head was sitting in a meeting in a conference room and first stinking up the room, then frantically running out trying to make it to the bathroom, and finally returning to the meeting in different clothes. Um, yeah. That would do wonders for your career and social life.

Janet said...

you've nailed it with that last paragraph. They're trying to sell something, but it won't work unless you make diet changes along with it. Which means it really doesn't work at all. And I'm with you, I may never eat a pizza again.

Erin said...

Oh that's funny! There's one more product I know I don't need!

Debbie @ Three Weddings said...

Laughed out load on that one! Sign me up, please. That pill reminds me of something that happeed to my daughter. She has some constipation issues so when she was in 1st grade her pediatrician suggested giving her several TABLESPOONS of mineral oil several times a day to move things along. I told her she didn't need to share with her friends about her constipation. When she went to school, the oil seeps out all over her chair. She couldn't control it and didn't even know it had happened. Kids thought she had peed her pants, but good ole mom told her not to tell anyone so she didn't, not even her teacher. I felt so BAD. Next day I took her to school and told her teacher what had happened and cut WAY back on the mineral oil. It still took several days to get it out of her system.

stephanie said...

besides that, i have read that it contains ingredients that lead to cancer. go figure.

Tanya said...

OMG The tears are running down my cheeks. That is too gosh darned funny! I am picturing it all, and those people that subject themselves to that pill!

I have printed off your blog entry, and will frame it just for laughs.

I love you Dawn! You made my day!

Anonymous said...

I agree with you... I wanted to share this with you...I got it a while back and have been saving it. It's too cute! Hope you enjoy.

A woman, renewing her driver's license at the County Clerk's office was asked by the woman recorder to state her occupation.

She hesitated, uncertain how to classify herself. "What I mean is,"
explained the recorder, "do you have a job or are you just a...?"

"Of course I have a job," snapped the woman.

"I'm a Mom."

"We don't list 'Mom' as an occupation, "housewife covers it," said the
recorder emphatically.

I forgot all about her story until one day..I found myself in the same
situation, this time at our own Town Hall. The Clerk was obviously a career
woman, poised, efficient and possessed of a high sounding title like,
"Official Interrogator" or "Town Registrar." "What is your occupation?" she probed.

What made me say it? I do not know. The words simply popped out.

"I'm a Research Associate in the field of Child Development and Human

The clerk paused, ball-point pen frozen in midair and looked up as though
she had not heard right. I repeated the title slowly emphasizing the most
significant words. Then I stared with wonder as my pronouncement was written
in bold, black ink on the official questionnaire.

"Might I ask," said the clerk with new interest, "just what you do in your

Coolly, without any trace of fluster in my voice, I heard myself reply, "I
have a continuing program of research, (what mother doesn't) in the
laboratory and in the field, (normally I would have said indoors and out).

I'm working for my Masters, (the whole darned family) and already have four
credits (all daughters). Of course, the job is one of the most demanding in
the humanities, (any mother care to disagree?) and I often work 14 hours a
day, (24 is more like it). But the job is more challenging than most
run-of-the-mill careers and the rewards are more of a satisfaction rather
than just money."

There was an increasing note of respect in the clerk's voice as she
completed the form, stood up and personally ushered me to the door.

As I drove into our driveway, buoyed up by my glamorous new career, I was
greeted by my lab assistants -- ages 13, 7, and 3. Upstairs I could hear
our new experimental model, (a 6 month old baby) in the child development
program, testing out a new vocal pattern. I felt I had scored a beat on
bureaucracy! And I had gone on the official records as someone more
distinguished and indispensable to mankind than "just another Mom."

Motherhood! .. What a glorious career! Especially when there's a title on
the door.

Does this make grandmothers "Senior Research associates in the field of
Child Development and Human Relations" and great grandmothers

Executive Senior Research Associates"? I think so!!! I also think it makes
Aunts "Associate Research Assistants.

Gem said...

I was thinking about this when I saw the commercial again last night. I think that the prospect of needing to wear adult diapers is incentive not to eat the fat, so you lose weight. The pill isn't so much to keep you from absorbing fat as it is to keep you from eating the fat if you don't want messy drawers. You get the same results -- lost weight. That's my theory, anyway.

Anonymous said...

A friend forwarded your blog to me glad he did. I could always use advice. As far as Alli, last year my dad and sis started swearing by it, but I was reluctant after I read the same exact things you read. I was like no way. Although it is FDA approved, it doesn't do anything special that can be done by exercise and proper diet alone.

Stacie@HobbitDoor said...

One word--Eeeewwwwwww!

Anonymous said...

Weight watchers is the way to go. I lost 25 pounds 1 1/2 years ago with them and it's still gone. It takes determination and commitment...but I love being a healthy weight more than I love the instant gratification of whatever fatty foods are out there. (there is always space for a little chocolate!) I did "points" to take off the weight and now I occasionally do "core" to, um, maintain. (read: take off what I put on over Christmas!)

Anonymous said...

A local radio station in my town was talking about this exact thing a couple weeks ago. I don't know why ANYONE would want to take something that would have that effect on your body, even if it is only temporary. GROSS! Stick to Weight Watchers.

Ginny said...

I know isn't that gross. Back when I worked in a pharmacy I remember when the prescription form of that came out. I read the side effects & couldn't believe people would take it. Plus it was never covered by insurance & cost a small fortune. I think the reason people take it is it helps them stick to that low fat diet for fear of having an accident. If you don't take the pill, you could easily eat more fat then supposed to. I personally would never take it, yuck, but if it works for some then All is good :) Good luck on the Weight Watchers!

Tari said...

Sign me up! Yuk, who in there right mind would take that? Just found your blog it's great!

Anonymous said...

Hi Dawn. Yay for you and Weight Watchers. I lost 30lbs with it four years ago, then stopped following their recommendations. To no one's surprise I gained all the weight back. Now I'm back on it and have lost 10 lbs. It's amazing how the weight just falls off magically when I'm exercising, drinking lots of water and eating plenty of vegetables.

And, oh yeah, about that alli pill. My favorite part was the suggestion about wearing dark pants. Alli just does not paint a pretty picture.

Sandy in Tucson

AutoSysGene said...

I'm with you, I think I would rather by fat than have to deal with those kinds of issues.

Anonymous said...

well dawn, let me tell you that years ago i briefly tried the full strength prescription version, alli is half strength. i would eat a salad and chicken noodle soup and have, yes, grease like on top of a pizza just leak out and i wouldn't realize it until i stood up and saw a mark on the chair. i quickly stopped taking that because no matter how low fat i ate, it happened. gross!!

Shana said...

I heard the alli disclaimer on the radio a few months ago when it was first released, and burst out giggling over the "wear dark pants" comment. Oh yeah, that makes me want to try it out! I think I'd have to walk around with a cork stuck somewhere.

Anonymous said...

ROFL!!!!! I have seen this product at Target and wondered how it worked. I can't believe that's the trick! You poop it out before it has a chance to "stick" to you. At least your insides anyway. lol! I am cracking up at your post!

Anonymous said...

So Alli is basicly like prunes? or any dried fruit..when you eat tons of them..

L.A. said...

I know a lady who actually took this pill. She lost 6 pounds (probably all fluid or poop which will be gained back the second she sees chocolate). Personally, I think that it all boils down to how many calories you actually consume in a day and how many calories you burn in a day.

Susan - said...

Amen! There are many drugs on the market right now that the "possible side effects" sound worse than the actual problem.

Canadian Saver said...

I guess this would be a good way to lose weight if you're confined to your home 24 hours a day with a bathroom to yourself!!! Otherwise most of us will have to stick to the tried and true stuff, WW and the like.

It's not available in Canada (yet?), but I have seen it on the shelves everywhere in the US on my trips across the border.

Night ER nurse said...

I started Weight Watchers last week and have lost 8 lbs in the first week! However, I think most of it was water as I spent the first three nights up and down out of bed peeing...

Anonymous said...

oh, i have heard of that pill, and i think it is a joke. Exactly, why take it if you are already eating low fat. It is almost like a bad behavior pill. You take it and it punishes you if you cheat.

I am really anxious to see how weight watchers works for you. I am seriously considering it. Is it easy for you to do? What do you feed the kids? That is my biggest pitfall. When I am trying to diet and then feeding the kids. This is where I always fail!

liz simmonds said...

that is just wrong...

Mrs. Case said...

I could not agree more! I thought I was the only person who thought Alli was a crazy idea. I've been telling people about the poop problems it brings for months but here in California, folks will do anything in the name of vanity and it's flying off the shleves. Sick!

Jess said...

I have heard about this. A friend of mine is taking it....she has been fine. but she follows the diet to the letter. She is afraid of having an accident. I would not take it....i would rather go to the gym and drink slim fast drinks twice a day.

Unknown said...

Weird warnings for Alli - however, I do know someone who has PCOS and has been unable to lose any weight whatsoever due to it. She started taking Alli and has actually been losing weight! :)

Anonymous said...

OMG, I so agree with you!! I read about this pill several months ago after seeing the commercials for this too-good-to-be-true pill; I knew there had to be something scary about it. One site I read actually suggested wearing Depends while taking this pill. Nothankyouverymuch. I prefer waiting until my very late golden years before wearing a diaper again. Disgusting.

Good luck with WW!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah I would pass on that diet pill too.
That just sounds disgusting and totally not fun. What were these people thinking when those side effects came up?
Good luck on your diet! Eat lots of vegis! =)

Anonymous said...

I read about that a while back and asked the exact same questions. I don't believe in diet pills anyway, but this one?? NO thank you!

Not quite the Bradys said...

Oh my gosh! It could be the morning sickness, but just reading that turned my stomache three directions! I can't believe companies market stuff like that. Stick with Weight Watchers. I think it works and even if you don't look like a super model next week, I am positive you'll have more energy. And what mother of six doesn't need a little more of that?

Anonymous said...

I'm doing the Core Plan on Weight Watchers, so I'm in it with ya. I haven't died yet, either, but I do feel really good suprisingly.

I can't believe they have those comments on the Alli site. I've heard of it, and will not even touch the outside of the bottle after what you have shared. Thank you!

I'd rather be fat, too!

Anonymous said...

Thank you SO much for sharing that! Now I can say the reason I haven't lost weight is because I want to be in control of my bodily functions and bowels.

Sarah said...

I'm pushing the new cookbook, "Deceptively Delicious," for my new year's diet and resolution. It's great for me and great for the kids. It will take some additional time - but so far, the recipes have been a hit with my family and my daycare kids.

DC said...

Ick. Just ick.

Who reads that description and thinks, "Hey! This is totally for me!"

chris said...

I'm with you I could not take that pill after reading that. But hey the running to the bathroom would help with exercise.

Michelle said...

LMAO!!! OMG! I saw this at costco and was going to buy it! I only have a stubborn 5 pounds to lose and thought it would be a quick way to do it. I think I will keep my dignity and the 5 pounds.

Anonymous said...

That's hilarious! Thanks for the laugh.

Anonymous said...

I agreee. The low-fat diet is the route to go, but I'm constantly amazed at the number of women I see buying this stuff in Wal-Mart when I shop there. OTOH...a good friend of mine started WW on January 1 of last year and lost 50+
pounds and is now a trainer for them. She looks fantastic, didn't feel like she was cheating herself out of any food and is healthier and happier now that she's at a good weight. She's not "skinny", but she's healthy. That's what counts. I say two days and counting, and you go girl!! Chris

Grandmother Goddess of the Garden said...

Happy New Year Dawn! Good luck with the diet...stay away from those pills!

rose said...

sounds like fun! i don't want to take a pill that makes me feel like i have "montezuma's revenge" (when you go to mexico and get REALLY sick). if that's going to happen, i'd rather just go to mexico.
and good luck on the diet! as long as you are healthy, it doesn't matter what the scale says! but you'd probably hate me for saying that because i am a thin pastry chef with 2 kids. just think of yourself as a voluptuous greek goddess. ;)

Anonymous said...

Dawn, you had me rolling with this one! This reminds of the brilliant potato chips they came out with several years ago called "WOW", they were made with a fat substitute which, according to the label, could cause "anal leakage". So apparently they named the chips for what you say after you eat them: "WOW, my butt is leaking!"

BTW, I'm a lifetime WW member myself and went back on it last year after having another baby—it's a great [sensible] program and honestly if you just stick with it, it does work and becomes easier & more second nature. The whole moderation concept is key—I actually just wrote a blog entry about this. Thanks for the laugh and best of luck on your new eating plan. You can do it! :-)

The other me said...

Iwas prescribed something like this and I tell you , the FEAR of the oily follow through fart...that MADE me stick with it, I used it for a month, until the whole low fat, great eating was habit and then threw them out, I lost 45 lbs...then I gained it all back again. THose pills work if you use them the right way, but ewwwww. The thought of what COULD happen, that works!

Musical Mom said...

I've not personally taken Alli, but I read an article from a guy to tried it and ended up sitting in the potty at a Home Depot for 2 hours, waiting for his wife to bring him some clean clothes! From his account you can never leave the bathroom.

No thanks, I'm passing on it too. :)

Anonymous said...

Amen! I don't see the need to take something that's going to make me poop uncontrollably. We have enough of that in this house with the kids! No need for the grown-ups to have to wear pampers.

Anonymous said...

Oh, my goodness! This sounds just awful! Who came up with this drug? Along those lines, I hate the commercial on TV about "I was a size 12 and I went to such and such and now I'm a 2 again!". Since when is a size 12 fat? I think I represent a "real" women far better than the crazy thin, dieting, angry women out there! Thanks for bringing so much sun into so many lives! You are a riot!

PS...I live in Florida and right now it's COLD. We had snow flurries on the coast. That is not supposed to happen here!

Ms. Divina Loca said...

re: your comments on Alli.

Eggs-zactly! I guess the only positive way to look at it, is as a tool to keep you from eating fatty foods (fatty foods + Alli = oily discharge. BAD!)
Problem is, you NEED fat - especially when you're eating vegetables (and I'm not referring to onion rings here) because they work in harmony. Not saturated or transfats, but vegetable based fats.

Alli makes no distinction between the good fats and bad.

No diet will work unless it fits in your lifestyle and budget and if you do not spend some serious time soul searching to figure this out, you might as well forget it. Find a way that you can eat for the rest of your life and reduce those calories by about 25%.

Take what's left and remove 75% of the not-so-good-for-you carbs and replace them with vegetables. When you reach your goal, add in the 25% - or some portion thereof that maintains your weight.

In November 2006 I spent two months thinking and planning. I've been through this so many times before and every time, at some point, I just failed. I identified, as much as possible, everything I've ever done that worked, didn't work, what kinds of things contributed to failure, etc., and made a plan.

There was no calorie counting, no points and I rarely weigh myself. I'm a smart girl and I KNOW what I should eat and shouldn't. I have built-in treats that I have no matter how successful or unsuccessful I've been during the week. I've traded off things I can do without for things for which I just can't find a substitute.

Mindful eating. I am not religious person, but spending a minute before I eat something (even when it's a snack) to consider where it came from, the work that went into producing it and being thankful that I am lucky enough to have a choice to eat what I want has helped me stop mindlessly eating.

The other huge difference is that I exersize and started that from day one. I've always said, "Oh, wait until you've lost some weight and you feel better." Not this time, as I identified that as one of the things that didn't work. After two weeks of an in-home 30-minute low impact cardio routine I felt GREAT - and I was about as sedentary as one could possibly be.

Another thing to consider in favor of starting some form of exersize right away is that if you lose 50lbs without any kind of strength training, up to 15% of that can be lean muscle mass. The body really makes no distinction. Lean muscle mass is GOOD. If you're not building it, you're losing it. Even gentle strength training can reduce that amount drastically.

Calorie deficit = weight loss. It's just that simple - and, as I know too well achingly hard at times. Some days it feels like the first day all over again.

I'm halfway to my first goal (first goal = lose the weight. second goal = keep it off). Where was I when I started? Think: morbidly obese. I started putting my plan to work in February 2007 and I know that the way I eat today, with a little modification here and there can take me through the rest of my life.

Get to know yourself and be honest. Make small changes. Eat better. Eat less. Move around.

Ach. I've rambled, but Alli just sounds like another marketers idea of a 'magic (yet oily) bullet' (oops - sorry!)

Anonymous said...

I agree. I have heard of people pooping their pants 15 minutes after eating while in their car on the way home. I think it is a torture tactic. Eventually your butt is raw and you are scared to eat anything.

Terri H said...

I knew there was a problem with that pill when I first saw it on store shelves.

Hand me the pizza and steer me clear of that thing.

lawnajo said...

"oily gassy crapathon"

I laughed so hard I cried. I agree with you 100%, just cut out some fat on your own.
Thanks for the LOL!

Kelz said...

Hi Dawn! Happy New Year! My girlfriend is taking those pills. The uh..."treatment effects" only happened if she ate junk food. A regular meal didn't produce any unpleasent effects as long as she didn't over eat. But she did not have uncontrolled bowel movements or oilly gas...Just a frequent urge to go accompanied by some diareha for the first couple of days. But I'm with you...I'm not interested! hahahahahahahaha

Anonymous said...

Being the recent patient of a gall bladder-ectomy, I feel I have to comment.
First of all - crapathon - L.O.L.!!!
Second of all- I am with you. This very thing is exactly what was described to me as a potential "side effect" following the surgery. (But it's not like there's usually a choice about this surgery.)
Maybe I got Dr. Laparoscope's explanation wrong, but without a gall bladder, the liver just dumps bile into the digestive system. And the bile processes at high velocity. Hence, the side effect. He said it could take the body up to a year to figure the whole thing out. So if I had trouble, just let him know - there is a medication they can give you to bind you right up!
(I got lucky. I only have occasional random episodes of this side effect. And it is as described. I guess I would compare it to having to cross your legs when you laugh or sneeze following childbirth. Only it's the other end... so how do you cross your cheeks?)
TMI? Sorry ;o}

Thanks for the laugh- KR

Anonymous said...

You should know that my hottie hubby and I were discussing diets the other day. I LOVED Weight Watchers, did not die, and lost 20 pounds in about 20 weeks. It would have been more, but I was nursing. Anyway, I am considering doing it again, for the last 10 pounds, and he asked if I had seen the alli. Now I know that it should be avoided at all cost. I am potty training my son and really don't like the idea of dealing with any more poopy pants than is neccesary.

Anonymous said...

Amen sister! I hate to complain but that might just be too much truth in advertising for me. Tell me there weren't any personal testimonials about 'treatment effects'!

nutralady2001 said...

EEWWWWWWWW sounds like the Xenical that can be bought here, I think WW is the way to go. Good luck! I lost 20 kilos (around 50 pounds) through a local WW Club (not WW International) the trick is eating sensibly and portions and don't go hungry, mini-meals are great. I am hypothyroid which is why I gained the weight in the first place prior to diagnosis .Now I am on the right thyroid hormone replacement for me and with the help and encouragement of the Club I am back to my pre-hypo weight

Jessi said...

wow and to think I had been considering that pill. I was going to start researching it today. You just saved me some time.

Canadian Girl said...

Eeew! I guess it's supposed to MAKE you choose a low-fat diet, but that's pretty extreme!

Anonymous said...

Honestly, I have bought the pill but after I started reading the enclosed information, I am afraid to take it. There is $60 wasted!

Crazy Raven Productions said...

I remember seeing an interview with a rep from the Alli company, stating that you should wear dark pants and bring a change of clothing with you to work. Yeah, he pretty much admitted that you're likely going to crap your pants if you take this stuff. Lovely.

amber said...

when i first read those statements a couple months ago i couldn't stop laughing! why anyone would take this is beyond me. seriously.

Anonymous said...

That is the MOST revolting thing I've ever heard. Maybe it just makes you stop eating completely.

Michigan Mama to 2 said...

Hi Dawn,
Long time reader, 1st time comment'er . . .
Did you see Princess Buttercup is splitting with her husband, maybe she'll give Wessley a try now.

Unknown said...

OMG that is the funniest thing I have read in awhile! You definitely have a point there. I am still trying to lose babyweight but am going to "attempt" to do it the old-fashioned way (i.e. exercise,food moderation).

Anonymous said...

All of those miracle weight loss pills/supplements work exactly as they were designed, that is to take money from your wallet and put it into the wallet of the salesman. Other than the placebo effect they do nothing. Save your money and stay on weight watchers.

Anonymous said...

I have a friend that was on alli - she called those little back-end problems an "alli-oops". Gross!

Anonymous said...

LOL -- way too much information that I could live without!!

BTW -- Christmas was my 6 year anniversary of being at size 10/12 on WW -- I started at 24... 100 pounds off and still off...

ummmhello said...

Alli scares me. NO diet that requires you to carry an extra pair of underpants could possibly be healthy! I'm going to try slim fast starting next week. A few years ago I did Atkins with GREAT results, only gained weight back this year due to side effects of an Rx I was on. Here's to all of us and our New Year Diets!

roseys madhouse said...

Wow. I can honestly say that I have tried WW and not done well at all I love my bread tooo much and to try and stay at having a certain amount of points kills me. I hope you do better than I did. Good Luck! as for the alli pills OMG, if you think about it though for someone like me that likes raisin toast with my butter it would make me stop using so much butter wouldnt it? I would never take it though as I dont take changes of clothes with me when I go out anymore and I dont intend to start lol.

Anonymous said...

lol Dawn you crack me up. I was the one who mentioned Alli. The only time I experienced any of those side effects is when I ate something high in fat (chinese food, McDonalds, etc). It really really isn't as bad as they make it sound. And it REALLY does help you lose weight. It helped me a lot!

Tara said...

I can't believe they bottle this up and sell it. I wouldn't wish these treatment side effects on anyone. I have Cystic Fibrosis and being pancreatic insufficient is a side effect for many CFers. We have "orange booty oil" anytime we eat without taking our enzymes to digest our food. It's often difficult for us to put on weight. I can't imagine these "treatment effects" on purpose! It's beyond me that anyone would force malabsorption on themselves. Crazy.

Tammy said...

Oh my word. I am so glad I didn't buy that pill! I have been working on losing since the beginning of 07 just by eating better - I lost 30 lbs.

I have a hard time exercising b/c of arthritis in my lower legs and back, so I have a long way to go, but I think I'll try ANYTHING else!

Can't wait to read your book!

Kim VanDerHoek said...

Hilarious post Dawn! I'll cross that diet pill off my list for sure. Thanks for saving me from gassy oily crapola!

ZzzKatzzzz said...

Laura, at January 3, 2008 8:14 AM :
the reason someone takes a pill or has surgery is because nothing else has worked. take me for instance: i actually GAINED weight on WW! nothing else has helped me lose weight so im considering the surgery (i will NOT use Alli! i have diverticulitis--which alone gives me problems).

not every solution takes care of the problem especially with weight.

ABSOLUTELY LOVE YOUR BLOG/STYLE OF WRITING! cant wait for the books. keep up the good work. i found your blog thru a post about the ebay pokemon card auction. i went all the way back to the beginning of your blog to catch up to where i stepped into your blog--loved it!!! i savored every post. your blog makes my day so often! thank you so very much for sharing your lives/children/family!


Anonymous said...

Being in the medical fiels WW is the better way to go!!! I took the prescription version of alli years ago when it first came out, by the ways is the same as alli strength and all, horrible horrible treatment effects, I couldn't leave my house for days even after I stopped the pill.
Anyways I usually do not promote things, but for class this past semester I had to read Dr Oz, Yes from Oprah, You on A Diet, It will change uour life and help so much, buy it on CD and listen to it while cleaning, ect.... It is a way to changeyour eating habits and will work great with WW... I have lost 30# since Oct doing this. And did not gain a single pound back during Holidays!!!! OK long enough!!! I look forward to your posts daily

Jawan said...

You stickin' crack me up. I can't wait to read your book. I sit at my computer for hours reading your posts and all the comments that accompany them....all the while tuning out my kids.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, thanks for the laugh this gave me! I can't believe it actually *says* that!

And THANK YOU for saving me the time I would have wasted researching that product - I was thinking about it but not so much anymore! :)

Anonymous said...

Geez, 167 posts and counting... I guess nothings gets us moms going more than a DIET discussion on Jan 3rd... I'm having cheese and wine with my DH right now, we are still on Christmas vacation, right? ;-)

Anonymous said...

I had to share this post with my husband (especially since I walked by that end-aisle display with the talking TV at BJs this afternoon and they were saying basically the same things you wrote in your post). His response was a good one...they need to co-brand with the "Oops I crapped my pants" commercial (an SNL skit).

On a serious note, WW has ALWAYS worked for me. I lost about 45 lbs several years back, and then turned to it again after the birth of my first child. Being pregnant with #2 I'm already prepared to turn back to my WW bible (I rely on the POINTS system) when the time comes.

Best of luck and know you have a huge support network out there!

Elisabet said...

I'm thinking that oily gas passing and the real and present danger of dirtying my panties is not going to compel me to use this product! I wonder how many people end up using Depends...

Unknown said...

Bwahahahahahahaha! I'm with you girlfriend! I already have IBS as one of those wonderful side effects of fibromyalgia. Why if I took alli I'd probably be able to light up Atlanta with the gas! Not to mention I'd have to move my desk and laptop to the bathroom and work from home. LOLOLOL

Anonymous said...

"...and will make you have "oily gas" that looks like the grease on top of a pizza?!!"

I hope you are satisfied .... you have just about (not quite) ruined my love for pizza!!!

I'm going to bed .... today is just a bad image.

Tomorrow ... well tomorrow I'm going to try to "get back on the horse" and try and force myself to eat a slice..... with extra cheese, maybe some sausage, extra garlic .... whatever it takes!!

Anonymous said...

I love your blog, you crack me up! Wow, I love how you've scared everyone silly on Alli, hehe!! Alli worked great for me, I followed Weight Watchers and took the pill at every meal and never had any treatment effects. I lost 14 lbs in eight weeks and then have been off it now for three months, with the weight slowing piling back on. I'm going back on Alli because the fear of oily gas and stools really worked far better than my own willpower. Good luck to you on your diet!

Anonymous said...

HA HA HA HA HA! I'm literally laughing out loud! Erm, no... I did NOT raise my hand to say I'd like to start taking alli! If this isn't a mick take it is at least very sad. Bring an extra pair of trousers (in the UK pants are ONLY men's underwear)wherever you go? I don't even think to bring extra clothes for my baby so to bring some for me would be noticeable!
I can just imagine what a great conversation starter it would be.

Friend: 'Why do you have a change of trousers with you?'

You: 'I'm on a new diet.'

Friend: 'Wow, do you lose weight THAT fast?'

You: 'sort of, not like you'd think though.'

Friend: 'oh, but you need to change your trousers because you get thin that quickly?'

You: 'depends on what you mean by 'quick weight loss''

Friend: 'how do you lose it?'

You: 'you pretty much leave it all behind you'

Friend: 'wow, such a great diet, maybe I'll try it!'

You: 'Oh, excuse me, I need to change my trousers now.'

Friend: 'erm...maybe I won't try it.'

Betsy, short for Elizabeth, formally known as Esther said...

So many people have thought it...beyond! Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

OK, so I read your blog everyday and I try to read the comments as well and I usually enjoy them a great deal. I totally loved your "Alli" blog, but the comments, well, some of them REALLY bothered me. Let me explain why....

I had weight loss surgery 4.5 years ago because I was 350 pounds and 32 years old. I had tried EVERYTHING - including as one poster said, just not eating as much. Well, let me tell you something, Gastric Bypass SAVED MY LIFE folks and I am so thankful for it. The reason I'm even writing this is because on some level I hope that one of those people who are so ignorant as to tell morbidly obese people to just "push away from the table" or stop "stuffing your face" will read this and understand that food can be a very real addiction. Sometimes medical intervention is necessary. Obesity is recognized as an illness. If someone had another serious medical condition that was threatening their life, I'm sure that they would seek whatever medical assistance they could so they could live. Many of us have no other option but to do the "dreaded and horrible" weight loss surgery. Oh yeah, and for the record, I went from 350 pounds to 156 pounds and am healthy, doing great, and loving my life.

I'm sorry for venting - but some of those comments really, really hurt. :( I'm off my soap box now. Sorry. Back to your regularly scheduled laughs.

Amber Ray said...

Okay, that is sooo funny. I almost had to change my pants after reading it. It reminded me of when I took 4oz of Castor Oil becuase my baby was 9 days late. Needless to say she came...along with EVERYTHING else. Infact, she came so fast we didn't make it out of the house.

Unknown said...

Sounds like a fancy (more acceptable?) word for laxative...LOLOL

Anonymous said...

There comes a time in every woman's life...about 35...when the fates determine it's time to mess around with our hormones by depleting our estrogen little by little. After taking supplements I had BC twice...losing one in '92 and one in ' I sure don't recommend that!!!

I recommend: low fat & sugar...exercise...a smile...a loving spouse...and who could ask for more???

Unknown said...

I'll be the first to admit I need to lose a few pounds, but I am not taking that route! I've done it before (lost 30lbs) and if I put my mind to it, I can do it again - or at least'll just be a bit harder to find the time with kids now. Good luck to everyone and your new year's resolutions!

Anonymous said...

Pills are never the answer. Weight Watchers is I lost 33lb in a little over a year. Just by eating right. Good luck to you

Brenda said...

I lost 34 lb on Weight Watchers and have kept it off as long as I stay on the plan and attend meetings. It is a livable plan. I did write about it on my website which is actually about Attachment Disorder but there is one page on emotional eating:

Tiff said...

This is why I love to read your blog! It's like you've tapped into my thoughts! I took this pill without reading the side effects. After about 3 days of taking it the oil started to appear. At first I thought maybe I was sick. After a day of that, I read the "details" and thought the same thing to myself. I knew if I continued to take it and had a lowfat diet I wouldn't have the side effects but then I thought well I guess I could do that on my own and not ruin my clothes. Taking it is like a personal punishment for eating anything with fat in it. I quit immediatly!

Anonymous said...

I know you have about 200 comments about Ali already, but I wanted to throw my 2 cents in. My mom has taken Ali for 6 month now. She has never had a "TE" She has lost all the weight she had set as a goal and has decided to lose 5 more. She has NEVER reached her goal before. NEVER EVER! She is now on the maintenance plan.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I can always count on your blog to make me laugh out loud at the end of a long day! Thanks for sharing:)

Our Family of Four said...

See now I think everyone is missing the point. You only get a "oily crapathon" if you eat oily crap! I think the method in the madness is if you know you will have seriously negative results you'll skip the pizza, chips, cookies etc and eat a carrot. I am alone in my conviction but if I had a bunch of weight to lose I'd try it... I have little will power but those side effects sure would keep me in line!

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

WOW! Semblance lost 14 pounds on the ALLI crap the first month! (PUN INTENDED!) I had heard it was recommended that new dark colored pants be purchased when starting the program! LOL!

I'm on WW too, again, and started on December 1. I lost 6.4 pounds already, and DURING the WORST month to diet the whole year!! AND while I hosted a cookie exchange where 1,800 cookies took up residence in my home! So I am a major believer in the program... and if I may even "toot" my own horn, (since I'm not "Tooting" in my ALLI pants)... I was even a Success Story on their website, and if I am allowed to share it with your readers, it's here:

But if you can't include it in the comments Dawn, I understand!

However, over at my blog, I love taking pictures of the fun WW friendly foods I've been eating and posting photos! Tonight, I even had a 1/2 of a waffle bowl and peppermint ice cream!

Go you for doing WW, but really, I've seen pictures and I have no idea why you're doing it?!?!!?

I do hope you'll be sharing food tips on the blog though!

Anonymous said...

Haven't you heard? They have solved that problem. The new boxes come equipped with a cork.

Crysi said...

Do you want to know what else does this? Getting your gallbladder removed!

Anonymous said...

That sounds awful!!
Weight watchers worked for me. Took me a year (because I didn't want to exersise) lost 50 pounds, had baby #5 now have to re-lose 30. But I know I can do it. It's very livable, takes a bit to get used to, but it was ok. Best Wishes!

AdriansCrazyLife said...

There seems to be a rash of nasty new drugs on the market lately. If you watch some of these commercials lately, most of the side effects of the drugs are much worse than the condition they are supposed to "cure".

The ones that get me are the ones for Erectile Disfunction. My poor 9 year old doesn't even know what an erection is and he has to hear about these 4 hour nightmare ones on a near-daily basis. I think my boys are going to grow up thinking that normal men can't do what nature intended with the help of some silly pill. It's kind of sickening really - no wonder our healthcare costs are out of control.

Anonymous said...

Hey Dawn, glad you decided to save your money, your blog is a absolute scream! hey seriously my mom lost weight, mostly by changing to whole wheat products and by doing a walking tape in home every day. She use to be size 18 now is is a 10. My kids love to do the walking tape with her so maybe yours will too. If they are in the same room doing the exercise with you, at least you will know what they are doing! lol

Amanda said...

LMAO! I had the same reaction when I heard about the "treatment effects" of alli. Then it made me think of the whole WOW potato chips thing of the 90's. If I'm going to have those kinds of effects, I'd rather eat the potato chips. GL on WW. I'm sticking to my diet of a Snickers bar and can of Coke for breakfast LOL.

Anonymous said...

Anybody remember Fen-fen? There is no miracle pill!! Every thing out there that does something "miraculous" has terrible side effects. Think about the health issues too. We have to have a certain amount of oil in our diets daily to absorb essential vitamins. For heart health we need a good balance of Omega's! So, you will poop your pants, stink, and be malnourished. I would have to be looking death in the face to sign up.
My cousin got an herbal combination on line, a diet tea. She said it did the same thing to her. She sprinted to the bathroom and didn't make it. My friend and I have lactose intolerance. Same thing. I only eat that stuff if I want to have immediate pipe cleaning in the nether regions. I have also had gall bladder surgery, like an earlier post, but it was 10 years ago. I still have symptoms from any red meat at all, and sometimes from any animal. Guess what?? You can still get fat when you don't eat a high fat diet! We fill the void somehow.
WW teaches self control. I did it for 2 years. Now I work out 5 days a week, at least 45 minutes of cardio, low impact to maximize the glycogen/stored fat energy burn, and then weight train a target area of my body.
I have lost 35 pounds and over 40 inches. That is a small person. I weigh more than I did when I stopped WW, but I look and feel much better. I eat what I want, but the cravings changed when I began exercising. Who wants to sweat your heart out and then not see the results? Plus, I have had *lots* of positive feedback from total strangers. I am getting hit on at the grocery store. Yes, the people are insane, blind, etc...(I am still a bigger gal than I would like to be, needing to drop 4 pant sizes and 30 more pounds) but attention is attention!
Even my blind husband noticed when he came back from his TDY! I fit into smaller clothes than when I was on WW too. Muscle is soooo fabulous!

Rick said...

I'm doing my part to see that this post goes over 200.

P.S. My wife said that my previous comment on this post was beneath me. I guess I need to try and stay away from the bathroom humor.

Kathy said...

That is disguisting! I don't need a diet, but when and if I do, I will not use this method!! So many pills out there for so many things where the side effects are worse than what the pill is supposed to be treating -- No Thank You! Congrats on Day 2.

Wineplz said...

I'm still laughing! Birthing two large babies already gave me some milk, yet undesired "treatment effects". I couldn't imagine making it worse!

Dave & Crystal Anderson said...

Not exactly my idea of a diet pill that I would want to take! LOL! I have enjoyed your blog since your big EBAY auction. I wanted to let you know about a wonderful and FREE website called SPARKPEOPLE.COM! It is can have a diet and exercise program planned out for your needs according to how much weight you want to lose. The best part is the network of friends you make online that are all trying to lose weight! I have lost almost 50 pounds by using this site! I think you would like it too!

Anonymous said...

Have you tried watching that yo gabba gabba video again?

Nicki said...

I considered using it and even purchased it. I started the low fat diet without the pill to prepare for it and I was miserable--grouchy, depressed and didn't feel well at all. Nope I definitely won't be taking it. I would rather be fat and happy than skinny and miserable!

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